Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-18 Thread petit miam

> > And yes, I plan to ask the vice squad whether
> they're interested in
> > the film.)
> Sell them some prints, then sell the negs to the
> dealers.  :)
> chris

And don't forget to include your business card and
home address :)

Do You Yahoo!?
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Re: Drug Dealer Lens -- OT

2001-05-16 Thread John Mustarde

I wouldn't waste any film shooting pics of drug deals.

 Your verbal complaint that is it happening should be enough to elicit
an initial response from any police department. If the problem
persists, complain more often and to higher and higher levels of city

Chances are, photos from a private citizen won't be admissible in
court for some obscure reason.  Perhaps the police will also require a
sworn deposition/court testimony as to the time/place of the taking.
If my television court shows are accurate, any defendant will be
provided with a copy of your photos and your name prior to a trial.

The police shouldn't need photos to respond to a complaint of
neighborhood drug dealing. If they require that level of "proof", they
are part of the problem and not part of the solution.

I'd just keep burning up the phone lines to the police, and invite
everyone I knew to do the same.
Happy Trails,
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Re: [not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread Rfsindg


<< Pentax made a right angle extension for telephotos. A mirror in the 
extension allowed dirty old men to photograph nearly naked young beauties at 
the beach without being obvious. >>


I resent that!  I'm not any older than you are.  
And I wash regularly too.

(There have been several right angle mirrors on ebay in the past month or so. 

Regards,  Bob S.
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Re: [not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread JDStep
In a message dated 5/16/2001 4:37:52 PM Central Daylight Time, 

Brent asked:
> This was sort of a random question i came to. What would the image 
quality be 
> if Glenn set up a mirror opposite his window, and then took the photos 
> backwards to the goings-onless conspicuous IMO. This would probably 
> necessitate a tripod though. 

Tripod is do-able -- just makes it harder to aim.  I'd expect image
quality to be reduced, but probably still useable if I used a very
good mirror.

> This question brings me to a question i have had 
> for a while. If Glenn's mirror is say 20ft away, and the drug deal is say 
> 80ft from the mirror, would he focus at 20ft for the mirror, or 100ft for 
> distance of the image from the camera? I guess i could expiriment 

100 feet.  Total length of the light path.

> By the way Glenn, you could always sign up for the witness protection 

You all have way to much time on your hands! Glenn, ever think someone is 
watching you while you are watching someone else?  

Re: [not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread D. Glenn Arthur Jr.

Brent asked:
> This was sort of a random question i came to. What would the image quality be 
> if Glenn set up a mirror opposite his window, and then took the photos facing 
> backwards to the goings-onless conspicuous IMO. This would probably 
> necessitate a tripod though. 

Tripod is do-able -- just makes it harder to aim.  I'd expect image
quality to be reduced, but probably still useable if I used a very
good mirror.

> This question brings me to a question i have had 
> for a while. If Glenn's mirror is say 20ft away, and the drug deal is say 
> 80ft from the mirror, would he focus at 20ft for the mirror, or 100ft for the 
> distance of the image from the camera? I guess i could expiriment 

100 feet.  Total length of the light path.

> By the way Glenn, you could always sign up for the witness protection program 

You have no idea just how much of a lifestyle change that would be.
(OTOH, it would finally give me the incentive to stop waffling and

The things that would make WPP such an emotional issue are the
same things already working against me here -- I'm a rather
conspicuous person, looks-wise, and a performer active in a couple 
different bands.

Let's hope I don't screw this up in a way that requires the
Witness Protection Program to get me out of it.  *shudder*

-- Glenn

PS:  Today, different person, in the alley _behind_ my house.
Called it in; officer came out to look for the stash.  Shot
through a window that has adhesive "fake frosted glass" stuff 
stuck to it, through the gaps between pieces of the stuff.
Pretty sure nobody was going to see me there, but part of the
lens was obscured, resulting in a "center clear soft focus"

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RE: Drug Dealer Lens -- OT

2001-05-16 Thread Chris Brogden

On Wed, 16 May 2001, Peifer, William [OCDUS] wrote:

> Haven't seen this angle mentioned yet, but are you sure the local cops
> aren't on the take?

This is a good point, and it's getting at something deeper.  Whatever you
do, the odds are good that it will implicate you at some time.  Maybe not
this week, or even this year, but eventually.  Once you supply material
evidence you become a witness, and all it takes is one corrupt cop, or one
slip in the wrong place and you could be in for a little more than you
planned.  If you decide to go ahead and do this, be prepared to go all the
way, and this potentially means court testimony.

As soon as you tell someone about the photos you are no longer anonymous,
and once one person knows about you then there's a chance it won't stop at
them.  Think of all the ways that your identity could come out.  Someone
to whom you show the photos could let your name slip deliberately, or even
accidentally; it could be directly, or by a vague reference.  If the
dealers learn that photos were taken, they could ask around as to who has
the 'photographer' rep in the area, and then a simple Google search for
your name will come up with these posts.  Or they could pay you a visit
and ask.  :)  If the dealers actually get to see the photos (either
intentionally by a cop on the take or even while under interrogation),
remember that the angle of the shot will give a very good idea of where
the photographer was located.

It's your decision, but I hope you weigh all of the risks first before you
decide.  I respect and applaud your desire to help, but would encourage
you to seek out less dangerous means unless you're into that sort of
thing.  :)


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Re: [not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread Bob Blakely

100 ft.
Stand nose close to your bathroom mirror. Focus 
your eye on the speck of toothpaste you spit on it this morning. Then focus on 
the fly spot on the wall behind you (through the mirror). See the 
Pentax made a right angle extension for telephotos. 
A mirror in the extension allowed dirty old men to photograph nearly naked young 
beauties at the beach without being obvious. The mirror in the device was only 
centimeters away from the lens. The voyeur does not focus on the mirror! The 
lens can't focus this close! The lens is focused the total bent path to the 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 1:37 
  Subject: [not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer 
  This was sort of a 
  random question i came to. What would the image quality be if Glenn set up 
  a mirror opposite his window, and then took the photos facing backwards to 
  the goings-onless conspicuous IMO. This would probably necessitate a 
  tripod though. This question brings me to a question i have had for a 
  while. If Glenn's mirror is say 20ft away, and the drug deal is say 80ft 
  from the mirror, would he focus at 20ft for the mirror, or 100ft for the 
  distance of the image from the camera? I guess i could expiriment 
  myself...and i think i will. By the way Glenn, you could always 
  sign up for the witness protection program   Brent 

Re: [veering OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread Patrick White

>>Shel Belinkoff> Use the 400mm lens on a tripod and you'll be fine ...
>>Shel Belinkoff> you have to testify in court.  Then use a 9mm.
>I'm really hoping to use these as "here are the people you want to
>investigate if you decide to follow through" information for the
>police, and had not thought about the possibility of my photos
>being used in court.  Hmm.  Bleah.

I work near one such place myself.  I even spot the occasional deal going
down on my way to/from work.  Some even are done literally within sight of a
community police station (although most are done 30ft. (10m) further down
the street).  The police know this is a hotbed and come through several
times a day to show a presence.  Chances are, they even recogonize faces of
the homeless and others that hang out here a lot.  If they've been working
on any sting operations that hit the area, they probably even know which of
those faces are the baddies that deal the drugs.  So, chances are, your
police probably already know who to investigate and where to set up a sting
operation.  It doesn't hurt to ask though as things do change, and they
sound like they recently changed in your area.
However, if I were you, I'd think twice about being involved with anything
that directly gets those people arrested.  Some may not be beyond trying to
"fix" the problem person in a direct manner.  A better solution might be to
organize your neighbors, who no doubt don't appreciate the goings on either.

>have left me feeling that it's gone down a couple notches and
>is no longer a place I can try to reassure my friends about when
>they think about coming to visit.
>Not sure I could get police into my house without the neighbours
>noticing and figuring something's up, but I'm sure they've got
>their own ways of investigating local goings-on.

If the neighbors are part of the problem, then it's probably time to move.
Otherwise, the owner of the property may well elect to invite them in to set
up an observation operation (then again, seeing as may make them a target
once the police leave, perhaps not).

>I don't think I have the guts to
>publish 'em while the subjects are still active though.

Do you mean actively dealing in your neighborhood, actively dealing
anywhere, or active as in still animate?

>Folks do know I have a camera, so if photos suddenly started showing
>up in random places, they'd probably figure out who took them.
>(I'm hoping I can trust the police not to make my life more interesting
>than it has to be by letting the wrong people know about the photos.)

Personally, I wouldn't trust the police to protect me in that way, but to
each their own.  BTW, it will only take one bright person with one photo to
stand around and figure approximately which window of which building it was
taken from.  I do this sort of thing for amusement and educational value
with other people's pictures of local landmarks.

>Buyers I'd considered, but I hadn't thought that burglars might
>also be dealers.  Hmm.

Dealer as burglers?  I hadn't though of either.  Seems like it would be
much too easy for them to mention to a customer where a nice camera setup
they would like to have one just like can be found.  People who buy large
quantities of drugs for their own use seem to be perpetually in need of
money for some odd reason.

>Of course, according to my friend who owns this house, the only
>way to get the city to do something is to get the _Baltimore_Sun_
>to write an article about it first, but I'm hoping this recent
>"West Side Initiative" will work in my favour.

Have you tried the Sun?  Maybe they are interested in a photo essay or some
editorial shots to go with stories about the West Side Initiative?

stay safe,

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[not as much OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread Bigtoeno2
This was sort of a random question i came to. What would the image quality be 
if Glenn set up a mirror opposite his window, and then took the photos facing 
backwards to the goings-onless conspicuous IMO. This would probably 
necessitate a tripod though. This question brings me to a question i have had 
for a while. If Glenn's mirror is say 20ft away, and the drug deal is say 
80ft from the mirror, would he focus at 20ft for the mirror, or 100ft for the 
distance of the image from the camera? I guess i could expiriment 
myself...and i think i will.

By the way Glenn, you could always sign up for the witness protection program 


RE: Drug Dealer Lens -- OT

2001-05-16 Thread Peifer, William [OCDUS]

Hi Glenn,

Haven't seen this angle mentioned yet, but are you sure the local cops
aren't on the take?  I ask this seriously, as this was a problem at one time
with a very small number of cops in Buffalo, and I think it's generally a
problem wherever you go.  Not to malign cops in general (or Baltimore or
Buffalo cops in particular), but this kind of stuff does happen in cities
big and small.  Maybe you'd be better off anonymously sharing your negatives
with your State Police instead of the locals.  I'm extremely jaded, I don't
have a tremendous trust of municipal police forces, and I've come of the
opinion that the only effective way to keep the drug-pushing scum out of the
neighborhood is if they're in constant fear of taking a few well-placed
rifle rounds from one (or preferably more) of the pissed off neighborhood
residents.  Doesn't get rid of the problem, but it at least moves it out of
the neighborhood.  Bob and Shel have the right idea, although I'm personally
partial to .45 over 9mm.  But I'd much rather be at riflescope distance than
pistol sight distance

If you have access to an attic or other concealed and secure location, you
may wish to consider installing an inexpensive (< $100) video surveillance
camera affixed to a cheap camera lens.  I've got a setup like this with a
135-mm lens -- for astronomical rather than forensic applications -- and I
can get a 4.5"-diameter Moon on my 19" television.  You can record the video
signal to tape and run the thing 24 hours a day unattended, or perhaps put
the thing on a timer to record at "peak" hours.  Much safer than sitting in
the dark behind a giant telephoto with the curtains open, I think.

Good luck, and keep your head down.

Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY

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Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-16 Thread Philippe Trottier

Doing the right thing... (my onw view)

As long as you are isolated from the criminal OK. Explain the police
officers what you are, I am a photographer
and I steped on these peoples... show photos and other documents. AND KEEP
Don't endanger yourself or your close. THINK !

Local police guy came to me , shook my hand just for bringing to their
attention some details. I hope the guy is now
in jail.
-When there is an accident I stop.
-When there is something that can endanger someone I do the best I can.

If what you see is illegal or you beleive it is illegal then it is your
responsibility to do something. I would not like to see
 what kind of trouble you would have keeping these evidences from the law
enforcement. One stupid example
-AAH these dumb kids are trading dope...
Week after readin in the newspaper
-young guy/girl 12 - 20 die overdose / stabed to death

lifting a flag will make a difference, letting the right people to their job
will bring the best of the whole situation.


> Glenn,
> Just out of curiosity, where do you live?
> Paul
> - Original Message -
> From: "Kenneth Waller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 10:57 AM
> Subject: Re: Drug Dealer Lens?
> > I'm not familiar with either lens, but for my money, I'd definitely go
> with
> > the 400. I can't imagine softness out weighing the inreased
> > The choice of film would IMHO have more of an effect on softness. After
> > you've got the image you might be suprised what they can reveal in
> > Photoshop.
> > Ken Waller
> > - Original Message -
> > From: D. Glenn Arthur Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 7:46 PM
> > Subject: Drug Dealer Lens?
> >
> >
> > > So I'm shooting from a third floor window, across a wide (two
> > > travel lanes and two parking lanes) street with sidewalks,
> > > using TMZ at 6400.  Either the 400mm/6.3 preset (Spiratone) or
> > > the 200mm/4 (Pentax SMC) is going to draw attention if I'm
> > > actually _in_ the window, so I'm shooting from well back in
> > > the room.
> > >
> > > The question is:  Am I better off going with the longer but softer
> > > 400mm to fill more of the frame, or taking my chances with grain on
> > > a smaller image using the sharper (and easier to hold) 200mm?  The
> > > sun hasn't quite set yet, so I can get hand-holding speeds (1/1000
> > > actually, as of fifteen minutes ago, probably 1/500 now) with either
> > > lens at the moment.
> > >
> > > In the viewfinder, using the 400mm, I can clearly see the money
> > > changing hands, but it's not sharp enough to make out denominations.
> > >
> > > (Yes, I have a tripod.  If I find a good angle where I can use
> > > it, I may see whether anything interesting is happening late
> > > tonight when I get home from rehearsal.  And yes, I plan to ask
> > > the vice squad whether they're interested in the film.)
> > >
> > > -- Glenn
> > >
> > > -
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> > >
> > >
> >
> > -
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> > go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
> > visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
> >
> >
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Re: Drug Dealer Lens

2001-05-16 Thread Collin Brendemuehl

With a short 500mm mirror you'll be
able to hide deeper inside the window,
thus protecting your life.


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Re: Drug Dealer Lens

2001-05-16 Thread Jim Brooks

Just a tip that you probably know already:

Remove the 1A filter (if you have one fitted), as the flat glass surface can
reflect light sources such as streetlight, directly towards your subject!!!
The curved front element reduces this risk dramatically.

Good luck.
Jim Brooks

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[veering OT] Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-15 Thread D. Glenn Arthur Jr.

>William Robb> When Glenn stops posting, it will be because he has pissed off
>William Robb> the wrong people. I admire your ethics, I am not so sure about
>William Robb> your sense of self preservation.

While I am taking some precautions, it is possible that my 
self preservation instinct is miscalibrated.  There's a 
certain amount of frustration pushing on the opposite side 
from the self-preservation though.  Yeah, I should think 
this through.

>Bob Blakely> This is why (one reason) I listed a 1911A1 Colt .45 Government 
>Bob Blakely> Model 70 Mk IV and 2 ea. 8 round clips in the "What Do You 
>Bob Blakely> Carry" thread.

Yah, my sword isn't going to be useful at any real distance.  :-(
(I do not own (or have training/experience with) any firearms yet.)

>Ken Waller> I'm not familiar with either lens, but for my money, I'd 
>Ken Waller> definitely go with the 400. I can't imagine softness out 
>Ken Waller> weighing the inreased magnification.  The choice of film 
>Ken Waller> would IMHO have more of an effect on softness. After you've 
>Ken Waller> got the image you might be suprised what they can reveal in
>Ken Waller> Photoshop.

Ah!  An answer to the technical question I asked -- thanks.  Yeah,
I might well be surprised what someone skilled in that sort of thing
can reveal in Photoshop.  I'm only a basic-level user of that, and
I know I only scratch the surface of what it can do.

>Shel Belinkoff> Use the 400mm lens on a tripod and you'll be fine ... until 
>Shel Belinkoff> you have to testify in court.  Then use a 9mm.

I'm really hoping to use these as "here are the people you want to
investigate if you decide to follow through" information for the
police, and had not thought about the possibility of my photos
being used in court.  Hmm.  Bleah.  

Maybe tomorrow afternoon I'll set up the tripod and look from across
the street to see how visible it is.  If it's easily seen, I'm in

>Paul Jones> Just out of curiosity, where do you live?

Baltimore, Maryland, USA.  West side of town (halfway between 
the inner harbour and old-town Catonsville).  If you know Baltimore,
I'm a few blocks west of the B&O Railroad Museum (and a block
north, 'cause I'm on Lombard and it's on Pratt).

Until a month or two ago, I described my neighbourhood as, "not
a good neighbourhood, but not as scary a place as it looks; the
_bad_ neighbourhoods being a few blocks away."  Recent events 
have left me feeling that it's gone down a couple notches and
is no longer a place I can try to reassure my friends about when
they think about coming to visit.  I am not happy about this, and
I hope the publicized police plan to dramatically increase police
presence and visibility on the west side of town does some good.

>Mark Cassino> I think you should ask the cops to come over and shoot this 
>Mark Cassino> with _their_ gear.  They are better equipped if the drug 
>Mark Cassino> lords decide to shoot back...

Not sure I could get police into my house without the neighbours
noticing and figuring something's up, but I'm sure they've got
their own ways of investigating local goings-on.

>Dan Scott> I admire your enthusiasm for doing the right thing. However, I'd 
>Dan Scott> like to seriously suggest you contact the police before you go 
>Dan Scott> any further with your plan. Please consider these points:
>Dan Scott> 1. a photo of someone handing money over to someone else is 
>Dan Scott> simply a photo of someone "repaying a loan" (not prosecutable);
>Dan Scott> 2. even if the photo contains a baggie changing hands, baggies 
>Dan Scott> are not against the law and baggies full of white stuff are 
>Dan Scott> baggies of laundry soap,divinity, or coconut flakes until proven 
>Dan Scott> otherwise;

True -- as I mentioned above, I'm thinking of these as aids to an
investigation, not courtroom evidence.  And, if the area actually
gets cleaned up, reportage.  I don't think I have the guts to 
publish 'em while the subjects are still active though.

>Dan Scott> 3. you regularly lean out your apartment window taking photos 
>Dan Scott> (remember, a sizeable portion of your photogear "wandered off" 
>Dan Scott> not too long ago);

*nod*  In fact, I was about to lean out my window to photograph
something innocuous that had caught my eye, but decided not to
make the camera visible when I saw funny business going on nearby.

Folks do know I have a camera, so if photos suddenly started showing
up in random places, they'd probably figure out who took them.
(I'm hoping I can trust the police not to make my life more interesting
than it has to be by letting the wrong people know about the photos.)

>Dan Scott> 4. quite frequently, the people who burglarize apartments and 
>Dan Scott> homes in a neighborhood are also active buyers and sellers of 
>Dan Scott> narcotics in that neighborhood;

Buyers I'd considered, but I hadn't thought that burglars might
also be dealers.  Hmm.

>Dan Scott> 5. if you are seen by your subjects, they 

Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-15 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

Dan Scott, AKA "the Voice of Reason", wrote:

and I am quoting its entirety to emphasize my total agreement.
Don't do it yourself, Glenn!
> I admire your enthusiasm for doing the right thing. However, I'd like to
> seriously suggest you contact the police before you go any further with
> your plan. Please consider these points:
> 1. a photo of someone handing money over to someone else is simply a photo
> of someone "repaying a loan" (not prosecutable);
> 2. even if the photo contains a baggie changing hands, baggies are not
> against the law and baggies full of white stuff are baggies of laundry
> soap,divinity, or coconut flakes until proven otherwise;
> 3. you regularly lean out your apartment window taking photos (remember, a
> sizeable portion of your photogear "wandered off" not too long ago);
> 4. quite frequently, the people who burglarize apartments and homes in a
> neighborhood are also active buyers and sellers of narcotics in that
> neighborhood;
> 5. if you are seen by your subjects, they won't have any doubts about why
> you were photographing them;
> 6. you don't have eyes in the back of your head.
> By contacting the police first, you are still doing the right thing. By
> letting the police decide if and how they want to follow up on your
> information, you let them obtain the evidence in a way that is most likely
> to be useable to them. Please reconsider.
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Re: Drug Dealer Lens?

2001-05-15 Thread Chris Brogden

> And yes, I plan to ask the vice squad whether they're interested in
> the film.)

Sell them some prints, then sell the negs to the dealers.  :)


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