Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Doug Franklin
On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 09:12:50 +0100, Sam Jost wrote:

> The image format for your pennies are called fractal compressors.

Other compression types that could be considered analogous to the
pennies example would be Run-Length encoding and Quad-Tree encoding.

In Run-Length Encoding (RLE), the pennies are analogous to individual
pixels.  One-dimensional RLE looks for sequences of pixels in a
horizontal line that are the same color, and encodes them as a
(color,count) pair.  More complex RLE compressors will record either
the colors of the pixels, or a (color,count) pair if the count is large
enough that the pair is smaller than the data for the original "run" of

In two-dimensional RLE, the algorithm encodes the first scan line the
same way that one-dimensional RLE does.  After the first scan line, it
takes the differences in the colors of pixels between the current scan
line and the previous scan line.  It then encodes the runs in the
difference.  If two scan lines are the same, the difference between
them is a single pair that covers the entire scan line, drastically
reducing the stored size of the information.

Faxes use encodings similar to this.  Since a pixel in a fax image must
be either black or white, fax compression doesn't need to store the
colors directly; each line will start with a pixel of a certain color,
and the colors will alternate from there.  In fact, a compressed fax
image is pretty much just a bunch of run lengths in scan line order. 
The algorithm assumes that the first run of pixels is white, for
example.  If it's really black, the algorithm inserts a white run of
zero pixels into the output, so that every line starts with a pixel of
the same color.

Quad-Tree encoding does something similar, but different.  In this
encoding, the pennies are analogous to rectangles within the image. 
Quad-Tree encoding looks at the image data as a rectangle instead of a
series of scan lines.  It takes the entire image and splits it into
four sections, down the middle vertically and across the middle

 |   |   |
 | 1 | 2 |
 |   |   |
 |   |   |
 | 3 | 4 |
 |   |   |

Conceptually, the beginning of the "tree" is a single color that
represents the entire image.  That color is the "average" color of each
of the four sections.  Each section is treated the same way, split into
quarters and assigned the "average" color of its four sections, which
are then split into four sections, ... until each section represents a
pixel.  The splitting can get tricky when the image dimensions aren't
powers of two, or are different in one direction than the other, but
it's not unmanageable.  If the color of a section is close enough to
the colors of the other three sections, or the average, or whatever,
the values for some of the sections don't need to be saved.

There are a ton of optimizations on both of these encodings that can
have dramatic effects on which images compress well with each one.  Fax
images, for example, compress the run-length values on top of the
run-length encoding.  Quad-tree representations, on the other hand, can
give really good progressive effects if the image is drawn as the image
data is received.


Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread William Robb
- Original Message - 
From: "Sam Jost"
Subject: Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: 
Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

Was my translation ok for you?
Works for me.
William Robb 

RE: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Don Sanderson
Actually your explanation did make sense.
Though I didn't grasp nearly all of it
it helped to learn that they are processed
in "blocks".
Helps me understand the behavior of both
highly compressed and "multiple generation"
jpeg files.
Don't feel your efforts were totally wasted,
I at least have a clue now.
Which I didn't before.
I knew HOW jpegs behaved, now I have at
least a rough idea WHY they behave that


> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Jolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2004 6:03 AM
> Subject: Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re:
> Reducing File Size with Photoshop)
> William Robb wrote:
> > I read it while sober.
> > Didn't make much sense.
> > I just read it while inebriated.
> > Didn't make any sense.
> > Can't I just think of it as a roll of pennies on a table top and get on
> > with life?
> :-)
> > Seriously though, thanks for the effort, sorry it was lost on my feeble
> > brain.
> I got about half-way through and then realised "hang on - they only
> teach this maths at university".  I had a stab at explaining it without
> any formal maths, but I suspect that the task may be beyond me...  I
> guess there's a reason I didn't go into any of the Science Communication
> fields...
> Still, thanks for reading it. :-)
> S

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Caveman
William Robb wrote:
I just read it while inebriated.
Me too. Nice feeling. I don'r give s**t. Life is cool.

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Steve Jolly
William Robb wrote:
I read it while sober.
Didn't make much sense.
I just read it while inebriated.
Didn't make any sense.
Can't I just think of it as a roll of pennies on a table top and get on 
with life?
Seriously though, thanks for the effort, sorry it was lost on my feeble 
I got about half-way through and then realised "hang on - they only 
teach this maths at university".  I had a stab at explaining it without 
any formal maths, but I suspect that the task may be beyond me...  I 
guess there's a reason I didn't go into any of the Science Communication 

Still, thanks for reading it. :-)

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-14 Thread Sam Jost
From: "William Robb" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

From: "Steve Jolly"
OK.  This is going to be bloody impossible to do entirely in text without 
attachments, but I'll give it a try. :-)
I read it while sober.
Didn't make much sense.
I just read it while inebriated.
Didn't make any sense.
Can't I just think of it as a roll of pennies on a table top and get on 
with life?
I think what he was trying to tell you is that jpeg does not look for 
similar shapes but instead slices the picture in small 8x8 pixel chunks and 
simplify these ('ah yes, this 8x8 block is all yellow, well, nearly enough 
at least, I'll just jot down 'all yellow block here' and ignore the slight 
color differences in this block. Next block, going from yellow to slightly 
green, well, not exactly but no one will note the difference if I just make 
it like it's going from yellow to slightly green, thats ok. Next one...')

The image format for your pennies are called fractal compressors. There are 
some of these around, but they are so dead slow and uncommon no one really 
uses them.

Was my translation ok for you?

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-13 Thread Chan Yong Wei
That was a dead-clear explanation, Steve. Thanks for taking the time
to do this. I'm now much smarter than I was when I woke up this
morning. :)

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-13 Thread William Robb
- Original Message - 
From: "Steve Jolly"
Subject: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: 
Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

OK.  This is going to be bloody impossible to do entirely in text 
without attachments, but I'll give it a try. :-)
I read it while sober.
Didn't make much sense.
I just read it while inebriated.
Didn't make any sense.
Can't I just think of it as a roll of pennies on a table top and get 
on with life?

Seriously though, thanks for the effort, sorry it was lost on my 
feeble brain.

William Robb

Re: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-13 Thread Rob Studdert
On 13 Nov 2004 at 22:06, Steve Jolly wrote:
> Well, I hope that made *some* kind of sense... you may have noticed that 
> I only mentioned stuff relevant to greyscale images.  Colour ones are 
> more complicated (but use the same principles).

Well done.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

RE: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-13 Thread Don Sanderson
Thanks Steve! (Anybody seen my Exedrin?) :-(


> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Jolly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, November 13, 2004 4:07 PM
> Subject: JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re:
> Reducing File Size with Photoshop)
> William Robb wrote:
> > This should be entertaining.
> > Please, elucidate.
> OK.  This is going to be bloody impossible to do entirely in text 
> without attachments, but I'll give it a try. :-)
> The first thing that JPEG compression does is divide your image up into 
> 8-pixel by 8-pixel blocks.  These blocks are then compressed separately. 
>   This is the reason that highly-compressed JPEGs look blocky. :-)
> You're going to have to think like a mathematician now.  What you think 
> of as an 8-pixel by 8-pixel crop of your photo, a mathematician thinks 
> of as a "function".  They would write something like B(x,y) - brightness 
> as a function of position in two dimensions.  Your 8x8 block contains 
> the values of B(x,y) at 64 points in the image.
> The second thing that JPEG compression does is, for each block in the 
> image, to take the data and runs it through a "Discrete Cosine 
> Tranformation", or DCT.  This is just a mathematical equation - a "black 
> box" that takes in a function B(x,y) and outputs another function 
> A(u,v).  Now, what are A, u and v, I hear you cry?  That's where it 
> starts getting tricky.  A(u,v) is a new 8x8 block that contains *spatial 
> frequencies* of the brightness information in the original 8x8 block.  I 
> reckon that needs a bit more explanation.
> Forget the two-dimensions aspect for a minute; think about a single 8x1 
> pixel crop of your image.  If I draw a graph that shows their 
> brightnesses, it might look something like this:
> B^
>   |
>   ||  |
>   | |  ||  |  |
>   | |  |  | |  |  |  |
>   +> x
> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
>  pixel number
> Now, that looks a bit like a sine wave to me.  If I draw a sine wave 
> with a suitable frequency, I could get something that looks like this:
> B^
>   |*
>   | *   * *
>   |   *   *
>   |* *
>   |  * *
>   +-*--> x
> 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
>  pixel number
> Now that's not quite the same shape as the original data, but it's a 
> start.  If we picked a second sine wave with a different frequency and 
> added it to the first one, we could get closer.  If we added a third 
> one, we'd be closer still, and so on.  As it happens, there's a quirk of 
> maths that says that if we use eight very specific sine waves that are 
> the same every time (but with different amplitudes and horizontal 
> offsets) and add them, we can get *exactly* the same shape as we started 
> out again.  The formula that says what the amplitudes and offsets should 
> be is the DCT.
> So, still thinking in *one* dimension, a DCT takes B(x) (The brightness 
> of each of the eight positions represented by x) and outputs A(u), where 
> A is the amplitude and horizontal offset of each of the eight sine waves 
> represented by u.  I hope it's not to hard to imagine that a *two* 
> dimensional DCT takes B(x,y) and outputs A(u,v).  Because if it is, I've 
> lost you. :-)
> Right.
> So far, we haven't done any lossy compression.  If we take A(u,v) and 
> add all those sine waves together, we get B(x,y) back *exactly* as it 
> was originally.  The lossy bit happens next, in a process called 
> "quantisation".  You see, the values of A aren't whole numbers (0,1,2,3 
> etc) like the original brightness values were; they're "real" numbers - 
> they can take *any* value between zero and some maximum value that you 
> don't need to know about.  Because they can take an infinite number of 
> values, they'd need an infinite amount of disk space to store them in, 
> which isn't much good for a compression scheme.  So, what we do is we 
> take each of those numbers, and we work out what the closest we can get 
> to it using a *fixed* number of bits is.  And we don't use the same 
> number of bits for each value of u and v, we take advantage of the fact 
> that the human eye is less sensitive to certain spatial frequencies 
> under certain circumstances to "weight" the process - frequencies that 
> the eye sees better get encoded more accurately, and vice versa.  You 
> can vary the overall amount of compression by varying the total number 

JPEG Compression Made Slightly-Less-Complicated (was Re: Reducing File Size with Photoshop)

2004-11-13 Thread Steve Jolly
William Robb wrote:
This should be entertaining.
Please, elucidate.
OK.  This is going to be bloody impossible to do entirely in text 
without attachments, but I'll give it a try. :-)

The first thing that JPEG compression does is divide your image up into 
8-pixel by 8-pixel blocks.  These blocks are then compressed separately. 
 This is the reason that highly-compressed JPEGs look blocky. :-)

You're going to have to think like a mathematician now.  What you think 
of as an 8-pixel by 8-pixel crop of your photo, a mathematician thinks 
of as a "function".  They would write something like B(x,y) - brightness 
as a function of position in two dimensions.  Your 8x8 block contains 
the values of B(x,y) at 64 points in the image.

The second thing that JPEG compression does is, for each block in the 
image, to take the data and runs it through a "Discrete Cosine 
Tranformation", or DCT.  This is just a mathematical equation - a "black 
box" that takes in a function B(x,y) and outputs another function 
A(u,v).  Now, what are A, u and v, I hear you cry?  That's where it 
starts getting tricky.  A(u,v) is a new 8x8 block that contains *spatial 
frequencies* of the brightness information in the original 8x8 block.  I 
reckon that needs a bit more explanation.

Forget the two-dimensions aspect for a minute; think about a single 8x1 
pixel crop of your image.  If I draw a graph that shows their 
brightnesses, it might look something like this:

 ||  |
 | |  ||  |  |
 | |  |  | |  |  |  |
 +> x
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
pixel number
Now, that looks a bit like a sine wave to me.  If I draw a sine wave 
with a suitable frequency, I could get something that looks like this:

 | *   * *
 |   *   *
 |* *
 |  * *
 +-*--> x
   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
pixel number
Now that's not quite the same shape as the original data, but it's a 
start.  If we picked a second sine wave with a different frequency and 
added it to the first one, we could get closer.  If we added a third 
one, we'd be closer still, and so on.  As it happens, there's a quirk of 
maths that says that if we use eight very specific sine waves that are 
the same every time (but with different amplitudes and horizontal 
offsets) and add them, we can get *exactly* the same shape as we started 
out again.  The formula that says what the amplitudes and offsets should 
be is the DCT.

So, still thinking in *one* dimension, a DCT takes B(x) (The brightness 
of each of the eight positions represented by x) and outputs A(u), where 
A is the amplitude and horizontal offset of each of the eight sine waves 
represented by u.  I hope it's not to hard to imagine that a *two* 
dimensional DCT takes B(x,y) and outputs A(u,v).  Because if it is, I've 
lost you. :-)

So far, we haven't done any lossy compression.  If we take A(u,v) and 
add all those sine waves together, we get B(x,y) back *exactly* as it 
was originally.  The lossy bit happens next, in a process called 
"quantisation".  You see, the values of A aren't whole numbers (0,1,2,3 
etc) like the original brightness values were; they're "real" numbers - 
they can take *any* value between zero and some maximum value that you 
don't need to know about.  Because they can take an infinite number of 
values, they'd need an infinite amount of disk space to store them in, 
which isn't much good for a compression scheme.  So, what we do is we 
take each of those numbers, and we work out what the closest we can get 
to it using a *fixed* number of bits is.  And we don't use the same 
number of bits for each value of u and v, we take advantage of the fact 
that the human eye is less sensitive to certain spatial frequencies 
under certain circumstances to "weight" the process - frequencies that 
the eye sees better get encoded more accurately, and vice versa.  You 
can vary the overall amount of compression by varying the total number 
of bits used to compress each block.

And that's it!  You can take all the bits that represent all the blocks, 
save them to a file and you have a new representation of the image; one 
that takes a bit of work to decode again, but that can take up much less 
storage space than the original while being perceptually identical.

Well, I hope that made *some* kind of sense... you may have noticed that 
I only mentioned stuff relevant to greyscale images.  Colour ones are 
more complicated (but use the same principles).