Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-24 Thread D. Glenn Arthur Jr.

I don't scan all my keepers yet (though a slide/neg scanner
might be the tool that makes that seem reasonable), but I 
do keep a database.  Or try to.  I'm a few months behind on
data entry for frames (though the roll table is up to date).

Mark Roberts wrote:
> BTW: In my filing system I number each roll yyy### where yyy is
> the year in hexadecimal (2001 is 7d1) and ### is the roll number
> (the first roll of film I shoot each year is 001, then 002, etc.
> -- this'll be fine until I startshooting over 999 rolls of film
> per year). 

I use -NNN (where, like you, NNN is a three digit 
sequential number for the year so far).

> The individual photos are the roll ID followed by the frame
> number (so the first shot on the first roll of film this year
> was 7d100101.tif)

*nod*  For me it was either 2001-001#01 or 2001-001#01A
depending on where the frame boundaries lined up on that
roll.  (Okay, it might have been 2001-001#00 -- I can check
if anyone cares, but I don't think anyone will).

> I keep a master list of all the rolls of film I've shot (roll
> number, location(s), film type) in an Excel spreadsheet.

I've got a properly normalized database -- I've got a table for
rolls of film (type, purchase date, expiration date, location
(fridge/freezer/camera-bag/used), and purchase cost -- I call this
the "can" table); a table for exposed rolls (roll-ID as described 
above, lookup into first table, date loaded, date finished, date 
sent to lab, date back from lab, which lab, processing cost, number 
of frames printed, subject (three subject fields, for rolls that 
didn't get used up all on one thing), notes, push/pull, and camera 
used -- I call this the "roll" table); a table for frames (lookup 
into exposed roll table, frame #, main subject, lens/flash/filters/
/speed/aperture (blank in most entries), date shot, list of things 
visible in the photo that I might want to search on in the future, 
location, caption, and notes); a table of reprint requests (who 
ordered it, roll/frame, size, whether I've gotten it done yet, 
whether I've mailed it yet); a table of people (name, address, 
email, etc. etc.); and a table of film types (so that I can enter 
"TMZ" in the film table instead of "Kodak TMax p3200", and have it 
look up the fact that it's BW film DX coded 3200 ASA, and the full 
name to print out on labels).

I store negatives and slides in those 3-ring-binder archive
pages, labelled with roll-ID (and some other info, like
dates & subjects).

The problems?

1) Mine's in an Excel spreadsheet too (with extensive use of
vlookup() and hlookup() references).  I started it in Access
because I didn't have a real DBMS available at the time, but 
got frustrated with the data-entry limitations of Access and 
moved it to Excel despite the performance penalty.  (The spreadsheet
paradigm is convenient for entering lots of rows into the frame
table at once -- fill in the info that changes, working down a
column, then cut&paste the info that stays the same for bunches
of frames (roll-ID, date, location, subject), _then_ commit the
whole session to disk.)  Doing it in linked spreadhseets is slow, 
and doesn't make ad-hoc queries convenient.  My plan has been to 
transfer it all into 4th Dimension (when I get around to installing 
it -- need more disk space) or mySQL (when I get around to writing 
a reasonably useable data-entry front end), but if John's system 
does what I need without ny having to finish the job...

2) I don't have my digitized images organized (yet).


1) I *feel* so *organized*  ;-)

2) A quick mail-merge in Word Perfect, and I've got a batch of
Avery stickers to put on slide mounts or the backs of prints;
and when someone asks a question about a print ("When was that?"
"What film was that shot on?") or wants to order a reprint,
the info is right there on the back of the print (or the slide

3) I'm just a small bit of programming away (an Excel macro
or some UNIX scripts that work on a text-exported copy) from
having the thing print out a shopping list when I go out to
buy film.  (I'll get around to it soon.)

Ideally I'd like to have the whole pile of images scanned
and the database in an efficient DBMS that understands SQL,
with some glue programmed to let me do a query ("Show me
images that contain a shakuhachi") and have a browser come
up with a set of thumbnails along with the text list.  And
some reference to model releases (which I don't have many
of yet).

But first I have to write the programs for other people, that
pay for my groceries.

-- Glenn

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RE: PhotoCat database (WAS RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs)

2001-03-22 Thread John Coyle

On Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:29 PM, tom [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> John Coyle wrote:
> > 
> > Hi all:
> > 
> > My apologies first for what might be classified as 'spam' but I don't yet
> > have
> > a web-site set up for this.
> > If anyone would like to buy it, the price is US$39.95 - it can be delivered
> > on
> > CD or over the net (by email for a week or so, till I get merchant
> > facilities)
> > against cheque or IMO payment.
> What about an eval copy? Something that blows up after 30 days or
> whatever...
> tv
> -
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yes - no problem

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia

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RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread David A. Mann

Paul Provencher writes:

> 010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot on March 21, 2001.

 I use a similar kind of system which I made up myself.  It goes "format-
month/year-[film type+roll number]-frame".

 For example, "6x7-3/2001-S1-4" means 6x7 format, shot (actually I use the 
processing date) during March 2001, S means its a slide film (I use P for 
print film), 1 indicates the first of that month, and frame #4 on that roll.

 This works well for me as I store prints and slides separately, in order of 
date.  I don't bother getting too specific about the date because I usually 
take a while to go through a roll, unless I'm on holiday when I might shoot a 
roll on a good day.

 I only started using this system at the beginning of last year so anything I 
shot during '98 or '99 gets an 'x' in the month position as my memory isn't 
_that_ good :)

 I am working on a searchable database system in my spare time but 
"feature creep" and other interests are all conspiring to delay it.  Once I've 
done the software I need to put the data into it which will be quite a long job 
in itself...


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E.

"Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets?" -- Garfield
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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Doug Franklin

On Wed, 21 Mar 2001 11:01:36 -0500, tom wrote:

> I use the numbering system someone else recommended - mmddyynn. I put

If you instead use YYMMDDNN then any software in the world can
accurately sort them by date (I'm assuming 'nn' is the roll number for
that day).


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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Jon Hope

At 05:26 22/03/01, you wrote:

Hi all again.

Thanks for your suggestions. Everything sounds like a lot of work, but what 
isn't these days?

I think I'll catalogue them all along some of the lines mentioned. I 
usually use a roll of film on one subject type, so cataloguing them like 
that isn't going to be too arduous. Knowing me, I'll probably end up with 
twice as many drawers as I have now and a half finished database in a 
year's time. hehe

I too don't throw away photographs I don't consider to be keepers, mainly 
because others that view them find some that I don't like very worthwhile. 
There is no accounting for some people's taste. :-)



Relax! Take life as it comes, you can't chase the sun, you can't race the wind

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RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Provencher, Paul M.

You could use the day you got the film processed as the number.  Easy
enough.  What you do with the rest of the data (or if you even use a number)
is the freedom you enjoy by doing it yourself!  

You could try to use the demo database that comes with Office 97
Professional Edition (Access Database) that comes ready to run for
cataloging photos too.  Of course it has it's "quirks" and might not be
industrial strength...

Paul M. Provencher
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RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Provencher, Paul M.

That's a good idea Doug.  It would give you one number that tells you more
about each frame.  I'd be hard pressed to remember which camera I shot which
picture with so I keep the other data separate from the number.  Just my
preference.  Plus the number gets pretty long as it is - need to use a
pretty small font to get it on a sticker that will fit a slide mount...


-Original Message-
From: Doug Brewer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 11:33 AM
Subject: RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

This is a good numbering system, similar to the one I 
use. I'd like to suggest a small addition, which I have 
found to help me out. At the beginning of each 
string of numbers I have a letter indicating which 
camera I used. For my PZ-1p, the letter is Z, the LX 
gets X. 

Since I tend to shoot different types of photo with 
these two cameras, knowing the letter designation 
immediately narrows the search when I'm looking for a 
specific photo, and should any problems show up in the 
photos, I'll know which camera is at fault.

Doug "other organizational efforts are largely 
theoretical" Brewer

Quoting "Provencher, Paul M." 

> There are a number of "systems" but the most important 
thing is that you do
> it on an ongoing basis.  That allows you to manage it 
in smaller chunks and
> to record the info at a time that you are more likely 
to remember it.
> Aside from storage and retrieval systems, which I 
think are best left to
> personal preference, I like to use a numbering system 
that I learned in a
> lab.  It is good because it encodes useful data, is 
scaleable, and easy to
> use.
> Basically start with the date noted as YYMMDD, then 
add on the roll number
> for that day in the format NN where NN is a two digit 
number using leading
> zeros, and finally the frame number, again in the NN 
format.  A typical
> number would look like this:
> 010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot 
on March 21, 2001.
> Since the number of digits should not change (if you 
routinely shoot more
> than 99 rolls of film or more than 99 frames on a roll 
you may want to add
> a
> digit to these components)
> Just by reading the number of the image, I can 
immediately determine when
> it
> was shot and which roll etc.
> ppro

Ashwood Lake Photography
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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread IronWorks

I like it - but there is no way I could bring myself to throw any away.


- Original Message -
From: "Bojidar Dimitrov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Bojidar Dimitrov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:12 AM
Subject: Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

| Recently Provencher, Paul M. wrote:
| >
| > Jon wrote> Is there a good system to utilise to catelogue and file my
| > photographs that anyone would care to recommend? <<
| ...
| > Basically start with the date noted as YYMMDD, then add on the roll
| > for that day in the format NN where NN is a two digit number using
| > zeros, and finally the frame number, again in the NN format.  A typical
| > number would look like this:
| >
| > 010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot on March 21, 2001.
| > Since the number of digits should not change (if you routinely shoot
| > than 99 rolls of film or more than 99 frames on a roll you may want to
add a
| > digit to these components)
| >
| > Just by reading the number of the image, I can immediately determine
when it
| > was shot and which roll etc.
| >
| This would, of course, not work for those of us who do not manage to shoot
| an entire film on a single day.  But the system can be adjusted for that.
| I too have been thinking of developing a system, and my first take would
| something like this:
| - shoot slides,
| - when a new film is picked up from the developer:
|   - throw away all that are not at least very good,
|   - record a running number on each "keeper".  Let the numbers run
| continuously, regarless of topic/subject/occasion.  Continue
| the running numbers with the next film that you get developed.
|   - file the keepers in transparent slide pages.
| - for each "keeper" enter all vital info in a computer database.
| Things that might go in the DB are: slide number, image category or
| categories, date, film, lens, exposure info, etc.  The lens and film will
| be identified only by a single number that is a key in a table dedicated
| films and another one to lens details.
| In this way I can easily find out all images shot with lens #8 or on film
| type #3.  I can also get more fancy and find all images that were shot on
| particular date with a given lens but not with film type #3, etc.
| If I need to take these images out of their storage, I will have to pull
| images from various slide filing sheets, and will then need to file them
| back in.  Both of these operations are not a problem because the slides a
| numbered sequentially, and I know that there are 20 slides on a page.
| What do you all think?
| Cheers,
| Boz
| -
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| go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
| visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .

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RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Doug Brewer

This is a good numbering system, similar to the one I 
use. I'd like to suggest a small addition, which I have 
found to help me out. At the beginning of each 
string of numbers I have a letter indicating which 
camera I used. For my PZ-1p, the letter is Z, the LX 
gets X. 

Since I tend to shoot different types of photo with 
these two cameras, knowing the letter designation 
immediately narrows the search when I'm looking for a 
specific photo, and should any problems show up in the 
photos, I'll know which camera is at fault.

Doug "other organizational efforts are largely 
theoretical" Brewer

Quoting "Provencher, Paul M." 

> There are a number of "systems" but the most important 
thing is that you do
> it on an ongoing basis.  That allows you to manage it 
in smaller chunks and
> to record the info at a time that you are more likely 
to remember it.
> Aside from storage and retrieval systems, which I 
think are best left to
> personal preference, I like to use a numbering system 
that I learned in a
> lab.  It is good because it encodes useful data, is 
scaleable, and easy to
> use.
> Basically start with the date noted as YYMMDD, then 
add on the roll number
> for that day in the format NN where NN is a two digit 
number using leading
> zeros, and finally the frame number, again in the NN 
format.  A typical
> number would look like this:
> 010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot 
on March 21, 2001.
> Since the number of digits should not change (if you 
routinely shoot more
> than 99 rolls of film or more than 99 frames on a roll 
you may want to add
> a
> digit to these components)
> Just by reading the number of the image, I can 
immediately determine when
> it
> was shot and which roll etc.
> ppro

Ashwood Lake Photography
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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread tom

Bojidar Dimitrov wrote:
> Recently Provencher, Paul M. wrote:
> >
> > Jon wrote> Is there a good system to utilise to catelogue and file my
> > photographs that anyone would care to recommend? <<
> ...
> This would, of course, not work for those of us who do not manage to shoot
> an entire film on a single day.  But the system can be adjusted for that.

If there shots from more than one day on the roll, I just use the day
processed. It at least gives you a ballpark figure of when they were

I think filing slides is about twice as easy as filing negs, since you
have to match prints or contacts to the negs. I think that's the
nightmare aspect of filing - looking at a print, then trying to find the

I too am considering setting up a DB, but haven't gotten around to it.
I'm wondering if I ever will, since just keeping everything numbered is
enough of a chore in itself.

One thing that I do now is scan the keepers, and add the filing system
number to the filename, e.g.:

Ok, that one's not so much of a keeper, but you get the idea.

This way I've got most of my good shots on disk, and probably somewhere
on my web site...if I want to print one, it's easy enough to find the

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RE: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Provencher, Paul M.

Jon wrote> Is there a good system to utilise to catelogue and file my
photographs that anyone would care to recommend? <<

There are a number of "systems" but the most important thing is that you do
it on an ongoing basis.  That allows you to manage it in smaller chunks and
to record the info at a time that you are more likely to remember it.

Aside from storage and retrieval systems, which I think are best left to
personal preference, I like to use a numbering system that I learned in a
lab.  It is good because it encodes useful data, is scaleable, and easy to

Basically start with the date noted as YYMMDD, then add on the roll number
for that day in the format NN where NN is a two digit number using leading
zeros, and finally the frame number, again in the NN format.  A typical
number would look like this:

010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot on March 21, 2001.
Since the number of digits should not change (if you routinely shoot more
than 99 rolls of film or more than 99 frames on a roll you may want to add a
digit to these components)

Just by reading the number of the image, I can immediately determine when it
was shot and which roll etc.

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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Bojidar Dimitrov

Recently Provencher, Paul M. wrote:
> Jon wrote> Is there a good system to utilise to catelogue and file my
> photographs that anyone would care to recommend? <<


> Basically start with the date noted as YYMMDD, then add on the roll number
> for that day in the format NN where NN is a two digit number using leading
> zeros, and finally the frame number, again in the NN format.  A typical
> number would look like this:
> 010321-01-05 - The fifth frame of the first roll shot on March 21, 2001.
> Since the number of digits should not change (if you routinely shoot more
> than 99 rolls of film or more than 99 frames on a roll you may want to add a
> digit to these components)
> Just by reading the number of the image, I can immediately determine when it
> was shot and which roll etc.

This would, of course, not work for those of us who do not manage to shoot
an entire film on a single day.  But the system can be adjusted for that.

I too have been thinking of developing a system, and my first take would be
something like this:

- shoot slides,
- when a new film is picked up from the developer:
  - throw away all that are not at least very good,
  - record a running number on each "keeper".  Let the numbers run
continuously, regarless of topic/subject/occasion.  Continue increasing
the running numbers with the next film that you get developed.
  - file the keepers in transparent slide pages.
- for each "keeper" enter all vital info in a computer database.

Things that might go in the DB are: slide number, image category or
categories, date, film, lens, exposure info, etc.  The lens and film will
be identified only by a single number that is a key in a table dedicated to
films and another one to lens details.

In this way I can easily find out all images shot with lens #8 or on film
type #3.  I can also get more fancy and find all images that were shot on a
particular date with a given lens but not with film type #3, etc.

If I need to take these images out of their storage, I will have to pull
images from various slide filing sheets, and will then need to file them
back in.  Both of these operations are not a problem because the slides a
numbered sequentially, and I know that there are 20 slides on a page.

What do you all think?


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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread tom

Jon Hope wrote:
> Enough rambling. A couple of questions. Is there a good system to utilise
> to catelogue and file my photographs that anyone would care to recommend?
> And secondly, do you people go through the photographs you have taken on
> any sort of regular basis?

I use the numbering system someone else recommended - mmddyynn. I put
everything in a printfile sleeve, and file it along with a contact
sheet. I started this after a couple of years of photography and am
still trying to catch up.

There are some DB programs that will allow you to catalogue your photos
alongn with subject information... but I haven't gotten around to that.
I may write something myself.

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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Bruce Dayton


I'm not sure that there is a perfect system.  I have tried several ways.
What I have found is that they are time consuming.  What I have settled on
lately is scanning all images and organizing them by roll and frame number.
Scan size allows for a reasonable 4 X 6.  Anything I really like also gets
scanned for 8 X 10 and stored in a *full size* folder.  Then I have a piece
of software that creates thumbnails of all pics and gives me an Explorer
view so that I can quickly move from roll to roll.  This is then archived to
CD.  The negatives are put in pages and stored in binders.

Unfortunately, either you take a lot of time with a system of sorts or you
somewhat *lose* everything.  In some respects, slides can be handy because
you can throw away most of them and only keep the really good stuff.  If you
buy slide pages that have an opaque backing, you can view all the thumbnails
simply by holding it up to the light.  Then organize them by subject or
chronology or something.  This is probably one of the better compromises for
slide shooters.  However, I am no longer one of these.

You asked if I ever go through old stuff.  Yes, I do quite often, due to the
speed of showing all the thumbnails with the above mentioned system.

Bruce Dayton
Sacramento, CA

- Original Message -
From: "Jon Hope" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 4:09 AM
Subject: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

> Hi all
> I was looking for a photograph I had taken a year or so ago, and my filing
> system being what it is.. well, it isn't a system as such, just whack
> everything into draws until they fill up and then get more drawers:-)..
> Anyway, I was going through all the stuff I'd taken over the past few
> and was pleasantly surprised at some of the photographs I'd forgotten I'd
> ever taken. Actually, I was more than pleasantly surprised, I was rather
> chuffed with some of them, so much so that some are going to be enlarged
> and hung on the walls here at home. I dunno why I didn't pull them out
> earlier and get them done.
> Enough rambling. A couple of questions. Is there a good system to utilise
> to catelogue and file my photographs that anyone would care to recommend?
> And secondly, do you people go through the photographs you have taken on
> any sort of regular basis?
> Cheers
> Jon

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Re: Sorta OT. Perusing previous photographs

2001-03-21 Thread Bill D. Casselberry

Jon Hope wrote:
> Enough rambling. A couple of questions. Is there a good system to utilise
> to catelogue and file my photographs that anyone would care to recommend?

by far the best (and all the Pros I know use it) is a large
array of drawers to which more drawers can be added to as needed


Bill D. Casselberry ; Photography on the Oregon Coast
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