Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-22 Thread Fernando Terrazzino
On 3/22/06, Richard Chu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the DS does not have wireless sync with the
> AF360FGZ.

It doesn't.

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-22 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi
The DS allows wireless control of the AF360FGZ but not with the built- 
in flash ... it takes two of the FGZ flash units to do the  
communications. The D's builtin flash can control the FGZ.

I'd forgotten about this as I use flash so infrequently. When I use  
flash, I use a Sunpak 383, which is non-dedicated, along with a  
couple of Paterson Eflash panels as slaves, and a handheld flash meter.


On Mar 22, 2006, at 7:23 AM, Richard Chu wrote:

I think the DS does not have wireless sync with the
AF360FGZ.  I have a D and recently was very tempted to
get a DS as a second body because of the low price,
but after I "calmed" down, I told myself that I should
either save that money for a wide zoom (Pentax 12-24mm
or Sigma 10-20mm) or for the new DSLR coming out later
in the year.

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-22 Thread Richard Chu
I think the DS does not have wireless sync with the
AF360FGZ.  I have a D and recently was very tempted to
get a DS as a second body because of the low price,
but after I "calmed" down, I told myself that I should
either save that money for a wide zoom (Pentax 12-24mm
or Sigma 10-20mm) or for the new DSLR coming out later
in the year.

--- Godfrey DiGiorgi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mar 21, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Brian Dipert wrote:
> > ... I was surprised to see little
> > grumbling about the features that were stripped
> off the *ist D in  
> > the *ist
> > DS transition.
> I did mention that there were features removed for
> the DS but that I  
> never missed them.
> > To whit (liberally borrowing from
> >
> > o Custom image sizes
> Utterly irrelevant. I always capture with full
> resolution and full  
> format, in RAW format.
> > o TIFF image format option
> Again, irrelevant. TIFF is simply JPEG *** without
> compression,  
> wastes a lot of space for extremely little gain.
> > o Hyper-program
> Never had it so I don't really know what I'm missing
> if anything. I  
> do wish the DS had simple Program-Shift control,
> like my Sony does.
> > o Program lines, vs picture modes
> > o Two additional user memories
> Never use picture modes on the DS, never used
> multiple custom program  
> settings on my other cameras that had them. The
> program lines choices  
> I've never had but  I haven't yet seen anything
> particularly more  
> relevant than P, Av, Tv, and M exposure modes for my
> photography.
> > o Altered metering range
> The DS has 1.5 EV less range, 1EV at the bottom and
> .5 EV at the top.  
> This is not enough to matter to me   I don't
> think I've ever run  
> into the top of its range, and at the bottom I find
> guesstimating and  
> bracketing more successful than metering.
> > o Two additional manual white balance presets
> Since I capture in RAW format exclusively, my
> cameras are always on AWB.
> > o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
> Neither camera's built in flash is worth much other
> than for  
> occasional fill in, and is occluded by a lens hood
> on a wide angle  
> lens anyway.
> > o PC Sync flash terminal
> Not a big deal for me, but for some it might be
> important. An adapter  
> to a PC sync terminal is easily available, however
> ... although most  
> people I know using studio and multiple flash setups
> use either  
> slaves or RF triggers rather than PC sync
> connections.
> > o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure
> modes
> This was added back to the DS with firmware revision
> v2.0.
> > o etc(what did I forget?)
> For those that use them, the powered battery grip on
> the D is handy.  
> I don't use them.
> The larger, higher resolution LCD, improved write
> and review  
> responsiveness, saturation warning display, and
> lower price of the DS  
> mean more to me than any of these features.
> If you intend to stick with Pentax system in the
> future and look  
> forward to buying the new, higher end body in the
> Fall, buying  
> another D body now, which likely means buying a
> couple more CF cards  
> which will be incompatible with the new body, seems
> a costly step.  
> Better to put that money into a DS backup body at
> half the price and  
> 4G worth of fast SD cards.
> Or pay the extra for the D body to have an identical
> backup and buy  
> the SD cards anyway. And an SD->CF adapter or two so
> you can use the  
> cards in your present D body as well as future
> bodies.
> Godfrey

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Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Fernando Terrazzino
Apart from the extra knobs and wheels that the D has, I guess I would
like to have the feature of triggering my AF360 flash wireless
(something that the D has and the DS doesn't). If you want to do that
in the DS you need two flash guns.

On 3/21/06, Cory Papenfuss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>At the risk of getting flamed, I'll put my $0.02 in:
> > o Custom image sizes
>Silly for anything but disposable shots IMO.
> > o TIFF image format option
>REALLY silly.  Almost all the losses of a high-quality JPEG (none
> of the benefits of RAW), and 2x larger than the RAW (3x8 bits vs. 1x12
> bits)
> > o Hyper-program
>I'm ignorant of it.  Don't have on my DS.  I'd probably use it if
> I had it and would like it, but I've learned the DS.
> > o Program lines, vs picture modes
>Picture modes?
> > o Altered metering range
>Stop-down metering makes this a bigger deal, but in most cases it
> doesn't matter much.
> > o Two additional manual white balance presets
>RAW shooting makes white balance settings unnecessary.
> > o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
>Built-in flash largely inadequate for all but a "backup" shot IMO.
> > o PC Sync flash terminal
>Yes... 'twould be nice.  A hotshoe adapter is cheap, though.
> > o Two additional user memories
>??  Not sure what that is.
> > o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
>Available with v2.0 of the DS firmware, I believe
> > o etc(what did I forget?)
> >
>From what I understand:
> Pro-D/Anti-DS:
>- TTL on built-in flash, not just P-TTL
>- CF card if you swing that way
> Anti-D/Pro-DS:
>- No automatic histogram after taking a shot (BIG problem IMO)
>- Less brain-dead RAW files (only 2x as big as they should be,
> rather than 3x for the -D)
>- SD card if you swing that way.
>What did *I* forget?  :)
> -Cory
> --
> *
> * Cory Papenfuss*
> * Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
> * Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *
> *

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Godfrey DiGiorgi

On Mar 21, 2006, at 11:31 AM, Brian Dipert wrote:

... I was surprised to see little
grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in  
the *ist

DS transition.

I did mention that there were features removed for the DS but that I  
never missed them.

To whit (liberally borrowing from
o Custom image sizes

Utterly irrelevant. I always capture with full resolution and full  
format, in RAW format.

o TIFF image format option

Again, irrelevant. TIFF is simply JPEG *** without compression,  
wastes a lot of space for extremely little gain.

o Hyper-program

Never had it so I don't really know what I'm missing if anything. I  
do wish the DS had simple Program-Shift control, like my Sony does.

o Program lines, vs picture modes
o Two additional user memories

Never use picture modes on the DS, never used multiple custom program  
settings on my other cameras that had them. The program lines choices  
I've never had but  I haven't yet seen anything particularly more  
relevant than P, Av, Tv, and M exposure modes for my photography.

o Altered metering range

The DS has 1.5 EV less range, 1EV at the bottom and .5 EV at the top.  
This is not enough to matter to me   I don't think I've ever run  
into the top of its range, and at the bottom I find guesstimating and  
bracketing more successful than metering.

o Two additional manual white balance presets

Since I capture in RAW format exclusively, my cameras are always on AWB.

o wider built-in flash angle of coverage

Neither camera's built in flash is worth much other than for  
occasional fill in, and is occluded by a lens hood on a wide angle  
lens anyway.

o PC Sync flash terminal

Not a big deal for me, but for some it might be important. An adapter  
to a PC sync terminal is easily available, however ... although most  
people I know using studio and multiple flash setups use either  
slaves or RF triggers rather than PC sync connections.

o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes

This was added back to the DS with firmware revision v2.0.

o etc(what did I forget?)

For those that use them, the powered battery grip on the D is handy.  
I don't use them.

The larger, higher resolution LCD, improved write and review  
responsiveness, saturation warning display, and lower price of the DS  
mean more to me than any of these features.

If you intend to stick with Pentax system in the future and look  
forward to buying the new, higher end body in the Fall, buying  
another D body now, which likely means buying a couple more CF cards  
which will be incompatible with the new body, seems a costly step.  
Better to put that money into a DS backup body at half the price and  
4G worth of fast SD cards.

Or pay the extra for the D body to have an identical backup and buy  
the SD cards anyway. And an SD->CF adapter or two so you can use the  
cards in your present D body as well as future bodies.


Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Cory Papenfuss

At the risk of getting flamed, I'll put my $0.02 in:

o Custom image sizes

Silly for anything but disposable shots IMO.

o TIFF image format option
	REALLY silly.  Almost all the losses of a high-quality JPEG (none 
of the benefits of RAW), and 2x larger than the RAW (3x8 bits vs. 1x12 

o Hyper-program
	I'm ignorant of it.  Don't have on my DS.  I'd probably use it if 
I had it and would like it, but I've learned the DS.

o Program lines, vs picture modes

Picture modes?

o Altered metering range
	Stop-down metering makes this a bigger deal, but in most cases it 
doesn't matter much.

o Two additional manual white balance presets

RAW shooting makes white balance settings unnecessary.

o wider built-in flash angle of coverage

Built-in flash largely inadequate for all but a "backup" shot IMO.

o PC Sync flash terminal

Yes... 'twould be nice.  A hotshoe adapter is cheap, though.

o Two additional user memories

??  Not sure what that is.

o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes

Available with v2.0 of the DS firmware, I believe

o etc(what did I forget?)

From what I understand:

- TTL on built-in flash, not just P-TTL
- CF card if you swing that way

- No automatic histogram after taking a shot (BIG problem IMO)
	- Less brain-dead RAW files (only 2x as big as they should be, 
rather than 3x for the -D)

- SD card if you swing that way.

What did *I* forget?  :)



* Cory Papenfuss*
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student   *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University   *

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Adam Maas

Well, the DS can do Spot White balance, the D cannot.


Aaron Reynolds wrote:

What white balance options are missing?


-Original Message-

From:  "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  RE: More on *ist D vs DS
Date:  Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:52 pm
Size:  1K


I don't know what Custom Image Sizes is, so I couldn't miss it;

Who needs TIFF when you've got RAW ~and ~ Photoshop;

 Hyper-Program is cool, but it's not worth $600+ which was 
the best price of a D vs the price for which I got the DS ;

Program Lines/Picture modes - no need for that since I use 
Av 99% of the time - those are just bells and whistles, IMO;

don't know about the diff in the metering range, can you explain? 

the DS has plenty of white balance options - and when shooting 
RAW they're really not that important anyway;

Don't use flash but for silly snaps of my cat;

Don't know what a PC Synch flash terminal is;

I'm the only one using my camera, don't need more user memories,
does the DS or DS2 have user memories?

Continuous Auto Focus  nah, don't miss that, never used it.

So, what did you decide to get, and why?


[Original Message]
From: Brian Dipert 

Thanks to all who provided feedback on whether I should purchase a second
*ist D as backup to my existing *ist D, make the jump to the *ist DS/DS2


my second Pentax DSLR body, or wait for the upcoming 10 Mpixel next-gen.


all the CompactFlash-vs-SD card debate, I was surprised to see little
grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in the *ist
DS transition. To whit (liberally borrowing from
o Custom image sizes
o TIFF image format option
o Hyper-program
o Program lines, vs picture modes
o Altered metering range
o Two additional manual white balance presets
o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
o PC Sync flash terminal
o Two additional user memories
o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
o etc(what did I forget?)

Sonobody misses 'em?

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Adam Maas
C-AF mode, where the camera will focus continuously on a moving object 
and release the shutter even if the subject isn't in focus, as opposed 
to the more 'normal' S-AF (Single AF) where the camera locks on then 
permits release.


Shel Belinkoff wrote:

What exactly is that, and how does it work?


[Original Message]
From: Adam Maas 

Continuous AF in all modes is back in the DS with Firmware 2.0.

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Bruce Dayton
Hello Brian,

Simply put, that is why I bought a second *istD rather than an *istDS.
The two wheel interface, HyperManual and Program, Grip, etc.

Best regards,

Tuesday, March 21, 2006, 11:31:31 AM, you wrote:

BD> Thanks to all who provided feedback on whether I should purchase a second
BD> *ist D as backup to my existing *ist D, make the jump to the *ist DS/DS2 for
BD> my second Pentax DSLR body, or wait for the upcoming 10 Mpixel next-gen. In
BD> all the CompactFlash-vs-SD card debate, I was surprised to see little
BD> grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in the *ist
BD> DS transition. To whit (liberally borrowing from
BD> o Custom image sizes
BD> o TIFF image format option
BD> o Hyper-program
BD> o Program lines, vs picture modes
BD> o Altered metering range
BD> o Two additional manual white balance presets
BD> o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
BD> o PC Sync flash terminal
BD> o Two additional user memories
BD> o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
BD> o etc(what did I forget?)

BD> Sonobody misses 'em?
BD> ==
BD> Brian Dipert
BD> Senior Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Multimedia (audio, displays, 2-D and
BD> 3-D graphics, and still and video imaging), PCs and Peripherals
BD> EDN Magazine:
BD> My blog:
BD> 5000 V Street
BD> Sacramento, CA   95817
BD> (916) 760-0159, fax (781) 734-8038
BD> Visit me at

RE: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Aaron Reynolds
What white balance options are missing?


-Original Message-

From:  "Shel Belinkoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  RE: More on *ist D vs DS
Date:  Tue Mar 21, 2006 2:52 pm
Size:  1K


I don't know what Custom Image Sizes is, so I couldn't miss it;

Who needs TIFF when you've got RAW ~and ~ Photoshop;

 Hyper-Program is cool, but it's not worth $600+ which was 
the best price of a D vs the price for which I got the DS ;

Program Lines/Picture modes - no need for that since I use 
Av 99% of the time - those are just bells and whistles, IMO;

don't know about the diff in the metering range, can you explain? 

the DS has plenty of white balance options - and when shooting 
RAW they're really not that important anyway;

Don't use flash but for silly snaps of my cat;

Don't know what a PC Synch flash terminal is;

I'm the only one using my camera, don't need more user memories,
does the DS or DS2 have user memories?

Continuous Auto Focus  nah, don't miss that, never used it.

So, what did you decide to get, and why?


> [Original Message]
> From: Brian Dipert 

> Thanks to all who provided feedback on whether I should purchase a second
> *ist D as backup to my existing *ist D, make the jump to the *ist DS/DS2
> my second Pentax DSLR body, or wait for the upcoming 10 Mpixel next-gen.
> all the CompactFlash-vs-SD card debate, I was surprised to see little
> grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in the *ist
> DS transition. To whit (liberally borrowing from
> o Custom image sizes
> o TIFF image format option
> o Hyper-program
> o Program lines, vs picture modes
> o Altered metering range
> o Two additional manual white balance presets
> o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
> o PC Sync flash terminal
> o Two additional user memories
> o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
> o etc(what did I forget?)
> Sonobody misses 'em?

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Shel Belinkoff
What exactly is that, and how does it work?


> [Original Message]
> From: Adam Maas 

> Continuous AF in all modes is back in the DS with Firmware 2.0.

RE: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Shel Belinkoff

I don't know what Custom Image Sizes is, so I couldn't miss it;

Who needs TIFF when you've got RAW ~and ~ Photoshop;

 Hyper-Program is cool, but it's not worth $600+ which was 
the best price of a D vs the price for which I got the DS ;

Program Lines/Picture modes - no need for that since I use 
Av 99% of the time - those are just bells and whistles, IMO;

don't know about the diff in the metering range, can you explain? 

the DS has plenty of white balance options - and when shooting 
RAW they're really not that important anyway;

Don't use flash but for silly snaps of my cat;

Don't know what a PC Synch flash terminal is;

I'm the only one using my camera, don't need more user memories,
does the DS or DS2 have user memories?

Continuous Auto Focus  nah, don't miss that, never used it.

So, what did you decide to get, and why?


> [Original Message]
> From: Brian Dipert 

> Thanks to all who provided feedback on whether I should purchase a second
> *ist D as backup to my existing *ist D, make the jump to the *ist DS/DS2
> my second Pentax DSLR body, or wait for the upcoming 10 Mpixel next-gen.
> all the CompactFlash-vs-SD card debate, I was surprised to see little
> grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in the *ist
> DS transition. To whit (liberally borrowing from
> o Custom image sizes
> o TIFF image format option
> o Hyper-program
> o Program lines, vs picture modes
> o Altered metering range
> o Two additional manual white balance presets
> o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
> o PC Sync flash terminal
> o Two additional user memories
> o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
> o etc(what did I forget?)
> Sonobody misses 'em?

Re: More on *ist D vs DS

2006-03-21 Thread Adam Maas

Continuous AF in all modes is back in the DS with Firmware 2.0.

Hyperprogram and the PC-Sync terminal are the two big losses for me, 
along with the lack of a vertical grip (An option I love).


Brian Dipert wrote:

Thanks to all who provided feedback on whether I should purchase a second
*ist D as backup to my existing *ist D, make the jump to the *ist DS/DS2 for
my second Pentax DSLR body, or wait for the upcoming 10 Mpixel next-gen. In
all the CompactFlash-vs-SD card debate, I was surprised to see little
grumbling about the features that were stripped off the *ist D in the *ist
DS transition. To whit (liberally borrowing from
o Custom image sizes
o TIFF image format option
o Hyper-program
o Program lines, vs picture modes
o Altered metering range
o Two additional manual white balance presets
o wider built-in flash angle of coverage
o PC Sync flash terminal
o Two additional user memories
o Continuous autofocus option in all exposure modes
o etc(what did I forget?)

Sonobody misses 'em?
Brian Dipert
Senior Technical Editor: Mass Storage, Multimedia (audio, displays, 2-D and
3-D graphics, and still and video imaging), PCs and Peripherals
EDN Magazine:
My blog:
5000 V Street
Sacramento, CA   95817
(916) 760-0159, fax (781) 734-8038
Visit me at