Re: OT: Sleeping in Seattle

2003-08-17 Thread frank theriault
Hi, Jerome,

If you're heading out West on Aug 31, you'll likely not be hitting the Centre of
the Universe (aka Toronto) until after mid-September at the earliest.  Too bad,
because I'll likely be out of this outpost by then.

I mean, the other TOPDML guys (sadly, there are no gals) will still be here, but
clearly, I'm the fun guy of the group.  vbg

But seriously, 't'would've been nice to meet ya.  OTOH, if you could extend your
route slightly eastward after TO - like to Nova Scotia...  Uh, never mind.


jerome wrote:

 Well, it's official: I'll be starting my trek to Seattle on August 31. Gosh,
 planning this trip (during which I'll be tent camping most of the way back) is
 *way* more work than I anticipated... but it's finally coming together. My
 route has changed several times, but it's beginning to firm up a bit. The trip
 back has also stretched from 10-15 days to 20-25 yikes!. Sounds good now...
 but we'll see what I think about that once I'm on the road. Camping just a
 couple of nights in West Virginia last week (before I headed to GFM) wore me
 out!... but I think that was mostly all the moving I did the 5 days before.

 Anyhow, Here's my current dilemma: I'd like to stay in Seattle for a bit
 longer. However, being an urban area, I may not be able to do so due to cost
 (even the hostels run about $25-$30 per night since it's metro). Does anyone
 have a place I could stay for about 2 nights? (a 2nd cousin's uncle's
 girlfriends sister's place?) If I can't find anyplace cheap to close my eyes
 for a few hours a night, then I'll have to start heading for the national parks
 sooner than I'd like... which is not a terrible thing, I suppose... but more
 time in the city (at the zoo, in particular) before I scurry into the woods
 would be nice.

 Thanks in advance...

 By the way... so far the trip back east is looking like Washington -- (thru
 Idaho... no potatoes, thanks) --- Montana -- Wyoming -- Colorado --
 Nebraska -- Iowa --  Illinios -- Michigan -- Toronto -- NY -- back to PA.

 The longer (4+ days) stops will be MT,WY and CO... unless, of course, the
 members of TOPDML decide to show me some love g.

 Gotta run. Thanks again,

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The pessimist fears
it is true. -J. Robert

Re: OT: Sleeping in Seattle

2003-08-17 Thread Butch Black
Dan wrote

The centre or the universe is apparently on Vancouver Island, a few mile
north of Victoria.  When I was there a week or so ago, I actually passed
a road sign pointing to Center of the Universe.
Actually, its an observatory and astrophysics center.

I hope you took a picture of the sign. I still keep wanting to take of
picture of the shingle for a local law office. It says: Blank and Blank,
Attorneys at law. I wonder how may people have cursed at those blank and
blank attorneys in their life VBG


Each man had only one genuine vocation - to find the way to himself.

Hermann Hess (Demian)

Re: OT: Sleeping in Seattle

2003-08-17 Thread Dan Matyola
No, actually I had driven past the sign before I realized whatg it said, 
and I was too bu

Butch Black wrote:sy trying not to get lost to go back and get it.

I hope you took a picture of the sign.