Re: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-14 Thread frank theriault
Aaarrrgggh!  Techo-weenie-babble!!

But, seriously, Nick, are you saying that small-case wow and paw at the end 
of a subject line won't work for you and others in your situation?

If so, (and this isn't directed to you, but others who have a concern in 
this matter) what exactly should we do about this?

I want to be a Good List Member, I want to cause the least amount of 
inconvenience for the most amount of people (kind of a mantra of my life, 
which is likely why I'm where I am today), but I'm getting contradictory 
requests now.

Non sequitor:  Speaking of mantras, my sister gave me a t-shirt for 
Christmas, which says:  "I'm kind of like a superhero, with no powers or 
motivation".  Kind of sums up my life.  My sister knows me all too well.

Okay, back to the topic at hand.  I think we need a decision from the judges 
here.  If I don't hear anything, I believe I'll just put paw and wow in 
small case letters at the end, as that seems to bother the least number.

"The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds.  The pessimist 
fears it is true."  -J. Robert Oppenheimer

From: "Nick Clark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject
Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 09:34:44 -
Not on a PDA screen it isn't as the end is truncated. I read all my PDML 
messages on an Ipaq and find the PREfix useful a  I can order by subject 
and deal with the high volume of traffic that way. The PDA email client 
doesn't have sophisticated parsing and filtering options like a desktop 


-Original Message-
 Example: This is a legible subject line (paw)

STOP MORE SPAM with the MSN Premium and get 2 months FREE*

Re: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-14 Thread Nick Clark
Not on a PDA screen it isn't as the end is truncated. I read all my PDML messages on 
an Ipaq and find the PREfix useful a  I can order by subject and deal with the high 
volume of traffic that way. The PDA email client doesn't have sophisticated parsing 
and filtering options like a desktop client.


-Original Message-

 Example: This is a legible subject line (paw)


Re: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-13 Thread Bob W

Saturday, March 13, 2004, 9:50:36 PM, Shel wrote:

> Interesting ... never though about that.  Mabe on one's "doing it" then and some
> mail programs just make their own decisions for us.  ;-))

if people would put it at the end of the subject, in lower case, then
it wouldn't happen. It would still be visible to filters, it would
make the line readable for humans, and it wouldn't piss me off so
much that I never open any of the paw or wow emails.

Example: This is a legible subject line (paw)


Re: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-13 Thread Shel Belinkoff
Interesting ... never though about that.  Mabe on one's "doing it" then and some
mail programs just make their own decisions for us.  ;-))

Kevin Thornsberry wrote:

> Shel,  I noticed this on a recent post of mine.
> When I hit "reply" the WOW: at the beginning disappeared.  I believe it is
> because the subject became "WOW:"  Outlook stripped it out for me, I guess, with
> the same algorithm that keeps subject lines from becoming something like
> "RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: FW: RE: RE: FW: RE: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject"
> I wonder if putting "WOW -" instead wold work better.  I'll send a test to make
> sure.
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
> Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 3:27 PM
> To: PDML
> Subject: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject
> I've noticed that a number of messages have the PAW or WOW stripped from the
> subject line when comments are made about the photos.  The idea of putting PAW
> and WOW into the subject line was to allow people to identify the messages and
> to perhaps filter them in their mail system.  Would whoever is doing this please
> stop and leave the subject line as it was originally.  Thanks!

RE: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-13 Thread Kevin Thornsberry
Shel,  I noticed this on a recent post of mine.

When I hit "reply" the WOW: at the beginning disappeared.  I believe it is
because the subject became "WOW:"  Outlook stripped it out for me, I guess, with
the same algorithm that keeps subject lines from becoming something like

"RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: FW: RE: RE: FW: RE: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject"

I wonder if putting "WOW -" instead wold work better.  I'll send a test to make

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Shel Belinkoff
Sent: Saturday, March 13, 2004 3:27 PM
Subject: Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

I've noticed that a number of messages have the PAW or WOW stripped from the
subject line when comments are made about the photos.  The idea of putting PAW
and WOW into the subject line was to allow people to identify the messages and
to perhaps filter them in their mail system.  Would whoever is doing this please
stop and leave the subject line as it was originally.  Thanks!

Stripping PAW and WOW from subject

2004-03-13 Thread Shel Belinkoff
I've noticed that a number of messages have the PAW or WOW
stripped from the subject line when comments are made about
the photos.  The idea of putting PAW and WOW into the
subject line was to allow people to identify the messages
and to perhaps filter them in their mail system.  Would
whoever is doing this please stop and leave the subject line
as it was originally.  Thanks!