[PEN-L:3822] Exports

1995-01-18 Thread David Ranney

One point about exports that has not been discussed much is the idea that 
the proceeds from exports do not necessarily end up at the point of origin 
or even the country of origin. If a transnational corporation uses a 
developing country as an export platform, that benefits the firm but not the 
people of the country as the export growth model would assume. The same is 
true of exports from the U.S. We did an analysis of export industries in 
Illinois to see if growth in exports to Mexico actually enhanced employment. 
It did not. There are a lot of reasons for that (which the study did not 
address) but among them is the fact that the major firms that dominate each 
industry had global options about where to put export revenues. We are now 
doing a few case studies of firms to try to amplify the firm analysis.

  Dave Ranney
  University of Illinois at 
Chicago Center for Urban
Economic Development

[PEN-L:4096] RE: US Immigration Problem Solved!

1995-02-10 Thread David Ranney

>I heard a comment that some Republican was opposing the increase in the
>minimum wage because it increase the gap between US and Mexican wages, and
>thus increase immigration. Does anyone have the details on this comment?
The comment was made by Newt. What do people think about the idea of tying 
U.S. increases in Minimum Wage to similar or larger increases in the wage in 
Mexico? It could be a proposal in a renegotiated NAFTA. Of course, it is not 
clear to me that our unilaterally raising minimum would do much to the wage 
gap overall. It is already so large.
Dave Ranney

[PEN-L:4249] Re: Mexico

1995-02-22 Thread David Ranney

I am active here in Chicago and would very much like to be on your 
list. Thanks for your work on this!
Dave Ranney 

>OK folks. Those of you who are actively involved in solidarity work with
>chiapas and the Zapatistas but who don't want to subscribe to every
>relevant list can send me a note and get added to MY list, which is not a
>regular list, just a mailing list. I subscribe to most relevant lists,
>gather, sift, filter and pass on what I judge to be useful information
>--useful to those involved in this struggle. I send on both Spanish and
>English language material from the Internet and from PeaceNet. My list
>now has about 100 addresses from all over the world. It's a lot of
>information, you have to want/need it, pay attention and not let your
>mailbox fill up with it. It's not for everyone. It's not for those with a
>casual interest.
>On Mon, 20 Feb 1995, D Shniad wrote:
>> Sorry, Barkley, but I too, am finding the amount of info overwhelming.
>> Given that following the situation in Mexico is not my full time job, I
>> think it makes more sense for folks who are interested in the subject to
>> sign on to the lists themselves.
>> Sorry if the burden's too great, but I can't function as editor on this
>> subject.
>> Cheers,
>> Sid Shniad
>> > >
>> To D. Shniad: >  It is true that the messages got a bit overwhelming
>> > there for awhile.  But I for one am wondering if there
>> > might not be a happy medium between "nothing" versus
>> > "go sign up on one of these nets" (appreciate the sources).
>> > Perhaps you could selectively forward especially
>> > informative and newsworthy ones, things not showing up
>> > in the newspapers, that are not mere appeals, or in Spanish,
>> > or pure gibberish.  There have been several interesting ones,
>> > such as the report from EZLN top committee, the report from
>> > the demonstrating grandfather, the initial reports on Roett,
>> > and some of the AI reports on torture.
>> >  These may reflect my personal interests, and you may
>> > wish to consult with michael p., but I think there is still
>> > room on pen-l for at least some of this, if edited carefully.
>> > Barkley Rosser
>> > James Madison University
>> >
>Harry Cleaver
>Department of Economics
>University of Texas at Austin
>Austin, Texas 78712-1173
>Phone Numbers: (hm)  (512) 442-5036
>   (off) (512) 471-3211
>Fax: (512) 471-3510