Re: Mr. Cranky reviews Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-02 Thread s.artesian
Or... we could point out that Saudi Arabia is not the only supplier to the US.  It is 
one of the top four
suppliers, the other three being Canada, Mexico, andVenezuela-- and look how 
friend the US
govt is to the that government.

The "dependency" of the US on oil imported from Saudi Arabai that is not the 
determining factor.  It
is the co-incidence of class interests that makes them as snug as two bugs in a rug.  
It is the lack of
that co-incidence that makes the US hostile to Chavez.

Class trumps resources everytime, property makes bedfellows less strange.

Re: Mr. Cranky reviews Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-02 Thread Robert Naiman
It's very common to scaremonger people with "oh no! what if the government
of country X, a key source of resource Y, were to be replaced by one less
friendly to the United States?" This needs to be challenged.
For this to be a real threat, the "hostile" government would have to be so
"hostile" that they would rather destroy the resource in question, or leave
it in the ground, rather than sell it on the world market. There's one
world market for oil. Either they sell the oil, or they don't. If they sell
it, it makes no difference whether they like the United States or not.
It could be argued that Saudi Arabia could be more of a price hawk than it
is, given its reserves. It's not clear how much difference this would
really make, because although they do care about what the U.S. government
thinks, they don't always bend to the U.S. on the price question and they
are also motivated by other considerations in not wanting the price to go
too high (e.g. not creating too big a motivation for substitution.) The
difference in price caused by a plausibly more hawkish Saudi policy would
not result in an "energy crisis" in this country, unless you think a
slightly higher price for oil constitutes a "crisis."

At 08:47 AM 7/2/2004 -0400, you wrote:
Ironically, I attended a lecture given by Paul Roberts recently. He
wrote a book called "The End of Oil". Though I haven't read the book,
one of the points he made was that Saudi Arabia provides the United
States with more oil than any other country. According to Yahoo, that's
about 17.8%. Roberts explained that if the Saudi regime were replaced by
a one hostile to the U.S., or if terrorists attacked Saudi Arabian oil
facilities, either resulting in the elimination of Saudi Arabian oil
from the U.S. economy, there would be an energy crisis in this country
like we have never seen. So, whether we like it or not, it's in our
country's best interest right now to be friendly to Saudi Arabia.
Robert Naiman
Senior Policy Analyst
Venezuela Information Office
733 15th Street, NW Suite 932
Washington, DC 20005
t. 202-347-8081 x. 605
f. 202-347-8091
(*Please note new suite number and telephone*)
::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::
The Venezuela Information Office is dedicated to informing the American
public about contemporary Venezuela. More information is available from the
FARA office of the Department of Justice in Washington, DC.

Mr. Cranky reviews Fahrenheit 9/11

2004-07-02 Thread Louis Proyect
From my favorite film critic on the Internet, next to myself.
Fahrenheit 9/11

I ask in all seriousness: where the fuck are their balls?
Given the amount of controversy this film has generated, it seems wrong
to attack it with the usual Mr. Cranky disdain, rather than addressing
some of the issues it raises and leting the members of our little online
community debate them.
Ironically, I attended a lecture given by Paul Roberts recently. He
wrote a book called "The End of Oil". Though I haven't read the book,
one of the points he made was that Saudi Arabia provides the United
States with more oil than any other country. According to Yahoo, that's
about 17.8%. Roberts explained that if the Saudi regime were replaced by
a one hostile to the U.S., or if terrorists attacked Saudi Arabian oil
facilities, either resulting in the elimination of Saudi Arabian oil
from the U.S. economy, there would be an energy crisis in this country
like we have never seen. So, whether we like it or not, it's in our
country's best interest right now to be friendly to Saudi Arabia.
One of the arguments of Michael Moore's film is that George Bush and
most of his administration has compromised the security of the United
States because they are so beholden to Saudi Arabian interests. The Bush
family's own wealth is directly tied to the Saudis. Furthermore, the
Bush family has also bedded down with the Bin Ladens, being that they
too are Saudis and their wealth is generated from oil. When Osama Bin
Laden attacked the United States on September 11th and George Bush
responded by jacking up military spending, he increased the wealth of
Osama Bin Laden because Bin Laden (and Saudi Arabia) are investors in
the major United States defense contractors.
While this is obviously a salient point, what exactly is the alternative
to being friendly with Saudi Arabia? Based on the fact that 15 of the 19
terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, ignorant members of the Left suggest
that the object of our hatred and military might should have been Saudi
Arabia and not Iraq. To say this suggestion is foolish is a mild
understatement. While I firmly believe that George Bush is a colossal
dickhead, suggesting that his family could have possibly known that
their relationship with the Saudis would have turned into the fiasco we
face now is to ask them to predict the future. George W. Bush can barely
form a coherent sentence. I don't think he'd be able to predict the
future. If anybody were paying attention, the goal of the Bush
administration in Iraq is completely clear: they are trying to create a
country based on the Saudi model. They want a friendly leadership so
that they get at Iraq's oil. Given our tenuous foothold in the Arab
world, the Saudi regime's relationship with its own people, and our
country's ability to suck oil from the world like a kid sticking a straw
in a Slurpee, this isn't the worst idea.
There's also another particularly interesting point made in Moore's film
about the Democrats. Regardless of the outcome, the situation in Florida
during our last presidential election was a mockery of our constitution.
It's simply a fact that the state was won by Bush due to Republican
efforts that prevented voters unlikely to cast votes in his direction
from voting. Most of those voters were black. Moore shows us the scene,
Al Gore presiding over a joint session of Congress, as black
Congressperson after black Congressperson try to oppose the validation
of the election. Each gives a speech, but failing to have their
objection signed by only 1 Senator, they are forced to leave the podium.
Sorry, but the thought that went through my mind was this: Where was
John Kerry? Frankly, where was any Democrat during this whole thing?
Our Democratic leadership in this country is a loose conglomeration of
ball-less fucks. It's easy for the Left to be outraged by George W. Bush
and the Republicans, but in many ways, the target of much of their
hatred ought to be directed at the Democrats and their weak leadership.
With these gutless weasels forming the agenda for the so-called "Left"
in this country, it really is no surprise that so many people are voting
Republican. Democrats simply don't believe in anything, don't stand up
for anything, and there's really nothing Americans despise more than
somebody who won't take a stand. That's why George W. Bush, despite his
lack of intelligence, is so well liked. Despite all his failings (and
there are many), at least he stands for something. At least he went
after somebody (even if it was the wrong person). At least he tried.
Meanwhile, there's John Kerry who voted for the Iraq invasion and then
pulled his support and now can't seem to utter a complete sentence
without changing his position on something. You know, take gay marriage
for instance. Everybody knows that Kerry, if he truly is a liberal,