Re: Putin - Texas and the national factor- last post on this subject

2004-06-25 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 6/25/2004 8:40:18 AM Central Standard Time, 

  The situation is particularly complicated in a state like 
  the USSR and Russian Federation, neither of which were/are nation-states. 
  (None of the ex-Soviet republics are nation-states, which maybe the exceptions 
  of the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine.) Russia is probably the most 
  multiethnic and multicultural country in the world, and ethnic minorites are 
  not localized in particular areas.
  Let's look at Tatarstan: Some Tatar ultranationalists want 
  Tatarstan to secede from Russia and bacome Tatarstan for the Tatars. Well, for 
  one thing, that would be a little hard to pull of in practical terms, since 
  Tatarstan is physically inside Russia. For another, Tatars are only about 51% 
  of the population of Tatarstan. What do you want, mass ethnic cleansing? In 
  Bashkortostan, the Bashkirs are a minority (coming in third after Russians and 
  Tatars), even though they are enormously overrepresented in the 
  Anyway, in the case of Chechnya, national self-determination 
  is not the issue. The issue is comparable to what you would if, to use your 
  example, the Nation of Islam took control of Mississippi, and then started to 
  attack neighboring states.

I had an intuitive instinct about the break up and evolution 
of the state that was the USSR and the various nationality groups within it, 
that is not in fact intuitive at all. I have a vision informed by history and in 
this case the history of the evolution of what can be called the Russian State. 

Pen-L is anchored on a center of gravity that is Marxism with 
ultra heavy emphasis on economic gravity as opposed to political ideology. 

Chechnya, as an economic unit is very different from an 
ideological concept of Chechnya, as a distinct historically evolved specific 
people, who during the transition from agricultural relations to industrial 
relations were defeated in their striving to constitute a distinct national 
state riveted to the economic formations we identity with the modern world 
market as class relations. 
Chechnya, is identified as an autonomous region under the 
Soviet system and not a national state formation with clear and distinct modern 
classes, independent of Russian economic development at the turn of the past 
The good thing is we get to see exactly what is what in the 
former Soviet Union and ascertain the striving of political groups based on 
their economic striving in the world of today. 
Free Chechnya . . . fine and from whom? 
Hey . . . Free Detroit . . . and Los Angeles from the new 
taping of another LAPD beating of a citizen. 
There is a point at which it makes no sense to respond to 
ideologists. WHJy on earth would revoutionaries and progressive in AMerican be 
more upset about what is happening in Chechnya, than what is happening in . . . 
name your country. 
I'm through . . .
Can you ding a song for me blue? 
Melvin P. 

Re: Putin - Texas and the national factor- last post on this subject

2004-06-25 Thread Chris Doss

What of the question of Appalachia!
The right of nations to self determination can be tricky if the dominate political group that advocates such right makes an assessment that ones group is not a nation. 
Exactly what is a national minority? What is a minority?  What is an autonomous region within a multinational state structure? Better yet, what where these political and economic units and categories to the Soviet State and their ruling party? 

The situation is particularly complicated in a state like the USSR and Russian Federation, neither of which were/are nation-states. (None of the ex-Soviet republics are nation-states, which maybe the exceptions of the Baltic States, Belarus and Ukraine.) Russia is probably the most multiethnic and multicultural country in the world, and ethnic minorites are not localized in particular areas.
Let's look at Tatarstan: Some Tatar ultranationalists want Tatarstan to secede from Russia and bacome Tatarstan for the Tatars. Well, for one thing, that would be a little hard to pull of in practical terms, since Tatarstan is physically inside Russia. For another, Tatars are only about 51% of the population of Tatarstan. What do you want, mass ethnic cleansing? In Bashkortostan, the Bashkirs are a minority (coming in third after Russians and Tatars), even though they are enormously overrepresented in the elite.
Anyway, in the case of Chechnya, national self-determination is not the issue. The issue is comparable to what you would if, to use your example, the Nation of Islam took control of Mississippi, and then started to attack neighboring states.
(PS. to a certain other person: I'm not reading your posts. You've lost. Face it.)
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Re: Putin - Texas and the national factor- last post on this subject

2004-06-24 Thread Waistline2

In a message dated 6/24/2004 7:57:32 AM Central Standard Time, 

  From what I have been able to find, the Bolsheviks did not 
  consider Chechnyans as a national minority with a right of 

I read the material suggested at§ion=historyeng&row=6#gak_3 and found it very enlightening and interesting to say the least. 

The field of politics that has been called the "national 
question" is very difficult and generally involved the issue of a lesser 
economically developed people drawn into or forcibly annexed by a dominating 
state. All state structures are made up of and made real by real people. 
Thus the dominating state is the dominating people or peoples. 
The only reason the national question is a question is because 
someone else is debating your fate and future if you happen to be the sucker on 
the short end of the stick. Let's talk about the national factor and 
overthrow Leninism  . . . again. 
I am for discarding the slogan "right of nations to self 
determination" and replacing it with something more accurate to today. Exactly 
what I do not know! What if you are not a so-called nation and getting the crap 
kicked out of you? 
In the case of the Indian people in America we all know their 
plight and the wars of genocide against them. In the case of the African 
American we all know about slavery and segregation on one level or another. In 
the case of Mexico and the Mexican nationals and Chicano's we have an awareness 
of the theft of half of Mexico/s territory on one level or another. 
 Puerto-Rico and the Philippines need not be examined but pointed out. 
There are of course many other oppressed peoples within the filed of the 
multinational state that is the United States of North America. 
What of the question of Appalachia!
The right of nations to self determination can be tricky if 
the dominate political group that advocates such right makes an assessment that 
ones group is not a nation. 
Exactly what is a national minority? What is a minority? 
 What is an autonomous region within a multinational state structure? 
Better yet, what where these political and economic units and categories to the 
Soviet State and their ruling party? 
What did these categories mean to the people ruled by the 
Soviet State? 
On Pen-L I am willing to bet you cannot get three people who 
agree as to the political and economic meaning of the concept "national 
There is a political and economic logic behind oppression and 
subjugation of less economically developed and militarily protected peoples. 
Slavery in America was an economic category of the highest importance. 


On Pen-L I am willing to bet you cannot get a 
dozen people who agree as to whether or not the African American people are 
a historically evolved people with a distinct culture that in history set them 
apart from say the Anglo-American people of the Northern portion of the American 
My point is simple: anyone that believes there is a simple 
answer to the "national factor" is following and fooling themselves. Self 
determination for nation's up to and including the formation of an independent 
state . . . what if you ain't a nation and this formula is only applicable 
within the context of the struggle against capital . . . foreign and domestic, 
during a historically specific time frame?
I am just saying that 1900s Russia is a hell of a lot 
different from 2004 America or 2004 Russia. Why drive your grandfathers 
Oldsmobile when you can get some new more green friendly ride? 
One can of course really examine the internal dynamics of the 
"Black power" movement of the late 1960s up to the mid 1980s and come to some 
conclusions.  This period of reformulation of the national factor needs to 
be looked at. Lets take an example closer to home than the blacks in America, 
because the moment one says "black" everything gets screwy. 
Take Texas . . . the Lone Star State. The Lone Star State . . 
OK . . . meaning one star on the freaking flag. 
I currently live in Texas - recently, but this is not the 
first time I have been to Texas. My travel to Texas dates back to 1982. There 
are current s in Texas pushing for secession since the Alamos. In the 
latest edition of Texas Monthly there is a lead article basically called "Why 
They Hate US " and what is meant is not Americans being hated; but why the 
rest of America and the world hate "us" in Texas.
Is not Texas basically larger than Germany? All the 
secessionists minded in Texas most certainly want to leave the American Union. 
Some gravitate back to Mexico and others gravitate toward absolute independence 
from everyone with the Mexicans on the bottom of the social order. 
Somebody got to mow the grass is the thinking of the latter 
trend. Is Texas a nation? Are the Mexicans in Texas national minorities or is 
the question a tad bit more c