The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread joanna bujes
Apparently, this is making the rounds. I got it from my little sister.
(Diane Monaco are you there?)

Six married men will be dropped on an island for six weeks with 1 car
and 4 kids each.
Each kid plays two sports and either takes music or dance class.
There is no access to fast food.
Each man must take care of his 4 kids, keep his assigned house clean,
correct all homework, complete science projects, cook, do laundry, etc.
The men only have access to television when the kids are asleep and all
chores are done.
There is only one TV and there is no remote.
The men must shave their legs, wear makeup daily, which they must apply
themselves, either while driving or while making four lunches.
They must attend weekly PTA meetings, clean up after their sick children
at 3:00 a.m.
Make an Indian hut model with six toothpicks, a tortilla and one marker
And get a 4-year old to eat a serving of peas.
The kids vote them off the island, based on performance.

The last man wins only if he has enough energy to be intimate with his
spouse at a moment's notice.
IF the last man does win, he can play the game for the next twenty
years...eventually earning the right to be called mother.
I could do without the last paragraph. Also, where's the realism? Why
doesn't the mom-guy also have a full time job?

Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread Sabri Oncu
 I could do without the last paragraph. Also, where's
 the realism? Why doesn't the mom-guy also have a full
 time job?


This is why I respect my spouse so much. Not that I watch tv and
all but most of the time I get lost in my books and she does the
work. Marx was right: females are the proletarians of the
humankind. What surprises me is that they are not revolting! If I
were among them, we would have revolted by now...


Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread joanna bujes
Perhaps the single state of some women is the expression of this
revolt...or at least revulsion. It's also hard to revolt when you have
to take care of the kids. I have the luxury of an income that enables me
to support my kids; many women do not have that luxury.
But, yes, women and nature are the invisibles that make everything work.


Sabri Oncu wrote:

I could do without the last paragraph. Also, where's
the realism? Why doesn't the mom-guy also have a full
time job?

This is why I respect my spouse so much. Not that I watch tv and
all but most of the time I get lost in my books and she does the
work. Marx was right: females are the proletarians of the
humankind. What surprises me is that they are not revolting! If I
were among them, we would have revolted by now...

Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
Haven't lived with women for many years, and will not watch stupid
middleclass competitive TV programmes like that, among other things because
they are part of the pernicious ideology of treating adults as children and
vice versa, such that social regulation occurs through a hierarchy of
pseudo-parents and pseudo-children who parent others who aren't even their
own people to parent. The net effect of such programmes is to make family
life even less attractive than before. I am hoping for TV programmes which
show what life is really like for real people who really live that life,
without sensationalist distortion, moralising ideology and mindless sex and
violence. Not just white suburbians, but people from all walks of life, in
an intelligent way rather than in a dumb competitive way.


Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread ravi
Jurriaan Bendien wrote:
 ... moralising ideology ... mindless sex and

there's mindless sex on survivor? damn!! i need to start watching the
show... its moralising ideology that is currently preventing TV from
becoming all-porn all the time :-(.

;-) ;-)


Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread Jurriaan Bendien
 there's mindless sex on survivor? damn!! i need to start watching the
 show... its moralising ideology that is currently preventing TV from
 becoming all-porn all the time :-(.

In that case, you just have either mindless sex or the negation of mindless
sex through christian moralism, but all I am saying is I don't feel like
watching it. The themes that interest me are just very different. I consider
myself lucky that I didn't have TV at home in my youth, and that I never
watched much of it either. There are some good programmes here, technically
welldone and interesting, for example thoughtful news stories and analysis,
but most of it just makes me puke, it's just slapstick banality and babble,
I can think of that myself if I have to, I don't need to watch TV or

Little do they know, while prattling drivel about the superiority of Western
civilisation, that they are killing European culture and American culture
with their eyesores, banale waffle, and mindless competitions. Faced with
mind-numbing stupid Dutch and cheaply bought American trivia, I just reflect
it straight back at them. It's a funny thing that the country like the USA
which features all this garbage on the media, calling it freedom, also wants
to tell the rest of the world how they should behave, they are prepared to
defend their sex-and-killing cultures with christian crusades if necessary.
Reasonable thinking would tend to suggest that, in that case, what you will
finally get is a planetary rubbish heap. The constructive question to ask
then is, what the good programmes are which are still screened on TV ? Well,
I wouldn't know, personally I watch as little TV as possible, and in fact,
my TV doesn't even work properly anymore either !

That was my bitch session for tonite.


Re: The next survivor series

2003-11-10 Thread ravi
Jurriaan Bendien wrote:
there's mindless sex on survivor? damn!! i need to start watching the
show... its moralising ideology that is currently preventing TV from
becoming all-porn all the time :-(.
In that case, you just have either mindless sex or the negation of mindless
sex through christian moralism, but all I am saying is I don't feel like
watching it. The themes that interest me are just very different. I consider
myself lucky that I didn't have TV at home in my youth, and that I never
watched much of it either.

jurriaan, thanks for the response, but do not take me too seriously -- i
was only kidding. i too grew up without a TV at home, but unlike in your
case, that has not helped me not watch TV as an adult.