Re: Test::Builder: mixing use_numbers on and off

2006-09-06 Thread Michael G Schwern

Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes wrote:

Is the avoid mixing warning out of date?  Or in accord with future TAP

That dates back from the original version of Test::Builder in 2001.  
Test::Harness has handled no numbers and mixing of with and without numbers for 
as long as I know, but not always gracefully.
Here's the TH that shipped with 5.5.4 (TH 1.1604 or something)

$ perl -wle 'require /usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/;  Test::Harness::runtests(@ARGV)' ~/devel/Test-Harness/t/nonumbers.t 

Argument  isn't numeric in numeric gt () at 
/usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/ line 118, GEN0 line 2.
Argument  isn't numeric in numeric gt () at 
/usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/ line 118, GEN0 line 3.
Argument  isn't numeric in numeric gt () at 
/usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/ line 118, GEN0 line 5.
Argument  isn't numeric in numeric gt () at 
/usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/ line 118, GEN0 line 6.
Argument  isn't numeric in numeric gt () at 
/usr/local/src/perl5.005_04/lib/Test/ line 118, GEN0 line 7.

All tests successful.

Files=1,  Tests=6,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.00 cusr +  0.00 csys =  0.00 CPU)

And its possible t/TEST (the Perl core harness) didn't handle the mixing well.

Anyhow, I don't remember explicitly fixing it, must have just fixed itself.  
The warning against mixing in TB can probably go away.

Test::Builder: mixing use_numbers on and off

2006-08-15 Thread Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes
Test::Builder has a method use_numbers to turn off test numbering; this
can be useful when running tests in different processes.  But the doc

 Most useful when you can't depend on the test output order, such as when
threads or forking is involved.

 Test::Harness will accept either, but avoid mixing the two styles.

 Defaults to on.

In a longer test script (doesn't test program sound silly?), I have only
a short section that is potentially going to be out of order, so I want to

   $builder-use_numbers( 0 );
   $builder-current_test( blah );
   $builder-use_numbers( 1 );

around that section.  This works fine with current Test::Harness.
Is the avoid mixing warning out of date?  Or in accord with future TAP