emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

I noticed that Test::Builder offers the ability to emit messages with
s/^/# /mg, which is very nice.  Can/should this capability be exposed
via Test::Simple, Test::More, etc?

Sometimes it's nice to explain what to do about a test failure that may
be an intermittent failure, or to warn that they should upgrade an
optional prerequisite if one is too old, etc.

Right now I just print "# ...\n", but that seems hackish when put in the
same test scripts as the nice, shiny, new testing APIs.

- Barrie

Re: emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 07:52:03AM -0500, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
> I noticed that Test::Builder offers the ability to emit messages with
> s/^/# /mg, which is very nice.  Can/should this capability be exposed
> via Test::Simple, Test::More, etc?

Its been on the TODO list to toss a diag() into Test::More.

ok( ... ) || diag(...);

for some reason I keep putting it off.

Test::Simple won't get one, it would double the size of the API! ;)


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
The eye opening delightful morning taste of expired cheese bits in sour milk!

Re: v0.3 [Was: CPAN Upload: R/RB/RBS/Test-Differences-0.2.tar.gz]

2001-12-19 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

On Mon, Dec 17, 2001 at 04:10:30PM +0900, Tatsuhiko Miyagawa wrote:
> On Sat, 15 Dec 2001 09:10:33 -0500
> Barrie Slaymaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Now I see what you're after with the -M approach, thanks for the
> > example.
> Cool.
> > I can understand that :) since CPAN is/seems a non-started for a
> > significant number of folks (I have a Win32 system that it's
> > nonfuncitonal on; haven't debugged it yet).
> I think Test::Differences is mainly for module developpers,

We'll have to agree to disagree; I'd rather get test failure reports
with more explanatory test output than less explanatory output.  As
Schwern points out, there's always the t/lib/Test/Differences.pm, use
lib "t/lib"; approach if you want to make their lives easier.  That's a
bit more work on your part (ie keeping up with Test::Difference
releases), and I can't blame anyone for not wanting more work :).

> not for module users, thus the necessity for Test::Differences would
> be better optional in distributing modules.

I don't want to get in the business of overloading every future Test::*
module's ok() (from Test.pm) and is_deeply() (from Test::More)
equivalent.  So I going to have to suggest that you do something like

use Test;
eval "use Test::Differences";

sub my_ok {
goto &eq_or_diff if defined &eq_or_diff;
goto &ok;

plan tests => 1;

my_ok "a", "b";

That preserves line number reportage and gives you the flexibility you
desire without the maint. hassle of tracking Test::Differences'

I've added this to the docs, thanks for pointing out the need.

- Barrie

Re: emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread Mark Fowler

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:

> I noticed that Test::Builder offers the ability to emit messages with
> s/^/# /mg, which is very nice.  Can/should this capability be exposed
> via Test::Simple, Test::More, etc?

Can't you just "use Test::Builder" somewhere in your test script like so:

use Test::More tests => 2;
use Test::Builder;

# get the singleton
my $Test = Test::Builder->new();

unless(ok(0,"first test"))
  # more diagnostic messages

# this will still work
ok(1, "second test");

Of course, a nicer interface than having to fall back to Test::Builder 
would be, um, nice.



s''  Mark Fowler London.pm   Bath.pm
 http://www.twoshortplanks.com/  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
';use Term'Cap;$t=Tgetent Term'Cap{};print$t->Tputs(cl);for$w(split/  +/
){for(0..30){$|=print$t->Tgoto(cm,$_,$y)." $w";select$k,$k,$k,.03}$y+=2}

Re: Test::Builder: Multiple test libraries in one test.

2001-12-19 Thread Kirrily Robert

In perl.qa, you wrote:
>Candidates for this sort of thing would be CGI::Test, Test::Cmd,
>Test::Unit, Test::Mail and ExtUtils::TBone.  And, of course, Barrie's

Actually, Test::Mail doesn't work like that.  It's more or less a
wrapper around Test::More that handles incoming email.  Doesn't
implement any of its own ok()-like routines at all, just makes it easy
to use Test::More's routines on incoming email.


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://infotrope.net/
Usenet: open mouth, insert foot, propagate internationally

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Kirrily Robert

In perl.qa, you wrote:
>I think I have a solution to the rigidity of is().  ie. something with
>the diagnostic output of is(), but the flexibility of ok().

>It all makes sense, so what I really need is a better name.

How about:

compare($foo, "<=", $bar)


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://infotrope.net/
"Does anyone know my root password?"
--Renee (from the Netizen quotes file)

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Tels



On 11-Dec-01 Kirrily Robert tried to scribble about:
> In perl.qa, you wrote:
>>I think I have a solution to the rigidity of is().  ie. something with
>>the diagnostic output of is(), but the flexibility of ok().
>>It all makes sense, so what I really need is a better name.
> How about:
> compare($foo, "<=", $bar)

I tried to "update" my BigInt testsuite from "use Test;" to "use
Test::More" or "use Test::Simple". It wasn't easy.

First, ok() is no no longer ok(), but is now is(), because ok() is no
longer ok to use with ok($this,$that); but is() is ok with $that. And then
there is isnt(), isn't it? Not to speak of the use of can_ok(), which you
can use, ok? isnt() $that ok() with you? $that should pass() ok() & be !
like() $this fail() function I've heard about. I'll better skip() some
releases until it is() ok() to use Test::More without() going insane().[0]

And scalar localtime() you want YetAnotherComparingFunctionThatPrintsok?

*hops around like() mad and flaps his wings*

> "Does anyone know my root password?"
>   --Renee (from the Netizen quotes file)

We. But we won't tell you. ;o)


Te"I'll stick to use Test; for now"ls


[0] Any more than I already am, that is().

- --
 perl -MDev::Bollocks -e'print Dev::Bollocks->rand(),"\n"'
 collaboratively expedite principle-centered solutions

 http://bloodgate.com/perl   My current Perl projects
 PGP key available on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or via email

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: latin1


Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread chromatic

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 10:04:17 -0700, Tels wrote:

> First, ok() is no no longer ok(), but is now is(), because ok() is no longer
> ok to use with ok($this,$that); but is() is ok with $that. And then there is
> isnt(), isn't it? Not to speak of the use of can_ok(), which you can use, ok?
> isnt() $that ok() with you? $that should pass() ok() & be ! like() $this
> fail() function I've heard about. I'll better skip() some releases until it
> is() ok() to use Test::More without() going insane().[0]
You just hurt my eyes, and I've read Slashcode.

If you wrote up your experiences, perhaps it'd make a good article or tutorial
on converting an existing test suite to Test::More.

-- c

[PATCH] Re: emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread chromatic

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:12:05 -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 07:52:03AM -0500, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
>> I noticed that Test::Builder offers the ability to emit messages with s/^/#
>> /mg, which is very nice.  Can/should this capability be exposed via
>> Test::Simple, Test::More, etc?
> Its been on the TODO list to toss a diag() into Test::More.
> ok( ... ) || diag(...);
> for some reason I keep putting it off.
> Test::Simple won't get one, it would double the size of the API! ;)
Something like this?  diffing against a directory tree is odd... there must be
a better way.

-- c

diff -ur /var/tmp/.cpan/build/Test-Simple-0.36/MANIFEST Test-Simple-0.36/MANIFEST
--- /var/tmp/.cpan/build/Test-Simple-0.36/MANIFEST  Thu Nov 29 12:11:49 2001
+++ Test-Simple-0.36/MANIFEST   Wed Dec 19 12:17:21 2001
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
diff -ur /var/tmp/.cpan/build/Test-Simple-0.36/lib/Test/More.pm 
--- /var/tmp/.cpan/build/Test-Simple-0.36/lib/Test/More.pm  Tue Nov 27 13:41:34 
+++ Test-Simple-0.36/lib/Test/More.pm   Wed Dec 19 12:01:26 2001
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
  can_ok  isa_ok
 my $Test = Test::Builder->new;
@@ -905,6 +906,21 @@
 return eq_array( [sort _bogus_sort @$a1], [sort _bogus_sort @$a2] );
+=item B
+  diag("Uh oh\n", "Something is wrong...\n");
+Prints a diagnostic message or messages.  These are guaranteed not to interfere
+with test output, and they will be suppressed by any test harness when running
+in quiet mode.  They can be very handy otherwise.
+sub diag {
+   $Test->diag(@_);
--- /dev/null   Thu Aug 30 03:54:37 2001
+++ Test-Simple-0.36/t/diag.t   Wed Dec 19 12:16:18 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!perl -w
+use strict;
+use Test::More;
+use Test::Builder;
+# this is a singleton, easy enough to test this
+my $Test = Test::Builder->new();
+# now make a filehandle where we can send data
+my $output;
+tie *FAKEOUT, 'FakeOut', \$output;
+# force diagnostic output to a filehandle, glad I added this to Test::Builder :)
+use vars qw( $TODO );
+$TODO = 1;
+diag("a single line");
+my @lines;
+push @lines, $output;
+$output = '';
+diag("multiple\n", "lines");
+push @lines, split(/\n/, $output);
+undef $TODO;
+plan tests => 4;
+is( scalar @lines, 3, 'diag() should send messages to its filehandle' );
+like( $lines[0], '/^#\s+/', '... should add comment mark to all lines' );
+is( $lines[0], "# a single line", '... should send exact message' );
+is( $output, "# multiple\n# lines", '... should append multi messages');
+package FakeOut;
+   bless( $_[1], $_[0] );
+sub PRINT {
+   my $self = shift;
+   $$self .= join('', @_);

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 01:52:12PM -0500, Kirrily Robert wrote:

Are we doing the time warp again, or are the Huskies just tired of
pulling the packets across the border?

> How about:
> compare($foo, "<=", $bar)

cmp_ok().  Close.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
"Let's face it," said bearded Rusty Simmons, opening a can after the
race.  "This is a good excuse to drink some beer."  At 10:30 in the
morning?  "Well, it's past noon in Dublin," said teammate Mike
[Joseph] Schwern.  "It's our duty."
-- "Sure, and It's a Great Day for Irish Runners" 
   Newsday, Sunday, March 20, 1988

Re: Test::Builder: Multiple test libraries in one test.

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Thu, Dec 13, 2001 at 02:07:56PM -0500, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> Actually, Test::Mail doesn't work like that.  It's more or less a
> wrapper around Test::More that handles incoming email.  Doesn't
> implement any of its own ok()-like routines at all, just makes it easy
> to use Test::More's routines on incoming email.

Ahh, in that case I might suggest instead of doing:

*Test::Simple::TESTOUT = \*LOG;
*Test::Simple::TESTERR = \*LOG;
*Test::More::TESTERR   = \*LOG;
eval qq( 
package $package;  
use Test::More 'no_plan'; 

which I have a feeling isn't going to work anymore, those filehandles
are gone, you should do:

$t = Test::Builder->new;

eval qq(
package $package;
use Test::More 'no_plan';

\n#line 1 $msgid

The "#line 1 $msgid" bit is so the failure output doesn't all say
"Failed at /usr/local/share/perl/5.6.1/Test/Mail.pm line 58".  But
instead maybe something a little more meaningful like "Failed at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] line 4" so you can at least track it back
to the email which caused the problem.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
you're a bleeding-heart
liberal.  LET ME PLUG MY
-- japhy

Re: [PATCH] Re: emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 12:20:35PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
> Something like this?  

Something uncannily like this, only without the literal tabs.

> diffing against a directory tree is odd... there must be a better
> way.

I usually just check each individual file into RCS (vc-register-buffer
for the emacs heads) and then use rcsdiff -u on the files I've changed
when I'm done (vc-diff).



Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
and I pull out the Magnum from under the desk where I keep it in case
someone laughs at a joke that's so dry it's got a built in
water-fountain, and blow the lot of them away as a community Service.

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Kirrily 'Skud' Robert

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 03:50:12PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 11, 2001 at 01:52:12PM -0500, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> Are we doing the time warp again, or are the Huskies just tired of
> pulling the packets across the border?
> > How about:
> > 
> > compare($foo, "<=", $bar)
> cmp_ok().  Close.

My mail server got all confused and constipated for a few days.  Sorry
for the old email suddenly appearing today :)


Re: [PATCH] Re: emitting messages in Test::*

2001-12-19 Thread Barrie Slaymaker

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 12:20:35PM -0700, chromatic wrote:
> On Wed, 19 Dec 2001 05:12:05 -0700, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > Its been on the TODO list to toss a diag() into Test::More.
> > 
> > ok( ... ) || diag(...);
> > 
> > for some reason I keep putting it off.
> > 
> > Test::Simple won't get one, it would double the size of the API! ;)
> Something like this?  diffing against a directory tree is odd... there must be
> a better way.

diff -Naur old-dir new-dir works here, but only if both directory trees
are pristine.

Now that I've got Diff::Text out the door (though a bugfix release is
headed out soon), perhaps a program that uses File::Find and Diff::Text
while ignoring binary files, things matching MANIFEST.SKIP, and editor
droppings wouldn't be a bad thing.  Oh, for a mass injection of free

Looks nice to me (not that I have anything to do with Schwern's modules
:), but I think it needs to be in Test::More instead of Test::Simple.

- Barrie

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

Tels posted some of his Test::More experiences off-list.  Some of them
are rather good so I'll post my reply on-list.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 10:42:55PM +0100, Tels wrote:
> * Use Test::Simple/More for new testfiles. It can help you. If Test::More
> scares you, use Test::Simple or only a subset of T::M.
> * Don't convert old tests needless, better spent the time adding tests.
> (But the conversation might take little time so try it if you have only a
> small testsuite).

If it makes you feel any better, I still have heaps of modules which I
haven't bothered to convert over to Test::More.  I do it when I find
myself needing a Test::More feature and usually not before.

> For the Test-developers:
> * Test::More is already quite confusing (Especially since ok() is no longer
> what it used to be and you now must use is()!).

Actually, Test::More's ok() is just like Test's ok().  And its not.
Test.pm's ok() has at least three forms of operation.

ok( $foo eq $bar ); # like Test::More::ok()
ok( $foo, $bar   ); # like Test::More::is()
ok( $foo, qr/bar/ );# like Test::More::like()

and then there's some of the more out there functionality:

ok( $foo, $bar );  # like is( &$foo, $bar ); if $foo happens to
   # be a code ref.  I never understood why this
   # magic was added.

ok( $foo, $bar );  # if $bar looks like a regex (ie. "/wibble/")
   # it works as like().  Otherwise its is().
   # Sucks if $bar == '/usr/local/'

So I preserved the first of the five (which just happened to
correspond to the way I wrote my custom ok() functions) because it is
the most generic of them all.  You can write any test with it.

I also decided that Test::More users would have to learn five
different functions rather than learning one function with five
different modes of operation.

> Insted of spending time to add even more confusing functions that
> are used very little (if at all), shouldn't we do something more
> usefull?
> For instance, I know of a lot of CPAN modules without tests at all, and I
> talked to a few authors, and even if they decide to add tests (after my
> 'convincing' emails), it takes time, or never gets done, or the tests are
> to simple and too few. An even more confusing Test::More might scare them
> off even more.

Don't hand them Test::More, hand them Test::Simple.  Or Test::Tutorial
which eases the user into the Test::More interface.

I *might* be convinced into adding is() to Test::Simple.  I tend to
use that nearly as much as ok().

Test::More's interface is nearly complete.  After diag() I don't think
I'm going to be adding any more functions.  The rest will be either
Test::Builder methods or left to a 3rd party Test::Builder based
mix-in module (a la Test::Differences) to handle.

Of course, with Test::Builder you can make your own test library in
your own image and not have to listen to me anymore.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
Some like elmers glue
but it needs reapplying.
I use super glue.
-- tlk

Re: is() with arbitrary comparisions

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

On Wed, Dec 19, 2001 at 05:39:45PM -0500, Michael G Schwern wrote:
> > For instance, I know of a lot of CPAN modules without tests at all, and I
> > talked to a few authors, and even if they decide to add tests (after my
> > 'convincing' emails), it takes time, or never gets done, or the tests are
> > to simple and too few. An even more confusing Test::More might scare them
> > off even more.

Looking again at Test::More's rather lengthy SYNOPSIS, I'll take
kindly to doc reorganizations.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
sun readdened wheat stalks
bowing down in autumn sun
my mind wanders far
-- stimps

[ANNOUNCE] Test::Simple/More/Builder/Tutorial 0.41

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

Small update.  diag() has finally been added to Test::More, thanks to
chromatic.  Also, I noticed that internal eval()s were interfering
with the outside's $@ and $!, so I protected against that.  Why eval()
is fiddling with $! I don't know.

0.41  Mon Dec 17 22:45:20 EST 2001
* chromatic added diag()
- Internal eval()'s sometimes interfering with $@ and $!.  Fixed.

0.40  Fri Dec 14 15:41:39 EST 2001
* isa_ok() now accepts unblessed references gracefully
- Nick Clark found a bug with like() and a regex with % in it.
- exit.t was hanging on 5.005_03 VMS perl.  Test now skipped.
- can_ok() would pass if no methods were given.  Now fails.
- isnt() diagnostic output format changed
* Added some docs about embedding and extending Test::More
* Added Test::More->builder
* Added cmp_ok()
* Added todo_skip()
* Added unlike()
- Piers pointed out that sometimes people override isa().
  isa_ok() now accounts for that.


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
i need another hit
just gimme some fucking paste
please, it hurts so bad
-- Fmh

Untested modules update: The Magic Number is 27

2001-12-19 Thread Michael G Schwern

The good news is lib.t and MM_Unix just went into the core.

The even better news is Wolfgang Laun came riding in out of the East
and has begun fixing perlcc!  He's repairing B::Assembler and
B::Disassembler and has written assembler.t

And not to break the trend, the Net::Ping CPAN distribution already
has a battery of tests which are ready-made for the core.  Jarkko's
looking to see if there's some reason we're not using them already.

The bad news is the remaining Pod::* modules need a champion.  And
does anyone have a Netware machine so we can try out ExtUtils::MM_NW5?

The magic number is 27 (26 if Net::Ping goes in).

#B::Bytecode[module broken, can't test]
#B::C   [ditto]
#B::CC  [ditto ditto]
#B::Disassembler[Wolfgang Laun]
# CPAN::FirstTime [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] in progress
ExtUtils::MM_VMS [exists, but needs some lovin']
# ExtUtils::MM_Win32 [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
# Net::Ping [[EMAIL PROTECTED] (could be taken from the CPAN dist)]
# O [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] in progress
Pod::Functions (no docs!)
# re [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] proposed patch on p5p


Michael G. Schwern   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>http://www.pobox.com/~schwern/
Perl Quality Assurance  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Kwalitee Is Job One
I'm exploring my nipples.