RE: Sendkeys and strange program behavior

2002-08-01 Thread Michael D. Smith

 >I have never used sendkeys, but if you can use it to pass control keys, 
try sending a -J. I've >tried that sequence manually and it works, so 
if sendkeys can send control keys it should work.

 "anything" produces the windows default sound.

It's not working the way the other windows do because it's not a WindowsÒ, 
window. The interface is (I guess:) either a Java program, or a highly 
modified ASP web page (modified not to look at all like a normal browser 
window). When the program is first activated, if the mouse pointer is never 
moved over it's window, tab does move the focus. However, if it ever "sees" 
the pointer, focus follows the pointer, and tab no longer functions to move 
the focus.

I suppose the modules that have been suggested could work if I could 
determine the X,Y position of the click point. I assume that must be 
relative to the window that has focus. Is that correct? If it isn't, things 
could get crazy real fast if the window were ever dragged.

"Enter" BTW at any point makes the window totally invisible, from the 
taskbar as well, Yet Ctrl -- Alt -- Delete shows the program still running, 
and a second "enter" will bring it back. It seems to be a side effect with 
this program but that's a trick I would really like to know how to do.

I'm trying to use Perl to start a program, and that program's only reason 
for existence is to start a program. In this case, determine from a among a 
number of servers, if any is active, and connect to it. A reaction of a 
business about a mile from the WTC to 9/11. They now have servers in NY and 
in Jersey. Woopie, The entire northeast power grid once went down because a 
car ran into a substation. I recommended at least California, possibly even 
Australia or England but does anybody listen to me:)

Probably what I need to do is cut through all the muck, determine in my 
script which, if any of the  servers are active, perhaps even which has the 
lowest latency if all are functioning (a little fluff of my own:), and make 
the connection in my script. It doesn't sound that difficult, and it would 
certainly eliminate about 95% of fluff stuff that I'm just plain not using 
anyway. Not that speed is an issue but "elegance" in a program is something 
that anyone who's ever written a line of code they're proud of has a soft 
spot in their heart for.

That would be all of us. Right? :)


At 05:49 PM 8/1/02, you wrote:
> > -Original Message-
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> > Michael D. Smith
> > Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:38 PM
> > Subject: Sendkeys and strange program behavior
> >
> >
> >
> > I've been using sendkeys to start some username/password programs. A "\n"
> > works the same as pressing the enter key. But, I've ran into a program on
> > which the enter key, and a mouse click do not produce the same results.
> >
> > Which is totally weird and unexplainable in itself. I thought all Windows
> > programs would work without a mouse, if you just knew the keyboard trick.
> > Most of which of course most of us (especially me:), never bother with, but
> > still, there must be something, and if it's not enter, what could it be?
> >
> > Does anyone know how to "sendkeys" a mouse click?
> >
> > ms
> >
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Re: removing an tag from an html file

2002-08-01 Thread $Bill Luebkert

> Hello all,
> I am looking to loop through an HTML file line by line and write out the 
> contents of the line minus any image tags to another file. (This is to create 
> PDA friendly versions of our webpages). I usually use something like this to 
> remove certain characters (like in this case any " characters)from a line
> $_ =~ s/\"//g;
> Does anyone have a reg-ex out there that will remove anything from
> a ""  ?

Untested code (the s qualifier on the end would work best if you have your HTML in one 
string [in case your image tags can cross newline boundaries]):

$html =~ s/]*>//gis;

   ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill Luebkert   ICQ=162126130
  (_/   /  )// //   DBE Collectibles   Mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   / ) /--<  o // // (Free site for Perl)
-/-' /___/_<_

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Re: Dialing ISP

2002-08-01 Thread Carl Jolley

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Mendez, Richard wrote:

> Greetings...
> Hello, friends.  Can someone point me in the right direction regarding
> dialing a modem and connecting to an ISP using Perl?  Once connected I know
> exactly what to do with the FTP server!  I've just never worked with a modem
> and was wondering what the best module would be to use and where I might
> find some code samples.  Thank you so much!

You may be trying too hard. I have a single DUN connection defined
on my home PC. Whenever I run a program that tries to connect to
an Internet location, the DialUp Networking stuff is automatically
initiated. After the connection is made my scripts proceed without
any manual intervention. I'm also running Dunce which will automatically
"click" the connect button for me.

 All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer 

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Re: Module question

2002-08-01 Thread Carl Jolley

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a module available for converting an HTML document that contains
> plain text (no links, images, etc) to a text file.

I don't know of a _module_ that does the complete job.
HTML::TokeParser can "suck" the text out of an HTML
document but if you want it formatted I would suggest
that you use Lynx. Given an appropriate command line
flags (I don't recall what they are), it will read the
HTML document and render the corresponding text to
a file. Versions of Lynx are available for just about
any platform.

 All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer 

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Re: compilation failure

2002-08-01 Thread Carl Jolley

On Thu, 1 Aug 2002, Lewis, Chris wrote:

> When trying to compile my script I get the error below, although I have the
> Date::Calc module in my @INC path...  Any ideas?  Thanks...
> C:\perl\code\eventmon>perl
> Can't locate loadable object for module Date::Calc in @INC (@INC contains:
> C:/Ariba/Buyer7
> /CoreServer/perl5/x86/lib C:/Ariba/Buyer7/CoreServer/perl5/x86/site/lib .)
> at line 19
> BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at line 19.
> The beginning of the script is as follows:
> #!perl
> #
> #Created: 08-21-2001
> #Last Revision:   08-21-2001
> #REVISION NUMBER - 20010821-01
> ##
> ##  Script Name:  EVENTWATCH
> ##  Description:  This script processes event log messages on
> multiple servers
> ##and correlates the events to generate alerts based
> on user
> ##defined thresholds.
> ##
> use vars qw( $log $message );
> use strict;
> use Date::Calc qw( Delta_DHMS );
> use Net::SMTP;
> use Time::localtime;
> use Win32::OLE qw( HRESULT );

What is the full path name of the Date::Calc module?
Note, the error message does not say that Date::Calc
can not be located. I think that it can't find Delta_DHMS.

 All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer 

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removing an tag from an html file

2002-08-01 Thread bgibson

Hello all,

I am looking to loop through an HTML file line by line and write out the 
contents of the line minus any image tags to another file. (This is to create 
PDA friendly versions of our webpages). I usually use something like this to 
remove certain characters (like in this case any " characters)from a line

$_ =~ s/\"//g;

Does anyone have a reg-ex out there that will remove anything from
a ""  ?

Thank you very much,
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Updating Outlook Public Address List

2002-08-01 Thread Capacio, Paula J

I have an Outlook Public address list that I want to update through Perl.
Eventually it will get a list of users from a database, but for now I'm just trying to 
get the constructs down.  I can access the list and print it's members, but I get the 
following when I try to add I get...
Result of add was: Win32::OLE(0.1502) error 0x8002000e: "Invalid number of parameters"

It's my first attempt at WIN32::OLE, Data::Dumper and the Visual Basic Object browser 
referenced in many of the *fine* manuals that I have read/reviewed.  I don't 
understand the error and have not been able to identify the proper syntax to add an 
address entry.  
The code follows, thanks in advance for your help.
##watch out for text wrapping
 use strict; 
 use Win32::OLE; 
 use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Outlook'; 
 use Win32::OLE::Variant;
 use Data::Dumper;
 $Data::Dumper::Maxdepth = 2;
 #Lists the address entry members of a public mail list, (OK)
 #  and adds an address entry (?I've tried lots of ways, no good results?)
 # use existing instance if Outlook already running, or launch a new one
 my $ol; 
 eval {$ol = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Outlook.Application')}; 
 die "Outlook not installed" if $@; 
 unless (defined $ol) { 
 $ol = Win32::OLE->new('Outlook.Application', sub {$_[0]->Quit;}) 
 or die "Oops, cannot start Outlook"; 
 my $gal = $ol->Session->AddressLists("Global Address List");
 my $selist = $gal->AddressEntries("SE-LICUSERS-L");
 my $memlist = $selist->Members;
 # iterate through Member List 
 for (my $i = 1; $i <= $memlist->Count; $i++) { 
my $oneItem = $memlist->Item($i);
my $itemname = $oneItem->Name; 
my $itemaddr = $oneItem->Address; 
print "* $itemname  \t$itemaddr\n"; 
 #find a person in the GAL 
 my $addrE = $gal->AddressEntries("Bunny, Bugs E");
 my $entname = $addrE->Name; 
 my $entaddr = $addrE->Address; 
 print "\n# $entname \t$entaddr\n"; 
 my $addEntry = $selist->Add("Microsoft Mail Address",$addrE);
 print "\nwhat's \$addEntry:\n", Dumper($addEntry);
 my $result= Win32::OLE->LastError();
 if ($result != 0){
print "\n\nResult of add was: $result\n";
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RE: Sendkeys and strange program behavior

2002-08-01 Thread Randy W. Sims

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
> Michael D. Smith
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 12:38 PM
> Subject: Sendkeys and strange program behavior
> I've been using sendkeys to start some username/password programs. A "\n"
> works the same as pressing the enter key. But, I've ran into a program on
> which the enter key, and a mouse click do not produce the same results.
> Which is totally weird and unexplainable in itself. I thought all Windows
> programs would work without a mouse, if you just knew the keyboard trick.
> Most of which of course most of us (especially me:), never bother with, but
> still, there must be something, and if it's not enter, what could it be?
> Does anyone know how to "sendkeys" a mouse click?
> ms

I have never used sendkeys, but if you can use it to pass control keys, try sending a 
-J. I've tried that sequence manually
and it works, so if sendkeys can send control keys it should work.



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Re: Dialing ISP

2002-08-01 Thread Grant Hopwood

>   "Mendez, Richard" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>at08/01/02 02:29 PM


>Hello, friends.  Can someone point me in the right direction regarding 
dialing a modem and connecting to an ISP using Perl?  Once connected I 
know exactly what to do with the FTP server!  I've just never worked with 
a modem and was wondering what the best module would be to use and where I 
might find some code samples.  Thank you so much!

For WindowsNT, Windows2000, etc take a look at the 'rasdial' command line.

Win32::RASE is available for all platforms from CPAN.

Grant Hopwood.
Valero Energy Corp.
PGP Public Key: Ldap://
nuclear iraq bioweapon encryption cocaine korea terrorist
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Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Story, Lenny


Well, its working, but i had to use Image::Magick to convert the
.jpg to a .bmp.

Thanks everyone!


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Re: Module question

2002-08-01 Thread Cassell . David

Rick Lindal wrote:
> Is there a module available for converting an HTML document that
> plain text (no links, images, etc) to a text file.

There are several.  You should be able to do this, even if there
are plenty of other HTML elements on the page.  The following
[UNTESTED] one-liner may help you:

  perl -MLWP::Simple -MHTML::Parse -e "print parse_html(get shift)
->format" yourURLhere > YourResults.txt

David Cassell, CSC
Senior computing specialist
mathematical statistician

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RE: Module question

2002-08-01 Thread Peter Eisengrein
Title: RE: Module question

I've never used it, but I believe module HTML::Parser does what you're looking to do.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 15:09
> Subject: Module question
> Hi all,
> Is there a module available for converting an HTML document 
> that contains
> plain text (no links, images, etc) to a text file.
> Thanks in advance for your help
> --Rick
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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RE: Module question

2002-08-01 Thread Jacobson Erik P Civ AFRL/IFGC

What do you mean?  Just strip out the tags?  If so, try the following:

perl -pi -e 's/<[^>]+>//g' yourfile.html

The above one liner should strip out all , but you may also want to
add a tr/// to fix escaped HTML characters.

Or maybe Pod-HTML2Pod on CPAN to change it to Pod (not quite Plain text, but

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 3:09 PM
Subject: Module question

Hi all,
Is there a module available for converting an HTML document that contains
plain text (no links, images, etc) to a text file.

Thanks in advance for your help

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Module question

2002-08-01 Thread Rick . Lindal

Hi all,
Is there a module available for converting an HTML document that contains
plain text (no links, images, etc) to a text file.

Thanks in advance for your help

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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Carroll, Shawn

I think when you "set as background" an image from within Internet Explorer,
part of what (the OS|IE) does is convert it to a .bmp first and then store
it in the system folder (I think).  Maybe it's simpler for the operating
system to not have to de-crunch a .jpg.  

I can't believe I'm accusing Microsoft of economizing on operating system
code :)


p.s. maybe there's a way to access the "set as background" call, or an easy
way to convert between .jpg|.gif to .bmp floating around out there as a
script/module (then you can make the appropriate registry change)

p.p.s. if you get it right, post the code to the list :)

> -Original Message-
> From: Story, Lenny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:38 PM
> To: Adam Frielink; Story, Lenny;
> Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0
> Actually, Active Desktop is on.
> I can set it manually, to a JPG just not programatically.
> -Lenny
> -Original Message-
> From: Adam Frielink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:36 PM
> To: Story, Lenny; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0
> > 
> > It seems that If the image type is .BMP it works fine.
> > But if its a .JPG it doesn't.
> > 
> > Joy.
> The JPG would work if you turn on the 'Active Desktop'
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Story, Lenny

Actually, Active Desktop is on.

I can set it manually, to a JPG just not programatically.


-Original Message-
From: Adam Frielink [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 2:36 PM
To: Story, Lenny; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

> It seems that If the image type is .BMP it works fine.
> But if its a .JPG it doesn't.
> Joy.

The JPG would work if you turn on the 'Active Desktop'
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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Adam Frielink

> It seems that If the image type is .BMP it works fine.
> But if its a .JPG it doesn't.
> Joy.

The JPG would work if you turn on the 'Active Desktop'
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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Story, Lenny

It seems that If the image type is .BMP it works fine.
But if its a .JPG it doesn't.



-Original Message-
From: Story, Lenny [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 1:54 PM
To: Fernando Madruga; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

- Actually im running it manually at the moment...
  but i want to be running it automatically.

- I  have admin privs on this machine..

- The registry is not getting updated. My guess
is that the SystemInfo call is failing...


-Original Message-
From: Fernando Madruga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

> I am trying to automatically change the background on a Windows NT4.0
machine, The code im using is below, it seems to execute fine, however,
the background does not change. 
> Does any one have any ideas regarding this ?

Just this: are you running the script with a logged on user, or running
it "automatically" from some scheduler?
Also, did you check the registry to find out if it "worked"?
(You could probably just do that, i.e., change the proper key in the

  Fernando Madruga

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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Fernando Madruga

> The registry is not getting updated. My guess is that the SystemInfo
call is failing...

I'll give it a try later at home and will let you know what happened.

  Fernando Madruga

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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Story, Lenny

- Actually im running it manually at the moment...
  but i want to be running it automatically.

- I  have admin privs on this machine..

- The registry is not getting updated. My guess
is that the SystemInfo call is failing...


-Original Message-
From: Fernando Madruga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, August 01, 2002 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

> I am trying to automatically change the background on a Windows NT4.0
machine, The code im using is below, it seems to execute fine, however,
the background does not change. 
> Does any one have any ideas regarding this ?

Just this: are you running the script with a logged on user, or running
it "automatically" from some scheduler?
Also, did you check the registry to find out if it "worked"?
(You could probably just do that, i.e., change the proper key in the

  Fernando Madruga

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Re: Sendkeys and strange program behavior

2002-08-01 Thread shurst

Try AutoIt (, great product that works
very well.  You may be able to do what you need with just its scripting
language (compilable into exe's).  If not and you need more programmatic
control, I've had good luck using win32::API with the AutoItDLL


use Win32::API;

#  void WINAPI AUTOIT_LeftClick(
#   int nX,
#   int nY
#  );
$AutoLeftClick = new Win32::API("AutoItDLL", "AUTOIT_LeftClick", [I,I], V)
   die "Can't load AUTOIT_LeftClick\n";

$AutoLeftClick->Call($x, $y)


I've been using sendkeys to start some username/password programs. A "\n"
works the same as pressing the enter key. But, I've ran into a program on
which the enter key, and a mouse click do not produce the same results.

Which is totally weird and unexplainable in itself. I thought all Windows
programs would work without a mouse, if you just knew the keyboard trick.
Most of which of course most of us (especially me:), never bother with, but

still, there must be something, and if it's not enter, what could it be?

Does anyone know how to "sendkeys" a mouse click?


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RE: Sendkeys and strange program behavior

2002-08-01 Thread Jamie . Echlin

AutoIt might be more what you're looking for, or you could certainly control it from 
perl. Search on google for it.
hth, jamie

>-Original Message-
>From: Fernando Madruga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: 01 August 2002 18:36
>Subject: RE: Sendkeys and strange program behavior
>> Does anyone know how to "sendkeys" a mouse click?
>Nope. And you'll have to use something different.
>You may, however, be able to TAB into the button control, maybe it's
>just not focused...
>  Fernando Madruga
>Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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RE: Changing the Windows Background NT 4.0

2002-08-01 Thread Fernando Madruga

> I am trying to automatically change the background on a Windows NT4.0
machine, The code im using is below, it seems to execute fine, however,
the background does not change. 
> Does any one have any ideas regarding this ?

Just this: are you running the script with a logged on user, or running
it "automatically" from some scheduler?
Also, did you check the registry to find out if it "worked"?
(You could probably just do that, i.e., change the proper key in the

  Fernando Madruga

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RE: Sendkeys and strange program behavior

2002-08-01 Thread Fernando Madruga

> Does anyone know how to "sendkeys" a mouse click?

Nope. And you'll have to use something different.

You may, however, be able to TAB into the button control, maybe it's
just not focused...

  Fernando Madruga

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