Re: upgrading www::mechanize

2005-08-09 Thread Irmawaty Nugroh Nugroho

thanks again for the advice. I really appreciate it.


- Original Message -
From: Randy Kobes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Monday, August 8, 2005 11:13 pm
Subject: Re: upgrading www::mechanize

> On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Irmawaty Nugroh Nugroho wrote:
> >> On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Irmawaty Nugroh Nugroho wrote:
> >>
> >>> Randy,
> >>>
> >>> I tried to use your repository, but it outputs error like this:
> >>> C:\>ppm install
> mechanize.ppd>>> Error: No valid repositories:
> >>> Error: 401 Authentication required
> >>> Error: 401 Authentication required
> >>>
> >>> I have set the proxy along with my userID and password. Please
> >>> help...
> >>>
> >> Have you checked the ActivePerl docs on ppm that discuss
> >> proxy settings? Or the archives of this mailing list for
> >> similar problems? Does anything there help?
> >>
> >> I assume this isn't a problem with just our repository,
> >> and that, for example, you'd have similar problems
> >> connecting to another?
> >>
> > Randy,
> >
> > thanks for your help.
> > I have looked into ActiveState docs on proxy and in 
> > mailing list but still to no avail. So I ended using 
> > different network that has no proxy server, deleted all 
> > the proxy setting, and installed the modules. By the way, 
> > are you planning to have Win32::IE::Mechanize soon in your 
> > repository? Thanks once again.
> I assume the proxy problem appears for all repositories?
> Another option is to grab the ppd file directly from
> as well as the corresponding archive from
> (with names like, respectively, WhatEver.ppd and
> WhatEver.tar.gz), edit the ppd file to reflect the locally
> saved location of the .tar.gz file, and then install
> locally:
>C:\> ppm WhatEver.ppd
> As for Win32-IE-Mechanize, not all the tests passed
> (which explains why it's not in ActiveState's repository);
> however, I put up a ppm package of it in our repository.
> -- 
> best regards,
> randy

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OLE error when trying to run excel macro

2005-08-09 Thread Larry Lords

I am trying to upgraded to ActivePerl 5.8.7 from 5.8.4 on my Windows XP machine.
I am now getting an Win32::OLE error on a statement that has worked correctly for quite awhile on the old system. 
The statement seems to work correctly but throws the following message:
Win32::OLE (0.1403) error 0x800a9c68 in METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Run" at line number. 
The code is very simple and is as follows: 
    $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Open("T:\\AB_Dashboard\\ab_dashboard.xls");  # open Excel file    $Excel->Run("open_close");
After further investigation I have found that if I put an -w (#!/usr/bin/perl -w) in 5.8.4 I get the same error message, but I get the message in 5.8.7 whether I have the -w option or not.  Any ideas?
I can open and execute the macro manually with no errors. 
I would appreciate any suggestions or alternatives.

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Re: Implementing Active Accessibility Clients in Perl

2005-08-09 Thread Veli-Pekka Tätilä

Hi Octavian,
Found the module. Great stuff. An OOP attitude and loads of methods, too. IT 
seems like it is far nicer to code MSAA from Perl compared to VB or C plus 
plus, because the author has gone to great lengths to abstract away MSAA 
specific qurks.

Active State doesn't offer marginal Win32 modules like this MSAA thing on 
their site. I've been mostly using the standard reps and thus didn't know 
the module existed. I found the 1.0 version at:

and installed it using PPM without any problems. All of the bundled tools 
I've tried appear to work fine but as soon as I try to do my own code things 
will fall apart. I suppose it is just some newbie mistake like a small typo 
or me misunderstanding the docs as usual.

As the very first thing, I'm trying to wait for focus change events and 
print out the control name and role. So far I've got the following (hope 
these liens will not wrap):

use strict;
use warnings;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::ActAcc;
my $eventMonitor = Win32::ActAcc::createEventMonitor(1);

{ # Endless loop hit ctrl+c to terminate.
  my $focusedObject = $eventMonitor->waitForEvent( +{event => 

  my $objectName = $focusedObject->get_accName();
  my $objectRole = 

  print "$objectName $objectRole\n";
} # for

When running this perl thinks for a second or two and then blurts out:

WinError=00b7 in EventMonitor_synch at C:/Perl/site/lib/Win32/ 


Err um, any chances of getting a human readable representation or knowing 
the cause?

Things I've tried so far include:

1. Actually looking in the file where the error occurred. Here's some 
relevant context, I think. I've marked the line number 150 with a label 

our $ieh; # event monitor

sub IEH
   if (!defined($ieh))
   $ieh = createEventMonitor(1);

sub createEventMonitor
   my $active = shift;
   HERE: my $rv = events_register($active);
   return $rv;

2. Part of the equation might also be related to the waitForEvents method. 
APparently I should have an EventMonitor so I thought I'd call 
createEventMonitor() to spawn my own. I'm not totally sure if this is right 
and or necessary, though. The documentation does hint at a default event 
cursor. But calling:
Win32::ActAcc::waitForEvent() alone does not seem to make much of a 

Additionally, I've attempted pasting the sample code to wait for notepad:

$aoNotepad = $eh->waitForEvent(
 +{ 'event'=>EVENT_OBJECT_SHOW(),
'role'=>ROLE_SYSTEM_WINDOW() }, 30);

substituting $eh with $eventMonitor. It crashes with the same error message 
as above.

3. I've tried commenting out everything in the loop body apart from the 
method waiting for the events. The result is still the same.

4. I'm running Windows XP and Active State Perl 5.8.6. XP supports Active 
Accessibility 2.0 natively and I do have a screen reader, Dolphin Supernova, 
running that also uses MSAA as one of the detection methods. SO in the worst 
case, MSAA 1.3 compliant methods won't work with 2.0 or the screen reader 
causes some side effects. Both explanations are very unlikely but I'm 
beginning to run out of ideas, , and thought I'd post some newbie Qs 
here, then.

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming:

Octavian Rasnita wrote:


Search with for Active Accessibility and you will se a
Perl module there for this.

It is something like Win32::GUI::ActAcc or something like that.


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2005-08-09 Thread Nicolae.Popovici
Hi Guys,

  I am bothering you with the following problem: I am using MIME::Parse
to parse my emails automatically but it looks like that this is not
possible for html only emails.
Here is a snipset of my code( I just extracted what seemed relevant to
me and I guess it does not compile):

sub Y {

$mailAcc = Mail::POP3Client->new();
my $InboxMessages = $mailAcc->Connect();

my $parser= new MIME::Parser;
my $io = new IO::File;
my $msgNr = $i + $LastMsgNr ;
my $my_entity  = new MIME::Entity;
if ( $io->open(">parseMessage.$msgNr") )
  $mailAcc->BodyToFile($io, $msgNr );
  $my_entity = $parser-> parse( IO::File->new(
  X $my_entity; 

sub X {
use IO::File;
use MIME::Entity;

print "DEBUG : getLicenceParameters \n";
my $entity = new MIME::Entity;
  ($entity) = @_;
  my $o = new IO::File;
  if ( my $BodyHandle = $entity->bodyhandle )
  if ( $o = $entity->open("r"))
   print "DEBUG : read: $o\n";
   my $test_line = $o->getline;
   print "DEBUG : read line ", $test_line, "\n";
   while ( defined($_ = $o->getline) )
#--->it does not go here

Any ideeas?


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Re: Implementing Active Accessibility Clients in Perl

2005-08-09 Thread Octavian Rasnita

Search with for Active Accessibility and you will se a Perl
module there for this.

It is something like Win32::GUI::ActAcc or something like that.


- Original Message - 
From: "Veli-Pekka Tätilä" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 09, 2005 12:46 PM
Subject: Implementing Active Accessibility Clients in Perl

> Hi,
> Is it possible to use Microsoft Active accessibility (MSAA) from Perl?
> been reading the MSDN docs but only knowing the bear minimum of doing
> OLE Automation and bits and pieces about COM, I have a hard time
> understanding what actually can or canot be done. It seems Visual Basic
> is able to use the client-side functionality of MSAA to get at the UI
> controls, query info about them and even manipulate the controls to a
> certain extent. However, the VB interface is not well documented and I'm
> unsure as to whether I can use some OLE interface or have to use the Win32
> API to get at the DLLs implementing MSAA directly. At least the sample VB
> code in the MSAA SDK 1.3, the gist of which is only about a screenful,
> not use any CreateObject method but magically calls MSAA methods like
> AccessibleObjectFromPoint directly.
> What I'd like to do is try out implementing some basic accessibility stuff
> in Perl like a rudimentary MSAA based screen reader with some extra
> thrown in. COmpare to Microsoft Narrator, the basic MSAA reader shipped
> WIndows 2000 and XP.
> So to rehash is it possible to use MSAA via OLE Automation or the WIn32
> perl module? Howabout being notified of events such as focus changes? The
> MSAA API offers means of attaching hook functions that get called should
> something interesting happen but can I simply substitute a function
> with a Perl code ref?  I guess it cannot be as simple as that.
> Finally I should mention that it would probably be easiest to use MSAA, if
> there was a Perl module for it. I found a neat Python wrapper around MSAA
> at:
> but haven't so far found anything equivalent implemented in Perl.
> With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming:
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
> To unsubscribe:

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Re: Error 1053 starting Win32::Daemon service

2005-08-09 Thread Michael Meltzer
try "installing" the service with complete requirements like

perl -install -d  -l 



> My apologies if this ends up posted multiple times, but I
> suspect the first attempt failed...
> I’ve been having a battle getting a simple perl script to
> start as a Win32 service (using Win32::Daemon) on XP. In
> frustration I’ve reverted to the DIRMON script from David
> Roth’s website, which is touted as the example, and I’m
> having exactly the same problems with that. Methinks the
> problem is with me, and a lack of something in the Win32
> knowledge department (my background is primarily VMS &
> Unix) – hopefully someone can point me in the right
> direction.
> I have no problems installing the DIRMON script via a
> simple
>perl –install
> I’ve done this without any account or other parameters,
> but from looking at the installed service, it seems to add
> sensible defaults. If I now try and start this through the
> SCM, it immediately returns with
> Could not start the directory monitoring service on the
> local computer
> Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or
> control request in a timely fashion
> Thinking that this could be a privilege issue with running
> outside an account context, I’ve tried to start this with
> an account and password
>perl –install –user xxx –pass xxx
> I actually set up an account called xxx with the same
> password, so this is literally what was entered. This
> returns with;
> Failed to add the Directory Monitoring Service.
> Error: The account name is invalid or does not exist, or
> the password is invalid for the account name specified
> I’ve then tried installing this as a system service, then
> manually adding the account and password to the logon
> details in the services console, and starting this again.
> This still returns with the 1053 error above.
> I have found the SCM events logged for the startup
> failures, and these are all of the form
> Timeout (3 milliseconds) waiting for the Directory
> Monitoring Service service to connect.
> This implies that the SCM waited for 30 seconds for
> something to happen, but in all cases I have seen the
> failure was reported immediately the start request was
> made
> What am I missing??? How do you debug problems at the
> service level?
> Thanks for any help or pointers
> Andrew
> ___
> Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
> To unsubscribe:

+-- Michael Meltzer -+-+
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|   Lilienthal-Str. 7|   Phone : +49-89-45026-108  |
|   85579 Neubiberg  |   Fax   : +49-89-45026-113  |

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Implementing Active Accessibility Clients in Perl

2005-08-09 Thread Veli-Pekka Tätilä

Is it possible to use Microsoft Active accessibility (MSAA) from Perl? I've 
been reading the MSDN docs but only knowing the bear minimum of doing basic 
OLE Automation and bits and pieces about COM, I have a hard time 
understanding what actually can or canot be done. It seems Visual Basic code 
is able to use the client-side functionality of MSAA to get at the UI 
controls, query info about them and even manipulate the controls to a 
certain extent. However, the VB interface is not well documented and I'm 
unsure as to whether I can use some OLE interface or have to use the Win32 
API to get at the DLLs implementing MSAA directly. At least the sample VB 
code in the MSAA SDK 1.3, the gist of which is only about a screenful, does 
not use any CreateObject method but magically calls MSAA methods like 
AccessibleObjectFromPoint directly.

What I'd like to do is try out implementing some basic accessibility stuff 
in Perl like a rudimentary MSAA based screen reader with some extra features 
thrown in. COmpare to Microsoft Narrator, the basic MSAA reader shipped with 
WIndows 2000 and XP.

So to rehash is it possible to use MSAA via OLE Automation or the WIn32 API 
perl module? Howabout being notified of events such as focus changes? The 
MSAA API offers means of attaching hook functions that get called should 
something interesting happen but can I simply substitute a function pointer 
with a Perl code ref?  I guess it cannot be as simple as that.

Finally I should mention that it would probably be easiest to use MSAA, if 
there was a Perl module for it. I found a neat Python wrapper around MSAA 

but haven't so far found anything equivalent implemented in Perl.

With kind regards Veli-Pekka Tätilä ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Accessibility, game music, synthesizers and programming: 

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RE: Error 1053 starting Win32::Daemon service

2005-08-09 Thread Anderson, Mark (Service Delivery)
Hi, Andrew

a) can you run the script as yourself, interactively? 
b) can you rediect STDERR to a file in a BEGIN{} block to see if you're able
to capture any errors from server mgr.

c) That error isn't always a problem - sometimes the service does start, I'm
guessing it's not in your case, though so it's probably waiting on

Was the service initially installed to run as Localhost\System (or

Kind regards,

Mark Anderson
Team Leader - RSWI
1st Floor, The Broadstone
50 South Gyle Crescent
Edinburgh, EH12 9UX
Tel: 0131 523 7630
Mob: 07808 826 063

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 3:32 AM
> To:
> Subject:  Error 1053 starting Win32::Daemon service
> *** WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***
> I've been having a battle getting a simple perl script to start as a Win32
> service (using Win32::Daemon) on XP. In frustration I've reverted to the
> DIRMON script from David Roth's website, which is touted as the example,
> and I'm having exactly the same problems with that. Methinks the problem
> is with me, and a lack of something in the Win32 knowledge department (my
> background is primarily VMS & Unix) - hopefully someone can point me in
> the right direction.
> I have no problems installing the DIRMON script via a simple
> perl -install
> I've done this without any account or other parameters, but from looking
> at the installed service, it seems to add sensible defaults. If I now try
> and start this through the SCM, it immediately returns with
>  Couldn ot start the directory monitoring service on the local computer
> Error1 053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in
> a timely fashion
> Thinking that this could be a privilege issue with running outside an
> account context, I've tried to start this with an account and password
>  perl -install -user xxx -pass xxx
>  I actually set up an account called xxx with the same password, so this
> is literally what was entered. This returns with;
> Failedt o add the Directory Monitoring Service.
> Error:T he account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is
> invalid for the account name specified 
> I've then tried installing this as a system service, then manually adding
> the account and password to the logon details in the services console, and
> starting this again. This still returns with the 1053 error above.
> I have found the SCM events logged for the startup failures, and these are
> all of the form 
> Timeout (3 milliseconds) waiting for the Directory Monitoring Service
> service to connect.
> This implies that the SCM waited for 30 seconds for something to happen,
> but in all cases I have seen the failure was reported immediately the
> start request was made 
> What am I missing??? How do you debug problems at the service level?
> Thanks for any help or pointers
> Andrew 
>  << File: ATT3232536.txt >> 

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Error 1053 starting Win32::Daemon service

2005-08-09 Thread Andrew McLaren
Title: Message

I’ve been 
having a battle getting a simple perl script to start 
as a Win32 service (using Win32::Daemon) on XP. In frustration I’ve reverted to 
the DIRMON script from David Roth’s website, which is touted as the example, and 
I’m having exactly the same problems with that. Methinks the problem is with 
me, and a lack of something in the Win32 knowledge 
department (my background is primarily VMS & Unix) – hopefully someone can 
point me in the right direction.
I have no 
problems installing the DIRMON script via a simple
perl –install
I’ve done 
this without any account or other parameters, but from looking at the installed 
service, it seems to add sensible defaults. If I now try and start this through 
the SCM, it immediately returns with
not start the directory monitoring service on the local 
1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely 
that this could be a privilege issue with running outside an account context, 
I’ve tried to start this with an account and password
 perl –install –user xxx –pass xxx    
 I actually set up an account called 
xxx with the same password, so this is literally what was entered. This returns with;

to add the Directory Monitoring Service.Error: 
The account name is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for 
the account name specified 
I’ve then 
tried installing this as a system service, then manually adding the account and 
password to the logon details in the services console, and starting this again. 
This still returns with the 1053 error above.

I have 
found the SCM events logged for the startup failures, and these are all of the 
(3 milliseconds) waiting for the Directory Monitoring Service service to connect.

This implies that the SCM waited for 
30 seconds for something to happen, but in all cases I have seen the failure was 
reported immediately the start request was made 
What am I 
missing??? How do you debug problems at the service level?

Thanks for 
any help or pointers
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Error 1053 starting Win32::Daemon service

2005-08-09 Thread andrew
My apologies if this ends up posted multiple times, but I 
suspect the first attempt failed...

I’ve been having a battle getting a simple perl script to 
start as a Win32 service (using Win32::Daemon) on XP. In 
frustration I’ve reverted to the DIRMON script from David 
Roth’s website, which is touted as the example, and I’m 
having exactly the same problems with that. Methinks the 
problem is with me, and a lack of something in the Win32 
knowledge department (my background is primarily VMS & 
Unix) – hopefully someone can point me in the right 

I have no problems installing the DIRMON script via a 

  perl –install

I’ve done this without any account or other parameters, 
but from looking at the installed service, it seems to add 
sensible defaults. If I now try and start this through the 
SCM, it immediately returns with

Could not start the directory monitoring service on the 
local computer
Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or 
control request in a timely fashion

Thinking that this could be a privilege issue with running 
outside an account context, I’ve tried to start this with 
an account and password

  perl –install –user xxx –pass xxx

I actually set up an account called xxx with the same 
password, so this is literally what was entered. This 
returns with;

Failed to add the Directory Monitoring Service.
Error: The account name is invalid or does not exist, or 
the password is invalid for the account name specified

I’ve then tried installing this as a system service, then 
manually adding the account and password to the logon 
details in the services console, and starting this again. 
This still returns with the 1053 error above.

I have found the SCM events logged for the startup 
failures, and these are all of the form

Timeout (3 milliseconds) waiting for the Directory 
Monitoring Service service to connect.

This implies that the SCM waited for 30 seconds for 
something to happen, but in all cases I have seen the 
failure was reported immediately the start request was 

What am I missing??? How do you debug problems at the 
service level?

Thanks for any help or pointers

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