OLE automation for MS Publisher

2004-10-05 Thread Brad Smith

Using MS Publisher XP(2002), I was able to create a COM object and 
build a document! Apparently, previous Publisher versions did not 
operate on the COM standard.

So far, I have managed to create a new document and open an 
existing .pub document, add pages at a designated position, add 
graphics to the page, and print the document out to a postscript file.

Unfortunately, the most necessary thing, adding TextBoxes and 
inserting text, remains a mystery. I can't seem to transpose the VBA 
samples to the Perl equivalent. I am hoping someone on this list is 
better versed in the translation process.

Here is the code snippet I am trying to translate to Perl. Help is much 

VBA Code #1 (Creates the textbox):
Set shpTextBox = 
ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes.AddTextBox _ 
(Orientation:=pbTextOrientationHorizontal, _ 
Left:=144, Top:=144, _ Width:=72, Height:=18) 

VBA Code #2 (Places the text in the textbox and formats it):
.Text = My Text With .Font .Bold = msoTrue .Size = 25 
.Name = Algerian End With End With 

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Brad Smith

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
To unsubscribe: http://listserv.ActiveState.com/mailman/mysubs

Where am I going wrong with OLE and MS Word?

2003-09-02 Thread Brad Smith
I have written a little app, where I would like to dynamically create a 
directory of resource providers, using Perl OLE and Word10.  I would 
like the directory to contain:
1.  A full page color graphic
2.  Table of Contents
3.  Contents:  each resource provider listed on a page, separated by a 
page break.

Each of these aspects I have successfully performed, individually.  
Where I am having my problems is in setting ranges for different 
formatting.  For instance, the first page, the cover art should bleed to 
the edges.  Then, a page break, then the Table of Contents, with 1 
borders all the way around, page break, followed by the resource 
provider listings, each separated by a page break and formatted w/ 1 

I begin by using 'PageSetup' to set all margins to 0 (for full bleed).  
Then, I add the InlineShape to the first page.  Everything works to that 
point.  Now, I would like to reset the page borders to 1 all around and 
begin adding the Table of Contents and other text.  Unfortunately, every 
time I adjust the PageSetup parameters, ALL the margins are reset, 
negating the 0 margins I had established for the cover art.

I have read every archived email re: OLE and Word, combed my Office 
Developer's Guide book (VBA), searched Google for anything available, 
but the examples I have found do not address multiple page margins 
within a single document.

Below is the code I have written so far.  Is there anyone out there who 
has fond experiences with OLE automation of Word who can help me 
through this?  Thanks in advance.

use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Const 'Microsoft Word';

my($outputFile) = c:/check_this_file.doc;

my($WordApp) = Win32::OLE - new('Word.Application', 'Quit');
$WordApp- {Visible} = 1;
$WordApp - Documents - Add;

$PageSetup - {LeftMargin}  = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0);
$PageSetup - {RightMargin} = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0);
$PageSetup - {TopMargin}   = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0);
$PageSetup - {BottomMargin}= $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0);


$PageSetup2 - {LeftMargin}  = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0.75);
$PageSetup2 - {RightMargin} = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0.75);
$PageSetup2 - {TopMargin}   = $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0.75);
$PageSetup2 - {BottomMargin}= $WordApp - InchesToPoints(0.75);

$WordApp-Selection-Font-{Size} = '12';
$WordApp-Selection-TypeText( Let's try some text in here to see 
what happens. );

Brad Smith

Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
To unsubscribe: http://listserv.ActiveState.com/mailman/mysubs

Quirky behavior with for loop

2003-02-10 Thread Brad Smith
I have spent a good part of today trying to figure out a very simple situation 
where there are nested for loops.  Normally, I have not had problems, but, 
for some reason, with this tertiary level loop, Perl decides it just doesn't 
exist.  My abridged code is below.  What am I doing wrong, please?  I can't 
see it.

The strangest part of this whole dilemma is that I can test the variable for 
their content just before calling the last two 'for' loops, seeing that their 
values are as expected, but then the innermost for loop fails.

code below

foreach $i (1..scalar(@question)) {
if ($question_type[$i] eq columnar_chart) {

@names=split (/\|/, $question_answers[$i]);

print qq~

abridged for emailing



foreach $k (0..($columns)-1) {
print qq~
td align=center width=$column_width%font face=Arial 
size=2 color=#33$names[$k]/font/td

foreach $fg (0..($these_rows)-1) {
print We get to the outer loopbr;
print tr;
my $inner_counter=1;

foreach $rt (0..($columns)-1) {
print We get to the inner loopbr;


print qq~
td width=$column_width\%p align=centerinput 
type=text size=15 name=$columnar_chart_value/td


print /tr;

code above

Thanks in advance.

Brad Smith
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
To unsubscribe: http://listserv.ActiveState.com/mailman/mysubs


2002-08-29 Thread Brad Smith

I would like to use PerlApp to create a freestanding web-based 
application.  So far, when the app is started, it uses Win32::OLE to 
open a browser window (MSIE), and pass it the first page, a frames 
page named main.html.

Now, MSIE serves as my application window.  I would like to be able to 
click links in the browser window, which would make a call to 
my_app.exe, and the my_app.exe would send back the corresponding 
information to the browser window.  Right now, though, I can't seem to 
get it to work, since the web browser window wants to save/open the 
.exe from the hyperlink.  

I worried that this would happen in certain cases, like those people who 
have auto-downloaders installed, but I did not expect it not to work at 
this primary point.

So, in the browser window, the hyperlink URL would read:
a href=my_app.exe?command=do_this where 'my_App.exe' is 
the application I created using PerlApp, and 'coomand=do_this' is the 
argument I am passing.

Is it just a syntax in the way I am passing the arguments?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Brad Smith
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
To unsubscribe: http://listserv.ActiveState.com/mailman/mysubs

Pipe to ps2pdf

2002-02-12 Thread Brad Smith

I am trying to write a script that will pipe my postscript file to ps2pdf 
(part of Ghostscript), but I am having an impossible time.  Does anyone 
who has implemented ghostscript have a code snippet that 
demonstrates how to pipe the .ps data to ps2pdf?

Thanks in advance,
Brad Smith
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
To unsubscribe: http://listserv.ActiveState.com/mailman/mysubs