Example of using "use File::Remote " to copy files from one Windows machine to another

2008-03-31 Thread Glen Plantz
Hi folks,

I need to copy files from a remote Windows machine to the Windows
machine were the Perl script is executing.

I've installed and tried running a script that uses "File::Remote", but
I'm getting errors.

Here is the file so far..

use File::Remote qw(:replace);

# PsExec_Usage_Line.txt

# IP address of me8280a

# read the file "PsExec_Usage_Line.txt on the D drive of me8280a
( ipAddress )

open (REMOTE, "$/PsExec_Usage_Line.txt") or die

The error I'm getting is:

D:\BusinessAnalyticsFiles\PerlScripts>perl File_Remote.pl
The system cannot find the path specified.
No such file or directory at File_Remote.pl line 25.

The Remote file, PsExec_Usage_Line.txt, is on the base D drive of the
remote machine.

Thanks so much for any help.

Glen Plantz
Mitchell International

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Copying an Excel chart to PowerPoint

2007-07-17 Thread Glen Plantz
Hi Folks,

I need to copy an Excel Chart to PowerPoint. I've found VBA code to do
this, but I'm having trouble converting it to Perl.

Could some kind soul please lend me a hand?

I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Glen Plantz
Mitchell International

Here is the VBA Code.

Sub ChartToPresentation()
' Uses Early Binding to the PowerPoint Object Model
' Set a VBE reference to Microsoft PowerPoint Object Library

Dim PPApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim PPPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Dim PPSlide As PowerPoint.Slide

' Make sure a chart is selected
If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Please select a chart and try again.", vbExclamation, _
"No Chart Selected"
' Reference existing instance of PowerPoint
Set PPApp = GetObject(, "Powerpoint.Application")
' Reference active presentation
Set PPPres = PPApp.ActivePresentation
PPApp.ActiveWindow.ViewType = ppViewSlide
' Reference active slide
Set PPSlide = PPPres.Slides _

' Copy chart as a picture
ActiveChart.CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Size:=xlScreen, _

' Paste chart

' Align pasted chart
PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignCenters, True
PPApp.ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange.Align msoAlignMiddles, True

' Clean up
Set PPSlide = Nothing
Set PPPres = Nothing
Set PPApp = Nothing
End If

End Sub



Glen Plantz
Software Engineer IV
Business Analytics
"The future belongs to data"

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Problem with error "Can't call method "Select" on an undefined value" in Win32::OLE Excel script

2007-02-01 Thread Glen Plantz
Hi Folks,

I'm having trouble with code that I've done hundreds of times before,
but which in this case is causing the error "Can't call method "Select"
on an undefined value".

Here is a snippet of code:

my $excel_app = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application')
or die "could not create excel app\n";

$excel_app->{'Visible'} = 1;

#  " $Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve " is pointing to a file in
the current directory...

my $excel_Retrieve_Workbook   =
$excel_app->Workbooks->Add( { Template => $Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve } )
or die "could not open $Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve\n";

my $Sheet1 = $excel_Retrieve_Workbook->Worksheets(1);


  print "\nExiting for test\n";


# ***

I get the error " "Can't call method "Select" on an undefined value" on
the line:


# ****

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've done things similar to
this many times.

Can anyone see any problems with the above code???

Thanks in advance for any help.

Glen Plantz
Mitchell International
San Diego, California
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error when I try to execute the "SaveAs" function in Win32::OLE" when I try to save an Excel worksheet to a new format.

2006-10-04 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: error when I try to execute the "SaveAs" function in Win32::OLE" when I try to save an Excel worksheet to a new format.

Hi Folks,

I'm getting an error when I try to execute the "SaveAs" function in Win32::OLE" when I try to save an Excel worksheet to a new format.

 ( I'm using the " csv " format here, but I _really_ want to save each sheet in the workbook as a Tab delimited file, I could not find any format strings that looked like they would save to a tab delimited file )

Here is the text of the error;

 "Invalid number of parameters"


I've searched for examples of executing this call, but I haven't found anything that works.

Here is a snippet of code showing my execution:

# ***

my $count = $excel_Workbook->Worksheets()->{Count};

print "count = $count\n";

my $sheetName;

my $newEmailFileName;

my $newFileFormat = 'xlCSVMDOS';

my $newFile;

foreach (1..$count) {


    my $currSheet2 = $excel_Workbook->Worksheets($_);

    $sheetName = $currSheet2->{Name};

    print "Sheet Name = $sheetName\n";


    $newEmailFileName = "$Drive" . ':' . '\\' . "$Directory" .'\\' .'AmFam' . "$currentMonth" . "$year" . '_' . "$sheetName";

    $newFile = "$Drive" . ':' . '\\' . "$Directory" .'\\' .'AmFam' . "$currentMonth" . "$year" . '_' . "$sheetName" . ".csv";

    $currSheet2->SaveAs( $newEmailFileName, $newFileFormat, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef );


    if( Win32::OLE->LastError() ) {

   print $sheetName . ' Error saving: ' . Win32::OLE->LastError() .

    "\n"; }


# *

Could some kind soul help me with this?

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Glen Plantz

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Returning to a Worksheet where a hyperlink was used - in Excel with Win32::OLE

2006-05-01 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Returning to a Worksheet where a hyperlink was used - in Excel with Win32::OLE

Hi Folks,

We have a set of Excel Workbooks that are constructed by Perl Win32::OLE scripts. The Workbooks consist of reports in the form of Worksheets. Each Worksheet has a column of Hyperlink Objects that direct the user to one Sheet of a set of "definition pages" (a set of Worksheets at the end of each Workbook )  that gives details on how the values in that row are calculated.

My issue is how to allow the user to "go back" to the page from where they came when they are on a definition page, by either clicking on a hyperlink on the definition page they are currently on, or with a simple Control-Sequence.

I know that the user can get back to a Sheet from where they originally clicked on the hyperlink ( that brought them to the current definition page ) by executing: 


    (  Control-G here brings up the "Go To" dialog box, listing a series of "References", one of which is highlighted, which is the reference for the sheet from where they came. 

       Hitting the ENTER key will bring them back to the sheet from where they came).

I can't construct a Hyperlink Object on these "definition" sheets, because a user could go to one specific definition sheet from any number of Worksheets.

Does anyone know of a solution to allow a user to get back to a Sheet from where they clicked on a hyperlink, other than using the "Control-G " sequence ???

Thanks as always for any help.

Glen Plantz

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Modifying the Address property of an Excel Hyperlink object with Win32::OLE

2006-03-29 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Modifying the Address property of an Excel Hyperlink object with Win32::OLE

Hi folks,

I need to edit the Address property of Hyperlink objects in Excel worksheets. I did a google and found several examples of ADDING hyperlinks, but could someone please send me an example of editing an EXISTING hyperlink 'Address' property?

Thanks in advance for any help.

Glen Plantz

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using unlink on Win32 results in "permission denied" error

2006-02-09 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

I need to delete 
several files from a directory that were associated with an Excel process. I did 
an $excel_app->quit which got rid of that process, but when I then tried to 
do an "unlink" to get rid of the Excel files, I received the error "can't 
unlink. permission denied" error.
Dave Roth posted an 
article on this problem in the "WindowsIT Pro" magazine, but a subscription 
is required to see his solution, that uses the Win32-AdminMisc 
Here is the snippet 
that the WindowsIT Pro magazine post

  This task isn't easy by any stretch of the imagination, but oddly enough 
  it's an all too common one. A perfect example is when you want to rename or 
  delete a file but you can't because a process has opened it. This problem is 
  broken into two components: files that local processes have open and files that remote processes h . . . 
Could some 
kind soul please tell me how to deal with this problem?
I'm sure this 
must be an FAQ, but I can't see a solution using Google.
Thanks in 
advance for any help.

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creating ZIP file that is password protected

2006-01-25 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

Do any of you know 
of a way or know of a module that can password-protect a ZIP file? 

I've just started 
using Archive::Zip, and it works well, but I don't see any way to 
password-protect the ZIP file that is created from 
I've looked thru the 
Archive::Zip  documents, but I don't see any method to programmatically add 
a password to the ZIP file that is created.
Thanks in advance 
for any help.
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Copy vs Add when adding sheets to a workbook past 255

2006-01-22 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

Last Thursday I posted a query about an error I was getting 
when trying to create sheets in an Excel workbook past a sheet count of 
Justin Allegakoen was kind enough to 
send me a script that works to add sheets past 255, using the "Add" 
Here is a snippet of the code that Justin sent 

  my $Excel = Win32::OLE->GetActiveObject('Excel.Application') || 
  Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', 'Quit'); 
  $Excel->{Visible} = 1; 
  $Excel->{SheetsInNewWorkbook} = 255; 
  my $Book = $Excel->Workbooks->Add();

  foreach my $i(1 .. 255) {
print "Renaming Sheet$i\n";
my $Sheet = $Book->Worksheets($i);
$Sheet->{Name} = "Glen 
  for(1 .. 10)
This code works great, but why does the "Add " function 
work here past a sheetcount of 255, when the "Copy" function that I mentioned in 
my original post, throws an error when when the sheetcount > 255 
I should have mentioned in my original post that I have 
an existing Excel sheet that I need to open and use as a "Template" for all the 
other sheets in this workbook that I'm creating.
Thanks in advance for any help here I'm 
Glen Plantz
Here is my original post...
I need some help 
with getting around the 255 sheet limit for NEW workbooks in Excel. Here is a 
snippet from the book "Excel: The Missing Manual"

  Note: Although you're limited to 255 
  sheets in a new workbook, Excel doesn't limit how many 
  worksheets you can add after 
  you've created a workbook. The only factor that ultimately limits the number 
  of worksheets your workbook can hold is your computer's memory. However, most 
  modern day PCs can easily handle even the largest of 
I've tried closing and and immediately reopening a Workbook, to no avail. 
My system has 1 Gig of memory. No other apps are 
I keep a running count of the number worksheet's I've created in my Perl 
script, and no matter whether I've closed and reopened, or what, as soon as 
the count gets to 256 worksheets, the following error 

  D:\Perl>perl CsaaRetrieveToTemplate.pl  >  
  outputA3_for_lv.txtOLE exception from "Microsoft 
  Unable to get the Copy property of the Worksheet 
  Win32::OLE(0.1701) error 0x800a03ec    in 
  METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Copy" at CsaaRetrieveToTemplate.plline 
Here is a 
snippet of the code ( the last line is throwing the above error 
$templateCopy  = "";   
$templateSheet = 
    my $shCount = 
print "shCount = $shCount\n";   
or die Win32::OLE->LastError();
I hope 
someone has a solution... this is a "show stopper" for the work I'm 
Thanks in 
advance for any help...

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getting around the 255 sheet limit for NEW workbooks in Excel

2006-01-19 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

I need some help 
with getting around the 255 sheet limit for NEW workbooks in Excel. Here is a 
snippet from the book "Excel: The Missing Manual"

  Although you're limited to 255 sheets in 
  a new workbook, Excel doesn't limit how many worksheets you 
  can add after you've created a 
  workbook. The only factor that ultimately limits the number of worksheets your 
  workbook can hold is your computer's memory. However, most modern day PCs can 
  easily handle even the largest of workbooks.
I've tried closing and and immediately reopening a Workbook, to no avail. 
My system has 1 Gig of memory. No other apps are 
I keep a running count of the number worksheet's I've created in my Perl 
script, and no matter whether I've closed and reopened, or what, as soon as 
the count gets to 256 worksheets, the following error 

  D:\Perl>perl CsaaRetrieveToTemplate.pl  >  
  outputA3_for_lv.txtOLE exception from "Microsoft 
  Unable to get the Copy property of the Worksheet 
  Win32::OLE(0.1701) error 0x800a03ec    in 
  METHOD/PROPERTYGET "Copy" at CsaaRetrieveToTemplate.plline 
Here is a 
snippet of the code ( the last line is throwing the above error 
$templateCopy  = "";   
$templateSheet = 
    my $shCount = 
print "shCount = $shCount\n";   
or die Win32::OLE->LastError();
I hope 
someone has a solution... this is a "show stopper" for the work I'm 
Thanks in 
advance for any help...

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converting from Row, Column to Cell Name, and back, in Excel

2006-01-04 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

Could someone tell 
me how to convert from the "Row, Column" ( 1,1) reference to a Cell to using the 
"Cell Name" ( A1) ?
I know this is an 
FAQ, but I can't seem to find an answer.
Thanks for the 
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Formatting a Date in a Cell in Excel

2005-12-15 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

I'm having trouble 
formatting the Cell Contents of an Excel sheet with 
I want to force the 
contents of a Cell that has a DATE value ( "Dec 2005" ) to be a 
What happens is the 
Date value 'DEC 2005' in converted into 'Dec-05'.
Any help will be 
greatly appreciated
Thanks, Glen 
Here is my 
my ($currentMonth, 
$currentYear ) = split / /, 
# holds "Dec 2005"
# Now open the 
TEMPLATE FILE where this month value will be used...# 
$CSAA_A2_RegionOfficemy $template_Workbook = 
$excel_app->Workbooks->Open($CSAA_A2_RegionOffice)or die "could not 
open $CSAA_A2_RegionOffice\n";
#now select first 
column heading where HOA will be used... and try putting the correct column 
heading in...my $Sheet1 = 
#now select 
correct array based on the '$currentMonth' value my $mnth;my $i = 
my $mnth = 
$HOA{$currentMonth}[$i];   # $mnth holds 'DEC'
#correct value... 
now try putting in the correct value...
my $monthYear = 
$mnth . '  ' . $currentYear;
print "monthYear = 
# my $dt = 
Variant(VT_DATE, $monthYear);
"$dt\n";print $dt->Date("MMM "), "\n";
my $formatedDate = 
$dt->Date("MMM "), "\n";print "formatedDate = 
# this works, but 
the year has the format '05' see screen 
shot...$Sheet1->Range("D2")->{'Value'} = 
# this does not 
work#$Sheet1->Range("D2")->{'Value'} = 
#this doesn't seem 
to effect the value entered...#$Sheet1->Range("D2")->Format("MMM 
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using Win32::OLE to copy or copy a range from one sheet to another

2005-12-06 Thread Glen Plantz
Title: Message

I've been using Perl 
for a number of years, and I'm now learning Win32::OLE for manipulating Excel 
files. I'm try to copy or cut a range of cells from one Worksheet to 
another. The "Select" portion works fine, but the "Paste" is not 
Thanks in advance 
for any help. 
Here is my 

  my $excel_app = 
  Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application')or die "could not create excel 
  $excel_app->{'Visible'} = 1;
  'SheetsInNewWorkbook' }  = 1;
  my $excel_Workbook 
  = $excel_app->Workbooks->Open($Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve )or die 
  "could not open $Excel_CurrentMonth_Retrieve\n";
  # this section 
  executes VBA functions in the Workbook opened above to retrieve data from an 
  Hyperion Essbase database... this works fine
  $excel_app->{ 'DisplayAlerts' } = 0;
  my $excel_Workbook = 
  )    or die "could not open 
  $Excel_CurrentMonth_Retrieve\n";    my $m_sVBAFunctionName 
  = "'" . $Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve . "'!Connect";
  my $retVal = $excel_app->Run($m_sVBAFunctionName, $Essbase_Server, 
  $Essbase_UserID, $Essbase_Password, $Essbase_Application, 
  $Essbase_Database);    print "retVal = 
  $retVal\n";    $m_sVBAFunctionName = "'" . 
  $Excel_CSAA_Test_Retrieve . "'!Retrieve";
  $retVal = $excel_app->Run($m_sVBAFunctionName);
  # END - Data Retrieve
  "retVal = $retVal\n";

  my $Sheet1 = 

  my $Sheet = 
  or die Win32::OLE->LastError();
  $Sheet->{Name} = "Glens"
  $ works fine up to year,... the "Sheet1" 
  excel sheet above shows that the range "A29:P39" has been selected and 
  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is 
  where I'm running into trouble this Paste is not 
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