UNIX utilities in Perl

2004-11-10 Thread Martin Leese

I am not sure if this is the right list for this question.
I suspect it belongs on a list about CPAN, but the CPAN
site doesn't appear to mention one.

I am working on Windows, and find I keep writing very
short Perl scripts to implement UNIX utilities.  I call
them zap_grep, zap_wc, zap_unique, zap_diff, zap_sort.
My versions are very crude compared with the UNIX
originals, and I wondered if somebody had already gone
through this exercise.

A search of CPAN came up with "prep" (Perl grep), "wc",
and "uniq".
Are these modules collected together anywhere?
Should they be?
What additional UNIX utilities would be useful?  (Above,
I suggest diff and sort.)

What would be *really* useful is a method to pipe
filters together.


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How remove newlines?

2004-11-05 Thread Martin Leese

A nice easy one for a Friday afternoon.

I have a variable containing text in which I wish to
convert embedded newlines to spaces.  And, I wish to
do this in a way which is portable.

I have come up with:

$tempValue =~ s/\r\n/ /g;
$tempValue =~ s/\n/ /g;

I believe this pair of statements will work on both
Windows and UNIX, and with text originating on both
Windows and UNIX.  I welcome improvements.

Also, how do I accommodate Macs?

Many thanks,

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Re: Date format patterns

2004-10-29 Thread Martin Leese
"$Bill Luebkert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jim Hill wrote:
I see where you're going, I think, but the problem is that I
can't predict the date format which other users will retrieve
from their registries. A lot of variations can be generated using
different separators, eg dd-mm- and dd/mm/, and different
orders, eg mm/dd/yy and /mm/dd, and the solution needs to be
able to accommodate them all.
If you can't predict the date format, I don't see how you can convert
it into a standard format.  Date::Manip or Date::Calc may have more of
a chance, but it would still be a guess if the format is unknown.
You would at least have to know which field is which - the delimiters
can be handled which a regex.
I have to do this all the time.  Bill is correct that
it is impossible to know whether the single date
06/07/1999 means July 06 or June 07.  However, given
a set of such dates, and assuming they are consistent,
then it is possible to use heuristic rules (such as
07/22/1999 has to be mm/dd/, so everything else
is).  If Jim can extract a set of dates from the
registry then he might be able to do this.
The other thought which struck me was whether it
would be possible to use stuff in the registry to tell
the locale, and to then use the locale to predict the
date format.
Best of luck,
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RE: [PHP] people/projects looking for developers...

2004-10-19 Thread Martin Leese
"bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
for the most part, people have responded with contract resource sites...
no one has mentioned any kind of site specifically geared towards people who
want to come together to kind of build applications. ala the old
garage/basement type of process were you get a few guys together with a few
sales guys, and they build/start to sale the app, and create a biz...
so my question i guess, is why the hell isn't there more of an interest in
this kind of atmosphere..
have people just been too dam* burned too many times, or are people really
just satisfied with their jobs
What you seem to have in mind is technology driven development.
This was find during the dot.com boom, but that bust.  Venture
capital companies will no longer fund a good idea; good ideas
are ten a penny.  They fund only good business propositions,
and these are market led.  That is to say, find out what product
will sell, get a group of customers to sign up, and then develop
Try reading "A Good Hard Kick in the Ass: Basic Training for
Entrepreneurs" by Rob Adams.  The author used to work for
venture capital companies, and now runs a consultancy preparing
start-ups for their initial encounter with a VC company.  He
describes the process as going out and finding people in pain.
You then develop a product to remove their pain (for a price).
This is off topic, so maybe continue it off-line.
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Re: simple regex question

2004-10-15 Thread Martin Leese
a simple/basic/embarassingly simple one...
i have:
$foo = "foo.txt"
i simply want to separate on the "."
 $foo =~ /([^.]+).txt/
 $ans = $1

this doesn't seem to get $ans = 'foo'
use File::Basename;
my $foo = "foo.txt";
my $ans = fileparse($foo, ('.txt'));
print "$ans\n";

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Re: Reading Locked PDF files

2004-10-08 Thread Martin Leese
"ashish srivastava" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Has anybody read a .pdf file from a perl script? I am trying to use 
PDF::Extract module, but not able to get the o/p.
Please let me know if any one has written similar scripts?
I tried to do this in Perl, gave up, and used
"pdftotext.exe -layout" from the free Swish-e
package, http://swish-e.org/
Having converted the PDF file to text, I then
used Perl to unpick it.
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
Then quit. No use being a damn fool about it."
[Attributed to W C Fields]
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Re: problems with text encoding

2004-10-07 Thread Martin Leese
"R. Sánchez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi group.
I've installed ActivePerl on win XP and I'm having some problems. I've 
tried documentation at activestate but found nothing on this topic.

When a variable contains a non-english character (for ex. á [thats 
á if you don't see it]) and the script prints that variable to 
the screen, I get a lousy character, like if the cmd shell didn't 
support this character. But I can type it directly in a shel prompt and 
it shows ok.

I've tried playing with locale (use locale;) and perl uses 
Spanish_Spain.1252 (es_es), so those character should print out. Windows 
local is also set to spanish.
I don't understand what "perl uses Spanish_Spain.1252
(es_es)" means.  Internally, Perl uses the UTF-8
character encoding.  As far as I can tell, you have
Windows XP set up to use the Windows-1252 character
encoding; this is the same as ISO-8859-1 (I think).
So, your problem is how to convert from ISO-8859-1
(also called Latin-1) to UTF-8.
Look on CPAN http://search.cpan.org/ for "Encode" and
then try using:
$string = decode("iso-8859-1", $octets);
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Re: a regex to remove characters...

2004-06-11 Thread Martin Leese
"bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
need to know if there's a quick regex to remove everything after a given
$foo = http://ww.rr.bb/cat/dog/index.html
$foo = http://ww.rr.bb/cat/dog/ball/abc.html
i'd like to know how to remove everything after the last "/"...
Not a regex, but try:
use File::Basename;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $foo = "http://ww.rr.bb/cat/dog/index.html";;
my (undef, $directory, undef) = fileparse($foo);
print $directory;

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RE: converting dates..

2004-06-11 Thread Martin Leese
"Perl Developer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
You can always use Date::Format.  If you need to convert it from the string
first ("June 02, 2004"), you might want to look into Date::Manip -- namely
the ParseDate function.
Here is the URL on cpan:
Date::Manip (ParseDate function)
Chris Snyder
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
George Gallen
Sent: Thursday, June 10, 2004 12:31 PM
To: Perl Win32
Subject: converting dates..
I have a date that looks like:
June 02, 2004
Is there an perl function that will convert it to 06/02/2004 or 0602004
or if not a modules that converts.
I needed to do this the other day.  It was so simple
it never occurred to me to use a module.  In general,
using modules is preferable.  Here's the code I used
(use at your own risk):
sub parseDate
my ($date) = @_;
if ( ($tempMonth, $day, $year) = $date =~ 
m/^\s*(\w+)\s+(\d\d?),\s+(\d\d\d?\d?)\s*$/ )
$day = sprintf("%02d", $day);  # ensure day is two digits
#   Ensure year is four digits
if ($year <= 1900)
if ($year > 05)
$year += 1900;
$year += 2000;
my $month = &convertMonth($tempMonth);
my $oldDate = $date;
$date = $year . $month . $day;
print "$0: WARNING: Date parsed from \"", $oldDate, "\" to \"", $date, 
return $date;

sub convertMonth
my ($month) = @_;
my $number;
if ($month =~ m/^January$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "01";
elsif ($month =~ m/^February$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "02";
elsif ($month =~ m/^March$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "03";
elsif ($month =~ m/^April$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "04";
elsif ($month =~ m/^May$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "05";
elsif ($month =~ m/^June$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "06";
elsif ($month =~ m/^July$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "07";
elsif ($month =~ m/^August$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "08";
elsif ($month =~ m/^September$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "09";
elsif ($month =~ m/^October$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "10";
elsif ($month =~ m/^November$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "11";
elsif ($month =~ m/^December$/i)  # /i = ignore case
$number = "12";
$number = $month;
return $number;
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Re: perl/spider/crawling question...

2004-05-27 Thread Martin Leese
"bruce" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
we're looking at creating a project/app to extract information from
university websites. we know we can write a separate individual perl
app/scipt for each school which would crawl/parse/extract the information we
need. however, we'd rather not write a unique perl script for each school if
there is a better/more efficient way.
anybody have any good suggestions, preferably with code samples!!
thanks for any help/assistance/pointers/etc...
If you unleash a spider, don't forget to build in support
for avoiding pages when requested to do so.  Visit:
Also, a good place to start would be The Web Robots FAQ
at http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/faq.html
This suggests a book or three on spiders.
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Re: undef example

2004-05-07 Thread Martin Leese

&closeFtpConn ( $MVSFTP );
Don't use the ampersand notation unless you specifically need it. If you
don't know what it does differently then you don't need it!

is the syntax to use.
Why?  To quote "Programming Perl":
The official name of a subroutine includes the & prefix.
A subroutine may be called using the prefix, but the &
is usually optional.
When used with parentheses, the & does nothing
differently.  Including it makes clear that the sub is
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searching a file for keywords

2004-04-15 Thread Martin Leese
Craig Cardimon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm searching a text file for keywords. These keywords are stored in an 
array. First, I read the file into a scalar variable. Then, I search for 
each keyword, cycling through the array in an outer foreach loop: 
foreach $keyword (@keywords)

The keywords should be in all caps as a heading -- all by themselves on 
a line. I have noticed they can be either centered, or right or left 

I thought this would do the trick:

if($wholefile =~ /^\s*$keyword\s*$/)

Start and end of line: ^ and $
Zero or more whitespace on either side: \s*
But it doesn't work. Won't pull up anything. I'm doing something dumb here.
This works, but is not as specific as I would like:

if($wholefile =~ m/$keyword/)

Any suggestions?
Try (untested):
 if($wholefile =~ /^\W*$keyword\W*$/)
If you don't have whitespace fore and aft then maybe you
have some other nonword character(s).
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Re: help needed

2004-04-06 Thread Martin Leese
Jeff Griffiths <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here is a link to a free online book targeted at new Perl developers:

Here is another free online book:
I like Picking Up Perl because the book is available both
in separate chapters and as a single lump.
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small text files give empty socket?

2004-04-05 Thread Martin Leese
michael higgins <[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hey, all --

I've been trying to write a small http server. It seems to work fine, 
but for one big problem I just can't get around. I'm hoping someone will 
know why this happens:

When I read a _small_ text file, I can't get it to print to the socket, 
or/or recieve on the other end.

Here's the snip to illustrate. Again, any files print to the socket and 
are read fine, but for _small_ text files. Small binary files are fine, 
but no way of reading the file and printing to the socket has worked for 
the small text (html, etc.) files.

-- mike higgins
You might want to try:

use FileHandle;
From the perlvar page:
Note that STDOUT will typically be line buffered if output is to the terminal 
and block buffered otherwise. Setting this variable is useful primarily when you 
are outputting to a pipe, such as when you are running a Perl script under rsh 
and want to see the output as it's happening. This has no effect on input 
buffering. (Mnemonic: when you want your pipes to be piping hot.)

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RE to split on every other comma

2004-03-26 Thread Martin Leese

I am trying to convert "Smith, A.B., Jones, C.D. and Doe, E.F."
"Smith, A.B."
"Jones, C.D."
"Doe, E.F."
That is to say, I need to split on every other ','.  I have code
which works, but there must be a more elegant way.
Here is what I have:

#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
my @originators = ();
my $cellValue = "Smith, A.B., Jones, C.D. and Doe, E.F.";
#   This could also be "Smith, A.B., Jones, C.D., Doe, E.F."
my @tempArray = split(m/,| and /, $cellValue);  # split on ',' or ' 
and '
#   Unfortunately, this splits too finely, so knit back together again
for (my $loop=0; $loop<@tempArray; $loop+=2)
$originators[$loop / 2] = $tempArray[$loop] . "," . 
$tempArray[$loop + 1];
###print STDERR "tempArray[$loop] = \"", $tempArray[$loop], 
"\"\n";  ### DEBUG ###
###print STDERR "tempArray[$loop+1] = \"", $tempArray[$loop+1], 
"\"\n";  ### DEBUG ###
print STDERR "originators[$loop/2] = \"", 
$originators[$loop/2], "\"\n";  ### DEBUG ###

I strip leading and trailing white space elsewhere, so that is
not a problem.
Many thanks for any help you can give.

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Re: Perl-Win32-Users Digest, Vol 2, Issue 14

2004-03-12 Thread Martin Leese
"Eric Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Hello list,
>> I added a -w and -e and both return false.
>> But the file is created and out there.
>> When I change the format to STDOUT it prints the format to the 
screec >> just
>> as it should.  But it won't write the format to the file because it 
>> can't
>> find the file.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Thanks much!
>> Eric
>> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
>> use strict;
>> use warnings;
>> my ($name, $address, $city, $state, $zip);
>> my $filename = "c:\\labels.txt";
>> open(ADDRESSLABEL, ">>c:\\labels.txt") or
>>die "can't create";
>> open(ADDRESSES, "c:\\perl_prgm\\addresses.txt") or
>>die "cannot open addresses";
>> die "cam't find" if -e $filename;
>> while () {
>>($name, $address, $city, $state, $zip) = split(/:/);
>> }

Haven't tried this, but try closing the output file.

   die "can't close ADDRESSLABEL: $!";
>> print "Done!";
>> exit;
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Simple text editor under Windows

2004-03-02 Thread Martin Leese

I don't want to start a huge flame war with this question,
so please exercise restraint.
I have just started to use Perl under Windows NT.  I have
been using Wordpad to edit my perl scripts simply because it
is there (and Notepad doesn't have search and replace).  My
problem is that perl error messages say "error at line 187",
and if I try to count down that far then I get lost.
So, what is a nice simple editor that will allow me to jump
to line 187?  Note the word "simple"; if Wordpad can be made
to do this then that would be the preferred solution.  I
could use MS Word (Edit->Find->Go To->Line) but this seems
like overkill.
My background is UNIX under which I used "vi" to edit text
files.  I can probably find a port of "vi" to Windows NT,
but wondered what others use.
Many thanks for any help you can give.

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searching for ppms

2004-03-01 Thread Martin Leese
Randy Kobes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   As part of a redesign of our CPAN search engine at
information reported on modules and distributions searched
for now includes that of available Win32 ppm packages. Right
now it includes packages on the ActiveState, crazyinsomniac,
and theoryx5 repositories (both 6xx and 8xx builds) -
Please, is the URL I put into PPM for crazyinsomniac build 8xx
Still struggling a little with PPM.

Many thanks,
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Re: installing modules on Unix server

2004-03-01 Thread Martin Leese
Howard Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 perl -MThe::Module::Name

On Fri, 2004-02-27 at 11:55, Lori wrote:

My main question: Is there a way to tell if I already have these modules before I
attempt to install them ?
PPM query *

I have not used Perl under UNIX, so this may not work.


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Re: Pipe and redirect STDOUT

2004-02-23 Thread Martin Leese
Sui Ming Louie wrote:
I have run similar batch files on NT4.0.  They worked OK.  At one point, I
used to think that redirection from batch files was not possible.  Then I
got some insight from reading the perl2bat.bat file included with Perl.
I asked the original question, so I thought I would try to
summarize progress to date.
First, many thanks to everyone who has responded.  One
poster suggested the problem might be that typing "test.pl"
invoked a BAT file, and that my problem was redirection
from BAT files in general.
There is no "perl.bat" on my system, so this is not the
problem.  Also, redirection from BAT files appears to work
as expected.  (Also, also, there is no "perl2bat.bat" file
on my system.)
Another poster suggested trying "perl test.pl" and, indeed,
redirection using this form of invocation works fine.  This
is a valid work around and, although my problem has not
been solved, my problem is no longer a problem.
Martin Leese wrote:

I know this is a really dumb question (yes, there are dumb
questions), but I am stuck.
Why can I neither pipe the output from a perl script to "more"
nor redirect it to a file?  This is under Windows NT.
The following script:

#! /usr/local/bin/perl
use strict;
use warnings;
###use diagnostics;
print STDOUT "Hello me";
produces "Hello me" on the screen with the command "test.pl".
However, the command "test.pl |more" produces a blank line,
and the command "test.pl >test.txt" produces an empty file.
As the more intelligent amongst you will have guessed, I am
not a Windows person.
Also, while you are here, what is the difference between
"use warnings;" and "use diagnostics;"?
I am running perl, v5.8.2 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread,
Binary build 808 provided by ActiveState Corp. under
Windows NT.
Many thanks for any help you can give.

Thanks again to everyone who responded,
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