Re: FW: Win32::API help

2006-03-09 Thread willem
Bullock, Howard A. wrote:

Also, I checked the Win32::API docs and the MSDN web and could not find
any information about memcpy that would lead me to:
Win32::API('ntdll.dll', 'memcpy', 'PNN', 'V', '_cdecl'); where can I get
more information about why this was constructed in this manner?

memcpy uses the C calling convention,  hence the '_cdecl'  ... it is an
extension to Win32::API i added some time ago.

memcpy normally takes 2 pointers, and an integer length value.
the trick is to specify one of the pointers as an integer, and pass it
the pointer to something you got from another api, as integer value.


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Win32::API help

2006-03-08 Thread Bullock, Howard A.
I am still trying to learn to use the Win32::API module. This attempt is
listed below. I have the following questions:

1. The API wants the server name in UNICODE. I have looked at the
Unicode module docs but do not understand how they relate to this task.
How do I change my standard text name to UNICODE for use with this

2. Is the unpacking of the buffer correct for DWORDs?

3. When unpacking the returned data, what is the difference between the
LONG and DWORD? Aren't they both 4 bytes?

Any help in assisting me to better understand these issues and the use
of Win32::API in general would be greatly appreciated.

use Win32::API;

$GetTOD = new Win32::API('Netapi32','NetRemoteTOD','PP','N');
if(not defined $GetTOD) {
die Can't import API NetRemoteTOD: $!\n;
$lpBuffer =   x 48;

$rc = $GetTOD-Call('', $lpBuffer);
print $rc . \n;

#typedef struct _TIME_OF_DAY_INFO {
#DWORD tod_elapsedt;
#DWORD tod_msecs;
#DWORD tod_hours;
#DWORD tod_mins;
#DWORD tod_secs;
#DWORD tod_hunds;
#LONG tod_timezone;
#DWORD tod_tinterval;
#DWORD tod_day;
#DWORD tod_month;
#DWORD tod_year;
#DWORD tod_weekday;

$tod_month = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 37, 4));
$tod_day = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 33, 4));
$tod_year = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 41, 4));
$tod_hours = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 9, 4));
$tod_mins = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 13, 4));
$tod_secs = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 17, 4));
$tod_timezone = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 25, 4)) * 60

print $tod_month .\n;

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Re: Win32::API help

2006-03-08 Thread willem
Bullock, Howard A. wrote:

1. The API wants the server name in UNICODE. I have looked at the
Unicode module docs but do not understand how they relate to this task.
How do I change my standard text name to UNICODE for use with this

use Encode qw(encode);
printf(%s, encode(UCS-2LE, 'asdadasdads'));

2. Is the unpacking of the buffer correct for DWORDs?

3. When unpacking the returned data, what is the difference between the
LONG and DWORD? Aren't they both 4 bytes?

yes.  DWORD is an unsigned 32 bit integer, LONG a signed 32 bit integer.

$tod_month = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 37, 4));
$tod_day = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 33, 4));
$tod_year = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 41, 4));
$tod_hours = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 9, 4));
$tod_mins = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 13, 4));
$tod_secs = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 17, 4));
$tod_timezone = unpack (L, substr($lpBuffer, 25, 4)) * 60

why do you use the odd offsets?  from the struct in the comments in your
code everything seems perfecty aligned to dwords.

you should write this with one unpack call, like this:

  undef, undef, $tod_hours, $tod_mins, $tod_secs, undef, $tod_timezone,
undef, $tod_day, $tod_month, $tod_year, undef
)= unpack(L6lL5, $lpBuffer);

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RE: Win32::API help

2006-03-08 Thread Bullock, Howard A.
With the help of willem my new code follows. It returns zero (0) as the
return code but the buffer does not appear to contain the expected data.
Any additional insights would be appreciated.

Returncode = 0

tod_elapsedt = 388696  - this val always the same
tod_msecs= 0
tod_hours= 0
tod_mins = 0
tod_secs = 0
tod_hunds= 0
tod_timezone = 0
tod_tinterval= 0
tod_day  = 0
tod_month= 0
tod_year = 0
tod_weekday  = 0

use Win32::API;
use Encode qw(encode);

$GetTOD = new Win32::API('Netapi32','NetRemoteTOD','PP','N');
if(not defined $GetTOD) {
die Can't import API NetRemoteTOD: $!\n;
$lpBuffer = \x00 x 48;
$native_string = server; #Windows 2003
$Unicode_String = encode(UCS-2LE, uc($native_string));

$rc = $GetTOD-Call($Unicode_String, $lpBuffer);
print Returncode =  . $rc . \n;

#typedef struct _TIME_OF_DAY_INFO {
#DWORD tod_elapsedt;
#DWORD tod_msecs;
#DWORD tod_hours;
#DWORD tod_mins;
#DWORD tod_secs;
#DWORD tod_hunds;
#LONG tod_timezone;
#DWORD tod_tinterval;
#DWORD tod_day;
#DWORD tod_month;
#DWORD tod_year;
#DWORD tod_weekday;

( $tod_elapsedt,
  $tod_weekday ) = unpack(L6lL5, $lpBuffer);

tod_elapsedt = $tod_elapsedt
tod_msecs= $tod_msecs
tod_hours= $tod_hours
tod_mins = $tod_mins
tod_secs = $tod_secs
tod_hunds= $tod_hunds
tod_timezone = $tod_timezone
tod_tinterval= $tod_tinterval
tod_day  = $tod_day
tod_month= $tod_month
tod_year = $tod_year
tod_weekday  = $tod_weekday;

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Re: Win32::API help

2006-03-08 Thread willem
Bullock, Howard A. wrote:

With the help of willem my new code follows. It returns zero (0) as the
return code but the buffer does not appear to contain the expected data.
Any additional insights would be appreciated.

tod_elapsedt = 388696  - this val always the same

if you read the msdn docs, you will see that this is a pointer to the
timeofday struct.

you can obtain the contents of it using the same 'memcpy(P,N,N)' trick i
posted before.



use Win32::API;
use Encode qw(encode);

$GetTOD = new Win32::API('Netapi32','NetRemoteTOD','PP','N');

$native_string = server; #Windows 2003
$Unicode_String = encode(UCS-2LE, uc($native_string));

$todptr= \x00 x 4;
$rc = $GetTOD-Call($Unicode_String, $todptr);
print Returncode =  . $rc . \n;

$todptr= unpack(V, $todptr);

my $toddata= \x00 x 48;

my $memcpy= new Win32::API('ntdll.dll', 'memcpy', 'PNN', 'V', '_cdecl');
$memcpy-Call($toddata, $todptr, length($toddata));

  now you can unpack $toddata

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FW: Win32::API help

2006-03-08 Thread Bullock, Howard A.
The list was originally omitted from the email.

[Bullock, Howard A.] 
I have tried all sorts of interations. Perl blows up every
time I execute memcpy-Call.  At this point I am not sure where to go.
Can anyone confirm that this approach actually works? 

Also, I checked the Win32::API docs and the MSDN web and could not find
any information about memcpy that would lead me to:
Win32::API('ntdll.dll', 'memcpy', 'PNN', 'V', '_cdecl'); where can I get
more information about why this was constructed in this manner?

Willem wrote:
if you read the msdn docs, you will see that this is a pointer to the
timeofday struct.

you can obtain the contents of it using the same 'memcpy(P,N,N)' trick i
posted before.


use Win32::API;
use Encode qw(encode);

$GetTOD = new Win32::API('Netapi32','NetRemoteTOD','PP','N');

$native_string = server; #Windows 2003
$Unicode_String = encode(UCS-2LE, uc($native_string));

$todptr= \x00 x 4;
$rc = $GetTOD-Call($Unicode_String, $todptr);
print Returncode =  . $rc . \n;

$todptr= unpack(V, $todptr);

my $toddata= \x00 x 48;

my $memcpy= new Win32::API('ntdll.dll', 'memcpy', 'PNN', 'V', '_cdecl');
$memcpy-Call($toddata, $todptr, length($toddata));

  now you can unpack $toddata

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Re: Win32::API Help

2006-02-18 Thread willem
Bullock, Howard A. wrote:

Thanks to both of you for the feedback.  Unfortunately, I could get
neither to work.  I did find a two call workaround using Win32::Lanman
methods. In the long run I really would like to understand how to get
this and other API calls to works. Thanks again.


looking at the msdn docs a bit beeter,  it returns a pointer to a memory
block, allocated by the api.

... i don't have any domain controlers here to test the
DsEnumerateDomainTrusts function,

so i use another function that allocates memory for you to show how you
could solve this:

i use a memcpy  with one int param instead of a ptr, to copy the
contents of the allocated buffer to a perl string.

this example prints the message for error code '0'  : 'The operation
completed successfully.'


use constant {

my $msgptr=\x00 x 4;
my $errcode= 0;

my $FormatMessage = new Win32::API('kernel32.dll', 'FormatMessage',
'PNN', 'N') or die fmtmsg: $!\n;
my $rc= $FormatMessage-Call(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER |
0, $errcode, 0, $msgptr, 0, 0);

$msgptr= unpack(V, $msgptr);
printf(rc=%d msg=%08lx\n, $rc, $msgptr);

my $msg= \x00 x $rc;
my $memcpy= new Win32::API('ntdll.dll', 'memcpy', 'PNN', 'V',
'_cdecl') or die memcpy: $!\n;
$memcpy-Call($msg, $msgptr, $rc);

printf(msg: %s\n, $msg);

my $LocalFree= new Win32::API('kernel32.dll', 'LocalFree', 'N', 'V')
or die fmtmsg: $!\n;

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Re: Win32::API Help

2006-02-16 Thread Sisyphus

- Original Message - 
From: Bullock, Howard A. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: perl-win32-users
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 1:29 AM
Subject: Win32::API Help

 I can't seems to get the API call to work. Can someone give me some

Not sure ... and I'm not really set up to test ... try something like:

use Win32::API;
use strict;
use warnings;

use constant DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND = 2;
use constant DS_DOMAIN_IN_FOREST = 1; 
use constant DS_DOMAIN_NATIVE_MODE = 16; 
use constant DS_DOMAIN_PRIMARY = 8; 
use constant DS_DOMAIN_TREE_ROOT = 4; 
use constant DS_DOMAIN_VALID_FLAGS = 63;

my ($domains, $domainCount) = ('' x 500, '' x 100);
my $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts = new Win32::API('Netapi32',
'DsEnumerateDomainTrusts', 'PNPP', 'N');
if(! $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts) {
die Can't import API DsEnumerateDomainTrusts: $^E;

my $ret = $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts-Call
 ('bullockha3', DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_INBOUND, $domains, $domainCount);

print Return: $ret\nDomains: $domains\nDomain Count: $domainCount\n;

if($ret  1004) {print ERROR: ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS\n}
if($ret  1311) {print ERROR: ERROR_NO_LOGON_SERVERS\n}
if($ret  1786) {print ERROR: ERROR_NO_TRUST_LSA_SECRET\n}
if($ret  1787) {print ERROR: ERROR_NO_TRUST_SAM_ACCOUNT\n}
if($ret  50) {print ERROR: ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED\n}
if(!$ret) {print No error\n}



Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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RE: Win32::API Help

2006-02-16 Thread Bullock, Howard A.
Thanks to both of you for the feedback.  Unfortunately, I could get
neither to work.  I did find a two call workaround using Win32::Lanman
methods. In the long run I really would like to understand how to get
this and other API calls to works. Thanks again.

From: Sisyphus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 7:09 AM
Subject: Re: Win32::API Help


 Let me know if that gets it for you.
  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill Luebkert
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
-/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)

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Re: Win32::API Help

2006-02-16 Thread willem
Sisyphus wrote:

my $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts = new Win32::API('Netapi32',
'DsEnumerateDomainTrusts', 'PNPP', 'N');


in my netapi32.dll   there is no  DsEnumerateDomainTrusts,  it contains
a DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW and DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA version of this


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RE: Win32::API Help

2006-02-16 Thread Bullock, Howard A.

Willem Wrote:

in my netapi32.dll   there is no  DsEnumerateDomainTrusts,  it contains
a DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW and DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA version of this

From the Win32::API docs:

Also note that many Win32 APIs are exported twice, with the addition of
a final A or W to their name, for - respectively - the ASCII and the
Unicode version. When a function name is not found, Win32::API will
actually append an A to the name and try again; if the extension is
built on a Unicode system, then it will try with the W instead. So our
function name will be:

$GetTempPath = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', ...
In our case GetTempPath is really loaded as GetTempPathA.

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RE: Win32::API Help

2006-02-16 Thread Allegakoen, Justin Devanandan
in my netapi32.dll   there is no  DsEnumerateDomainTrusts,  it contains
a DsEnumerateDomainTrustsW and DsEnumerateDomainTrustsA version of this

From the Win32::API docs:

Also note that many Win32 APIs are exported twice, with the addition of
a final A or W to their name, for - respectively - the ASCII and the
Unicode version. When a function name is not found, Win32::API will
actually append an A to the name and try again; if the extension is
built on a Unicode system, then it will try with the W instead. So our
function name will be:

$GetTempPath = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'GetTempPath', ...
In our case GetTempPath is really loaded as GetTempPathA.

I've used Win32::API once, fortunately the dll was documented well
enough such that I could call its functionality. Thereafter I've always
wondered how you expose a dll's functionality and their respective
prototypes that don't have any docs?

Is there a dll exposer of some sort that you use? Anyone able to share
any freeware, docs, or weblinks?


Just in

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Win32::API Help

2006-02-15 Thread Bullock, Howard A.
I can't seems to get the API call to work. Can someone give me some

use Win32::API;
use strict;

my ($domains, $domaincount);
my $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts = new Win32::API('Netapi32',
'DsEnumerateDomainTrusts', 'PNPP', 'N');
if(not defined $DsEnumerateDomainTrusts) {
die Can't import API DsEnumerateDomainTrusts: $!\n;

$DsEnumerateDomainTrusts-Call('bullockha3', DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND,
$domains, $domainCount);

DS_DOMAIN_DIRECT_OUTBOUND is listed as a flag(s) or zero.  I have tried
zero (0) I get nothing back. 

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More Win32::API Help....

2004-11-17 Thread Paul Sobey
Hi All,
Can anyone see what's wrong with the following? Doesn't seem to matter what 
filename I pass in, I still get the same result, error 123 (The filename, 
directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.). As far as I can tell 
from the debug output, the structs are getting set up correctly. Am I passing 
the filename in properly? Tried appending a \0 but that didn't help either :(
Function definition is here:
use Win32::API;
$Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
Win32::API::Struct-typedef(FILETIME, qw(
 DWORD dwLowDateTime;
 DWORD dwHighDateTime;
Win32::API::Struct-typedef(WIN32_FIND_DATA, qw(
 DWORD dwFileAttributes;
 FILETIME ftCreationTime;
 FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
 FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
 DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
 DWORD nFileSizeLow;
 DWORD dwReserved0;
 DWORD dwReserved1;
 TCHAR cFileName[260];
 TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];

Win32::API-Import(kernel32, HANDLE FindFirstFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, 
LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData )) or die;
my $FileName = C:\\WINNT;
my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct-new(WIN32_FIND_DATA);
my $handle = FindFirstFile($FileName, $FileInfo);
print Handle returned is $handle\n;
printf(Error is %d - %s,Win32::GetLastError(), 

Gloucester Research Limited believes the information 
provided herein is reliable. While every care has been 
taken to ensure accuracy, the information is furnished 
to the recipients with no warranty as to the completeness 
and accuracy of its contents and on condition that any 
errors or omissions shall not be made the basis for any 
claim, demand or cause for action.

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Re: More Win32::API Help....

2004-11-17 Thread $Bill Luebkert
Paul Sobey wrote:

 Hi All,
 Can anyone see what's wrong with the following? Doesn't seem to matter what 
 filename I pass in, I still get the same result, error 123 (The filename, 
 directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.). As far as I can tell 
 from the debug output, the structs are getting set up correctly. Am I passing 
 the filename in properly? Tried appending a \0 but that didn't help either :(
 Function definition is here:

It doesn't seem to like the impoirt method for me.  Try the code at the end
and see if it makes a difference.

 use Win32::API;
 $Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
 Win32::API::Struct-typedef(FILETIME, qw(
  DWORD dwLowDateTime;
  DWORD dwHighDateTime;
 Win32::API::Struct-typedef(WIN32_FIND_DATA, qw(
  DWORD dwFileAttributes;
  FILETIME ftCreationTime;
  FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
  FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
  DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
  DWORD nFileSizeLow;
  DWORD dwReserved0;
  DWORD dwReserved1;
  TCHAR cFileName[260];
  TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];
 Win32::API-Import(kernel32, HANDLE FindFirstFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, 
 LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData )) or die;
 my $FileName = C:\\WINNT;
 my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct-new(WIN32_FIND_DATA);
 my $handle = FindFirstFile($FileName, $FileInfo);
 print Handle returned is $handle\n;
 printf(Error is %d - %s,Win32::GetLastError(), 

use strict;
use Win32::API;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;

$Win32::API::DEBUG = 0;

Win32::API::Struct-typedef('FILETIME', qw(
  DWORD dwLowDateTime;
  DWORD dwHighDateTime;
)); # 8 bytes

use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x0001;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x0002;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 0x0004;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x0010;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 0x0020;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x0080;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = 0x0100;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = 0x0800;
use constant MAX_PATH = 260;

Win32::API::Struct-typedef('WIN32_FIND_DATA', qw(
  DWORD dwFileAttributes;
  FILETIME ftCreationTime;
  FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
  FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
  DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
  DWORD nFileSizeLow;
  DWORD dwReserved0;
  DWORD dwReserved1;
  TCHAR cFileName[260];
  TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];
)); # 4+8+8+8+4+4+4+4+260+14=318 bytes

Win32::API-Import('kernel32', 'HANDLE FindFirstFile (LPCTSTR lpFileName, ' .
  'LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData)') or die Import FindFirstFile: $!($^E);

# added the old non-import call

my $FindFirstFile = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'FindFirstFile', 'PS', 'N') or
  die Find FindFirstFile: $^E;

my $FileName = 'C:\\WINNT';
# my $FileName = D:\\Windows; # for my test on XP
my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct-new('WIN32_FIND_DATA');
print Data::Dumper-Dump([$FileName, $FileInfo], [qw($FileName $FileInfo)]);

# changed to -Call format

# my $handle = FindFirstFile ($FileName, $FileInfo);
my $handle = $FindFirstFile-Call($FileName, $FileInfo);
print Handle returned is $handle\n;
if ($handle  0) {
printf Error is %d - %s\n, Win32::GetLastError (),
  Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ());
} else {
print Data::Dumper-Dump([$FileInfo], [qw($FileInfo)]);


  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
-/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
Perl-Win32-Users mailing list
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RE: More Win32::API Help....

2004-11-17 Thread Paul Sobey
You're a genius - thankyou.

I wonder why the prototype method doesn't work? Seems a bit frustrating!


-Original Message-
From: $Bill Luebkert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 17 November 2004 13:37
To: Paul Sobey
Subject: Re: More Win32::API Help

Paul Sobey wrote:

 Hi All,
 Can anyone see what's wrong with the following? Doesn't seem to matter what 
 filename I pass in, I still get the same result, error 123 (The filename, 
 directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.). As far as I can tell 
 from the debug output, the structs are getting set up correctly. Am I passing 
 the filename in properly? Tried appending a \0 but that didn't help either :(
 Function definition is here:

It doesn't seem to like the impoirt method for me.  Try the code at the end
and see if it makes a difference.

 use Win32::API;
 $Win32::API::DEBUG = 1;
 Win32::API::Struct-typedef(FILETIME, qw(
  DWORD dwLowDateTime;
  DWORD dwHighDateTime;
 Win32::API::Struct-typedef(WIN32_FIND_DATA, qw(
  DWORD dwFileAttributes;
  FILETIME ftCreationTime;
  FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
  FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
  DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
  DWORD nFileSizeLow;
  DWORD dwReserved0;
  DWORD dwReserved1;
  TCHAR cFileName[260];
  TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];
 Win32::API-Import(kernel32, HANDLE FindFirstFile( LPCTSTR lpFileName, 
 LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData )) or die;
 my $FileName = C:\\WINNT;
 my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct-new(WIN32_FIND_DATA);
 my $handle = FindFirstFile($FileName, $FileInfo);
 print Handle returned is $handle\n;
 printf(Error is %d - %s,Win32::GetLastError(), 

use strict;
use Win32::API;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=1; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys=1;

$Win32::API::DEBUG = 0;

Win32::API::Struct-typedef('FILETIME', qw(
  DWORD dwLowDateTime;
  DWORD dwHighDateTime;
)); # 8 bytes

use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 0x0001;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 0x0002;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 0x0004;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY = 0x0010;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 0x0020;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL = 0x0080;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY = 0x0100;
use constant FILE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPRESSED = 0x0800;
use constant MAX_PATH = 260;

Win32::API::Struct-typedef('WIN32_FIND_DATA', qw(
  DWORD dwFileAttributes;
  FILETIME ftCreationTime;
  FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;
  FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
  DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
  DWORD nFileSizeLow;
  DWORD dwReserved0;
  DWORD dwReserved1;
  TCHAR cFileName[260];
  TCHAR cAlternateFileName[14];
)); # 4+8+8+8+4+4+4+4+260+14=318 bytes

Win32::API-Import('kernel32', 'HANDLE FindFirstFile (LPCTSTR lpFileName, ' .
  'LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFindFileData)') or die Import FindFirstFile: $!($^E);

# added the old non-import call

my $FindFirstFile = new Win32::API('kernel32', 'FindFirstFile', 'PS', 'N') or
  die Find FindFirstFile: $^E;

my $FileName = 'C:\\WINNT';
# my $FileName = D:\\Windows; # for my test on XP
my $FileInfo = Win32::API::Struct-new('WIN32_FIND_DATA');
print Data::Dumper-Dump([$FileName, $FileInfo], [qw($FileName $FileInfo)]);

# changed to -Call format

# my $handle = FindFirstFile ($FileName, $FileInfo);
my $handle = $FindFirstFile-Call($FileName, $FileInfo);
print Handle returned is $handle\n;
if ($handle  0) {
printf Error is %d - %s\n, Win32::GetLastError (),
  Win32::FormatMessage (Win32::GetLastError ());
} else {
print Data::Dumper-Dump([$FileInfo], [qw($FileInfo)]);


  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: More Win32::API Help....

2004-11-17 Thread $Bill Luebkert
Paul Sobey wrote:

 You're a genius - thankyou.
 I wonder why the prototype method doesn't work? Seems a bit frustrating!

That whole set of modules is a bit flakey for my taste.  I made lots
of quick changes to keep warnings from popping up and had lots of
trouble with structs and such.  You have to try alternate methods
for everything until you find something that works.  :)

  ,-/-  __  _  _ $Bill LuebkertMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 (_/   /  )// //   DBE CollectiblesMailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  / ) /--  o // //  Castle of Medieval Myth  Magic
-/-' /___/__/_/_ (My Perl/Lakers stuff)
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RE: Win32::API help

2003-08-27 Thread Jangale V-S SPEL-TIT
Thanks Bill,

It works !

Thanks a lot again !

With Best Regards,

V.S. Jangale
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