Re: Re: Re: Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Matt Diephouse

Matt Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We've basically run into the fact that there's no spec for MMD. I'll
see if I can provide a patch that just makes "_" match native types,
but I think it'll be somewhat more involved than this one.

It ended up being easier than expected -- implemented in r15910.

Matt Diephouse

Re: beg for Bag

2006-11-29 Thread Jonathan Lang

TSa wrote:

Jonathan Lang wrote:
> Note that this would mean that Seq would also have set operations.

I count this as an advantage. So one can write (1,2,3) (|) (2,2,3,4,4)
to get a result of (1,2,2,3,4,4). As long as the Seq is a Set, that is
it has no duplicates, you get Set behavior through the Bag ops:
(1,2,3) (|) (2,3,4) === (1,2,3,4); (1,2,3) (&) (2,3,4) === (2,3).

Would (1,2,2,3,4,4) be a Seq or a Bag?  IMHO, the _only_ way this
could work would be if it's a Bag: if it's a Seq, I see no way that
one could resolve '(1,2,3) ∪ (3,1,2)'.

Mind you, I'm still not sold on the idea of performing set operations
on Seqs - it may be technically feasible to do so, but it strikes me
as fundamentally unintuitive.

BTW, the set/bag operations are not yet mentioned in S03 as new
operators. Here's a list what I think they should be:

   (|) union
   (&) intersection
   (^) symmetric difference
   (/) disjoint union?
   (!) complement, this is difficult because you need the surrounding set
   (-) difference
   (+) join, returns a bag
   (*) cartesian product
  (**) powerset
  (in) membership
(!in) negated membership
   (<) proper subset
   (>) proper superset
  (<=) subset
  (>=) superset
   (=) equality, also with ===
  (!=) inequality, also with !===

Initial thought: overkill.  Several of these operations (e.g., the
Cartesian product) are obscure and only of interest to mathematicians.
This isn't a reason to exclude them; but a non-mathematician should
not be made to feel like he needs to get a math degree in order to use
sets.  (On a tangent, he also shouldn't be made to feel like he has to
learn Type Theory in order to use Perl6's type system.)

I'm still bothered by the idea that you have to wrap _every_ ASCII
representative of a set operation in parentheses - something which is
only necessary when you start applying the full range of set
operations to non-Set entities.  In particular, I want 'Set - Set' to
produce the difference of the two Sets.

Setting aside the issue of the notation to be used, there are several
concerns that I have with this:

If set operations also apply to Seq, then (=) is not the same as ===.
The former ignores the order of the terms; the latter only does so for
Sets and Bags.  In a way, this is what started the whole debate.

You mention a single "disjoint union" operator: is it supposed to be
the "disjoint union" comparison operator (i.e., it returns true if the
sets are disjoint), or the "disjoint union" composition operator
(which returns a Set of Pairs, with each element being keyed according
to the Set that it was originally in)?

Saying that "complement" is difficult is an understatement.  I suppose
you _could_ get it to work by having a 'complemented Set' would keep
track of which elements it _doesn't_ have; but this opens a can of
worms that I really don't think we want to get into (e.g., "A ∪
(!)B").  And the notion of a complement with regard to the surrounding
set is already handled by the difference operator.

A Cartesian product would return a Set (or Bag, depending on the left
term) of Pairs, keyed by the elements of the left term.

A powerset strikes me as something that you'd want to do as a 0-ary
method, rather than as an operator.

Did I forget something?

You did highlight some things - for instance, a Set of Pairs is _not_
a Hash: a Hash has a further requirement that every key must be
unique, whereas a Set of Pairs allows for duplicate keys (but not
duplicate key-value pairs; go with a Bag of Pairs for that).

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13487 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-11-29 Thread Smylers

> Log:
> More entries in smartmatch table.
> +++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod  Wed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
> +HashHash  hash keys identical  match if $_.keys === $x.keys
> +HashSet   members identicalmatch if $_.keys === $x
> +Set Set   members identicalmatch if $_ === $x
> +Hashany(Hash) hash key intersectionmatch if exists 
> $_{any(Hash.keys)}

Should that last one have a C<$x> in the code somewhere?


Re: Re: Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Matt Diephouse

Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 04:43:59PM -0500, Matt Diephouse wrote:
> Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> >> It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD
> >> types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think
> >> this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see
> >> any reason to differentiate.
> >
> >I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents all native
> >type optimizations. While 'Integer' should be MMD-distancewise
> >close to 'int', it should not be the same.
> What native type optimizations? Using S, I, and N registers? If using
> an I register is faster, wouldn't you want to unbox an Integer PMC and
> use an I register anyway?

Sure, but Parrot is unboxing for us already, without us having
to do anything special:

.sub 'foo' :multi(_, String)
.param int abc
.param pmc xyz

foo(1, 'xyz') # boxes 'xyz', leaves 1 alone
foo($P0, $P1) # unboxes $P0 to an int, leaves $P1 alone

That's the point I was trying to make. I can't think of any case where
you would want to have a different param type based on whether you
passed a native type:

 .sub 'foo' :multi(int)
 .param int abc
 .sub 'foo' :multi (Integer)
 .param pmc abc

Because what would be the point? If using a native type in the sub is
faster, then use it no matter what: unbox the PMC. If it's not faster,
then there's no optimization and you may as well autobox to a PMC when
a native type is passed in.

I'm not at all an expert on the topic of multis, but it sounds to
me as though :multi is being somehow conflated with "when to
auto[un]?box".  I think :multi should limit itself to being a way
of selecting which sub(s) to call, while autoboxing should be
based solely on the arguments of the caller and parameters of the
called sub (once that sub has been chosen by :multi).

Even with the patch, :multi "limits itself to being a way of selecting
which sub(s) to call", so no worries there.

It's not that I have my heart set against dispatching on native types,
but I would like to see a reason for it. Leo mentioned optimization,
but I don't see how that applies.

We've basically run into the fact that there's no spec for MMD. I'll
see if I can provide a patch that just makes "_" match native types,
but I think it'll be somewhat more involved than this one.

Matt Diephouse

Re: Initial feedback on PAST-pm, or Partridge

2006-11-29 Thread Allison Randal

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 09:20:08PM -0800, Allison Randal wrote:

chromatic's suggestion is to replace the series of manual calls in 
HLLCompiler's 'compile' method with an iterator over an array of 
compiler tasks. 

I very much agree with chromatic -- indeed, this is mainly why I didn't
go with putting "ostgrammar" methods into the HLLCompiler object
before.  Having HLLCompiler effectively hardcode a sequence
of parser-astgrammar-ostgrammar feels a bit heavy-handed to me,
almost saying that "we really expect you to always have exactly
the sequence source->parse->ast->ost->pir->bytecode, and you're
definitely using TGE for the intermediate steps".

The patch I sent is the first step toward making chromatic's suggestion 
work. The problem with the current implementation is that each stage 
decides what the next stage will be. If the PAST-to-POST transformation 
calls the POST-to-PIR transformation before returning, then you can't 
easily insert an additional stage between the two.

I guess if we expect a lot of compilers to be making language-specific
derivations or replacements of the ast->ost stage then putting the
ost specifications into HLLCompiler makes some sense, but I
totally agree with chromatic that a more generic approach is
needed here.  And what I had been aiming for in terms of "array
of compiler tasks" was something like "array of compiler stages",
where each compiler stage is itself a "compiler" (in the compreg
and HLL compiler sense) that does the transformation to the
next item in the list.  And each compiler stage knows the
details of how it performs its transformation, whether that's using
TGE or some other method.

I completely agree on the idea of giving each stage its own compiler, 
and making that compiler aware of everything it needs to know to perform 
its own stage of compilation. I also completely agree on putting as 
little code as possible for performing the compilation into the 
HLLCompiler module.

Where we diverge is that I don't want the compiler for one stage to know 
anything about the next stage. Each stage should operate independently, 
and only the HLLCompiler should control the order of stages.

Part of me really wishes that each compiler task would end
up being a standardized 'apply' or 'compile' subroutine
or method of each stage.  In other words, to have compilation
effectively become a sequence like:

.local pmc code
# source to parse tree
$P0 = get_hll_global ['Perl6::Grammar'], 'apply'
code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

# parse tree to ast
$P0 = get_hll_global ['Perl6::PAST::Grammar'], 'apply'
code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

# ast to ost
$P0 = get_hll_global ['POST::Grammar'], 'apply'
code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

# ost to result
$P0 = get_hll_global ['POST::Compiler'], 'apply'
code = $P0(code, adverbs :flat :named)

Here the 'apply' functions in Perl6::PAST::Grammar and
POST::Grammar are simply imported from TGE and do the steps
of creating the builder object and then applying the grammar.
The 'apply' function in Perl6::Grammar would just be a
standardized start rule for the parser grammar (and can
be directly specified as such in the .pg file).

If we could standardize at this level, then a compiler simply
specifies the sequence of things to be applied, and the above
instructions could be implemented with a simple iterator over
the sequence.  This is _really_ what I was attempting to get at 
by having separate compiler objects for PAST, POST, and friends, 
except that instead of calling the standard function 'apply' 
I was using 'compile'.  

Hm actually, I like this a lot better than registering a compiler 
for POST and retrieving it by 'compreg'. I would push it one step 
farther, though. Instead of setting 'astgrammar' in HLLCompiler's 'init' 
method, set 'astcompiler'.

The revised method for a stage (using the parse-tree-to-AST as an 
example) would be as follows, where the method only performs error 
checks to make sure that it got a valid class name, creates a compiler 
object for that stage, and calls 'compile'. (Here I'm using the naming 
scheme from below.)

.sub 'compile_parse_tree' :method
.param pmc source
.param pmc adverbs :slurpy :named
.local string ptcompiler_name
.local pmc ptcompiler
ptcompiler_name = self.'ptcompiler'()
unless ptcompiler_name goto err_no_ptcompiler
$I0 = find_type ptgrammar_name
ptcompiler = new $I0
.return ptcompiler.'compile'(source)

$P0 = new .Exception
$P0['_message'] = 'Missing ptcompiler in compiler'
throw $P0

For now, we create a separate compiler object for each tree grammar, but 
ultimately TGE could generate the appropriate 'compile' method in each 
generated tree grammar class.

Part of me thinks that 'apply' and
'compile' are pretty much the same thing, in the sense that 
both refer to using some sort of trans

Re: Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 04:43:59PM -0500, Matt Diephouse wrote:
> Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> >> It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD
> >> types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think
> >> this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see
> >> any reason to differentiate.
> >
> >I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents all native 
> >type optimizations. While 'Integer' should be MMD-distancewise 
> >close to 'int', it should not be the same.
> What native type optimizations? Using S, I, and N registers? If using
> an I register is faster, wouldn't you want to unbox an Integer PMC and
> use an I register anyway?

Sure, but Parrot is unboxing for us already, without us having
to do anything special:

.sub 'foo' :multi(_, String)
.param int abc
.param pmc xyz

foo(1, 'xyz') # boxes 'xyz', leaves 1 alone
foo($P0, $P1) # unboxes $P0 to an int, leaves $P1 alone

If I understand things correctly, specifying :multi(_, String)
doesn't actually do any form of coercion, it simply says that
this sub is called only if the second argument is "compatible"
with the String type.

This is true even if we have a :multi with a native type:

.sub 'bar' :multi(int)
.param pmc abc
##  abc is an autoboxed int for us here, even though this 
##  sub can only be reached if the (single) argument
##  is an integer register or integer constant

.sub 'baz' :multi(pmc)
.param string def
##  Baz can only be called with a pmc argument, and that
##  pmc (whatever it is) is auto-unboxed into a string register.

I'm not at all an expert on the topic of multis, but it sounds to 
me as though :multi is being somehow conflated with "when to 
auto[un]?box".  I think :multi should limit itself to being a way 
of selecting which sub(s) to call, while autoboxing should be
based solely on the arguments of the caller and parameters of the
called sub (once that sub has been chosen by :multi).

Now then, for purposes of selecting the sub(s) to call, :multi 
can take into account the fact that native arguments can autobox,
and call a sub that specifies the autoboxed type in :multi
(but preferring a sub with the native type in :multi, if one

And I don't think :multi should go the other way -- i.e., to
assume that a boxed type will match a native type in :multi.
With what I just described there's already a way to get that
semantic, namely:

.sub 'foo' :multi(Integer)   
.param int xyz

With this, a foo(1) or foo($I0) call will still find the sub,
but won't do any boxing or unboxing.  If foo is called with an
Integer pmc argument, :multi will find the sub, and the Parrot
calling conventions will end up autounboxing the argument into 
an 'int', which is what we wanted.  And if foo(...) is called 
with something that isn't compatible with Integer (e.g., a subclass), 
then :multi won't select this sub at all.

But as I said, I'm no expert -- this is just my best stab
at how things ought to work,  at least in the short term 
until a more sophisticated Parrot object model is in place.
And as I also indicated, I don't have nearly as strong feelings
about this as I do about the fact that we need a way to
specify 'any type' (including native types) in the :multi



Re: Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Matt Diephouse

Leopold Toetsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD
> types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think
> this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see
> any reason to differentiate.

I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents all native type
optimizations. While 'Integer' should be MMD-distancewise close to 'int', it
should not be the same.

What native type optimizations? Using S, I, and N registers? If using
an I register is faster, wouldn't you want to unbox an Integer PMC and
use an I register anyway?

Is there a specific case you have in mind?

Matt Diephouse

Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, Nov 29, 2006 at 08:49:27PM +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> > It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD  
> > types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think  
> > this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see  
> > any reason to differentiate.
> I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents 
> all native type optimizations. While 'Integer' should be 
> MMD-distancewise close to 'int', it should not be the same.

Just to repeat my comments from #parrot, I agree with Leo that
treating "int" as always (and only) being identical to the 
autobox type feels very wrong somehow.

However, if we're short-term restricted to choosing between the 
existing implementation (where '_' doesn't match native types) 
and this patch (where we can't differentiate native types), 
I definitely want the patch.  It's the lesser of the two evils.

IWBNI the native types were considered in both their native and 
autoboxed aspects for purposes of selecting candidate MMD subs, 
with a match on native types resulting in a shorter MMD distance 
than those involving autoboxing.


Re: [perl #41014] [PATCH] Autobox Native Types for MultiSubs

2006-11-29 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Am Mittwoch, 29. November 2006 05:50 schrieb Matt Diephouse:
> It also means that "string", "int", and "float" no longer work as MMD  
> types -- you can't distinguish between native types and PMCs. I think  
> this is the right way to go now that we have autoboxing; I don't see  
> any reason to differentiate.

I don't think this is the best strategy. It seriously prevents all native type 
optimizations. While 'Integer' should be MMD-distancewise close to 'int', it 
should not be the same.


[svn:perl6-synopsis] r13487 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-11-29 Thread larry
Author: larry
Date: Wed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
New Revision: 13487


More entries in smartmatch table.
Added vim modelines to help perpetuate audreyt++'s expandtabs.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S01.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S01.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S01.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -161,3 +161,5 @@
 into a coherent whole.
+=for vim:set expandtab sw=4:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S02.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -2420,3 +2420,5 @@
 Any category containing "circumfix" requires two token arguments, supplied
 in slice notation.
+=for vim:set expandtab sw=4:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S03.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   Date: 8 Mar 2004
   Last Modified: 13 Nov 2006
   Number: 3
-  Version: 75
+  Version: 76
 =head1 Changes to Perl 5 operators
@@ -582,8 +582,10 @@
 $_  $xType of Match ImpliedMatching Code
 ==  = ==
 Any Code:($)  scalar sub truth match if $x($_)
-HashHash  hash keys identical  match if $_.keys.sort »eq« 
-Hashany(Hash) hash key intersectionmatch if $_{any(Hash.keys)}
+HashHash  hash keys identical  match if $_.keys === $x.keys
+HashSet   members identicalmatch if $_.keys === $x
+Set Set   members identicalmatch if $_ === $x
+Hashany(Hash) hash key intersectionmatch if exists 
 HashArray hash value slice truth   match if $_{any(@$x)}
 Hashany(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{any(list)}
 Hashall(list) hash key slice existence match if exists $_{all(list)}
@@ -596,9 +598,13 @@
 Array   Regex array grep   match if any(@$_) ~~ /$x/
 Array   Num   array contains numbermatch if any($_) == $x
 Array   Str   array contains stringmatch if any($_) eq $x
+Array   Buf   array equivalent to buf  match if $_ eqv Array($x)
+Array   Set   array equivalent to set  match if Set($_) === $x
+Array   Any   array contains item* match if any($_) === $x
 Array   .[number] array element truth* match if $_[number]
 Num NumRange  in numeric range match if $min <= $_ <= $max
 Str StrRange  in string range  match if $min le $_ le $max
+Any Range in range match if $min !after $_ !after 
 Capture Signature parameter bindingmatch if $cap can bind to $sig
 CodeSignature signature compatibility* match if $_ is a subset of $x
   Signature Signature signature compatibility  match if $_ is a subset of $x
@@ -1699,3 +1705,4 @@
 Comma is the only listop that is allowed to occur where an operator is
 expected.  All other listops function as a term within the list to the left.
+=for vim:set expandtab sw=4:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S04.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -985,3 +985,5 @@
 to see transient variables in their current lexical scope, so their
 cloning status depends at least on the cloning status of the block
 they're in.
+=for vim:set expandtab sw=4:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S05.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -3071,3 +3071,5 @@
+=for vim:set expandtab sw=4:

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.podWed Nov 29 09:20:50 2006
@@ -2653,3 +2653,5 @@
 If a switch of the form C<-abc> cannot be matched against any
 particular parameter, an attempt will be made to match it as if it
 had been written C<-a -b -c>.
+=for vim:set expandtab sw

Re: beg for Bag

2006-11-29 Thread TSa


Jonathan Lang wrote:

Note that this would mean that Seq would also have set operations.

I count this as an advantage. So one can write (1,2,3) (|) (2,2,3,4,4)
to get a result of (1,2,2,3,4,4). As long as the Seq is a Set, that is
it has no duplicates, you get Set behavior through the Bag ops:
(1,2,3) (|) (2,3,4) === (1,2,3,4); (1,2,3) (&) (2,3,4) === (2,3).

BTW, the set/bag operations are not yet mentioned in S03 as new
operators. Here's a list what I think they should be:

  (|) union
  (&) intersection
  (^) symmetric difference
  (/) disjoint union?
  (!) complement, this is difficult because you need the surrounding set
  (-) difference
  (+) join, returns a bag
  (*) cartesian product
 (**) powerset
 (in) membership
(!in) negated membership
  (<) proper subset
  (>) proper superset
 (<=) subset
 (>=) superset
  (=) equality, also with ===
 (!=) inequality, also with !===

Did I forget something?

Regards, TSa.

[svn:perl6-synopsis] r13486 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-11-29 Thread larry
Author: larry
Date: Wed Nov 29 00:25:32 2006
New Revision: 13486


"you you" noticed by Ruud++.

Modified: doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod
--- doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.pod(original)
+++ doc/trunk/design/syn/S06.podWed Nov 29 00:25:32 2006
@@ -1415,7 +1415,7 @@
 those undefined values that do not contain an unthrown exception).
 A C is a C of booleans with a default of C.
-If you you use the C interface and increment an element of a
+If you use the C interface and increment an element of a
 C its value becomes true (creating the element if it doesn't
 exist already).  If you decrement the element it becomes false and
 is automatically deleted.  When not used as a C (that is,
@@ -1425,7 +1425,7 @@
 the actual implementation with any bits at all.)
 A C is a C of C with default of 0.  If you
-you use the C interface and increment an element of a C
+use the C interface and increment an element of a C
 its value is increased by one (creating the element if it doesn't exist
 already).  If you decrement the element the value is decreased by one;
 if the value goes to 0 the element is automatically deleted.  When not

Re: [perl #40998] [PATCH] Fix build error on Win32

2006-11-29 Thread Nikolay Ananiev

"Ron Blaschke" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Nikolay Ananiev (via RT) wrote:
> > # New Ticket Created by  "Nikolay Ananiev"
> > # Please include the string:  [perl #40998]
> > # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> > # >
> > When build_dir contains spaces the build process fails.
> > The fix is to translate build_dir to a short path name.
> In my opinion it would be better to escape/quote the relevant paths
> properly.  I think the short file names were introduced for backwards
> compatibility, as a kludge.  Besides, they are ugly to read. ;-)
> Ron

If we use quotes, we'll have to refactor some of the scripts in the build
because there are many concatenations and currently they won't work
if we use quotes on build_dir. There's one more way. We can check build_dir
and use short path names only if there are spaces.

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r13483 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-11-29 Thread Ruud H.G. van Tol

> Distinguished Set and Bag values from KeySet and KeyBag containers.

Real nice.


> +A C is a C of C with default of 0.  If you
> +you

Affijn, Ruud