Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread rnhainsworth
Hi. Sorry to ask again, but there are two independent questions here. 1) What 
is the purpose or best use of 'warn'. 2) How to test code that contains a 
'warn' used as it should be.
1) I thought that a 'warn' would be used where sometimes the user would want a 
fail but not always. I have a module that in normal use I want to continue even 
if there is a bad condition which has a default action, but that I can get to 
fail if I set an external flag. Maybe I'm wrong. But this is not the question I 
originally asked.
2) whatever may be the purpose of a warn, and I assume there is a good one 
since its in core perl6, surely the code that contains it should be tested, 
which means triggering the condition and picking up the warning. I can't work 
out how to do this. Can't get Test::Output to pick up the message sent to 
stderr from warn.

 Original message From: Larry Wall  Date: 
30/04/2016  06:45  (GMT+08:00) To: Brandon Allbery  Cc: 
Timo Paulssen , perl6-users  Subject: 
Re: testing with a "warn" 
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 03:50:21PM -0400, Brandon Allbery wrote:
: On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Brandon Allbery 
: wrote:
: > Oh, they are resumable exceptions? Useful but rather high cost I'd think.
: > (Granting that perl6 isn't one of those languages that think exceptions
: > should be normal control flow. But anyone who decides it should be is
: > probably in for a very slow slog.)

Warnings are implemented like return or next; control exceptions are
more efficient than error exceptions.  (This is one of the reasons you
have to catch them with a CONTROL block rather than a CATCH block.)

: ...also I now know that I should not use warn in many cases where I would
: have otherwise.

If you need to produce actual warnings in hot code, something's wrong
with your design.  (If you just want to print to STDERR, you can use
'note' instead.)


Re: [perl #128022] [BUG] Impossible to call Grammar.parse inside the Grammar's action class (with or without actions)

2016-04-29 Thread Lloyd Fournier
I took a look at this. I don't think it's a bug -- but definitely a LTA
error. It's happening because $/ is a parameter and by default parameters
are readonly. So when you call .parsefile it tries to set $/ but it can't
because it's readonly.

You could do method include($/ is copy) { }  # or just change it from
$/ to something else

or wrap the invocation of .parsefile in a block with a writable $/.

my $/;
my InclusiveActions $actions .= new;
make Inclusive.parsefile($filename, :$actions).made;

The error should be improved.

On Sat, Apr 30, 2016 at 4:14 AM Andy Weidenbaum <> wrote:

> # New Ticket Created by  Andy Weidenbaum
> # Please include the string:  [perl #128022]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> # >
> Consider an HTML templating language with `include` directives similar to
> Haml/Jade/Pug. It is useful in these cases to, inside the grammar's
>, call Grammar.parse on any `include`d files. This is currently
> impossible to do. I golfed it as best I could in inclusive.p6.

Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 6:45 PM, Larry Wall  wrote:

> If you need to produce actual warnings in hot code, something's wrong
> with your design.  (If you just want to print to STDERR, you can use
> 'note' instead.)

The latter's more what I was getting at, yes.

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Larry Wall
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 03:50:21PM -0400, Brandon Allbery wrote:
: On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Brandon Allbery 
: wrote:
: > Oh, they are resumable exceptions? Useful but rather high cost I'd think.
: > (Granting that perl6 isn't one of those languages that think exceptions
: > should be normal control flow. But anyone who decides it should be is
: > probably in for a very slow slog.)

Warnings are implemented like return or next; control exceptions are
more efficient than error exceptions.  (This is one of the reasons you
have to catch them with a CONTROL block rather than a CATCH block.)

: ...also I now know that I should not use warn in many cases where I would
: have otherwise.

If you need to produce actual warnings in hot code, something's wrong
with your design.  (If you just want to print to STDERR, you can use
'note' instead.)


Re: Helping Perl 6: a complete dev environment

2016-04-29 Thread Timo Paulssen
I just have a ~/perl6 where i have a clone of MoarVM/MoarVM, perl6/nqp,
and rakudo/rakudo. You just have to provide each with the
same --prefiix - in my case that's ~/perl6/install - then everything
will find each other.

There's some extra paths in my $PATH:


If you're interested in an editor that plays well with perl6, there's
some plugins for Atom, like the "perl6-fe" module or something. These
include things like "run my code" or "check syntax" or "render the
included Pod into html and show it" and such.

Hope to help
  - Timo

Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco)
An odd result. Tests were successful but installation failed due to failure to 
find a repository.

$ sudo panda --force install Digest


==> Fetching Digest

==> Building Digest

==> Testing Digest

t/digest.t .. ok

t/ripemd.t .. ok

t/sha.t . ok

All tests successful.

Files=3, Tests=6,  8 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  7.34 cusr  0.34 
csys =  7.71 CPU)

Result: PASS

==> Installing Digest

Earlier failure:

 Could not find a repository to install to

  in method default-prefix at sources/85367160D11E565B2D089507C79BC309215430D6 
(Panda::Installer) line 23

  in method  at sources/85367160D11E565B2D089507C79BC309215430D6 
(Panda::Installer) line 7

  in method  at 
 (Panda) line 23

  in sub MAIN at 
 line 16

  in block  at 
 line 152

From: Tadeusz Sośnierz 
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:40 PM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Right; looks like Digest isn't properly installed after all. Try 'panda --force 
install Digest'?

On 29/04/16 23:39, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco) 
Hmmm, No that gets a similar error.

$ perl6 -MDigest -e1


Could not find Digest at line 1 in:









Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Tadeusz Sośnierz
Right; looks like Digest isn't properly installed after all. Try 'panda 
--force install Digest'?

On 29/04/16 23:39, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at 
Cisco) wrote:

Hmmm, No that gets a similar error.

$ perl6 -MDigest -e1


Could not find Digest at line 1 in:









From: Tadeusz Sośnierz >

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:28 PM
To: " " 

Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Alright. You mention Digest itself being installed, so just to be 
sure: 'perl6 -MDigest -e1' works fine?

On 29/04/16 23:21, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC 
at Cisco) wrote:


I tried using —force because I initially thought I would be 
reinstalling Bailador.

Eliminating -—force and -—prefix had no effect. Here is the entire 

$ sudo panda install Digest::HMAC

==> Fetching Digest::HMAC

==> Building Digest::HMAC

==> Testing Digest::HMAC


Could not find Digest at line 6 in:









t/01-basic.t ..

Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

No subtests run

Test Summary Report


t/01-basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)

  Non-zero exit status: 1

  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Files=1, Tests=0,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  1.60 
cusr  0.10 csys =  1.73 CPU)

Result: FAIL

test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed

  in method install at 
(Panda) line 157

  in method resolve at 
(Panda) line 234

  in sub MAIN at 
line 18

  in block  at 
line 152

Failure Summary


*test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed)



From: Tadeusz Sośnierz >

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM
To: "" >

Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Hey Joe,
Can you post the entire panda output? Also, does the situation change 
when you don't use --prefix, and/or is there a particular reason why 
you use --force?

On 29/04/16 23:02, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC 
at Cisco) wrote:
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the 
Latest Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ 
--force install Digest::HMAC

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system 
browser and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been 
successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco)
Hmmm, No that gets a similar error.

$ perl6 -MDigest -e1


Could not find Digest at line 1 in:









From: Tadeusz Sośnierz 
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:28 PM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Alright. You mention Digest itself being installed, so just to be sure: 'perl6 
-MDigest -e1' works fine?

On 29/04/16 23:21, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco) 

I tried using -force because I initially thought I would be reinstalling 

Eliminating --force and --prefix had no effect. Here is the entire output.

$ sudo panda install Digest::HMAC

==> Fetching Digest::HMAC

==> Building Digest::HMAC

==> Testing Digest::HMAC


Could not find Digest at line 6 in:









t/01-basic.t ..

Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

No subtests run

Test Summary Report


t/01-basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)

  Non-zero exit status: 1

  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Files=1, Tests=0,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  1.60 cusr  0.10 
csys =  1.73 CPU)

Result: FAIL

test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed

  in method install at 
 (Panda) line 157

  in method resolve at 
 (Panda) line 234

  in sub MAIN at 
 line 18

  in block  at 
 line 152

Failure Summary


*test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed)



From: Tadeusz Sośnierz 
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM
Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Hey Joe,
Can you post the entire panda output? Also, does the situation change when you 
don't use --prefix, and/or is there a particular reason why you use --force?

On 29/04/16 23:02, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco) 
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the Latest 
Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ --force install 

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system browser 
and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Tadeusz Sośnierz
Alright. You mention Digest itself being installed, so just to be sure: 
'perl6 -MDigest -e1' works fine?

On 29/04/16 23:21, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at 
Cisco) wrote:


I tried using —force because I initially thought I would be 
reinstalling Bailador.

Eliminating -—force and -—prefix had no effect. Here is the entire output.

$ sudo panda install Digest::HMAC

==> Fetching Digest::HMAC

==> Building Digest::HMAC

==> Testing Digest::HMAC


Could not find Digest at line 6 in:









t/01-basic.t ..

Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

No subtests run

Test Summary Report


t/01-basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)

Non-zero exit status: 1

Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Files=1, Tests=0,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  1.60 cusr  
0.10 csys =  1.73 CPU)

Result: FAIL

test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed

in method install at 
(Panda) line 157

in method resolve at 
(Panda) line 234

in sub MAIN at 
line 18

in block  at 
line 152

Failure Summary


*test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed)



From: Tadeusz Sośnierz >

Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM
To: " " 

Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Hey Joe,
Can you post the entire panda output? Also, does the situation change 
when you don't use --prefix, and/or is there a particular reason why 
you use --force?

On 29/04/16 23:02, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC 
at Cisco) wrote:
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the 
Latest Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ 
--force install Digest::HMAC

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system 
browser and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been 
successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco)

I tried using -force because I initially thought I would be reinstalling 

Eliminating --force and --prefix had no effect. Here is the entire output.

$ sudo panda install Digest::HMAC

==> Fetching Digest::HMAC

==> Building Digest::HMAC

==> Testing Digest::HMAC


Could not find Digest at line 6 in:









t/01-basic.t ..

Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)

No subtests run

Test Summary Report


t/01-basic.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 0 Failed: 0)

  Non-zero exit status: 1

  Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output

Files=1, Tests=0,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.01 sys +  1.60 cusr  0.10 
csys =  1.73 CPU)

Result: FAIL

test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed

  in method install at 
 (Panda) line 157

  in method resolve at 
 (Panda) line 234

  in sub MAIN at 
 line 18

  in block  at 
 line 152

Failure Summary


*test stage failed for Digest::HMAC: Tests failed)



From: Tadeusz Sośnierz 
Date: Friday, April 29, 2016 at 5:10 PM
To: "" 
Subject: Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

Hey Joe,
Can you post the entire panda output? Also, does the situation change when you 
don't use --prefix, and/or is there a particular reason why you use --force?

On 29/04/16 23:02, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco) 
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the Latest 
Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ --force install 

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system browser 
and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Re: Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Tadeusz Sośnierz

Hey Joe,
Can you post the entire panda output? Also, does the situation change 
when you don't use --prefix, and/or is there a particular reason why you 
use --force?

On 29/04/16 23:02, Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at 
Cisco) wrote:
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the 
Latest Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ --force 
install Digest::HMAC

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system 
browser and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been 
successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Difficulty Installing Module on Latest Rakudo Star

2016-04-29 Thread Joe Polanik -X (jpolanik - RESOLVIT RESOURCES LLC at Cisco)
I'm trying to install Bailador on a Mac running OSX 10.11.4 with the Latest 
Rakudo Star (2016.04). The installation fails on a dependency.

Digest::HMAC can't be installed using

sudo panda --prefix=/Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/bin/ --force install 

The error message says

Could not find Digest at line 6 in:




However, Digest itself is installed. It's visible in the file system browser 
and my .per.6/panda/state file lists it as having been successfully installed.

Any advice would be appreciated.



Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Brandon Allbery 

> Oh, they are resumable exceptions? Useful but rather high cost I'd think.
> (Granting that perl6 isn't one of those languages that think exceptions
> should be normal control flow. But anyone who decides it should be is
> probably in for a very slow slog.)

...also I now know that I should not use warn in many cases where I would
have otherwise.

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 3:44 PM, Timo Paulssen  wrote:

> I didn't actually read the other mail in this thread yet, but you can
> catch a control exception (like warn uses) with a CONTROL block. Don't
> forget to .resume the exception unless you want it to break out of your
> code, too.

Oh, they are resumable exceptions? Useful but rather high cost I'd think.
(Granting that perl6 isn't one of those languages that think exceptions
should be normal control flow. But anyone who decides it should be is
probably in for a very slow slog.)

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Timo Paulssen
I didn't actually read the other mail in this thread yet, but you can
catch a control exception (like warn uses) with a CONTROL block. Don't
forget to .resume the exception unless you want it to break out of your
code, too.

Hope to help!
  - Timo

Re: testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Brandon Allbery
On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 1:25 AM, Richard Hainsworth 

> throws-like { abc('excess') }, Exception, 'got the exception', message =>
> / excess recursion /;

I'm confused as to why you would expect this to work. The point of warn is
it is *not* an exception; an exception by definition aborts code execution,
while warn continues. As such, there is no exception and nothing you can
catch --- since if you could catch it, it would mean the original code
stopped executing and threw it instead.

I could imagine a design where the block where you used `warn` attached
some kind of extra value to whatever it eventually returns, but (a) it's a
horrid lot of extra complexity and slowdowns to handle such a thing, and
(b) you'd usually like to see the warning even if the block *doesn't*
return. If you want a side system of some kind that lets you treat *that*
case like an exception, then you're throwing fake exceptions to a whole
separate thread that sits there waiting for them and does something or
other --- again. lots of complexity for extremely dubious gain, and if you
then decide that since you got your warnings-are-exceptions you should now
get the full suite of things you could do with an exception... you now have
that warnings must stop until the side thread tells them what to do, or
else make warnings into full exceptions with some kind of resume capability
that is turned on by default. But this isn't an actual warning and now
people will ask why we don't have warnings, just resumable exceptions

In short: exceptions are not warnings, not practically and not
conceptually; they are a completely different thing entirely. No amount of
scaffolding will turn an apple into a horse. Use Test::Output.

brandon s allbery kf8nh   sine nomine associates
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad

Re: Helping Perl 6: a complete dev environment

2016-04-29 Thread Jovan Trujillo
I see Padre has hooks for running Perl 6 and even parrot code. Don't know if 
Git is built into it yet. Probably easier to get started than using Emacs or 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Apr 28, 2016, at 3:26 PM, Tom Browder  wrote:
> Is there a pointer somewhere on how to set up a complete development 
> environment for Perl 6?  I know how to clone individual pieces but I don't 
> know how to use the various cloned directories for a complete dev environment 
> using them.  I assume I can install each piece individually but maybe there 
> is some magic way to use rakudobrew to do it more easily.
> I would like to be able to easily test and create pull requests for rakudo 
> and also the Task::Star modules but haven't yet figured out how to get it all 
> working in the most effective manner.
> Thanks.
> Best regards,
> -Tom

[perl #128022] [BUG] Impossible to call Grammar.parse inside the Grammar's action class (with or without actions)

2016-04-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Andy Weidenbaum 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128022]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

Consider an HTML templating language with `include` directives similar to 
Haml/Jade/Pug. It is useful in these cases to, inside the grammar's, 
call Grammar.parse on any `include`d files. This is currently impossible to do. 
I golfed it as best I could in inclusive.p6.123

Description: Binary data

testing with a "warn"

2016-04-29 Thread Richard Hainsworth

I have a condition that uses warn

something like (its just an illustration)

sub abc {
if $iterations > 150 {
$iterations = 150;
warn 'excess recursion, clamping at 150';

In my test suite I tried

throws-like { abc('excess') }, Exception, 'got the exception', message 
=> / excess recursion /;

However, this fails to pick up the exception and I get something like:

excess recursion, clamping at 150
not ok 1 - code dies

# Failed test 'code dies'
# at t/basic.t line 56
ok 2 - # SKIP Code did not die, can not check exception
ok 3 - # SKIP Code did not die, can not check exception
# Looks like you failed 1 test of 3

lives-ok { abc('excess') }, 'got the exception';

passes the test, but does not verify that the correct warning message 
was passed, and in any case, this test would pass even if the exception 
condition wasn't fulfilled.

Have I missed something?

I could use the module Test:::Output, to test std-err, but this seems 
inappropriate for what is a core sub like warn.

[perl #127977] [BUG] Constraint on a slurpy MAIN parameter leaks out internal exceptions

2016-04-29 Thread Christian Bartolomaeus via RT
For the records: There is a test for this ticket (currently fudged 'todo') in 

[perl #128029] Named @arrays args to MAIN can only take more than 1 option

2016-04-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Zoffix Znet 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128029]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

zoffix@zoffix-VirtualBox:~$ perl6 -e 'sub MAIN (:@args) { say @args }' 
--args=one --args=two   

[one two]
zoffix@zoffix-VirtualBox:~$ perl6 -e 'sub MAIN (:@args) { say @args }' 
  -e '...' [--args=] 

[perl #128027] anon enums pretend to be empty lists

2016-04-29 Thread via RT
# New Ticket Created by  Wenzel Peppmeyer 
# Please include the string:  [perl #128027]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# >

my %e = enum ;
say one.WHAT; # OUTPUT«()␤»

# expected

# OUTPUT«()␤»

# The expected output would be analogous to anon classes. Introspection 
# that looks like somebody forgot to put something there is LTA.