Re: negated operators and disjunctions (was: Recommended Perl 6 best practices?)

2008-09-14 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Carl Mäsak
# on Sunday 14 September 2008 07:18:

die Unrecognized directive: TMPL_$directive
   if $directive ne 'VAR' | 'LOOP' | 'IF';

One is tempted to assume that this means the same as 
$directive ne 'VAR' || $directive ne 'LOOP' || $directive ne 'IF',
but it doesn't. 

Actually, it does mean exactly that.

But you're not really tempted to read it as:

  if this isn't var or else this isn't loop or else this isn't if

(in denial?).  Instead, one is tempted to read it as:

  if this is not: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'

, by which you really mean:

  if this is not 'var' and this is not 'loop' and this is not 'if'
  if not this is any of: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'

which is:
  unless this is any of: 'var', 'loop', or 'if'
  if this is not all of: 'var', 'loop', and 'if'

But perhaps the thing to remember is to not mix negated operators with 
disjunctions?  The 'dis' being a form of negative and all.

I found this in E06:

  if %person{title} ne $known_title { ... }

Well... I guess E06 is unmaintained, but currently has the best 
explanation of junctions I can find, so I offer the attached patch in 
the hope that the logic error does not propagate.

But you can never get 3n from n, ever, and if you think you can, please
email me the stock ticker of your company so I can short it.
--Joel Spolsky
Index: exe/E06.pod
--- exe/E06.pod	(revision 14582)
+++ exe/E06.pod	(working copy)
@@ -857,6 +857,15 @@
 print Unknown title: %person{title}.;
+[Update: that was a logic error:  the negated operator carries through
+the disjunction and is always false.
+unless %persontitle eq $known_title {
+say Unknown title: %persontitle.;
+Hash key quoting has also changed.]
 or even CCode references:
 my ideal := \tall  \dark  \handsome;

Re: Iterator semantics

2008-09-12 Thread Eric Wilhelm
Hi Larry,

# from Larry Wall
# on Thursday 11 September 2008 12:13:

So when you put something into a list context, some of the values
will be considered easy, and some will be considered hard.
The basic question is whether we treat those the same or differently
from a referential point of view.  ...
The easy ones are the values that have already been calculated, 

Suppose we have

    my @a = 1..10;  # assume easy
    my @b = =$socket;   # assume hard

    for @a,@b {...}

If the for list sees @b as hard and just copies @b's iterator into its
own list for lazy evaluation, then it's going to end up iterating the
socket without loading @b.  Contrariwise if @b is eagerly evaluated it
might clobber the other iterator in the for list.  So those iterators
must be kept unified.  It's not enough to copy out the iterators
from the array; access to the hard elements of the array must still
be modulated by the array container.  A snapshot of the array
 container will not do in this case.

If a lazy list is an array with an iterator welded onto the end, then:

  1 .. 10 is just: 1, 2, 3, weld_here iter(4, thru = 10)
  1 .. *  is just: 1, 2, 3, weld_here iter(4)

And because an iterator doesn't go backwards, the array has to remember 
the previous values to allow me to maintain the just an array 
abstraction, so after I asked for @a[3], the internal state is like:

  1 .. * becomes: 1, 2, 3, 4, weld_here iter(5)

As a first shot at that definition, I'll submit:

    1 .. $n # easy
    1 .. *  # hard

On the other hand, I can argue that if the first expression is easy,
then the first $n elements of 1..* should also be considered easy, and
it's not hard till you try to get to the *.  :)

It could also be that I'm confusing things here, of course, and that
1..* is something easy and immutable that nevertheless cannot be
calculated eagerly.

But you can take a copy of the @a = 1 .. * however you like as long 
as just an array holds such that @a[41] is always the same regardless 
of whether you (internally) have to kick the welded-on iter 27 times to 
get that element or have already passed it.  So in this case you could 
(internally) end up with two copies each holding their own iter() in 
different states while still giving the same result at the just an 
array level.  But this is just an optimization on the general case you 
stated of must be modulated by the array container and it is an 
optimization which is only possible for predictable iters.

So, perhaps the case is:

  1 .. $n  # bounded and predictable
  1 .. *   # unbounded and predictable
  =$handle # bounded and unpredictable
  =$socket # unbounded and unpredictable

By unpredictable, I'm meaning simply that the value of a given element 
cannot be calculated independently by replicating a (pure) function 
f($i).  Perhaps a filehandle isn't a thorough example of that though?

What about:

  my @a = 1..*;
  my @b = =$socket;
  for @a,@b {...; @a = something(); ...}


  my @a = 1..*;
  my @b = =$socket;
  my @c = (@a, @b);
  for @c {...; @a = something(); ...}

In the first case, changing @a changes the for() iterator but in the 
second, the for() will still be nibbling on 1..*, right?  So the 
welded-on-iter is basically by-reference until I do something under 
the just an array paradigm which breaks the weld?

  @a = 1..*;
  @a[-1] = 9; # @a = (9) now ?

That's just my thoughts from what I understand and sorry if introducing 
welding into the analogy causes bits of molten metal to go flying 
around ;-)

You can't win. You can't break even. You can't quit.
--Ginsberg's Restatement of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics

Re: [perl #57320] touch /tmp/t make test = fails t/perl/Parrot_IO.t ?

2008-09-10 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Will Coleda
# on Monday 28 July 2008 07:31:

I presume Eric noticed this as he was working on his patch to enable a
parallel make test; Now that his patch is applied, fixing these tests
should have a higher priority; If two tests that are trying to
create/use the same directory run at the same time, one of them is
likely to fail.

Well, that is all true.

But it really has little to do with parallel testing, it is simply a 
faulty assumption.

Today I'm working on something else and still haven't shutdown my 
machine since then, so I still have a file /tmp/t, so the tests still 
fail.  I *could* delete that file, but what if that just happens to be 
my favorite empty file of all time?

But if I look at it deeper, the Parrot::IO code only exists 
for ./tools/docs/  Oh, and a bunch of the codingstd 


Re: unified languages-test

2008-08-18 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Will Coleda
# on Monday 18 August 2008 12:11:

 as far as i'm aware, with planet.parrotcode, the administrator picks
 the feeds that are aggregated.

Yes, I assumed you wanted server side aggregation.

What you're suggesting here sounds just like subscribe to as many
feeds as you want in your reader, which I can already do. What else
am I missing?


Or something like that, where the any news? question from the client 
is answered as the union of any news? in relation to all of the 
requested targets.

Which would reduce the number of requests to the server.  But of course 
a newsreader with nested folders could cobble it all together on the 
client side.

Turns out the optimal technique is to put it in reverse and gun it.
--Steven Squyres (on challenges in interplanetary robot navigation)

Re: enterprise parrot

2008-08-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from jerry gay
# on Tuesday 05 August 2008 14:13:
On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:

 Which reminds me: chromatic, what was your reasoning for major
 releases being every three months, instead of four or six?

 I agree we don't want to go much beyond six months for our major
 releases, but with at least two major distros that aim for decent
 freshness (Ubuntu and Fedora) using six month release cycles, I'm
 curious what we gain with a shorter cycle than that.

please start a new thread as this has moved off-topic.


There's quite a bit of ground left to be covered before anyone needs to 
worry about how much the support contracts are going to cost.

I imagine that release cycles and deprecation of parrot features isn't 
going to mean nearly as much churn to RHEL or Ubuntu LTS, or 
Debian stable users as it would with e.g. Perl 5 -- because they will 
typically be interfacing with the HLL, which provides a bit of buffer.

A counterintuitive sansevieria trifasciata was once literalized 
--Product of Artificial Intelligence

Re: [perl #57358] Enable parallel testing

2008-07-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Moritz Lenz
# on Monday 28 July 2008 09:52:

 That's not -just- with the patch, though, is it? I presume you've
 set TEST_JOBS to be something other than '1' ...

I've set it to 2, and obeserve the errors below. With serial testing I
get a PASS (r29828).

Yes.  TEST_JOBS=1 doesn't change anything.

It looks like most of the tests in t/steps might potentially conflict.

To smoke out the resource conflicts in the test suite, one would have to 
run $n jobs -- but that will forkbomb your system.  Another check is to 
run each against each other with `prove -j 2 $test_n $test_i`

Tests need to be written defensively for arbitrary parallelization to be 
possible.  If that's too much coding, the non-optimal serial within a 
directory scheme (or other forms of work division) would have to be 

Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many
rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.
--Ronald Reagan

Re: [perl #57358] Enable parallel testing

2008-07-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Moritz Lenz
# on Monday 28 July 2008 13:02:

With enough RAM everything is fair game ;-)
I ran it with $n == 20, and identified this list of files:

Yes.  My reading of Parrot::Configure suggests that there's no tempdir 
involved, which would need to be done per-process.

The alternative is to try to grok whatever Andy Armstrong was doing (has 
done?) with the TAP::Parser::Scheduler and schedule 't/steps' as a 
serial chunk.

Other alternatives could be made to exist via a simple matter of coding.

Consumers want choice, consumers want openness.
--Rob Glaser

Re: This week on parrot?

2008-05-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andy Lester
# on Monday 05 May 2008:

 This presupposes that the summaries are a good thing: anyone have
 any feedback on this point?

Just wondering who the audience would be.

Lurkers (potential contributors.)  Posting it on (and/or 
various other feed sources) would reach more of us.

Time flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a banana.
--Groucho Marx

Re: This week on parrot?

2008-05-05 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andy Lester
# on Monday 05 May 2008:

But do those lurkers actually exist?

I exist (or at least, I operate under the assumption that I exist.)

that the people who would be interested in a summary are already on  
the list.

Indeed I am on the list.  But, I usually don't read anything with 
brackets in the subject line, which is most of the list traffic.  A lot 
of what is happening is the sort of stream that doesn't give your foot 
back if you dip your toe in the water, so I tend to use what little 
time I currently have for parrot watching from the streambank.

I guess what I'd really like to see would be something aimed higher  
than the p5p summaries are.  It'd be something that could be  
interesting to a wider range of readers, not just the people who care
   about the nitty gritty of PGE/PIR/whatever.  This fabulous
 technology brings is this much closer to Rakudo being reality.

This gets us closer is somewhat assumed in that working away from the 
goal would be rather silly.  But, yes it is good to be explicit about 
what is progressing and how quickly -- though maybe that's another 

I think something with a similar level of detail to the p5p summaries 
would be useful for those who want to contribute, but are looking for a 
good entry-point.  A mid-level summary of who is doing what would 
make it more approachable.

Hot dogs:  just another condiment.
--Heart-attack Man

Re: Google Summer of Code 2008 Call for Proposals

2008-03-21 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Will Coleda
# on Thursday 20 March 2008 12:22:

We also have a presence on #parrot and #soc-help on, as
well as #perl6 on freenode.

for some project ideas if you're a student

Hi all,

The traffic regarding parrot seems a bit light.  In past years of 
involvement, the bulk of accepted proposals were parrot or Perl 6 
related.  I think we would like to see at least 10 applications here 
this year.

So, a few questions for parrot people:

Are there enough exciting and accessible potential projects within and 
around parrot?  Are we making them clear enough on the wiki?  Should we 
have some more info about how the student should get started coming up 
with a parrot-related invent your own project proposal?  More links 
to parrot info?

Are there some students starting to appear in #parrot and I'm just not 
noticing it?

Did your local perl mongers list get my call for proposals mail?

Do *you* know any students who would be good candidates?

Am I just being impatient?  I'm curious whether there is a lack of 
interest or a failure to adequately promote the opportunity.  (Or 
possibly procrastination, but students who appear before the 31st seem 
likely to make for a more successful, drama-free summer.)

I think the most successful students are going to come from one-on-one 
connections, so I would ask everyone to please try to contact at least 
one student by Monday.


summer of parrot - ideas and mentors wanted

2008-03-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from chromatic
# on Saturday 01 March 2008 17:19:

Will Coleda and Dave Rolsky are currently performing similar features
 for Parrot; either of them might be a good first choice.

If neither can do it, I will.

Excellent, thanks.  Parrot seems to be nicely supplied with soc managers 
now!  Jerry Gay had already volunteered to do this on irc, so I will 
let you all sort it out.  Please feel free to join us in #soc on

Should parrot have its own pages for ideas and mentors?  Perhaps add a 
link to your own ideas page, but go ahead and start adding yourselves 
mentors here?

If you hate wikis as much as I do, please visit this handy form and I 
will batch the wiki edits on your behalf.

But you can never get 3n from n, ever, and if you think you can, please
email me the stock ticker of your company so I can short it.
--Joel Spolsky

Re: summer of code mentor applications starting (and ending) next week

2008-02-29 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Nicholas Clark
# on Friday 29 February 2008 06:58:

There is no such thing as a p5p admin*.

No, it would need to be somebody on behalf of TPF, as google needs 
somewhere to send the mentorship check.

Alternatively, a company or individual attached to a sufficiently large 
perl-based project could submit their application separately (at least 
Catalyst, mod_perl, and RT come to mind.)  But for hacking 

The only requirement is that you be an entity with which google (a US 
organization) can legally do business (and of course: that you 
represent a vibrant open source project.)

I'm told that the TPF website is out-of-date.  Richard?  We need to 
start building a list of mentors, but they need someone at TPF to 

  The organization should choose a single administrator to submit
  its application via the GSoC web app between March 3-12, 2008.

The opinions expressed in this e-mail were randomly generated by
the computer and do not necessarily reflect the views of its owner.

Re: [perl #38262] [CAGE] get external Perl5 modules out of the parrot repo

2008-02-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from James Keenan via RT
# on Wednesday 27 February 2008 09:40:

The output of Test::Builder changed at 0.64_01, which falls in between
the 0.60 we had in the distro and the 0.72 which most (but not all) of
our developers are likely to be using now.
Two possible solutions:  Either eliminate those 6 tests entirely, or
rewrite the tests to make the regexes which need to be matched
 tolerant of the differences between Test::Builder 0.60 and 0.72 in
 this regard.

Are you depending on having Test::Harness 3?  If so, the TAP::Harness 
and/or TAP::Parser API should make parsing TAP less fragile than 
hand-rolled regexps.


Re: the future of testing

2008-01-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Rafael Garcia-Suarez
# on Wednesday 09 January 2008 05:36:

Allison Randal wrote in perl.perl6.internals :
 In the Python test suite, there's a single global location to
 declare a list of test files that are expected to be skipped on a
 particular platform. This has a much cleaner feel than our own
 motley collection of skip and todo markers in various test files.

To me, python code generally tends to *feel* cleaner, but on deeper 
inspection, usually is limited by failed assumptions.  I suspect that 
you've fallen prey to this same seduction in your perusal of their test 
suite.  There may still be something in it -- I'm just adding salt :-D

A global skip/todo config would be nice in that it also provides more 
metadata about the tests, so e.g. running a targetted cross-section of 
tests becomes easier.

That assumes that tests are skipped per file, which is not always the
case (sometimes you want to skip only one test, sometimes even to work
around an OS bug that appears only in one specific version). But
reorganizing platform-dependent tests might be a good idea.

Agreed.  Skipping a subtest is very common.  Organization would benefit 
from them being separated, but duplicated setup code would ensue.

If tests were broken into methods within the file, you could have the 
global config and keep the granularity.

The what is a platform? issue could also make the categorization messy 
(when you start involving compiler combinations or what-not.)  Perhaps 
something more declarative can be done by providing standard is_foo() 
functions to reduce the complexity (and/or increase the readability) of 
the SKIP/TODO conditionals.

So, (syntax aside) given foo.t with methods bar, baz, bort, and bob:

is_osx(version: 10.0): skip_all: reason: ...
is_osx: skip: bar baz bort
is_solaris: todo: baz reason: baz needs love
is_win32(with = compiler: msvc): todo: bort

software:  a hypothetical exercise which happens to compile.

Re: [perl #45601] [unified_testing] Plans and notes for the unified testing branch

2007-11-27 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Bernhard Schmalhofer via RT
# on Tuesday 27 November 2007 16:22:

after the release of Test::Harness 3.03 I'm wondering about the status
of the 'unified_testing' branch.

Test::Harness::Straps doesn't exist in the new Test::Harness, so trunk 
would need to catchup with that issue regardless (e.g. calling 
Test::Harness::runtests() will no longer pickup on your custom straps 

I wonder whether any major obstacles have surfaced and whether it
 makes sense to merge the changes in 'unified_testing' with 'trunk'

As far as the harness is concerned, yes.  Using the TAP::Harness API is 

If the parrot-land changes aren't 100% (e.g. unifying the way in which 
tests expect to be called), the old harness will still need to deal 
with the fact that the Test::Harness internals have changed and Straps 
is no longer available through that API.


Re: [perl #45601] [unified_testing] Plans and notes for the unified testing branch

2007-09-22 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from James Keenan via RT
# on Friday 21 September 2007 13:44:

On Thu Sep 20 13:03:31 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 5) Add processing of the output of Configure --test.

When I began working on writing tests for the Perl 5 components of
Parrot last November, we made the decision to not incorporate all the
tests I was writing under the 'make test' target.

This is perfectly fine.

... some take a long time to run
...some of the tests were only meaningful if run post-configuration,

Those are fine reasons to exclude tests from a given target.

So I'm unclear as to what the 'unification' you're talking about would
mean for these test suites.  Can you clarify?

I think unification is primarily needed in the sense of unifying how 
the results are reported.  Do not be alarmed -- the fact that 
TAP::Parser has a parser (and an aggregator) as separate objects from 
the harness means there is more than one way to do it.[1]

Also, unification in the sense that the shebang line for the tests 
tell the harness ~how to execute the test, not where to find the parrot 
and etc.  It is intended that the test shebangs will function against 
an installed parrot and/or hll.

And, also unification might involve specifying/organizing the tests 
(e.g. which are developer, which are exhaustive, etc) as e.g. a 
YAML file rather than capturing `$some_t_harness --files`.[2]  If this 
can be completely expressed in data and/or directory layout, the amount 
of support code required to select a set of tests to run is reduced or 

The details are in the details, err... footnotes.

[1] For example, a smoke server might be logging the TAP results from 
`./ --test`, then doing some post-processing and reporting 
on those results in conjunction with the rest of the TAP tree.  The 
time at which those tests are run need not be dictated by the single 
harness, but it would be nice to unify the config/declaration of which 
tests are which and why -- possibly allowing a smoker to run them 
outside of the context of ./Configure so long as the state of the 
universe required by these tests is known.

[2] This is not strictly necessary, but from my adventures in reading a 
few $some_t_harness files, the list of files does not usually require 
computation, and yet can be difficult to deduce from a quick read vs a 
data file.  Perhaps some environment variables or etc. become involved 
and the list of tests actually does require computation.  At the least, 
the unified harness will not require each t/harness to execute 
Test::Harness::runtests(@tests)[3] and so the code is reduced simply to 
the task of returning a manifest of files to be run.  Perhaps 
t/manifest, (which (yes) might still need to be executed) but does not 
actually run the tests.[4]  But maybe a nice directory layout would do?

[3] unification actually conflicts with each t/harness calling 
runtests() in that the options (such as archiving the TAP) would need 
to be communicated in a rather roundabout way.

[4] Whatever best serves the goal of being able to reliably report on 
the results of all of the tests run, how long they (each and all) took, 
and (hopefully cleanly) selects which to run (or not run) when.

Moving pianos is dangerous.
Moving pianos are dangerous.
Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo.

Re: Test::Harness 2.99_02 vs. Parrot

2007-09-10 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andy Armstrong
# on Monday 10 September 2007 11:13 am:

On 10 Sep 2007, at 19:12, Andy Armstrong wrote:
 What are the steps a parrot-n00b would take to be able to reproduce
 your results?

  svn co parrot
  make test

If your Test::Harness is 2.99_+, you'll see lots of places where the -I 
switch angers the '#!./parrot'.  I tend to think this is an abuse of 
Test::Harness and therefore parrot should bundle Test-Harness-2.64 in 
their distro (at least, until they get away from it.)
Sounds like Eric's got it under control :)

More or less (but there's only one of me.)  From prove's point of view, 
the parrot test suite is a wreck in terms of how it defines which tests 
are to be run.  Some are blacklisted, activated by options, etc.  This 
logic is also (potentially) distributed to every $(find -name harness) 
file in the tree.

So, this is only a *start* because it currently has no way to know which 
test files to run.

As an old bass player friend of mine used to say: throw money, don't 
--Tony Parisi

Re: [perl #45153] better TAP::Harness support

2007-09-09 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Parrot via RT
# on Tuesday 04 September 2007 01:30 am:

With TAP::Parser, the attached patch and Parrot/TAP/ in the
current directory[1], the tests can be run as:

  runtests --harness Parrot::TAP::Harness $(perl t/harness --files)

The runtests code has been refactored into App::Prove, which allows 
parrot to make their own ./runtests such as the attached.  This gets 
rid of the need for --harness argument, and also allows for additional 
argument flag customizations.

  ./runtests $(perl t/harness --files)

Get TAP::Harness from the svn.  Note: this distro also contains a 
lib/Test/ and bin/prove -- neither of those are needed for 
this, and they *might* even cause trouble with the existing parrot test 

Additionally, there is now parallel testing support with 

This works like:

  ./runtests --jobs 9 $(perl t/harness --files)

And appears to yield a 30-40% decrease in wait time (assuming that tests 
do not have resource conflicts (shared tempfiles, etc.))  A cursory 
examination implies that some parrot tests do indeed have such 
conflicts, but you have to crank -j up to 25 to find them (which is 
borderline forkbombing.)


Like a lot of people, I was mathematically abused as a child.
--Paul Graham

Description: Perl program

Re: TAP::Harness

2007-09-01 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Gabor Szabo
# on Saturday 01 September 2007 01:35 am:

Regarding Parrot, I think there was some discussion of moving it to
 use TAP::Harness and to use Smolder to collect the TAP based results.


We determined that the main task is refactoring all of the t/harness 
files.  It looks like each one of them is building-up a list of tests 
in code (either with array declarations, globs, etc -- and affected by 
various environment vars and/or switches.)

Other than sorting-out all of that, it's a simple matter of subclassing 
TAP::Harness and overriding a few methods such as _get_parser_args().

At least, I think that will do it.

Left to themselves, things tend to go from bad to worse.
--Murphy's Corollary

Re: [perl #44213] docs/faq.pod - fix Lfoo|http://... pod abuse

2007-08-03 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Will Coleda via RT
# on Friday 03 August 2007 01:40 pm:

Seems like a pretty straightforward patch, but isn't the L syntax
used currently proper? 

The L doesn't support named http:// links.

from perlpod:


Links to an absolute URL. For example, L But note 
that there is no corresponding Ltext|scheme:... syntax, for various 

Is there a particular pod reader we're trying 
to make happy?

I'm assuming the website uses combust, so mostly whatever combust uses.  
The 68K emulator and April Fool's Joke links here are broken 
because of it:

Also, pod2html (Pod::HTML) and Pod::Simple::HTML.

It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so 
--Murphy's Second Corollary

Re: t/codingstd/perlcritic.t needs to be optional

2007-06-28 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Andy Lester
# on Wednesday 27 June 2007 10:09 pm:

Modified since when?

Create a .critictest file when it succeeds and use that timestamp?

# from chromatic
# on Wednesday 27 June 2007 11:10 pm:

 What if we have the Perl::Critic checks as Subversion commit hooks?
 Could email p6i with the results, too.  That's what we do at work,
 and it's annoying, but it's there and it's pretty in-your-face.

If it doesn't hose svk push, where the first of several commits fails
 due to standards violations, I wouldn't mind trying it as an

I would guess a post-commit hook run in the background would be the way 
to do it.  Besides the timeout issue, complex code preventing a checkin 
may be a bad thing because one would need to track-down a server admin 
if the gatekeeper script had a bug.

If the tests run quickly enough locally, that will encourage clean 
checkins, with the post-commit informing the list of any dirty ones.

You can't win. You can't break even. You can't quit.
--Ginsberg's Restatement of the Three Laws of Thermodynamics

Re: [perl #43081] [p6] Get p6 tests from pugs.

2007-05-31 Thread Eric Wilhelm
# from Paul Cochrane
# on Thursday 31 May 2007 01:42 pm:

 It is possible to get anonymous svn access to the pugs
source, but svn won't allow you to check out source from a different
repository into another repository's path

Maybe I'm missing something, but what I've done in similar situations 
basically amounts to:

  svn propset svn:ignore foo .
  svn co foo


  svn up foo
  rsync foo/ standard/location/

That is, the files are all copied (or symlinked) from a single foreign 
checkout directory into their standard homes within the native 
repository tree.  IME, the up vs co logic is best stuck in a 
bootstrapping script ala:

Do avoid svn:externals though.

hobgoblin n 1: (folklore) a small grotesque supernatural creature that
  makes trouble for human beings