This week's Perl 6 Summary

2003-02-11 Thread p6summarizer
  The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030209
Welcome to the latest Perl 6 summary, your handy cut out and keep guide
to the goings on in the crazy world of Perl 6 design and development.

It's been a rather quiet week this week; only 75 messages in
perl6-internals and a mere 57 in perl6-language. So, at least it's

We start off, as is traditional, with perl6-internals

  The 2004 Performance challenge
Dan announced that he'd made a bet with Guido van Rossum that Parrot
would be faster at executing a pure python benchmark of some sort to be
determined. The details of the challenge will be announced at OSCON 2003
and the results at OSCON 2004. Dan stands to lose $10 and a round of
beer for the Zope/Pythonlabs folks. (Dunno how many of them there are
though...). We don't know what he stands to win yet, but I'd hope 'beers
from each of the Zope/Pythonlabs folks' are included.

For some reason nobody commented on this.

  More Parrot Objects
Jerome Quelin wondered how Parrot objects would handle property
inheritance. Dan pointed out that properties don't get inherited and
Jerome realised he meant to ask about attribute inheritance. Attributes
*are* inherited but are mostly invisible to any methods but the methods
of the class that defines the attributes (though they will be accessible
(presumably through reflection)).

In another subthread, we got confused by multimethods. -- Multimethods

  Bytecode Metadata
James Michael DuPont wanted to know what had been decided about Bytecode
metadata and outlined the things that he'd like to know about a given
bytecode. Leo Tötsch reckoned that what James wanted was either in the
bytecode right now, or was handleable by the framework that was in
place. He pointed James to docs/parrotbyte.pod in the Parrot

Further discussions centred on the *amount* of metadata and whether this
would affect loading speed and efficiency, or get in the way of the
desired 'mmap and go' principle. Jürgen Bömmels pointed out that we also
had to be capable of passing meta data from a compiler 'through' IMCC
and on to the final bytecode. There was also a touching reunion between
James Michael DuPont and Gopal V. Ah...

  Multi programming language questions
Phil Hassey has been lurking, fascinated on the internals list for a
couple of months. This week he broke the silence by asking a couple of
questions about cross language function dispatch, string compatibility
and global scopes. For instance, PHP, Common Lisp and others are case
insensitive about functions. Which is okay when you're calling such a
function from a case sensitive language, but can be tricky if you call
out from a case insensitive to a case sensitive language. Dan thought
that there wasn't going to be much that could be done about this problem
(at least, not transparently) but seems to think that the other issues
raised shouldn't be too problematic.

  Random questions
David popped up and, after remarking on the amount of progress Parrot
had made since he last looked at it, had a few questions about various
bits and pieces. Leo and Dan provided a bunch of good answers.

  A Scheme for extending core.ops
Leo Tötsch seems to have got bored of 'just' being the Patch Monster and
has been producing some discussion documents proposing all sorts of
useful tricks for improving the design/speed/extensibility of Parrot's
internals. This week he turned his attention to core.ops. His plan
involves a way of reducing the size of core_ops, improving cache
locality and generally solving a raft of problems I didn't even know
Parrot had. His new scheme allows for a small core.ops, easy extension
and no execution speed penalty for non core ops. As is usual with Leo's
stuff, the scheme came with code. Gregor had a bunch of observations and
suggestions and he and Leo thrashed out a slightly modified scheme for
going forward.

  Week of the alternative runloops
Leo Tö offered a couple of different core runloops this week. First up
was the Computed Goto Prederefed (CGP) runloop which, essentially
combined a two runloop optimization techniques to provide what can only
be described as massive speedups. The -O3 compiled version ran
parrot_mops 6 times faster than the basic 'fast_core' and more than 3
times faster than the previous fastest core. People were impressed.

A few days later, Leo reached into his bag of tricks and pulled out the
CSwitch runloop that did 

This weeks' summary

2003-02-04 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030202
Welcome to the second Perl 6 summary of the Copious Free Time era and
already I've broken the 'mailed out by Monday evening' promise. There
were reasons however, mostly to do with going down to London to do the
paperwork for my redundancy stuff. So, I'm emending the promise to
'mailed out by logical Monday evening'.

Starting with perl6-internals (which was pretty quiet this week, only 76
messages compared to perl6-language which tipped the scales with 162)

  Parrot Objects (noun, not verb)
Piers Cawley worried about class private attributes and asked it it was
still going to be possible to write an object serializing tool that
wouldn't require tons of Perl class overloads. Dan said that it should
still be possible.

  The packfile patches, an ongoing saga.
Leo Tötsch spent the week working on the packfile format and Parrot's
tools for manipulating it. Various internals folks provided feedback,
pointers to standards and other handy feedback.

  Securing Parrot ASM
Thomas Whateley has been thinking about how to allow Parrot to run
untrusted code in a sandbox, and proposed a system where code would
provide a list of required rights and Parrot would guarantee that only
those privileges were provided. Matthew Byng-Maddick pointed everyone at
the RFC he'd written along these lines and raised the issue of what
happens when you call out to a module that's written natively, which he
described a 'brick wall'. Others were less sure that this was a

Somewhat annoyingly my mailer seems to have had a bad moment and lost
some messages, including one from Dan in which he outlined his vision
for 'safe mode' and gave some pointers to the VMS docs in this area. -- Dan's outline

  Parrot Developer World Map
Leon Brocard announced the Parrot Developer World Map, which plots the
locations of all the Parrot developers who sent him their location
details on a map of the world. A cursory glance at the map would seem to
imply that a good place for a Parrot Developers' face to face meeting
would be a Caribbean island. Gregor neatly one upped Leon with his
interactive SVG version.

  Coroutine context patch
Jonathan Sillito found some problems with the coroutine code, so he
wrote a test exposing the errors, patched things to fix the errors and
added a documentation patch to be on the safe side. Go Jonathan. Steve
Fink applied the patches. Jonathan also had a question about naming, and
wondered if anyone would be interested in a howto for compiler writers.
Nobody commented on this, but the howto sounds like a great idea to me.

  Multiple code segments and the interpreter
Leo Tötsch noted some problems with interpreter-code and multiple
code segments, suggested a way forward and asked for comments. Nicholas
Clark commented, wondering about the potential for memory leaks but Leo
seemed to think that that was covered.

  Parrot run loop problems
Leo has also been thinking about Parrot run loops and reckons we're
doing it wrong. So he proposed a different way of doing things, working
through its impact on the various kinds of Parrot core. Steve Fink liked
Leo's idea, but Jason Gloudon was less sure.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
  More Array Behaviours
Michael Lazzaro is working on documenting Perl Arrays and asked for
confirmations and clarifications on various areas of Array behaviour.
One subthread morphed into a discussion of when to use is properties
and when to use but properties. It turns out that the 'is is compile
time, but is runtime' rule of thumb is only a rule of thumb. Damian
says that a better distinction is 'but is a property on a value, is
is a property on a referent'. Variables, arrays, opaque objects, hashes
etc are referents and therefore get is properties. Values are thing
things that are held in variables, arrays, opaque objects etc, and they
get but properties.

  Spare Brackets
Martin wondered if it would be possible to use [] to do both hash and
array lookups. Short answer No. Which isn't to say the thread didn't
take off like a runaway train. After far too many messages we reached
the same 'No' conclusion that Damian 

This week's Perl 6 summary

2003-01-22 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030119
Summary time again, damn but those tuits are hard to round up. Guess,
what? perl6-internals comes first. 141 messages this week versus the
language list's 143.

  Objects (again)
Objects were still very much on everyone's mind as the discussions of
Dan's initial thoughts about objects in Parrot continued. Jonathan
Sillito put up a list of questions about Dan's original message which
Dan answered promptly. Down the thread a little Dan mentioned that he
hoped Parrot's objects would serve, reasonably unmodified for a bunch of
languages (ie, he hoped that there wouldn't be a requirement for
PythonRef/Attr/Class/Object etc), Chris Armstrong thought that, given
what Dan had outlined so far, that wouldn't be straightforward. Dan
thanked him for throwing a spanner in the works, asking for more details
which Chris provided.

Meanwhile Jonathan had some supplementary questions... Hmm... doing this
blow by blow will take forever. Suffice to say that details are being
thrashed out. At one point Dan's head started to spin as terminology
mismatches started to bite, leading Nicholas Clark to suggest an
entirely new set of terms involving houses and hotels (but with some
serious underpinnings). -- thread root, from last week. -- Jonathan's questions -- Chris throws a spanner -- Nicholas tries for a
  monopoly on silliness

  Optimizing and per file flags
Nicholas Clark wrote about requiring the ability to adjust compiler
optimization flags on a per file basis (brought up by Dan on IRC
apparently) and proposed a scheme. Quote of the thread (and quite
possibly the year so far): When unpack is going into an infinite loop
on a Cray 6000 miles away that you don't have any access to, there isn't
much more you can do. Thanks for that one Nick.

  The draft todo/worklist
Dan posted his current todo/worklist, which he described as reasonably
high level, and a bit terse. I particularly liked the last entry
Working Perl 5 parser. Surprisingly, there was very little discussion,
maybe everyone liked it.

  Parrot Examples
Joe Yates asked if we could add a helloworld.pasm to
parrot/examples/assembly. Joseph Guhlin wondered what was so special

print Hello, world\n

that it would need a file of its own (though he did forget the end in
his post, and segfaults are not really what you want in sample code).

  Thoughts on infant mortality (continued)
Jason Gloudon posted a wonderfully clear exposition of the problems
facing anyone trying to implement a portable, incremental garbage
collector for Parrot which sparked a small amount of discussion and
muttering from Dan about the temptation to program down to the metal.

  Operators neg and abs in core.ops
Bernhard Schmalhofer posted an enormous patch adding neg and abs
operators to core.ops. There were a few issues with the patch so it
hasn't gone in yet and an issue with what underlying C functions are
available reared its head too.

  The eval patch
Leo Tötsch seems to have spent most of the week working on getting
eval working and he opened a ticket on to track what's
happening with it. The response to this can be summarized as 'Wow!

Once more, for Googlism, Leopold Toetsch is my hero.

  Pretty Pictures
Mitchell N Charity posted some pretty pictures that he'd generated with
doxygen and graphviz. Most of the responses to this suggested he use
different tools. Ah well.

  Solaris tinderbox failures
Andy Dougherty created an RT ticket for the Solaris tinderbox, which
have been failing with the delightfully useful 'PANIC: Unknown signature
type and wondered if things could be fixed up to be a little more
informative. Apparently it was as issue with Leo's recently checked in
eval patch. So Leo fixed it.

  Parrot compilers
Cory Spencer wondered about how the current compilers that target parrot
work, noting that they seem to be duplicating a good deal of labour, and
wondered if anyone had worked on a gcc like framework with a
standardized Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). Everyone pointed him at IMCC.
Gopal V also pointed out that, given the variety of implementation
languages (C, Perl, Parrot...) 

This week's Perl Summary

2003-01-14 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030112
... and we're back. Yup, it's summary time again. We'll dive straight in
with perl6-internals (as if you expected anything else).

  More thoughts on DOD
Leopold Tötsch posted a test program showing the effects of PMC size and
timing of garbage collection and allocation and suggested ways of
improving the GC system based on the conclusions he drew from its
results. Leo, Dan and Mitchell N Charity discussed this further and
tried a few different approaches to try and improve performance (though
Mitchell did worry about premature optimization). Work in this area is

  The Perl 6 Parser
Dan asked about the current state of the Perl 6 parser, wanting to know
what was and wasn't implemented and wondered about adding the Perl 6
tests into the standard parrot test suite. Sean O'Rourke and Joseph F.
Ryan both gave a summaries of where things stood. Joseph also suggested
a few refactorings of the parser to deal with the fluidity of the
current spec (almost all the operators have changed symbols since the
parser was first written for instance).

  LXR - Source code indexing
Last week I said that Robert Spier had 'started work on getting a
browseable, cross referenced version of the Parrot source up on'. What actually happened was that Robert asked Zach Lipton to
do the work. This week Zach delivered the goods which, I must say, look

I'm sure that if someone were to extend LXR so it had a better
understanding of .pasm, .pmc, .ops and other special Parrot source types
then the community would be very grateful indeed. I know I would. -- Announcement

  Thoughts on infant mortality
Piers Cawley offered what he thought might be a new approach to dealing
with the infant mortality problem which got efficiently shot down by Leo
Tötsch. Which led to further discussion of possible answers, and it
looks like Leo's proposed solution involving a small amount of code
reordering and early anchoring will be the one that's tried next. All
being well it won't require walking the C stack and hardware register
set, which can only be a good thing.

Later on, Leo asked if it'd be okay to check in his work so far on
redoing the GC because he was up to 15 affected files and was starting
to worry about integration hell. Steve Fink wasn't sure about one of his
changes, so Leo checked everything else in.

  Objects, finally (try 1)
Last week I mentioned that Leon Brocard's wishlist for the next Parrot
iteration included Objects. This week Dan posted his first draft of what
Parrot Objects would and wouldn't be able to do. The eleventh entry on
Dan's list (Objects are all orange) seemed to be custom made to please
Leon. There was a fair amount of discussion (of course), but the
consensus was positive.

  The benchmarking problem
Nicholas Clark crossposted to p5p and perl6-internals to discuss the
problems of benchmarking parrot against perl 5. One of parrot's aims is,
of course, to go faster than perl 5. The problem is, how do you measure
'faster'? Nicholas has been working on making perl 5 go faster and was
distressed to find out that using 'perlbench' a patch of his went 5%
faster, 1% slower, 0% and 1% faster, depending on what machine/compiler
combination he ran the benchmark on. Leo Tötsch commented that he'd
found performance varying by over 50% in a JIT test, depending on the
position of a loop in memory. Andreas Koenig commented that he'd come to
the conclusion that bugs in glibc meant that there was little point in
benchmarking Perl at all if it was built with a glibc older than version
2.3 (apparently malloc/free proved to be gloriously erratic...) I'm
afraid not much was actually resolved though.

Meanwhile, in perl6-language
The discussion of Variable types vs Value types continued from the
previous week. Dan opined that Arrays weren't necessarily objects, which
brought forth squawks from Piers Cawley who pointed out that being able
to do:

   class PersistentList is Array { 
   method FETCH ($index) { 

would be much nicer than tying a value in the Perl 5ish fashion. Dan
reckoned that delegation would probably be enough which, IMHO seemed to
miss the point. Various other people chimed in to, essentially, tell Dan
that he was wrong, but I'm not sure Dan agreed with them.

Meanwhile, in a 

This week's summary

2003-01-08 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20030105
Hello and welcome to the first summary of 2003, welcome to the future.
This summary covers 2 weeks, but they've been quietish what with
Christmas and the New Year.

So, starting as usual with perl6-internals

  A pile of patches to the Perl 6 compiler
Joseph F. Ryan submitted a bunch of patches to the Perl 6 mini compiler,
(found in the languages/perl6 subdirectory of your friendly
neighbourhood parrot distribution) mostly implementing the the semantics
for string and numeric literals discussed on perl6-documentation.

  Garbage Collection headaches
Heads have been put together in an attempt to get Parrot's Garbage
Collection system working efficiently and accurately (no destroying
stuff before anyone's had a chance to use it, dammit!) It appears that
there's still a good deal of head scratching to be done in this area
(the chaps over on the LL1 list are wondering why we aren't just using
the Boehm GC system...)

I freely admit that GC makes my head hurt (especially as, in my current
Perl 5 project I'm busy implementing mark and sweep collection for a
persistent object store whilst also making sure that my random
assortment of circular data structures has weakened references in just
the right places so that stuff gets destroyed but only when it *should*
be destroyed... Boy, am I looking forward to Perl 6 and not having to
worry about this stuff ever again...) but I I'll have a go at
summarizing the issues.

The main problem appears to be that of 'Infant mortality', an issue that
I will now attempt to explain.

All the objects in memory can be represented as nodes in a graph, and
the pointers between those objects can be represented as edges in that
graph. The process of garbage collection involves taking a subset of
those nodes (the rootset) and freeing (or marking as freeable) all those
nodes in the graph which are not reachable from the rootset.

Now, consider a function that sets up a new PMC, specifically a PMC that
contains another PMC. The first step is grab the memory for our new PMC.
Next we create the contained PMC, a process which allocates more
memory... and there's the rub. Garbage Collection can get triggered at
any point where we go to allocate more memory; unless the *containing*
PMC is reachable from the rootset then it will get freed at the point.
And that leads to badness. So the Infant Mortality problem can also be
thought of as the problem of rootset maintenance. Which is, in theory,
simple; just treat all C variables as members of the rootset. However,
in practice it isn't that simple, mostly because hardware registers
complicate the issue.

Steve Fink offered an overview of the issues and some of the possible
approaches to dealing with them, which sparked a fair amount of
discussion amongst those who understood the issues. -- Steve's overview

  Variable/value vtable split
Leo Tötsch posted a summary of where we stand on doing the
variable/value vtable split, suggesting that he wanted to start feeding
in patches soon. Mitchell N Charity supplied a handy dandy 'context'
post with links to appropriate articles, and he and Leo did a certain
amount of thrashing out of issues.

  Parrot gets another new language
Ook! Jerome Quelin offered an implementation of the latest silly
language, Ook! which can be thought of as for Librarians. Due
to insanity, the Ook! compiler is implemented in Parrot assembly, and
emits parrot assembly too, which led Jerome to ask for an 'eval' opcode.
Which Leo promised to supply. And which Dan specced out in PDD6. All of
which led Leo to comment that, for all these languages are toys, they do
seem to be driving the implementation of important bits of Parrot.
Nicholas Clark reminded everyone that a zcode interpreter would be
another good thing to have a crack at because it would require a couple
of other really useful bits of Parrot functionality. Ook! is now in the

  Returning new PMCs
David Robins wondered what was the resolution about creating and
returning a new PMC in PMC ops that take a PMC* dest parameter. He and
Dan discussed it back and forth and it became apparent that Dan really
needs to get Parrot Objects defined...

  Fun with PerlHash
Jerome Quelin noticed that you couldn't delete an item from a PerlHash.
Leo fixed it. Jerome later asked how one could retrieve the keys of a
PerlHash in Parrot assembly and wondered if there was a way to traverse
a hash. Sadly the 

This week's summary

2002-12-11 Thread p6summarizer
The Perl 6 Summary for the week ending 20021208
Another Monday evening. Another summary to write.

Starting, as is becoming tediously predictable, with perl6-internals.

  Another JIT discussion
Toward the end of the previous week, Leopold Tötsch posted something
about the latest round of changes to the JIT core. Daniel Grunblatt was
concerned that the current JIT wasn't doing the right thing when it came
hardware register allocation and wanted to remove a some conditional
logic. Leo didn't agree at first, but became convinced and Daniel's
requested change was applied.

  Fun with IMCC
Lots of things happened with IMCC this week:

*   David Robins posted a list of minor niggles (For instance, it turns
out you can't ret early from a .sub) and suggested some
remedies. Leo Tötsch mentioned that the IMCC Cabal (which would
consist of Melvin Smith, Sean O'Rourke, Angel Faus and Leo if there
were a Cabal. But, as everyone knows, There Is No Cabal) have been
discussing several of these issues.

*   Art Haas had problems building IMCC, apparently bison didn't like
the imcc.y file. Leo tracked down the problem (at the second time of
asking, I think he might be slipping) and checked in a working fix.

*   Leo Tötsch made a pile of changes to IMCC to eliminate clashes
between Parrot's PASM language and IMCC's PIR syntax, which had made
it hard to mix the two. Full details of the changes are in his post.

Gopal V wondered if there was any way of feeding code to IMCC beyond
simply writing to a file and running IMCC. He'd had to make a bunch
of changes to the IMCC files that he used, and wondered if there was
a Better Way. Actually he didn't so much wonder as propose the
aforementioned Better Way, lifting ideas from DotGNU's treecc. He
and Leo discussed things, worked out an interface and Gopal went off
to implement something (Yay Gopal!)

*   Steve Fink posted a patch implementing a first cut at namespace
support in IMCC. He wasn't at all sure that what he'd implemented
was the Right Thing, but it supplied what he needed for the time
being (if that makes sense) in the regex engine. Leo reckoned that
it looked okay, and promised to apply it if nobody hollered. He also
pointed out some problems with the current regex implementation to
do with reentrancy and memory leakage. It turns out that Steve was
working on languages/regex rather than the rx_* ops, which are the
ones that have the problems.

*   Gregor N. Purdy had some problems with IMCC's syntax, a fragment of
code that he thought should work fell over in a heap. Both Mr.
Nobody and Leo pointed out that IMCC expects subroutines, and you
should wrap your code in a .sub/.end pair.

Once Gregor had that straight he posted a Jako program and the IMCC
code he thought the Jako compiler should generate from it and asked
for any feedback before he went to change the compiler. Leo Tötsch
provided some (I assume) useful feedback.

A little later Gregor posted again, he was still having problems
with IMCC not quite behaving as he wanted for the Jako compiler. He
and Leo thrashed it out over a few messages and, to cut a long story
short, IMCC looks like it won't be changing. I'm not sure whether
Gregor is happy about this...

*   Mr Nobody posted a patch to get IMCC to compile under windows.
Apparently the OUT label clashes with something in the windows
header files. The patch got applied.

*   Gregor N. Purdy got a little confused by how IMCC generates PASM
code, and posted some sample code, interspersed with questions.
Which Leo answered. It's worth looking at this; it shows off the
kind of optimization that IMCC gets up to.

  PMCs are the thing
Dan announced that he's finally stopped waffling and frozen the PMC
structures `modulo the odd twiddling to it.' He's added a pmc.ops file,
and has started adding in ops to manipulate PMC internals. Leo asked for
some clarifications, got some, and then wondered what the final 'Parrot
Object' will look like.

  logical_not issue
David Robins is having fun with logical_not and Ruby. The issue is
that *all*