Re: [svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-09-01 Thread Allison Randal

Bob Rogers wrote:

 Allison Randal wrote:

   +Monkeypatching is certainly possible, but not encouraged.

Cool; a new term in Allison-speak!  ;-}

As much as linguists love creating new words, I can't claim credit for 
this one:

More later,

Re: [svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-09-01 Thread Bob Rogers
   From: Allison Randal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 20:31:18 +0200

   Bob Rogers wrote:
 Allison Randal wrote:

   +Monkeypatching is certainly possible, but not encouraged.

Cool; a new term in Allison-speak!  ;-}

   As much as linguists love creating new words, I can't claim credit for 
   this one:

I didn't mean to imply that you had invented it, merely that you had
incorporated it into your own working vocabulary.

-- Bob

Re: [svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-09-01 Thread Allison Randal

Bob Rogers wrote:

   +{{ There seems to be an implied basic assumption here that language
   +interoperability is the responsibility of the language
   +implementor. It is not.  We cannot require that language
   +implementors design and implement their languages according to some
   +global specification.

If you are not happy with that assumption, then I'm surprised you
bothered to commit this draft at all, even as a starting point.

Design is a process. If you don't understand what I'm getting at, then 
it means I haven't explained it well enough yet. And, revising the draft 
to help you understand also produces a design document, so it's doubly 

then, surely, it must *still* be the responsibility of the language
implementor not to introduce gratuitous barriers to interoperability?

   As a case in point, consider keyword (named) parameters in Lisp.
Kea-CL does not use Parrot named parameters to implement key, partly
for ANSI compliance and partly for efficiency.  This currently makes it
problematic (though not impossible) for other languages to call Lisp
functions that accept keywords.  You can either say I'm a bad boy for
not fully using Parrot features and require me to design and
implement ... according to some global specification, forcing me to
solve the performance vs. compliance vs. interoperability tradeoff in
each sub, or allow me to do my own thing internally and accept the need
for glue around the edges (which in turn requires compliance with
another specification).

Well, my main question from that is what it is about Parrot named 
parameters that don't work for Kea-CL. (It may be something we can fix.)

But, what I expect from Kea-CL with a unique parameter-passing style is 
that your libraries clearly document how to call the subroutines. That's 
all. If people find libraries written in your language too obtuse to 
bother with, then they simply won't use them.

There are an awful lot of musts in the draft, where there should be 
only free will.

   Another example is object system metamodel compatibility.  I am not
an expert on metamodels, but all the ones I *think* I know make it very
hard for me to imagine inheritance across language boundaries without
some very careful design and coding on the part of language implementors
on both sides of the boundary.  (Who will no doubt be grateful for some
global specification to help them in that work.  ;-)

The interoperability infrastructure is the vtable functions. You can 
have absolutely any metamodel you want, just provide a minimal set of 
functionality so Parrot can instantiate objects from your class, invoke 
methods, and get and set attribute values.

Inheritance across language boundaries works by proxying and delegation. 
It's true that a class in one language won't know how to, for example, 
look up a method in a parent class from another language. So, it can't 
poke directly into the parent and do the lookup, but it can ask the 
parent to do the lookup. Poking directly into the parent breaks 
encapsulation anyway, generally a bad idea.

Do you really think that Parrot can subsume all object system metamodels
well enough to provide all the infrastructure?  Just the CLOS and Perl 6
MOPs are each complicated enough on their own; I'm tempted to advocate
$n^2$ metamodel interfaces in order to break the problem down into
manageable chunks.  (And, not incidentally, push the problems onto the
people who understand them.)

If you mean Do you think Parrot can build an enormous and complex 
interoperability infrastructure that handles all possible language 
semantics now and in the future?, the answer is absolutely not, and 
let's avoid that like the plague. The point is to keep it as barebones 
as possible, and leave each language to implement whatever custom 
behavior they need behind the vtable function interface.

   +{{ It's not possible to define a sub that can't be called externally 
--allison }}

Not now, true.  Except that we currently support .sub foo :anon ...
for compilation-unit scoping.  Are you saying you object to language
scoping of subs?

Sure, but if that scoped sub was returned as a subroutine object to 
another language, it could be invoked as a subroutine by that language.

   +{{ Exporting is very much a Perl idea, not much applicability for exporting
   +outside of Perl. --allison}}

Eh?  I think we are having another terminology issue.  By export I
meant make public.  Perl is not the only language to use this term;
just off the top of my head I can think of CL and Erlang.

Ah, by export I mean inject into the caller's namespace (Perl 
terminology). Any subroutines stored in a namespace are already public, 
so I'm not sure what you meant.

I *could* represent CL strings explicitly as vectors of characters
instead of using the String type.  But that would mean that I couldn't
use the wealth of Parrot string ops, and would be inviting more
interoperability problems to boot.  Ditto 

Re: [svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-09-01 Thread Bob Rogers
   From: Allison Randal [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:15:18 +0200

Thank you for responding so promptly; I doubt I will be able to return
fire on your schedule.

   Bob Rogers wrote:
   As a case in point, consider keyword (named) parameters in Lisp.
Kea-CL does not use Parrot named parameters to implement key
. . .

   Well, my main question from that is what it is about Parrot named 
   parameters that don't work for Kea-CL. (It may be something we can fix.)

I will answer this now, since you ask, and because I had written it up
for the previous post and then decided that it was too much detail.
Please see below.

   But, what I expect from Kea-CL with a unique parameter-passing style is 
   that your libraries clearly document how to call the subroutines. That's 
   all. If people find libraries written in your language too obtuse to 
   bother with, then they simply won't use them.

Yes.  If I do nothing else, then this corresponds to option c below,
which meets my criteria for too obtuse.

   There are an awful lot of musts in the draft, where there should be 
   only free will.

Guilty as charged.  My intent is usually must do X in order to
maximimize interoperability, but that is not clear.  Should is much

   And the rest will have to wait until I have more time.

-- Bob

To explain why I think it is inevitable that language implementors will
have to shoulder at least some of the burden, let me describe an
interoperability problem that affects Kea-CL (and ANSI-compliant Common
Lisp implementations in general).

   The ANSI spec says two things about keyword parameters [1] that
constrain how they can be implemented in Parrot:

   1.  Keyword parameters are typically named by symbols in the KEYWORD
package, but are permitted to be named by any object; such objects are
tested for identity when binding keyword parameters.  Therefore, the
symbols :foo and frobboz::foo are distinct as keyword parameter
names, even though they might stringify the same [2].

   2.  At the point of call, there is no distinction between different
kinds of parameters.  For example, in the call

(test-function foo bar :start1 17)

the last two arguments could supply values to a single keyword parameter
named :start1, or to the third and fourth positional parameters.  Or the
whole thing could be a single rest (slurpy) parameter; the compiler is
not allowed to guess here [3].

   Because Parrot named parameters are handled as a separate class of
parameter, and are always named by strings, that presents a severe
problem.  An implementation can choose to:

   a.  Punt on ANSI compliance, mapping Lisp keywords onto Parrot named
parameters.  I don't think this possible, since there's no way to tell
at the point of call.

   b.  Adopt a hybrid approach and declare keyword parameters as Parrot
named parameters, adding some extra processing logic to handle
conversion; i.e. all functions support both protocols.  If the named
parameters are filled by a non-Lisp call, add them to any rest list; if
an rest list has keyword values that are not yet supplied, stuff the
values in the named parameters.  This ought to work (I haven't tried
it), but entails a certain amount of extra overhead, even for the
Lisp-to-Lisp case.

   c.  Use the straightforward Lispy implementation (i.e. by ignoring
Parrot named parameters altogether) and insist that the caller supply
key arguments using Lisp symbols as positional parameters.  Any caller
would have to do the equivalent of

(intern FOO (find-package KEYWORD))

just to look up the parameter name for :foo.  (This is the current
unsatisfactory state of affairs).

   d.  Use the straightforward Lispy implementation (i.e. by ignoring
Parrot named parameters altogether) and plan to provide a wrapper for
each API function that has keywords for foreign calling.

   My proposal is about option d, because I think that is the best
option for Lisp, and I think it should work well for other languages,


[2]  But stringification is not a CL concept anyway.  Coercion to
 string is usually tied up with printing, but printing yields
 different results depending on context.

[3]  Some compilers optimize based on prior knowledge of the definition
 being called, but that is not strictly legal, and always requires a
 non-default level of optimization.

[svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-08-31 Thread Bob Rogers
   Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 12:43:20 -0700 (PDT)

   Author: allison
   Date: Thu Aug 28 12:43:19 2008
   New Revision: 30622

I've not responded to all your comments, just some of the key ones that
I hope will promote understanding.  I won't commit any changes until
after I hear what you have to say.  (Some of the hunks have been
reformatted for readability.)

   @@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
case, some translation may be required by both the calling language and the
called language:

   +{{ There seems to be an implied basic assumption here that language
   +interoperability is the responsibility of the language
   +implementor. It is not.  We cannot require that language
   +implementors design and implement their languages according to some
   +global specification.

If you are not happy with that assumption, then I'm surprised you
bothered to commit this draft at all, even as a starting point.  Even
then, surely, it must *still* be the responsibility of the language
implementor not to introduce gratuitous barriers to interoperability?

   As a case in point, consider keyword (named) parameters in Lisp.
Kea-CL does not use Parrot named parameters to implement key, partly
for ANSI compliance and partly for efficiency.  This currently makes it
problematic (though not impossible) for other languages to call Lisp
functions that accept keywords.  You can either say I'm a bad boy for
not fully using Parrot features and require me to design and
implement ... according to some global specification, forcing me to
solve the performance vs. compliance vs. interoperability tradeoff in
each sub, or allow me to do my own thing internally and accept the need
for glue around the edges (which in turn requires compliance with
another specification).

   Another example is object system metamodel compatibility.  I am not
an expert on metamodels, but all the ones I *think* I know make it very
hard for me to imagine inheritance across language boundaries without
some very careful design and coding on the part of language implementors
on both sides of the boundary.  (Who will no doubt be grateful for some
global specification to help them in that work.  ;-)

   +Any interoperability
   +infrastructure must be provide by Parrot, and must work for all languages.
   +--allison }}

Do you really think that Parrot can subsume all object system metamodels
well enough to provide all the infrastructure?  Just the CLOS and Perl 6
MOPs are each complicated enough on their own; I'm tempted to advocate
$n^2$ metamodel interfaces in order to break the problem down into
manageable chunks.  (And, not incidentally, push the problems onto the
people who understand them.)

   @@ -117,6 +132,8 @@
call intra-language subs, they should be very sure they understand that
language's calling conventions.

   +{{ It's not possible to define a sub that can't be called externally 
--allison }}

Not now, true.  Except that we currently support .sub foo :anon ...
for compilation-unit scoping.  Are you saying you object to language
scoping of subs?

   @@ -139,13 +156,22 @@
access the module API (though it may need additional hints).  Of course, 
also requires a PIR API for accessing this metainformation . . .

   +{{ Exporting is very much a Perl idea, not much applicability for exporting
   +outside of Perl. --allison}}

Eh?  I think we are having another terminology issue.  By export I
meant make public.  Perl is not the only language to use this term;
just off the top of my head I can think of CL and Erlang.

   @@ -175,6 +201,10 @@
functions, i.e. a method defined for CVECTOR must be considered when 
a string as a parameter.

   +{{ Common Lisp (for example) will have its own set of type relationships,
   +because it will have its own set of types . . .

I *could* represent CL strings explicitly as vectors of characters
instead of using the String type.  But that would mean that I couldn't
use the wealth of Parrot string ops, and would be inviting more
interoperability problems to boot.  Ditto for Integer and Float, which
are exactly what I need in terms of representation.  CL does not need
new types for these.  And that is a good thing.

   @@ -235,6 +275,12 @@
floating-point result from Common Lisp code that happens to get two integers
from Perl or Lua (or both!).

   +{{ Not a bug, it's the expected result. Divide operations are 
   +If you pass two Common Lisp integers into a divide operation in Perl 5, 
   +search for the best matching multi, and if it finds one for Common Lisp
   +integers (an exact match), it'll run that and return a Common Lisp ratio.
   +--allison }}

We are at an impasse, then.

   But I suppose it doesn't matter.  If language implementers believe
that is OK, then they can accept whatever the builtin returns.  If not,
they can use MMD to define any exceptions they require.

   @@ -242,6 +288,10 @@
inputs to these operations 

[svn:parrot-pdd] r30622 - trunk/docs/pdds/draft

2008-08-28 Thread allison
Author: allison
Date: Thu Aug 28 12:43:19 2008
New Revision: 30622


[pdd] Adding a series of architectural comments to the HLL Interop PDD.

Modified: trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd31_hll_interop.pod
--- trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd31_hll_interop.pod (original)
+++ trunk/docs/pdds/draft/pdd31_hll_interop.pod Thu Aug 28 12:43:19 2008
@@ -41,6 +41,13 @@
 case, some translation may be required by both the calling language and the
 called language:
+{{ There seems to be an implied basic assumption here that language
+interoperability is the responsibility of the language implementor. It is not.
+We cannot require that language implementors design and implement their
+languages according to some global specification. Any interoperability
+infrastructure must be provide by Parrot, and must work for all languages.
+--allison }}
 |Calling sub
@@ -70,7 +77,13 @@
 {{ Of course, stub is really too close to sub, so we should find a better
 word.  Doesn't the C community call these bounce routines?  Or something?
--- rgr, 31-Jul-08. }}
+-- rgr, 31-Jul-08. 
+The language will never provide a wrapper for its subs. For the most part,
+wrappers will be unnecessary. Where a wrapper is desired to make a library from
+some other language act more like a native library, the person who desires
+the native behavior can implement the wrapper and make it publically available.
+--allison }}
 {{ I am discovering that there are five different viewpoints here,
 corresponding to the five layers (including plain Parrot) of the diagram
@@ -109,6 +122,8 @@
 are provided by a bare Parrot (i.e. one without any HLL runtime code), then
 it should be possible to use this API from any other language.
+{{ This is unnecessarily restrictive --allison }}
 =item *
 It is acceptable for languages to define subs for internal calling that are
@@ -117,6 +132,8 @@
 call intra-language subs, they should be very sure they understand that
 language's calling conventions.
+{{ It's not possible to define a sub that can't be called externally --allison 
@@ -139,13 +156,22 @@
 access the module API (though it may need additional hints).  Of course, that
 also requires a PIR API for accessing this metainformation . . .
+{{ Exporting is very much a Perl idea, not much applicability for exporting
+outside of Perl. --allison}}
 Crazy idea:  This is more or less the same information (typing) required for
 multimethods.  If we encourage the export of multisubs, then the exporting
 language could provide multiple interfaces, and the calling compiler could
 query the set of methods for the one most suitable.
+{{ Proposal rejected, because we aren't going with external and internal
+subroutine variants, so it's not needed. --allison }}
 =head2 More namespace complexity?
+{{ Proposal rejected, because we aren't going with external and internal
+subroutine variants, so it's not needed. --allison }}
 It might be good to have some way for HLLs to define a separate external
 definition for a given sub (i.e. one that provides the wrapper) that can be
 done without too much namespace hair.  I.e.
@@ -175,6 +201,10 @@
 functions, i.e. a method defined for CVECTOR must be considered when passed
 a string as a parameter.
+{{ Common Lisp (for example) will have its own set of type relationships,
+because it will have its own set of types. There will be no remapping of core
+types --allison }}
 The language that owns the multisub gets to define the type hierarchy and
 dispatch rules used when it gets called.  In order to handle objects from
 foreign languages, the owning language must decide where to graft the
@@ -184,10 +214,16 @@
 only have to include CObject in order to incorporate objects from all other
 conforming languages.  -- rgr, 26-Aug-08. }}
+{{ The language that owns the multisub does get to define the dispatch rules
+for the multisub. But, it doesn't get to alter the type hierarchy of objects
+from other languages. --allison }}
 Note that common Parrot classes will in general appear in different places in
 different languages' dispatch hierarchies, so it is important to bear in mind
 which language owns the dispatch.
+{{ Absolutely not true. --allison }}
 {{ Collect definitions of new jargon words here, once we figure out what they
@@ -220,6 +256,10 @@
 the particular case of integer division, which differs significantly between
+{{ No, this is completely backwards. Languages are heartily encouraged to
+create their own PMCs for any and all common variable types found in the
+language. --allison }}
 In Tcl, the integer three divided by the integer five produces the integer
 value 0.
@@ -235,6 +275,12 @@
 floating-point result from Common Lisp code that happens to