Re: Useful task -- Character properties

2005-05-04 Thread Dan Sugalski
At 10:21 AM -0500 5/4/05, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 09:22:11PM +0100, Nicholas Clark wrote:
 Whilst I confess that it's unlikely to be me here, if anyone has the time
 to contribute some help, do you have a list of useful self-contained tasks
 that people might be able to take on?
Actually, overnight I realized there's a relatively good-sized
project that needs figuring out -- identifying character properties
such as isalpha, islower, isprint, etc.  Here I'll briefly sketch
how I'd like it to work, and maybe someone enterprising can take
things from
I'd planned on everything else going into constructed character 
classes. I'd figured the named classes would correspond to the major 
regex classes (things represented by \X sequences) while the 
constructed classes would handle everything else and more or less 
correspond to [] style sequences.

I thought I'd put in some docs to that effect, but apparently not. :(
--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Useful task -- Character properties

2005-05-04 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Wed, May 04, 2005 at 12:30:48PM -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 10:21 AM -0500 5/4/05, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
 Actually, overnight I realized there's a relatively good-sized
 project that needs figuring out -- identifying character properties
 such as isalpha, islower, isprint, etc.  Here I'll briefly sketch
 how I'd like it to work, and maybe someone enterprising can take
 things from
 I'd planned on everything else going into constructed character 
 classes. I'd figured the named classes would correspond to the major 
 regex classes (things represented by \X sequences) while the 
 constructed classes would handle everything else and more or less 
 correspond to [] style sequences.

Makes sense.  But somehow the named class versions of the ops
don't give me quite as much coverage as I'd like -- for example,
I can use find_digit to measure off a sequence of non-digit
characters (e.g., rx { \D* } ), but there's not a corresponding
find_non_digit opcode to let me measure off a set of digits
(e.g., rx { \d* } ).  

We'll still need a way to make constructed character classes
for upper, lower, and the like.  But I (or someone else) can 
probably build that component in PIR for now, just hardcoding the ASCII or
Latin-1 tables for the time being until we come up with something
else later.


Re: Useful task -- Character properties

2005-05-04 Thread Leopold Toetsch
Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
[ see below for some more ]
Actually, overnight I realized there's a relatively good-sized
project that needs figuring out -- identifying character properties
such as isalpha, islower, isprint, etc.  Here I'll briefly sketch
how I'd like it to work, and maybe someone enterprising can take 
things from there for us.

Currently Parrot offers quite a few ops for character properties --
namely is_whitespace, is_wordchar, is_digit, etc. and their
find_XXX counterparts.  While these are useful, the set is also
incomplete -- at the moment I haven't found anything that let's
us find alphabetic, uppercase, lowercase, etc. properties.  (If I've
just overlooked something, please point it out!)
I suppose Parrot could add a bunch of new is_alpha, is_upper, 
is_lower, etc.  ops, but having separate opcodes for every 
property actually complicates the design of PGE a fair bit
as well as makes a lot of very function-specific opcodes.  
What would *really* be useful would be to have three basic opcodes:

is_cclass(out INT, in INT, in STR, in INT)
Set $1 to 1 if the codepoint of $3 at position $4 is in
the character class(es) given by $2.
find_cclass(out INT, in INT, in STR, in INT, in INT)
Set $1 to the offset of the first codepoint matching
the character class(es) given by $2 in string $3, starting
at offset $4 for up to $5 codepoints.  If no matching
character is found, set $1 to -1.
find_not_cclass(out INT, in INT, in STR, in INT, in INT)
Set $1 to the offset of the first codepoint not matching
the character class(es) given by $2 in string $3, starting
at offset $4 for up to $5 codepoints.  If the substring
consists entirely of matching characters, set $1 to -1.
The character classes in $2 above are given by an integer bitmask,
defined according to the following table (or something like it --
I took this table from ctype.h on my system, then added a newline 

 0x0001 - uppercase char
 0x0002 - lowercase char
 0x0004 - alphabetic char
 0x0008 - numeric character
 0x0010 - hexadecimal digit
 0x0020 - whitespace
 0x0040 - printing
 0x0080 - graphical
 0x0100 - blank (i.e., SPC and TAB)
 0x0200 - control character
 0x0400 - punctuation character
 0x0800 - alphanumeric character
 0x1000 - newline character
We have 32 bits available, so we could extend this table as needed.
And EVENTUALLY we'll probably need a more general interface 
to handle Unicode properties as well as character class compositions, 
but I speculate that we can do those either in a library, or
(if speed is needed) we can build a character class PMC type 
optimized for charsets and have:

is_cclass(out INT, in PMC, in STR, in INT)
find_cclass(out INT, in PMC, in STR, in INT, in INT)
find_not_cclass(out INT, in PMC, in STR, in INT, in INT)
But for now the integer representation of character classes
ought to be sufficient.
For hysterical raisins we actually have already two of char class 
interfaces (partially) implemented, e.g.

  Parrot_string_is_digit(Interp *interpreter, STRING *s, INTVAL offset)
  Parrot_char_is_digit(Interp *interpreter, UINTVAL character)
The former is covered by an opocde in ops/string.ops and is the more 
useful form taking an string and an offset. The latter OTOH can call the 
ICU function, if ICU is present.

To cleanup that mess, we stick to Patricks plan, which implies in no 
specific order:

- implement the new opcodes, first in experimental.ops
- create an enum of the char classes in charset.h
- create the general API in that header too
- convert existing charset classifying tables to the new bits
- move the ICU functions to charset/unicode.c
- deprecate existing opcodes and APIs
- cleanup string_primitives.*
- convert existing tests
- write new tests
- write more news tests
- all I've forgotten to list
See also: src/  string.c string_primitives.c
  include/parrot/  charset.h string_primitives.h string_funcs.h
  charset/  *.c *.h   [1]
  ops/  string.ops
  t  op/string_cs.t
[1] especially char typetable[] and usage of it
Anyway, that's another very useful self-contained task that 
I'd be glad to have a volunteer for.