[perl #22877] GC/Sweep errors in latest build

2003-07-04 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22877]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22877 >

This bug did not make itself known in a 6/23 checkout, and appeared sometime in the 
last week (I've only now synched my copy with CVS).

I don't have a small test case for this.  I apologize.  To reproduce the bug:

checkout and build latest parrot tree
$ cd languages/BASIC/compiler
$ cat > test.bas
dim a$()
for i = 0 to 100 step .5
for j = 1 to 30
a$(j)=" "
next j
for j = 1 to 30
print " ";
next j
print i
next i
$ perl compile.pl test.bas
$ ../../imcc/imcc TARG_test.imc

And the apparent symptom is the loop counter (i) only goes up to 2 -- it should have 
gone to 100, by steps of 0.5.   If I alter the BASIC program in any way the bug gets 
delayed a little further or never happens at all.  

Hacking a "sweepoff" and "collectoff" into the PIR (TARG_test.imc) before anything 
else happens makes the bug go away.  I don't think this is a BASIC bug, nor do I think 
it's a register allocation/spilling problem in IMCC.

Placing traces in the PIR code causes the bug to move around also.  Usually only 
delaying the onset of the bug.

[perl #22854] Incongruity in Parrot IO and/or Parrot I/O crashes on STDIN read

2003-06-29 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22854]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22854 >

This is either an oversight in the current implementation *or* its a bug.  Or both.  
Bug described is on Win32.

To read a line of input:

readline Sx, Ix
Switches to line buffered mode and reads from fd Ix.

This works great:

readline $S0, 0
print $S0

But is the old, deprecated way of doing things.  As a matter of fact, it's nigh 
impossible now to open an FD to a file and do anything useful with it as enough bits 
of the "old way" of doing things are dismantled now...

So, I'm trying to use the new ParrotIO stuff, and according to it I should get a 
ParrotIO object for STDIN:

fdopen $P1, 0, "r"

And then use the read Sx, Px, Ix function (which on a line-buffered descriptor line 
STDIN, should stop at EOL):

read $S0, $P1, 255

This crashes:

.sub _main
fdopen $P1, 0, "r"  # STDIN
read $S0, $P1, 255
print $S0

Suggestions welcome!

Re: [perl #22767] IMCC/Parrot leak and eventual segfault (partially solved)

2003-06-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 09:22 PM 6/23/2003 +, you wrote:
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce"
# Please include the string:  [perl #22767]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22767 >
I apologize for the length of this example.  I've spent a goodly part of
this afternoon trying to track this one down and can't get a handle on a
smaller example.
Found the bug.  Mostly MEA CULPA.  A thousand pardons to the good Parrot folk.

When calling a sub like this:

.arg 0
call _foo
It's probably a good thing to take the 0 off the stack at some 
point.  Tends to help with the crashes.  That was my bug.  Interestingly 
enough though there still lurks a bug in Parrot somewhere.  Here's a much 
smaller test case:

.sub _main
$P0=new PerlHash
store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0
.arg 0
.arg 1.0
.arg 1
branch USERLABEL_0
end # (unreached)
.param int argc
.local int PRINTCOL
.param float number
find_global $P0, "PRINTCOL"
set PRINTCOL, $P0["value"]
set $P0["value"], PRINTCOL
store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0
$P0=new PerlHash
global "fcntl_mode" = $P0
This too will segfault after a while.  What's going on is the mail loop 
(USERLABEL_0) calls POSIX_INKEY and an extra INT gets left on the 
stack.  After a while, these build up and something goes haywire and *crunch*.

But watch this:

.sub _main
.arg 0
call _foo
branch LOOP
.sub _foo
This suffers from the same logic bug (leaving an extra INT on the stack for 
each sub call) but *PARROT* *DOESN'T* *CRASH*.  Leaks like hell, sure, but 
no crashes.  The something about the find/store global or the new PerlHash 
in the loop causes the actual crash to happen.

[Although a suggestion.  After the crash bug gets fixed, a "stack overflow" 
error or some such nonsense being emitted from the VM might be a good 
idea.  Knowing that:

LOOP: push 0
 branch LOOP
will eventually cause a segfault makes me pine for my 6502 where:

Would cause the SP to spin like a top all over Page 1.  Over and over and 
over and over...  No crash, just infinite fun.  When the stack can't grow a 
nice message would help.]

[perl #22767] IMCC/Parrot leak and eventual segfault

2003-06-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22767]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22767 >

I apologize for the length of this example.  I've spent a goodly part of 
this afternoon trying to track this one down and can't get a handle on a 
smaller example.

Running this on any recent build of Parrot (Win32 or Linux) leaks like a 
seive and will eventually give a segmentation fault.  On my Linux machine 
it takes 26K repetitions.  On my Win32 machine, much fewer.  Removing any 
of the following will cause the segfault to go away:

either of the "call _BUILTIN_DISPLAY" statements.
the "call _set_nonblock" statement
*ALL* of the references to the global PRINTCOL.
The i=i+1 logic.

** Using IMCC to produce PASM, and then assembling the PASM works fine! **

[The odd look of this example is because it's a compiled BASIC 
program.  Bits of the runtime are included in here, seriously hacked up for 
brevity.  Whenever I remove these last few pieces, the segfault goes away.]

Help!  And thanks.

.const int TYPE = 0
.const int VALUE = 1
.local string JUMPLABEL
.sub _main
 $P0=new PerlHash
 store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0

 call _basicmain_run

.sub _basicmain
 .local float i
 .local string t_string
 .sub _basicmain_run # Always jump here.
 call _basicmain_main
 .sub _basicmain_main
 USERLABEL_0:   # For user branch (100)
 # Evaluating   t$ = inkey$ ( )
 # Result in t_string of type S
 .arg 0  # argc
 .result $S0
 t_string = $S0
 # Evaluating   i = i + 1
 # Result in i of type N
 $N0 = 1.0 + i
 i = $N0
 # Evaluating   i
 # Result in i of type N
 .arg i
 .arg 1
 .arg "\n"
 .arg 1
 branch USERLABEL_0  # Goto 100
 # ###
 # Program Termination
 # ###
 ret # back to _main
 .end# main segment
.end# outer segment
.const int FLOAT = 2
.const int STRING = 3
.sub _BUILTIN_DISPLAY   # void display(string|float thingy[, 
t thingy2])
 .param int argc
 .local string buf
 .local int intver
 .local string s
 .local int PRINTCOL
 find_global $P0, "PRINTCOL"
 set PRINTCOL, $P0["value"]
 set buf, ""
NEXT:   eq argc, 0, END_DISPLAY
 dec argc
 entrytype $I0, 0
 # Now, do floats
 .param float number
 set intver, number
 set $N0, intver
 eq $N0, number, DISPINT # Nope, it's an integer.
 # Integers display -1234_
 #  or  _1234
DISPINT:set $S0, intver
 lt intver, 0, NEGINT
 concat buf, " "
NEGINT: concat buf, $S0
 concat buf, " "
 branch NEXT
 .param string str
 length $I0, str
 concat buf, str
 eq str, "\n", DISPNL
 branch NEXT
 branch NEXT
 print buf
 set $P0["value"], PRINTCOL
 store_global "PRINTCOL", $P0
DISPERR:print "Unknown type on stack to print\n"

.sub _set_nonblock  # void _set_nonblock
 $P0=new PerlHash
 #set $P0["value"], I11
 store_global "fcntl_mode", $P0
 call _set_nonblock
 .return ""  # Normally this returns the retrieved keystroke...

Re: Portable way of finding libc, unbuffered reads

2003-06-20 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 11:55 PM 6/20/2003 +0200, Jens Rieks wrote:
> (Which in itself tickles and scares the bejesus out of me.)  Is there a
> good way of finding the standard C library on a Unix system other than
> hard-wiring it in like this?
Yes. Parrot is linked with the standard C library. You can get a handle for
the own executable by passing a NULL pointer to dlopen. You can also use this
handle to call libc functions.
You can not pass a NULL pointer to loadlib at the moment, this small hacks
"converts" an empty string to a NULL pointer to pass it to Parror_dlopen:
  const char * s = 0;

  if( $2->strlen != 0 ) {
s = string_to_cstring(interpreter, ($2));
  p = Parrot_dlopen(s);
With this hack, the following code will work:

loadlib P1, ""
dlfunc P0, P1, "system", "it"
set I0, 1
set S5, "ls"
A very cool hack, indeed.  :)

It's gonna need a little work though.  On Win32 Parrot_dlopen is a 
passthrough to LoadLibrary() which, as far as I can tell, doesn't have the 
same behavior for this case.  *But* it seems as though if you can find 
parrot's name (imcc.exe, parrot.exe, etc...) and pass *that* to loadlib it 
should work fine.  Maybe.  More testing required.

On my linux box (which was the issue...) it seems fine though.  Whee.


[perl #22718] core function index() returns -1 when search string contains spaces

2003-06-16 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22718]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22718 >

In this code:

.sub _main
 .local string source
 .local string lookfor

 source="This is not quite right"
 lookfor=" is "

 index $I0, source, lookfor, 0
 print "(expect 4) $I0 = "
 print $I0  # you'll actually get -1

 index $I0, source, lookfor, 0
 print "\n(expect 2) $I0 = "
 print $I0  # You will correctly get 2

The string " is " (note the spaces) will not be found within "This is not 
quite right".  Removing the spaces has the expected results.  I looked 
briefly for an explanation in strings.c but my eyes glazed over at the 
sight of the multibyte and encoding stuff.  

Portable way of finding libc, unbuffered reads

2003-06-16 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
The following code works just fine:

loadlib P1, "/lib/libc.so.6"
dlfunc P0, P1, "system", "it"
set I0, 1
set S5, "ls"
(Which in itself tickles and scares the bejesus out of me.)  Is there a 
good way of finding the standard C library on a Unix system other than 
hard-wiring it in like this?

Also, is there any way yet of getting an unbuffered read (in parrot) so I 
can getc() from the keyboard?  I should ask, is there an *approved* way of 
doing that now?  I'm fairly familiar with C's I/O model so I could pull it 
off with ioctl(), fcntl(), etc... and all of their friends, but alas 
they're not around yet.

These questions are not necessarily related.  Or unrelated.  :)

PerlHash keys

2003-06-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
Any thought on when PerlHashes will be able to allow us to iterate over the 
keys?  Possibly do things like:

new P0, .PerlHash
set P0["skeleton"], value
set P0["master"], value
set P0["Odin'sBro"], value
set P0["USPO4,314,236"], value
set P0["burro"], value
new P1, .PerlArray
set P1, P0  #   P1=keys(P0)  ?
Or plans for some kind of iterator PMC?

	new P1, .PerlHashIterator
	set P1, P0		# Bind P1 to P0, above
	new P2, .PerlArray
	set P2, P1		# P2=keys(P0)
	set P1, 0		# Reset to 0
	set S0, P1		# $_ = (keys(P0))[0]
	set S0, P1		# $_ = (keys(P0))[1]
# etc...
	set I0, P1		# $_ = scalar keys P0, or set I0, P0
	set S0, P1[4]		# No perl equivalent...
	set P1[4], "Foo"		# No perl equivalent... like $_=$h{$a}; delete $h{$a}; 

Are there places in the code/docs I could poke around in with a sharp stick 
for enlightenment on what's going to happen?

[perl #22706] IMCC (& Parrot) crash with -t when invoke is run

2003-06-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22706]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22706 >

Running imcc -t or parrot -t over an invoke instruction causes the programs 
to segfault.  This happens under Win32.  I do not have a platform 
independant example.

.sub _win32_setup   # void win32_setup(void)
 loadlib P1, "kernel32.dll"
 dlfunc P0, P1, "GetStdHandle", "pi"
 set I0, 1
 set I5, -11
 invoke # Will crash here.
 store_global "kernel32", P1
 store_global "Win32handle", P5

Something to pass the time.

2003-06-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
If you want something to play with, update the languages/BASIC/compiler 
tree and run the chess program.

perl compile.pl samples\chess.bas
..\..\imcc\imcc.exe TARG_test.imc
(modify for your path delimiters, executable extensions, etc... use a 
recent version of imcc too)

I spent the last three weeks re-writing BASIC to emit IMCC and to do more 
at compile-time, less at runtime.  It's *very* quick after I took Leo's 
hints on how to structure my IMC properly, running at about 1/4 the speed 
of the same code under Microsoft's QuickBASIC.  (I still need to finish 
BASIC's I/O and structures...)

This version runs colorfully under Win32 consoles and Linux using a good 
ANSI Terminal.  I've had reports that the ANSI stuff works fine under OSX's 
Terminal App and cygwin/Win32 so this should look just peachy 
everywhere.  Instructions on gameplay are onscreen.

The chess logic was written long, long ago by Dieter Steinwender (editor 
for Computer-Schach and Spiele) for "didactic purposes".  I think it was 
originally to solve Checkmate-in-X-Moves problems.  I've received 
modification and redistribution permission from him under Parrot's terms 
for this purpose.

The game is *very* deterministic and doesn't recognize a draw, therefore 
autoplay mode will only perform 20 moves at a time.

Enjoy.  :)

[perl #22645] IMCC Nested .subs cause segfaults

2003-06-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22645]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22645 >

I'm exploring IMCC's ability to have nested subs.  The following code:

.sub _main
 .sub dummy
 call inner1
 call inner2
 .sub inner1
 print "Inner1\n"
 .sub inner2
 print "Inner2\n"
end # safety?
end # safety?

Causes IMCC to segfault.   Asking IMCC to generate pasm produces reasonable 

 bsr inner1
 bsr inner2
 print "Inner1\n"
 print "Inner2\n"

How do I write a language debugger?

2003-06-10 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
(This is mostly a platform-specific question, as I've written a few and 
just need to know what I'm doing wrong.)

The design for BASIC's debugger I've got now resembles this:

.sub _main
.local foo
.local bar
[...rest of declarations...]
[PIR for statement 1...]
[PIR for statement 2...]
[PIR for statement 3...]
# This block appears at the end of every BASIC lexical scope.
if one-stepping, DEBUG
# Loop over break list
if current statement is on global break list, DEBUG
# End loop
# Push lexically scoped things into a Px register
# so I can see them (by name) outside of this scope
$P0=new PerlHash
# etc...
.arg $P0
.result $P0
# Put variable values back into lexicals
.param PerlHash values
# Debugger command-line interface...etc...
.return values
And this seems to work.  Everywhere that I've got a lexical scope (most 
BASIC programs only have one, newer ones a couple) I repeat the DEBUGGER 
and DEBUG labels at the end of the block, of course using whatever 
variables are declared inside of that block.

This functions fine.  However...

Apparently, skipping forward (bsr) and back (ret) inside of this block is 
causing IMCC fits -- it'll compile a program like this, but it will take a 
very long time.  I'm looking for suggestions on how I could improve 
this.  Right now it's simple, and it works.  When the blocks get too large 
though it's horribly inefficient at compile-time.

[perl #22617] IMCC duplicate labels in different subs cause wrong branch

2003-06-08 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22617]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22617 >

The following code:

.sub _realmain
 bsr FOO
 call _function

FOO:print "In main's FOO"
.sub _function
 bsr FOO
FOO:print "in the function's FOO"

Causes "In main's FOO" to be printed twice.  While an understandable 
behavior, probably not the correct one.  Language in parsing.pod indicates 
that perhaps the labels should be munged by IMCC.   If this *is* the 
correct behavior, then a "duplicate label" error of some kind should be 
emitted by IMCC.

[perl #22521] IMCC causes seegfault with many perlarrays and perlhashes

2003-06-03 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22521]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22521 >

I'm not sure what triggers this bug, but I can reliably reproduce it.  The 
code is *far* too large to list here, but this perl script will generate 
the appropriate code in larger and larger samples until it starts 
crashing.  Adjust as appropriate:

for($s=10; $s<1; $s+=100) {
 print "Number: $s\n";
 open(IMCC, ">foo.imc") || die;
 print IMCC <

flushing STDOUT before reading STDIN

2003-06-03 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
A small annoyance, I can't seem to write a good line-input routine as of 
very recent changes (synced yesterday, noon).  All I'm trying to do is 
variations on:

print "? "
readline S0, 0
And no prompt shows before the readline starts its business.  Any 
suggestions as to how I can flush stdout before beginning input and 
whatnot?  I'm not above resorting to PASM hackery at this point, since the 
I/O is in flux.

Re: Register allocation bug in IMCC? Or misunderstanding on my part?

2003-06-03 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 11:10 PM 6/1/2003 -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
why don't you manage your own basic call stack in an array or PerlArray
or something? trying to map that mess of call/return poo onto a proper
compiler with register allocation is going to lose us the services of
leo while he recuperates at the hospital for homicidal BASIC coders.
Naw.  I'm not homocidal.  Suicidal with a masochistic bent, that's all.

And I don't think I've ever asked for anything from the Parrot team other 
than opinions on honest-to-goodness bugs or understanding of some area of 
how to target this platform.  Hope no-one's going to need a pshrink after 
this.  I only ask odd questions because sometimes I'm dealing with odd 
things.  Like programs that are essentially one big compilation unit -- 
almost, and doing odd things with bsr/ret...

you will just have to bite the bullet and emulate your own virtual
engine over parrot and not try to map BASIC directly to it. so code a VM
with BASIC flow control. you can probably do something odd like make
each BASIC statement into a parrot sub. then just compile your basic
into a simple flow control IL that just calls parrot subs. the subs all
have access to your need globals (with the obvious
find_global/set_global :) a primary global now is the BASIC VM PC.
As far as I know, BASIC only gets weird with flow control in two 
places.  One is 'RETURN X', another is computed goto 'goto X'.  The former 
I'm handling be wrapping bsr/ret with a little bit of code (after each bsr, 
the code asks "was the ret destined for me or not?").  The latter is 
handled by a table inserted into the code mapping the compile-time labels 
over to runtime destinations.  So that:

branch USERLABEL_100# Normal goto

# Expression, etc... result in $S0
print "Label "
print $S0
print " does not exist at line "
And the COMPUTED_GOTO jumptable gets inserted in the code only if the 
program does something stupid like a computed goto.  BASIC 
compilers/interpreters have always felt free to punish the programmer with 
space/speed tradeoffs for programmer laziness.

feel free to tell me this is total cocky-pop. :)
In the first incarnation (04/2002) the Parrot VM (pre-PerlHashes mind you) 
was an inconvenience and BASIC essentially was inside it's own little VM on 
top of this odd processor.  I'd like to exercise as many the facilities 
available to me now for speed and whatnot.  This re-targeting from PASM to 
PIR is much easier than the original PASM port to begin with.

Re: Register allocation bug in IMCC? Or misunderstanding on my part?

2003-06-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 10:29 PM 6/1/2003 +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
   eq RETURNTO, "10", CONT_10

AFAIK are these "line numbers", why do you want to use strings - but I 
really don't know (and will for sure not learn) this "language".
Because "line numbers" are Ancient Basic for designating branch 
destinations in programs (and statement order!).  Nowadays they're 
optional.  They're strings because instead of line numbers, labels can be 
used.  So a perfectly valid BASIC program can even mix forms.

10 print "Hello world"
20 gosub mysub
30 end
mysub: print "Goodbye, world"
Yes, my friend.  Continue to use quotes around the word "language" when 
describing this mess.

Without RETURN x, just plain old GOSUB/RETURN I could let PIR/PASM handle 
all by itself with no supervision.
Or you handle "normal subs" like that and generate special code for 
"return x"?
I could, except that it's impossible to tell where exactly the exit point 
of a "subroutine" (for GOSUB) is in a BASIC program.  In fact, all "GOSUB" 
destinations could use an unconditional branch to all use a common RETURN 
point.  You just return when you stumble across a return.  Further analysis 
of where the "subroutines" are may be impossible with mechanical (or human) 
analysis at compile time:

5 rem Valid but seriously spaghettified BASIC example.
7 rem Good luck analyzing this at compile time for entry
9 rem  and exit points for the "subroutines".
10 print "Hello, world!"
20 for i = 1 to 3
30 gosub 70
40 next
50 end
70 gosub mysub
80 gosub 110
90 return
100 return 30
110 rem alternate entry point
print "Hello, galaxy!"
on int(rnd(2)+1) goto 90, 100
For this, the "Hello, galaxy" subroutine could be entered at two different 
points (110, "mysub") and exited at one of two randomly chosen points (90 
or 100) at runtime.  Furthermore, one of the return points (100) changes 
the exit point of the subroutine entered at line 70 (either 90 or 100).

Remember, this is the language that inspired Dijkstra to write "Go To 
Statement Considered Harmful" (http://www.acm.org/classics/oct95/).  :)

Re: Register allocation bug in IMCC? Or misunderstanding on my part?

2003-06-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 12:00 PM 6/1/2003 -0600, Luke Palmer wrote:
If you use them often... then maybe one or two need a real register,
but I'd still be weary of doing that.  Use find_global and its

Oh, find_global/set_global, where have you been all my life?

Thank you for pointing out the obvious.  :)

> * Examples of things that are really global in a BASIC machine: current
> random number seed, cursor column position, console current character
> attributes, last value picked up from a READ/DATA combo (line & position),
> structure definition table, and a GOSUB call-stack lookback specifically
> for "RETURN x".
Yeah, most of those seem like they can be stored in the global name
table instead of a register.  Load them in when you need them.  Except
the latter, which seems like you should be using the call stack, if
I'm not misunderstanding.
I thought so too, but no sane language I know would allow this kind of 

 10 GOSUB 100
 20 PRINT "I get printed too."
 50 REM And the stack is empty at this point.
 90 END
100 GOSUB 200
110 PRINT "Nope, won't see me"
200 GOSUB 1000
210 PRINT "Nope, won't see me either."
1000 PRINT "You *will* see me"
1010 RETURN 10
I think in PASM this would be something like

eq RETURNTO, "10", CONT_10
eq RETURNTO, "", CONT_10
print "I get printed too"
eq RETURNTO, "100", CONT_100
eq RETURNTO, "", CONT_100
print "Nope, won't see me"
set RETURNTO, ""
bsr USERLABEL_1000
eq RETURNTO, "200", CONT_200
eq RETURNTO, "", CONT_200
print "Nope, won't see me either."
set RETURNTO, ""
print "You *will* see me"
set RETURNTO, "10"
Of course, this allows for jumping into this GOSUB/RETURN nonsense anywhere 
in the mix and still a RETURN x takes you back to the right place.  Oh and 
worse?  RETURN x can take a variable in some cases.  (Literally, x=10, 
return x)

Without RETURN x, just plain old GOSUB/RETURN I could let PIR/PASM handle 
all by itself with no supervision.

Re: Register allocation bug in IMCC? Or misunderstanding on my part?

2003-06-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 06:57 PM 6/1/2003 +0200, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Clinton A. Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following code:
>  push_integer() not implemented in class 'PerlHash'

> This is, as far as I can tell, because the same register is used by IMCC
> for both the READDATA and RESTOREINFO locals, thus by the time that the sub
> _data gets around to being run, READDATA has become a PerlHash (imcc -t):
>>PC=0; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 14)
>>PC=3; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 15)
Yep. Good analysis.

You could tell it a bug. Imcc should follow the code path into the
subroutine. But he problem is: the subroutine isn't known, when _main is
compiled. So IMCC only sees one usage of the Array and one usage of the
Hash amd assigns both to the same register P0.
Makes sense.

If you want really use such constructs, you can't put them in different
compilation units, because they are basically one unit.
So a BASIC IMCC program, with all of the builtin functions it needs, plus 
the actual user program itself as one compilation unit?  All for the sake 
of a few needed globals?  Sounds ghastly.

Much better is to implement some kind of calling conventions.
Except that these represent true global data structures that the entire 
BASIC machine needs.  They're not really things to be passed around from 
place to place and the thought of having a Px register to hold the "state 
of BASIC" and passing it (potentially) everywhere seems kinda silly for a 
language that isn't really threaded in any incarnation and is ever only 
going to need one state.

I've *got* good, sound calling conventions now but there are things (sofar, 
only half a dozen*) that exist in an outermost scope that need initialization.

I could turn the whole thing upside-down (subs first, main last) except 
that I'd need a token outer main() to call the initialization routine.  And 
from a quick test IMCC can tell that the execution path jumped down, and 
optimizes those registers away anyway.  Nevermind.

Further suggestions, given better info?

* Examples of things that are really global in a BASIC machine: current 
random number seed, cursor column position, console current character 
attributes, last value picked up from a READ/DATA combo (line & position), 
structure definition table, and a GOSUB call-stack lookback specifically 
for "RETURN x".

Register allocation bug in IMCC? Or misunderstanding on my part?

2003-06-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
The following code:

.local PerlArray READDATA
.local PerlHash  RESTOREINFO
.sub _main
READDATA = new PerlArray
RESTOREINFO = new PerlHash
call _data
.sub _data
push READDATA, 10
Throws an error in the VM of:

push_integer() not implemented in class 'PerlHash'

This is, as far as I can tell, because the same register is used by IMCC 
for both the READDATA and RESTOREINFO locals, thus by the time that the sub 
_data gets around to being run, READDATA has become a PerlHash (imcc -t):

PC=0; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 14)
PC=3; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 15)
PC=6; OP=752 (bsr_ic); ARGS=(2)
PC=8; OP=722 (push_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 10)
push_integer() not implemented in class 'PerlHash'
This seems to conflict with the example that Leo gave me on the 28th.  I'm 
not sure if this is a bug or if I've got some whacky misunderstanding of 
how things work.  I think my intention is clear by the above piece of 
code.  Suggestions?

As a postscript, changing the code to:

.local PerlArray READDATA
.local PerlHash  RESTOREINFO
.sub _main
READDATA = new PerlArray
RESTOREINFO = new PerlHash
push READDATA, 10
Produces the desired (and expected) output.  READDATA and RESTOREINFO each 
get their own register:

PC=0; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 14)
PC=3; OP=821 (new_p_ic); ARGS=(P1, 15)
PC=6; OP=722 (push_p_ic); ARGS=(P0, 10)
PC=9; OP=0 (end)
This was all done with imcc, cvs updated as of 12:00 Eastern time.  No 
optimization options selected.

[perl #22360] IMCC error for unexpected X, expecting Y needs more information

2003-05-29 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22360]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22360 >

(Low priority, more an annoyance than anything.)

When the message of the form:

parse error, unexpected FOO, expecting BAR

is produced such as:

C:\projects\perl\parrot\languages\BASIC\compiler>..\..\imcc\imcc  err.imc
(error) line 8: parse error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting '\n'
Didn't create output asm.

IMCC should identify the file that the error occurs in, as well as what the 
IDENTIFIER was that caused the error message in the first place.  For 
example, for included.imc brought in from main.imc:

.sub foo:   #  void foo(int argc[, string arg)
# Stuff in here

Should probably say something to the effect of:

(error) line 1, included.imc: parse error, unexpected LABEL ("foo:"), 
expecting IDENTIFIER
Didn't create output asm.

[perl #22359] IMCC Optimizer fails with various types of hand-rolled loops

2003-05-29 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #22359]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=22359 >

The IMCC optimizer run with these options:

..\..\imcc\imcc -Op1 -d60 err.imc

Bug #1:
Issues the error message (now a warning, but probably a problem nontheless):

error:imcc:sort_loops: loop 1 contains first but notlast of outer loop 0

A sample to cause this problem is:

.sub _main
 .local int count
 set count, 2
KEYLOOP:le count, 0, BAIL
 eq count, 2, TWO
 eq count, 1, ONE
TWO:dec count
 branch KEYLOOP
ONE:dec count
 branch KEYLOOP
BAIL:  print "Hello"

Bug #2
Run with the same options, and slightly simplified code, this error message 
is emitted:

if_branch eq ... ONE
error:imcc:iANY file err.imc line 12: op not found 'ne_i_ic' (ne<3>)

A sample to cause this problem is:

.sub _main
 .local int count
 set count, 1
KEYLOOP:le count, 0, BAIL
 eq count, 1, ONE
ONE:dec count
 branch KEYLOOP
BAIL:   print "Hello"

Running either sample without the optimizer produces the expected results.

Re: IMCC, PASM and constants/macros

2003-05-29 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 11:13 AM 5/28/2003 -0400, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
# These are vastly simplified, but give you the idea
And of course, by "vastly simplified" I meant "completely wrong" because 
the sample shown won't work because of the saveall and restoreall before 
and after the array creation in _DIMENSION.  But you still get the idea.  :)

Re: IMCC, PASM and constants/macros

2003-05-29 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 05:45 PM 5/27/2003 -0400, you wrote:
On Tue, 2003-05-27 at 08:01, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
> At 11:57 PM 5/26/2003 -0400, Will Coleda wrote:
> >Perhaps "macros only work in assembler mode" is the issue?
> >
> >http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg14107.html
> >
> >Regards.
> It was, but I was looking for the "why" of it.  Leo answered that ("IMCC
> has .const") so I'm all set now.
Is there is reason not to s/\.constant/.const/g for consistency's sake?
And actually, on further consideration, .const isn't what I want 
either.  What I really want is a #define directive for general-purpose 
(simple) compile-time substitutions.  For example, to refer to a Px 
register that I'm going to need on-and-off through a program's life to 
manage BASIC's internal stuff.

# These are vastly simplified, but give you the idea
.define BASICARR $P
.sub _DIMENSION # void DIMENSION(string array)
.param string array
new $P0, .PerlArray
BASICARR[array] = $P0
.sub _ARR_LOOKUP# string ARR_LOOKUP(string key)
.param string key
set $S0, BASICARR[key]
.return $S0

Re: [perl #21729] IMCC doesn't handle scientific notation constants

2003-03-28 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 03:43 PM 3/28/2003 -0500, Joseph F. Ryan wrote:
>   set I0, 1e20
>   end
>Results in:
>   (error) line 2: parse error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting >'\n'
>   Didn't create output asm.
Should it, though?  Although it would be pretty convienient, I think
that handling scientific notation would be an unnecessary complication
for IMCC, and it would be better handled by the compilers that target
it.  (As in, the compiler converts scientific notation to decimal form
during compilition to IMCC code.)
Not my call.  The current assembler does the Right Thing WRT this notation 
and I'd want numeric constants handled somewhere.  :)

[perl #21729] IMCC doesn't handle scientific notation constants

2003-03-28 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #21729]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://rt.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=21729 >


set I0, 1e20

Results in:

(error) line 2: parse error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting '\n'
Didn't create output asm.

A larger example is BASIC's Connect-4 game:

c:> cd parrot\languages\basic\compiler
c:> compile.pl samples\conn4.bas
c:> ..\..\..\languages\imcc\imcc.exe TARG_test.pasm

Results in:

(error) line 4329: parse error, unexpected IDENTIFIER, expecting '\n'
Didn't create output asm.

Re: IMCC Changes necessary for Win32 builds, imcc links!

2003-03-28 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
[I will confess, I don't entirely understand Microsoft's linker and DLL 
business.  Don't really want to...]

libparrot.lib gets built as some kind of perverted stub of a library using 
the "nmake shared" target for parrot.  If instead I build libparrot with:

	lib -out:blib\lib\libparrot.lib [objects..]

I get a 5MB libparrot.lib chock full of symbols and other nonsense I need 

The target for Win32 needs to be "imcc.exe", not "imcc".

Now that I have a working IMCC I should consider how to make a binary 
Win32 bundle.

Suggestions on what needs to be included?  Should I just strip out 
*.[dll,obj,lib] and distribute that?  Considering that this really isn't a 
consumer-ready type of application should the source, docs, intermediate 
files, etc..  be in the bundle?

IMCC Changes necessary for Win32 builds

2003-03-27 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
Many of these seem to be from "generated" files, so I'd rather let a 
proper, knowledgable maintainer take care of these.  They are:

s/CONST/CONSTX/ anywhere in the parser & lexer.  Keeps Win32 headers happy 
as previously mentioned.

Index: imcparser.h
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/languages/imcc/imcparser.h,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -r1.28 imcparser.h
<  CONST = 274,
>  CONSTX = 274,
< #define CONST 274
> #define CONSTX 274
Index: imcparser.c
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/languages/imcc/imcparser.c,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -r1.38 imcparser.c
<  CONST = 274,
>  CONSTX = 274,
< #define CONST 274
> #define CONSTX 274
Index: imclexer.c
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/languages/imcc/imclexer.c,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -r1.32 imclexer.c
< return(CONST);
> return(CONSTX);
The one "C" language problem:
Index: imc.c
RCS file: /cvs/public/parrot/languages/imcc/imc.c,v
retrieving revision 1.45
diff -r1.45 imc.c
>   1;
MS's nmake isn't happy with the makefile at all.  First:
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 'FORCE'
Removing the .FORCE references gets me something that builds objects.

Once the objects are built though, it goes a little nuts trying to do the 
link.  Hundreds of :

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
cd ../.. && nmake
followed by hundreds of:

NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : return code '0x2'
I suspect something's trying to make one of the OFILES at the bottom, which 
should already be in there (I removed the OFILES dependancy from imcc 
temporarily).  I'm not really sure what it's trying to do.

Further corrections (this is currently empty, and shouldn't be):

	PARROTLIB = blib/lib/libparrot.lib

And manually building with "nmake shared" at the parrot level satisfy this 
requirement.  Then I'm down to link errors at the end of the imcc linking:

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.00.9466
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
link -out:imcc -nologo -nodefaultlib -release-machine:x86 
imcparser.obj imclexer.obj
 imc.obj stacks.obj symreg.obj  instructions.obj cfg.obj sets.obj 
debug.obj  optimizer.obj pbc.o
bj main.obj parser_util.obj jit.obj  ../../blib/lib/libparrot.lib 
oldnames.lib kernel32.lib user
32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib 
ole32.lib oleaut32.lib netap
i32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib mpr.lib winmm.lib version.lib odbc32.lib 
odbccp32.lib msvcrt.lib
imclexer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_mem_sys_allocate_zeroed referenced in
function _new_frame
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_mem_sys_allocate_zeroed referenced in funct
ion _store_str_const
imclexer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_free 
referenced in function _d
optimizer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_free 
referenced in function _
pbc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_free
main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_allocate
imclexer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_allocate 
referenced in functio
n _yylex
instructions.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_allocate
optimizer.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_allocate 
referenced in functi
on _unused_label
pbc.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _mem_sys_allocate
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _Parrot_on_exit 
referenced in function _e_pb
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_PackFile_Segment_new_seg referenced in func
tion _make_jit_info
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_PackFile_FixupTable_new_entry_t0 referenced
 in function _store_labels
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _string_make referenced 
in function _add_con
parser_util.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _string_make
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _PDB_extend_const_table 
referenced in functi
on _add_const_str
pbc.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol 
_PackFile_Constant_unpack_key referenced in

Re: BASIC, IMCC, and Windows.

2003-03-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 04:53 PM 3/20/2003 +0100, Leopold Toetsch wrote:
Clinton A. Pierce wrote:

The suggestion was made last week that I try filtering the compiled BASIC 
stuff through IMCC for performance reasons and whatnot.

IMCC seems to want headers that MSVC++ isn't happy with:
-I../../include -Feim
cparser.obj -c imcparser.c
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinDef.h(159) : error
C2059: syntax error : 'constant'

Can you have a look at the stated line, maybe its some kind of a name 
clash. Would also be nice for giure out, by which file WinDef.h got pulled in.

It's because in imcparser.c the token CONST is used.  In the standard 
Windows stuff, const is defined as

#define CONST const

Which of course is a keyword and used everywhere in Win32 header files like:


Changing this to CONSTX in imcparser.c (or any other token) seems to be 
okay.  I don't have the necessary tools to fix this directly (bison, etc..).

Also in imc.c ~431:

Makes MSVC unhappy.  Changing this to:

Makes everything all right so far, but I still don't quite have a working 
imcc.  Still slugging through all of this.

BASIC, IMCC, and Windows.

2003-03-20 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
The suggestion was made last week that I try filtering the compiled BASIC 
stuff through IMCC for performance reasons and whatnot.

The suggestion was also made (by me!) that I could produce a "milestone" 
binary for Windows for distribution.

Well, my first attempt at all of the above didn't go well.  I can't quite 
fathom how I'm supposed to build IMCC in a Win32 environment without 
mixing/matching cygwin and MSVC.  Parrot builds fine and by-the-book  (perl 
Configure.pl, nmake, nmake test, etc...) and runs against the Activestate 
Perl distribution just peachy.

IMCC seems to want headers that MSVC++ isn't happy with:

cl -nologo -O1 -MD -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE 
-DNO_STRICT -I../../include -Feim
cparser.obj -c imcparser.c
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinDef.h(159) : error
C2059: syntax error : 'constant'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinNT.h(257) : error C
2059: syntax error : 'constant'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
.NET\Vc7\PlatformSDK\Include\WinNT.h(262) : error C
2059: syntax error : 'constant'
[...hundreds of errors later...]

And it also seems to want (by reading the makefile) bison and flex, neither 
of which is available in the MSVC Win32 compilation environment.  Should I 
mix and match at least those two components (flex/bison)?  Has anyone built 
IMCC for Win32 before?

Re: Parrot for windows?

2003-03-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 02:36 PM 3/14/2003 -1000, Joshua Hoblitt wrote:
On Fri, 14 Mar 2003, Dan Sugalski wrote:

> At 6:59 PM -0800 3/13/03, Robert Spier wrote:
> >  > If we can't find anothr home for it, I can make a spot on
> >>  ftp.sidhe.org for it. Not a *fast* home, since it's either 128k or
> >>  192k upstream (depending on which interface is active, don't ask) but
> >>  it will work.
I would be more then happy to host binaries on my CPAN mirror (DS3 
commodity, OC3 Internet2).

> >Maybe when 0.10 is released, Clinton will do another windows build and
> >we can put some binaries on www.parrotcode.org?
> That would be really cool.
> What I'd love would be if we could manage an automated build farm,
> maybe something linked into the tinderbox builds, that uploaded built
> parrots for the different platforms.
Just a 'make distclean' then tarball it?  Or a new binary only + install 
framework (make binpkg???) ?

> Maybe next week. Maybe not. :)
I'd be happy to make up an occasional milestone binary, if there's a 
standard way it should be put together (i.e. make foo) then lemme know.

Re: Parrot for windows?

2003-03-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 01:04 AM 3/11/2003 -0500, Benjamin Goldberg wrote:

Does anyone have a precompiled parrot binary for Win32, on an ftp or web
site somewhere?
I'm practicing writing parrot assembler, and I'd like to be able to test
my evil creations on my own machine, without having to go through the
rigmarole of uploading my file to my sourceforge account, then sshing in
to run the scripts.  (Plus, the long-term quota on my account is
too small to keep around a parrot binary there full time, so I have to
re-download and re-compile it when I want to use it, and erase it when
I'm done.  Bleh!)
I've put a copy at http://geeksalad.org/tmp/parrot.zip *temporarily* if you
want to grab it.  It's compiled with MS Visual .NET using AS Perl 5.6.1
build 633 as its configuration base.
It's the whole thing (source, object, docs) from a CVS update about two
days ago.  It's also pretty large at about 9.5 MB.

I suppose if there isn't a windows binary out there, I could try
downloading and installing a C compiler (gcc?  djgpp?) and then
compiling my own parrot... but I don't want to do that much work!

MS VC++ or Visual .NET both work wonderfully.  Not exactly free though...

languages\BASIC reorg

2003-03-09 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
I re-organized the languages\BASIC tree into "compiled" and "interpreted" 
sub-trees.  The interpreted tree contains the original pasm-only 
implementation of GW-BASIC as an interpreted language.  The compiled tree 
contains a Quick-BASIC like compiler and a few sample BASIC programs 
(connect-4, eliza, wumpus, hanoi, etc..).

Parrot's GC and speed are *much* improved since I played with it a few 
months ago.  Hanoi for large numbers of disks no longer leaks, and runs 
noticably faster.  Nice job.

Parrot BASIC 2

2002-11-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
I sat around trying to think of a witty, pithy way to make this 
announcement more surreal or frightening than it really is and failed.  So 
I guess I'll let it stand on it's own.

I've just completed a complete re-write of BASIC for Parrot.   This time 
I've used QuickBASIC as a model which means there's all kinds of new 
features, and it's a much friendlier language to work with.  It's not 
complete, but a few tutorials that I found for QuickBASIC can be completed 
with this compiler.

If you're interested, you can get the bundle 
at  http://geeksalad.org/basic/basic2.zip and eventually I suppose I'll 
hack it into the languages\basic CVS tree in the Parrot distribution.  The 
compiler itself is rather hideous Perl, but the output and the runtime 
libraries are all pure PASM.

Of interest specifically to p6i:
This version *almost* works flawlessly under 0.0.8 from about two weeks 
ago.  There's still some memory issues and large programs (like 
newtrek.bas) that run long enough will segfault.  So right now the 
RT_initialize.pasm file has "collectoff" and "sweepoff" statements and that 
seems to avoid the symptom.

Enjoy.  :)

From the README file:
Parrot BASIC 2.0

What is it?
It's an implementation of BASIC in Parrot.  Unlike version 1, this is modeled
after Microsoft's QuickBASIC version 4.5.  A quick list of features:

* It's compiled directly to Parrot Assembly (PASM) and not 
* Richer syntax than Parrot BASIC 1.0, which was modeled after
	* Much, much faster than Parrot BASIC 1.0
	* Support for user-defined types
	* Support for variable scopes+
	(+ QB has bizarre ideas of scope.  Caveat Programmer.)

I couldn't find a proper book on QuickBASIC, and believe it or not Google 
terribly helpful in finding a good manual.  I did have a QB.exe and a few
help files for information.

What's missing?
The things that are missing fall into three classes.

	"Someday I'll do these, there's hooks for it but I need a break now."
	* Keywords: defint const static ubound
	* SHARED in DIM statements
	* Exception handling
	* The keyword USING
	* The "* length" modifier for strings
	* Forward-declarations (DECLARE) are missing.  For now, your DIM's and
	  functions must by defined before they're used.
	* DEF FN.  It's a special case of FUNCTION.

	"These are *hard* and I may not do them, ever"
	* Keywords: common chain bload bsave cseg
	"These are nearly impossible given where Parrot is now.
	 maybe when the I/O gets rounded out and some libraries
	 get added.  Like graphics, sound, and filesystem access."
	* Keywords: screen  pset  preset  line  circle  draw
		view  window  pmap  color  palette  paint
		get put  pcopy  beep  sound locate view
		width resume pos  poke  peek  rset
	* Most directory manipulations
	* Record (binary) I/O

And I probably have a whacked idea of I/O in QuickBASIC anyway.

What's incomplete?
Mostly the File I/O stuff.  Surprisingly, basic file I/O is working properly.
See test #47.

What's a hack?
Dirty little secrets of PB2; some good, some bad:
	* single/double are simply Parrot Nx registers
	* int/long are simply Parrot Ix registers
	* Everything is case insensitive.
	* Arrays are really hashes.  Yes, "foo(a$)" is now legal BASIC.  I'll
	  sneak a "keys()" function into BASIC eventually...
	* Other bad syntax is forgiven or Something Interesting happens
	* The _STARTASM directive lets you put PASM in your BASIC code.
	  (see testsuite.pl for an example)
	* I couldn't wrap my brain around BASIC's scoping to write the
	  expression evaluator properly.  It's a kind of dynamic scoping
	  that hurts my head.  So the expression evaluator is a postfix
	* The DIM statement doesn't really need to indicate any kind of
	  size at all.  DIM a$(1) will set aside a$ as any n-dimension
	  array of any size.
	* The random number generator is *intentionally* seeded with a
	   constant to make testing easier.  Use "randomize timer" to mix
	   things up.

How do I get going?  Quickstart?
	1. Edit "testrun.pl" and change the pathname at the beginning of the
	   script to wherever parrot is.
	2. Type   "compile.pl wumpus2.bas"
	   This produces "TARG_test.pasm" and "TARG_localfuncs.pasm"
	3. Type   "testrun.pl"  and enjoy.
eliza2 and wumpus2 are simply ports from the Parrot BASIC 1.0 version.  All
that had to be done were to add DIM statements and a RANDOMIZE.  See the notes
below for more examples.

Where's the advanced syntax stuff?
Once you've fixed "testrun.pl" as noted above, the script "testsuite.pl" will
run BASIC through its self-tests.  If you look through the script there's 
of almost every kind of syntax that I've got working.

What are all of these files?
	RT_*   Runtime Libraries.  Things like the expression evaluator
   and builtin functions (add, sub, mul, sin, cos, etc..)
	COMP_* The compiler itself.  Please, oh please don't look at this
	   Perl code.  It's terrib

Parrot Builds broken for Win32?

2002-11-10 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
Grabbing the last few snapshots from dev.perl.org, I can't find one that'll 
build under Win32.  During Configure.PL I get these errors:

Determining stack growth direction...'.\test.exe' is not recognized as an 
internal or extern
al command, operable program or batch file.
Odd number of elements in hash assignment at config/auto/stackdir.pl line 35.
Use of uninitialized value in list assignment at config/auto/stackdir.pl 
line 35.
Generating config.h...Use of uninitialized value in substitution iterator 
at lib/Parrot/Conf
igure/Step.pm line 102,  line 45.

The rest of the build proceeded without errors.  However, 'nmake test' reports:

C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe t/harness --gc-debug --running-make-test
t/src/basic.# No tests run!
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-2
Failed 2/2 tests, 0.00% okay
t/src/exit..# No tests run!
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-2
Failed 2/2 tests, 0.00% okay
t/src/intlist...# No tests run!
Test returned status 255 (wstat 65280, 0xff00)
DIED. FAILED tests 1-4
Failed 4/4 tests, 0.00% okay

I'm updating from an older, working version because I suspect that under 
certain circumstances that PerlHash PMC's can lose keys.  (YIKE!)  I only 
have obscenely large test cases however... (3K lines of PASM)

Questions about Px registers and memory usage

2002-11-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
I'm in the middle of a rather large project, and stopped to do a memory 
usage sanity check.  To my surprise I found a leak and traced it back to 
the way I was allocating PerlHashes and whatnot.

To boil it down further, look at this PASM:

LOOP:  new P1, .PerlHash
	  branch LOOP

What I'd *expect* is that this would have a steady-state, as each new 
PerlHash is created it bashes the pointer to the previous PerlHash in 
P1.  The old PerlHash would then get garbage collected and after the second 
iteration I'd reach a steady-state for memory usage.  Kinda like this Perl:

LOOP: $t={};
	goto LOOP;

Only that ain't how it works.  What happens is that memory gets chewed up 
quickly. Do I have the wrong idea of how the Px registers are used to point 
to things (god, I hope not) or is there some GC that needs to happen that 
isn't (and I can expect it to vanish eventually)?

Re: strange behaviour of concat operator

2002-10-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 10:22 PM 10/26/2002 +0530, Gopal V wrote:

If memory serves me right, Ramesh Ananthakrishnan wrote:
> I have this code
>  set S12 ""
>  set I0 0
>  concat S12 "hi"
>  add I0 1
>  lt I0 10 WHILE
>  print S12
>  ret
> Right version of Parrot, so is this a bug?

I get

No entries on stack!

last changelog entry in my built parrot is on 2002-03-19 22:54 .. so I
guess it's a bit outdated :-)

Actually, that's right.  The hi's are correct.  The "No entries!" error is 
because there's a "ret" at the end, and presumably this little segment 
wasn't called with a "bsr".

I took out the ret (don't forget to add an end!) and it ran fine, even 
without the commas.

Re: Off-list discussions, was Re: imcc hack for perl6 regexes

2002-10-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 08:07 PM 8/21/2002 +0100, Ximon Eighteen wrote:

> You _would_ think so, wouldn't you? :)
> Personally I've been a little disappointed
> in the involvement(interest) of late.
> -Melvin

I wonder how many interested observers of this list there are like myself. I
only wish I had the time & experience/skill/knowledge to contribute.

Keep up the good work.

I'm just an observer for now, but keenly interested.  I've got a 
programming project in the works involving Parrot that brings me one step 
closer to World Domination.

Most of the discussion in p6i goes right over my head, but I'm certainly 
enjoying the fruits of their labors.

Re: strange behaviour of concat operator

2002-10-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
At 08:46 AM 10/26/2002 -0700, Ramesh Ananthakrishnan wrote:

I have this code

 set S12 ""
 set I0 0
 concat S12 "hi"
 add I0 1
 lt I0 10 WHILE
 print S12
 Well S12 does not Concatenate. I tried it a
million other times. If S12 is "" or " " or 0 it does
not concatenate but just stores "hi" once.
Right version of Parrot, so is this a bug? I hunted
round the bugdatabase for some time, but couldn't find
stuff about this.
 Which reminds me. Is there a genral introduction as
to how to search for stuff in the Bug Database. And if
it isn't a stupid question what's a ticket and how do
greenhorns like me make the best use of it.
 The code seems to be correct and I checked that, so I
think it's a bug. If it isn't er really sorry.

The example seems to run fine here.

When writing PASM, it sometimes helps to have multiple builds of Parrot 
laying around.  The one I'm using is about two weeks old and none of the 
bugs in it seem critical to what I'm doing.  Whereas the CVS sync I did at 
the beginning of the week was most unpleasant.

So after building a new version of Parrot (make clean, re-run configure.pl) 
be sure to run the tests (make test) before you get comfortable with 
it.  Keep whatever old version around that you're sure works.  If the new 
version seems to be bug-compatable with the old one but adds whatever 
features you're looking for, keep it.  If the newer versions seems broke 
and *stays* broke for a while, post a bug report to p6i with a brief test.

Two problems groping around in PerlHashes

2002-10-20 Thread Clinton A. Pierce
While working on ...something... I found the need to be able to tell if a 
key exists in a PerlHash.  Here's the kicker, I don't know what kind of 
data's gonna be there: int, float, PMC, or string.

After hunting around in t/perlhash.t I found a few examples of checking for 
keys that don't exist.  They look like:

	new P1, .PerlHash
	set P0, P1["not_there"]
	typeof S1, P0
	eq S1, "PerlUndef", NOTTHEREBRANCH

Okay this is cool, except it doesn't work if the hash has mixed types in it 
and the key you're looking for *actually exists*.  For this code:

	new P1, .PerlHash
	set P1["mykey"], I0   # So it will exist
	set P0, P1["mykey"]

Parrot correctly throws an error:

	Cannot fetch PMC out of non-PMC key!

Correct or not, this is a pain in the butt.  There's no way to grope around 
in a PerlHash unless you already know what keys are there and what type 
they are.

What I think we need is an exists opcode.  And looking at 
classes/perlhash.c it looks like there's a exists function already 
there.  I just can't figure out how to use it in PASM.  There appears to be 
no opcode for it.

Is this something of the PMC API we can expose to PASM programmers?

Can someone gimme a hint of how to make this a real live opcode?  Or, if 
someone can easily turn this on somehow, I think the best API for something 
like exists would be:

	exists Px[key], branch

So once I can tell the key is there, that brings up the second problem: 
what exactly is behind that key?  A PMC?  A native type?  The only thing I 
can think of that would suffice would be to tinker with typeof to make it 
able to recognize the PASM native types (N, I, S) and then to make it a 
keyed op.

Re: [perl #17803] [PATCH] Various tests

2002-10-10 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 07:42 PM 10/8/2002 -0700, Steve Fink wrote:
>Thanks, applied.
>Who came up with the idea of two-argument ne, anyway? That's kind of
>bizarre. I'd much rather have it tested if it exists at all, but it
>seems pretty obscure.

It's not completely without precedent, on the Z-80:

 RET CC  Return from sub if CC is true

But reversing the sense of the test makes it doubly weird.  :)

Re: [perl #17562] Segfault in stack handling code running ELIZA

2002-09-24 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

The problem is much smaller than that, actually.

10 LET T$=CHR(65)+CHR(66)+CHR(67)
30 LET A$=RIGHT(T$, 1)

The problem vanishes if any of the following happen:

* T$ is constructed  with a string assignment  (LET T$="ABC")
* The PRINT statement is removed
* The LET A$= statement is removed
* Parrot is run with a -t

Various combinations of these bring it back, and make it vanish again.

My bets are that something in P21["T"] gets GC'd too soon.  When I go back 
for it later (to RIGHT it), it's already gone

16 Bit integer math

2002-09-20 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I have a sudden need to do signed 16-bit integer math in PASM.  Any 
suggestions on where to begin?

I'd rather not re-invent this wheel if someone else has a better idea.  And 
if I do, where can I find good tools for it?

Re: chr, ord etc

2002-09-09 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 03:01 PM 9/9/2002 -0400, Aaron Sherman wrote:
>I'd like to start a dialog

And since this thread is quiet, I'll throw some uneducated opinions on it 
to help it along.

>about the P[arrot|erl] interface on the
>matter of converting low-level types. ord and chr are Perl functions for
>doing two very specialized conversions, but I'm thinking Parrot needs to
>provide a general-purpose number/[bit]?string conversion ala Perl's
>pack/unpack so that all of the conversion functions for all of Parrot's
>client languages can be written in terms of them.

I was kind of surprised to see ord as a core op when I was doing 
BASIC.  And had actually written my hack to go both ways (chr/ord) in an 
early version of the interpreter.

>Certainly sprintf, pack and unpack in Perl should use some underlying
>tool of Parrot's, and not re-invent the wheel (though each of those will
>obviously do heavy argument processing in a Perl-specific way, some of
>which I've already done for sprintf).
>Should these conversions be individual instructions (e.g. "uint2string")
>or should there be a single-target "pack" analog in the PBC?

I like the idea of having a single pack/unpack instruction, with some kind 
of argument mechanism to determine exactly how to pack.  I don't know of an 
analogue in other CPU instruction sets (except maybe BCD ops in 8086), as 
they're typically not interested in something as high minded as some of 
this is.

And while we're wishing, I'm certain I wouldn't want it as platform 
dependant as Perl's pack() is.  I'd like to be able to easily determine if 
I'm working with native ints or some other kind of int.  If I want to I'd 
like to pack my ints to 16, 32, or 64 bits on a whim.  Use BCD and BER and 
any other strange encoding schemes I want.

And I want a pony, too.

Something else to throw into the discussion is whether we want to use a 
template (at the PBC level) as pack does or not.  My initial gut reaction 
is no, because then we'd wind up with things like:

 pack S0, "ccxxcc", P0   # where P0 is a PerlArray or something

And I'm not sure if 1. the pack target should be a "string" or not and 2. 
if I really want to have to mess with a PerlArray just to do some 
byte-shifting in PBC.  But not using a template means having to possibly 
execute lots of instructions to disassemble the source piece-by-piece, and 
keeping this canned set of PBC around as a library to do common functions.

Then again, I drool at the prospect of doing an sprintf in PASM...

Re: [PASM] problem opening / reading file

2002-08-13 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 02:27 AM 8/13/2002 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>At 11:13 PM -0400 8/12/02, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
>>At 10:04 PM 8/12/2002 +0200, Jerome Quelin wrote:
>>>I looked at parrot_assembly.pod and saw:
>>>open px, sy
>>>Open the file Y on filehandle X
>>>read px, py, pz
>>>Issue a read on the filehandle in y, and put the
>>>result in PMC X. PMC Z is the sync object.
>>Ow.  The I/O still hurts my head even now.  It seemed to be an ugly 
>>stepchild at the time.
>Anyone up to throwing a list of outstanding problems with the I/O system 
>together? We need to get I/O off of Melvin's altogether too-full plate 
>before his wife hunts me down and does nasty things, so this'd be a good 
>place to start.

I'd volunteer, except that I'm used to grunging around at the assembler 
level of I/O (INT 21h!) or with C's stdio and I don't think that your goal 
is either one of these targets.  Frankly too, I don't understand the 
reasons and goals behind the monstrous complexity of Perl 6 and latter Perl 
5's I/O.

If you simply want a list of what we have outlined in core_ops, what works, 
what doesn't, and what's needed for a primitive I/O system... THAT I could 
piece together.

Re: [PASM] problem opening / reading file

2002-08-12 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 10:04 PM 8/12/2002 +0200, Jerome Quelin wrote:

>I looked at parrot_assembly.pod and saw:
>open px, sy
>Open the file Y on filehandle X
>read px, py, pz
>Issue a read on the filehandle in y, and put the
>result in PMC X. PMC Z is the sync object.

Ow.  The I/O still hurts my head even now.  It seemed to be an ugly 
stepchild at the time.

>So, what am I doing wrong? What's the real syntax? (I wish there were a
>parrotopentut ;) ).

I don't think the I/O's quite mature enough for something like a 
tutorial.  I've got a couple of examples in the BASIC source code.  They are:

basic.pl -- Where the immediate mode command is read.  Nothing special 
here.  Note though that I run the command through a STRIPSPACE (alpha.pasm) 
routine which removes trailing whitespace.  You get the newlines here, and 
in Win32 PASM I've seen inconsistencies as to what exactly this means (one 
char or two).  These may be fixed now.

instructions.pasm  -- Look down where the LOAD instruction is 
processed.  Since there's isn't (or wasn't) a functional line-read PASM 
instruction I wind up reading the whole damndable file into a buffer and 
splitting it back out into an array.  Also note that errors on the open are 
silently ignored.  I don't think they work right yet.  Or they didn't.  The 
EOF detection didn't work IIRC, but checking for a zero-length read was 
good enough at the time.

[Line I/O from files seems strange but Line I/O from the tty is just 
peachy.  *shrug*]

Also the INPUT routine does some line I/O just like basic.pl.

>While I'm at reading files - why isn't there a readline op for file handles?
>Is it planned / forbidden for an unknown (to me) reason / other (patches
>welcome :o) )?


>Another question. Is there a way to fetch command line arguments, such as:
>$ ./parrot foo.pbc foo bar baz

Thanks for asking this, as Simon Glover's answer was... 
informative.  Didn't know this before now.

Re: .include directive for new assembler

2002-06-22 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 09:37 PM 6/21/2002 -0500, brian wheeler wrote:
>I've implemented a .include directive for the new assembler.  It
>basically changes the preprocessor to shift through the source file, and
>when an include is found, the included file is unshifted to the

To the beginning?  Do we have any pre-processor directives (.constant, 
etc...) that are sensitive to where they're done?

Either way, I'm fine with it.  As soon as it's in, I'll fix BASIC to remove 
the hand-rolled .include stuff it has now.

[netlabs #716] Keyed hash access causes spurious "Cannot fetch string out of non-string key!" error

2002-06-18 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #716]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=716 >


String variables in BASIC are stored in the P21 PMC.  When I ty to
set a variable I say:

save "variablename"
save "value"

And to restore it I call:

save "variablename"

The code for these is located in basicvar.pasm and for your convenience:

SSTORE: pushs
restore S1  # Value
restore S0  # Name
set P21[S0], S1

SFETCH: pushs
restore S0  # Name
set S1, P21, S0
length I0, S1   # Works around an odd bug (may no longer exist)
ne I0, 0, SNOTNULL
set S1, ""
SNOTNUL: save S1

When I run this code the store looks like this (from parrot -t):

PC=2241; OP=703 (bsr_ic); ARGS=(-1043)
PC=1198; OP=676 (pushs)
PC=1199; OP=693 (restore_s); ARGS=(S1="Y")
PC=1201; OP=693 (restore_s); ARGS=(S0="HELLO")
PC=1203; OP=215 (set_keyed_p_s_s); ARGS=(P21=002F8040, S0="Y", S1="HELLO")
PC=1207; OP=672 (pops)
PC=1208; OP=738 (ret)

The bsr's there, the push, two restores and the proper call to set_keyed.
Now when I go to fetch that value:

PC=5277; OP=703 (bsr_ic); ARGS=(-4068)
PC=1209; OP=676 (pushs)
PC=1210; OP=674 (pushi)
PC=1211; OP=693 (restore_s); ARGS=(S0="Y")
PC=1213; OP=152 (set_s_p_s); ARGS=(S1="Y", P21=002F8040, S0="Y")
Cannot fetch string out of non-string key!

There's the bsr, I save off the string and integer pointers restore the
variable name to fetch and then try to fetch it...and it crashes.


* Other than the "new", these are the only keyed accesses to P21
in the trace.

* To reproduce for yourself:
  1. Start basic.pl
  2. Type LET Y$='HELLO'
  3. Type PRINT Y$

* Curiously enough, fetching on a key that doesn't yet exist doesn't
(and correctly doesn't) throw this error and just returns the empty
string.  [So if you leave off the LET Y$ part of the example off, it
works fine.]

Good luck.

[netlabs #702] BASIC causes sevg's in parrot

2002-06-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #702]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=702 >

To reproduce, sync with CVS, build, run "basic.pl" -- that's all.  This 
version of BASIC is unchanged since it last worked

The error produced is:

   The memory at location 0x00025 could not be "written"

The last thing in the Parrot trace is a "concat" statement, yet the call 
stack seems to indicate that Parrot's in some hash code.   More information 
available upon request.

The last instructions run by Parrot:
PC=312; OP=571 (save_i); ARGS=(I1=1)
PC=314; OP=560 (popi)
PC=315; OP=562 (pops)
PC=316; OP=628 (ret)
PC=979; OP=580 (restore_i); ARGS=(I0=9)
PC=981; OP=388 (length_i_s); ARGS=(I1=1, S0="LO")
PC=984; OP=206 (ne_i_ic_ic); ARGS=(I1=2, 0, 12)
PC=996; OP=182 (eq_i_ic_ic); ARGS=(I4=1, 0, 13)
PC=1000; OP=204 (ne_i_i_ic); ARGS=(I0=1, I4=1, 9)
PC=1004; OP=378 (concat_s_s); ARGS=(S0="LO", S1="A")

The C call stack:
buffer_lives(Buffer * 0x0251) line 291 + 4 bytes
mark_hash(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0, _hash * 0x002f7150, PMC * 0x0049d9d8) 
line 182
PARROT! Parrot_PerlHash_mark + 20 bytes
trace_active_PMCs(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0) line 391 + 12 bytes
Parrot_do_dod_run(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0) line 531
get_from_free_pool(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0, Resource_Pool * 0x002f2750) 
line 87
new_string_header(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0, unsigned long 0) line 574
string_make(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0, const void * 0x, unsigned 
long 3, const parrot_encoding_t * 0x004291b8 _singlebyte_encoding, unsigned 
long 0, const parrot_chartype_t * 0x00429358 _usascii_chartype) line 50
string_concat(Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0, parrot_string_t * 0x002fe9d0, 
parrot_string_t * 0x002fe990, unsigned long 1) line 278
Parrot_concat_s_s(long * 0x00499420, Parrot_Interp * 0x002f23a0) line 1782 
+ 38 bytes
PARROT! runops_fast_core + 26 bytes
runops_generic(long * (Parrot_Interp *, long *)* 0x004011fd, Parrot_Interp 
* 0x00418cd0 _runops_fast_core, long * 0x002f23a0) line 80 + 21 bytes
PARROT! runops_fast_core address 0x00418cd0
MSVCRT! 780115fb()
Parrot_runcode(Parrot_Interp * 0x0001, int 1, char * * 0x002feb50) line 253
main(int 1, char * * 0x002f3c14) line 50
PARROT! mainCRTStartup + 227 bytes
KERNEL32! 77e87903()

Re: [netlabs #700] Win32 parrot.exe fails all tests

2002-06-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 10:54 PM 6/10/2002 +, you wrote:
># New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce"
># Please include the string:  [netlabs #700]
># in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
># http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=700 >
>After correcting the build problem with MSVC (stock MSVC++ 6.0, AS Perl,
>etc..) noted earlier, Parrot now builds but fails all tests.
>No warnings during compilation, no errors.
>The error reported for each test is:
> Parrot VM: Can't unpack packfile .pbc
>Fill in /x+/ with your favorite compiled program.  The assembler and
>disassembler both like the resulting .pbc's but nothing will run in
>parrot.  If you'd like further details, let me know what you want and I'll
>be happy to send you config info, compiled pbc's, etc..

The patch supplied by Jason seems to cure this problem (but not 
entirely).   AFAIK it's not been applied though.

[netlabs #700] Win32 parrot.exe fails all tests

2002-06-11 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #700]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=700 >

After correcting the build problem with MSVC (stock MSVC++ 6.0, AS Perl, 
etc..) noted earlier, Parrot now builds but fails all tests.

No warnings during compilation, no errors.

The error reported for each test is:

Parrot VM: Can't unpack packfile .pbc

Fill in /x+/ with your favorite compiled program.  The assembler and 
disassembler both like the resulting .pbc's but nothing will run in 
parrot.  If you'd like further details, let me know what you want and I'll 
be happy to send you config info, compiled pbc's, etc..

Parrot build failure, Win32 (missing include apa/inet.h?)

2002-06-08 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

Standard MSVC++ 6.0 setup, last known to work: Thursday.  Updated with 
completely clean tree, built with defaults (as I always do) and here's how 
it went:

C:\projects\parrot\parrot>perl Configure.pl
Parrot Version 0.0.6 Configure 2.0
Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Yet Another Society

Hello, I'm Configure.  My job is to poke and prod your system to figure out
how to build Parrot.  The process is completely automated, unless you passed in
the `--ask' flag on the command line, in which case it'll prompt you for a few
pieces of info.

Since you're running this script, you obviously have Perl 5--I'll be pulling
some defaults from its configuration.

Checking MANIFEST...done.
Setting up Configure's data structures...done.
Checking for --miniparrot...done.
Loading platform hints file...done.
Determining what C compiler and linker to use...done.
Determining what types Parrot should use...done.
Determining what opcode files should be compiled in...done.
Setting up experimental systems...done.
Probing for C headers...done.
Determining some sizes...done.
Computing native byteorder for Parrot's wordsize...done.
Figuring out how to pack() Parrot's types...done.
Figuring out what formats should be used for sprintf...done.
Determining if your C compiler is actually gcc...done.
Determining architecture, OS and JIT capability...done.
Verifying that the compiler supports function pointer casts...done.
Determining if your compiler supports computed goto...done.
Generating config.h...done.
Writing Parrot::Config module...done.
Generating Makefiles...done.
Moving platform files into place...done.
Okay, we're done!

You can now use `make' (or your platform's equivalent to `make') to build your
Parrot. After that, you can use `make test' to run the test suite.

Happy Hacking,
 The Parrot Team


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe vtable_h.pl
 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe make_vtable_ops.pl > vtable.ops
 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe ops2c.pl C core.ops debug.ops io.ops rx.ops 
 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe ops2c.pl CPrederef core.ops debug.ops io.ops 
rx.ops vtable.ops
 cl -nologo -O1 -MD -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE 
-DNO_STRICT-I./include  -DHAS_JIT -DI386
-Fotest_main.obj -c test_main.c
 cl -nologo -O1 -MD -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE 
-DNO_STRICT-I./include  -DHAS_JIT -DI386
-Foexceptions.obj -c exceptions.c
../include\parrot/parrot.h(66) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include 
file: 'arpa/inet.h': No such
file or directory
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'


PATCH for Win32 lib/Parrot makefile woes

2002-06-04 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

Fixes the problem where the toplevel makefile can't descend into lib/Parrot 
to do the build necessary for PackFile and friends.  Also I think the 
single cd .. may potentially be a bug for other platforms as well.

Apply this and re-run Configure.pl and all is well.

--- config/gen/makefiles/root.in_oldTue Jun 04 15:45:49 2002
+++ config/gen/makefiles/root.inTue Jun 04 15:42:42 2002
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@
#newasm : $(TEST_PROG) lib/Parrot/.dummy

lib/Parrot/.dummy :
-   cd lib/Parrot && $(PERL) Makefile.PL && $(MAKE) && cd ..
+   cd lib && cd Parrot && $(PERL) Makefile.PL && $(MAKE) && cd .. && cd ..

docs/.dummy :
cd docs && $(MAKE) && cd ..

[netlabs #658] Disassembler will not disassemble BASIC

2002-06-03 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #658]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=658 >

The disassembler will take apart small .pbc files, but will not tackle 
BASIC's pbc.  I don't think I've actually posted a real bug for this (just 
whined before) so here it is.

The error generated is:

C:\projects\parrot\parrot>disassemble.pl languages\BASIC\basic.pbc
Use of uninitialized value in modulus (%) at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 102, 
 line 11.
Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 103, 
 line 11.
Use of uninitialized value in substr at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 105, 
 line 11.
PackFile::ConstTable: Internal error: Unpacked Constant returned bad byte 
count '52'! at lib/Parrot/
PackFile/ConstTable.pm line 73
^@A^@^@^@s^@^@^@...') called at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 226
led at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 283
d3d418)') called at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 299
') called at C:\projects\parrot\parrot\disassemble.pl line 248
 main::disassemble_file('languages\BASIC\basic.pbc') called at 
ssemble.pl line 284

To recreate the error, run the basic.pl script, QUIT out of BASIC and then 
attempt to disassemble the basic.pbc file.

New assembler problem, with fix.

2002-06-03 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I'm not at a system where diff/patch runs, but here's a fix for you.  In 
_string_constant you're trying to expand \n and friends with:

$constant = eval "qq($constant)";

This breaks if the token ) appears in $constant.  Changing () to anything 
else breaks if that anything else is in the string too.

After thinking on this long and hard, here's a replacement bit of code:

   local $_=substr($constant,0,1);
   $constant =~ s/\$/\\\$/g;
   $constant = $_ . eval("qq$constant") . $_;
   warn "Constant: $@ " if $@;

This uses the constant's own delimiter (" or even ') as the delimiter for 
the eval.  It also escapes $'s so that things like $a don't interpolate or 
cause other errors.  (I suppose @ should be guarded against too.  Ah well..)

With this fix and the recently committed changes I made to BASIC... it now 
compiles and runs fine.

Re: Win32 build broken

2002-06-02 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 07:13 AM 6/2/2002 +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>cd lib/Parrot && C:\Programme\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL && NMAKE &&
>cd ..
>Can't open perl script "Makefile.PL": No such file or directory
>NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cd' : Rueckgabe-Code '0x2'

Changing that to:

cd lib\Parrot && C:\Programme\Perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL && NMAKE && cd ..

in the Makefile will fix the problem and allow the build to continue.  I'm 
not sure of what the correct fix is, or I'd offer a patch...

[Even if the build completes the tests don't run anymore on Win32 MSVC due 
to errors in the bytecode...]

Re: [COMMIT] New Assembler in place

2002-06-01 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 04:39 PM 6/1/2002 -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
>At 02:25 PM 6/1/2002 -0400, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
> >Looks great.  Converted over with little sweat, noted below.
>Moving in the right direction. mandelbrot.cola -> mandel.pasm
>Thats about 37% of the old assemble time.

I noticed that too.  If I could just find out why the Parrot bytecode being 
emitted by the assembler for BASIC is no good, I'd be happy!

Re: [COMMIT] New Assembler in place

2002-06-01 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

>This should actually be:
>".constant PerlHash 6"

Someone's mailer is adding an extra .

Re: [COMMIT] New Assembler in place

2002-06-01 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I'm in the process of converting BASIC over to use this new assembler... 
and have hit a few snags.  I'm happy to patch, but don't know if this is 
the Right Thing or not.

At 12:39 AM 6/1/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Support for keyed parameters now exists. I need to change the name of
>the 'set_keyed' and 'get_keyed' operator to just 'set', since they
>should be relatively unambiguous. Anyway, here's the new syntax
>available at the assembly level:

Looks great.  Converted over with little sweat, noted below.

>The next feature which Clinton used in his BASIC compiler but had to do
>by hand is a manifest constant. You can use the following syntax to
>define an assemble-time constant:
>..constant PerlHash 6 # Important, because the special names 'PerlHash'

This should actually be:

..constant PerlHash 6


I was doing a simple X for Y transformation using a pattern like this:


This let me rename registers for sake of clarity.  I'm missing that.  It's 
a simple hack, just add an elsif block that looks like:

} elsif(/^\.constant \s+
   /x) {   # .constant {name} {string
   $self->{constants}{$1} = $2;

Other things to note:

The assembler seems unhappy with multiple labels for the same 
codepoint.  This is no longer allowed:


To allow a bsr NSORT or a bsr COMBSORT to jump to the same instruction you 
now have to write:


And it works fine.

The keyed operators get_keyed, set_keyed are unhappy with constants:

 get_keyed S0, P0[0]

For example.  Writing them the old way still works.

After all this, and checking it in I still can't get BASIC to assemble 
correctly.  The last remaining error I get is:

 C:\projects\parrot\parrot\languages\BASIC>..\..\parrot.exe basic.pbc
 PackFile_Constant_clear: Unrecognized type ' ' during unpack!
 PackFile_unpack: Error reading constant table segment!
 Parrot VM: Can't unpack packfile basic.pbc.

BASIC's all checked in with the corrections noted above.  I patched my 
version of assemble.pl to allow register redefinition (.constant FOO 
I0).  But other than that, once this last error is found it's ready to 
go.  Suggestions?

Re: BF interpreter

2002-05-30 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 11:09 AM 5/30/2002 +0100, Leon Brocard wrote:
>I've been looking at languages to run under Parrot, and I choose a
>certain language which is turing complete in eight instructions. Start
>with the small ones eh? Unfortunately its name is not family
>friendly. An interpreter is attached, although you'll need to add the
>chr() operator (see the patch). A BF compiler would be neat too, of

Interesting.  :)

If you'd like a pure-PASM chr() operator, see the BASIC interpreter in 
expr.pasm.  I essentially do (everything in BASIC is on the stack...excuse 
the restore and saves...):

 # ... other stuff ...
 restore I0  # The number to convert
 substr S0, S1, I0, 1
 save S0# The corresponding character

 set S1, 

BF would use this a lot more than BASIC would, so instead of just throwing 
the table into S1 whenever it's called you might want to keep it 
around.  To convert the other way (ASC) I take the character and perform a 
search on S1 and the offset is the ASCII code.

Just a thought.

Re: New Assembler for your perusal

2002-05-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 09:17 AM 5/26/2002 +0200, Sebastian Bergmann wrote:
>Jeff wrote:
> > newasm has been completely rewritten. Three surprises lurk within.
>sb@wopr-mobile:/usr/src/parrot> newasm
>Can't locate auto/Parrot/PakFile2/autosplit.ix

Go into lib/Parrot and  perl Makfile.pl && make and then try it 
again.  Works okay for me.

Well, almost.  Still can't get BASIC to assemble.  Looking at that probably 

Using BASIC for testing.

2002-05-24 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

Since the topic of using BASIC as part of the test suite for Parrot has 
been brought up before I'll mention a recent change I made here which might 
make this easier.

If the BASIC interpreter is invoked now, and a file named "autorun.bas" 
exists in the same directory, it will be run by the interpreter 
auto-magically on startup.  At the moment I'm using this to run the BASIC 
regression test while I'm modifying the interpreter so I can just say (in vim):


Have it assemble up BASIC, run the test (which had been renamed to 
autorun.bas) and exit back to vim. Earlier this evening I was using it to 
run a BASIC CGI script (just for kicks).

Making the last instruction "QUIT" will exit the interpreter when 
autorun.bas is finished running; making the last instruction "NEW" will 
clear memory and leave you in interactive mode.  Otherwise you're dropped 
into interactive mode when the program's done running.

Accidental Coverage Map

2002-05-24 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

[From the "I Just Thought I'd Share" file.]

I was trying to trace down a bug in BASIC (which later turned out to be a 
bug in how I thought) and I got stuck at the point where I had a tracefile 
that led up to the crash.  I got the trace with parrot's trace 
instruction.  In BASIC I've got a built-in named "TRACE" to toggle it.  So 
I said:

C:\projects\parrot\languages\basic\>basic.pl 2>tracefile
Including stackops.pasm
Including alpha.pasm
Including dumpstack.pasm
Including tokenize.pasm
Including basicvar.pasm
Including basic.pasm
Including instructions.pasm
Including expr.pasm
  3727 lines

LOAD wumpus
LOADING wumpus.bas...DONE



So now I've got the parrot trace going out to tracefile.  Once the program 
crashed (again my fault) I could tail the tracefile and it'd show me the 
last instructions evaluated.  Of course, I have no idea what those really 
correlate to in the BASIC PASM source because all I get are the Program 
Counters.  This is not a fun way to spend Friday night.  And the 
disassembler is broken again, so I couldn't use that.

So I filtered the tracefile through this bit o Perl and sent it to a file 
named "output":

open(T, "tracefile") || die;
while() {
next unless /^PC=(\d+);\sOP=\d+\s\((\w+)\)/;
foreach(sort { $a <=> $b } keys %pc) {
print "PC=$_  $pc{$_}\n";

So now I've got all of the instructions executed during the run sorted in 
PC order in "output"...

And I've got the original PASM in a file called "test.pasm" (an 
intermediate file that basic.pl creates)...

Most importantly I've got Perl.  So I hacked together this little script:

open(P, "test.pasm") || die "test.pasm: $!";

open(T, "outfile") || die "tracedump: $!";

sub neat {
 $pc=" " if $pc<0;
 $lab=" " unless $lab;
 printf("%5s %8s %s\n", $pc, $lab, $code);

foreach(@program) {
 if (/^\s*#/) {
 neat(-1, "", $orig);
 if (/^\s*$/) { next; }

 if (m/^\s*(\w+):/) {   # Label
 neat(-1, "${1}:", "");
 s/^\s*\w+:\s*//;  # Remove it
 if (! m/^([a-z]+)/) {
 die "Syntax error? $orig";
 if (@trace) {
 if ($_ eq $2) {
 neat($1, "", $orig);
 shift @trace;
 } else {
 neat(-1, "", $orig);

What it effectively does is merge the tracefile with the original PASM to 
give me 1. a mapping from PC to the original source code and 2. an 
execution coverage map for the program against the source code.  The output 
looks something like:

# Okay, found an ) went back to (, is the next thing a ~ ?
  4477  bsr OPSTACKDEPTH
  4479  restore I0
  4481  eq I0, 0, GETTOP  # Nope, apparently not.
  4485  bsr POPOPSTACK
  4487  set S1, ""
  4490  restore S1
  4492  eq S1, "~", GOTTILDE
save S1
bsr PUSHOPSTACK   # Oops, sorry.
branch GETTOP
  4502  concat S0, S1  # Mash that tilde on there.
  4505  concat S0, "|"
  4508  branch GETTOP

Which tells me a few things.  First that the second bsr PUSHOPSTACK was 
never executed, and when I went looking for instruction at PC 4481 I went 
right to the correct place in the PASM and found my problem.  (Which turned 
out to be a typo in the BASIC program I was working on!  :)

With a small modification, I can get output which shows me how many times 
each instruction (in the source) was executed.

It's not perfect.  There are places where it thinks it's found the 
instruction to match up with the PC and guesses wrong (it corrects shortly 
thereafter).  Eventually I'd like to hack something like this into the 
assembler, but for now this suffices.

Re: [netlabs #613] Parrot BASIC SEGV's with much string handling

2002-05-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

[re-cc'd p6i due to mailer failure on my part]
 >At 10:17 PM 5/22/2002 +, via RT wrote:
 >Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
 >> * sync up, and get the latest Parrot BASIC.  It's fully hash-enabled and
 >> quite speedy now.
 >> * Run "basic.pl" to assemble the interpreter, and get it started
 >> * At the "Ready" prompt, "LOAD eliza"
 >> * When finished, type RUN
 >> The crash will happen shortly thereafter.  Comments in #parrot seem to
 >The problem appears to originate in the routine SFETCH, which tries to fetch
 >key "TWIRL" from the hash in P21 without finding it. The hash code returns a
 >null pointer under these circumstances, which is accepted as an empty string
 >by some, but not all, string handling code. In this case, attempting to
 >store the string into an array is invoking string_copy, which assumes the
 >input to be valid. IIRC Dan stated some time ago that checks for null were
 >not to be included, but I don't know what the current status is.

A patch to add isnull was submitted today, which is one potential way of 
handling it.  Another is to not have get_keyed return the NULL in the first 
place.  I favor the latter, because there's no other way that I'm aware of 
in PASM to get an Sx register with a NULL in it, why start introducing this 
now?  It seems unclean.

(But a patch oftentimes speaks louder than opinions.)

So temporarily I patched basicvar.pasm so that instead of:

SFETCH: pushs
 restore S0  # Name
 get_keyed S1, P21, S0
 save S1

I do this as I'm fetching the (possibly non-existent) value from the hash:

SFETCH: pushs
 restore S0  # Name
 get_keyed S1, P21, S0
 length I0, S1
 ne I0, 0, SNOTNULL
 set S1, ""

Because length Ix, Sx seems to be immune from the NULL problem.  Now BASIC 
and all of its demo programs run without a hitch.  This could easily be 
fixed with "isnull Sx, label" also.

[netlabs #613] Parrot BASIC SEGV's with much string handling

2002-05-22 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #613]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=613 >

I do not have a short test for this one.  To reproduce this problem:

* sync up, and get the latest Parrot BASIC.  It's fully hash-enabled and 
quite speedy now.

* Run "basic.pl" to assemble the interpreter, and get it started

* At the "Ready" prompt, "LOAD eliza"

* When finished, type RUN

The crash will happen shortly thereafter.  Comments in #parrot seem to 
indicate that this is "a bus error in the garbage collector"

[None of the other BASIC programs will trigger this error.]

[netlabs #612] Divide by Zero error in hash key retrieval

2002-05-22 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #612]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=612 >

In converting BASIC to use hashes, I discovered that once in a great while 
the OS will throw the error:

The exception Integer division by zero (0xc094) occured in the 
applicaiton at location 0x00417fce

The cause is retrieving a key that does not yet exist in the hash.  This is 
probably not the right thing to do.  In fact, I'm convinced, that a few 
days ago the value 0 would have been retrieved.   (Without "exists" I'm 
kinda groping around here...)

Going into MSVC's debugger, the statement that it doesn't like is:

return find_bucket(interpreter, chain, key);

And the call stack looks like:


And so on.

The last PASM  instruction run was:

 get_keyed_i_p_s ARGS I1=0,  P20=004AAEF0, S0="I"

I'm betting this was caused by fetching a key that did not yet exist.  :)

Re: New assembler difficulties.

2002-05-19 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 10:29 AM 5/19/2002 +0100, Simon Cozens wrote:
> > >  Unparsable argument, starting from '"', QUOTE
> > > No line number, no context, nearly impossible to find to debug.
>That's an internal error with the assembler, shouldn't happen. It
>suggests the string regexp is broken. I deliberately didn't add contextual
>information because I wanted the assembler to be machine-oriented rather
>than human-oriented, and we can depend on machines to produce well-formed
>bytecode or it's an internal error on *their* side.

I suggest that at some point an input line number should probably be 
generated in the message.  At the very least because some poor schmuck has 
to actually write software to generate these machine-oriented instructions 
and he's gonna need to debug his own programming.

The assembler knows there's a problem, it knows about where, we should 
throw the poor guy a bone.

Re: New assembler difficulties.

2002-05-18 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 09:27 PM 5/18/2002 -0400, Jeff wrote:
> > So the new assembler's unhappy.  Suggestions?
>Well, it's unhappy when you do lots of things. The code I was given was
>not as complete/functional as I had been led to believe, inasmuch as it
>doesn't live past test series 2 without some major tweaks that I'm
>working on. And I'm not even going to comment on t/pmc... However, none
>of this minor rant has anything to do with your problem.
>I can't reproduce it locally, so I'm wondering if the Windows build
>might not properly expand the Perl_croak call from 'Perl_croak("foo")'
>to 'Perl_croak(aTHX_ "Foo")', as the UNIX .xs build does...

1. You're right, it's not expanding at all under Win32.  Adding the aTHX_ 
makes this compile.

2. The Makefile's looking for things like bytecode.o when under Win32 it 
should be bytecode.obj

3. After all this, the assembler will compile small programs.  Feeding it 
BASIC produces lots of warnings about uninitalized values and finally dies 

 Unparsable argument, starting from '"', QUOTE

No line number, no context, nearly impossible to find to debug.

I think you're right, and you were given a pig in a poke.

New assembler difficulties.

2002-05-18 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

So here I am, hacking BASIC to use keyed PMC's for variables to make it 
blazingly fast when I find out that to do this I need to use the new 
assembler.  So I pop into lib\parrot and proceed with the build and I get 
this mess:

C:\projects\parrot\parrot\lib\Parrot>perl makefile.pl
Writing Makefile for Parrot::PakFile2


Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility   Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.

cp Op.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Op.pm
cp OpTrans.pm blib\lib\Parrot\OpTrans.pm
cp OpsFile.pm blib\lib\Parrot\OpsFile.pm
cp Assembler.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Assembler.pm
cp PMC.pm blib\lib\Parrot\PMC.pm
cp Config.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Config.pm
cp PackFile.pm blib\lib\Parrot\PackFile.pm
cp String.pm blib\lib\Parrot\String.pm
cp Types.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Types.pm
cp Test.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Test.pm
cp BuildUtil.pm blib\lib\Parrot\BuildUtil.pm
cp PakFile2.pm blib\lib\Parrot\PakFile2.pm
AutoSplitting blib\lib\Parrot\PakFile2.pm (blib\lib\auto\Parrot\PakFile2)
cp Vtable.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Vtable.pm
cp Optimizer.pm blib\lib\Parrot\Optimizer.pm
 C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -IC:\Perl\lib -IC:\Perl\lib 
C:\Perl\lib\ExtUtils/xsubpp  -typemap C:\Pe
rl\lib\ExtUtils\typemap PakFile2.xs > PakFile2.xsc && C:\Perl\bin\perl.exe 
-IC:\Perl\lib -IC:\Perl\l
ib -MExtUtils::Command -e mv PakFile2.xsc PakFile2.c
Please specify prototyping behavior for PakFile2.xs (see perlxs manual)
 cl -c -I../../include -nologo -O1 -MD -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 -D_CONSOLE 
\"0.01\"  -DXS_VERSION=\"0.01\"  -IC:\Perl\lib\CORE  PakFile2.c
PakFile2.xs(21) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 
'char [52]' to 'struct inter
preter *'
PakFile2.xs(21) : error C2198: 'Perl_croak' : too few actual parameters
PakFile2.xs(32) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 
'char [40]' to 'struct inter
preter *'
PakFile2.xs(32) : error C2198: 'Perl_croak' : too few actual parameters
PakFile2.xs(48) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 
'char [52]' to 'struct inter
preter *'
PakFile2.xs(48) : warning C4047: 'function' : 'const char *' differs in 
levels of indirection from '
long '
PakFile2.xs(48) : warning C4024: 'Perl_croak' : different types for formal 
and actual parameter 2
PakFile2.xs(69) : warning C4133: 'function' : incompatible types - from 
'char [36]' to 'struct inter
preter *'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'

So the new assembler's unhappy.  Suggestions?

Re: Eliza RFC

2002-04-30 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 11:11 AM 4/30/2002 -0400, Melvin Smith wrote:
>Now that Clint has Eliza running on Parrot, I propose that
>from henceforth, Eliza shall field all newbie questions
>and take responsibility of the FAQ.
>Apparently this could be construed as convincing Eliza, I'm not sure
>though, I'll ask next session.

The bug in BASIC/Eliza has been fixed and committed.

It's unlikely you'll be able to convince Eliza to give you the elloopo 
feature now.

BASIC hangs and crashes, Win32 MSVC++, 0.0.5

2002-04-18 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

Sometime during or shortly after the 0.0.5 release, BASIC broke with 
string/stack/GC errors.  During program LOAD, Parrot runs off eats a ton of 
memory (sometimes) and falls over dead (eventually).  Someone else in 
#parrot tried the exact same test without problems.  I'm dismayed.

To reproduce this bug under any post 0.0.5 CVS update:

* Go into the languages/BASIC directory
* Start basic using the handler:
Including stackops.pasm
Including alpha.pasm
Including dumpstack.pasm
Including tokenize.pasm
Including basicvar.pasm
Including basic.pasm
Including instructions.pasm
Including expr.pasm
  4050 lines


* Immediately load wumpus (it won't finish):
LOAD wumpus
LOADING wumpus.bas...
* Wait for segfault (it takes a couple of minutes on my P300).
* While you're waiting, watch memory be eaten by Parrot.

Calling the sweepoff and collectoff have no effect other than to make the 
memory-eating much more impressive (and the crash more spectacular).  I've 
got Parrot compiled under Win32 (Win2k) with MSVC++.


I'd like to offer that BASIC could somehow be incorporated into the test 
suite for Parrot?  Would it help?  It's awfully sensitive to problems with 
strings, stacks, etc.  As a general rule, if you can get something like 
wumpus.bas to load and run in BASIC then things are healthier than not.

I could modify BASIC to help.  For example, an alternate basic.pl that 
would create a "batch" version of BASIC instead of an interactive 
one.  (All of the interactive code is in that short Perl script.)  To run 
BASIC in batch mode is simply a matter of replacing MAIN in basic.pl with a 
MAIN that does something like:

save 0  # Seed the runtime stack
save "LOAD wumpus"
save "RUN"
restore I0   # Run's status

This is how my test harness works so I don't have to type programs at it, 
or wear out my capslock key.

[netlabs #522] BASIC hangs and crashes, Win32 MSVC++, 0.0.5

2002-04-18 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #522]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=522 >

Sometime during or shortly after the 0.0.5 release, BASIC broke with 
string/stack/GC errors.  During program LOAD, Parrot runs off eats a ton of 
memory (sometimes) and falls over dead (eventually).  Someone else in 
#parrot tried the exact same test without problems.  I'm dismayed.

To reproduce this bug under any post 0.0.5 CVS update:

* Go into the languages/BASIC directory
* Start basic using the handler:
Including stackops.pasm
Including alpha.pasm
Including dumpstack.pasm
Including tokenize.pasm
Including basicvar.pasm
Including basic.pasm
Including instructions.pasm
Including expr.pasm
  4050 lines


* Immediately load wumpus (it won't finish):
LOAD wumpus
LOADING wumpus.bas...
* Wait for segfault (it takes a couple of minutes on my P300).
* While you're waiting, watch memory be eaten by Parrot.

Calling the sweepoff and collectoff have no effect other than to make the 
memory-eating much more impressive (and the crash more spectacular).  I've 
got Parrot compiled under Win32 (Win2k) with MSVC++.


I'd like to offer that BASIC could somehow be incorporated into the test 
suite for Parrot?  Would it help?  It's awfully sensitive to problems with 
strings, stacks, etc.  As a general rule, if you can get something like 
wumpus.bas to load and run in BASIC then things are healthier than not.

I could modify BASIC to help.  For example, an alternate basic.pl that 
would create a "batch" version of BASIC instead of an interactive 
one.  (All of the interactive code is in that short Perl script.)  To run 
BASIC in batch mode is simply a matter of replacing MAIN in basic.pl with a 
MAIN that does something like:

save 0  # Seed the runtime stack
save "LOAD wumpus"
save "RUN"
restore I0   # Run's status

This is how my test harness works so I don't have to type programs at it, 
or wear out my capslock key.

Re: [PATCH] Assembler Strings

2002-04-16 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I've been using single-quoted strings in the assembler interchangeably with 
double-quoted strings
only because I couldn't find an easier way to say:

set S0, 'Dan said, "UGH!"'

Unless I used \ sequences for the double-quotes.

Personally, I'm in favor of keeping ' and " functionally equivalent in the 
assembler -- just delimiters.  Building too much smarts in the assembler 
(What'll we do with `` ?) is misdirected effort...

Re: [PATCH] Re: Is there a way to turn GC completely off?

2002-04-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 01:05 AM 4/15/2002 -0400, you wrote:
>Clint, in terms of getting things in Parrot fixed, I think it's better if
>you can provide a way to generate the bug, no matter how complex the case
>is. Non-simple test cases are better than no test cases at all, imo.

Okay.  Good.  I won't spend a *terrible* amount of time trying to reduce 
larger problems to smaller ones.  When I report a bug to bugs-perl6 this is 
where 95% of my time goes.  I can isolate it to a few instructions, but 
chopping BASIC down to 30 or 40 lines of PASM that'll still trigger the bug 
is insanity.

I'll work on saying "Hey, start BASIC, type 'foo' and watch Parrot explode" 
kinds of descriptions once I've positively determined that the bug isn't mine.

>For example, I was able to reproduce the missing line 20 bug, and that was
>fixed with Peter's patch. I played a few games of WUMPUS tonight on my
>MSVC-compiled parrot, but haven't seen anything out of the ordinary.  It
>works flawlessly, and is really cool to see something like that working on
>Parrot. The only things I could complain about would be case-sensitivity
>in commands (it's annoying to keep the capslock key and get screwed up
>when switching to other applications :), and the one or two seconds it
>takes to generate the maze and set itself up.

The case sensitivity could be eliminated if I had a cheap way of 
case-insensitively string comparing things.  I may hack on that as there's 
only a few places where that's done: the huge switch in basic.pasm, a few 
places in instructions.pasm where multi-keyword instructions are parsed 
(IF..THEN) and the expression evaluator.

I have a patch for the speed.  For linear execution, it now "remembers" 
where the last code instruction was decoded from in storage and begins 
searching for the next program line there instead of the beginning (the 4/8 
version has that).  The patch I have allows FOR..NEXT and GOSUB..RETURN to 
use the same mechanism.   The slow maze setup is due to a pair of 
doubly-nested FOR loops some ways down in the WUMPUS code.  Once the patch 
is installed (I gotta test!) then the only slow jumps are GOTO branches 
forwards a long distance or backwards.

Fully interpreted languages are slow, go figure.  :)

Once hashes are in place, then BASIC will get a whole lot faster.  My Perl 
version of this interpreter (from which the PASM is derived) positively 
screams.  To retro-fit this version of BASIC requires only that VFETCH, 
VSTORE and VCREATE be re-engineered with hashes when they're ready.

>Do you have any test cases for reproducing the two bugs you just mentioned
>in this thread?

I will work on it today.

Re: [PATCH] Re: Is there a way to turn GC completely off?

2002-04-14 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 08:55 PM 4/14/2002 +0200, Peter Gibbs wrote:
>The specific problem Clinton mentioned is yet another infant mortality
>problem, this time in string_concat. I don't know what the current decision
>is on handling these situations, but this one can be avoided by optimising
>the code anyway. If the transcoding is done before making the result string,
>we know the actual length, instead of using the maximum possible.
>I haven't yet looked to see why basic needs to transcode string anyway.

As a follow-up, I found one bug.  Rather odd it is.  The symptom is loading 
a program, doing a LIST
and seeing only part of the code.  Dumping the 
string-which-contains-the-code you can see the entire program in it (unlike 
the earlier described bug).  The problem was in here:

 set S2, ""
 substr S2, S15, I1, LINEWIDTH
 save S2
 bsr STRIPSPACE # (removes trailing whitespace)
 set I2, S2 # Quietly convert S2 to an int
 ge I2, I6, VFOUND

So I'd pull things out of S15, strip the space off, look for something 
greater-than or equal-to I6.  Problem was this test was *failing*.  Putting 
diagnostics in I found out that S2 wasn't getting converted correctly to an 
integer in I2.  *puzzle*.

Changing the conversion part of the code to:

 save S2
 bsr ATOI
 restore I2

Fixes the problem.  The insane thing is that ATOI essentially loads a 
string register from the stack, coverts it, and then puts it back as an 
integer -- almost exactly what was failing before.

Re: [PATCH] Re: Is there a way to turn GC completely off?

2002-04-14 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 08:55 PM 4/14/2002 +0200, Peter Gibbs wrote:
>The specific problem Clinton mentioned is yet another infant mortality
>problem, this time in string_concat. I don't know what the current decision
>is on handling these situations, but this one can be avoided by optimising
>the code anyway. If the transcoding is done before making the result string,
>we know the actual length, instead of using the maximum possible.
>I haven't yet looked to see why basic needs to transcode string anyway.

Both with the sweepoff/collectoff and your patch I'm still seeing the 
behavior I described at the top of this thread.  In fact, the behavior I'm 
seeing is getting *worse* with recent CVS updates.

Eeeek!  Nothing works.  *panic*

I'm off for the evening, but I'll try to come up with a small test case if 
there is such a beast.

Re: Is there a way to turn GC completely off?

2002-04-14 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 10:06 PM 4/13/2002 -0400, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>At 5:35 PM -0400 4/13/02, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
>>I'm fighting a now-you-see-it now-you-don't kind of bug and I was 
>>wondering if there's a way to completely turn off garbage collection and 
>>memory re-use for debugging?
>Yes. The sweepoff and collectoff ops will turn of DOD runs and GC sweeps, 
>respectively. sweepon and collecton will re-enable them. (They are 
>attached to the counters, so they nest and you need to match off and on counts)
>Just added the things to CVS, so you'll need to resync to get 'em.

Got 'em and tried them.  Some bugs vanished, but others are still 
there.  Hrm.  At least I can eliminate some potential sources.

Is there a way to turn GC completely off?

2002-04-13 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I'm fighting a now-you-see-it now-you-don't kind of bug and I was wondering 
if there's a way to completely turn off garbage collection and memory 
re-use for debugging?

My problems vanish when seemingly insignificant things happen, and 
re-appear again later.  For example, I'll take a line of text (simplified):

   save S0   #  "20 GOTO 10"
restore I5
save VARWIDTH  # (10)
save " "
bsr PAD
restore S1
dec I5
concat S22, S1 # S22 is now "20"
   concat S22, S0
concat S22, TERMINATOR# S22 now reads "2020 GOTO 10#"
bsr CLEAR   # Clean stack

Much later on, I'll look in S22 and find that the part that once read as it 
did above, now reads:

"20   #"

With the in-between text...vanished.  Sometimes adding a diagnostic "print" 
statement makes it go away.  Sometimes adding two makes it come back 
again.  Having the interpreter handle some programs makes everything fine 
but just jumping in and loading WUMPUS right away makes it die.

I'm completely positive I'm not clearing that piece of real 
estate...something else is doing it. But what, I dunno.  Why, I know even less.

[This causes the occasional "wrong type on stack" errors in BASIC.  I get 
the error because I pull the line from S22 (which is now nothing but 
spaces) and attempt to extract the line number from it... and fail.  This 
is really a Should Not Happen error because the line number was verified 
(in the real code) as it was stuck into S22.  This can happen during a LOAD 
or RUN on typed-in programs where S22 gets populated.  To see for yourself, 
start parrot basic and immediately type (and nothing else, no typos):

   20 GOTO 10

And the listing will have a blank line 20 under Win32, recent builds of 
parrot.  If you type an empty line anywhere in this process (just a return) 
or any other keywords after the Ready prompt the problem goes away magically.]

[netlabs #500] disassemble fails with errors and garbage

2002-04-08 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

# New Ticket Created by  "Clinton A. Pierce" 
# Please include the string:  [netlabs #500]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# http://bugs6.perl.org/rt2/Ticket/Display.html?id=500 >

Compiling BASIC into out.pbc:

C:\projects\parrot\parrot>basic.pl  [produces out.pbc]
Including stackops.pasm
Including alpha.pasm
Including dumpstack.pasm
Including tokenize.pasm
Including basicvar.pasm
Including basic.pasm
Including instructions.pasm
Including expr.pasm
   4026 lines

C:\projects\parrot\parrot>disassemble.pl out.pbc
Use of uninitialized value in modulus (%) at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 82, 
 line 12.
Use of uninitialized value in addition (+) at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 83, 
 line 12.
Use of uninitialized value in substr at lib/Parrot/Types.pm line 85,  
line 12.
PackFile::ConstTable: Internal error: Unpacked Constant returned bad byte 
count '52'! at lib/Parrot/PackFile/ConstTable.pm line 73
^@-^@^@^@s^@^@^@...') called at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 149
lled at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 206
d483e8)') called at lib/Parrot/PackFile.pm line 222
'out.pbc') called at C:\pr
ojects\parrot\parrot\disassemble.pl line 248
 main::disassemble_file('out.pbc') called at 
C:\projects\parrot\parrot\disassemble.pl line 276

Parrot BASIC version .02, now with GAMES!

2002-04-01 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I'm well aware of the date, but this is no April Fool's Joke.  (Well 
perhaps it is, but the joke would be on me.)  A new version of BASIC can be 
found at http://geeksalad.org/basic

This BASIC has a few interesting things over the last one.  I/O now works 
(INPUT, LOAD, etc...) as well as interactive mode (a nice friendly Ready 
prompt).  The expression parser is fully-functional now with functions, 
variable lookups, etc... There's a nice infix->postfix converter buried in 
there too.  The programs "sample2" and "sample3" show off some of the 
language features.

Best of all, if you can get it to load, Hunt the Wumpus in BASIC is now 
functional and playable.  To get started, compile up a recent version of 
Parrot, and run the script "basic.pl" (it's just assembling the necessary 
pieces, handing off to assemble.pl, and running the result):

   LOAD wumpus <-- type this

   RUN<-- type this

And you should be back in 1975 again.  The only porting that had to be done 
for the code to work from David Ahl's original was to remove some DIM 
statements, change <> to !, and convert ON GOTO to a different structure.

In other words: I'm done.  :)

I may add features later, but essentially it works.  As Parrot gets better 
this will get more reliable.  Speed will improve when I figure out -- and 
they get written -- some of Parrot's more sophisticated data structures 
like arrays.

*** Notes for Parrot developers ***
There's still string/stack/GC bugs in Parrot somewhere.  In most cases, if 
the interpreter survives the LOAD process, then the BASIC program will run 
normally (and forever) without a hitch.  Once loaded, BASIC tends to use 
and re-use the same space over and over again (thus, not allocating new 

LOAD reads a file, splits the input buffer on \n, shoves lines onto the 
stack, and sorts the stack by line number.  Sometimes Parrot does not 
survive this.  The problem manifests itself as one of two errors:

* LOAD triggers a SEGV
* LOAD displays a spurious:
LOADING sampleb.bas...Cannot take substr outside string
  (The error is probably legit, but it's because the input buffer is 
now trashed.)

Curiously, re-arranging statements near the LOAD a bit causes the errors to 
go away and pop up elsewhere.   Bummer.

Strings/Stack access hanging (small version)

2002-03-28 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

>Try out bug #465 for size, as it's my current holdup (for some reason it 
>didn't forward to p6i).  In this case a restore instruction sends the 
>parrot runtime into a loop from which it never (28 hours later) 
>recovers.  It's probably Yet Another Garbage Collection bug or related to 
>the stuff that Melvin was working on, I dunno.
>Yes, the test case is HUGE but the rewards are great if it can be fixed.

Now that my flu is abating, here's a small test case.  Could someone please 
append this to bug #465's info as a preferred test case?  It's probably 
even a fair test for parrot itself.

If you want the DUMPSTACK routine, let me know otherwise just looking at 
the stack should be enough to tell that it went screwy.  The hang occurs as 
you're re-reading the stack after this runs, one of the restore Sx 
instructions hangs.

 set I3, 0
 set S3, "I am the very model of a moden major general I have 
information animal, vegetable a
nd mineral."

 set S0, S3
 inc I3
 set S1, ""
 eq I3, 10, END
 set I5, 0
 length I0, S0
 le I0, 0, ENDLOOP
 substr S1, S0, 0, 5
 sub I0, I0, 5
 substr S0, S0, 5, I0
 save S1
 inc I5
 branch LOOP

 branch OUTER
 save I5
 #bsr DUMPSTACK  # It hangs in here, the stack is already very corrupt
   # Ask if you need this.

Re: "deep" tests for stacks.t

2002-03-28 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

>Regardless, this patch does make 'make test' happy again, and should be
>safe to apply apply, as long as we don't forget about the afore-mentioned
>caveat, which will probably come back to bite us in the future if we don't
>take care of it. I wonder how many more GC bugs are lurking, waiting for
>good tests cases like these..

Try out bug #465 for size, as it's my current holdup (for some reason it 
didn't forward to p6i).  In this case a restore instruction sends the 
parrot runtime into a loop from which it never (28 hours later) 
recovers.  It's probably Yet Another Garbage Collection bug or related to 
the stuff that Melvin was working on, I dunno.

Yes, the test case is HUGE but the rewards are great if it can be fixed.

Stack sorting

2002-03-26 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I took one of the smaller problems from the BASIC interpreter, sorting the 
stack, and posed it as a question on PerlMonks to see how a Mongolian Horde 
would handle the problem.  The results are at:


Summary: the only apparent way to do this trick is with a variation of a 
bubble sort (which I already had) given that there's only one user stack 
and three stack instructions (save, restore, rotate_up).  A quicksort 
solution was posted, except that without being able to randomly address the 
stack it's nearly as bad as a bubblesort.

The sorts presented there *were* more efficient than mine, so I'll probably 
borrow the technique eventually.

Thought this might be of interest from a opcode-design standpoint.  Enjoy.

Re: [FIX] Re: Some weekend fun: BASIC for Parrot

2002-03-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I just got this message and it's 1am.  There's no way I'm applying patches 
this late.  :)

The situation I've got now works reasonably well using read/print.  The 
version of BASIC I just uploaded to geeksalad.org/basic is okay unless you 
try performing a LOAD more than once with a reasonably large program like 
"sample.bas" -- then the input buffer becomes corrupted with apparently 
reclaimed memory.

But if ya can get the data in, everything works *great*.  Interactive 
mode's all working now, even a functonal INPUT statement.  My TODO's are 
down to: 1. making sure this survives more Parrot "fixes"  2. making the 
expression evaluator understand "precedence" and 3. adding READ/DATA and a 
few functions RND, ASC, CHR$, MID$ and LEN.

Re: [FIX] Re: Some weekend fun: BASIC for Parrot

2002-03-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 04:31 PM 3/23/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>I've just fixed several bugs in the read ops, I commited so do a cvs update.
>They were in the ops, not the IO system. Hasty coding is to blame, but I'm
>glad someone is actually testing this now.
>I wrote a slurp test that reads in a file by line and concats each buffer 
>to the
>main string, then prints the string out, with the following patch it works
>ok, without it gets screwed up buffers.

Okay.  I've been unable to do a CVS update this afternoon, no response from 
the server during the checkout.  But what I discovered was this:

* Using print/read everything works fine.  There is Joy.
* Going anywhere near readline causes segvs
* Using puts/read takes me back to the bad-old-days of garbage in my 
strings and stack from improper memory reclamation.

I can't explain why, I only see the results.

>>Second question: how do I use puts with a Ix register?  That opcode 
>>doesn't seem to work...
>It doesn't use an Ix reg, it uses an PMC IO stream. If you want to print
>to a stream use print PMC, STR on the PMC that open returned.

No, no.  I meant how do I output an Int or a Num to the output 
stream?  Print's nice enough to allow me to say:

 print S0
 print N0
 print I0

And the Right Thing happens.  Ah well, since I'm avoiding puts for the 
moment it's kind of a moot question.

Re: Some weekend fun: BASIC for Parrot

2002-03-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 01:45 PM 3/23/2002 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:
>At 01:40 PM 3/23/2002 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:
>> read S0, 256
>>--  print S0
>++  puts S0
>> branch NEXTLINE
>> end
>Correction, print is stdio, puts is PIO. Use puts if you are using read.
>I just checked it into CVS btw.

You're suggesting that if I replace my 'print' with 'puts' everywhere that 
my I/O problems will vanish?

Second question: how do I use puts with a Ix register?  That opcode doesn't 
seem to work...

Some weekend fun: BASIC for Parrot

2002-03-23 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

For your weekend entertainment, here's a bit of parrot assembler for the 
adventurous to play with.  To get the code, just head to: 
http://geeksalad.org/basic and download the latest tar bundle you 
find.  The README.basic file included in the tar bundle is listed after this.

[Small amount of begging: someone please, please, please fix the I/O in 
Parrot!  :)]

This is the initial (.01?) release of a BASIC interpreter written
entirely in Parrot bytecode.  The NOTES below are intended for Parrot

This BASIC is of the fairly old school.  Line numbers are required, and
the following keywords are recognized:

LIST expr-expr
PRINT expr
PRINT expr;   [supress newline]
DIM stringvar(expr)
LET var=expr
FOR var=expr TO expr
FOR var=expr TO expr STEP expr
GOSUB expr
GOTO expr
GO TO expr[syn with GOTO]
IF expr conditional expr THEN STATEMENT
QUIT  [exits interpreter]

* String variables are noted with a trailing $ (as in A$)
* Variable names are \w characters up to 8 in length (compile directive)
* GOSUB/FOR-NEXT may be nested to arbitrary depths.
* Line numbers are positive integers, up to 8-digits in length
* Expressions are evaluated left-to-right with no thought given
  to precedence.  They can be string literals or numeric with a
  mixture of operators (*+-/) and values.
* Conditionals are >, <, =, or ! (not equal)
* Everything is case-sensitive
* Extra things on the end of a line are often ignored.

This was intended as a true interactive BASIC (see NOTES below) so that
any of the variables and statements work from the prompt as well as in the
body of the stored program.  Entering in a new line number overwrites the line
in the existing program

Included in this distribution are the following files, some of which may be
of general interest, some only apply to BASIC:

alpha.pasm  Alpha/Numeric library
dumpstack.pasm  Diagnostic stack dumping
expressions.pasmExpression evaluator
stackops.pasm   Stack operations
tokenize.pasm   A simple string tokenizer

basic.pasm  The instruction dispatcher
basicvar.pasm   Storage/Retrieval of BASIC strings, numbers, code
instructions.pasm   BASIC instructions
test.basSmall BASIC example

basic.plPerl Harness for compiling, starting BASIC in 
mode (see NOTES).  A small sample set of commands is 
in the file.
basic_io.pl Harness for compiling, starting BASIC in interactive
mode (see NOTES).  Not quite finished.

The interactive mode isn't complete, and INPUT still needs to be implemented
(see NOTES).  Otherwise this should be fairly functional.

Parrot's I/O is really broken now.  With all of the registers, stacks, and 
code involved
here doing any kind of I/O breaks BASIC very quickly.  As a self-contained 
program it's
fairly robust.

There's no INPUT statement (yet) and the interactive BASIC doesn't 
work.  I'd really
like both of these to work.  It doesn't feel like BASIC without a friendly 
"Ok>" or
"Ready" prompt.  :)

Included with the distribution is basic_io.pl which attempts to read 
instructions from
STDIN (fd 0).   If you can get this to work *consistently* with larger 
BASIC programs
(i.e. lots and lots of I/O) let me know, I'd really appreciate it.  Try:

basic_io.pl < test.bas

For a taste of SEGV.

Clinton Pierce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"clintp" irc.rhizomatic.net #perl or #parrot

Redistributable under the terms of any current version of Perl

Re: Problems with strings on the stack (small, concise example)

2002-03-22 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 08:43 AM 3/22/2002 -0500, Bryan C. Warnock wrote:
>On Friday 22 March 2002 08:22, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
> > Some patches committed last evening nearly took care of the problem -- at
> > least they appeared to make my small example appear to
> > work.  Sometimes.  :)  Here's a slightly larger but better example that so
> > far hasn't failed to show the stack corruption problem anywhere:
>Here's my output:
>Whammo 26> parrot clint2.pbc
>one<-- save ( ;boundary)
>two<-- save ( ;boundary)
>three<-- save ( ;boundary)
>four<-- save ( ;boundary)
>five<-- save ( ;boundary)
>six<-- save ( ;boundary)
>seven<-- save ( ;boundary)
>eight<-- save ( ;boundary)
>nine<-- save ( ;boundary)
>ten<-- save ( ;boundary)
>eleven<--saved (endproc)

No no.  That's always fine.  Now dump the stack.  That's where the joy is!

Stack Dump: (top to bottom)
0  Str eleven
1  Str ten
2  Str nine
3  Str eight
4  Str seven
5  Str six
6  Str five
7  Str n
8  Str
9  Str e
10  Str ;

Re: Problems with strings on the stack (small, concise example)

2002-03-22 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

Some patches committed last evening nearly took care of the problem -- at 
least they appeared to make my small example appear to 
work.  Sometimes.  :)  Here's a slightly larger but better example that so 
far hasn't failed to show the stack corruption problem anywhere:

 set S2, "one;two;three;four;five;six;seven;eight;nine;ten;eleven"
 set I5, 0# Stack pointer
 set S0, ""   # Accumulating here

 length I0, S2
 eq I0, 0, ENDTOK  # Empty yet?
 substr S1, S2, 0, 1   # Peel off first character
 dec I0
 substr S2, S2, 1, I0
 eq S1, ";", SOMETHING # Break or append chars..
 concat S0, S1
 branch TOKLOOP

 print S0
 print "<-- save ( ;boundary)\n"
 savec S0
 set S0, ""
 inc I5
 branch TOKLOOP

ENDTOK: length I0, S0
 eq I0, 0, TOKBAIL
 inc I5
 print S0
 print "<--saved (endproc)\n"
 savec S0


Problems with strings on the stack (small, concise example)

2002-03-21 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

(p6i cc'd)

Okay, I've got this down to a dozen lines.  I'm using a build pulled from 
CVS two hours ago.  In case what's going on here isn't obvious, I'm 
shifting the first character off of S2 and putting it on the stack until S2 
is finally exhausted.  It's a boiled down version of my tokenizer.

 set S2, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
 set I5, 0# Stack depth
 length I0, S2
 eq I0, 0, DUMP
 substr S1, S2, 0, 1
 dec I0
 substr S2, S2, 1, I0

 inc I5
 savec S1
 branch TOKLOOP

DUMP:  eq I5, 0, BAIL
 restore S0
 print S0
 dec I5
 branch DUMP

With the current build, even using your new savec opcode (or clone), the 
stack gets seriously messed up.   [In this example, the save opcode doesn't 
have the problem!  But in others it does.  I can't get anything to behave 
consistently.  Strings on the stack are just *broke*.]

So for the code given, the output instead of appearing as:


You get the unlikely:


(I think it only *appears* like the stack wrapped on itself, BTW.  In 
larger examples, garbage from elsewhere seems to pollute the stack instead 
of earlier entries like this.)  Dumping larger things on the stack makes 
the problem occur at shallower depths -- sometimes.  It really seems like 
things that have been hanging around on the stack for a while get mashed.

Sorry it took me so long to get this down to something concise.  I wish it 
were smaller, not so critical to me, and a little more consistent.

Re: Various PASM routines

2002-03-19 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 11:24 AM 3/19/2002 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>At 11:15 AM -0500 3/19/02, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
>>What follows are a collection of PASM routines that I've been using while 
>>tinkering with the assembler and parrot.  Feel free to use, mutilate, add 
>>to, discuss, mock.  They are:
>These are cool, and thank you very much. Mind if I update these to match 
>the calling conventions when I get a chance?

Actually, if I knew where to look I'd update them myself.  :)

Various PASM routines

2002-03-19 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

What follows are a collection of PASM routines that I've been using while 
tinkering with the assembler and parrot.  Feel free to use, mutilate, add 
to, discuss, mock.  They are:

a tokenizer
isalpha and isspace
stack routines: sort, replace, peek, reverse
   a stack dump/display

Many of the stack routines need a "magic" register set (I5) to indicate the 
depth of the stack, some do not.  Where needed, it's indicated.  This 
limitation will go away some day.

Don't make fun of the sort, it works and is reasonable for small 
sorts.  :)  If you've got a better idea, patches welcome.  There's probably 
a terribly clever way to sort a stack using only a couple of registers, 
push, pop, and rotate_up.  I'm not that clever.

As soon as the I/O routines are GC safe and readline() takes the correct 
arguments (doesn't play well with OPEN!) I might have some interesting code 
to show these off.  I should probably fix the XML pseudo-Parser to use this 
improved tokenizer.  Hrm..  Sample usage:

set S10, "10 PRINT 'HELLO WORLD'"
restore I5
restore S1  # Line number
dec I5# Stack depth counting.  Grrr..
restore S2  # Keyword (print)
dec I5
restore S3  # Arg ('hello world')
dec i5
# etc...

[I'm not subscribed to p6i, but catch it in archives.  CC 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] if it's important]

# tokenizer
#   Input: string to be parsed on the stack (will be removed)
#  Output: stack contains number of tokens first,
#  then the tokens as seen right to left
# Quotes (single or double) are *preserved* so that
# Foo "bar hlaghalg"
#   is two tokens, and the second is "bar hlaghalg"
set I6, 0# Inquote
set I7, 0# ALPHA
restore S10  # String to tokenize
set I5, 0# Stack pointer
set S9, ""   # Playground
TOKLOOP: length I0, S10
eq I0, 0, ENDTOK
substr S1, S10, 0, 1
dec I0
substr S10, S10, 1, I0

eq S1, "'", QUOTE
eq S1, '"', QUOTE

QUOTE:  ne I6, 0, EOTOK
set I6, 1
set S9, S1
branch TOKLOOP
EOTOK:  set I6, 0
concat S9, S1
save S9
inc I5
set S9, ""
branch TOKLOOP
concat S9, S1
branch TOKLOOP
save S1
restore I2
ne I2, 1, NOTSPACE  # Spaces will end a token
length I0, S9
eq I0, 0, TOKLOOP
save S9
inc I5
set S9, ""
branch TOKLOOP
save S1
restore I0
length I1, S9
ne I1, 0, NOTEMPTY
set S9, S1
set I7, I0
branch TOKLOOP
concat S9, S1
branch TOKLOOP
save S9
inc I5
set S9, S1
set I7, I0
branch TOKLOOP
ENDTOK: length I0, S9
eq I0, 0, TOKBAIL
save S9
inc I5

# User Stack Dump (Debugging.)
#   ** I5 should contain the stack depth,
#   ** until I get some method of determining depth
# Types
#  1 is an int
#  2 is a  num
#  3 is a  string
#  4 is a  PMC
print "Stack Dump: (top to bottom)\n"
set I0, I5
gt I5, 0, DUMPLOOP
print "  -empty-\n"
branch DUMPEND
entrytype I1, 0
print "   "
sub I2, I5, I0
print I2
print "  "
print "Int "
restore I1
save I1
print I1
print "Num "
restore N0
save N0
print N0
print "Str "
restore S1
save S1
print S1
ne I1, 4, DUMPERR
print "PMC "
restore P0
save P0
print P0
print "\n"
rotate_up I5
dec I0
eq I0, 0, DUMPEND
print "UNKNOWN TYPE\n"

# Stack Library
#  This'll get a whole lot cleaner when I can tell the
#  depth of the stack automagically

# peek -- return whatever string is on the stack
#   Inputs: the offset on the stack
#  Outputs: the string
# Non-Destructive!
# Does *not* test for bounds conditions
PEEK:   pushi
restore I0
set I3, I0
inc I0
set I2 0
PLOOP:  ge I2, I3, POL
rotate_up I0
inc I2
branch PLOOP

Re: Request for help in stack processing

2002-03-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

At 04:28 PM 3/15/2002 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
>At 4:01 PM -0500 3/15/02, Clinton A. Pierce wrote:
>>I'm in the midst of writing some routines to debug pasm code, and one of 
>>the things I dearly want is a "stack dump" routine.  I can *almost* code 
>>this in pasm, except I'm missing one last component: a way to tell the 
>>depth of the stack without causing the runtime to bail.
>>Any of the following would help:
>>1. a rotate_up() that doesn't take an argument, instead the WHOLE stack 
>>2. an opcode that will tell me the stack depth
>>3. A mod to rotate_up or entrytype that lets me start indexing from the 
>>*bottom* of the stack.
>>4. some way of harmlessly catching the internal error "Stack Depth Wrong"
>>[I'm not subscribed to p6i, cc me if you can otherwise I'll catch it in 
>>archives.  Thanks.]
>#4 needs to go in when we put in exceptions. Other than that... which do 
>you want? They're all reasonable, and while I don't want to do all of 
>them, any one of #s 1-3 are fine.

#3 is a can of worms best not opened, I think.

#2 on CPU's that I'm familiar with is usually done by querying the stack 
pointer register.  In parrotish:

 set I0, SP
 dec I0
 set SP, I0   # For a pop-without-a-target-register kind of action.

Dunno if that's the kind of design goal you're looking for.  Seems a shame 
to use a whole opcode just for querying/setting the stack depth.  But now 
that I think about it, this might be fun because then you can:

 set I0, SP # Stake in the ground
 save X
 save Y
 save Z etc...
   (bunch of processing)
   ne some_exception_condition, okay

   # Whoops, error.
 set SP, I0 # Go back to your stake
   branch exception_handler

okay:  (more processing)

#1 seems the cleanest, because you don't have to add anything new except 
some parsing bits.  But going through a deep stack would get 
loopy.  :)  Hopefully, other than things like stack dumps, it won't happen 

Sorry I'm so non-commital.  I'm approaching this like a fun little CPU to 
play with, but am (purposefully) trying to avoid developing an agenda or 
inject design.

Request for help in stack processing

2002-03-15 Thread Clinton A. Pierce

I'm in the midst of writing some routines to debug pasm code, and one of 
the things I dearly want is a "stack dump" routine.  I can *almost* code 
this in pasm, except I'm missing one last component: a way to tell the 
depth of the stack without causing the runtime to bail.

Any of the following would help:

1. a rotate_up() that doesn't take an argument, instead the WHOLE stack 
rotates.  I could push a sentinel on the stack before rotating and stop 
when I get back to it.

2. an opcode that will tell me the stack depth, (like a mod to entrytype to 
let me know I've underflowed or something.)

3. A mod to rotate_up or entrytype that lets me start indexing from the 
*bottom* of the stack.  Again, I could use a sentinel to know when to quit.

4. some way of harmlessly catching the internal error "Stack Depth Wrong"

I'd like this stack dump to be unobtrusive, so I can continue processing 
after taking a snapshot of things.  Suggestions?

[I'm not subscribed to p6i, cc me if you can otherwise I'll catch it in 
archives.  Thanks.]