A6: Assignment Overloading

2003-03-13 Thread Luke Palmer
So, now that we have binding, is it possible to overload the
assignment operator?  Does the assignment operator mean value copy
instead of reference copy?



2003-03-13 Thread Aldo Calpini

hello everybody,
I'm just a poor newbie here, so please bear with me :-)

while reading the last Apocalypse I thought that maybe
time has come to write things down (like the recent
effort on properties), so I started to put down a tentative
class hierarchy of the Perl6 language (I call it P6FC for
Perl6 Foundation Classes, but the name may (should? :-)
very well change).

you can find what I've come up so far here:

it's just plain ASCII for now, but I plan to have an XML
file with metadata attached (eg. bibliography, apocalypse
number, references and such) and a dynamically produced
SVG (or something else) graph.

probably I'm not the right person to mantain this (I already
have my problems following p6-internals and I'm not even
subscribed to p6-language), but I just wanted to throw
the idea out.

feel absolutely free to take over the whole stuff or reject
this in disgust :-)


$_=q,just perl,,s, , another ,,s,$, hacker,,print;


2003-03-13 Thread Murat Ünalan

 effort on properties), so I started to put down a tentative 
 class hierarchy of the Perl6 language (I call it P6FC for 
 Perl6 Foundation Classes, but the name may (should? :-) very 
 well change).

A very good idea, but i am afraid that this ML isnt the right

PS: But before reinventing a wheel, i would like to suggest to 
adopt the .NET/Java object hierarchy.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Austin Hastings wrote:

But what's the vision for p6? 

My expectation is that the type-checking stuff will be heavily used
1- Large scale projects.

2- CPAN modules.

I expect that the folks who want to do one-liners will still want to be
able to say Cperl6 -MCPAN whatever
So the strict bits have to be forgiving of the non-strict callers.
To me that's a contradiction in terms. Strictness can't be forgiving.
At the risk of stating the obvious, that's the whole point of strictness:
to be strict.
What we're suggesting is that if you want to be non-strict, don't use types.
After all, they're optional.
But, (I hear you say), I may not have a choice! If the Cruel Module Author 
chose to use types, then I'm forced to do so too. That's not Lazy.

And you're right. The module author gets to determine the interface of their 
module. And if they determine that that interface will provide type-safety, 
then you have to respect that. Just as if they decided that it would have an 
OO interface, or would set PRE and POST conditions on calls, or would only 
take named arguments.

Because the author of the module is *relying* on that interface to ensure the 
correctness of their code; to prevent inappropriate data being passed to their 
subroutines. Typing is yet another way in which they can relax, knowing that 
the wrong type of data will be headed off at the (compiler) pass.

To me, the way around this is NOT to force interface contracts down to
some lowest common denominator, but rather to document what is
expected, and then allow the developer to accept responsibility for
stepping on his crank.
Yep. And the way for the client of some module to accept that responsibility 
is to put in an explicit conversion.

If you say, Give me an Array of Hash of (String = Array of BigNum)
and I say, Here's an Array of Scalars. They're OK, I promise and
things gang agley, it's my fault. I can deal with that.
But large projects -- where typing will be most important -- *can't* deal with 
that. That's the point of typing: to specify and enforce interface contracts. 
At compile-time if at all possible.

But at the bottom, the C++ problem is a problem of its own making --
people want coercion. Just like me. I want coercion. I want the ability
to take advantage of the really nifty, carefully written code available
from dedicated, rigorous hackers like this Conway fellow. But I want to
do it as a slap-dash hack with no thought given to type stuff.  How?
By distinguishing a parameter that *requires* a particular type, from a 
parameter that *ensures* a particular type (by coercion if necessary). I've 
suggested that using Cis copy semantics should indicate make whatever I'm 
actually given into one of these, if you can, whereas reference semantics 
say this must already be one of these (by their very nature, since an 
aliased parameter *is* the argument).

Alternatively, one might imagine a separate and explicit trait that specifies 
that a parameter is allowed to coerce its corresponding argument to it's own type.

But what we can't allow is a reference parameter to coerce its argument. For 

sub loggedincr (Int $i is rw) {
print $log: Incremented $i.id()\n;
$i++ unless $i.constant;
	# and later...

int $x = 7;
The $i parameter *can't* be bound to $x, because $x doesn't have the necessary 
features to be an Int (e.g. it doesn't have the capacity to respond to method 
or property lookups). Even wrapping $x in a temporary Int wouldn't help, since 
it would render the logging of an .id meaningless. The whole point of having 
types is to catch this kind of problem at compile-time.

My own problem with this wrapping notion is that I consider it
incompatible with the reference semantics of normal Perl 6 
parameters. Specifically, I *don't* want the aliasing mechanism to 
be capable of implicit type coercions.
Maybe you could expand on that a little?
See above.

On the other hand, I have *no* problem with this:

sub foo(@a is Array of Int is copy) {...}
doing the kind of coercive wrapping you're suggesting.

What's the difference? (Aside from the obvious, that is...)
Suppose I call:


The difference is that @a above is a lexically scoped variable into
which the contents of the corresponding argument (@x) are copied (i.e. 
assigned). Now it's perfectly possible that the contents of @x can be assigned 
into @a, even if the argument and the parameter are of wildly different types.

But if I say:

sub foo(@a is Array of Int) {...}
then I'm saying: within foo, @a is just another name for @x. So they are 
(temporarily) the same thing. That can only (be allowed to) happen if the 
actual type of @x satisfies all the requirements of the declared type of @a.


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Mark J. Reed wrote:

2- Yeah! ... umm, are we *paying* you for this?
Not any more. In fact, like Larry and several others on the design team, 
I'm now paying for the privilege of doing it. ;-)
If the TPF isn't supporting you folks anymore, what's the best
way for those of us out in the field to contribute financial support
to the development of Perl6?
Thanks Mark. Your desire to support our work in that way means a great deal.

I can't speak for Larry, but in my case the best way to help me help Perl 
nowadays is to help me find people who would like to pay me to train them (or, 
better still, to train their organizations). Since June last year, that's how 
I've been getting by. But the training market is very weak just now, so if you 
know anyone who might be interested in learning from me, I'd deeply appreciate 
hearing about it.

Even if you don't know anyone with an unallocated training budget, it will 
help if you just bear in mind that running a training business is a full time 
occupation in itself, and every day I do manage to find work translates to 
about a week away from Perl 6, what with marketing, and contracts, and 
preparation, and travel, and delivery, and accounting, and etc. Sure, I was 
vastly more productive when Perl was my full-time job. As was Larry. But 
that's no longer possible. Just understanding that and accepting it patiently 
is a genuine way to support us.

I'm sure you can imagine the weight of expectation that must sit upon Larry's 
broad shoulders each time another Apocalypse is due. Or upon my head, when 
each Apocalypse has to subsequently be explained. ;-) It has meant a great 
deal that people like yourselves -- who are so clearly very eager for these 
documents -- have waited so patiently as changing financial circumstances have 
continually slowed the pace at which we can produce them.

And don't write off the Perl Foundation yet. TPF is just about to do a survey 
of what people think they (TPF) should be funding. If you believe Larry and/or 
myself and/or other members of the design or implementation teams are worth 
sponsoring, I'd certainly urge you to respond to that survey when it's 
announced (and, yes, I'll inform the mailing list when that happens).

Meanwhile, Larry wasn't kidding when he wrote:

The next major [apocalypse]...may take a while since (like a lot of people in 
Silicon Valley) I'm in negative cash flow at the moment, and need to figure 
out how to feed my family. But we'll get it done eventually.

He's been in negative cash flow for some time now. As has Dan. As have 
several other members of the design team. That said, we certainly don't 
*expect* the community to fund the work we do. It would be great if they 
could, but as Larry points out many of them are hurting too. Meanwhile, we'll 
keep working on the design as best we can, come what may.

None of us is asking for a hand-out. What we're asking for is that the 
community understand that we're all doing the best we can, within the 
limitations of our individual and collective resources.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Austin Hastings wrote:

 But what's the vision for p6? My expectation is that the
 type-checking stuff will be heavily used
 1- Large scale projects.
 2- CPAN modules.
 I expect that the folks who want to do one-liners will still want to
 able to say Cperl6 -MCPAN whatever
 So the strict bits have to be forgiving of the non-strict

 To me that's a contradiction in terms. Strictness can't be forgiving.
 At the risk of stating the obvious, that's the whole point of strictness:
 to be strict.

 What we're suggesting is that if you want to be non-strict, don't use types.
 After all, they're optional.

 But, (I hear you say), I may not have a choice! If the Cruel Module
 Author chose to use types, then I'm forced to do so too. That's not

 And you're right. The module author gets to determine the interface of
 their module. And if they determine that that interface will provide
 type-safety, then you have to respect that. Just as if they decided
 that it would have an OO interface, or would set PRE and POST
 conditions on calls, or would only take named arguments.

 Because the author of the module is *relying* on that interface to
 ensure the correctness of their code; to prevent inappropriate data
 being passed to their subroutines. Typing is yet another way in which
 they can relax, knowing that the wrong type of data will be headed off
 at the (compiler) pass.

 To me, the way around this is NOT to force interface contracts down to
 some lowest common denominator, but rather to document what is
 expected, and then allow the developer to accept responsibility for
 stepping on his crank.

 Yep. And the way for the client of some module to accept that
 responsibility is to put in an explicit conversion.

Of course, a module author could always layer on a 'non strict'
version of the interface that did the type conversions itself before
passing them into the more stringent internals.

 But at the bottom, the C++ problem is a problem of its own making --
 people want coercion. Just like me. I want coercion. I want the ability
 to take advantage of the really nifty, carefully written code available
 from dedicated, rigorous hackers like this Conway fellow. But I want to
 do it as a slap-dash hack with no thought given to type stuff.  How?

 By distinguishing a parameter that *requires* a particular type, from
 a parameter that *ensures* a particular type (by coercion if
 necessary). I've suggested that using Cis copy semantics should
 indicate make whatever I'm actually given into one of these, if you
 can, whereas reference semantics say this must already be one of
 these (by their very nature, since an aliased parameter *is* the

 Alternatively, one might imagine a separate and explicit trait that
 specifies that a parameter is allowed to coerce its corresponding
 argument to it's own type.

But this would be better. And implementable relatively easily as a
macro if it weren't availabe in the core I would have
thought. Hm... it might be interesting/useful to implement a set of
macros to allow developers to define and export their own traits:

   trait foo (...) is ParameterTrait {

(There's almost certainly a better syntax available mind). 


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 And don't write off the Perl Foundation yet. TPF is just about to do a
 survey of what people think they (TPF) should be funding. If you
 believe Larry and/or myself and/or other members of the design or
 implementation teams are worth sponsoring, I'd certainly urge you to
 respond to that survey when it's announced (and, yes, I'll inform the
 mailing list when that happens).

Well... I've finally got my act together and invoice ORA for the
summary money that's destined for TPF and I would dearly love to see
all of that lump of cash go to Larry. I'd certainly like them to
continue to fund the development of Perl 6 if only because I wouldn't
have to change that stanza of the summary.


Re: A6: macro invocants

2003-03-13 Thread Paul
 The sugar I'm using here is to go from
$db.do_sql(select * from Foo);
$db.select * from Foo;

Since we're fishing, call it a circumfix operator, something like
Like this:

  $db.sql select * from Foo;

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Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:21:25PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: But what we can't allow is a reference parameter to coerce its argument. 
: For example:
:   sub loggedincr (Int $i is rw) {
:   print $log: Incremented $i.id()\n;
:   $i++ unless $i.constant;
:   }
:   # and later...
:   int $x = 7;
:   loggedincr($x);
: The $i parameter *can't* be bound to $x, because $x doesn't have the 
: necessary features to be an Int (e.g. it doesn't have the capacity to 
: respond to method or property lookups).

But we've already said that an int will try to behave like an Int
as much as it can, including calling methods on it as if it were
an Int.  The int is just a hint that you'd like compact storage
and fast loops  And it's probably a stronger hint on an array than
on a solitary scalar.

: Even wrapping $x in a temporary Int 
: wouldn't help, since it would render the logging of an .id meaningless. The 
: whole point of having types is to catch this kind of problem at 
: compile-time.

A proxy Int could certainly calculate its id from the location of the
actual int, if it came down to it, so that different proxy Ints have
the same id.  And if the outer scope establishes the proxy Int at the
same time as it allocates the int, there will only be one of it anyway.

And we'd only need to create the proxy if we know we might be passing it
to an Crw parameter somewhere.  Cconstant parameters on Int, Num, Str
and Ref should be free to implement themselves with copy semantics anyway.
If you want to take a ref to a parameter, you'll have to declare it Cref
or Crw, I suspect.

Things get dicier with viewing an Array of int as an Array of Int, but
again, the Array of Int could know that it's a proxy for an Array of int.
It's just an object with an interface, after all.  And it could generate
smart proxy references as the need arises, in cooperation with the Array
of int as necessary to avoid .id bifurcation.

I am not suggesting that we open up the barn doors to allow anything
to be coerced to anything else willy nilly.  I am suggesting that we
maintain the easy integer - number - string semantics of Perl 5
when the rest of the type system allows it.  Data structures would
still have to be conformant--I'm talking about the leaf semantics,
not the tree semantics.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Angel Faus

Damian Conway wrote:
 But large projects -- where typing will be most important --
 *can't* deal with that. That's the point of typing: to specify and
 enforce interface contracts. At compile-time if at all possible.

One quick question about this. If I write:

  sub foo (Bar $f) {..}

  my $x = some_function_that_returns_bar();

Will this fail because the compiler _requires_ that the type be known 
at compile-time, or will it work because it will the delay the 
type-checking until run-time?


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:21:25PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: But if I say:
:   sub foo(@a is Array of Int) {...}
:   ...
:   foo(@x);
: then I'm saying: within foo, @a is just another name for @x. So they are 
: (temporarily) the same thing. That can only (be allowed to) happen if the 
: actual type of @x satisfies all the requirements of the declared type of @a.

Which condition holds if @x is an array of Scalar!  Because a Scalar
polymorphically supports the Int, Num, Str, and Ref interfaces.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 06:28:00PM +0100, Angel Faus wrote:
: Damian Conway wrote:
:  But large projects -- where typing will be most important --
:  *can't* deal with that. That's the point of typing: to specify and
:  enforce interface contracts. At compile-time if at all possible.
: One quick question about this. If I write:
:   sub foo (Bar $f) {..}
:   my $x = some_function_that_returns_bar();
:   foo($x);
: Will this fail because the compiler _requires_ that the type be known 
: at compile-time, or will it work because it will the delay the 
: type-checking until run-time?

In the absence of a pragma to the contrary, type checking will be done
at run time when the type can't be determined at compile time.  But
surely the SMBD types will create a pragma that requires the type
to be known at compile time.


a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Dutton
This may have been asked before, and I apologize if I somehow missed it, 
but can junctions be used for multiple properties?

I can see it possibly being useful in a situation like the 
following(which may be completely off, as I'm still digging my way 
through A6):

class Foo {
method bar is public is rw {

class Foo {
method bar is public  rw {
Guess it just reads a bit better to me.

And you might even be able to do some weird stuff like:

class Foo {
method bar is public | rw {
Whereby bar is only an lvalue subroutine/method internally.

Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:47:19PM -0500, Chris Dutton wrote:
 This may have been asked before, and I apologize if I somehow missed it, 
 but can junctions be used for multiple properties?
 I can see it possibly being useful in a situation like the 
 following(which may be completely off, as I'm still digging my way 
 through A6):
 class Foo {
  method bar is public is rw {
 class Foo {
  method bar is public  rw {
 Guess it just reads a bit better to me.

I don't think that junctions make sense here.  Besides, the is is

class Foo { 
method bar is public rw const frob knob { ... }

Jonathan Scott Duff

Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Austin Hastings wrote:
  But what's the vision for p6? 
  My expectation is that the type-checking stuff will be heavily used
  1- Large scale projects.
  2- CPAN modules.
  I expect that the folks who want to do one-liners will still want
 to be
  able to say Cperl6 -MCPAN whatever
  So the strict bits have to be forgiving of the non-strict
 To me that's a contradiction in terms. Strictness can't be
 forgiving. At the risk of stating the obvious, that's the 
 whole point of strictness: to be strict.

Of course strictness can be forgiving. That's why the Insert Coin
slots on soda machines have a beveled slot -- they expect the user to
be a little uncoordinated, but once inside it's going to be all

 What we're suggesting is that if you want to be non-strict, don't use
 types. After all, they're optional.
 But, (I hear you say), I may not have a choice! If the Cruel
 Module Author chose to use types, then I'm forced to do so too. 
 That's not Lazy.
 And you're right. The module author gets to determine the interface
 of their module. And if they determine that that interface will
 provide type-safety, then you have to respect that. Just as if 
 they decided that it would have an OO interface, or would set 
 PRE and POST conditions on calls, or would only take named 
 Because the author of the module is *relying* on that interface to
 ensure the correctness of their code; to prevent inappropriate data
 being passed to their subroutines. Typing is yet another way in 
 which they can relax, knowing that the wrong type of data will be
 headed off at the (compiler) pass.

But this isn't really true, is it? When you come down to cases, you can
construct a case wherein the wrong type of data gets coerced into the
round hole in every language.

sub foo($a is Int);

my $line = Hello, World;
my Int $i ::= $line;

foo($i);   # Compiles okay, doesn't work.

So the module author is relying on the module user to make sure that
the intent of the interface is satisfied. The type bits are there to
help them communicate, and the let the compiler jab the willing user in
the ribs when he goofs.

  To me, the way around this is NOT to force interface contracts down
  some lowest common denominator, but rather to document what is
  expected, and then allow the developer to accept responsibility for
  stepping on his crank.
 Yep. And the way for the client of some module to accept that
 is to put in an explicit conversion.

This statement gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Perl5 ==[*]= Java/C

extern long factorial(int);
char buf [BUFMAX];

while (gets(buf))
  if (want_fact())
int i;

i = atoi(buf);
printf(%ld, factorial(i));


use Math qw(factorial(Int $));
my $line;

while ($line = )
  if (want_fact())
my Int $i = $line;   # Or do I need Cmy Int $i = $line.Int; ?
print factorial($i);

Say it ain't so, Joe!

  If you say, Give me an Array of Hash of (String = Array of
  and I say, Here's an Array of Scalars. They're OK, I promise and
  things gang agley, it's my fault. I can deal with that.
 But large projects -- where typing will be most important -- *can't*
 deal with that. That's the point of typing: to specify and enforce 
 interface contracts. At compile-time if at all possible.

The large project folks will have the standard Cuse ludicrous
typesafety; at the top of their files, so no problem.

  But at the bottom, the C++ problem is a problem of its own making
  -- people want coercion. Just like me. I want coercion. I want 
  the ability to take advantage of the really nifty, carefully 
  written code available from dedicated, rigorous hackers like 
  this Conway fellow. But I want to do it as a slap-dash hack 
  with no thought given to type stuff. How?

 By distinguishing a parameter that *requires* a particular type, 
 from a parameter that *ensures* a particular type (by coercion 
 if necessary). I've suggested that using Cis copy semantics 
 should indicate make whatever I'm actually given into one of 
 these, if you can, whereas reference semantics say this must
 already be one of these (by their very nature, since an 
 aliased parameter *is* the argument).

Hmm. Granted that references must be basically correct when you use
them, there's really two cases here:

1- I give you something that's just wrong, but convertible. Example:
Array of int/Int.

In this case, I'm not sure that 

2- I give you something that I know is right, but I don't have all the
type fluff attached. Example: Int/Scalar.

In this case, the data is essentially right, and I need a way to tell
the typechecker: Hey, I'm right! Shaddap.

Consider the case of an XML datastore:

list name=aitem value=1/item value=2/item value=3//list
list name=bitem value=4/item value=5/item value=6//list
list name=citem 

Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 11:31:30AM -0800, Austin Hastings wrote:
: Everyone Knows that an Int is a Scalar, and therefore a sub that has
: a Scalar parameter can safely be passed an Int. This is normal.
: What I want is the ability to do the opposite: Silence the warning that
: occurs when I pass a Scalar to a sub expecting an Int.

I don't see a problem.  Scalar == Int|Num|Str|Ref, so Scalar.isa(Int).


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:13:27PM -0600, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
: I don't think that junctions make sense here.  Besides, the is is
: optional:
:   class Foo { 
:   method bar is public rw const frob knob { ... }
:   }

That feature is still in Schroedinger's little box.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Paul
 I don't see a problem.  Scalar == Int|Num|Str|Ref, so

Scalar.isa(Int)  Int.isa(Scalar) 

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Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Mark Biggar
Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:47:19PM -0500, Chris Dutton wrote:

This may have been asked before, and I apologize if I somehow missed it, 
but can junctions be used for multiple properties?

I can see it possibly being useful in a situation like the 
following(which may be completely off, as I'm still digging my way 
through A6):

class Foo {
method bar is public is rw {

class Foo {
method bar is public  rw {
Guess it just reads a bit better to me.

I don't think that junctions make sense here.  Besides, the is is
	class Foo { 
		method bar is public rw const frob knob { ... }
What we do need is some way of bundling a bunch of traits together
under a simple name.  This is especially useful for long involved
types.  Some of the type name examples in A6 are very long and
if you needed to use the type several places, are not only a pain to
type but you run into the is it real the same every where problem
and the did I change it every where problem.  As a general principle
any time you have a long complicated token string that need to be
use multiple places, you need a way to assign it a short hand name.
Yes, a string macro will do it, but has a couple of problems:
1) difficult to generate associated error messages
2) macros are very heavy weight for this
Defining a Class for this is also overkill.

Maybe something like

rule traitdef :w { trait ident trait* ; }

So instead of saying:

my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;
sub feed (%cats is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat) {...}
You could say
trait cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat;
my cat_table %pet;
sub feed (cat_table %cats) {...}
Mark Biggar

Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 12:04  PM, Mark Biggar wrote:
What we do need is some way of bundling a bunch of traits together
under a simple name.
Yes, yes, yes.

Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
Ye.. well, no.  Why?

So instead of saying:

my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;
sub feed (%cats is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat) {...}
You could say
trait cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
of Array of Cat;
my cat_table %pet;
sub feed (cat_table %cats) {...}
I think classes are not necessarily the heavyweights some people might 
expect them to be...  I think of them more as types, actually.  
Basically, if you replaced the word 'trait' with 'class', I think the 
current plan is that you can do exactly what you're suggesting:

class CatTable is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

my %pet is CatTable;
sub feed (%cats is CatTable);
(note I fixed the last lines to use the right syntax... before, you 
were actually saying that %pet was a Hash of CatTables...)


ISSUE: How is Cis variadic spelled? (was Re: A6: Signature zones and such)

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Wednesday, March 12, 2003, at 04:07  PM, Piers Cawley wrote:
Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Can we get a final answer, for the (documented) record?

@list is variadic
@list is slurpy
@list is greedy
@list is slurpificatious
@list is slurptacular
@list is bloated
  @list is greedy

Cis greedy or Cis variadic are both good with me too.

As cute as Cis slurpy is, I'm not sure it's as obvious.  And us 
American types will get it confused with the 7-11 spelling Cis 
slurpee, probably.  :-)

POMTC, 0.0005%.  Don't care what it is, as long as it is.


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 12:04  PM, Mark Biggar wrote:
  What we do need is some way of bundling a bunch of traits together
  under a simple name.
 Yes, yes, yes.
  Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
 Ye.. well, no.  Why?

Unless you mean trait-classes, because I may want the same common set
of traits to apply to multiple distinct things (different classes,
objects, whatever).


type cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash is traits_only;


type cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash;

More to the point:

type sigfunc is interrupt is reentrant;

sub sig_ign() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_kill() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_intr() is sigfunc {...}

type null but defined but false;

return undef but null;


  So instead of saying:
  my %pet is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;
  sub feed (%cats is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
  of Array of Cat) {...}
  You could say
  trait cat_table is Hash of Array of Array of Hash
  of Array of Cat;
  my cat_table %pet;
  sub feed (cat_table %cats) {...}
 I think classes are not necessarily the heavyweights some people
 expect them to be...  I think of them more as types, actually.  
 Basically, if you replaced the word 'trait' with 'class', I think the
 current plan is that you can do exactly what you're suggesting:
  class CatTable is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of
  my %pet is CatTable;
  sub feed (%cats is CatTable);
 (note I fixed the last lines to use the right syntax... before, you 
 were actually saying that %pet was a Hash of CatTables...)

Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Dave Whipp
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
Ye.. well, no.  Why?
  class Foo is Bar; # normal inheritance
  class Baz is Bar; # the thing that we are over-killing
  Foo.isa(Baz) == FALSE;

A lightweight, typedef-like mechanism behaves differently:

  class Foo is Bar;
  typedef Baz is Bar;
  Foo.isa(Baz) == TRUE;

The problem biols down to the fact that inheritance hierarchies are, um, 
hierarchies -- trees. The lightwieght mechanism provides aliases for 
nodes within the tree, thus all descendent nodes are also descendents of 
the aliases.


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Chris Dutton
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 02:13 PM, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:

I don't think that junctions make sense here.  Besides, the is is
class Foo {
method bar is public rw const frob knob { ... }
Ah yes, I'd forgotten about this.   Thanks.  Still I wonder a bit about 
the idea of mutually exclusive properties, where one can take effect if 
the other(s) doesn't make sense in the current context.

Getting mired in life can really detract from following the developments 
in this community.

Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
More to the point:

type sigfunc is interrupt is reentrant;

sub sig_ign() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_kill() is sigfunc {...}
sub sig_intr() is sigfunc {...}
This is WAGging based on A6, but I guess I see things like this as 
being implemented by making subs that inherit from subs:

   class sigfunc is sub (...default signature...) is interrupt is 

   sub sig_ign(...alternate signature...) is sigfunc {...}
   sub sig_kill is sigfunc {...}
   sub sig_intr is sigfunc {...}
   sigfunc sig_foo {...}  # could you also say it like this, I wonder?

Since Csub is itself a class, you can subclass it.  And since A6 
indicates that the signature, traits, and even implementing body are 
just properties of a given Csub object, you should be able to 
override them individually if you want, for example, an alternate 
signature.  At least, I'm hoping something like that works -- there's a 
lot of guessing there.

type null but defined but false;

return undef but null;
Hmm... I'm not entirely sure how that works for runtime properties... 
but what about

   class null is void but defined but false;

   return undef but null;

Would something like that that be OK?  Essentially using 'void' as a 
marker that you're defining a (heh) classless class?  I'd really like 
to avoid making a separate keyword for combining traits, I'd love for 
it to just use the normal class inheritance mechanisms.

class CatTable is Hash of Array of Array of Hash of Array of Cat;

my %pet is CatTable;
sub feed (%cats is CatTable);

Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Michael Lazzaro
On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:23  PM, Dave Whipp wrote:
Michael Lazzaro wrote:

Defining a Class for this is also overkill.
Ye.. well, no.  Why?
  class Foo is Bar; # normal inheritance
  class Baz is Bar; # the thing that we are over-killing
  Foo.isa(Baz) == FALSE;

A lightweight, typedef-like mechanism behaves differently:

  class Foo is Bar;
  typedef Baz is Bar;
  Foo.isa(Baz) == TRUE;
Ah, I get it.  But why would you want that -- treating Foo and Baz as 
synonymous?  Shouldn't you always be using Baz instead of Foo, if you 
really mean Baz and not Foo, and vice versa?  Because later on, if you 
changed it such that:

   class Foo is Bar;
   typedef Baz is Bar is blarpy;
   Foo.isa(Baz) == FALSE;  # BOOM!

...which would break anything that relied on the symmetry.

Mind you, I'm not really against the idea, I'm just devil's advocating 
-- trying to think whether we really need the feature or whether we 
just _think_ we need it because we're all used to it from C, when in 
fact P6 will provide better ways of doing it.  (?)


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Thursday, March 13, 2003, at 01:05  PM, Austin Hastings wrote:
  More to the point:
  type sigfunc is interrupt is reentrant;
  sub sig_ign() is sigfunc {...}
  sub sig_kill() is sigfunc {...}
  sub sig_intr() is sigfunc {...}
 This is WAGging based on A6, but I guess I see things like this as 
 being implemented by making subs that inherit from subs:
 class sigfunc is sub (...default signature...) is interrupt is 
 sub sig_ign(...alternate signature...) is sigfunc {...}
 sub sig_kill is sigfunc {...}
 sub sig_intr is sigfunc {...}
 sigfunc sig_foo {...}  # could you also say it like this, I
 Since Csub is itself a class, you can subclass it.  

You are a bad, evil man for reminding me of this. I have yet to
brainvomit about stack-streams. (I have found an interesting analogy
between subs/blocks and streaming video compression, but it is too
large to fit in the margin :-)

 And since A6 indicates that the signature, traits, and even 
 implementing body are just properties of a given Csub object,
 you should be able to override them individually if you want, for
 example, an alternate signature.  At least, I'm hoping something 
 like that works -- there's a lot of guessing there.

Which reminds me that sigfuncs aren't is reentrant. They're but

my sub foo = sig_kill;  # foo is but interrupt reentrant, too.

Which points in the direction of sticky value traits, and sticky
value traits is a synonym for class. 

So you're right -- this case is a class extension. But then the
question becomes how easy is it to override a class like this?

 sub sig_kill is sigfunc {...}
 sub sig_intr is sigfunc {...}
 sigfunc sig_foo {...}  # could you also say it like this, I

Well, no. That's going to look like a function returning a sigfunc.
Obviously we're walking on an edge-case. (Lucky for me that you're Mr.
Edge-Case, eh?)

  type null but defined but false;
  return undef but null;
 Hmm... I'm not entirely sure how that works for runtime properties...
 but what about
 class null is void but defined but false;
 return undef but null;
 Would something like that that be OK?  Essentially using 'void' as a 
 marker that you're defining a (heh) classless class?  I'd really like
 to avoid making a separate keyword for combining traits, I'd love for
 it to just use the normal class inheritance mechanisms.

Cool if you can get it. But I want to be able to handle all sorts of

my macro sucks() is parsed(/null/) { is slurpificatious }

class foo_arg is rw is copy is coerced is optional;

sub foo( $v is foo_arg, @x is foo_arg sucks) {...}


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Larry Wall
On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 01:47:19PM -0500, Chris Dutton wrote:
: This may have been asked before, and I apologize if I somehow missed it, 
: but can junctions be used for multiple properties?
: I can see it possibly being useful in a situation like the 
: following(which may be completely off, as I'm still digging my way 
: through A6):
: class Foo {
: method bar is public is rw {
: }
: }
: Becoming:
: class Foo {
: method bar is public  rw {
: }
: }
: Guess it just reads a bit better to me.

Er, I'm not sure how that would actually be implemented.

: And you might even be able to do some weird stuff like:
: class Foo {
: method bar is public | rw {
: }
: }
: Whereby bar is only an lvalue subroutine/method internally.

You're already confusing or with xor.  This does not bode well...


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Luke Palmer
 Ah, I get it.  But why would you want that -- treating Foo and Baz as 
 synonymous?  Shouldn't you always be using Baz instead of Foo, if you 
 really mean Baz and not Foo, and vice versa?  Because later on, if you 
 changed it such that:
 class Foo is Bar;
 typedef Baz is Bar is blarpy;
 Foo.isa(Baz) == FALSE;  # BOOM!
 ...which would break anything that relied on the symmetry.

Ahh, but I think it is important.  When programming in C++ I use
typedefs all over the place for various reasons.  A typedef is more
than a class that behaves exactly the same... it's more of a pointer.
To a data type.  It allows you to do stuff like type-linked-lists
(typelists Alexandrescu calls them), and without it, these things
would actually be impossible.

Of course, in the realm of Perl, things might not be so important.
Because of Perl's power, typelists and their siblings aren't all that
useful.  You could, I imagine, get about the same effect with:

my $Baz is constant = Bar is blarpy;

With the psychological disadvantage of holding a type in a

[But then he remembers the := operator]

class Baz := Bar is blarpy;

I've seen the design team refer to things like this, so I think we've
got it.

Oh, on an off-topic note, Modern C++ Design is a super spiffy book.
People who wonder what C++ has on Java haven't read this book :).


Re: a thought on multiple properties

2003-03-13 Thread Austin Hastings

--- Michael Lazzaro [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  A lightweight, typedef-like mechanism behaves differently:
class Foo is Bar;
typedef Baz is Bar;
Foo.isa(Baz) == TRUE;
 Ah, I get it.  But why would you want that -- treating Foo and Baz as

Treating BAR and BAZ as synonymous. Coincidentally, Foo is Bar.

 Mind you, I'm not really against the idea, I'm just devil's
 -- trying to think whether we really need the feature or whether we 
 just _think_ we need it because we're all used to it from C, when in 
 fact P6 will provide better ways of doing it.  (?)

macro *defmacro($t1, @rest is variadic) is parsed(/token token+ ;/)
  eval macro *$t1 is parsed(/null/) { return @rest.join(' '); };

defmacro Baz Bar;

m4, anyone?


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Piers Cawley
Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Piers Cawley) writes:
 Well... I've finally got my act together and invoice ORA for the
 summary money that's destined for TPF and I would dearly love to see
 all of that lump of cash go to Larry.

 Yay, another attempt to confuse me and ORA's payments division. ;) I'll
 see what can be done.

Nope, send it to TPF as discussed. It's what I've said in all the
summaries after all. I just hope that a chunk of it ends up in Larry's


Re: A6: Signature zones and such

2003-03-13 Thread Smylers
Brent Dax writes:

 Damian Conway:
 # Brent Dax wrote:
 #method x ($me: $req, ?$opt, +$namedop, *%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }
 #  Yikes.  And I thought we were trying to get *away* from 
 #  line noise?  
 #  :^)

However that's an example explicitly demonstrating all the variations.
In practice I'd've thought that many people will have a coding style
that nearly-always uses positional parameters and that many other people
will always use named parameters.  And a C? to make an argument
optional isn't that hard to remember.

 #  Seriously, can't we use something rather prettier, like this?
 #method x($me: $req, $opt is optional, $namedop is 
 #  named, *%named, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) { ... }
 # It's quite possible that the following equivalences might hold:
 # ?$xsame as$x is optional
 # +%ysame as%y is named
 # So that you could choose.

I don't like the alternatives being available.  Having more than one way
to approach things (named or positional parameters; typed or untyped
variables) is good; having more than one syntax for doing exactly the
same thing can be confusing.

Yes, there are other places in Perl with alternative syntaxes.
Cqq[...] for C... is very useful.  But it's at least similar
(punctuation before and after some text) and there's an excellent reason
why the 'standard' syntax is defective in some circumstances, and most
people use which ever syntax is most appropriate for the text in

And there are places where an alternative syntax has been declined -- or
at least declined as a standard part of the language, leaving people
free to define equivalences if they want -- such as comments with
something other than C#.

My problem with the above alternatives is that they make the language
bigger: there's more to learn.  Even if as an individual you decide just
to use on of the forms[*0] you still have to know the other version,
because you're going to encounter other people's code using it.

Things like this make Perl awkward to teach.  For things like Cqq
there's an obvious benefit, and it's worth it.  But there doesn't seem
to be a benefit here, merely different people having different
preferences (which isn't surprising).  Permitting both syntaxes (so that
people with a strong preference can use the one they personally prefer
and grimace at code written by those of the opposite persuasion) is an
uneasy compromise.

I'm concerned that this is an example of the 'Mozilla preferences
problem': many discussions on features in 'Mozilla' led to the addition
of another preference so that different people can have the feature work
different ways.  This shuts up both sides (of those who had strong views
either way), while bloating the program with yet another confusing
preference setting and baffling casual users as to why it contains so
many options rather than working right in the first place.

The second problem with the alternatives is that somebody who uses the
symbolic version and gets used to using it may scan a parameter
declaration that uses the wordy form.  But not being used to the wordy
form, the crucial traits aren't spotted among the other words in there,
so he/she misinterprets the declaration.

It's not just a case of knowing about the alternative syntax, but the
fact that every time you read a declaration you have to check for both
versions -- well, that's either a required positional parameter, or
it's something else which'll be described in a few words' time once I've
got past the type of this variable and a few other traits.

I'm not particularly bothered which syntax we choose (40% in favour of
the symbolic over the wordy) but much more concerned (85%) about there
only being _one_ syntax.  (In other words, I'd rather not have the
syntax that I prefer than have multiple alternative syntaxes).

  [*0]  And it strikes me as quite likely that most people will fix on
  one of them -- why would anybody flip between them? -- which provides
  another source of pointless style arguments.


Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Larry Wall wrote:

On Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 10:21:25PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
: But if I say:
: 	sub foo(@a is Array of Int) {...}
: 	...
: 	foo(@x);
: then I'm saying: within foo, @a is just another name for @x. So they are 
: (temporarily) the same thing. That can only (be allowed to) happen if the 
: actual type of @x satisfies all the requirements of the declared type of @a.

Which condition holds if @x is an array of Scalar!  Because a Scalar
polymorphically supports the Int, Num, Str, and Ref interfaces.
Err, sorry, no it doesn't.

Either Scalar is the superclass of those four, in which case a Scalar isn't
sufficient to satisfy the requirements of an Int; or Scalar is a disjunction 
of those four, in which case it's still not guaranteed that whatever the 
Scalar is holding will satisfy the requirements of an Int.

As I said before it comes down to whether a parameter type is a specification 

a) The argument passed here must be something that could conceivably
   not cause the program to crash and burn, and we'll verify that at
   run-time if necessary.

b) The argument passed here must be something that will definitely
   not cause the program to crash and burn, and we'll verify that at
I'm arguing that the former is well-nigh useless, and that the latter is what 
large systems developers and optimizer writers have been begging for. Besides 
which, the latter gives you the former. If you don't care about compile-time 
type checking, declare the *parameter* as Scalar, and let it accept anything.

But if type-specialized parameters are allowed to take *anything*, then 
they're nigh on worthless, except as a (third) coercion mechanism (in addition 
to explicit int($x), +$x, ~$x; and implicit contextual coercions).


Re: A6: overloading multis on constness of parameters

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Piers Cawley wrote:

Speaking of multis and constants, Greg McCarroll wondered on IRC if
this would work:
multi factorial (Int 0) { 1 }
multi factorial (Int $n) { $n * factorial($n-1) }
Probably not. We did discuss whether multimethods should be able to be 
overloaded by value, but concluded (for that week, at least ;-) that this
might prove syntactically excessive.

Besides which, since multimethod dispatch will have to use Cisa to determine 
type compatibility on parameters anyway, it's trivial to implement this form 
of value-based dispatch yourself:

 class Zero {
 multi *isa ($obj, Zero $class) { $obj ~~ 0 }
 # and then...

 multi factorial (IntZero $g) { 1 }

or, supposing we have some form of parameterized types, you could create 
something more generic like:

 class Val($N) {
multi *isa ($obj, Val($N) $class) { $obj ~~ $N }
 # and then...

 multi factorial (IntVal(0) $g) { 1 }



Re: A6: Assignment Overloading

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Luke Palmer wrote:

So, now that we have binding, is it possible to overload the
assignment operator?  
Not really. The problem is that Cinfix:= is really an operator on 
*containers*, not on *values*. So, in order to overload C=, you'll still 
need to define an appropriate CSTORE method on the appropriate 
implementation class for the container. Whether CSTORE can also be spelled 
Cinfix:= is another question.

Does the assignment operator mean value copy
instead of reference copy?
The assignment operator means copy rhs's value into lhs's container.
The binding operator means copy (reference to) rhs's container into lhs's 
symbol table entry.


Re: A6: overloading multis on constness of parameters

2003-03-13 Thread Luke Palmer
 or, supposing we have some form of parameterized types, you could create 
 something more generic like:
   class Val($N) {
  multi *isa ($obj, Val($N) $class) { $obj ~~ $N }
   # and then...
   multi factorial (IntVal(0) $g) { 1 }

Yes, YES!  Marvelous!

Not that that couldn't be done with a closure anyway...

  my Class %valClasses;

  sub Val($N) returns Class {
my Class $rclass = %valClasses{$N} //= class {
  multi *isa ($obj, $rclass $class) { $obj ~~ $N }

multi factorial (Int  Val(0) $g) { 1 }

Hmm, would Val(0) be evaluated at compile-time in that case... or must
I mark it with some sort of trait, or do some other kind of trick.

Cool, anyhow.


Re: A6: overloading multis on constness of parameters

2003-03-13 Thread Damian Conway
Luke Palmer wrote:

Not that that couldn't be done with a closure anyway...

  my Class %valClasses;
  sub Val($N) returns Class {
my Class $rclass = %valClasses{$N} //= class {
  multi *isa ($obj, $rclass $class) { $obj ~~ $N }

multi factorial (Int  Val(0) $g) { 1 }
I don't think so. I seriously doubt you can put a run-time-evaluated sub call 
in a type specification visions of Dan fainting in horror ;-)
A Cmacro might do the trick though.

Oh, and I was wrong to originally write: Cmulti *isa ...
Multimethods live in their own namespace. No * required.

RE: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Brent Dax
Damian Conway:
#   a) The argument passed here must be something that 
# could conceivably
# not cause the program to crash and burn, and 
# we'll verify that at
#  run-time if necessary.
# or:
#   b) The argument passed here must be something that will 
# definitely
# not cause the program to crash and burn, and 
# we'll verify that at
#  compile-time.
# I'm arguing that the former is well-nigh useless, and that 
# the latter is what 
# large systems developers and optimizer writers have been 
# begging for. Besides 
# which, the latter gives you the former. If you don't care 
# about compile-time 
# type checking, declare the *parameter* as Scalar, and let it 
# accept anything.

IMO, the semantics should be something like this:

Assume F is the type of the formal parameter and A is the type
of the actual parameter.
If A isa F, we're fine.
If F isa A, defer type checking to runtime.
Else, pitch a fit.

Since the default type is Object and any type isa Object, untyped formal
parameters are checked at compile time and untyped actual parameters
are checked at runtime.

That's the semantics for strict typing, anyway...

# But if type-specialized parameters are allowed to take 
# *anything*, then 
# they're nigh on worthless, except as a (third) coercion 
# mechanism (in addition 
# to explicit int($x), +$x, ~$x; and implicit contextual coercions).

What's wrong with that?  It gives us a way to ensure that we have a
suitable object without having to remember to check ourselves.

I think that there should be two types of arg typing[1]: 'strict' and
'loose'.  Strict arg typing doesn't coerce, except to turn subclasses
into superclasses; loose arg typing, on the other hand, coerces whenever
possible.  The mechanism for choosing between strict and loose arg
typing should be under the caller's control, not the callee's.  (The
callee decides what types they want, and the caller decides how to
create those types.  This seems consistent with Perl's philosophy of
being flexible and making BD optional.)

Strict arg typing should be under the control of the 'strict' pragma,
and should be in strict's default export list.  This would mean that the
BD would be off by default but easy to turn on.

[1] Perhaps this should be generalized to strict and loose coercion; I'm
not really sure yet.  (Under strict coercion, adding an Int and a Str
would be an error, instead of coercing the Str into an Int.)

@roles=map {Parrot $_} qw(embedding regexen Configure)

How do you test this 'God' to prove it is who it says it is?
If you're God, you know exactly what it would take to convince me. Do
--Marc Fleury on alt.atheism

Re: A6: Strict signature checking - was: Complex Parameter Types

2003-03-13 Thread Dave Whipp
Damian Conway wrote:
b) The argument passed here must be something that will definitely
   not cause the program to crash and burn, and we'll verify 
that at

I'm arguing that the former is well-nigh useless, and that the latter is 
what large systems developers and optimizer writers have been begging 
for. Besides which, the latter gives you the former. If you don't care 
about compile-time type checking, declare the *parameter* as Scalar, and 
let it accept anything.
Module writers should always write their code to high standards of 
safety. Client code, OTOH, should be able to be more sloppy -- 
especially for one-liners. But I agree that (b) should be the goal: I 
agree run-time type checking is well-nigh useless.

But, the definition of compile-time checking can be broad. Firstly, we 
should distinguish between things that are explicitly typed, and things 
that are not. If a user does not specify the type of a value, then the 
compiler should make a best-effort attempt to infer the type from what 
it does know. e.g.

  sub foo () returns Int { 6 }
  sub bar (Int $a) { print $a+1 }
  my $a = foo;
In this case, the user has chosen not to give an explicit type to $a, 
but a trivial dataflow analysis will determine that type. The default 
mode (in non-strict contexts) should be to infer the type.

I just re-read A1, the RFC:16 discussion. Larry seems to say that, 
outside of class definitions, strictness will not be the default. Such 
code is never very large (well, OK, I've seen some bad scripts: but hard 
cases make bad law), so we can afford to let the compiler do some work 
to do all the necessary inference ... and even insert coercion code if 
necessary. If performance becomes an issue, then the script writer will 
clean up the code.

A quick list of the possible cases -- the compiler might determine (via 
type inference) that a binding is:

  definitely not safe: can't even be coerced -- always an error
  definitely safe, no corercion needed -- always OK
  definitely safe if we corerce -- OK in non-strict contexts
  undecidable -- error in strict contexts, else compile-time warning
Which brings us back to the question of what is coercable. I'd say that 
we should only permit implicit coercion where a user has not used 
explicit typing; but there should be a simple prefix operator to enable 
coercion of typed things. Perhaps the splat operator could serve here:

  my Str $a = ;
  my Int $b = $a;# Error -- $a is explicitly typed as Str
  my Int $c = $a.num # OK -- explicit corcion
  my Int $d = *$a;   # OK -- splat permits implicit coercion

another response to apo6 transfinite semantics challenge

2003-03-13 Thread david nicol

  However, if you access the last element using the length of the array,
  it may try to flatten, and fail:
  my @flat = (1..Inf, 1..10);
  $last = @[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 1];   # Kaboom!

How about negative indices?  We have negative indices in the slice()
semantics; what if 

$last = @array[-1]

always worked?

David Nicol, independent consultant and contractor
perl -Mcoroutine0 -e'$c=new coroutine0 VARS=[],BODY=qYIELD 74;
YIELD 65;YIELD 80;YIELD 72; YIELD 10;;for(;;){print chr($c||die)};'