Re: comprehensive list of perl6 rule tokens

2005-06-02 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 09:19:22PM +0200, "TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" wrote:
> >I think the state object ought to have some sort of base type -- 
> >is it Grammar?  Rule?  If we say it's a "Rule", then we're 
> >effectively saying that "applying a Rule to a target results 
> >in a Rule object containing the state of the match", which just
> >sounds completely wrong to my ears/eyes (even though it may in 
> >fact be correct).
> It sounds perfectly to my ears. You should think of ordinary
> subs as classes and calls to them as instances of that class.
> The environment created at runtime for such an invokation actually
> *is* a sub object. [...]

Okay, viewing it that way makes me quite a bit more comfortable with it.  
I've also re-read parts of A05 (and S12 and S06) that seem to help 
to clear things up a bit.  Specifically, A05 says

   In this case a rule is simply a method in a grammar class, 
   and a grammar class is any class derived implicitly or 
   explicitly from the universal [Rule] grammar class.

I take from this that

grammar Foo { ... }

creates a class Foo derived from Rule, and any rules declared in the
braces are (class) methods of Foo that create instances of Foo.  
Combined with other statements, this also means that match objects are 
instances of either Rule or the grammar method used to create them.

I also guess this means we really don't need a C type
as mentioned in S06, since that's being covered by Rule.  Or
perhaps Grammar is an abstract subclass of Rule and the C
statement derives new grammars from Grammar.

A05 also mentions

The built-in regex assertions like C<<  >> are 
really just calls to methods in the [Rule] class.

which works well for me for the time being.

So, returning to invocants, and throwing in lexically scoped rules
to boot, consider the following.  (This may more properly belong on
p6c, but since the thread started here I'll keep it here for a message
or two until it becomes obvious it belongs somewhere else.)

grammar Foo {
rule alpha { <[abcdef]> }
rule beta  { + + }

my rule alpha { <[uvwxyz]> }
my rule beta { + + }

m :w /   /

We have to get the code for each of the two "beta" rules to properly 
dispatch to the appropriate grammar-scoped or lexically-scoped rule,
and get the appropriate invocant.  The process appears to be:

1. If the subrule is scoped (e.g., ), then dispatch
   to Foo.beta(target,pos).
2. If the subrule is not scoped (e.g., ), then look for
   a lexically-scoped subrule of the same name -- i.e., 
   beta(target, pos) and call that if it exists.  Otherwise, 
   call $/.beta(target, pos).  

In each case, the subrule returns a match object of the same type 
as its "invocant".

Or something like that.


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread wolverian
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 10:45:45PM +0200, Juerd wrote:
> If we allow "sub .foo", "sub :foo" comes naturally, and another
> asymmetry is gone.
> It would also allow "multi sub" and "multi method" to simply become
> "multi". 

I _really_ like the explicit 'method' name that methods have. Calling
them subs doesn't make sense to me.


Description: Digital signature

Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread Juerd
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" skribis 2005-06-02 22:22 (+0200):
> The only thing that is a bit unclear to me is if the dot is part of the
> operator name---like a sigil---or purely syntactical. A method is e.g.
> also not defined with the dot:
> class Blahh
> {
>method .example ( $non_invocant ) {...}
> }

Good question.

Attributes are declared with a dot:

has $.foo;

And the colon in private method names appears to be part of the name:

method :foo { ... }

However, while $:foo corresponds to :foo, $.foo does so to foo, not

(I personally hate the weird thing with private attributes and methods.)

Every postcircumfix operator we have can be used with and without the
dot, and it's unclear if the dot is part of the name.

While with reduce we include the dot


the operator itself is declared without:

&postcircumfix:<{ }>

Hm, back to methods: in Perl 5 I used to make the mistake of writing
"sub .foo" when I meant what we now call "method foo". 

If we allow "sub .foo", "sub :foo" comes naturally, and another
asymmetry is gone.

It would also allow "multi sub" and "multi method" to simply become

This leaves submethods, and perhaps they just need a third character,
that joins . and :. I have no idea what character would be useful, but
assuming >, it would also give $>foo, which would be to attributes what
submethods are to methods.


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

HaloO Juerd,

you wrote:

Except that () doesn't return a reference to an anonymous scalar of the
list it surrounds.

Of course not. The inside of the .() call operator has type
Signature and the dispatch goes to the implementation that has
the closest type distance to the types of the actual args. This
is the same for all the postcircumfix ops (), [], {}, <> and «».

In our case here the type of the non-invocant part of the Signature
is simply Void. The single invocant's type to the left of the operator
is determining the receiving method implementation. The return type of
this method and the rhs are used in dispatching &infix:{'='}. This
is how type systems based on MMD work. How much of this dispatching
can be pre-calculated at compile time is irrelevant for the semantics.

The only thing that is a bit unclear to me is if the dot is part of the
operator name---like a sigil---or purely syntactical. A method is e.g.
also not defined with the dot:

class Blahh
   method .example ( $non_invocant ) {...}
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread Juerd
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" skribis 2005-06-02 21:30 (+0200):
> And it nicely lines up with $y[], $y{}, @a[], %h{} etc. as
> dereferential expressions.

Except that () doesn't return a reference to an anonymous scalar of the
list it surrounds.


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Juerd wrote:

$y() = 7;

No, sorry, that looks to me as if $y is a reference to an lvalue sub,
not like any form of referencing of scalars.

Well, it is a reference to an lvalue sub if it is just that :)
As unspecificly typed as it stands there it could be anything
that reacts to &postfix:<()>

And it nicely lines up with $y[], $y{}, @a[], %h{} etc. as
dereferential expressions.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: comprehensive list of perl6 rule tokens

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
Alas, it doesn't seem to be quite that straightforward.  Or maybe 
it is, and I'm just not seeing it yet.  So, I'll just "think out 
loud" here for a bit...

I like it if that is happening on the list instead of off-list.

I think the state object ought to have some sort of base type -- 
is it Grammar?  Rule?  If we say it's a "Rule", then we're 
effectively saying that "applying a Rule to a target results 
in a Rule object containing the state of the match", which just
sounds completely wrong to my ears/eyes (even though it may in 
fact be correct).

It sounds perfectly to my ears. You should think of ordinary
subs as classes and calls to them as instances of that class.
The environment created at runtime for such an invokation actually
*is* a sub object. The code you write is a class specifying the
behaviour of running instances. In a multi-threaded application
there might be several long-living invocations/instances that
spawn other shorter living ones. But this is the same as with
dynamic memory allocation for data objects.

Suspended coroutines are just the same as data objects that no code
instance is working with. The CPS of Parrot makes the implementation
of this unification of code and data instances easier than caring
for a central call stack in other VMs or real silicon.

The programming language rules are written in is of course a
sublanguage of Perl 6---but that you know better than I.

I'll be appreciative of any illumination that others can provide
to the above, especially from @Larry.  

Sorry, I'm neither one(@Larry) nor a good Illuminati ;)
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread Juerd
"TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" skribis 2005-06-02 20:36 (+0200):
> Might it be applicable to use .() as the dereferencer
> of scalar variables that derefs to the next none(Ref)
> type and if that is a Code it dispatches to it as expected?

Or perhaps postfix $, to deref recursively.

my $foo = 5;

my $bar = \\$foo;

print $bar$;  # 5

Just don't call your variable $Id ;)

Or of course a very simple .deref method.

I still think the feature isn't needed at all. 

> $y() = 7;

No, sorry, that looks to me as if $y is a reference to an lvalue sub,
not like any form of referencing of scalars.


Re: Transparent / Opaque references

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Luke Palmer wrote:

When we heard that Larry didn't acutally want $$foo to infinitely
dereference, some of us were overjoyed, and others severely
disappointed.  Both transparent dereferencing (infinite $$foo) and
opaque dereferencing (one-level $$foo) have their uses, but they are
definitely distinct.

I guess a syntax like the reduce meta operator

[$]$ref = whatever();

doesn't work for the $ sigil because it firstly is
no operator and secondly unary. So I join the single

Might it be applicable to use .() as the dereferencer
of scalar variables that derefs to the next none(Ref)
type and if that is a Code it dispatches to it as expected?
This nicely gives:

$x = 3
$y = \$x;

$y() = 7;

say $x;  #  prints 7

$y = 23; # detaches from $x

say $x;  # still prints 7

One detail is that lvalue subs without params
must be taken care of. But they'll have a proxy
anyway to handle assignment.

Another general thing is of course that explicitly constant Refs
shall not be applicable as a lhs of assignment. This applies to
chains of prefixed $ as well.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: comprehensive list of perl6 rule tokens

2005-06-02 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Thu, Jun 02, 2005 at 09:14:33AM +0200, "TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" wrote:
> Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> >Of course, there are other "implicit" parameters that are given
> >to a rule -- the target string to be matched and an initial
> >starting position.  But I think some of those details are still 
> >being worked out.  
> Wasn't it said that rules have the current match object/state
> as invocant? I would assume that everything else can be found
> through it?  Actually the mnemonics that $/ is the match and
> methods on $?SELF are called with ./method fits. The only
> remaining thing is to define the method set of the Match class.

Alas, it doesn't seem to be quite that straightforward.  Or maybe 
it is, and I'm just not seeing it yet.  So, I'll just "think out 
loud" here for a bit...

If the current match object/state ($/) is the invocant of the rule, 
then in order for rule inheritance to work properly $/ must be able
to be an instance of a Grammar.  A05 explicitly recognizes this 
possibility when it says "the state object may in fact be an 
instance of a grammar class".  If that's the case, we might not 
need a separate C class, and we just place the methods needed 
for inspecting "match objects" into the Grammar class.

But somehow my brain just has trouble accepting that applying a 
rule to a target returns an "instance of a Grammar".  The wording seems 
all wrong, or perhaps I just need to adjust what I think of when I see the
word "Grammar".  

Getting rule inheritance to work properly is a bit tricky.  When
confronted with something like

"label: x = y + z" ~~ rx :w / (\w+) \:  /

we have to create at least two match objects, and if we say that
the match objects are the rule invocants, then the grammar engine
has to be smart enough to recognize that the match object it creates
to use as the invocant of  is an instance of grammar Foo.  
Or, perhaps Foo::expr and all rules in Foo are really constructors of 
some sort that build Foo objects--that seems more logical.  But if we
say that Foo::expr is a sub or method that constructs Foo objects 
(as opposed to having a pre-existing invocant), then Foo::expr needs 
to have the target string and starting position available to it somehow,
as I mentioned in my previous message.

On another topic, what do we do with rules that aren't members 
of a grammar?  A05 says:

Within a closure, C<$_> represents the current state of the 
current regex, and by extension, the current state of all 
the regexes participating in the current match. (The type of 
the state object is the current grammar class, which may be 
an anonymous type if the current grammar has no name.  If 
the regex is not a member of a grammar, it's of type RULE.) 

I suspect the first sentence is out of date -- that C<$_> above 
is now really C<$/> (the match object).  Since in the case of a bare 
rule we don't have a "current grammar", what can we say about 
the type of the state object beyond "it may be an anonymous type"?  
I think the state object ought to have some sort of base type -- 
is it Grammar?  Rule?  If we say it's a "Rule", then we're 
effectively saying that "applying a Rule to a target results 
in a Rule object containing the state of the match", which just
sounds completely wrong to my ears/eyes (even though it may in 
fact be correct).

Or perhaps all of this is to resolved using roles, mixins, or
multiple superclasses.  But to get back to my original statement
that "some of the details are still being worked out", I find
that A05 is somewhat speculative on many of the details of how 
grammars, inheritance, state objects, and rules will interact, 
and S05 is practically silent on the topic.  So, there's definitely
some work to do.

And of course we have to figure out how to map all of this into
what Parrot has available, or update Parrot to provide what we need
to do this.  :-)

I'll be appreciative of any illumination that others can provide
to the above, especially from @Larry.  


Re: date and time formatting

2005-06-02 Thread Juerd
Paul Seamons skribis 2005-06-02  9:43 (-0600):
> localtime() and gmtime() seem fairly core to me.  The array contexts are 
> simple, and the scalar context is an RFC valid string.  Nothing too heavy 

s/array context/list context/


Re: date and time formatting

2005-06-02 Thread Paul Seamons
> So, if we continue following this API, Perl6 core will contain time(),
> but no localtime() nor gmtime().  The Date module will provide human
> readable date and time strings, and basic date math.

localtime() and gmtime() seem fairly core to me.  The array contexts are 
simple, and the scalar context is an RFC valid string.  Nothing too heavy 
there.  The time() function is "typically" only moderately useful without 


Revisiting .chars (and friends) in list context

2005-06-02 Thread Joshua Gatcomb
I would like to revisit the following question as there was no
decision reached AFAICT.

What I would like to be able to do is:

my $str = 'hello';
my @chars = $str.chars; # 

There were some good points raised in that thread that I think are
valid, but I think it digressed from the intent of the original
question.  Perhaps that is because "unicode" prefaced chars which
clouded the waters.  I don't know anything about unicode and leaving
the hard choices for doing the "right thing" up to you all.  Whatever
the "right thing" is, will there be a way to do what my code snippet

Joshua Gatcomb
a.k.a. L~R

Re: Empty hash

2005-06-02 Thread Stuart Cook
On 6/2/05, "TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Luke Palmer wrote:
> > Why did we change { %hash } from making a shallow copy of a hash to
> > the code that returns %hash?
> Sorry, I don't understand this question. Do you want 'shallow copy'
> to mean 'take a ref'? Or Parrot/Pugs level COW?

I think he means "Why does it produce a Code (which happens to return
%hash), instead of a (ref to a) new hash that starts out with the same
k/v pairs as %hash, but thereafter can be modified independently?"


Re: Empty hash

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Luke Palmer wrote:

Should {} be an empty hash rather than an empty code?

Does it matter? More interesting is the question what it returns
or evaluates to if it's a block. Actually with my idea of List
beeing a subtype of Code the parse time recognition of blocks
as List of Pair has no implication for the semantics! It falls
into the category of optimizations that can be performed if the
involved types can be determined at compile time.

Thus assigning that to a plain % sigiled variable expression would
kick out the previous content and store a freshly created undef
under a key calculated from the incoming undef. Which in my eyes
is pretty useless. In particular if the outcome is that +%hash == 1
instead of defining that

%hash = {};

clears the content of the hash and that +%hash == 0. But the fans
of extra levels of indirection in the @array case might like to get
a default key like '' or 0 beeing used, such that the particular
undef from the {} of the rhs of the assignment can be retrieved with
%hash<0><0>. For an arbitrary undef any non-existing index suffices :)

Why did we change { %hash } from making a shallow copy of a hash to
the code that returns %hash?

Sorry, I don't understand this question. Do you want 'shallow copy'
to mean 'take a ref'? Or Parrot/Pugs level COW?

Are you alluding to the referential semantics discussion?
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: Empty hash

2005-06-02 Thread Stuart Cook
On 6/1/05, Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should {} be an empty hash rather than an empty code?

Given that an empty hashref is probably much more useful than an empty
block, I propose that {} be an empty hash and {;} be an empty block.

This mirrors the fact that (AFAIK) { $_ => 1 } is a hash and { $_ =>
1; } is a block.

Alternatively, it could be a special hash that can also be called (and
which does nothing), but I doubt that's useful or desirable.


[Patch] Re: Unicode Operators cheatsheet, please!

2005-06-02 Thread Kevin Puetz
Rob Kinyon wrote:

> xOn 5/31/05, Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Rob Kinyon wrote:
>> > I would love to see a document (one per editor) that describes the
>> > Unicode characters in use and how to make them. The Set implementation
>> > in Pugs uses (at last count) 20 different Unicode characters as
>> > operators.
>> I have updated the unicode quickref, and started a Perlmonks discussion
>> node for this to be explored - see
> As I replied on Perlmonks, it would be more helpful if the Compose
> keys were listed and not just the ASCII versions. Plus, a quick primer
> on how to enable Unicode in your favorite editor. I don't know about
> Emacs, but the Vim documentation on multibyte is difficult to work
> with, at best.

Well, :help digraph isn't particularly bad, though the included table only
covers latin-1. The canonical source is RFC1345. But I've attached a patch
for the set symbols that have them.

> Thanks,
> Rob
Index: docs/quickref/unicode
--- docs/quickref/unicode	(revision 4305)
+++ docs/quickref/unicode	(working copy)
@@ -21,6 +21,10 @@
 Note that the compose combinations here are an X11R6 standard, and do not
 necessarily correspond to the compose combinations available when you use your
 "compose" key.
+The digraphs used in vim come from "Character Mnemonics & Character Sets",
+RFC1345 ( After doing :set digraph,
+the digraph ^k A B may also be entered as A  B.
 Unicode ASCIIkey sequence
 charfallbackVimEmacs   Unix Compose Key combination
@@ -30,22 +34,22 @@
 ¥   Y   ^k Y e C-x 8 Y Compose Y = operators (included for reference):
-≠   !=
-∩   *
-∪   +
+≠   !=  ^k ! =
+∩   *   ^k ( U
+∪   +   ^k ) U
 ∖   -
-⊂   <
-⊃   >
-⊆   <=
-⊇   >=
-⊄  !( $a < $b ) 
+⊂   <   ^k ( C
+⊃   >   ^k ) C
+⊆   <=  ^k ( _
+⊇   >=  ^k ) _
+⊄  !( $a < $b ) 
 ⊅  !( $a > $b )
 ⊈ !( $a <= $b )
 ⊉ !( $a >= $b )
-⊊   <
+⊊   <   
 ⊋   >
-∋/∍   $a.includes($b)
-∈/∊   $b.includes($a)
+∋/∍   $a.includes($b)   ^k ) -
+∈/∊   $b.includes($a)   ^k ( -
@@ -58,20 +62,20 @@
 So, these *might* be considered not too awful;
-×   *
-¬   !
+×   *   ^k * X
+¬   !   ^k N O
 ∕   /
 ≡  =:=
 ≔   :=
   ⩴ or ≝   ::=
-  ≈ or ≊~~
+  ≈ or ≊~~  ^k ? 2
 …  ...
-√  sqrt()
-∧   &&
-∨   ||
+√  sqrt()   ^k R T
+∧   &&  ^k A N
+∨   ||  ^k O R
 ∣   mod  (? bit of a stretch, perhaps)
-   ⌈$x⌉ceil($x)
-   ⌊$x⌋floor($x)
+   ⌈$x⌉ceil($x) ^k  7
+   ⌊$x⌋floor($x)^k 7  7
 However I think it is a BAD idea that the following unicode characters

Re: comprehensive list of perl6 rule tokens

2005-06-02 Thread TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Patrick R. Michaud wrote:

Of course, there are other "implicit" parameters that are given
to a rule -- the target string to be matched and an initial
starting position.  But I think some of those details are still 
being worked out.  

Wasn't it said that rules have the current match object/state
as invocant? I would assume that everything else can be found
through it? Actually the mnemonics that $/ is the match and
methods on $?SELF are called with ./method fits. The only
remaining thing is to define the method set of the Match class.
TSa (Thomas Sandlaß)

Re: My presentation on last weekend

2005-06-02 Thread Matt Creenan
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 13:11:34 -0400, BÁRTHÁZI András <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


I just would like to share it with you. We had a weekend at the lake  
Balaton on the last weekend, where I had a talk about Perl 6. The guys  
liked it (the girls had sunbath during the event :), and one of them  
(Poetro) said the summary: then we can say, that

Perl 6 is an "operator oriented language"?

We agreed.

As do I!  I love it in fact :)

