Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Mark Overmeer
* Damian Conway ( [090504 00:03]:
 Hinrik ?rn Sigur?sson wrote:
  I've been thinking lately about how Perl 6 might offer functionality
  similar to Python's docstrings. That is, documentation which is tied
  directly to a particular routine, class or module[1]. This is
  something which would is very useful in a REPL, and for documentation

We had long and fierse fights about it, back in July 2007.  Challenged
by Damian, I can up with
And never heard from it since. (I know you are busy)

 For the latest S26 proposal that I'm (very quietly) working on, I'm
 considering two possible mechanisms to support tying docs to specific
 components of a program.
 The first is an Cis doc trait:
 method reverse (
Bool $recursive  is docReverse any nested LLists too
 is docReturns a copy of the LList with the order of elements reversed.
 The second is a generalized Pod comment form:
 method reverse  #={ Returns copy of LList with order of elems reversed. }
 (  Bool $recursive  #={ reverse nested LLists too }

Does this mean that it now will be acceptable to interlink documentation
with information from the code?  I would certainly appreciate that change.

  One advantage to using Pod blocks in place of actual strings a la
  Python, is that the documentation is still independent of the source
  code, and need not be in the same file.
 That's certainly true of your proposal. However, many might argue that
 one *disadvantage* of using Pod blocks plus :name that way is that the
 documentation is independent of the source code, and need not be in the
 same file. ;-)

The =begin METHOD is the starter of the method implementation (docs are
as important to programs as code is), so is a big advantage to read the
documented subject on the initial line.  Certainly if the documentation
gets longer.

However, for my taste, the focus is attracted to the wrong components of
the line.  I would prefer

  =begin METHOD :namereverse=method reverse
  Acts on a LList. Returns a copy   Acts on a LIST. Returns a copy
  =end METHOD =cut

  method reverse() {  method reverse() {

(=end METHOD suggests that the method ends there, but of course, the
coding part still has to come.  That's confusion)

Or, simpler (alternative syntaxes)

  method reverse() {  method reverse() {
#= Acts on a LIST   ` Acts on a LIST.
#= Returns a copy   ` Returns a copy.

Documentation and comments are alike: Documentation for external module
users, Comments for internal module users.  Therefore, I think that a
'#= ' comes naturally next to the '# '

I suggest a syntax abbreviation from m/^\s*\`/ to is doc

   Mark Overmeer MScMARKOV Solutions

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
These two (generalized Pod comments and Cis doc are both better than
my suggestion. :) They require less typing, so documenting at a finer
granularity (e.g. object attributes) is easier. It would provide an
opportunity for very thorough auto-generated documentation as outlined
in Mark's 2007 post

In Perl 5 I hate having Pod interleaved with code, since it is usually
mostly /user/ documentation and so just gets in the way. Having normal
Pod elsewhere (at end-of-file or in a different file) and keeping API
Pod docs inline (and having tools which might merge the two into nice
HTML if desired) would be the best of both world.

As for #={ Pod } vs is doc, since I've been working on Perl 6
highlighting in vim, the first difference that comes to mind is that
highlighting the #={ Pod } form like other Pod (with Links looking
distinct n' all) is easier and makes more sense since it's not just a
normal string (which might have come from anywhere). Highlighting the
other form would be a special case that might be hard to detect, and
arguably shouldn't be, since it is just a string.

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Charles Bailey
If the two can be made eqaully expressive (i.e. content is normal POD,
and multiple lines merged logically), I think I favor the pod-comment
form, since it allows one to place the doc close to the thing
documented - in particular, to the head of the function definition.
That's a convenience for the user puzzling out the signature, and a
reminder to the author to update the doc when the signature changes.

On 5/3/09, Damian Conway wrote:
 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson wrote:

 I've been thinking lately about how Perl 6 might offer functionality
 similar to Python's docstrings. That is, documentation which is tied
 directly to a particular routine, class or module[1]. This is
 something which would is very useful in a REPL, and for documentation

 For the latest S26 proposal that I'm (very quietly) working on, I'm
 considering two possible mechanisms to support tying docs to specific
 components of a program.

 The first is an Cis doc trait:

 method reverse (
 Bool $recursive  is docReverse any nested LLists too
 is docReturns a copy of the LList with the order of elements
 my @result;
 for @.list {
 return @result;

 The second is a generalized Pod comment form:

 method reverse  #={ Returns copy of LList with order of elems
 reversed. }
 Bool $recursive  #={ reverse nested LLists too }
 my @result;
 for @.list {
 return @result;

 Each approach has advantages and disadvantages.
 Feedback via this forum would be most welcome.

 Something similar could be done for MODULE, CLASS, GRAMMAR, ROLE,

 Indeed. And with both of the above alternatives that's also true.

  One advantage to using Pod blocks in place of actual strings a la
  Python, is that the documentation is still independent of the source
  code, and need not be in the same file.

 That's certainly true of your proposal. However, many might argue that
 one *disadvantage* of using Pod blocks plus :name that way is that the
 documentation is independent of the source code, and need not be in the
 same file. ;-)


Charles Bailey
Lists: bailey _dot_ charles _at_ gmail _dot_ com
Other: bailey _at_ newman _dot_ upenn _dot_ edu

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 12:30 PM, Charles Bailey wrote:
 If the two can be made eqaully expressive (i.e. content is normal POD,
 and multiple lines merged logically), I think I favor the pod-comment
 form, since it allows one to place the doc close to the thing
 documented - in particular, to the head of the function definition.
 That's a convenience for the user puzzling out the signature, and a
 reminder to the author to update the doc when the signature changes.

If the #={ } form (or #=, #=«», etc) works like embedded comments (
#{ } ), what you're describing would work just fine since they can
span multiple lines. See

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
The only reason that Pod directives have to be at the beginning of the
line is so that Pod parsers don't need to know Perl (or any other
language) in order to extract Pod from files, right? Allowing them to
be indented like I suggested would break that, but the tool would need
to parse Perl in order to find the #={ } comments anyway, and to tie
them to surrounding Perl structures.

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
I suppose that #={ } would work like a normal Pod block which does not
allow implicit code. That way you could keep it properly indented by

class Foo;
method bar ($x, $y) {
#={Swaps $x and $y}

method baz ($a, @b) {
Takes $a, applies it to the values in @b
Bla bla bla

I remember reading that #{} comments are not allowed at the beginning
of a line. Is that still true? Would that also apply to #={} ? If so,
it would be easy to make a mistake:

class Foo;
#={ This class does something neat }  -- ILLEGAL

method bar () { ...}

Another issue is that Pod directives must be at the beginning of a
line. That would mean having to break the indent in cases like:

method baz ($a, @b) {
Takes $a, applies it to the values in @b
Be mindful of the following:

=item This
=item That
=item And the other thing

Could Perl allow Pod blocks to be indented in #={ } comments? Maybe
the local beginning-of-line in the comment could be considered to be
at the position where the #={ appeared, or at the position of the
first whitespace character after it.. If so, then maybe the no
implicit code blocks restriction could be lifted, so the whole
comment behaves just like an indented =pod block:

method baz ($a, @b) {
Takes $a, applies it to the values in @b
Be mindful of the following:

=item This
=item That
=item And the other thing

  This is rendered as code, since it is more indented further
  than the initial #={


Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
2009/5/4 Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
 Could Perl allow Pod blocks to be indented in #={ } comments? Maybe
 the local beginning-of-line in the comment could be considered to be
 at the position where the #={ appeared, or at the position of the
 first whitespace character after it.

I meant write /non-whitespace character/ here, of course.

r26668 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-05-04 Thread pugs-commits
Author: hinrik
Date: 2009-05-04 18:34:57 +0200 (Mon, 04 May 2009)
New Revision: 26668

[S07] fix the year in Last Modified date

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S07-iterators.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S07-iterators.pod   2009-05-04 16:14:46 UTC (rev 26667)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S07-iterators.pod   2009-05-04 16:34:57 UTC (rev 26668)
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  Contributions: Tim Nelson
 Daniel Ruoso
  Date:  27 Nov 2008
- Last Modified: 20 Apr 2008
+ Last Modified: 20 Apr 2009
  Version:   5
 =head1 Laziness and Eagerness

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Jon Lang
This message deals strictly with the syntax of '#='-based POD; the
semantics is a separate issue.


I'd like '#=' to follow similar rules to what '#' follows, with the
caveat that a line beginning with '#' counts as a single-line comment
no matter what the second character is.  Specifically, having the
second character be an = does not transform a full-line comment into a
single line of documentation.  This preserves the ability to comment
out a series of lines by prepending a '#' to each of them without
having to worry about whether or not any given line will start doing
strange things.  This means that '#=' can never appear at the start of
the line if you want it to denote documentation; but anywhere else is
fine.  This should be a simple enough rule for a POD parser to handle
with minimal trouble.

There are additional complications that arise with '#=', such as:

   say '#=';

In order to keep a POD parser from having to parse the code as well,
we'd want to say that the #= sequence initiates a POD block that
extends to the end of the line.  IOW, the POD parser would end up

say '

But if that's the case, how would you ever actually print the
character sequence '#='?  Conversely, if you say that the fact that
it's within a string literal means that it counts as string characters
rather than the start of some POD, the POD parser will need to know
how to identify string literals - which, as Perl illustrates, may not
be a simple task.

A possible middle ground might be to say that '#=' starts some POD,
but (e.g.) '\#=' doesn't: where a POD extractor would remove '#=' and
the following POD from the resulting code, it would replace '\#=' with
'#='.  So to actually display the '#=' character sequence, you'd say:

   say '\#=';

With this in play, you can place '#='-based POD literally anywhere
except at the beginning of a line.


With this in mind, I'd propose two forms of '#=', based on what comes
after the '='.  If it is followed by one or more '['s, you have
bracketed POD which is terminated by an equal number of ']'s;
otherwise, you have POD which is terminated at the end of the current
line.  Note that I specifically said '[' rather than 'a bracketing
character'; this is for the same reason that 'Ccode' is POD markup,
but 'C{code}' isn't.  As well, I chose '[' instead of '' to minimize
the need to double or triple up on the encapsulating brackets whenever
inline POD markup is involved.  Compare:

   #=This text has Iitalics!
   #=[This text has Iitalics!]



   #=$x[5] = 7
   #=[[$x[5] = 7]]

...which isn't too bad IMHO (and is pretty close to a worst-case scenario).

Finally, I'd want bracketed POD to follow indentation rules similar to
what Hinrik suggested above: if the '#=' is preceded by nothing but
whitespace and every line within the bracketed POD starts with at
least as much whitespace, trim the shortest whitespace off of every
line within the POD.


Again, note that the above addresses only the syntax of '#='-based
POD, and not the semantics.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

S02 Names - Alphabetic?

2009-05-04 Thread Helmut Wollmersdorfer


* An identifier is composed of an alphabetic character followed by 
any sequence of alphanumeric characters. The definitions of alphabetic 
and numeric include appropriate Unicode characters. Underscore is always 
considered alphabetic. An identifier may also contain isolated 
apostrophes or hyphens provided the next character is alphabetic.

end of quote

At a first view 'alphabetic ... include appropriate Unicode characters' 
sounds like 'characters with Unicode property Alphabetic'.

There are some 'Alphabetic' characters not working in rakudo, and some 
not working in (via evalbot), e.g.

   (Alphabetic, Spacing_Mark, ID_Continue=Yes)
   rakudo: FAIL, std: PASS
   (Alphabetic, Other_Symbol, ID_Continue=No)
   rakudo: FAIL, std: FAIL

Wouldn't it be easier to reference the Unicode properties

1) ID_Start plus U+005F LOW LINE (=Underscore)
2) ID_Continue

for identifiers? That's what Unicode 'ID_x' is for.
With the nice 'side effect' that combining diacritics are in ID_Continue.

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

Re: Docstrings in Perl 6

2009-05-04 Thread Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson
2009/5/4 Jon Lang
 With this in mind, I'd propose two forms of '#=', based on what comes
 after the '='.  If it is followed by one or more '['s, you have
 bracketed POD which is terminated by an equal number of ']'s;
 otherwise, you have POD which is terminated at the end of the current
 line.  Note that I specifically said '[' rather than 'a bracketing
 character'; this is for the same reason that 'Ccode' is POD markup,
 but 'C{code}' isn't.  As well, I chose '[' instead of '' to minimize
 the need to double or triple up on the encapsulating brackets whenever
 inline POD markup is involved.

The end-of-line Pod option would be nice. I assume you mean something like this?

has $.something; #= This is an important attribute
has $!other;

However, I'm not sure why you would want to restrict the multi-line
form to only allow square brackets. The syntactically similar embedded
comments (#{}) allow almost any valid bracketing character pair, and
even Pod allows C«» nowadays.

 I'd like '#=' to follow similar rules to what '#' follows, with the
 caveat that a line beginning with '#' counts as a single-line comment
 no matter what the second character is.  Specifically, having the
 second character be an = does not transform a full-line comment into a
 single line of documentation.  This preserves the ability to comment
 out a series of lines by prepending a '#' to each of them without
 having to worry about whether or not any given line will start doing
 strange things.  This means that '#=' can never appear at the start of
 the line if you want it to denote documentation; but anywhere else is

That makes sense. Embedded comments (#{}) aren't allowed at the
beginning of a line either for the same reason. I hadn't thought of
that when I wrote my earlier post, so ignore what I said about
changing that bit. :)

As for a Pod parser not knowing what to do in case of say '#=' and
such, I think we should assume that the doc tool /can/ parse Perl
(likely using Extracting comments (be it #, #{}, #=, or #={})
reliably from Perl code without knowing Perl doesn't seem like a
viable option. How do we know that the #= isn't inside a multi-line
string or heredoc, etc? It's easy to do with Pod blocks since they
were designed for that (i.e. = at the beginning of a line is always a
Pod directive), but since the kind of docs we're talking about here
are supposed to be tied to the code they appear next to, it wouldn't
do much good to be able to extract all the comments without
understanding the Perl code around them anyway.

CharLingua and Unicode locales

2009-05-04 Thread Helmut Wollmersdorfer
AFAIR in two Specs 'CharLingua' appears as - maybe - a leftover from the 
history of Perl 6.

Whatever the idea of 'CharLingua' was, something nice-to-have would be 
support of locale-dependent processing in the sense of Unicode

Helmut Wollmersdorfer

r26674 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2009-05-04 Thread pugs-commits
Author: lwall
Date: 2009-05-04 23:23:49 +0200 (Mon, 04 May 2009)
New Revision: 26674

[S12] clarify has = semantics

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod   2009-05-04 21:20:46 UTC (rev 26673)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod   2009-05-04 21:23:49 UTC (rev 26674)
@@ -3684,7 +3684,7 @@
 Perl 6 will come with at least one grammar predefined:
- grammar Perl {# Perl's own grammar
+ grammar STD {# Perl's own standard grammar
  rule prog { statement* }

Modified: docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod
--- docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod 2009-05-04 21:20:46 UTC (rev 26673)
+++ docs/Perl6/Spec/S12-objects.pod 2009-05-04 21:23:49 UTC (rev 26674)
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
   Maintainer: Larry Wall
   Date: 27 Oct 2004
-  Last Modified: 30 Apr 2009
-  Version: 81
+  Last Modified: 4 May 2009
+  Version: 82
 =head1 Overview
@@ -653,7 +653,12 @@
 will be the attribute being initialized, while self refers to the
 entire object being initialized.  The closure will be called at the
 end of the CBUILD only if the attribute is not otherwise initialized
-in either the signature or the body of the CBUILD.
+in either the signature or the body of the CBUILD.  The closure
+actually defines the body of an anonymous method, so Cself is available
+with whatever attributes are constructed by that point in time (including
+all parent attributes).  The initializers are run in order of declaration
+within the class, so a given initializer may refer back to an attribute
+defined in a preceding Chas declaration.
 Class attributes are declared with either Cmy or Cour.  The only
 difference from ordinary Cmy or Cour variables is that an accessor