Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Kyle Hasselbacher
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Damian wrote:
   * The DOC statement prefix constrains any block to which it is applied
     (including BEGIN, CHECK, INIT and similar) to run only if -doc is
     specified on the commandline

   * You can tell if you're running under -doc by checking $?DOC

Does this mean I can run code on some other machine when someone on
that machine reads my documentation?


Re: Filename literals

2009-08-17 Thread Jon Lang
Timothy S. Nelson wrote:
 David Green wrote:
 Jon Lang wrote:
 If so, could you give some examples of how such a distinction could be
 beneficial, or of how the lack of such a distinction is problematic?

        Well, my main thought in this context is that the stuff that can be
 done to the inside of a file can also be done to other streams -- TCP
 sockets for example (I know, there are differences, but the two are a lot
 the same), whereas metadata makes less sense in the context of TCP sockets;
 I guess this was one of the thoughts that led me to want separate things

Ah.  I can see that.

 Well, I definitely think there needs to be a class that combines the
 inside and the outside, or the data and the metadata.  Certainly the
 separate parts will exist separately for purposes of implementation, but
 there needs to be a user-friendlier view wrapped around that.  Or maybe
 there are (sort of) three levels, low, medium, and high; that is, the basic
 implementation level (=P6 direct access to OS- and FS- system calls); the
 combined level, where an IO or File object encompasses IO::FSnode and
 IO::FSdata, etc.; and a gloss-over-the-details level with lots of sugar on
 top (at the expense of losing control over some details).

        Hmm.  With the quoting idea, I don't see the need for a both type
 of object.  I mean, I'd see the code happening something like this:

 if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
       �...@lines = slurp(path{/path/to/file});


 if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
        $handle = open(path{/path/to/file});

        (I'm using one of David's suggested syntaxes above, but I'm not
 closely attached to it).

For the record, the above syntax was my suggestion.

        I guess what I'm saying here is that I think we can do the things
 without people having to worry about the objects being separate unless they
 care.  So, separate objects, but hide it as much as possible.  Is that
 something you're fine with?

It looks good to me.

 In fact, having q, Q, or qq involved at all strikes me as wrong,
 since those three are specifically for generating strings.

 Pathnames still are strings, so that's fine.  In fact, there are different

        Hmm.  I'm not so sure; maybe I'm just being picky, but I want to
 clarify things in case it's important (in other words, I'm thinking out loud
 here to see if it helps).

        First, Q and friends don't generate strings, they generate
 string-like objects, which could be Str, or Match, or whatever.  Think of
 quoting constructs as a way of temporarily switching to a different
 sublanguage (cf. regex), and you'll have the idea that I have in mind.

        As for pathnames being strings, you may be right FSVO string.  But
 I'd say that, while they may be strings, they're not Str, but they do Str,
 as in

 role    IO::FSNode does Str {...}

        (FSNode may not be the right name here, but is used for illustrative

I'd go one step further.  Consider the Windows path 'C:\Program
Files\'.  Is the string what's really important, or is it the
directory to which the string refers?  I ask because, for legacy
reasons, the following points to the same directory: 'C:\PROGRA~1\'.
Then there's the matter of absolute and relative paths: if the current
working directory is 'C:\Program Files\', then the path 'thisfile'
actually refers to 'C:\Program Files\thisfile'.  And because of parent
directory and self-reference links, things like '/bin/../etc/.' is
just an overcomplicated way of pointing to '/etc'.  I'd like Perl 6's
treatment of filenames to be smart enough that smart-matching any of
these pairs of alternative spellings would result in a successful
match.  So while I'll agree that filenames are string-like, I really
don't want them to _be_ strings.

 things going on here; one is to have a way of conveniently quoting strings
 that contain a lot of backslashes.  Just as Perl lets you pick different
 quotation marks, to make it easier to quote strings that have a lot of  or
 ' characters, so it should have a way to make it easy to quote strings with
 a lot of backslashes.  (The most obvious example being Windows paths; but
 there are other possibilities, such as needing to eval some code that
 already has a lot of backslashes in it.)

 Now, you can already turn backwhacking on or off via Q's :backslash
 adverb; Q:qq includes :b (and Q:q recognises a few limited escape sequences
 like \\). So you could say Q[C:\some\path], and you could add scalar
 interpolation to say Q:s[C:\some\path\$filename].  But there's no way to
 have all of: literal backslashes + interpolation + escaped sigils.

 Perhaps instead of a simple :b toggle, we could have an :escapeStr
 adverb that defaults to :escape\? Then you could have

        Maybe a global variable?  It's an interesting idea, and I'll see how
 others feel :).

I'm leery of global variables, per se; but I _do_ like the idea of

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Moritz Lenz
Damian Conway wrote:
 It's not yet committed, as there will (no doubt) be much discussion
 first. I apologize in advance: I am still travelling on my annual world
 tour, so my ability to participate in this discussion will be limited
 and erratic.

In the spirit of ask for forgiveness rather than permission I'd
suggest to commit it early. People on #perl6 have been asking where it
is already, since it's not at the usual location[tm].

 Of course, all comments, suggestions, and patches are most welcome.

Then let me start with a huge praise: to me it seems much more practical
to the Pod writer than the previous version. I appreciate the huge
effort that has surely flown into it.

However it seems we have to pay a price: each act of rendering a Pod
file actually means executing the program that's being documented (at
least the BEGIN blocks and other stuff that happens at compile time),
with all the security risks implied. So we'll need a *very* good
sandbox. Is that worth it?

Two minor comments:

ll 99:
followed by a valid identifierN
A valid identifier is a sequence of alphanumerics and/or
underscores, beginning with an alphabetic or underscore

Is there a good reason to deviate from Perl 6's definition of an
identifier? For the sake of consistentcy I'd just say that the Perl 6 rules

ll 311:
sub fu ( #= This text stored in Cfu.WHY

This seems to be ignorant of multi subs. If I write

multi sub fu () {#= some Pod

Then fu is a multi, not a particular candidate. Does it actually attach to
the .WHY of the candidate? Or of the multi?


Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread raiph mellor
 However it seems we have to pay a price: each act of rendering a Pod
 file actually means executing the program that's being documented (at
 least the BEGIN blocks and other stuff that happens at compile time),
 with all the security risks implied. So we'll need a *very* good
 sandbox. Is that worth it?

From the spec:

   However, during parsing and initialization under K-doc, the
   interpreter only executes those CBEGIN, CCHECK, and
   CINIT blocks (and equivalents, such as Cuse statements
   and subroutine declarations) that are preceded by the special
   prefix: CDOC

love, raiph

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Aug 17, 2009, at 14:27 , Moritz Lenz wrote:

ll 99:
   followed by a valid identifierN
   A valid identifier is a sequence of alphanumerics and/or
   underscores, beginning with an alphabetic or underscore

Is there a good reason to deviate from Perl 6's definition of an
identifier? For the sake of consistentcy I'd just say that the Perl  
6 rules


It occurs to me that *if* you are executing/evaluating (part of) the  
source, then it could be argued that an identifier should be defined  
by whatever language the parser ends up running, which might not be  

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

On Aug 17, 2009, at 14:34 , raiph mellor wrote:

However it seems we have to pay a price: each act of rendering a Pod
file actually means executing the program that's being documented (at
least the BEGIN blocks and other stuff that happens at compile time),
with all the security risks implied. So we'll need a *very* good
sandbox. Is that worth it?

From the spec:

  However, during parsing and initialization under K-doc, the
  interpreter only executes those CBEGIN, CCHECK, and
  CINIT blocks (and equivalents, such as Cuse statements
  and subroutine declarations) that are preceded by the special
  prefix: CDOC

Nonetheless, DOC INIT { system rm -rf . } (or etc.) would be  

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon universityKF8NH

Description: This is a digitally signed message part

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread raiph mellor
 Nonetheless, DOC INIT { system rm -rf . } (or etc.) would be unfortunate.

Gotcha. Perhaps something like perl6 -DOC is needed to execute DOC
blocks in the file passed on the command line and files it use's,
whereas perl6 -doc only processes DOC blocks in the Setting or its
use'd files, and merely parses but does not execute DOC blocks in the
file passed on the command line and files it use's.

love, raiph

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Moritz Lenz
raiph mellor wrote:
 However it seems we have to pay a price: each act of rendering a Pod
 file actually means executing the program that's being documented (at
 least the BEGIN blocks and other stuff that happens at compile time),
 with all the security risks implied. So we'll need a *very* good
 sandbox. Is that worth it?
 From the spec:
However, during parsing and initialization under K-doc, the
interpreter only executes those CBEGIN, CCHECK, and
CINIT blocks (and equivalents, such as Cuse statements
and subroutine declarations) that are preceded by the special
prefix: CDOC

I didn't read that part, and I wonder how useful it is.

Basically to produce a correct parse, any 'use' directive has to be
executed, otherwise you can't know if something is a type name, a
subroutine name or what not. Also modules can export special syntax,
causing the parse to be significantly altered.


Re: Filename literals

2009-08-17 Thread Troels Liebe Bentsen

Just joined the list, and I too have been thinking about a good path literal
for Perl 6. Nice to see so many other people are thinking the same :).

Not knowing where to start in this long thread, I will instead try to show how
I would like a path literal to work. For me a path literal is a way to make the
code pretty and clean. And for multi platform coding this is mostly where it
gets hard to do. So I think a path literal should make it possible to use both
a native style and a more modern portable one, without having to give up using
spaces like in Path::Spec from Perl 5 or have to do verbose object creation.

First I think extending Q with a Q:path{} and making the alias Q:p{} and p{}
would be the most consistent with the current string literal API. Also it
should be possible to sub type the literals to further limit format and
content. This should be done so we can get compile time error when path's are
know to be incorrect or that we throw an exception or return a undef with an
error type(or whatever Larry called it) when we interpolate and return
something that is known to be incorrect.

The default p{} should only allow / as separator and should not allow
characters that won't work on modern Windows and Unix like \ / ? % * : |   ,
etc. The reason for this is that portable Path's should be the default and if
you really need platform specific behavior it should be shown in the code.

my Path $path = p{../ext/dictonary.txt};


my Path $path = p{c:/ext/dictonary.txt};

We should allow windows style paths so converting and maintaining code on this
platform is not a pain.

my Path $path = p:win{C:\Program Files\MS Access\file.file};

For Unix specific behavior we should have a p:unix{} literal, here the only
limit are what is defined by locale. So we won't be able to write full Unicode
if locale is set to Latin1. Writing filenames to the filesystem that other
programs won't be able to read should be hard.

my Path $path = p:unix{/usr/src/bla/myfile?:%.file};

And for people where this is a problem p:bin{} can be used as no checking is
done here.

my $path = p:bin{/usr/src/bla/??/adasd/myfile};

Old style Mac paths could also be supported where the : is used as separator.

my Path $path = p:mac{usr:src:bla};

Or old dos paths where 8 char limits and all the old dos stuff apply.

my Path $path = p:dos{c:\windows\test.fil};

Urls could also be support with:

my Path $path = p:url{file:///home/test.file}

** Path Object like File::Spec, etc. just nicer **

All the different variants for p{} return a Path object that offers much of
what is found in File::Spec, Cwd and Path::Class in Perl 5 today in a more
Perl 6 way.

my Path $real_path = $path.realpath; # Like Cwd's realpath

my Path $volume = $path.volume; # Returns the volume part if relevant
my Path $dir = $path.dir; # Returns the directory part
my Path $file = $path.file; # Returns the file part

$path.shift(); # Get rid of last part of path
$path.pop(); # Get rid of first part or path

my @paths = $path.dirs; # Returns the directory parts of the path


** Comparing Paths should do the right thing **

As we have the option of specifying what type a Path object is, this should
also count when comparing the them. So fx. p:win{} are case insensitive.

my $file = p:win{c:\My File.txt};

my $path = p:win{C:\Program Files\..};

if($path.is_in($file)) { # Check if the path is contained in another path
  say $file is in $path\n; # C:\My File.txt is C:

if(p{../test} ~~ p{../dir/../test}) {
  say Comparing two Path works as it should;

Also Path handles Unicode normalization so this won't be a problem:

Meaning that both MA WITH UMLAUTrchen and MaUMLAUT MODIFIERrchen are
the same path, but without normalizing the path behind the users back.

** Utility functions **

Path in itself knows nothing about the filesystem and files but might have a
peek in $*CWD to do some path logic. Except for that a number of File related
functions might be available to make it easy to open and slurp a file a Path
points to.

my File $file = p{/etc/passwd}.open;
if($file.type ~~ 'text/plain') {
  say looks like a password file;

my @passwd = p{/etc/passwd}.lines;

if(p{/etc/passwd}.exists) {
  say passwd file exists;

This is my thought so far, hope it helps the discussion.

Regards Troels

Re: Filename literals

2009-08-17 Thread Jon Lang
Troels Liebe Bentsen wrote:

 Just joined the list, and I too have been thinking about a good path literal
 for Perl 6. Nice to see so many other people are thinking the same :).

Welcome to the list!

 Not knowing where to start in this long thread, I will instead try to show how
 I would like a path literal to work.

A well-considered proposal, and one with which I mostly agree.  Some thoughts:

 The default p{} should only allow / as separator and should not allow
 characters that won't work on modern Windows and Unix like \ / ? % * : |   
 etc. The reason for this is that portable Path's should be the default and if
 you really need platform specific behavior it should be shown in the code.

I note that you explicitly included * and ? in the list of forbidden
characters; I take it, then, that you're not in favor of Path as a
glob-based pattern-matching utility?  E.g.:

my Path $path;
unless $path ~~ pastro* { say the file doesn't begin with 'astro'. }

Admittedly, this particular example _could_ be accomplished through
the use of a regex; but there _are_ cases where the use of wildcard
characters would be easier than the series of equivalent tests that
Perl would otherwise have to perform in order to achieve the same
result.  Hmm... maybe we need something analogous to q vs. qq; that

pastro* #`{ syntax error: '*' is not a valid filename character. }
ppastro* #`{ returns an object that is used for Path
pattern-matching; perhaps Pathglob or somesuch? }

 We should allow windows style paths so converting and maintaining code on this
 platform is not a pain.
 For Unix specific behavior we should have a p:unix{} literal, here the only
 limit are what is defined by locale.
 And for people where this is a problem p:bin{} can be used as no checking is
 done here.
 Old style Mac paths could also be supported where the : is used as separator.
 Or old dos paths where 8 char limits and all the old dos stuff apply.

Hear, hear.  Note that these are all mutually exclusive, which
suggests that the proper format ought to be something like:

 my Path $path = p:formatwin{C:\Program Files}

However, I have no problem with the idea that :win is short for
:formatwin; the feature here is brevity.

 Urls could also be support with:

 my Path $path = p:url{file:///home/test.file}

I would be very careful here, in that I wouldn't want to open the can
of worms inherent in non-file protocols (e.g., ftp, http, gopher,
mail), or even in file protocols with hosts other than localhost.

 ** Path Object like File::Spec, etc. just nicer **
 ** Comparing Paths should do the right thing **

Agreed on all counts.

 ** Utility functions **

 Path in itself knows nothing about the filesystem and files but might have a
 peek in $*CWD to do some path logic. Except for that a number of File related
 functions might be available to make it easy to open and slurp a file a Path
 points to.

 my File $file = p{/etc/passwd}.open;
 if($file.type ~~ 'text/plain') {
  say looks like a password file;

 my @passwd = p{/etc/passwd}.lines;

 if(p{/etc/passwd}.exists) {
  say passwd file exists;

As soon as you allow methods such as .exists, it undermines your claim
that Path knows nothing about the filesystem or files.  IMHO, you
should still include such methods.

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Jon Lang
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 1:26 PM, Damian wrote:
   * This means Pod can be indented; the = is no longer tied to the
     first column. The indentation preceding the opening = (using the
     ($?TABSTOP // 8) rule, as for heredocs) now specifies the zeroth
     column of the Pod block.

Will ther be any ambiguity between Pod and wraparound operators that
begin with =?  e.g.,

my Dog $spot
  = new Dog; # Pod, or Perl assignment?

if really_long_expression
   == value { ... } # Pod, or equality operator?

   * In addition to delimited, paragraphed, and abbreviated Pod blocks,
     documentation can now be specified in a fourth form:

       my $declared_thing;   #= Pod here until end of line

       sub declared_thing () {   #=[ Pod here
                                     until matching
                                     closing bracket

Note the recent revisions to how Perl comments work - in particular,
an embedded comment is now spelled #`[ ... ].  Should embedded
attached Pod be spelled as #=`[ ... ]?  My preference would be to
simply say that if the very first character within a comment is an =,
then it becomes a Pod attachment.  That is, we're not dealing with a
variation of the Pod Comment syntax (i.e., s/#/#=/); rather, we're
dealing with a special use of a normal comment.  Thus, an embedded Pod
attachment would be written as #`[=...].  The main benefit of this
would be that if any further refinements occur to Perl's comment
syntax, Pod will adapt to those changes seamlessly[1].  As well, this
would help with any effort that might be made to integrate the use of
Pod into other languages: e.g., Javascript-with-Pod would handle a Pod
attachment as /*=...*/ or //=... (for embedded and end-of-line
comments, respectively).

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

[1] Not to derail the conversation, but I would consider this to be
another argument in favor of the proposed '(#...)' syntax for embedded
comments: with this syntax, an embedded Pod attachment would be
spelled '(#=...)'.  Much more aesthetically pleasing.

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread Jon Lang
Could we also get =numbered and =term directives that are
equivalent to =item :numbered and =item :term, respectively, for
use with abbreviated blocks? E.g.:

=numbered First Item
=numbered Second Item
=numbered Third Item

=term First Name
=term Second Name

Within tables, you should probably replace whitespace with multiple
whitespace as a column delimiter; otherwise, the space between two
words in an identifier would trigger a new column:

column 1   column 2
^^ ^   ^^ ^

(Each group of ^'s would be a separate column.)

When using the code block alias, are the outermost curly braces
considered to be part of the ambient code?

Why is =END a block, and not a directive?

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: Filename literals

2009-08-17 Thread Timothy S. Nelson

On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, Jon Lang wrote:

Well, I definitely think there needs to be a class that combines the
inside and the outside, or the data and the metadata.  Certainly the
separate parts will exist separately for purposes of implementation, but
there needs to be a user-friendlier view wrapped around that.  Or maybe
there are (sort of) three levels, low, medium, and high; that is, the basic
implementation level (=P6 direct access to OS- and FS- system calls); the
combined level, where an IO or File object encompasses IO::FSnode and
IO::FSdata, etc.; and a gloss-over-the-details level with lots of sugar on
top (at the expense of losing control over some details).

       Hmm.  With the quoting idea, I don't see the need for a both type
of object.  I mean, I'd see the code happening something like this:

if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
      �...@lines = slurp(path{/path/to/file});


if (path{/path/to/file}.e) {
       $handle = open(path{/path/to/file});

       (I'm using one of David's suggested syntaxes above, but I'm not
closely attached to it).

For the record, the above syntax was my suggestion.

Ok, as long as I don't have to take the blame :).

	Seriously, I was confused by trying to reply to two e-mails at once. 

In fact, having q, Q, or qq involved at all strikes me as wrong,
since those three are specifically for generating strings.

Pathnames still are strings, so that's fine.  In fact, there are different

       Hmm.  I'm not so sure; maybe I'm just being picky, but I want to
clarify things in case it's important (in other words, I'm thinking out loud
here to see if it helps).

       First, Q and friends don't generate strings, they generate
string-like objects, which could be Str, or Match, or whatever.  Think of
quoting constructs as a way of temporarily switching to a different
sublanguage (cf. regex), and you'll have the idea that I have in mind.

       As for pathnames being strings, you may be right FSVO string.  But
I'd say that, while they may be strings, they're not Str, but they do Str,
as in

role    IO::FSNode does Str {...}

       (FSNode may not be the right name here, but is used for illustrative

I'd go one step further.  Consider the Windows path 'C:\Program
Files\'.  Is the string what's really important, or is it the
directory to which the string refers?  I ask because, for legacy
reasons, the following points to the same directory: 'C:\PROGRA~1\'.
Then there's the matter of absolute and relative paths: if the current
working directory is 'C:\Program Files\', then the path 'thisfile'
actually refers to 'C:\Program Files\thisfile'.  And because of parent
directory and self-reference links, things like '/bin/../etc/.' is
just an overcomplicated way of pointing to '/etc'.  I'd like Perl 6's
treatment of filenames to be smart enough that smart-matching any of
these pairs of alternative spellings would result in a successful
match.  So while I'll agree that filenames are string-like, I really
don't want them to _be_ strings.

	Good ideas.  But I still want it to have the same interface, so I can 
concatenate them easily in error messages :).

things going on here; one is to have a way of conveniently quoting strings
that contain a lot of backslashes.  Just as Perl lets you pick different
quotation marks, to make it easier to quote strings that have a lot of  or
' characters, so it should have a way to make it easy to quote strings with
a lot of backslashes.  (The most obvious example being Windows paths; but
there are other possibilities, such as needing to eval some code that
already has a lot of backslashes in it.)

Now, you can already turn backwhacking on or off via Q's :backslash
adverb; Q:qq includes :b (and Q:q recognises a few limited escape sequences
like \\). So you could say Q[C:\some\path], and you could add scalar
interpolation to say Q:s[C:\some\path\$filename].  But there's no way to
have all of: literal backslashes + interpolation + escaped sigils.

Perhaps instead of a simple :b toggle, we could have an :escapeStr
adverb that defaults to :escape\? Then you could have

       Maybe a global variable?  It's an interesting idea, and I'll see how
others feel :).

I'm leery of global variables, per se; but I _do_ like the idea of
lexically-scoped options that let you customize the filename syntax.
Changing the default delimiter would be the most common example of

	Yeah, global variable is probably a bad idea.  But it *feels* like it 
should be some kind of global or semi-global setting :).  By semi-global, I 
mean something that you can override in your local scope, and have it revert, 
much as with the $*IN, etc, filehandles.

Now, isn't Q:path[/some/file] just creating an IO object?  Unlike /foo/,
where foo just IS the pattern, /some/file is *not* an IO object, it's
just a filename.  So if the special path-quoting returned an 

Re: Embedded comments: two proposed solutions to the comment-whole-lines problem

2009-08-17 Thread Jon Lang
On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Jon wrote:
 jerry gay wrote:
 for the latest spec changes regarding this item, see

 is everyone equally miserable now? ;)

 Already seen it.  My latest points still stand, though: #`(...) is
 still vulnerable to ambiguity relative to #..., whereas `#(...),
 `#...#`, or (#...) don't share the same vulnerability.

With the latest S26 proposal (and its new declarator blocks) in mind,
I think that I would be happiest if embedded comments used the (#...)
syntax.  Reason: you still get the flexibility of choosing your own
delimiters (unlike `#...#`), and you don't have to worry about where
the = goes (unlike #`(...): is it #=`(...), #=(...), or #`(=...)?
Likewise for `#(...)).

Jonathan Dataweaver Lang

Re: S26 - The Next Generation

2009-08-17 Thread David Green

On 2009-Aug-17, at 12:27 pm, Moritz Lenz wrote:

However it seems we have to pay a price: each act of rendering a Pod
file actually means executing the program that's being documented (at
least the BEGIN blocks and other stuff that happens at compile time),
with all the security risks implied. So we'll need a *very* good
sandbox. Is that worth it?

Yes.  In general, if you've installed a module, it's because you're  
going to use it, and you already trust it.  So this is a problem only  
if you're looking at the documentation for the first time to decide  
whether you do want to use the module (and didn't already read the  
docs on first or something).  Of course, CPAN will need a  
static copy of the docs anyway, so the solution is that authors should  
provide a static file (preferably in a few formats, at least text and  

Sites like CPAN will probably make a static doc file a requirement,  
and even the cpan shell could warn users about any modules that don't  
include static docs -- in fact, I think it would be reasonable to  
refuse to install such modules by default.
