Re: Getting Started - Synopsis

2008-03-31 Thread Agent Zhang
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 8:59 PM, Ryan Richter
  Sorry, it's actually the html stuff from pugs that's not making it onto
  feather, e.g. syn_index.html.

Ah...Thanks for the catch :)

The index page was formerly a symbolic link to the syn_index.html in
audreyt's pugs tree which is updated by the good old evalbot and
evalbot has been abandoned for months. I've pointed it to my own pugs
tree on feather now, which should be updated in the same pace of the
update_syn script, i.e., every one hour.

I've noticed the newly-added links to the POD version of the Synopses
on the index page. Very cool!

  Are you building it with GHC 6.6.1?  I think that version doesn't work
  anymore.  Maybe someone who's succeeded in building pugs lately can

It seems that I've been using GHC 6.8.2 on feather:

Glasgow Haskell Compiler, Version 6.8.2, for Haskell 98, stage 2
booted by GHC version 6.6.1

I'll look into this later :)


Re: Getting Started - Synopsis

2008-03-30 Thread Agent Zhang
On 30 Mar 2008 10:32:03 -, John M. Dlugosz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've read copies of the Synopsis documents that I've found on the web 
 somewhere.  How do I synchronize with the life copies, and hack on them?

Most of the Synopses are in the official svn repos, . This repos is
hackable by only a very small group of people ;)

S29 is currently in Pugs's repos IIRC which can be tweaked as long as
you have a Pugs commit bit which is trivial to obtain. The latest S26
(draft) is in Damian's Perl6::Perldoc on CPAN which also has a copy in
the Pugs repos AFAIK.

The latest HTML version of all the Synopses can be found at , which is automatically updated from both
SVN repositories every one hour by a cron job running on feather.


Re: Getting Started - Synopsis

2008-03-30 Thread Agent Zhang
On Sun, Mar 30, 2008 at 9:23 PM, Ryan Richter

  Actually, that cron job hasn't been working for a long time...

I've just checked the cronjob mails and it seems to me that the
update-syn script is working fine. So the Synopses are still fresh :)

I think you meant the auto-smoke script, which indeed has been failing
due to a build error while linking pugs (after make veryclean):

Linking ...
/usr/bin/perl util/ -v -i src/perl6/ -i
ext/Math-Basic/lib/Math/ -p ./pugs --output
# ./pugs -Iext/Math-Basic/lib -C Parse-YAML 
Generating precompiled Prelude, Math::Basic... pugs: Internal error:
Invalid grammatical category: Bool
Please file a bug report.
Output is empty at util/ line 189.
system: [/usr/bin/perl util/ -v -i src/perl6/
-i ext/Math-Basic/lib/Math/ -p ./pugs --output
blib6/lib/]:  at util/ line 600.
make: *** [pugs] Error 1

It only affects the passing/failing marks for the embedded test
snippets ;) I'd like to seek help to fix this :)


Re: S02 questions and comments

2008-03-30 Thread Agent Zhang
On 30 Mar 2008 16:35:56 -, John M. Dlugosz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm reading S02.pod with version information:
   Last Modified: 17 Mar 2008
   Number: 2
   Version: 130

  Meta-question 1: what is the succinct way to report this?  Is the Version 
 130 enough?

The SVN revision number is sufficient. By default we're just
pretending that we're referring to the svn head.

  3: I copied the file from 
 which I'm told is the up-to-date home.  When I ran pod2html, I got a warning 
 that 'encoding' is an unknown directive, and also see that the HTML title is 
 simply TITLE.  Do I need a special version of pod2html, or how do I run it 

IMHO pod2html is old and broken in various ways. I think you should
use the tools provided by Pod::Simple instead. For the Synopses on
feather, we're using the script (based on

Hopefully you may find it useful :)


Re: Micro-articles on Perl 6 Operators

2007-09-18 Thread Agent Zhang
On 9/18/07, Adriano Ferreira [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Join me. The drafts of the introduction and the first article are here:

I see the following snippet in zip.html:

   # import num2en from Perl 6 Lingua::EN::Numbers module
   use :from perl5 Lingua::EN::Numbers   num2en ;

Maybe you meant Perl 5 in that comment? It looks inconsistent to me ;)

Nice article, BTW :)


Re: Query regarding Java/perl interface

2007-06-19 Thread Agent Zhang


Hi I am sameer and am new to this group. It would realy help if any
body can let me know is there a book or reference guiode where in i
can get help regarding the perl/java interface and also about the tool
named Java perl lingo.

For the Java to Perl 5 interface, see Inline::Java on CPAN:

For a Java to Perl 6 API translator, see Java::Javap:

The author's journals may be helpful too:

Cheers, agentz

Re: New version of Perl6::Perldoc uploaded

2007-04-26 Thread Agent Zhang

On 4/25/07, Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Perl6::Perldoc v0.0.5 just hit the CPAN.

I think you have forgot to update the version number in
Perl6::Perldoc::Parser. It's still v0.0.1:

See line 7:

   use version; our $VERSION = qv('0.0.1');

I'd like to say something like use Perl6::Perldoc::Parser 0.05
because in the Pugs repos is using a feature that only
exists from v0.0.5.

Thanks, agentz

Re: New version of Perl6::Perldoc uploaded

2007-04-26 Thread Agent Zhang

On 4/25/07, Damian Conway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Perl6::Perldoc v0.0.5 just hit the CPAN.

Apart from several important bug-fixes, notable new features include:

For another issue, I see diakopter++ has committed the source of
Perl6::Perldoc from CPAN to the Pugs SVN repos. Will you commit future
changes there?

If not, sync'ing two different versions will be a pain and I think we
should remove it from the Pugs tree.

And...when will S26 be committed to the synopsis repos? The latest
version of S26.pod6 seems to be bundled with the latest CPAN release
of Perl6::Perldoc, which is a bit hard to sync too. :(

Cheers, agentz

Re: perl6-synopsis svn

2007-02-23 Thread Agent Zhang

On 2/23/07, Blair Sutton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry if this is a silly question but I haven't been able to find the
answer. Is the perl6-synopsis SVN repository publicly available or is it
in the same repository as that of Parrot or Pugs?

I think you're looking for this:


When should a LAST block be triggered?

2006-09-08 Thread Agent Zhang


S04 says, A NEXT executes only if the end of the loop block is
reached normally, or an explicit next is executed.

Then how about LAST blocks?

Do they execute only if the last iteration of the loop is reached
normally, or an explicit last is executed?

Will return/leave/goto quietly bypass LAST blocks just like NEXT?

Clarification (especially in the form of S04 updates) will be very
appreciated. Thanks!


Re: NEXT and the general loop statement

2006-09-07 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/17/06, Larry Wall [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'd say 01234 on the theory that the 3-arg loop is really saying:

$n = 0;
while $n  5 {
NEXT { ++$n }
NEXT { print $n }

and also on the theory that block exiting blocks always run in reverse order.

Dear Larry, I think it's important enough to explicitly express this
rule in S04 after the following IRC conversation with Audrey:

 agentzh audreyt: do multiple NEXT {} run in the reversed order?
 audreyt I don't know, actually.
 audreyt I don't have a clear intuision of what makes sense.
 agentzh larry once said on p6l that quitting blocks should run in
reversed order.
 audreyt I read that too. thing is, is NEXT quitting or entering...
 audreyt I can argue either way eloquently, which means it's best deferred to
TimToady, sorry :)


Re: could 'given' blocks have a return value?

2006-08-29 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/30/06, Mark Stosberg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sometimes I use 'given' blocks to set a value. To save repeating myself
on the right hand side of the given block, I found I kept want to do this:

my $foo = given { }

According to S04, given {} is at statement level, so you can't use it
directly as an expression. But Perl 6 always allow you to say

 my $foo = do given {...}

As well as

 my $foo = do if foo {...} else {...}

my $rm = sub { given $rm_param {
when Code  { $rm_param(self)   }
when Hash  { %rm_paramrun_mode }
default{ self.query.param($rm_param) }

Apparently ``do'' is a simplified version for this. :)


Questions about statement modifiers

2006-08-29 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, there~

I think S04 says too little about statement modifiers. Please comment
on the following code samples. Are they valid Perl 6?

   do { say } for 1..3;

   { say } for 1..3;

   - $i { say $i } for 1..3;

And how about similar variations for other statement modifiers, such
as  while, given, if, until, and unless?



Integrating the Pugs test suite into the Synopses

2006-08-22 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, there~

When you see the title, you may wonder what that means. Here is the answer:

Search for links named like Show the snippet from ... and click on
them to find out what will happen. :)

Well, in short, we have divided the .t files in the Pugs test suite
into pieces and inserted every resulting snippet after the
corresponding paragraph of the Synopses.

The job was done by the Perl 5 script util/ living in the
Pugs source tree. And all the *.html under are updated every hour with the
latest Synopses and Pugs test suite. Thanks to the cron program on
feather. ;-)

At this point, there is a question. How does manage to
determine which snippet of the tests corresponds to which paragraph of
a certain synopsis?

Hmm, I'm sure you may have already found the answer from the web
pages. There's hundreds of smartlinks spreading over the whole test
suite in the form of comments. Here're two examples:

 # LS04/The do-once loop/can't put while or until modifier

 # LS04/Switch statements /is exactly equivalent to

You see, the smartlink has its deep root in our POD, but contains an
extra keyword list after the second slash. This list of keywords
specifies which paragraph in the given section is relevant to the
tests right below the comment.

Multiple adjacent smartlinks can share the same group of tests:

 # LS02/Context/boolean ?
 # LS03/Changes to Perl 5 operators/? imposes boolean context
 { ... }

Please see t/README in Pugs repository for more detailed information
on smartlinks:

Embedding test snippets into the Synopses has several benefits:

*  Providing more sample code to the Synopses

Synopses are known for their rich samples. Unfortunately, the sample
code our Synopses are not enough at all. Many sections go without
sample code.

On the other hand, the Pugs test suite contains tens of thousands of
tests, which can certainly serve as very good examples as long as they
are correct and up-to-date.

*  Intuitive estimation for the quality of the tests

When we browse the web pages with test snippet embedded, it's quite
easy to figure out the validity and also the completeness of the test

For instance, if a whole section has no snippet links at all, then
that probably means we need to add more tests as well as smartlinks.
These HTML pages are good visual coverage reports per se.

Also, the correctness of a group of tests is easiest to determine if
it appears right in the context of the synopses.

Currently we also have TODO and SKIP marks in the test suite, hence we
can get a good estimation for how much of the Synopses are implemented
by Pugs at a quick glance.

*  Easier to detect mismatch between tests and docs

Everyone who has subscribed p6l can see the Synopses are changing
pretty fast. In contrast, many tests in the Pugs test suite are
terribly out of date even though Larry has the habit of updating some
tests after updating the documents.

But if we have enough smartlinks distributed in the test suite, the
mismatch between tests and docs can be detected in the form of
broken links. To get a list of broken links, we only need a single

 $ util/ --check t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t

Unmatched smartlinks (if any) will be reported in great detail:

 ERROR: t/operators/quoting.t: line 173: pattern ``/Split result on
words (no quote protection)/'' failed to match any paragraph
in LS02/Literals.

 ERROR: t/data_types/arglist.t: line 6: section ``Operator renaming''
not found in S03.

As I told Juerd on #perl6, the initial motivation of developing is simply to make myself more motivated to contribute
tests to Pugs.

Thanks to other Pugs members who worked on the smartlinks long before
I joined the Pugs team. Without their work, won't
produce anything meaningful today. :)

This mail is also posted to Audrey's blog in the form of HTML:



Re: Dumb doc question...

2006-08-22 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/21/06, Agent Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This position is no longer maintained. Please see

instead. The .html pages there are updated every *one* hour by the
cron program on feather. So they're guaranteed to be up-to-date.


Re: Dumb doc question...

2006-08-21 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/17/06, Thom Boyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 8/16/06, Agent Zhang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/17/06, Mark J. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Where can I find a pod2html that groks the p6 version of POD?   I want
  to format my fresh-from-svn copies of the doc...
 And there're also an online HTML version of the Perl 6 Spec:

 This version automatically updates from the SVN repository every few

With my recent work on util/ in Pugs' repos, you can
always browse the HTML version of Synopses with embedded code snippets
from the Pugs test suite from the following location:

The HTML pages are not updated automatically like, but
should be updated by hand every day or two.

Of course, if you have a pugs source tree, then you can generate the
latest HTML version of Synopses yourselves at any time:

   $ util/ --out-dir=tmp t/*/*.t t/*/*/*.t

Unfortunately, S29 is not available there -- it only provides a  pointer to
and the pod file just isn't as pretty as the nicely formatted HTML available
for all the other synopses.

Hey, the S29 living in the Pugs repos is also used by by
default! Yay!


Re: Dumb doc question...

2006-08-16 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/17/06, Mark J. Reed [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Where can I find a pod2html that groks the p6 version of POD?   I want
to format my fresh-from-svn copies of the doc...

If you mean the POD files of perl 6 synopses, then pod2html only lacks
the support for the =encoding directive.

On my (Win32) machine, there's a build.bat to generate HTML from all
the synopses. It looks like this:

   call podhtm -s Active.css *.pod
   grep -P text/html; charset=gb2312 *.html | subs gb2312 UTF-8
   del *.tmp

where podhtm is a wrapper around a pod2html and subs is a text
substitution utility written by myself.

And there're also an online HTML version of the Perl 6 Spec:

This version automatically updates from the SVN repository every few hours.

Hope these help.


[patch] do EXPR

2006-08-15 Thread Agent Zhang


Here is a snippet from the Pugs test suite:

   my $ret = eval 'do 42';
   ok(!$ret, 'do EXPR should not work', :todo);
   # XXX or should it? Feels weird...

which motivated me to create the following patch for S04:

Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (revision 10955)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (working copy)

@@ -349,8 +349,9 @@

$x = do if $a { $b } else { $c };

-This construct only allows you to prefix a statement.  If you want to
-continue the expression after the statement you must use the curly form.
+This construct only allows you to prefix Ione statement (or an expression).
+If you want to continue the expression after the statement you must use the
+curly form.

Since Cdo is defined as going in front of a statement, it follows
that it can always be followed by a statement label.  This is particularly


Relative running order between traits blocks

2006-08-13 Thread Agent Zhang

Hello, everyone~

S04 doesn't explain the running order between the traits blocks FIRST,
ENTER, NEXT, LEAVE, and LAST. So I couldn't be sure whether or not my
tests in the Pugs test suit are correct. Please check out the
following test file, which also servers as the first sketch of my

Luke pointed out on #perl6 that LAST should be fired off after LEAVE
if FIRST runs before ENTER. I think it's good to symmetry.

Comments are very welcome. Hopefully we can end up with some sane
conclusion, which can finally go into S04. :=)


Apply the unpace rule into embedded comments

2006-08-13 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, there~

While I was adding tests to t/syntax/comments.t in the Pugs test suit
this afternoon, I suddenly came up with this form of embedded

   my $foo = #\   (this is a comment) 42;
   is $foo, 42;

Now that we have the excellent unspace rule, why can't we use it
consistently with the embedded comment syntax?

As Luke said on #perl6, although this is not an important issue at
all, it's an interesting corner case in Perl 6's syntax. :=)


Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10758 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-08-09 Thread Agent Zhang


@@ -1339,8 +1339,8 @@

 =head2 Undefined types

-These can behave as values or objects of any class, but always return
-a C.valid that evaluates to false.  One can create them with the
+These can behave as values or objects of any class, except that
+Cdefined always returns false.  One can create them with the
 built-in Cundef and Cfail functions.  (See S02 for how failures
 are handled.)

s/Cdefined /C.defined/

Patch for S06 (and also S03)

2006-08-07 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, there~

I've been reading S06 in the past few days. it almost killed me due to
its difficulties. ;-)

The patch to S06 (as well as S03) is given at the end of the mail.
I've also included several fixes from TreyHarris++ and spinclad++. I
really appreciate the help from #perl6. :D

There's one issue not reflected in the patch: I've got the feeling
that S06 is claiming the differences between the inner type of
return values and the of type over and over again, which even
annoyed me while I was reading. Maybe make it less verbose a bit?

On the other hand, I think the Unpacking tree node parameters
section needs more explanation. The Signature and Capture bits are
still fuzzy in my head after reading so many synopses.

Another uncertain issue is is assoc('chain') versus is
assoc('chaining'). S06 is giving a contradictory answer. I've changed
the 'chaining' tag to 'chain' in the patch, BTW.


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (revision 10539)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (working copy)

@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@

=head1 Junctive operators

C|, C, and C^ are no longer bitwise operators (see
-L/Changes to existing operators) but now serve a much higher cause:
+L/Changes to Perl 5 operators) but now serve a much higher cause:
they are now the junction constructors.

A junction is a single value that is equivalent to multiple values. They
Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S06.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S06.pod   (revision 10539)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S06.pod   (working copy)

@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@

other constraints.  They may have multliple invocants.

BPrototypes (keyword: Cproto) specify the commonalities (such
-as parameter names, fixity and associativity) shared by all multis
+as parameter names, fixity, and associativity) shared by all multis
of that name in the scope of the Cproto declaration.

A modifier keyword may occur before the routine keyword in a named routine:
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@

our RETTYPE sub ( PARAMS ) TRAITS {...} # means the same as my here

BTrait is the name for a compile-time (Cis) property.
-See LTraits and Properties
+See LProperties and traits.

=head2 Perl5ish subroutine declarations
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@

An operator name consists of a grammatical category name followed by
a single colon followed by an operator name specified as if it were
a hash subscript (but evaluated at compile time).  So any of these
-indicate the same binary addition operator:
+indicates the same binary addition operator:

@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@

sub circumfix:LEFTDELIM RIGHTDELIM ($contents) {...}
sub circumfix:{'LEFTDELIM','RIGHTDELIM'} ($contents) {...}

-Contrary to A6, there is no longer any rule about splitting an even
+Contrary to Apocalypse 6, there is no longer any rule about splitting an even
number of characters.  You must use a two element slice.  Such names
are canonicalized to a single form within the symbol table, so you
must use the canonical name if you wish to subscript the symbol table
@@ -367,9 +367,9 @@

Only bare keys with valid identifier names are recognized as named arguments:

doit when = 'now';  # always a named arg
-doit 'when' = 'now';   # always a positonal arg
-doit 123  = 'now'; # always a positonal arg
-doit :123now;  # always a positonal arg
+doit 'when' = 'now';   # always a positional arg
+doit 123  = 'now'; # always a positional arg
+doit :123now;  # always a positional arg

Going the other way, pairs intended as named arguments that don't look
like pairs must be introduced with the C[,] reduction operator:
@@ -419,12 +419,13 @@

Ordinary hash notation will just pass the value of the hash entry as a
positional argument regardless of whether it is a pair or not.
-To pass both key and value out of hash as a positional pair, use C:p.
+To pass both key and value out of hash as a positional pair, use C:p

doit %hasha:p,1,2,3;
doit %hash{'b'}:p,1,2,3;

-instead..  (The C:p stands for pairs, not positional--the
+(The C:p stands for pairs, not positional--the
C:p adverb may be placed on any Hash objects to make it mean
pairs instead of values.)

@@ -435,7 +436,7 @@

Because named and positional arguments can be freely mixed, the
programmer always needs to disambiguate pairs literals from named
-arguments with parenthesis or quotes:
+arguments with parentheses or quotes:

# Named argument a
push @array, 1, 2, :ab;
@@ -453,7 +454,7 @@

fun( x = 1, x = 2 );  # @x := (1, 2)
fun( x = (1, 2), x = (3, 4) );# @x := (1, 2, 3, 4)

-Other sigils binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:
+Other sigil binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:

sub fun (Int $x) { ... }
f( x = 1, x = 2 ); 

Re: Patch for S06 (and also S03)

2006-08-07 Thread Agent Zhang

On 8/8/06, Daniel Hulme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry to patch the patch, but in
 -Other sigils binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:
 +Other sigil binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:
the replacement makes no more sense than the original. Other sigils
bind or Any other sigil binds would work here.

Oh, thank you very much for pointing it out. I didn't even read the
new sentence after I made the change. ;-) I should be more careful
this next time.

Also, I believe the original of
 have an explicit declarator such as Csub or Cmethod; bare blocks and
 -pointy subs are never considered to be routines in that sense.  To return
 +pointy blocks are never considered to be routines in that sense.  To
 from a block, use Cleave instead--see below.
is correct. Pointy subs are consistently known as such, and I don't see
any reason to rename them: the - symbol promotes a block (and optional
arg list) into an anonymous sub, and the name reflects this.

I'm sorry disagree with this one since I am simply following Audrey's
change on r10478:

* S04, S06: Pointy sub and Pointy block was used
  interchangeably in the text, but as uri++ pointed out,
  it was very confusing as we also say that return escapes
  from subs but not blocks.

  Hence, rename all mention of pointy sub to pointy block.

As Audrey said, the term pointy sub is very confusing.



Re: Patch for S06 (and also S03)

2006-08-07 Thread Agent Zhang

(Please ignore the previous mail. I was writing that in sleepy mode. Sorry.)

On 8/8/06, Daniel Hulme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Sorry to patch the patch, but in
 -Other sigils binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:
 +Other sigil binds only to the Ilast argument with that name:
the replacement makes no more sense than the original. Other sigils
bind or Any other sigil binds would work here.

Oh, thank you very much for correcting this. I didn't even read the
sentence after I made the change. ;-) I should be more careful the
next time.

Also, I believe the original of
 have an explicit declarator such as Csub or Cmethod; bare blocks and
 -pointy subs are never considered to be routines in that sense.  To return
 +pointy blocks are never considered to be routines in that sense.  To
 from a block, use Cleave instead--see below.
is correct. Pointy subs are consistently known as such, and I don't see
any reason to rename them: the - symbol promotes a block (and optional
arg list) into an anonymous sub, and the name reflects this.

I'm sorry that I disagree with this one since I am following Audrey's
changes made as r10478:

  * S04, S06: Pointy sub and Pointy block was used
interchangeably in the text, but as uri++ pointed out,
it was very confusing as we also say that return escapes
from subs but not blocks.

Hence, rename all mention of pointy sub to pointy block.

As Audrey said, the term pointy sub is very confusing in the context
of using the return statement. I second her opinion here. :=)



Patch for S05

2006-08-01 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, there~

This is my patch to S05. I've got many helps from gaal++,
nothingmuch++, Aankhen``++, and many others on #perl6. :D

It is mostly a story about typos as usual... :=)



Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S05.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S05.pod   (revision 10535)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S05.pod   (working copy)

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@

 m:g:i/\s* (\w*) \s* ,?/;

Every modifier must start with its own colon.  The delimiter must be
-separated from the final modifier by whitespace if it would be taken
+separated from the final modifier by whitespace if it would otherwise be taken
as an argument to the preceding modifier (which is true for any
bracketing character).

@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@

match variants are defined for them:

ms/match some words/# same as m:sigspace
-ss/match some words/replace those words/   # same ss s:sigspace
+ss/match some words/replace those words/   # same as s:sigspace

Conjecture: This might become sufficiently idiomatic that Cms// would
be better as a stuttered Cmm// instead, much as Cqq// became idiomatic.
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@

 / [foo]**{1,3} /

(At least, it fails in the absence of Cuse rx :listquantifier,
-which is likely to be unimplemented in Perl 6.0.0 anyway).
+which is likely to be unimplemented in Perl 6.0.0 anyway.)

The optimizer will likely optimize away things like C**{1..*}
so that the closure is never actually run in that case.  But it's
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@

=item *

-A leading C?{ or C!{indicates a code assertion:
+A leading C?{ or C!{ indicates a code assertion:

 / (\d**{1..3}) ?{ $0  256 } /
 / (\d**{1..3}) !{ $0  256 } /
@@ -1011,7 +1011,7 @@

The Perl 6 equivalents are:

 regex { pattern }# always takes {...} as delimiters
-rx / pattern /# can take (almost any) chars as delimiters
+ rx/ pattern /# can take (almost any) chars as delimiters

You may not use whitespace or alphanumerics for delimiters.  Space is
optional unless needed to distinguish from modifier arguments or
@@ -1021,14 +1021,14 @@

 rx ( pattern )  # okay
 rx( 1,2,3 ) # tries to call rx function

-(This is true of all quotelike constructs in Perl 6.)
+(This is true for all quotelike constructs in Perl 6.)

=item *

-If either form needs modifiers, they go before the opening delimiter:
+If modifiers are needed by either form, they go before the opening delimiter:

 $regex = regex :g:s:i { my name is (.*) };
- $regex = rx:g:s:i / my name is (.*) /;# same thing
+ $regex = rx:g:s:i / my name is (.*) /;# same thing

Space is necessary after the final modifier if you use any
bracketing character for the delimiter.  (Otherwise it would be taken as
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@

=item *

As the syntax indicates, it is now more closely analogous to a Csub {...}
-constructor.  In fact, that analogy will run Ivery deep in Perl 6.
+constructor.  In fact, that analogy runs Ivery deep in Perl 6.

=item *

@@ -1120,10 +1120,10 @@

regex ident { [ alpha: | _: ]: \w+: }

-but rather easier to read.  The bare C*, C+ and C? quantifiers
+but rather easier to read.  The bare C*, C+, and C? quantifiers
never backtrack in a Ctoken unless some outer regex has specified a
C:panic option that applies.  If you want to prevent even that, use
-C*:, C+: or C?: to prevent any backtracking into the quantifier.
+C*:, C+:, or C?: to prevent any backtracking into the quantifier.
If you want to explicitly backtrack, append either a C? or a C+
to the quantifier.   The C? forces minimal matching as usual,
while the C+ forces greedy matching.  The Ctoken declarator is
@@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@

=item *

Attempting to backtrack past a C cut  causes the complete match
-to fail (like backtracking past a C commit . This is because there's
+to fail (like backtracking past a C commit ). This is because there's
now no preceding text to backtrack into.

=item *
@@ -1272,7 +1272,7 @@

=item * too you can have anonymous regexes and Inamed regexes (and tokens, too you can have anonymous regexes and Inamed regexes (as
well as tokens
and rules):

 token ident { [alpha|_] \w* }
@@ -1546,7 +1546,7 @@

=item *

Inside a regex, the C$/ variable holds the current regex's
-incomplete CMatch object (which can be modified via the internal C$/.
+incomplete CMatch object (which can be modified via the internal C$/).
For example:

$str ~~ / foo # Match 'foo'
@@ -1651,13 +1651,13 @@

=item *

The array elements of the regex's CMatch object (i.e. C$/)
-store individual CMatch objects representing the substrings that where
+store individual CMatch objects representing the substrings that were
matched and captured by the first, second, third, etc. Ioutermost
(i.e. unnested) subpatterns. So these elements can be treated like fully
fledged match results. For example:

 if m/ (\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d) 

Legacy Dereferencing Syntax Used in S05

2006-08-01 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, all~~

S05 makes widely use of the syntax @{ $capture } and %{ $capture }
while other synopses remarkably don't.

According to S02, {...} should normall be a closure or a hash
subscript and S02 uses the syntax @( $arrayref ) and %( $hashref )
consistently. Is S05 simply out of sync or is the legacy dereferencing
syntax still valid Perl 6 but not specified explicitly?

BTW, PerlJam on #perl6 also found the uses of @{...} appear vestigial.



Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10487 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-27 Thread Agent Zhang

Audrey, I know the feeling of processing a large patch. :=)

As Larry said, there're always nits. :(

Here're even more fixes for S04:

Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (revision 10488)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (working copy)

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@

Every block is a closure.  (That is, in the abstract, they're all
anonymous subroutines that take a snapshot of their lexical scope.)
-How a block is invoked and how its results are used is a matter of
+How a block is invoked and how its results are used are matters of
context, but closures all work the same on the inside.

Blocks are delimited by curlies, or by the beginning and end of the
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@

However, that's likely to be visually confused with a following
Cwhile loop at the best of times, so it's also allowed to put the
-loop conditional at the front, with the same meaning (the Crepeat
+loop conditional at the front, with the same meaning. (The Crepeat
keyword forces the conditional to be evaluated at the end of the loop,
so it's still C's do-while semantics.)  Therefore, even under GNU style
rules, the previous example may be rewritten into a very clear:
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@

it's not required that all the statements in a switch block be Cwhen
statements (though it helps the optimizer to have a sequence of
contiguous Cwhen statements, because then it can arrange to jump
-directly to the first appropriate test that might possibly match.)
+directly to the first appropriate test that might possibly match).

The default case:

@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@

All abnormal control flow is, in the general case, handled by the
exception mechanism (which is likely to be optimized away in specific
-cases.)  Here abnormal means any transfer of control outward that
+cases).  Here abnormal means any transfer of control outward that
is not just falling off the end of a block.  A Creturn,
for example, is considered a form of abnormal control flow, since it
can jump out of multiple levels of closures to the end of the scope
@@ -521,8 +521,8 @@

scope of that loop, and if that call mentions the outer loop's label,
then that outer loop is the one that must be controlled. (This search
of lexical scopes is limited to the current official subroutine.)
-If there is no such lexically scoped outer loop in the current subroutine.
-Then a fallback search is made outward through the dynamic scopes in
+If there is no such lexically scoped outer loop in the current subroutine,
+then a fallback search is made outward through the dynamic scopes in
the same way Perl 5 does.  (The difference between Perl 5 and Perl 6
in this respect arises only because Perl 5 didn't have user-defined
control structures, hence the sub's lexical scope was Ialways
@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@

All of these trait blocks can see any previously declared lexical
variables, even if those variables have not been elaborated yet when
the closure is invoked (in which case the variables evaluate to an
-undefined value.)
+undefined value).

Note: Apocalypse 4 confused the notions of CPRE/CPOST with
These are now separate notions.  CENTER and CLEAVE are used only for
@@ -793,7 +793,7 @@

statement continuators such as Celse that cannot be confused with
the beginning of a new statement.  Anything else, such as a statement
modifier (on, say, a Cloop statement) must continue on the same line,
-unless the newline be escaped using the unspace construct--see S02.)
+unless the newline be escaped using the unspace construct--see S02).

Final blocks on statement-level constructs always imply semicolon
precedence afterwards regardless of the position of the closing curly.

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r10492 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-07-27 Thread Agent Zhang


Author: audreyt
Date: Thu Jul 27 10:44:22 2006
New Revision: 10492


* S04: More nits from agentzh++.
  (However, the period-inside-parens style, as seen in
   this sentence, is not changed.)

Hmm, IMHO, the following styles are recommended:

   I really like the girl (who is so smart).
   I really like the girl. (She is so smart.)

While the following should be abandoned:

   I really like the girl (who is so smart.)
   I really like the girl. (She is so smart).


[patch] typos in S04

2006-07-26 Thread Agent Zhang

This is a patch for S04. Special thanks go to cjeris++ and other kind
persons on #perl6 for reviewing this.


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (revision 10479)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S04.pod   (working copy)

@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@

Every block is a closure.  (That is, in the abstract, they're all
anonymous subroutines that take a snapshot of their lexical scope.)
-How any block is invoked and how its results are used is a matter of
+How a block is invoked and how its results are used are matters of
context, but closures all work the same on the inside.

Blocks are delimited by curlies, or by the beginning and end of the
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@

A bare closure without placeholder arguments that uses C$_
(either explicitly or implicitly) is treated as though C$_ were a
-a formal parameter:
+formal parameter:

$func = { print if $_ };   # Same as: $func = - $_ { print if $_ };
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@

cases.)  Here abnormal means any transfer of control outward that
is not just falling off the end of a block.  A Creturn,
for example, is considered a form of abnormal control flow, since it
-can jump out of multiple levels of closure to the end of the scope
+can jump out of multiple levels of closures to the end of the scope
of the current subroutine definition.  Loop commands like Cnext
are abnormal, but looping because you hit the end of the block is not.
The implicit break of a Cwhen block is abnormal.
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@

leave == :foo:bar:baz(1) if $leaving;

-or going the other way::
+or going the other way:

$leaving and :foo:bar:baz(1) == leave;

@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@

scope of that loop, and if that call mentions the outer loop's label,
then that outer loop is the one that must be controlled. (This search
of lexical scopes is limited to the current official subroutine.)
-If there is no such lexically scoped outer loop in current subroutine.
+If there is no such lexically scoped outer loop in the current subroutine.
Then a fallback search is made outward through the dynamic scopes in
the same way Perl 5 does.  (The difference between Perl 5 and Perl 6
in this respect arises only because Perl 5 didn't have user-defined
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@

of parameters.  (Initialization of ordinary variables does not
count--presumably the presence of a label will prevent code-movement
optimizations past the label.)  So, for instance, it's always possible
-to goto into the next case of a Cwhen or into either the then
+to Cgoto into the next case of a Cwhen or into either the then
or else branch of a conditional.  You may not go into a Cgiven
or a Cfor, though, because that would bypass a formal parameter
binding (not to mention list generation in the case of Cfor).
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@

As in Perl 5, many built-in functions simply return undef when you ask
for a value out of range, or the function fails somehow.  Perl 6 has
-CFailure objects, which refers to an unthrown CException object in
+CFailure objects, any of which refers to an unthrown CException object in
C$! and knows whether it has been handled or not.

If you test a CFailure for C.valid, C.defined or C.true, it causes
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@

default argument.

At scope exit, C$! discards all handled exceptions from itself, then performs
-a GC check for all remaining (unhandled) exceptions.  If all of them are still
+a GC (Garbage Collection) check for all remaining (unhandled)
exceptions.  If all of them are still
alive (e.g. by becoming part of the return value), then they are appended to
C CALLER::$! .  Otherwise, it calls Cdie to throw those exceptions
as a single new exception, which may then be caught with a CCATCH block in
@@ -672,13 +672,13 @@

All of these trait blocks can see any previously declared lexical
variables, even if those variables have not been elaborated yet when
-the closure is invoked.  (In which case the variables evaluate to an
-undefined value.)
+the closure is invoked (in which case the variables evaluate to an
+undefined value).

Note: Apocalypse 4 confused the notions of CPRE/CPOST with
These are now separate notions.  CENTER and CLEAVE are used only for
their side effects.  CPRE and CPOST must return boolean values that are
-evaluated according to the usual Design by Contract rules.  (Plus,
+evaluated according to the usual Design by Contract (DBC) rules.  (Plus,
if you use CENTER/CLEAVE in a class block, they only execute when the
class block is executed, but CPRE/CPOST in a class block are evaluated
around every method in the class.)
@@ -718,7 +718,7 @@

opening brace.  You Imust parenthesize the expression if there is
a bare block or pointy block that would be misinterpreted as the statement's
block.  This is regardless of whether a term or operator is expected where
-the block occurs.  (A block inside brackets, or used as as
+the block occurs.  (A block 

Re: Patch for S03

2006-07-24 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, Audrey~

You seemed to have missed two corrections in my patch to S03 which is
now given below. (I know you're preparing for OSCON 2006 and I really
don't want to bother you much. :=))


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (revision 10396)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (working copy)

@@ -808,7 +808,7 @@

my @a = (5,6);
[*] @a;   # 5 * 6 = 30

-As with the all metaoperators, space is not allowed inside.  The whole
+As with all the other metaoperators, space is not allowed inside.  The whole
thing parses as a single token.

A reduction operator has the same precedence as a list operator.  In fact,
@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@

=head1 Binding

-A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called binding, used in
+A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called binding, used in
place of typeglob assignment.  It is performed with the C:= operator.
Instead of replacing the value in a container like normal assignment, it
replaces the container itself.  For instance:

On 7/24/06, Audrey Tang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

在 2006/7/23 上午 7:33 時,Agent Zhang 寫到:

 Hello, everyone~
 Here's my patch for S03.

Thanks, applied (and the previous one on S02 too)!


Another patch for S02

2006-07-23 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, all~

Another patch for S02 is given below. (And more patches for S03, S04,
... are coming soon.)

Reading Synopses is fun, but finding typos is not so enjoyable. :P


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod   (revision 10373)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod   (working copy)

@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@

CStr in question can provide an abstract CBuf interface somehow.
Coercion to CBuf should generally invalidate the CStr interface.
As a generic type CBuf may be instantiated as (or bound to) any
-of Cbuf8, Cbuf16, or Cbuf32 (or to any type that provide the
+of Cbuf8, Cbuf16, or Cbuf32 (or to any type that provides the
appropriate CBuf interface), but when used to create a buffer CBuf
defaults to Cbuf8.

@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@

Any lexical declared with the Cis context trait is by default
 considered readonly outside the current lexical scope.  You may add
Cis rw to allow called routines to modify your value.  C$_,
-C$! and C$/ are Crw by default.  In any event, your lexical
+C$!, and C$/ are Crw by default.  In any event, your lexical
scope can always access the variable as if it were an ordinary Cmy;
the restriction on writing applies only to called subroutines.

@@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@

 (You are still free to predeclare subroutines explicitly, of course.)
 The postdeclaration may be in any lexical or package scope that
could have made the declaration visible to the provisional call had the
-declaration occurred before rather than after than the provisional
+declaration occurred before rather than after the provisional

 This fixup is done only for provisional calls.  If there
@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@

infix:+   $x + $y
circumfix:[ ] [ @x ]
-postcircumfix:[ ] $x[$y] or $x .[$y]
+postcircumfix:[ ] $x[$y] or $x.[$y]
regex_metachar:,  /,/
regex_backslash:w /\w/ and /\W/
regex_assertion:* /*stuff/

Patch for S03

2006-07-23 Thread Agent Zhang

Hello, everyone~

Here's my patch for S03.


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (revision 10373)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S03.pod   (working copy)

@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@


-where COP is includes any standard scalar operators in the five
+where COP includes any standard scalar operators in the five
precedence levels autoincrement, exponentiation, symbolic unary,
multiplicative, and additive; but these are limited to standard
operators that are known to return numbers, strings, or booleans.
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@

Two values are never equivalent unless they are of exactly the same type.  By
contrast, Ceq always coerces to string, while C== always coerces to
numeric.  In fact, C$a eq $b really means C~$a === ~$b and C$a == $b
-means C+$a === +$b.
+means C+$a === +$b.

Note also that, while string hashes use Ceq semantics by default,
object hashes use C=== semantics.
@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@

really wanted to assign a stringified value.)  A negated smart match is
spelled C!~~.

-=item * Unary C. calls its single argument (which must a postfix operator)
+=item * Unary C. calls its single argument (which must be a
postfix operator)
on C$_.  (It's not really a unary operator, so we put it in quotes.)

=item * The C.. range operator has variants with C^ on either
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@

supports the COrdered role.

0..*# 0 .. +Inf
-'a'..* # 'a' .. 'z...
+'a'..* # 'a' .. 'z...'
*..0# -Inf .. 0
*..*# -Inf .. +Inf, really Ordered
1.2.3..*# Any version higher than 1.2.3.
@@ -569,7 +569,7 @@

Any .method   method truth*match if $_.method
Any Regex pattern matchmatch if $_ ~~ /$x/
Any subst substitution match*  match if $_ ~~ subst
-Any boolean   simple expression truth* match if true given $_
+Any boolean   simple expression truth* match if $x given $_
Any undef undefinedmatch unless defined $_
Any Whatever  default  match anything
Any Any   run-time dispatchmatch if infix:~~($_, $x)
@@ -807,7 +807,7 @@

my @a = (5,6);
[*] @a;   # 5 * 6 = 30

-As with the all metaoperators, space is not allowed inside.  The whole
+As with all other metaoperators, space is not allowed inside.  The whole
thing parses as a single token.

A reduction operator has the same precedence as a list operator.  In fact,
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@

[[;] 1,2,3]   # equivalent to [1;2;3]

-Builtin reduce operators return the following identity operations:
+Builtin reduce operators return the following identity values:

[**]()  # 1 (arguably nonsensical)
[*]()   # 1
@@ -1070,7 +1070,7 @@

=head1 Binding

-A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called binding, used in
+A new form of assignment is present in Perl 6, called binding, used in
place of typeglob assignment.  It is performed with the C:= operator.
Instead of replacing the value in a container like normal assignment, it
replaces the container itself.  For instance:
@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@

my $y := $x;
$y = 'Perl Hacker';

-After this, both C$x and C$y contain the string Perl Hacker, since
+After this, both C$x and C$y contain the string Perl Hacker, since
they are really just two different names for the same variable.

There is another variant, spelled C::=, that does the same thing at
@@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@

=head1 Argument List Interpolating

-Perl 5 forced interpolation of a functions argument list by use of
+Perl 5 forced interpolation of a function's argument list by use of
the C prefix.  That option is no longer available in Perl 6, so
instead the C[,] reduction operator serves as an
interpolator, by casting its operands to CCapture objects
@@ -1229,7 +1229,7 @@

@$bar = 1,2,3;
$bar[] = 1,2,3;

-Some lvalues can be rather lengthy, so that second form can help keep
+Some lvalues can be rather lengthy, so that the second form can help keep
the arrayness of the lvalue close to the assignment operator:

$[] = 1,2,3;
@@ -1255,7 +1255,7 @@

To interpolate a function's return value, you must say:

-push [,] func()
+push [,] func();

Within the argument list of a C[,], function return values are
automatically exploded into their various parts, as if you'd said:
@@ -1346,7 +1346,7 @@

print Name: $name;   Zip code: $zip\n;

-Czip has an infix synonym, the Unicode operator C¥, and its the ASCII
+Czip has an infix synonym, the Unicode operator C¥, and its ASCII
equivalent CY.

To read arrays in parallel like Czip but just sequence the values

Patch for S02

2006-07-19 Thread Agent Zhang

Hi, all~

I found some nits while copying Perl 6 Synopsis 2 by hand. The patch
created by my TortoiseSVN for S02 has been pasted at the end of the


Index: D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod


--- D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod   (revision 10313)

+++ D:/projects/Perl6-Syn/S02.pod   (working copy)

@@ -743,8 +743,8 @@

$args = \3; # same as $args = \(3)
$$args; # same as $args as Scalar or Scalar($args)
-@$args; # same as '$args as Array  or Array($args)
-%$args; # same as '$args as Hash   or Hash($args)
+@$args; # same as $args as Array  or Array($args)
+%$args; # same as $args as Hash   or Hash($args)

When cast into an array, you can access all the positional arguments; into a
 hash, all named arguments; into a scalar, its invocant.
@@ -789,7 +789,7 @@

 Whitespace is not allowed before the parens, but there is a
corresponding C.() operator, plus the long dot forms that allow
-you to insert optional whitespace and comments between dots:
+you to insert optional whitespace and comments between the backslash and dot:

foo\   .($arg1, $arg2);
@@ -1064,7 +1064,7 @@

not see any lexical variables or their values, unless you copy those
 values into C%*ENV to change what subprocesses see:

-temp %*ENV{LANG} = $+LANG; # may be modifed by parent
+temp %*ENV{LANG} = $+LANG; # may be modified by parent
system greet;

=item *