Re: Private contracts?

2002-10-12 Thread Iain Spoon Truskett

* Larry Wall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [12 Oct 2002 10:51]:

> use Acme::1.0;

> After all, we don't have package names starting with numbers right now...

Well, there's than Pod::Simple::31337, which confused for a
bit. But none which _start_ with a number, no.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain 'Spoon'; Truskett
* Dyck, David ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 19:21]:

> You could use the Character Map accessory to put
> the character into the clipboard, or
> press the alt and hold the alt key while typing 0171 (or 0187)
> < alt+0171
> > alt+0187

To be honest, as easy as it is to type ^a^v<< or ^k<<,[1] it's still
typing an awful lot just to get a character. Surely the Perl operator
Huffman encoding should take into account the length of time it takes to
type the darn thing.

Personally, I'm against non US-ascii chars being part of the core
language. It's fine if people want their Unicode identifiers, or import
modules to change operators, but I'd like to think I can at least read
and write my own code in non-Latin-1 environments.

[1] screen and vim respectively, although I could always make vim treat
<< as an abbreviation for the guillemet, although that would
interfere with heredocs),

Iain, who carefully didn't use any « or » chars until just then. Oops.

Re: plaintive whine about 'for' syntax

2002-10-31 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Ed Peschko ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [01 Nov 2002 07:19]:

> for @a -> $a_variable1 is rw, $a_variable2 is rw;
>   @b -> $b_variable  is rw;
>   @c -> $c_variable  is rw;
>   @d -> $d_variable  is rw;
>   @e -> $e_variable1 is rw, $e_variable2 is rw;
> {
> }

> is much, *much* clearer. IMO the current 'for' syntax suffers from
> action at a distance, even if that distance is within the same line.
> Related things aren't paired up nearly close enough to each other.

Give this man a +1. I do prefer to have associated things placed
with each other. And, as Simon pointed out, ';' is used to break
things apart, thus the syntax above makes somewhat more sense.

The best part is that I can easily comment out, delete, add part of
the expression without worrying that I'm deleting the wrong thing.

It may not be often that I will use the construct for multiple
iterators, but I can foreseeably use at least 2, and with the
added ease I can imagine using more =)


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Larry Wall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [31 Oct 2002 08:22]:

> This is currently running in a window that does Latin-1 rather than
> UTF-8.  Do these French quotes come through?

> @a «+» @b

The window may say Latin-1, but the mail header said UTF-8.

As it happens, I couldn't see them until I piped the message through
less. That said, I've probably got a misconfiguration somewhere.
I usually have trouble with top-bit set chars, and ms codepagisms.


Re: [RFC] Perl6 Operator List, Take 5

2002-10-31 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Larry Wall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [01 Nov 2002 15:59]:

> I was misconfigured here. My pine was marking it as UTF-8 even though
> the window was Latin-1. So you ought to be able to see this: @a «*» @b.

That appeared perfectly.

> I'm definitely going to look into mutt though...gotta have Unicode email.

So I'm told =) Me? I'd be happy if more mailers supported the
Mail-Followup-To header.

I'm not too concerned about unicode since my xterm doesn't support it
anyway =) Obviously, I'll look into it one of these days. Soon after
Perl 6 is released, I imagine.


Re: String concatentation operator

2002-11-17 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Dan Sugalski ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [18 Nov 2002 12:56]:

> Perl's standard threading behaviour's going to be
> rather heavyweight, though.

Silly question time: Why is it going to be rather heavyweight?
(Not complaining or berating, just wanting information =) )

> (Though the presentation on Erlang at LL2 has got me thinking more
> about efficient multithreading.


> I don't think we'll be able to use it
> for perl, though)

Not so good! =)


Re: Continuations

2002-11-18 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Damian Conway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [19 Nov 2002 15:19]:
> Luke Palmer asked:
> > What was the final syntax for vector ops?
> >
> >@a ???+??? @b
> >@a ???+??? @b

> The latter (this week, at least ;-).

Y'know, for those of us who still haven't set up Unicode, they look
remarkably similar =)


Re: right-to-left pipelines

2002-12-11 Thread Iain &#x27;Spoon'; Truskett
* Damian Conway ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [12 Dec 2002 10:32]:

> You underestimate your ability to communicate, Simon. I understood
> exactly what you wanted: pass a closure to a method without needing to
> wrap the closure in parens.

Simon appears to want to have closures as params just like Ruby.

As in:

array.each { |x| puts x }

rather than

@array.each({ print "$_[0]\n" })

(or however the syntax would currently be)

> I was explaining why I think we ought to keep the parens. And that is
> because, without them, we can't tell how many arguments to pass to the
> method. And because the default ("pass all of 'em") isn't a good
> enough answer.

So why does Ruby have so little trouble with it?
