Re: RFC 189 (v1) Objects : Hierarchical calls to initializers and destructors

2000-09-02 Thread John Tobey

On Sat, Sep 02, 2000 at 12:16:48AM -0400, John Tobey wrote:
 I agree with Michael that SETUP should be BLESS.  You argue that it

Oops, I mean Nate.  Sorry, Michael!


Re: RFC 189 (v1) Objects : Hierarchical calls to initializers and destructors

2000-09-01 Thread John Tobey

On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 08:59:10PM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
 =head1 ABSTRACT
 This RFC proposes a new special method called CSETUP that is 
 invoked automagically whenever an object is created. Furthermore,
 it proposes that both CSETUP and CDESTROY methods should
 be invoked hierarchically in all base classes.

I agree with Michael that SETUP should be BLESS.  You argue that it
"doesn't do any blessing", ignoring Michael's point about PRINT not
(necessarily) doing any printing.

As you pointed out in the 'MIGRATION' section, such a radical change
to the meaning of DESTROY [w]ould have serious impact.  I contend that
a name other than DESTROY should be chosen for recursive-destructor
role.  I like CURSE, though maybe ABSOLVE will better please the
unperverted among us.  Then object reblessing would naturally call
CURSE via the old package and BLESS with the new.  If reblessing is
not itself condemned, that is.

  use base map { "Base$_" } 1 .. 999;
 my $x = bless {}; # a thousand blessings
  }# a thousand curses (m+s vs refcounting aside)

 =head2 The CSETUP method
 It is proposed that, if a class has a method named CSETUP, that method
 will be invoked automatically during any call to Cbless. It
 is further proposed that Cbless be extended to take an optional argument
 list after its second argument, and that this list would be passed to
 any CSETUP method invoked by the Cbless.

Every base's SETUP gets the same argument list?  That seems highly
undesirable from an OO-purity standpoint.  Or do you have a syntax for
member initializer lists in store for us?

Better, have UNIVERSAL::new load the args into a hash and pass it to
SETUPs by reference, avoiding positional-parameter hell.  SETUP can
delete what it processes and insert what its bases need.
UNIVERSAL::new can even warn about "unrecognized initializer arg" if
there's anything left in the hash when SETUPs have finished.  See my
experimental UNIVERSALs below.

 Note that CBase2::DESTROY is only called once (as late as possible),
 even though class Rederived inherits it through two distinct paths.

Let's get the single-inheritance case nailed down before we think
about how it should work in MI.  With Perl's interface inheritance (a
term for which I thank you, Damian), who knows?  Maybe some base
classes don't want to be virtual.

 =head2 Proposed standard CUNIVERSAL::new
 Given that most Perl classes are hash-based and that the CSETUP method
 cleanly separate construction and initialization, it might be desirable to 
 have the UNIVERSAL class always supply a default constructor:
 package UNIVERSAL;
 sub new { bless {}, @_ }

Yes, and it could call SETUP the way you want, eliminating the need to
change the 'bless' builtin.  There could even be a UNIVERSAL::SETUP
that looks for args from %FIELDS (or its successor) in its initalizer
hash.  Below is something along these lines that I put together last
year.  It relies on pseudohash semantics, but the principles are
what's of interest.

package JTobey::UNIVERSAL;

sub new {
if (scalar(@_) =~ /[02468]$/) {
require Carp;
Carp::confess ("Missing value for last initializer");

my ($pkg, %args) = @_;
my ($obj, $fields);

{ no strict 'refs'; $fields = \%{"$pkg\::FIELDS"}; }
$obj = bless [$fields], $pkg;
$obj-init (\%args);

if (%args) {
require Carp;
Carp::croak ("Initializer list contains unrecognized fields: "
 .join(", ", keys %args));
return $obj;

sub init {
my ($obj, $argsref) = @_;
my ($fields, $pos);

$fields = $$obj[0];
foreach my $name (keys %$argsref) {
next if not $pos = $$fields{$name};
$$obj[$pos] = delete $$argsref{$name};

# Break circular references.
sub free {
@ { $_[0] } = ();


Re: AGAINST RFC 48 (v1) Replace localtime() and gmtime() with da

2000-08-09 Thread John Tobey

On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 10:47:10PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
 John Tobey [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 02:22:22AM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
  date() would be more general, and replace both. You can pass it a time
  zone, ANY time zone, and it will tell you what time it is in that time
 You're proposing embedding the full power of the Olson TZ library into
 Perl core.  This is a nontrivial amount of data that changes four or five
 times a year.  I really don't think this is a good idea.  Furthermore, the
 only time zone database that can actually do this doesn't use the naming
 scheme that you're probably used to.
  The JTobey::Date module uses the TZ environment variable (which, I'm
  told, is non-portable), the esoteric POSIX routines tzset and tzname,
  and some functions from the CPAN modules Date::Parse and Date::Format.
 It's far worse than non-portable; it's completely insufficient.  The POSIX
 TZ syntax cannot represent many real time zones.  You need the Olson-style
 naming scheme which refers to entries in a fairly large external database

You mean the "EST5EDT", "US/Pacific", "America/New_York", and suchlike
files in /usr/share/zoneinfo.  Actually, I do use those indirectly,
though probably non-portably, by localizing C$ENV{TZ}.  GNU Libc
takes care of finding the zoneinfo file, but lamentably reparses it
every time TZ changes and CPOSIX::tzset is called.

My module does not parse old-style TZ formats, though some other
module (Date::Format or Time::Zone?) does.


Re: AGAINST RFC 48 (v1) Replace localtime() and gmtime() with da

2000-08-08 Thread John Tobey

On Wed, Aug 09, 2000 at 02:22:22AM +0200, Bart Lateur wrote:
 I have a server in the UK, while I'm in Belgium. Different time zones.
 So localtime() won't return the time in *my* localtime.
 So we have two almost identical functions in the core, gmtime and
 localtime, where one gives an offset of zero, and the other an offset
 based upon the time zone settings of your system. It's a very small
 difference. Those are the most commonly requested time representations,
 but as in my example, it's not enough.
 date() would be more general, and replace both. You can pass it a time
 zone, ANY time zone, and it will tell you what time it is in that time

Multiple timezone support in a single process should definitely be
supported, *ideally*.  I don't think this RFC is even proposing that.
It is very difficult to do right.  I spent several months trying; you
can see my work using these CVS commands:

echo :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs A  ~/.cvspass
cvs -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/cvs co Date

The JTobey::Date module uses the TZ environment variable (which, I'm
told, is non-portable), the esoteric POSIX routines tzset and tzname,
and some functions from the CPAN modules Date::Parse and Date::Format.
It is designed to give it all an easy OO interface, and to be as
correct as possible on systems like mine.  It is not expected to be
very fast, portable, or locale-friendly.

To overcome these problems would be a Herculean task which I simply
doubt that anyone here is willing to do.  Therefore, I oppose the
notion that Perl 6 will magically handle all this.


AGAINST RFC 48 (v1) Replace localtime() and gmtime() with da

2000-08-07 Thread John Tobey

On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 01:44:28AM -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 11:07:02AM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
  Basically, you don't want to go anywhere near this mess; it eats people.
 I agree.
  I see two reasonable options to go with instead.  One is to just use a
  binary flag that says use UTC or not; this is the simplest and most
  reliable to explain.  The other is to allow a timezone offset; this
  doesn't deal with daylight savings time and historic time zone changes,
  but it provides enough power for most of what people want to do and if you
  want to deal with the rest you have to deal with time zone naming.

I agree completely with Russ, and I would further state that I don't
want this Cdate feature in the core.  Dates, times, timezones, leap
seconds, month and day names, localized formats, etc., are too
complex.  No one here has thought out the complexity enough to say
"this is what Perl will support from now on".

Currently, there isn't even an adequate (in my opinion) module on CPAN
that gives dates a proper abstract interface.  Time::Object may be
okay as a lightweight localtime/strftime interface, but it does not
support date, as opposed to time/date, arithmetic, or rather, it
mis-supports it.

Since we really don't understand dates here, I don't want us commiting
to a certain interface without a `use' directive in the program.
Distribute Time::Object as a standard module, but keep it a module,
and don't force its quirks on people.  Certainly, don't force the
complex, quirky, and untested interface being developed here now on
anyone without a long, patient discussion period.

 This makes an incredible amount of sense.  We could even let the user
 specify a coderef to a sub that implements their own particular
 timezone oddities. (i.e. a sub to tell date() what the TZ offset is)

Gross.  Put it in a module.


Re: RFC 48 (v1) Replace localtime() and gmtime() with da

2000-08-06 Thread John Tobey

On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 01:41:06PM -, Perl6 RFC Librarian wrote:
$scalar  =  date; # scalar ctime date, same as current
@array   =  date; # array of date/time values (new order)
%hash=  date; # hash of date/time values (new)
$object  =  date; # object with accessor functions (new)
 The new Cdate() function will return time adjusted for the local
 timezone. To get UTC (or GMT, for nostalgic types) time, you simply pass
 an argument to Cdate().

Please don't gloss over the timezone issue so easily.  There is
nothing simple about timezones (except for GMT, of course).  The
reason there are *NO* good OO date modules on CPAN is that people fail
to realize what nastiness comes from sticking in timezone support as
an afterthought.

For example, Time::Object's interface practically precludes adjusting
for daylight savings when doing date (as opposed to date/time)

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

$ENV{'TZ'} = 'US/Pacific';
use Time::Object;
use Time::Seconds;

print "$Time::Object::VERSION\n";

$t = localtime 954547200;
print $t, "\n";
print $t - 30 * ONE_DAY, "\n";
print $t + 30 * ONE_DAY, "\n";

Fri Mar 31 16:00:00 2000
Wed Mar  1 16:00:00 2000
Sun Apr 30 17:00:00 2000

Notice that adding 30 days to March 31 has the (probably unwanted)
effect of changing the time from 16:00 to 17:00.  Dates and date/times
are just entirely different beasties due to the horrible (and
senseless, btw) complexity of daylight savings time rules.


proto-rfc. Elements of @_ should be read-only.

2000-08-03 Thread John Tobey

This is not quite finished yet, as I read the rest of the C-- garbage
collection paper.


=head1 TITLE

Elements of @_ should be read-only

=head1 VERSION

  Maintainer: John Tobey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: 3 Aug 2000
  Version: 1
  Mailing List: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Unprototyped subs should not be allowed to modify their callers' data
simply by assigning to elements of the arg array.  This form of
passing by reference is obsolete now that Perl has hard references and
C\$ in prototypes.  The feature is confusing, since it means that
the recommended convention for naming parameters (by assigning C@_
to a Cmy list) alters semantics.

The Perl 5 (and older) behavior may preclude some optimizations.


Bla bla bla, optimization.  Bla, bla, native code, pass by value.  C--
is cool.


A fascist implementation would emit a compile-time error any time
C@_ or one of its elements were assigned to, taken a refernce to,
etc.  A friendlier version would automatically copy the arg value to a
new temporary.

This change would mean a moderate Perl 5 compatibility breakage.  The
Perl-5-to-Perl-6 converter could insert whatever trick is used to
obtain the Perl 5 behavior (perhaps a C(@) prototype) when it
detects argument modification.

If the optimization suggested above is implemented, it would cause
another wave of breakage, as arg-modifying subs would have to be
defined or prototyped above the places where they are called.  A
pragma to restore the old behavior would be the safest guarantor of


Lperlsub, The C-- homepage -

Re: RFC: On-the-fly tainting via $^T

2000-08-01 Thread John Tobey

Simon Cozens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 01, 2000 at 01:43:05PM +0100, Graham Barr wrote:
  Let me just say that Larry has said in the past that untainting was
  deliberatly left difficult to do, on the basis that something which
  can have serious effect (ie security) should not be easy to do.
  But then I suppose all previous decisions are up for re-deciding
 Yes, they are. If we're going to make it trivially easy to untaint,
 should we bother having tainting at all? :(

Tainting has potential uses as data-tracking mechanism aside from
security.  If the keyword 'untaint' had to appear, it would be easier
to find security issues than when m/(.*)/ is used.

Uh-oh, now we're getting back into perl6-language territory...
attempting to CC.

John Tobey, late nite hacker [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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