Re: Should @x be defined after only "my @x"? (RT #64968)

2009-08-12 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "KH" == Kyle Hasselbacher  writes:

  KH> use v6;
  KH> my $s;   #  ! $x.defined
  KH> my @a;  # @a.defined

  KH> That's the current Rakudo behavior.  RT #64968 suggests that this is a
  KH> bug.  In Perl 5, @a would not be defined until something was put into
  KH> it.  Which should it be?  I'd like to write a test for this.

i am not even sure why defined is a method on aggregates. it is a known
issue in p5 that you shouldn't test aggregates with defined since it
tests whether anything has ever been allocated for it vs being
empty. this comes from newbies seeing undef $foo and then some do undef
@bar and then think defined @bar makes sense. so maybe there is a new
reason to support defined on arrays and hashes but i think it should be


Uri Guttman  -- --
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Re: The game of life

2009-05-28 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "y" == yary   writes:

  y> If anyone wants to try tackling this, a longer APL one-liner is
  y> referenced on the APL wikipedia page and discussed in length here:


  y> As an aside, APL was the first computer language I was exposed to.
  y> When I was around 7 years old my aunt (who lived in Boston near MIT,
  y> Harvard) had a computer scientist friend who gave her the "APL: A
  y> Programming Language" book, after she bragged to him about a smart
  y> nephew who liked typewriters... I liked all the symbols and sort of
  y> understood a few bits of it...

you must not realize that we have our own conway (part of the p6 design
cabal) in the perl world who has coded up in perl5 something that should
not have been released on a unsuspecting world. it is a monster called
selfgol and it not only plays life, it does much more. here is a wiki
entry about it. read the code at your own peril. if this gets translated
to p6 (and probably become much shorter too), i suspect the heavens will
fall, the sun will burn out and python will take over the universe! :)

from that page:

* Its a quine
(typo - should be It's - uri)
* Turns other programs into quines
* Plays Conway's Game of Life
* Animates a marquee banner

It does so without importing any modules, and without using a single if,
unless, while, until, for, foreach, goto, next, last, redo, map, or


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Re: Amazing Perl 6

2009-05-28 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway  writes:

  DC> * Grammars built into the language:

  DC> grammar Expr::Arithetic {
  DC> rule Expression {  ** $=< + - >   }
  DC> rule Mult   {   ** $=< * / % > }
  DC> rule Pow{  ** $=< ^ > }

  DC> token Term {
  DC> | '('')'
  DC> }

  DC> token Literal { <[+\-]>? \d+ [ \. \d+ ]?  }
  DC> }

  DC> * Grammar inheritance:

  DC> grammar Expr::Algebraic is Expr::Arithetic {
  DC> token Literal {
  DC> +
  DC> | 
  DC> }
  DC> }

when i promote p6, the first and biggest thing i talk about
grammars. many of the other neat things (and damian listed a good bunch)
can be found in other langs or are nice but focused and small. p6
grammars are like nothing out there especially in any mainstream lang
today. and they are BIG in scope of what they can do. also they are very
accessible to newbies as they are based on the familiar regexes we all
use (and in almost all modern langs too). the mapping of grammar rules
to methods/subs and inheritance (which i generally despise but is
totally appropriate in grammars) is also amazing. now you can use
grammar libs and customize them as desired with little effort. before
this if you did have a grammar/parser (in any lang/system) you had to
learn its guts in detail before you dared to touch it. also grammars can
do dynamic things like build up a parsed data tree on the fly. you will
get what you expect (DWIM) with arrays of repeated grabbed sections
(properly nested as it follows your grammar). these are holy grails of
parsing and they come built in with incredible ease of use. note how
every other lang claims a perl5 compatible regex engine (and they lie as
none can do s///e among other things :). now with p6 they will never be
able to copy its grammars as it is a core part of p6 and not some regex

so you can talk about this amazing feature and be assured that the
audience will be amazed. :)



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Re: Which brackets should @a.perl use?

2009-01-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "ML" == Markus Laker  writes:

  ML> Adding a single backslash before `eval' pushes an anonymous array on to
  ML> @b, as you envisage wanting to do:

  ML> # Imagine that @a.perl has produced this:
  ML> my $p = "('blue', 'light', 'hazard')";

  ML> my @b;
  ML> @b.push(\eval $p);

but that is manual code. what about a larger tree?

  >> a more useful example would be serializing data trees. if you dump @b
  >> with .perl do you want the current dumper output of a anon array or your
  >> list of values? when serializing a tree, you must get the ref version so
  >> that is the common and default usage. your version isn't DWIMmy there at
  >> all.

  ML> I think Perl 6's automatic reference-taking (though we don't call them
  ML> references any more) solves that problem for us.

  ML> If you say

  ML> my @c = eval '(1, 2, 3)';

  ML> then @c has three elements.  If you say

  ML> my $c = eval '(1, 2, 3)';

  ML> then Perl constructs (if I've got the Perl 6 lingo right) an Array object
  ML> and stores it in $c.  So the round brackets DTRT whether you're storing
  ML> into an array like @c or into a scalar like $c.

that fails with nested arrays. we don't want them to flatten.

my $c = eval '(1, (4, 5), 3)';

will that work as you envision? in perl5 with [] it works fine. i know
there are contexts that flatten and others that don't. but a larger tree
with assignments like that are harder to read IMO as lists inside lists
are not nesting but flattening in p5 all the time.

  ML> We serialised an array of three elements; we got back an array containing
  ML> just one.  Round brackets would have solved that.  (Actually, we don't
  ML> need any brackets at all, because Perl 6's list constructor is a comma,
  ML> not a set of brackets.  But round brackets would be no-ops, and they
  ML> arguably make the output more human-readable.)

try that again with my example above. in p5 the structure would be this:

my $c = [1, [4, 5], 3] ;

how should .perl serialize that so that eval will give back the same
structure? unless () are nesting and not flattening then you can't do it
without a \() which is longer (and uglier IMO than []).


Uri Guttman  -- --
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Re: Which brackets should @a.perl use?

2009-01-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "m" == moritz   writes:

  m> S02 says:

  m> "To get a Perlish representation of any object, use the .perl method. Like
  m> the Data::Dumper module in Perl 5, the .perl method will put quotes around
  m> strings, square brackets around list values,"

  m> So according to this, Rakudo has it right.
  m> But I think that a .perl()ification as ("blue", "light", "hayard",) would
  m> make much more sense, because simple thing like

  m> @a.push eval(@b.perl)

  m> would then DWIM.

for your def of DWIM. i can see wanting an anon array to be pushed onto
@a building up a structure. your example is too simple to really cover
this as you could just push @b or a ref to @b (damn, i need to learn
more basic p6 syntax! :).

a more useful example would be serializing data trees. if you dump @b
with .perl do you want the current dumper output of a anon array or your
list of values? when serializing a tree, you must get the ref version so
that is the common and default usage. your version isn't DWIMmy there at


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Re: What does a Pair numify to?

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "mab" == mark a biggar  writes:

  mab> -- Original message --
  mab> From: Larry Wall 
  >> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 02:24:54PM +0100, TSa wrote:
  >> > My idea is to let a pair numify to whatever the value numifies to.
  >> > Same thing with stringification. In general I think that a pair should
  >> > hide its key as far as possible if used as non-pair.
  >> This makes sense to me, but I'd like to see any use cases to the
  >> contrary, if anyone can think of one.

  mab> The only use case I can think of is sorting a list of pairs;
  mab>  should it default to sort by key or value?

the default should be sort by key since that is used way more often than
sort by value. well, at least it seems that way to me. but if you use a
key description sort it may be trivial either way. something like
(broken p6):

@pairs.sort( .key ) ;
@pairs.sort ;   # same thing if key is the default
@pairs.sort( .val ) ;

or even using the single letter method names (i dunno what is supported

@sorted = @pairs.sort(.k) ;
@sorted = @pairs.sort(.v) ;

and if i am correct, no assignment would mean in-place sorting which is

so you could default to sorting pairs by keys and not bother too many.


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Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall  writes:

  >>> infix: does numeric comparison if both operands are numbers, and 
  >>> string comparison otherwise.

  LW> That is a bit of an oversimplification.

  LW> Any type may define infix: however it likes for two arguments of
  LW> its own type.  It may also define multis with other types that define
  LW> desirable coercions.  The infix::(Any,Any) routine is what would
  LW> be providing the default string coercion, so it would succeed for
  LW> any two different types that match Any and have string coercions.
  LW> Outside of Any are the Object and Junction types; I suppose cmp can
  LW> thread on junctions, but trying to sort junctions might well result
  LW> in aberrant behavior, especially if we choose a sort algorithm that
  LW> coredumps on circular ordering relations.  :)

this means cmp still does a string compare as long as it can coerce its
args to strings. this means the shorter sort ideas being bandied about
still have a major weakness - specifying the sort comparison. you can
default to string like p5 sort which is fine. but how do you pass in
<=>? or handle multiple keys with different comparison ops? this is why
damian and i agree that a key description style works best for a
sorter. the short versions i have seen are useful for string sorts of a
single key. there are plenty of uses for that and those would be a good
short cut. but there still needs to be a full sort signature of the kind
damian proposed and we have both built in different modules. there is
plenty to steal from there so don't go reinventing this wheel just
yet. :)



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Re: Working with files wish list

2008-12-15 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LT" == Leon Timmermans  writes:

  >> e) When dealing with files in directories in perl5 under linux, I need
  >> opendir(DIR,'./path/') or die "cant open ./path/\n";
  >> my @filelist = grep { /^.+\.txt/ } readdir(DIR);
  >> I would prefer something like
  >> my Location $dir .= new(:OSpath<'./data'>);
  >> and without any further code $dir contains an Array ($d...@elems) or Hash
  >> ($dir.%elems) (I dont know which, maybe both?) of File objects. If a Hash,
  >> then the keys would be the stringified .name attribute of the files.
  >> No need to opendir or readdir. Lazy evaluation could handle most 

  LT> I agree there should be a single function that combines opendir,
  LT> readdir and closedir. Scalar readdir can be useful in some context,
  LT> but in my experience it's the less common usage of it. From a
  LT> programmers point of view lazy operation would be convenient, but from
  LT> a resource management point of view that may be a bit complicated.

as another responder mentioned File::Slurp, i want to say it contains a
read_dir function (note the _ in the name). it does a slurp of a dir and
always filters out . and .. . i have plans to have it take an optional
qr and grep the dir list for you. something like this:

my @dirs = read_dir( $dirpath, qr/\.txt$/ );

again, i agree these functions should not be named new() as open and
readdir have more meaning. how could you tell you were opening a file vs
a dir with just open? many coders may not even know that open in p5 will
work on a dir! you just open the file and can read the raw dir data
which will likely look like garbage unless you have the correct
filesystem c structures to decode it. so you must have some way to
designate to the open/new that this is a dir.

the whole issue of portable paths is another problem but i can't address



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Re: r24325 - docs/Perl6/Spec

2008-12-13 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "p" == pugs-commits   writes:

  p>  This document attempts to document the list of builtin functions in Perl 
  p>  It assumes familiarity with Perl 5 and prior synopses.
  p> @@ -870,6 +870,10 @@
  p>  comparisons. C<@by> differs from C<$by> in that each criterion is
  p>  applied, in order, until a non-zero (tie) result is achieved.
  p> +If C<$by> is a code object of arity zero or one, it is applied on each 
  p> +of C<@values>, and C<@values> is sorted by comparing the result values 
  p> +C<< &infix: >> (Schwartzian Transform).
  p> +

the ST is a specific implementation of this optimization. the concept is
caching key extractions and expressions so they become O(N) and not O(N
log N) which saves tons of cpu in larger complex sorts. but how the
caching is done is really independent of the sort API/signature. as
perl6 synopses aren't supposed to discuss implementation (they are
language specs) calling it the schwartzian transform is somewhat out of
place. the ST caches the extracted keys in arrays but the GRT caches
them in a single byte string which can be even faster. all the api/sig
is doing is removing the redundant key extract code for both $a and $b.

so say that the sort sig is easier to use for simple sorts as you don't
need to express the extract code on $a/$b but it is implied to do it
given the sort code block.

and some other questions:

and how does that style handle multiple keys? how is sort ordering
specified? how does it know to do string vs numeric sorting? damian's
Perl6::Sort and my Sort::Maker address those issues but this SIG short cut
doesn't (yet).

also Sort::Maker generates sorts in 4 styles which may be of use to any
implementors of perl6's sort. and it has an old (prize winner at TPC4)
article on this topic that may be of some interest. and it only won a
technical award because damian withdrew as he was the winner the
previous two years in a row! :)



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Re: Better "sort" spec?

2008-12-12 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "TSN" == Timothy S Nelson  writes:

  TSN>  Hi all.  I saw the new "sort" idea on the Rakudo blog:

  TSN>  ...and wondered if we can get it in the spec, as I haven't
  TSN>  seen any discussion on it or anything.

well, it is sort (sic) of just like what damian posted almost 5 years
ago. i found this post covers something very similar to the rakudo
implementation. i can't seem to find this proposal in any of the
synopses (at least a quick google search found nothing) so maybe it
needs to be put in the specs/synopses.

there was a whole series of threads about sorting at that time. 

the end of that post has this:

 @sorted = sort {(%M{$^a}//-M $^a) <=> (%M{$^b}//-M $^b)} @unsorted;

 @sorted = map $_[1], sort {$^a[0] <=> $^b[0]}, map [-M,$_], @unsorted;

would both become:

 @sorted = sort {-M} @unsorted;


so you can see a similar single extract code for both $^a and $^b. and
this exists in perl5 in Sort::Maker (mine) and i think also in Perl6::Sort
(which is damian's). 

so you have not discovered something new in perl or perl6 regarding
sorting. it has been covered and in depth but never properly integrated
into the p6 docs.



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Re: Rakudo test miscellanea

2008-06-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RR" == Ryan Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RR> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 09:55:09AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
  >> We could go as far as to guarantee that Nums do rational arithmetic
  >> out to a certain point, but probably what the financial insitutions
  >> want is special fixed-point types that assume a divisor anyway.
  >> Would any financial institution care to comment?

  RR> IANAFI, but I think that's more or less right.  I think they actually
  RR> tend to use BCD.


but a rat with a divisor of 100 (or 1000 even) should be fine for their
needs. bcd is a pain (i write one in the distant past for PL/I). i once
even offered to redo it (and i partially started it) for parrot. so if
anyone really wants a fast bcd math lib which can handle arbitrary size
and precision, and wants to take it over, let me know. i already have
add/subtract working and the designs for * and / are there. just needs
more coding in c. i don't have the time, focus and incentive to work on
it. a fun and smallish project for anyone with the right interest.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
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Re: Perl 6 fundraising and related topics.

2008-03-25 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RH" == Richard Hainsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RH> Consider the position you put me, or another sponsor, in. You mention
  RH> a specific person, someone who is highly respected and extremely
  RH> talented. You ask if I consider this person to be as flaky as a
  RH> character that was a figment of my imagination, and if I say 'no he is
  RH> not so flaky', then the implication is I will provide sponsorship. And
  RH> if I demur, you might say 'put up or shut up' and I feel under
  RH> pressure to do something I might not really want to.

i am sorry if i caused you any concern or confusion.  i didn't mean to
put you under any pressure in any way. my goal was to inform anyone here
about another way to help with supporting perl6 (and perl5 cpan)
developers, in particular damian. as for damian being flaky or not, that
is a great question! :).

  RH> The whole point about having an institutional channel for sponsorship
  RH> is to remove the need for personal judgments, for sponsors to specify
  RH> exactly how their money should be used, for the procedures to be in
  RH> place to cover shortfalls from a central budget, for rules to be clear
  RH> about what happens to money that is in excess of earmarked programmes,
  RH> and for there to be clarity in all possible grey areas that happen in
  RH> life.

i agree about needing better institutional channels for sponsorship. i
am just offering a small side channel for those who would like to
support damian.

  RH> I have absolutely no issues with the excellent series of courses
  RH> you run, especially if they are taught by Damian. But where do
  RH> they fit into the general scheme of things? Are they essential to
  RH> the development of perl6, or do they only benefit a small group of
  RH> regional companies. Do they benefit me (bear in mind that the
  RH> company I run is based in Moscow, Russia)?

i didn't aim this at companies in moscow. you had the last best email
on this thread which inspired me to respond. note that i replied to the lists
as well directly to you. it was a purely informational post for the perl
6 community.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
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Re: Perl 6 fundraising and related topics.

2008-03-25 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RH" == Richard Hainsworth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RH> No one likes bureacracy. But I feel much happier about handing over
  RH> money, or persuading someone else to hand over money, to a group of
  RH> people with established procedures and collective responsibility, than
  RH> to some enthusiatic individual who promises the earth and whose the
  RH> world-number-one genius at code writing, but might also go and blow
  RH> the whole lot on girls and booze cos his cat died.

would you think damian has enough anti-flake genome in him to qualify
for a more direct donation? :) if you do and agree that damian is worth
supporting, i have an opportunity to propose. i am producing the perl
college which is a set of classes taught by damian in boston, aimed at
junior perl hackers. the college is sponsored by companies looking to
hire intermediate level perl developers. your company or you as an
individual, can be a sponsor which will support damian to come to the
states for this set of classes and also for the conferences (which he
missed last year because his funding came up short). if you are
interested contact me off list at uri AT for more info
on the perl college go to:


uri, dean of the perl college.

Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
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Re: Perl 6 fundraising and related topics.

2008-02-23 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> By the way, it's possible that I might deserve a little more money,
  LW> because *my* cat died last year, and as near as I can tell, I didn't
  LW> spend any money on girls and booze because of it...  :)

i will donate to get larry a new cat. in fact we can probably find a
free stray or extra kitten somewhere near him. will this make perl 6
happen before christmas?



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED] --
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Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r14376 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2007-04-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LP" == Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LP> On 4/17/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> Note that unless no longer allows an else

  LP> Hmm, that's interesting.  I don't _think_ I'm opposed, but maybe I am.
  LP>  The main case that I can see this limiting me is where I like to put
  LP> my error conditions at the end of my code, out of the way, like so:

  LP> unless $.something {
  LP> $.something =;
  LP> }
  LP> else {
  LP> die "Something exists!";
  LP> }

  LP> I don't want to switch the order of those blocks, and switching the
  LP> condition to "if !$.something" defeats the whole purpose of unless.

in perl5 i like to get the quick stuff like next/last/die out of the
way. it saves a block, indents and else clauses. something like this in
p6 (just your code edited):

die "Something exists!" if $.something ;

$.something =;

i don't like unnecessary blocks and indents if i can help it. unless
with else is very confusing and i never used that. i try to keep my
unless clauses to be very simple. anything complex and i revert to if.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Should a dirhandle be a filehandle-like iterator?

2007-04-13 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "JL" == Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JL> Well, I did suggest that "openfile" and "opendir" exist alongside
  JL> "open", with "openfile" being more akin to Perl 5's "open" or
  JL> "sysopen", and "open" being a bit more dwimmy.

  JL> But in general, most of the differences that you mention are things
  JL> that ought to be addressed in the resulting iterators, not in the
  JL> creating statement.  No, a "directory handle" will not behave exactly
  JL> like a "file handle".  But then, a file handle doesn't behave exactly
  JL> like "standard in" or "standard out", either (last I checked, Perl 5
  JL> won't do anything useful if you say "seek STDIN, 0, SEEK_END").

well, that seek failure is a result of the stream nature of stdin and
not a failure of perl. remember that open and much of the i/o layers
(regardless of perl I/O's rewrite) are just wrappers around the OS and
libc calls. i don't see how to dwim them all together (but IO::All does
that in a wacky dwim way). i have never felt the need for super smart
iterators so i can change looping over lines to looping over a
dir. maybe you might have a set of filenames in file vs a dir of
names. but i just don't run into that need. sometimes mappings like that
are just overkill IMO.

enough from me on this. as with the rest of p6 i will work with whatever
is decided by @larry.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Should a dirhandle be a filehandle-like iterator?

2007-04-13 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "JL" == Jonathan Lang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JL> Please.  I've always found the "opendir ... readdir ... closedir" set
  JL> to be clunky.

  JL> Also: why distinguish between "open" and "opendir"?  If the string is
  JL> the name of a file, 'open' means "open the file"; if it is the name of
  JL> a directory, 'open' means "open the directory".  If it's the name of a
  JL> pipe, it opens the pipe.  And so on.

maybe this won't help you but if you did open on a dir in perl5 you can
read the raw directory data which is pretty useless in most cases. so
with open working as opendir on directories, what is the op/method to
get the next directory entry? that isn't the same as reading a
line. there won't be any trailing newlines to chomp. marking a location
is not the same with tell and telldir (one is a byte offset, the other a
directory entry index). and since dirs can reorder their entries
(especially hash based dirs) the ordering and seek points may move. not
gonna happen on text files. there are many differences and the only one
you seem to see is a linear scan of them (which is just the most common
access style).

the operations you can do on the handles are very different as well. you
can't write to a dir. dirs have no random access (you can lookup by a
name with open but you can't go to the nth entry). and on OS with extra
stuff like version numbers, then all bets are off.

yes, you can tell the dir is such by doing a stat and then open can dwim
but i don't see the overlap as you do. dirs generally are ordered lists
of strings and have many different underlying formats based on their
file systems. mapping that to a text file of lines doesn't work for me.

this may all be obvious stuff but i think it deserves mentioning. if
dirs mapped well onto file handles they would have been mapped that way
long ago in the OS. in 30+ years that hasn't happened afaik.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: request new Mapping|Hash operators

2007-03-18 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AC" == Aaron Crane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AC> That's easy even in Perl 5.  This modifies %hash in-place:

  AC>   my @values = 
  AC>   @[EMAIL PROTECTED] = @values;

you can even do:


and i am sure a simple p6 thing can be written which takes pairs of
old/new names and loops over them. someone wanna rewrite that here in p6
and we can see how complex it would be? a rename method might not be so
important then.

as for rename on hash keys, why not call it rekey? also even if it is
called rename as a hash method it is different than rename as a function
to rename a file so there is no ambiguity.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Y not

2007-02-21 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> On 21/02/07, Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> [Off-list]

  DC> Apparently not.
  DC> Just pretend I'm not here.

  DC> ;-)

we can't pretend as we can sense your mad scientist brain across the big
waters. there ain't enough aluminum foil to protect us all! :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

DOC: glossary

2006-07-02 Thread Uri Guttman

hi to all docathon hackers (and others too),

one idea we came up with during the docathon is that perl6 needs a
glossary. would the terms autobox or mixin make any sense to a newcomer
who didn't know any OO theory? so this is a proposal to start a glossary
as a new S\d+ or other document. here are some ideas i have been
bouncing in my skull that i would like to see in it:

the list of terms should include all of perl6's special variable names,
namespaces (including the term namespace! :), keywords, OO theory terms
(like autobox). i think it should also include many/most of parrot's
terms as there is some overlap. stuff like haskell, pugs, PGE, and
others should also be included. i don't think perl6 ops should be

each term should have a pronunciation if it isn't obvious.

of course there should be a succinct definition of no more than a couple
of sentences. 

a reference to the S\d+ docs that discuss the term in depth

links/references to longer definitions on the web for non-perl specific
terms like autobox.

a 'see also' section referring to other terms.

i think a pumpking should be annointed to own the master doc. this would
be a great job for anyone who wants to help as you don't even need to
understand all the terms or be a core perl6 hacker. you just need to
know how to alphabetize, format and handle patches, google a bit for
external links, track xrefs and see also's and such. this is basically
an ongoing editor job. a first task would be to create this doc and to
create a pod template for entries. then others can submit entries in
that format or the pumpking can edit them into that format.

we can start with just a list of terms and they can be filled out
incrementally. i do expect this to be fairly large with several hundred

i will post a starter list of terms soon. it will just be words i have
been seeing in S02 which is the spec i have been editing. all the other
docathon hackers (and anyone else) can submit lists as well. when we
have a pumpking, then the glossary doc itself can be started. if you
want to submit entries do that too. 



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Docathon (was Re: State of Perl 6 Backends)

2006-06-23 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AT" == Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AT> Indeed.  So instead of having the implementions define the language,
  AT> this time around the specs, and tests, and API documentations, need
  AT> to be adhered closely by implementors, which is why we're all talking
  AT> together in #perl6 in the past few months or so. :-)

that was a good leadin for me to remind anyone at the chicago hackathon
that we are going to also do a docathon. i actually printed up (double
sided to save trees) the full set of synopses from (not the
most up to date but good enough). i will be marking it up as i read
it. i would like to get some of you to do more proofreading at the
docathon and we can integrates our patches, rewrites, questions while a
large corps of p6 hackers will be around. take a break from hacking p6
and hack the p6 docs! 

sign up and post your ideas at:

(i should have called it DocAthon. maybe i will rename it)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

YAPC::NA Synopsis Hackathon

2006-06-11 Thread Uri Guttman

I have proposed a synopsis edit hackathon subproject at YAPC::NA. read
my ideas at:

feel free to edit and add your own comments. 



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r9310 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-05-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "l" == larry  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  l> Log:

shouldn't that be "grandpa's log, earth date 200605252055"?

  l> Deployment of julian++ at 200605252055, 8`lb + 7`oz, 20`in.

so when does he get his commit bits? :)

congrats, grandpa!


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: A rule by any other name...

2006-05-10 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AR" == Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AR> Including :skip(//). Yes, agreed, it's a huge
  AR> improvement. I'd be more comfortable if the default rule to use
  AR> for skipping was named  instead of . (On IRC  was
  AR> also proposed, but the connection between :skip and  is more
  AR> immediately obvious.)

a small point but why not have both  and  be aliased to each
other? i like the  connection but  is (usually) about skipping
white space which is likely the most commonly skipped text. both names
have value so we should have both. and i think in most cases you won't
see many explicit  or  as they will be implied by the
whitespace in the rule/term/whatever that has skipping enabled.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8899 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-21 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "JSD" == Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JSD> On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 11:06:20AM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
  >> On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 12:45:13PM -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
  >> : According to S05,  "a /.../ matches immediately in a value context
  >> : (void, Boolean, string, or numeric)" and since 
  >> : 
  >> : (state $x) ||= / pattern /;
  >> : 
  >> : is very much the same as 
  >> : 
  >> : state $x; $x = $x || /pattern/;
  >> : 
  >> : I'd say that's a "boolean context" and thus matches against $_ instead
  >> : of assigning the Regex object to $x.
  >> Except the right side of || isn't in boolean context till you evaluate
  >> $x that way, so it probably wants to be written with m//:

  JSD> I almost added a little bit of text to the end of that other message
  JSD> but didn't.  I think it's most appropriate now:

  JSD> I must say that I have trouble distinguishing when using // gives you
  JSD> a Regex object and when it actually does pattern matching, so I intend
  JSD> on always using m// when I want a match, and some form of rx// when I
  JSD> want an object.

having read S05's take on that i agree in general. i will probably
always use rx// the way you had to use qr// in p5. i may drop the m in
// as that is the classic 'match this now'. but i think it is good style
to mark these as to what you mean and not let the DWIM rule for you. but
then i also rarely use $_ in p5 so i would be using ~~ as i use =~ now
and that always means match so the m wouldn't be needed for
clarification. but the way p6 uses $_ in some places is much better than
p5 so that rule may need changing too. oy! the habits to be broken and


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8899 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-21 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a> * S05: Oops, turns out I entirely read perlop.pod incorrectly;
  a>   "it matches once only" means "it matches successfully once only",
  a>   not "it performs the match once only".  Sorry, TimToady++'s
  a>   original example of:

  a> (state $x) ||= / pattern /; 

  a>   was correct.

  a> +To reset the pattern, simply say C<$x = 0>.

i did a fresh read of S05 due to all the recent activity (i will post
some edits and questions soonish), but that example baffles me. how does
it emulate the (never used by me) // of p5? my take would be that the rx
would be or-assigned to $x and it would remain set through repeated
calls to the outer sub (assuming a sub). what is the context that makes
it match against $_ vs returning an rx. wouldn't the assignment bleed
into the the //? or is $x || /pattern/ going to do a match if it $x is

in any case, one quick comment on S05 is it needs some more examples and
some explanations of how the examples do what they are claimed to do. i
know this is a synopsis/spec but some places do go into more explanation
with examples than others. i would like to see it more consistant at
that level.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Another dotty idea

2006-04-07 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> Okay, after attempting and failing to take a nap, I think I know
  LW> what's bugging me about "long dot".  It seems just a little too
  LW> specific.

does this mean you are at the dawning of your dot.age?

i couldn't resist! :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8572 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-06 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a> +In numeric context (i.e. when casted into C or C), a Hash object


i caught this one the other day. looks like the lesson didn't take so we
will have to punish you. you must rewrite pugs in python! MUAHAHAHAHAH!!!

  a> +becomes the number of pairs contained in the hash.  In a boolean context, 
  a> +Hash object is true if there are any pairs in the hash.  In either case,
  a> +any intrinsic iterator would be reset.  (If hashes do carry an intrinsic
  a> +iterator (as they do in Perl 5), there will be a C<.reset> method on the h

dangling 'h'.

  a> +hash object to reset the iterator explicitly.)
uri, the very punishing grammar nazi.

Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8570 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-05 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

   a> -The C is expected to return a reference to an inner
  a> -container object of the proper sort (i.e. a variable, subroutine,
  a> -or method reference), or to a proxy object that can "autovivify"
  a> -lazily, or undef if that name is not to be considered declared in the
  a> -namespace in question.  The declaration merely defines the interface
  a> -to the new object.  That object need not be completely defined yet,
  a> -though the C routine is certainly I to define it
  a> -eagerly, and even install the inner object into the outer container
  a> -(the symbol table) if it wants to cache the declaration.
  a> +The C is expected to return an inner container object of the proper
  a> +sort (i.e. a variable, subroutine, or method object), or to a proxy
  a> +object that can "autovivify" lazily, or C if that name is not to be
  a> +considered declared in the namespace in question.
  a> +
  a> +The declaration merely defines the interface to the new object.
  a> +That object need not be completely defined yet, though the
  a> +C routine is certainly I to define it eagerly, and
  a> +even install the inner object into the outer container (the symbol
  a> +table) if it wants to cache the declaration.
in both versions 'The C is expected' doesn't say what CANDO is
until later. so i would also put 'routine' or sub (or whatever we call
those upper case special subs - do we have a generic name for them?)
after C.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8569 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-05 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a>  Sigils are now invariant.  C<$> always means a scalar variable, C<@>
  a>  an array variable, and C<%> a hash variable, even when subscripting.
  a> -Array and hash variable names in scalar context automatically produce
  a> -references.
  a> +Variables such as C<@array> and C<%hash> in scalar context simply
  a> +returns themselves Array and Hash objects.
i think you wanted to say 'as' after themselves. and returns should be
return (yes, english is wacky with plural nouns and verbs).

When in scalar context, aggregate variables such as C<@array>
and C<%hash> simply return themselves as Array and Hash objects
  a>  =item *
  a> -Unlike in Perl 5, the notation C<&foo> merely creates a reference
  a> -to function "C" without calling it.  Any function reference may
  a> -be dereferenced and called using parens (which may, of course,
  a> -contain arguments).  Whitespace is not allowed before the parens,
  a> -but there is a corresponding C<.()> operator, which allows you to
  a> -insert optional whitespace before the dot.
  a> +Unlike in Perl 5, the notation C<&foo> merely returns the C
  a> +function as a Code object without calling it.  You may call any Code
  a> +object parens (which may, of course, contain arguments).  Whitespace
  a> +is not allowed before the parens, but there is a corresponding C<.()>
  a> +operator, which allows you to insert optional whitespace before the dot.

Unlike in Perl 5, the notation C<&foo> merely returns the C
function as a Code object without calling it.  You may call any
Code object with parentheses (which may, of course, contain
arguments).  Whitespace is not allowed before the open
parenthesis, but there is a corresponding C<.()> operator, which
allows you to insert optional whitespace before the dot.

  a> -A hash reference in numeric context returns the number of pairs
  a> -contained in the hash.  A hash reference in a boolean context returns
  a> -true if there are any pairs in the hash.  In either case, any intrinsic
  a> -iterator would be reset.  (If hashes do carry an intrinsic iterator
  a> -(as they do in Perl 5), there will be a C<.reset> method on the hash
  a> -object to reset the iterator explicitly.)
  a> +In numeric context, a Hash object returns the number of pairs contained
  a> +in the hash.  Hash in a boolean context returns true if there are any 
  a> +in the hash.  In either case, any intrinsic iterator would be reset.  (If
  a> +hashes do carry an intrinsic iterator (as they do in Perl 5), there will
  a> +be a C<.reset> method on the hash object to reset the iterator 
In numeric context, a Hash object returns the number of pairs
contained in the hash.  A Hash in a boolean context returns true
if there are any pairs in the hash.  In either case, any
intrinsic iterator would be reset.  (If hashes do carry an
intrinsic iterator (as they do in Perl 5), there will be a
C<.reset> method on the hash object to reset the iterator

is Hash the same as Hash object? i know %hash is both but is it ok to
change the name in mid paragraph like that??

just the usual minor cleanup of audrey's english. hell, she has to have
SOME flaws! :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8532 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-02 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AT" == Audrey Tang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AT> Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> one of these days when i have tuits of large circumference, i will do a
  >> nit pass over as much of the A/E/S as i can handle before my brain
  >> explodes. having done tech editing for perl books is good training for
  >> this. in fact it would be a good idea to have several such passes by
  >> those with editing skill before those docs are 'released'. some of the
  >> concepts are so new to so many and are bleeding edge that the wording
  >> used has to be extra clean of nits and such stuff as dangling pronouns
  >> and other common flaws of technical writing.

  AT> Indeed.  If we can arrange to have a "docathon" of factoring S* via such
  AT> reviewing passes into Perl6::Doc::{Spec,Overview,Tutorial} documents,
  AT> that can greatly speed up Perl 6 adoption.

  AT> Got some cycles at YAPC::NA::Chicago? :)

i dunno now. is there going to be a hackathon like last year before
toronto? i could possibly get there early for some of that and get some
of that manic group energy focused on the docs. hell, i would do it just
to try to grok some of the stuff that is flying around. :)

so is anyone going to volunteer their place for this?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8532 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-01 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a> Author: autrijus
  a> Date: Sat Apr  1 20:10:15 2006
  a> New Revision: 8532

  a> Modified:

  a> Log:

  a> * upper/lowercase English nit fix for the last patch as suggested
  a> by TimToady

you might as well attribute the s:g/Into/into/ to dr. ruud. all timtoady
did was correct dr. ruud's p5 s///g into p6's s:g///. if we are going to
pick nits this small, then the tiny amount of credit is worth bestowing
upon the correct contributor. :)

one of these days when i have tuits of large circumference, i will do a
nit pass over as much of the A/E/S as i can handle before my brain
explodes. having done tech editing for perl books is good training for
this. in fact it would be a good idea to have several such passes by
those with editing skill before those docs are 'released'. some of the
concepts are so new to so many and are bleeding edge that the wording
used has to be extra clean of nits and such stuff as dangling pronouns
and other common flaws of technical writing.

speaking of bleeding edge? what do you call the opposite of that?

the coagulated edge.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: [svn:perl6-synopsis] r8520 - doc/trunk/design/syn

2006-04-01 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "a" == autrijus  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  a> +You may cast C to other types with a prefix sigil operator:
  a> +
  a> +$args = \3; # same as "$args = \(3)"
  a> +$$args; # same as "$args as Scalar" or "Scalar($args)"
  a> +@$args; # same as '$args as Array"  or "Array($args)"
  a> +%$args; # same as '$args as Hash"   or "Hash($args)"
  a> +&$args; # same as '$args as Code"   or "Hash($args)"
  a> +

  a> +Casted as an array, you can access to all positionals.  Casted as
  a> +a hash, all nameds.  As a scalar, the invocant.  As a code, the
  a> +slurpy nameless block.


and i would word those as 'cast into an array'. here is my rewrite:

When cast into an array, you can access all the positional
arguments; Into a hash, all named arguments; Into a scalar, the
invocant; Into code, into slurpy nameless block.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-21 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz  writes:

>>>>> "Uri" == Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Uri> i will let damian handle this one (if he sees it). but an idea would be
  Uri> to allow some form ofkey extraction via a closure with lazy evaluation
  Uri> of the secondary (and slower) key.

  RLS> I still don't see that.  I understand about the lazy key
  RLS> evaluation.  However, the sort block in Perl5 contains more than
  RLS> just two key computations: it also contains the logic to decide
  RLS> *how* to compare the keys, and *when* more information is needed
  RLS> (a secondary key step, for example).  Not sure how you're going
  RLS> to replace that with just information about how to compute "a
  RLS> key".  I think you've had your head inside GRT for too long. :)

because the key description also specifies the comparison style. and it
would even be possible to pass in a closure (with $^a and $^b) to do the
actual comparison which gets you the p5 sort style that way. the
determination if you need more info would normally be when the previous
key sorts the same and that can be handled. the only odd case is when
you have a very bizarre set of comparison rules where simple == and cmp
don't work for this data. then the custom compare closure can also be

  RLS> So, for the simple case (string sort against some function of each item),
  RLS> I can see the need for a good shortcut.  However, the general case (let
  RLS> me tell you how to sort two items), you'll still need a very perl5-ish
  RLS> interface.

i don't see why you need that except for the odd cases. but as i said
supporting custom compares is fine and can be done in a p6 way with a
comparison closure. but even for simple sorting of two items, i would
prefer to use a key extraction as that means you don't have redundant
code and you describe the comparison as numeric or string which i think
it better than cmp or ==. and at least in sort::maker you don't need to
do more than say number or string which is simple enough.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-21 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RLS" == Randal L Schwartz  writes:

>>>>> "Uri" == Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  Uri> sorting in p6 is not at all like in p5. instead of coding up an explicit
  Uri> comparison code block and duplicating all the key access code (for $a
  Uri> and $b), you will specify how to extract/generate each key for a given
  Uri> record. this new syntax was posted by damian (who else) and it is very
  Uri> similar to the api in my p5 module sort::maker (we did discuss this
  Uri> api). i don't know if any A/E/S doc covers it but it is definitely in
  Uri> the archives. 

  RLS> I hope the old (perl5) way is still available as well.  There are times
  RLS> when parts of the comparison should be done lazily.  Consider two
  RLS> objects that have a value for a primary sorting order, but only
  RLS> for those which the value is the same, we fall back to a secondary
  RLS> sort key that is expensive to compute (like maybe calling a database).

  RLS> For these scenarios, specifying the sort comparison will be simpler
  RLS> and cheaper than specifying the sort key.

  RLS> So, we need both, but if we get only one, the Perl5 way is superior.

i will let damian handle this one (if he sees it). but an idea would be
to allow some form ofkey extraction via a closure with lazy evaluation
of the secondary (and slower) key. and if you need that feature then you
can't use the standard ST or GRT which preextract the keys. you could
mung the ST to do this with lazy eval support but not the GRT since it
packs the keys and there is no place to put in code for lazy keys. note
that the API damian proposed did not specify an implementation so this
could be supported internally at some point. and supporting the old
simple p5 sort shouldn't be a problem and is probably a good idea
anyhow. but the $a and $b will have to become $^a and $^b and be proper
params of a closure. i dunno if that will cause a speed hit as $a/$b we
designed to bypass the normal slow arg passing in p5.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: handling undef - second draft

2005-12-18 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "PS" == Peter Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  PS> I have occasionally felt it would be nice to be able to
  PS> distinguish between shifting an explicit undef value off an array
  PS> and calling shift() on an empty array without having to test the
  PS> length of the array.  Is that likely to fall out of any of the
  PS> current thinking?  I do not want shift() on an empty array to die
  PS> by default.

that could easily be done with a property on the shifted value like
undef but 'Empty'. an undef from an element is shifted as is. so it is
more a feature to add to shift than to undef.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DD" == Darren Duncan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DD> At 9:30 AM + 12/17/05, Luke Palmer wrote:
  >> You're actually saying that undef either compares less than or greater
  >> than all other objects, which contradicts your earlier point.  I'd say
  >> it just fails.

  DD> At the time I wrote this, I had been thinking that having a list of
  DD> array values where some were undefined was still not unreasonable to
  DD> be sorted.  And in that case, since undef's can't sort by normal means
  DD> (value comparisons don't work on them), we have to do something with
  DD> them so the sorted array has all the elements of the original, hence
  DD> group them at one end.

  DD> However, perhaps it does make better sense for wider consistency that
  DD> a sort needs to have an explicit handler that says what to do with
  DD> undefs, or otherwise the sort fails.

sorting in p6 is not at all like in p5. instead of coding up an explicit
comparison code block and duplicating all the key access code (for $a
and $b), you will specify how to extract/generate each key for a given
record. this new syntax was posted by damian (who else) and it is very
similar to the api in my p5 module sort::maker (we did discuss this
api). i don't know if any A/E/S doc covers it but it is definitely in
the archives. 

so you could easily handle undefs by converting them to the sort value
you want. using // it would be trivial to do (assume an array ref record
is passed in $_ and the key is the second element). these are code
blocks to extract and generate a key.

{ $_->[1] } # sort undef as 0 with lotsa warnings
{ $_->[1] // 0 }# sort undef as 0 with no warnings
{ $_->[1] // -Inf } # sort undef to bottom
{ $_->[1] // Inf }  # sort undef to top

damian take note!

i dunno if +/- Inf are available/useable for sorting. it would be a
useful feature regardless of how undef behaves. sometimes you need to
force certain values to the top or bottom of sorts and this would make
it very easy to do.

so again, i am on the side of leaving undef's default behavior alone and
using a stricture to get your desirec behavior.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: handling undef better

2005-12-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LP" == Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LP> Actually, you can think of undef pretty much as defining
  LP> autovivification.  "If you use it as a number, it becomes a number; if
  LP> you use it as a string, it becomes a string; if you use it as a hash,
  LP> it becomes a hash; ..."

  LP> However, that's not really accurate, because:

  LP> # perl 5
  LP> my $x;
  LP> $x->{4} = 1;
  LP> print $x;   # "HASH(...)"

  LP> my $x;
  LP> my $y = $x + 1;
  LP> print $x;   # not "0"

those aren't the same either. in p5 only undef when used as a ref gets
autovivified to the appopriate anon ref. undef when used as a regular
scalar value stays undef. the deref thing was created to handle
assigning to multilevel structures without needing to explicitly set
each of the upper levels (think about how much extra code this one
little feature has saved us all!). since in p5 undef coerces to 0 or ''
as needed (wherever the undef came from), it doesn't change the value of
the undef.

and i agree with luke that the idea is interesting but it should be a
stricture. it is not a good idea for default as it ruins
autovivification. also it would ruin many one liners and short scripts
which don't even use regular strict. perl's ability to dwim undef and
not carp or croak is a good default. just use pragmas to make it
stricter in larger programs.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Perl grammar for Perl5 -> Perl6

2005-12-08 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> And if I were Jewish I'd've said "Oy vey" many times over.  :-)

or if you were a lazy jewish perl6 hacker you would code:

say "Oy Vey!" for 1 .. ;



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: type sigils redux, and new unary ^ operator

2005-11-23 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> One of the other reasons I like ^5 is that the uparrowness of it
  LW> naturally reads as "up to 5".  But for containers we could certainly
  LW> abstract it out to the domain.

it also harkens back to apl's iota op which did similar things. iota is
an integer range generation operator which returned 1 .. N in monadic
(prefix) mode and M .. N in dynadic (infix) mode. and ^ used to be a
full up arrow with a shaft (teletypes) and that is vaguely similar to
the iota char. but given larry's stretchable imagination i don't think
this mnemonic would hurt anyone. you just need to know some computer
history. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Hyphens vs. Underscores

2005-11-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DB" == Daniel Brockman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DB> You may be right about this.  I would be happy if the
  DB> standard distribution came with a package that enabled the
  DB> hyphenated identifiers syntax in the lexical block:

  DB>use hyphenated_identifiers;

  DB> Hopefully the name of that package won't actually have
  DB> any underscores in it.

this idea would need to be worked out in much greater detail. there are
many different identifiers in perl. would all of them be subject to this
change? how would a global work if some other module refered to it using
underscores but your module used hyphens? would your pragma just do a
compile time translation of - to _ when inside identifiers? what about
in eval or symrefs? would the translation be done at runtime then? how
could that be handled in a lexical way if the foo-name is passed to another
module which hadn't used the pragma? or would all symbol lookups just
tr/-/_/ beforehand? but that can't be easily controlled in a lexical

and i know how you feel about wanting - vs. _ but i have it the other
way around. i much prefer _ since it maked the words more readable as _
sorta disappears in the baseline. but then i hate list too so that
influences me a trifle. :)

but the sickest thing i have done is to remap _ to - and back inside
emacs. this was so typing -> is done with both keys shifted and i typed
that too often. also that made writing foo_bar easier. so my brain has
to swap then when inside emacs vs everywhere else. makes for some odd
homicidal twitching sometimes (especially when anyone else dares to type
into my emacs :).

anyhow, my main point is that IMO this has too many problems with both
syntax and unknown semantics that are sure to make some large fraction
of us very mad. perl has its style and that it _ for word
separation. the evil studly caps is used for module names only (where it
does seem to work better than _ would. or maybe we are just so used to
it by now). trying to change that in a scoped way will only cause pain
somewhere else.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Why submethods

2005-10-30 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> But factoring method implementations out into a subroutines is
  DC> also extremely annoying, because a subroutine doesn't provide the
  DC> internal conveniences that a method does. In particular, it
  DC> doesn't have an invocant and so you can't call $.attrs or
  DC> &.methods. Instead you would have to pass the invocant to the
  DC> subroutine call as an argument and then call accessors and methods
  DC> explicitly through that argument.

  DC> So we need a mechanism that is externally (i.e. from a class
  DC> interface point-of-view) a subroutine, but internally has the
  DC> features of a method (i.e. has an invocant). Since it's externally
  DC> sub-like but internally method-like, we call this useful construct
  DC> a submethod.

so it sounds like to me these are methods private to this class. they
can't found by any other class (via inheritance). so what is the
external sub interface for? we can see the need for private worker
methods and even p5 has a convention of marking such subs with a leading


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Ways to add behavior

2005-10-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> One wants to coin a word like "Qlass".  Unfortunately "qlass" is
  LW> too easy to misread as "glass".  Oy veh, I'm getting notions of
  LW> "the qlass is half empty" for a partially instantiated object.


i think you need some immediate mental help. please step back from the
keyboard before you commit such a sin again. the next time, i will ask
gloria to stick you with a knitting needle.

is the smiley :) or (: ?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Fwd: top 5 list needed

2005-10-19 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RK" == Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> > Text-substitution macros would have to be handled in an earlier pass,
  >> I still don't see evidence for this.  Or maybe I do, but I don't see
  >> any reason that the preprocessing pass must finish before the parsing
  >> begins.

  RK> Mixing C and Perl ...

  RK> my $foo;
  RK> BEGIN { $foo = '}'; }

  RK> #define OPEN {
  RK> #define CLOSE $foo

  RK> void main (void)
  RK> BEGIN { $foo = '{''; }
  RK> printf( "I don't work\n" );

  RK> How does that work out? The issue is that you can interrupt the
  RK> parsing process with executable code that can affect the parsing.
  RK> That's a good thing. It doesn't work so well with text-substitution,
  RK> though. Hence, I would argue it should be disallowed.

from S06:

Macros (keyword: macro) are routines whose calls execute as soon
as they are parsed (i.e. at compile-time). Macros may return
another source code string or a parse-tree.

i see uses for text macros. sure they can trip you up but that is going
to be true about AST macros as well. macros are inherently trickier than
plain coding as you are dealing with another level at the same time. so
the author of your bad example should learn how to do that correctly and
not expect perfect DWIMMERY with an advanced technology.

and that excerpt also means that p6 macros are not done in a
preprocessing pass but at normal compile time as soon as the macro call
is fully parsed. so a text returning macro would run and the compiler
will replace the text of the parsed macro call and start reparsing with
the returned text. there may be some juggling of the main parse tree to
deal with this but it can be done without going too insane. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: top 5 list needed

2005-10-18 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "SL" == Stevan Little <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  SL> On Oct 18, 2005, at 1:45 PM, Luke Palmer wrote:

  >> On 10/18/05, Rob Kinyon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >>> 3) Macros. Nuff said.
  >> Not quite.  Lispish macros, that is, macros that let you look at what
  >> you're expanding.

  SL> To further expand on this, they will be AST-manipulating macros (LISP
  SL> style) rather than text-replacing macros (C style).

my impression is that both styles are supported as you can return either
text or an AST (compiled code) from a macro.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

top 5 list needed

2005-10-18 Thread Uri Guttman

i have an opportunity to get an email sent to the faculty of a top CS
dept. my goal is to get internal support for a potential YAPC to be
hosted there. so i want to present perl 6 to them in a way which will
sell them on its academic and cutting edge aspects. your mission is to
write some short (2-3 sentence) bullet items that highlight some major
area of interest to ivory tower types.

some rules:

no marketspeak.
write it as if you know what you are talking about! :)
refer to interesting langs and what we stole from them (and made
use academic buzzwords!

some obvious topics are:

grammars (better than anything since snobol :)
the new OO design (stole the best from the rest and perlized it)
continuations and stuff
parrot (a new vm to run and bind them all)

so have at it and sell perl 6 to the professors.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Sane (less insane) pair semantics

2005-10-10 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "J" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  J> Ingo Blechschmidt skribis 2005-10-10 19:59 (+0200):
  >> my @args = ( (a => 1), b => 2 );  # is sugar for
  >> my @args = ( (a => 1), (b => 2) );

  J> Please, no. Please let the pair constructor be =>, not (=>). There is
  J> really no need for this operator to consist of both infix and circumfix
  J> parts. Please leave the parens for grouping (and in calls: breaking
  J> recognition).

he isn't saying that. the example shows the b => 2 is fine and will be
parsed as if it were ( b => 2 ). the point is how pairs in an array are
splatted or not to names args. and if i get it right, *hash( @args ) is
what is needed to convert an array of pairs to be used as named params.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Sane (less insane) pair semantics

2005-10-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "SC" == Stuart Cook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  SC> The think I don't like about `foo( *$bar )` is that it's not clear
  SC> whether you're splatting a pair, or a hash, or an array, or a complete
  SC> argument-list object.  This is probably fine for quick-'n'-dirty code,
  SC> but I'd like to encourage a more explicit style:

but perl will know the type of the value in $bar and expand/splat it

  SC>   my $pair = a=>'b';
  SC>   foo( *%$pair );  # view the pair as a 1-elem hash, and splat that

the % there isn't a hash. perl can see the single pair and deal with
that. the way to make this more readable is to use better variable
names. $pair here is fine and *$pair would mean to splat it into the
named arguments.

  SC>   my $href = \%hash;  # or just %hash
  SC>   foo( *%$href );  # view the hashref as a hash, and splat that

same as above. perl sees the href and will just DWIM.

  SC>   sub returns_a_hash { ... }
  SC>   foo( *%{returns_a_hash} );  # call the sub, view the result as a
  SC> hash, and splat that

isn't that what hash() is for? what is returns_a_hash really returning,
a list or a hash ref because you can't return a hash (or can you this
week? :).

  SC>   my $aref = [EMAIL PROTECTED];  # or just @array
  SC>   foo( [EMAIL PROTECTED] );  # view the arrayref as an array, and splat 

again, autoderef would work fine here. i don't see the benefit of the
extra @.

  SC>   sub returns_an_array { ... }
  SC>   foo( [EMAIL PROTECTED] );  # call the sub, view the result as a
  SC> hash, and splat that

where is the hash? wouldn't you want %{} in your system? and %{} derefs
a hash and doesn't convert a list to a hash. that is what hash() does.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Sane (less insane) pair semantics

2005-10-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LP" == Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LP> On 10/9/05, Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> >>>>> "IB" == Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  IB> sub foo ($a) {...}
  >> works for me. but what about lists and arrays?
  >> my @z = ( 'a', 1 ) ;
  >> foo( @z )   # $a = [ 'a', 1 ] ??

  LP> Yep.

  >> my @z = ( a => 1 ) ;
  >> foo( @z )   # $a = pair( a => 1 ) or does that need * too?

  LP> $a = [ a => 1 ]

  LP> You passed an array.  The parameter gets an array.

right. and it has one pair inside.

  >> same questions for lists (this shows a nested sub call)
  >> sub bar { return ( a => 1 ) }
  >> foo( bar() )# i would expect $a == ( a => 1 ) since there is
  >> # no *
  >> foo( *bar() )   # i would expect $a == 1

  LP> Yeah, I think your expectations are correct.

  LP> Basically, * takes whatever kind of object it is (array, hash, pair)
  LP> and pretends that you wrote its contents literally into the argument
  LP> list.

that is a succinct statement of how * work but you also have to describe
the cases with pairs and such and no *. and what about the case that
ingo said needed *hash()? i think a list of all the know variations (*
and no *) should be done to keep the behavior clear to all. just more of
the examples we have so far and what gets set in the args for each. it
will also make it easier to create tests for these and to get this into


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Sane (less insane) pair semantics

2005-10-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "IB" == Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  IB> * "(key => $value)" (with the parens) is always a positionally passed
  IB>   Pair object. "key => $value" (without the parens) is a named
  IB>   parameter:

  IB>   sub foo ($a) {...}

  IB> * Unary "*" makes a normal pair variable participate in named binding:

  IB>   foo(*$pair);  # named parameter "a", $a will be 42

  IB> * Same for hashes:

  IB>   my %hash = (a => 1, b => 2, c => 3);

  IB>   foo(%hash);   # positional parameter, $a will be \%hash

  IB>   foo(*%hash);  # three named parameters

  IB> Opinions?

works for me. but what about lists and arrays?

my @z = ( 'a', 1 ) ;
foo( @z )   # $a = [ 'a', 1 ] ??

my @z = ( a => 1 ) ;
foo( @z )   # $a = pair( a => 1 ) or does that need * too?

same questions for lists (this shows a nested sub call)

sub bar { return ( a => 1 ) }
foo( bar() )# i would expect $a == ( a => 1 ) since there is
# no *

foo( *bar() )   # i would expect $a == 1

i think i covered most/all of the variations. but this needs to be
hammered down for all of them.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: k, v

2005-09-24 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "J" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  J> Hashes are full of convenience, and Huffman would be proud:
  J> %hash.keys  %hash>>.key
  J> %hash.values%hash>>.value
  J> %hash.kvzip(%hash.keys, %hash.values)

  J> One thing occurred to me: if hashes are worth all this, then why not
  J> abbreviate "keys" further to "k" (as in "kv"), and "values" to "v" (as
  J> in "kv"). This would allow us to rename "key" to "k" and "value" to "v"
  J> too, resulting in:

  J> %hash.k %hash>>.k
  J> %hash.v %hash>>.v
  J> %hash.kvzip(%hash.k, %hash.v)

huffman has its limits too. in general having single letter names for
anything is a poor idea. it makes it hard to search for, you limit it to
only one thing that can use that letter, it isn't always easy to
remember what a given letter is, etc. keys and values are short enough
and read much better. kv works because keyvalues is clunky and too
long. i wouldn't have minded .pairs or .each instead of kv. but alias
methods are easy to add. 


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Who is @Larry?

2005-08-25 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "MF" == Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  MF> All~
  MF> I have a simple question.  Who comprises @Larry?  I am fairly sure
  MF> that I know a few people in it, but I am highly doubtful that I know
  MF> all of them.

if $you_have_to_ask ~~ @Larry {
say 'you are not in @Larry' ;

i think i am getting the syntax right.

also i think it should be %Larry since there is no inherent order in the
members and all of them are randomly located. but @Larry is easier to
say out loud.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Hoping that Params::Validate is not needed in Perl6

2005-08-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DR" == Dave Rolsky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DR> Mandatory vs. Optional Parameters

  DR> This is a pretty straightforward one in P6, I think.  Parameters can
  DR> be marked as required with "is required" like this:

  DR>   sub date ($year, ?$month, ?$day) # positional

  DR>   sub date (+$year is required, +$month, +$day) #named

  DR> This is ok but frankly I'm not too keen on the fact that for
  DR> positional subs, the default is required, but for named params it's
  DR> the other way around.

  DR> Wouldn't it clearer to just use a leading "?+" for optional named params?

there are usually more optional params than required ones when doing
named params. so that makes sense to make the default optional. with
positional params usually more of them are required (on the left) and
some optional ones can be on the right. so marking those optional ones
makes more sense. this is all huffman stuff IMO.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: execution platform object? gestalt?

2005-07-27 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DS" == David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DS> On Jul 27, 2005, at 6:18 PM, Uri Guttman wrote:

  >> this thingy should encompass all about this perl and the world it
  >> is in and the shell env is part of that.

  DS> How about *?PERL   ?

  DS> if ( *?PERL.COMPILED_OS eq 'Unix') {...}

  DS> if ( *?PERL.CURRENT_OS eq 'Unix') {...}

  DS> *?PERL.Grammars{Regex} = $my_bizarre_new_regex_grammar;

i like that choice. all perl knows about itself is in *?PERL.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: execution platform object? gestalt?

2005-07-27 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On Wed, Jul 27, 2005 at 04:27:15PM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
  LW> : then why not name it something like *?ENV (not to be confused with the
  LW> : shell/exec env which is still %ENV i assume)?

  LW> Of course, the fact that you have to say "not to be confused with"
  LW> can be taken as indicating that people will in fact confuse them...

you could do it even worse by making the shell env be a method/entry of
the perl env (bad syntax ahead):


but my original point stands in that all this is should be under one
builtin and it shouldn't be OS or VM. those should be parts of it and
maybe shell env should be part of it too. this thingy should encompass
all about this perl and the world it is in and the shell env is part of

so other choices are the common and lame INFO and CONF. too bad ENV was
taken already. i wish we could invent new words. :)

bad idea: call it *?WALL cause everything is hanging on the wall.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: execution platform object? gestalt?

2005-07-27 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> Yes, but we just need to be careful not to recreate The Registry.
  LW> We're looking more for "a place for everything and everything in
  LW> its place", but we're still trying to understand what that means.
  LW> As you say, whatever we end up with does have to be extensible,
  LW> since we don't know all the "places" we'll want ten years from now.
  LW> It seems to me that the more places we can come up with now, though,
  LW> the less likely we are to have collisions later, unless our categories
  LW> are artificial.  That tends to argue for separating out VM from OS,
  LW> and maybe COMPUTER, and NET, unless you think that NET =:= COMPUTER.

then why not name it something like *?ENV (not to be confused with the
shell/exec env which is still %ENV i assume)? then under that there are
methods/hash entries like OS, VM, etc. it is the sum of all the
(reasonably) known external things about this perl. OS seems too
specific as does VM. they should just be subparts of the full env. this
is also more like an intelligent it seems.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: method calls on $self

2005-07-07 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> to go with everyone else's preferences:

  LW> use self "."
  LW> use self "`"
  LW> use self "·"
  LW> use self ".."
  LW> use self "^."
  LW> use self "i."
  LW> use self "o."
  LW> use self "¤."
  LW> use self "me."
  LW> use self "self."
  LW> use self "this."

  LW> Did I leave anyone out?

 use self "that."
 use self "over_there."
 use self "where_am_i."
 use self "dis."
 use self "dat."
 use self "you."



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: What the heck is... wrong with Parrot development?

2005-06-06 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "SV" == Sam Vilain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  SV> Please honour his decision to bow out gracefully without turning it into
  SV> a childish battle of egos.

  SV> In the meantime let us celebrate 5 years of Dan Sugalski's contribution
  SV> to the Parrot and Perl 6 project.

  SV> Three cheers for Dan!

hear! hear!!


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-25 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "w" == wolverian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  w> On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 07:07:02PM -0400, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> please don't use <== for simple assignments as it will confuse too many
  >> newbies and auch. it (and its sister ==>) are for pipelining ops like
  >> map/grep and for forcing assignment to the slurpy array arg of funcs
  >> (hey, i think i said that correctly! :). = is still fine for basic
  >> assignment and everyone will understand it immediately.

  w> I thought the op is visually so obvious it wouldn't need any
  w> explanation, even for newbies.

  w> Too bad what I _think_ is often not what actually _is_.

well, = has massive history on its side and almost all commonly used
languages use it for assignment (pascal is NOT common anymore,
thankfully and lisp isn't common enough :). so there is zero learning
curve for that. you do need to learn about perl's precedences which need
() for assigning a list. but <== may seem obvious to you and for sure to
anyone here but imagining what newbies would make of it boggles me. if
there is a way to misunderstand it and abuse it, it will happen. :) so
consider it just a style rule that i would encourage. damian should add
it to his P6BP book when it comes out next christmas. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: (1,(2,3),4)[2]

2005-05-25 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "w" == wolverian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  w> On Wed, May 25, 2005 at 01:38:27PM -0500, Rod Adams wrote:
  >> Or use
  >> @a <== 1,2,3;

  w> I would just like to say that I like this idiom immensely.

  w> my @foo <== 1, 2, 3;

  w> reads extremely well to me, especially since I've always disliked the
  w> usage of '=' as an operator with side effects. (I'm strange like that.)

please don't use <== for simple assignments as it will confuse too many
newbies and auch. it (and its sister ==>) are for pipelining ops like
map/grep and for forcing assignment to the slurpy array arg of funcs
(hey, i think i said that correctly! :). = is still fine for basic
assignment and everyone will understand it immediately.

the only advantage in the above case is the different prececences of =
and <== which allows dropping of parens with the latter. i don't
consider that so important a win as to be used often. and they are at
equal huffman levels as the =() is matched in length by <==.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: hyperoperators and multi-dimensional datastructures

2005-05-19 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LP" == Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LP> On 5/18/05, Anthony Heading <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> Is there a way to target hyperoperators at different axes of a
  >> multi-dimensional array?  This is an attractive feature of
  >> various APL-like languages, viz. e.g. in J:
  >> a =. 2 5 $ i. 7  - a simple 2-by-5 array
  >> a
  >> 0 1 2 3 4   - like this
  >> 5 6 0 1 2
  >> +/"1 a  - sum reduce over axis 1
  >> 10 14

  LP> [+]<< @a

  >> +/"2 a  - sum reduce over axis 2
  >> 5 7 2 4 6

  LP> Can't think of any for this one.  Or maybe it's this one that I can
  LP> think of it for, and the other one which I can't.

i can't spit out the syntax but here is the conceptual way i would do
it. we do have multidimensional slices so we could grab each slice
(maybe with zip?) and pass that to [+] and then grab the list of results
back into a array/matrix with one less dimension than the original.

so it would be something like this: (very wacko pseudo code):

@in[ * ; 2 ; * ] ==>
map [+] ==>

that was an (bad) attempt to slice the third entry in the second
dimension to be summed.

  LP> I think we're beginning to re-invent PDL.  Poorly.

but is there a p6 pdl yet? they may not need much with multi-dim ops,
slices, hyper and reduce all built in! also with type int (patform
ints), they can get the dense storage needed (but losing any dimensional


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Plethora of operators

2005-05-14 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> Here are a few of the things I'll be using reductions for in Perl 6...

  DC>  3. To drill down a hierarchical data structure, following the path
  DC> specified by a list of keys:

  DC> $leaf_value = [.{}] %hash, @keys;

so that would be expanded how? i read it as:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]@keys[1]} ...

but how is . being used? how does the {} wrap each key instead of being
between each one? also can it be used as an lvalue (that would be useful
too in setting a hash from a list of keys)?

  DC>  4. To compute RMS values:

  DC> $RMS = sqrt [+] @samples »** 2

are those RMS values under the GPL? :)

  DC>  6. As a cleaner form of C<< join.assuming(:sep<>) >>:

  DC> $joined = [~] @strings;

i like that. can that be done in a "" string (without $() or whatever
the expression interpolator is now)?

  DC>  9. To retrieve the first defined value in a list:

  DC> $first_def = [//] @list;

that is a good one for initializing stuff. it should become an idiom
like ||= is now.

for those single ops it reads pretty well. if you choose to use it with
multiple levels of hyper/reduce, it should be well commented.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: C<::> in rules

2005-05-12 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "PRM" == Patrick R Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  PRM> On Thu, May 12, 2005 at 12:33:59PM -0500, Jonathan Scott Duff wrote:
  >> > > /[:w\bfoo bar]/# not exactly the same as above
  >> > 
  >> > No, I think that's exactly the same.
  >> What does \b mean again?  I assume it's no longer backspace?

  PRM> For as long as I can remember \b has meant "word boundary" in
  PRM> regular expressions.  :-) :-)

except in char classes where it gets its backspace meaning back.



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: split /(..)*/, 1234567890

2005-05-12 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "JSD" == Jonathan Scott Duff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  JSD> To bring this back to perl6, autrijus' original query was regarding

  JSD>  $ pugs -e 'say join ",", split /(..)*/, 1234567890'

  JSD> which currently generates a list of ('','12','34','56','78','90')
  JSD> In perl5 it would generate a list of ('','90') because only the last
  JSD> pair of characters matched is kept (such is the nature of quantifiers
  JSD> applied to capturing parens). But in perl6 quantified captures put all
  JSD> of the matches into an array such that "abcdef" ~~ /(..)*/ will make
  JSD> $0 = ['ab','cd','ef']. 

  JSD> I think that the above split should generate a list like this:

  JSD>  ('', [ '12','34','56','78','90'])

i disagree. if you want complex tree results, use a rule. split is for
creating a single list of elements from a string. it is better keep
split simple for it is commonly used in this domain. tree results are
more for real parsing (which split is not intended to do) so use a
parsing rule for that.

also note the coding style rule (i think randal created it) which is to
use split when you want to throw things away (the delimiters) and m//
when you want to keep thinks.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-11 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> Uri Guttman wrote:
  DC> Sure. Just as $42 is a shorthand for $/[42], so too $ is a
  DC> shorthand for $/.
  >> but then what about the different index bases for $42 and $/[42]? i
  >> don't think that has been resolved (nor has mixing the $1.1 and $1[1]
  >> syntaxes).

  DC> Bear in mind that that reply was posted in haste, late at night, after
  DC> a long day of teaching. We're lucky it as only off by one! %-)

  DC> But it does raise an important point: the discrepancy between $42 and
  DC> $/[41] *is* a great opportunity for off-by-on errors. Previously,
  DC> however, @Larry have tossed back and forth the possibility of using $0
  DC> as the first capture variable so that the indices of $/[0], $/[1],
  DC> $/[2] match up with the "names" of $0, $1, $2, etc.

  DC> I think this error--unintentional, I swear!--argues strongly that
  DC> internal consistency within Perl 6 is more important than historical
  DC> consistency with Perl 5's $1, $2, $3...

i would like them to be consistant too. you could also make $/[1] be the
same as $1 and not use $/[0] for a regular grab. then $0 and $/[0] could
be used for something special. but just 0 basing them both is fine with
me. the key is to align them. we all seem to agree this is a massive off
by 1 error waiting to happen.

we still haven't seen what @larry has to say about mixing $1[$j] and
$1.1 syntaxes (let's assume they both use the same index base).


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-10 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC> rule mv { $lastcmd:=(mv)  $:=[  ]+  $:= }
  DC> rule cp { $lastcmd:=(cp)  $:=[  ]+  $:= }
  DC> sub lastcmd { return $lastcmd }
  DC> }
  DC> while shift ~~ m// {
  DC> say "From: @{$}";
  DC> say "  To: $";
  DC> }
  >> since files and dirs are internal aliases (their names are in <>),
  >> shouldn't those match accesses be $/ and $/?

  DC> Sure. Just as $42 is a shorthand for $/[42], so too $ is a
  DC> shorthand for $/.

but then what about the different index bases for $42 and $/[42]? i
don't think that has been resolved (nor has mixing the $1.1 and $1[1]


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC>  grammar Shell::Commands {

  DC>  my $lastcmd;

  DC>  rule cmd { $/:= | $/:= }

  DC>  rule mv { $lastcmd:=(mv)  $:=[  ]+  
$:= }
  DC>  rule cp { $lastcmd:=(cp)  $:=[  ]+  
$:= }

  DC>  sub lastcmd { return $lastcmd }
  DC>  }

  DC>  while shift ~~ m// {
  DC>  say "From: @{$}";
  DC>  say "  To: $";
  DC>  }

since files and dirs are internal aliases (their names are in <>),
shouldn't those match accesses be $/ and $/?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 12:14:35PM -0700, Larry Wall wrote:
  LW> : On Mon, May 09, 2005 at 02:08:31PM -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
  LW> : : Hmmm, then would $x.$j.2 then be equivalent to $x[$j-1][1] ?  
  LW> : 
  LW> : Ouch.

  LW> Maybe that's a good reason to switch from 1-based to 0-based
  LW> $ vars.  Not sure what that would do to the current $0 though.
  LW> Most of the time $/ can stand in for it, I guess, though s/.../$//
  LW> is visually problematic.  We could maybe resurrect $&.

or do what i mentioned, not allow mixing of the two styles of match
access. i don't see any real win for mixing them. indexing into matched
arrays will not be so common to deserve conflating the 0 and 1 based
indexing as well as the notations. leave it with $1.1 and $1[0] as being
the two styles. you must use literal integers with the former and it is
1 based. you can use any expressions with the latter and it is 0
based. by allowing $1[$j].1 you save only 1 char over $1[$j][0] and
would cause major confusion IMO.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Nested captures

2005-05-09 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "PRM" == Patrick R Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  PRM> After thinking on this a bit, I'm hoping we don't do this -- at least not
  PRM> initially.  I'm not sure there's a lot of advantage of  C< $1.1 > over 
  PRM> C< $1[0] >, and one starts to wonder about things like $1.$j.2 and
  PRM> $1[$j].2 and the like.  

i would say that you can use .1 only when all the indexes are literals
like $1.2.1. anything else must be a proper index expression on $1 like

mixing those would scare me more than anything and it isn't much of a
hardship to use the full expression form when you need it. also in perl,
indexing isn't used nearly as often as for loops, so if you did grab
something that was in a array in some match value, you would more likely
loop over it than index into it. so again, the hardship of the index
syntax isn't a big deal as it should be rarely needed.

just my $1.02. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Open and pipe

2005-05-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "J" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  J> Rob Kinyon skribis 2005-05-04 11:20 (-0400):
  >> $h.print() goes to $h.out
  >> $h.readline() goes to $
  >> $h.warn() goes to $h.err
  >> Making the tri-directional trifecta complete.

  J> It's sort-of consistent, but I don't like it, because warnings are much
  J> more complicated than just things that are printed to stderr.

also you have the .err backwards. in the case of running a subprocess,
the err handle is readonly (the subprocess writes to ITS stderr with
warn). so you need another method to make a easy read of the err handle.

and you need ways to get at the handles themselves so you can use
sysread/write, select/poll and event loops. but i like the idea of
returning a single smart object which returns reasonable things in
appropriate contexts.

remember at all times when discussing i/o for p6 that the goals are to
support all forms of i/o in a consistant manner. it is much more than
just a polymorphic open or io::all. they only address one aspect of i/o
(initiating an i/o request) and that skips read/write/fcntl/event loops
and more.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: reduce metaoperator

2005-05-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "J" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  J> Juerd skribis 2005-05-04 14:53 (+0200):
  >> @foo ==> zip <== @bar

  J> H...

  J>  ||
  J>  ||
  J>  \/
  J> @foo ==> zip <== @bar
  J>  /\ 
  J>  ||   
  J>  ||
  J>    @xyzzy

you are brainfucking me! stop it now!!



Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: reduce metaoperator

2005-05-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> I propose that reduce become a metaoperator that can be applied to
  LW> any binary operator and turns it syntactically into a list operator.
  LW> I am currently thinking that the metaoperator is a prefix spelled \\
  LW> (though there are certainly lots of other possibilities that I've laid
  LW> awake all night thinking about).  There are the usual suspects like:

  LW> $sum = \\+ @array;
  LW> $fact = \\* 1..$num;

shouldn't that be s/fact/prod/ ? sure the input makes it a factorial but
the general case would be a product. not that what var names you choose
matters but i think it would be clearer if used as a real example in
some future docs.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Open and pipe

2005-05-04 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AS" == Aaron Sherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AS> On Mon, 2005-05-02 at 22:51, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> >>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  LW> multi sub opensocket (
  LW> Str +$mode = 'rw',
  LW> Str +$encoding = 'auto',
  LW> Str [EMAIL PROTECTED]) returns IO;
  >> and how will that support async (non-blocking) connects? or listen
  >> sockets?

  AS> This is why named aliases for constructors are a bad idea. Nice theory,
  AS> but bad idea.

i am in agreement there. but i am advocating for a proper set of args
for socket connections regardless of the name of the sub/method. it
could even be in io() provided there is a way to note it is a socket
connect/listen and also pass it named args. larry already agreed with
the named arguments point. 

  AS> Unless the language allows us to specify that a sub IS an alias for a
  AS> constructor, e.g.:

  AS>   sub opensocket :=;

  AS> Why? Because takes parameters that are built out of its
  AS> entire inheritance tree, so a change to IO::Handle might radically
  AS> modify the signature of the constructor.

makes sense. we should look at the p5 IO:: tree and see what we want to
salvage/savage from it as well as io::all. each has its good and bad
points and hopefully we can figure out which is which. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Open and pipe

2005-05-02 Thread Uri Guttman
a or semaphore or what)
that internally does a blocking call to select/poll/whatever. this can
also have a timeout which can be used too. i think a 'wait' func should
be in the language as well as a basic event loop type of thing. they
should be standard (at worst core modules) so we don't get different
incompatible event loops and related stuff.

'nuff for now.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Open and pipe

2005-05-02 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "MF" == Matt Fowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  MF> All~
  MF> On 5/2/05, Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> >>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  LW> multi sub opensocket (
  LW> Str +$mode = 'rw',
  LW> Str +$encoding = 'auto',
  LW> Str [EMAIL PROTECTED]) returns IO;
  >> and how will that support async (non-blocking) connects? or listen
  >> sockets? i assume this is sorta the replacement for IO::Socket which is
  >> a pure key/value api (except for the shortcut single arg host:port
  >> which is nice to also support). for async you need to provide a callback
  >> in the signature (beyond all the other socket args), an optional timeout
  >> (with its own callback). the callbacks could be defaulted to subs in the
  >> current module/namespace but the coder may also want an OO callback
  >> which needs an object and method. another little optional argument is a
  >> private data field. sure an object callback could handle on a per object
  >> basis. but what if one object wanted to manage multiple async socket
  >> connections? each one needs to be identified in the callbacks which is
  >> what the private data is for. it is passed as an arg to the callback
  >> sub/method.

  MF> Currying obviates the need for everything but a sub callback.  If you
  MF> want a callback to a method, curry the object.  If you want private
  MF> data, curry the data.  After you are done currying you will have a
  MF> simple sub to pass in as the callback, the peasants rejoice, and
  MF> libraries will have a simpler interface.

i like the concept but how would that work without actually creating
closures? to convert a sub call to a method on an object is code, not
just presetting args (which is what i gather currying is). now just
using a closure would work but i am not in favor of allocating them just
for this when other optional args can do the job. even with the full
interface as i want it, you can use closures as your callbacks and keep
it shorter. i just don't see the win of more code vs more args.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Open and pipe

2005-05-02 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW>  multi sub opensocket (
  LW>   Str +$mode = 'rw',
  LW>   Str +$encoding = 'auto',
  LW>   Str [EMAIL PROTECTED]) returns IO;

and how will that support async (non-blocking) connects? or listen
sockets? i assume this is sorta the replacement for IO::Socket which is
a pure key/value api (except for the shortcut single arg host:port
which is nice to also support). for async you need to provide a callback
in the signature (beyond all the other socket args), an optional timeout
(with its own callback). the callbacks could be defaulted to subs in the
current module/namespace but the coder may also want an OO callback
which needs an object and method. another little optional argument is a
private data field. sure an object callback could handle on a per object
basis. but what if one object wanted to manage multiple async socket
connections? each one needs to be identified in the callbacks which is
what the private data is for. it is passed as an arg to the callback

  LW> We should probably reserve io() for the overdwim and sysopen() for the
  LW> underdwim, and then not sweat the middle so much.  :-)

then io would be common blocking connects (which is what most socket
connections are) and sysopen is for sockets. why not just support
the standard socket subs as in perl5? they could be in a module but they
are just simple wrappers around the system calls. 

i would prefer if opensocket's signature were fully fleshed out with
named args (with some defaults). just passing in an extra list is a poor
api as there are so many socket options. just read PBP (when it comes
out) for damian's take on long arg lists. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Threading in Parrot vs Perl

2005-04-28 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RA> I would be dismayed if autothreading used threads to accomplish it's
  RA> goals. Simple iteration in a single interpreter should be more than
  RA> sufficient.

how autothreading is implemented is distinct from the language
feature. a simple version is the iteration mentioned above. but on a
multiprocessor with (poosibly prespawned) threads on a large junction,
it could be much faster to use parrot threads. but that is just an
optimization which uses parallel processing and is not needed for
working junction semantics. larry has hinted that autothreading could be
parallel underneath if that is supported. maybe choosing the desired
implementation would be a pragma.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: alarm() and later()

2005-04-20 Thread Uri Guttman
useful for i/o
activity monitoring), disable/enable it and shut it down. so i would say
the returned thing should be an event object with those (and other)
methods. this implies a core Event class to handle this common stuff.

and integrating with other event loops (GUI ones in particular) is
handled by creating Event::EventLoopofChoice wrapper modules with the
same api as the core perl event class.

related topics include using events and continuations/coroutines instead
of callbacks. this means a yield type of func is needed (return is yeild
in typical event loops).


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Unknown level of hash

2005-03-28 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "ZL" == Zhuang Li <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  ZL> Hi, given an array: @a = ('E1', 'E2', ..., 'En'); 
  ZL> Is there an easy way, hopefully one liner, to do the following without a
  ZL> loop? If not, will Perl support this in Perl 6?

  ZL> $hash->{E1}->{E2}->...->{En} = 1;

i think perl6 plans to have a way to do this. there is a dim operator to
set dimensions. so it would be something like this:

%hash{ dim @a }

or is $hash has a hash ref:

    $hash{ dim @a }

i cc'ed p6l so i can/will be corrected.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Parameter and trait questions - just how 'only' _is_ 'read-only'?

2005-03-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> : then how would you assign undef to the only element of the
  LW> array? would this : be needed:

  LW> : 
  LW> : @a = ( undef ) ;# same as p5?
  LW> : 
  LW> : vs.
  LW> : @a = undef ;# like undef @a in p5?

  LW> Those would do the same thing under the current proposal, since
  LW> they're both in list context.  If you really, really want a scalar
  LW> undef value in list context, you could always say

  LW> @a = scalar(undef);

that works. i am starting to see what you mean by undef knowing about

  LW> : in fact i would like to
  LW> : stop allowing undef as a function with args and have it only return a
  LW> : scalar undef value. there should be a different op to truly make an
  LW> : aggregate undefined (and i still don't see a need for that, emptying it
  LW> : is all that i ever think is needed).

  LW> We could certainly split out a separate undefine() function.  We could
  LW> even give it an optional argument that says *why* it's undefined, turning
  LW> it into an unthrown exception, basically.  We could use such a function
  LW> to create interesting values of undef that are context sensitive.

that split makes sense as you are now using undef as a special (or as
you say below unexpected) value. so it shouldn't also be overloaded as a
function operating on variables. just doing the split will make me
happier (if you are so benevolent as to care about my happiness :).

  LW> : in my world undef is a scalar value and nothing else. how do you see it
  LW> : in p6?

  LW> undef is not a scalar value, it is the explicit *absence* of a value
  LW> where you expected one.  In Perl 6, undef is the Bearer of Bad News.

oy! i feel the pain of the late night phone call. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Parameter and trait questions - just how 'only' _is_ 'read-only'?

2005-03-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> As I mentioned in my other message, I think we should not assume that
  LW> Perl 6 works the same in this regard as Perl 5 does.  There needs to be
  LW> something we can return that not only means (), but means also means
  LW> "You're hosed! (And here's why.)"  And I think we can make undef mean
  LW> that if we make it lazily sensitive to scalar/list context (much like @a
  LW> itself can be lazily sensitive to context).

  LW> Hmm, maybe it would simpler to just tell everyone undef is a special empty
  LW> lazy array that refuses to produce a value no matter how you ask.

why use undef for the error code? isn't this what exceptions are for? or
setting $!? i actually use naked return as a postive thing in stem
(string return values are bad and have the error string. it is
consistant so it works). the problem with returning undef (or naked
return) is that it is in-band data. now you could do a naked return but
error thing. and then the called has to check for that property each
time. but what does that mean when you do this (bad p6 code):

sub return_error { return but error }
my @a = return_error() ;

is @a empty or what? how do you see the error in @a?

i just don't like seeing undef used for error handling as it has too
many other uses (even if i did it in stem). just make undef a scalar
value and not a function nor a error marker.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Parameter and trait questions - just how 'only' _is_ 'read-only'?

2005-03-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> That being said, in Perl 5, if you say

  LW> @a = undef;

  LW> you don't get an undefined array.  I'd like to make undef smart enough
  LW> about list contexts that @a actually does end up undefined in Perl 6.
  LW> That is, in scalar context, undef is a scalar value as in Perl 5, but
  LW> in Perl 6, undef in list context means "there isn't anything here if
  LW> you try to look for it", so it's more like () in Perl 5, except that
  LW> it also undefines the array if it's the only thing in the array.

then how would you assign undef to the only element of the array? would this
be needed:

@a = ( undef ) ;# same as p5?

@a = undef ;# like undef @a in p5?

i have always railed against undef on aggregates as it leads to using
defined on them which is not the same as checking if an aggregate has
any elements. i see that often in newbie code. in fact i would like to
stop allowing undef as a function with args and have it only return a
scalar undef value. there should be a different op to truly make an
aggregate undefined (and i still don't see a need for that, emptying it
is all that i ever think is needed).

in my world undef is a scalar value and nothing else. how do you see it
in p6?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: New S29 draft up

2005-03-18 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "MD" == Matt Diephouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  MD> Uri Guttman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  >> >>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  LW> oct and hex are arguably misnamed, since most functions are named by
  LW> what they produce, not by what they take as input.  I don't know what
  LW> the replacement should be, though.  Maybe it's not worth fixing.
  >> from_oct, from_hex which state what they do? or a more general
  >> from_base( 16, $hex )? and that could be curried into from_hex().

  MD>   0xFF.dec()
  MD>   $num.dec()
  MD>   $num.hex()
  MD>   $num.base($n)

  MD> ?

  MD> I believe that some of these can already be handled by C<.as()>.

  MD> I would like for this to be addressed. This is one item that has
  MD> always confused me about Perl 5.

wrong direction. p5's hex and oct parse strings into numbers. .as
converts numbers to string format. larry's point was that the p5 names
were misleading as they didn't return what their names implied they
did. my suggestions were to add 'from' to make that conversion explicit.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: New S29 draft up

2005-03-17 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> oct and hex are arguably misnamed, since most functions are named by
  LW> what they produce, not by what they take as input.  I don't know what
  LW> the replacement should be, though.  Maybe it's not worth fixing.

from_oct, from_hex which state what they do? or a more general
from_base( 16, $hex )? and that could be curried into from_hex().


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: reset() and S29 -- obsoleted?

2005-03-15 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 02:39:06PM -0600, Steve Peters wrote:

  LW> : One function I noticed on the S29 list was reset().  With lexically 
  LW> : variables, reset is almost useless.  "Perl in a Nutshell" calls it 
  LW> : deprecated".  Can we remove the vagueness and deprcate it completely?

  LW> Yes, please.

i have seen p5 newbies ask about using it. oy!!


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: The S29 Functions Project

2005-03-13 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> I can tell you that I want both selects to be dead, but again, I'll
  LW> have to translate Perl 5 to something.  But some of these things
  LW> can probably be translated to things like

  LW> Perl5DeprecatedEmulationDoNotUseEverEverAgain::select(MyHandle);

  LW> Though we might just be able to resurrect the other select through
  LW> the magic of MMD.  Bitmaps of file descriptors just aren't the wave
  LW> of the future though.

with parrot supporting real async i/o (file and network) and a core
event loop, we can allow those features to be exposed in perl6. this
means dropping 4 arg select is easy. in some rfc's of mine (i have to
look them up) i proposed some event stuff but as you state that hasn't
been addressed in any A's yet. this could be loaded from modules and be
written in parrot/perl6 so it doesn't be in the core lang but it still
would be useful to spec it out so that we have a good api that is easy
to use.

  LW> Given the example of select above, I guess for things like the
  LW> OS dependent calls, we also have the option of demoting them to a
  LW> global module that you *can* import but can also get at through the
  LW> package name.  That is, the package is automatically there.  Arguably,
  LW> a lot of these should be in POSIX:: or some such.  Maybe we want to
  LW> hide abstractions like "POSIX" though in favor of sorting out the
  LW> functionality some other way.

i am not sure if posix has an event api. but there is to look
at, as well as the libevent library (which wraps several different
kernel event api's). but they probably won't be compatible with parrot's
event core (which is designed by dan). anyhow this area needs to be
addressed from the api point of view and then it can be decided where it
resides, in a module (best bet IMO) or core language.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: "The fate of reduce() in Python 3000"

2005-03-13 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "AP" == A Pagaltzis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  AP> [Prime quote: "I think having the two choices side-by-side just
  AP> requires programmers to think about making a choice that's
  AP> irrelevant for their program; not having the choice streamlines
  AP> the thought process."]

it just proves that guido doesn't like to think more than he has too :).


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Junctions - feedback and desires

2005-03-10 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  >> My understanding is that all lists are conceptually
  >> lazy. "any(2..Inf)" is perfectly valid.
  RA> The list being fed into the junction can be lazy. But I believe that
  RA> the list gets iterated over completely in the creation of the
  RA> junction, so C< any(2..Inf) > is valid, but melts your processor
  RA> similar to C< sort 2..Inf >.

i was under the impression that junctions could be smart about ranges
like that and do it correctly. sort can't possibly handle that but some
junctions and ranges would work fine. it isn't hard to convert that
(with the proper boolean) to a boolean expression internally.

  RA> My impression has been that after the creation of a junction, the
  RA> values that junction has are set in stone. Allowing some form of lazy
  RA> list to add values at will seems a bit counter to me. But if @Cabal
  RA> think it's okay to have lazy junctions, I won't argue with them.

lazy only when you can actually cheat IMO.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: finding the name of &$SUB ?

2005-03-07 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 01:55:07AM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  LW> : why not leave it as $?SUB but it is an object and you use the .name
  LW> : method?

  LW> Uh, yeah.  Obviously, 11 pm is still to early in the day for me...

or too late? :)

(i wouldn't normally spellcheck you but you are usually very accurate
and this must mean something)

and 2am is bedtime for me now.

  LW> : this way you won't clutter the namespace and you can add more
  LW> : methods like .signature, .returns, etc.

  LW> In which case $?SUB and &?SUB are probably just different names for
  LW> the same object, or we just go with &?SUB, and assume people will be
  LW> able to figure out from the lack of parens that &? is not
  LW> calling the subroutine.  Or I suppose we could go with straight $?SUB.
  LW> Or both.  Or one.  Or the other.  Or both.  Or...

burble! i know how you feel. now slowly back away from the keyboard and
say nighty night to us all. we need a refreshed larry and not one who
pulls all nighters like some college kid (or damian :).


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: finding the name of &$SUB ?

2005-03-07 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 09:49:04PM -0800, David Storrs wrote:
  LW> : Is there a way to find the name of  &?SUB  ?  It would be useful for
  LW> : error-logging and -reporting.

  LW> $?SUBNAME, I think, unless &?SUB just stringifies to that.  I guess
  LW> it's a good question whether &foo should stringify to "foo" or
  LW> "&foo" or something else including the signature.  In which case,
  LW> &?SUB might stringify to a lot of info, and $?SUBNAME would more
  LW> reliably be just the short name.  Maybe we also need a way to get
  LW> the long name explicitly.

why not leave it as $?SUB but it is an object and you use the .name
method? this way you won't clutter the namespace and you can add more
methods like .signature, .returns, etc.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: S06: Pairs as lvalues

2005-02-26 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "IB" == Ingo Blechschmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  IB> Hi,
  IB> quoting
  >> Pairs can be used as lvalues. The value of the pair is the
  >> recipient of the assignment:
  >> (key => $var) = "value";
  >> When binding pairs, names can be used to "match up" lvalues
  >> and rvalues:
  >> (who => $name, why => $reason) := (why => $because, who => "me");

note the binding := which is not the same as =. binding is similar to
aliasing. in the above case it matches the names and assigns the new
values accordingly. i am not sure what happens if you have more pairs on
one side or the other (does it behave as hashes would and just overwrite
the common keys and assign new ones as needed?)

  IB> that's really convenient, but what will the following code do?
  IB>   my $x = (a => 42); # $x is a Pair.
  IB>   $x = 13;   # Is $x now the Pair (a => 13) or
  IB>  #       the Int 13?

$x is 13 now as you assigned it. to assign the value of the pair as an
lvalue i think you would do:

$x.value = 13 ;


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: scoping functions as list operators?

2005-02-24 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "PRM" == Patrick R Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  PRM> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 12:54:20AM -0500, Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> >>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
  RA> Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> >> that fixes Stéphane's problem with my yall proposal. and yall solves the
  >> >> unary my problem. :)
  >> >> 
  RA> Stop misusing "y'all" before this Texan has to hurt you.
  RA> And y'all wonder why we hate you damn yankees. Can't even speak
  RA> properly up there.
  RA> :-)
  >> be glad your (losing) battle with damian was on email. between his VERY
  >> southern accent and yours ... :) 

  PRM> Indeed, Damian might just say that the answer to this problem is
  PRM> to *again* use junctions, and eliminate the 'm' in C, leaving:

  PRM>y all($x, $y, $z) = 1..3;

  PRM> Sorry, couldn't help myself.  :-) :-) :-)


but the () snuck back in and one of the goals is to remove
them. actually i like the () to mark a list context.

so would it be:

y all $x, $y, $z <== 1..3;

and all() doesn't have ordering since it is set-like (hi rod! :), so how
do 1..3 get assigned?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: scoping functions as list operators?

2005-02-24 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "RA" == Rod Adams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  RA> Uri Guttman wrote:
  >> that fixes Stéphane's problem with my yall proposal. and yall solves the
  >> unary my problem. :)
  RA> Stop misusing "y'all" before this Texan has to hurt you.
  RA> And y'all wonder why we hate you damn yankees. Can't even speak
  RA> properly up there.

  RA> :-)

be glad your (losing) battle with damian was on email. between his VERY
southern accent and yours ... :) you should try to meet him at a conf
this spring/summer.

  RA> We should instead have a list attribute, so we can say:

  RA> $x, $y, $z are mine! mine! mine!;

  RA> (Must be spoken like a three year old when read.)

but what does unary postfix ! mean? and does are distribute across mines?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: scoping functions as list operators?

2005-02-24 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LP" == Luke Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LP> Rod Adams writes:
  >> Luke Palmer wrote:
  >> >We have discussed making equals low precedence enough to eliminate the
  >> >parentheses in the standard swap:
  >> >
  >> >   $x, $y = $y, $x;
  >> >
  >> $x, $y <== $y, $x;

  LP> Heh, oh yeah.  I guess I wasn't so off suggesting <-, then.

  LP> Well, there's half the problem.  Now we just need to determine if
  LP> 'my' can leave its post as a unary declarator.

that fixes Stéphane's problem with my yall proposal. and yall solves the
unary my problem. :)


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: scoping functions as list operators?

2005-02-24 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "SP" == Stéphane Payrard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  SP> On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 03:56:06AM +0100, Stéphane Payrard wrote:
  >> Giving scoping functions the status of list operators
  >> would allow to drop parentheses when not used in conjunction
  >> with initializer so one could write:
  >> my $a, $b, $c;
  >> instead of
  >> my ($a, $b, $c);

  SP> Too bad that in English there is no plural for my.
  SP> In French it would work fine

  SP>   mon $a;   # French for C, singular

  SP> # C as a list operator
  SP>   mes $a, $b, $c;  # French for C, plural

well, our is a form of a plural my but it is not a plural of the things
that are mine/ours but rather the group owning it (which is the

so we can try: all, mine, these, those, them
and the brooklynese variants: dese, dose, dem. :)
southern variant: y'all or yall.
maybe yall is expanded as yall mine!

yall $a, $b, $c = 1 .. 3 ;



PS if this gets in, i will stop being so bigoted against southern accents! :)

Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Junctions, Sets, and Threading.

2005-02-22 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DC" == Damian Conway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DC>  my %seen is shape(IO) of Bool;  # %seen maps IO objects to boolean 

  DC>  while get_next_input_stream() -> $in {
  DC>  next if %seen{$in};
  DC>  $text ~= slurp $in;
  DC>  %seen{$in} = 1;
  DC>  }

but that is doable in perl5 as well. $in would stringify to a unique key
and you can test for it. better is if you used those keys as io handles
and that is where perl5 loses. say you had to process a bunch of handles
(say sockets which aren't going to be closed) and wanted to pass the
ones that still need processing. then you would do something like this
(perl5ish syntax which won't really work):

my %handles = map { open( $_, '<' ) or die "foo" => 1 } @files ;

later on some code could clear a handle's flag but leave the file open
and you can find the handles you want easily.

process_handles( grep( $handles{$_}, keys %handles ) ) ;

my current workaround for this problem is to have a hash that maps a ref
to itself! the key is a stringified ref and the value is the real
ref. having the key be any value (but internally strringified for
hashing) is very needed.

  >>> But, y'know, this one almost convinces me. Especially when you consider:
  >>> sub func ($i, $j, $k) {...}
  >>> @x = func($a, [EMAIL PROTECTED], @z);

  DC> Which would again be more obvious as:

  DC>  @x = func($a, every(@y), @z);

i agree. i like the names there as it reads better.

  DC> PS: I'll be away for the rest of the week, but will happily continue to
  DC>  argue when I return. ;-)

so where do you go for an argument when you are away?


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Octals

2005-02-22 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "J" == Juerd  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  J> And for symmetry, can we get 0d and \d for decimal, for those cases
  J> where you want to be explicit?

in a regex \d is a digit, so that isn't a good idea. it would be better
to require \0d. the others also need a base designator character so
decimals don't need a shortcut. and why would we need 0d123 as a
literal?  there are no ambiguities and decimal is the simple and obvious
default. i just don't think we need symmetry in all possible cases.

  J> I think \777 should be chr(777). As should \0d777, should you want to
  J> document that it's really not octal. (Important mostly the first year
  J> after the first release.)

too much history with \777 being octal. i think that should be a compile
time error (die) as it is illegal. but p5 currently just stops parsing
when it sees an out of range char. this is a silent bug IMO. at least a
warning should be generated. but the other side will want support for a
single char value and not requiring leading pad 0's.

perl -e'print "\xQW"' | od -c
000  \0   Q   W

perl -e'print "\xaQW"' | od -c
000  \n   Q   W

perl -e'print "\777"' | od -c
000 307 277

i don't know what is happening there.

so if you have no valid value chars or are out of range (as with \777),
then i would want to know as i made a mistake. leading pad 0's can be
skipped if some legal value is found.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Junction Values

2005-02-20 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "NC" == Nicholas Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  NC> On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 07:41:16PM +1100, Damian Conway wrote:
  NC> Given this:

  >> my $x = set(1..3);
  >> my $y = set(1,3,5,7,9);
  >> my $n = 2;
  >> $x | $y  # set(1,2,3,5,7,9)
  >> $x & $y  # set(1,3)
  >> $x - $y  # set(2)
  >> !$x  # set(none(2));-)

  NC> I don't understand this last line, even given the context of the
  NC> preceding three. Why is it none of 2, rather than none of
  NC> something else?

my guess is a typo and $x should be $n.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Fun with junctions

2005-02-15 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "DW" == David Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  DW> On Feb 15, 2005, at 11:06 AM, Larry Wall wrote:
  >> So maybe the actual pragma name is
  >> use qubits;
  >> Note: the pragma is not "use junctions", since they're already allowed
  >> to use junctions, as long as they don't try to observe them.  :-)

  DW> To quote Noah, what's a qubit?




Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

Re: Closure trait for loop entry

2005-02-12 Thread Uri Guttman
>>>>> "LW" == Larry Wall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  LW> :   JG> The first time use_first is called it will print
  LW> :   JG>   entering loop
  LW> :   JG>   1
  LW> :   JG>   2
  LW> :   JG>   leaving loop
  LW> : 
  LW> :   JG> but subsequently it will print
  LW> :   JG>   1
  LW> :   JG>   2
  LW> :   JG>   leaving loop
  LW> : 
  LW> : that seems to imply that FIRST is a program level first time action. i
  LW> : think it does what you want and is executed on the first iteration of a
  LW> : loop, each time the loop is started up. it is symmetrical to LAST in
  LW> : that way. it should print the former text each time the sub is called.

  LW> What's going on here is that the loop body is a closure that is
  LW> cloned upon entry to the loop (you're logically passing a closure
  LW> to the "for()" function that implements the loop), so if there's a
  LW> FIRST inside, it runs each time the loop is initialized.  Likewise
  LW> state variables are logically regenerated for closure clones, so if
  LW> use_first() above wants to have a state variable that is maintained
  LW> from call to call, it must put it *outside* the loop.

i am not clear on the actual answer. my take on what you said is that i
was right, FIRST will execute at the beginning of each time the loop is
entered which is what joe wants. am i correct?

  LW> Also, note that a LAST block, if any, has to be called from within
  LW> the implementation of for(), since only for() knows when it's done
  LW> with the loop as a whole.

similarly for FIRST as only for() knows when it starts up the loop again
and reinitializes the counter.

  LW> It will be an interesting problem for the optimizer to figure out
  LW> how to avoid cloning closures that are passed only to synchronous
  LW> loop-controller functions such as for() and not otherwise used
  LW> asynchronously.  Perhaps the signature of for() can make some
  LW> guarantees about not squirreling away the closure pointer in
  LW> some weird place.  This is perhaps related to the issue of timely
  LW> GC on pointers you know haven't been copied into outside storage.

i see the problem. if the loop body refers to lexicals declared outside
it, it looks like a classic perl5 closure and would need to be
cloned. what about the fact that for() will be called in effectively a
void context? a classic closure makes sense only when the code ref is
saved or possible called immediately via (p5) ->. for() is called
immediately but with a different signature as you said. the void context
would help the optimizer since you don't save the code block for later
reuse, no cloning should be done.


Uri Guttman  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems Architecture, Design and Coding-
Search or Offer Perl Jobs

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