Re: Funding the design team

2003-04-01 Thread Damian Conway
Thanks to everybody for your patience and support.

Here's where things currently stand wrt TPF and funding for Perl 6 related 

* TPF is now active again. Special thanks to Nat Torkington for being
  so responsive when I conveyed the list's concerns to him.
* An on-line survey of the Perl community will be made available in
  the very near future. It will be an opportunity for the whole
  community -- including those of us primarily concerned with
  Perl 6 -- to offer guidance to TPF as regards funding priorities.
* A number of new grants will be announced soon. These will probably
  include one or more grants targeted at Perl 6 design and/or
* TPF has been keeping a low profile over the last few months but has
  not been idle. Since last fall, they continued to fund Larry through
  the end of the year, helped with YAPC::Europe, are in the process of
  getting the next YAPC::America running, gave a small grant to Dan,
  and are currently looking at funding some Perl Monks site upgrades.
* The issue of accepting donations targeted to a particular area
  (e.g. Perl 6) has been raised and is being discussed.
Once again, as soon as that survey is available, I will inform the mailing list.


Re: Funding the design team

2003-03-26 Thread Damian Conway
David Storrs wrote:

Folks, give us your address (or a PO box, or something), where we can
send checks.  The checks won't be tax deductible, but are we really
doing this for the tax deduction?
Sorry for the delay in replying. It isn't lack of appreciation; it's lack of 
tuits (I was a little busy getting Synopsis 6 written this week).

The design team really *do* appreciate the support that this offer and others 
like it represent. It means a great deal to us that you believe in the work we 
are doing strongly enough to throw money. :-)

We certainly *could* set up some alternate donation mechanism for the Perl 6 
team, but we'd really rather work through TPF. That's what it's there for -- 
to remove the administrative load of handling donations, etc.

The problem is that it doesn't seem to be doing its job just at the moment, 
either in terms of finding funding, or channeling it back to the appropriate 
people, or even listening to the community as to who the appropriate people are.

But before we look at by-passing TPF, I'd like to take one more shot at 
bestirring them to action. If that fails to produce a useful result, then we 
will definitely look at finding another mechanism to funnel your generosity to 
those who can best make use of it to benefit Perl.


Re: Funding the design team

2003-03-21 Thread Paul

--- Miko O'Sullivan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, David Storrs wrote:
> > Folks, give us your address (or a PO box, or something), where we
> > can send checks.  The checks won't be tax deductible, but are we
> > really doing this for the tax deduction?
> ... or a PayPal account.  I've got $1.36 in my account ready to send
> to the development team.  Sorry, the Electronic Frontier Foundation
> got the other $5 that was in that account this morning.

This I can do. Gimme a paypal target. :)

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Re: Funding the design team

2003-03-20 Thread Randal L. Schwartz
> "David" == David Storrs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

David> Such a fund would be the ideal but, until it is set up, there is a
David> very easy way to fund the design team:

David> Folks, give us your address (or a PO box, or something), where we can
David> send checks.  The checks won't be tax deductible, but are we really
David> doing this for the tax deduction?

I really don't see a need to donate to other than YAS.  If you earmark
your donation, I'm sure YAS will ensure that the money goes to your
requested destination as much as is practically (and legally) possible.

Stonehenge has been a major contributor to YAS.  I don't see why we
should start changing plans in midstream.

Randal L. Schwartz - Stonehenge Consulting Services, Inc. - +1 503 777 0095
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Re: Funding the design team

2003-03-20 Thread Miko O'Sullivan
On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, David Storrs wrote:

> Folks, give us your address (or a PO box, or something), where we can
> send checks.  The checks won't be tax deductible, but are we really
> doing this for the tax deduction?

... or a PayPal account.  I've got $1.36 in my account ready to send to
the development team.  Sorry, the Electronic Frontier Foundation got the
other $5 that was in that account this morning.


Miko O'Sullivan
Programmer Analyst
Rescue Mission of Roanoke