Thanks to everybody for your patience and support.

Here's where things currently stand wrt TPF and funding for Perl 6 related activities:

        * TPF is now active again. Special thanks to Nat Torkington for being
          so responsive when I conveyed the list's concerns to him.

        * An on-line survey of the Perl community will be made available in
          the very near future. It will be an opportunity for the whole
          community -- including those of us primarily concerned with
          Perl 6 -- to offer guidance to TPF as regards funding priorities.

        * A number of new grants will be announced soon. These will probably
          include one or more grants targeted at Perl 6 design and/or

        * TPF has been keeping a low profile over the last few months but has
          not been idle. Since last fall, they continued to fund Larry through
          the end of the year, helped with YAPC::Europe, are in the process of
          getting the next YAPC::America running, gave a small grant to Dan,
          and are currently looking at funding some Perl Monks site upgrades.

        * The issue of accepting donations targeted to a particular area
          (e.g. Perl 6) has been raised and is being discussed.

Once again, as soon as that survey is available, I will inform the mailing list.


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