Re: Operating on pairs, Was Re: Revised solution #2

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Hainsworth

Carl Mäsak wrote:

Andy (>):


perl6 -e 'my $x = :a<5>; say $ {  .value / 10} ).fmt("%s")'

Yes, sure. That'll print a tenth of the value of $x. The '.fmt("%s")'
is a no-op in this case.

// Carl

Not entirely a no-op. Thus
> my $x=:a<5>; say ${.value/10}).fmt("the value is %s%%")
the value is 0.5%

But we have lost the .key part of the pair

> my $x=:a<5>; say ${.value/10}).fmt("key %s val %s")
Null PMC access in get_string()

Still, even if we could do something like (which we cant with rakudo, 
not sure if this is possible in perl6 in principle)
say ${.key => .value*100/$count}).fmt("Candidate %s has %s 
percent of vote");

would it be more elegant than
printf("Candidate %s has %s percent of 

I dont think so.

A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread Perl

Hello everyone,

A few weeks ago, probably more than I want to admit (but here! See! My  
Notes! I've been up to something!), there was one of those, "OMG! Perl  
is going to DIE!" threads, somewhere and the, "Well, do something  
about it" call came out, and I sort of replied, "well, alright" and  
gave my open ended hand to some design work.

Moritz was one of the first to guide it to the idea of making a logo  
for Rakudo Perl 6 - as there's nothing yet (really) available. I  
thought that would be a neat project and scratch some of my person  

A slight background on me: I'm that guy:

(Although, there should be two more columns for, "Skateboarding" and,  
"Rock Climbing" in there). I really started working with Perl during a  
internship in college which started me in a full time job doin' the  
stuff, which got me to where I am today: just working for myself.

In all of that, I also managed to get through Art School (guess what  
paid for *that*!). A lot of my work deals with language and text,  
writing and communication. Some of my work bordered on generative  
work, but most of it stayed on the canvas, as I wanted to go to school  
to learn to paint.

Anyways, I've always wanted to help out on larger-than-myself Perl  
projects, but, although I think my perl-fu is, well, alright - it's  
not wizard-like.  But! I think an interesting niche that I could fill  
is as someone who, "gets" Perl and it's wonderful and varied culture  
and also, "gets" visual communication and all that. I am a firm  
believer that a healthy community is one full of diversity and  
successful projects come not out of one genius, but of many just  
normal people, and that's me: just a normal person.

Here's some notes I've collected about what people have said Rakudo  
Perl 6 is, which is a good baseline on what a logo should try to  
reflect and communicate:

Rakudo Perl is:

Perl 6 on Parrot

Rakudo as a *implementation* of a *specification*

Rakuda-do (Japanese): Way of the Camel
Rakudo (Japanese):Paradise

Camels, Paradise/Oasis, etc. It's good visuals and it's easy to  
digest. Camels are mean and smelly close up, but we don't have to get  
all that close - it's good to remember they're also extremely useful  
and in some places, absolutely critical to ways of life.

It also doesn't stray far from the original Perl 5 image of Camels and  
Pyramids and all that jazz. The Japanese lean on all this seems  
important too, perhaps to get a little more mindshare from the folks  
that find Ruby interesting and attractive (more on that in just a  
little bit)

One of the main fears with this name, "Rakudo Perl 6" - at least when  
it first came out, is that describing Rakudo Perl as, "An  
implementation (one of possibly, many) of the Perl 6 Specification,  
built on top of the Parrot Virtual Machine", will leave people going,


I think this is a good reason as anything, to think of getting a  
visual representation of this, somewhat complicated idea out ASAP.

It's interesting that Japanese Word(s) were chosen as the new name -  
it's grown on me - I like it. Japanese Art and Poetry has the idea of  
the, "haiga" and the, "gō" - which is sort of like a pen-name, but it  
changes if there's a change in the style of the artist during their  
career. You could think of, "Rakudo" as a new, "haiga" for Perl - at  
least the concept makes things clear to me: we've changed course, but  
it's still the same hand.

I was also, incidentally, doing some research on the origins of the  
Latin alphabet - I'm very curious about languages in general - mostly  
how they're abused in media and popular culture, but also in learning  
new ones - I took a brief stint solo in France armed with a 5 week  
Free University course in French to see how well I could get along.  

I happened upon the book, "Mysteries of the Alphabet" (Narc-Alain  
Ouknin - originally written *in* French) in the shelves of someone I  
was hanging out with. It's main thesis, really is the Latin/Greek  
alphabet started with something they term the, "Proto-Sinaitic"  
alphabet, which was created around the time the lost tribe of Israel  
was figuring itself out. Moses and all.

One of the, well, the third letter in their alphabet is, "gimmel",  
which comes from the word gamel, which, if you didn't guess already  
means, "Camel"! It looks either like the neck of a camel - or, perhaps  
it's hump. If you think of, "gimmel" as our, "C" you can sort of still  
see a hump of a camel, if you just turn the, "C" 90 degrees, clockwise.

Early written languages like Proto-Sinaitic are sort of the beginning  
where pictograms that stood for what things looked like, where changed  
into a way of writing about an idea - a lot of these early letters  
still hold a lot of the original meanings. Hebrew, for instance still  
does and each character is rich in back history. I like the Prot

Re: A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread Patrick R. Michaud
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 03:45:48AM -0700, Perl wrote:
> Moritz was one of the first to guide it to the idea of making a logo for 
> Rakudo Perl 6 - as there's nothing yet (really) available. I thought that 
> would be a neat project and scratch some of my person itches.

It would be a very neat project.  It will solve some immediate and 
pressing needs.

> Here's some notes I've collected about what people have said Rakudo Perl 
> 6 is, which is a good baseline on what a logo should try to reflect and 
> communicate:
> [...]

I'll start with my summarized thoughts first, then a few specifics below.
First, I totally agree that Rakudo Perl needs a logo, and the sooner 
we can get one to start using on our website (which we're now creating)
and other materials, the better.  So, your thoughts and ideas are
quite welcome.

Beyond that, I think your message has neatly captured many of the facets
of what we're working with (and yes, there are a lot of facets).  The
message reminds me of some of Larry's "State of the Onion" addresses --
looking at many sides of the Perl (in this case Rakudo Perl 6) world.

So, my primary comment is that I find myself very much in agreement
with your proposal, and a strong hope that you'll continue on in this
direction.  I agree with the idea of the style guide and some simple 
elements that people can combine together in very expressive and
beautiful ways.  Indeed, it sounds very much like you're proposing
an ideographic system for Rakudo Perl, where can combine graphic
symbols for ideas together.  That feels very Perlish and Rakudoish
to me -- I like it.

So, I'd say "press on" and let us see what you come up with.  :-)

Some other minor reflections on your post:

> One of the main fears with this name, "Rakudo Perl 6" - at least when it 
> first came out, is that describing Rakudo Perl as, "An implementation 
> (one of possibly, many) of the Perl 6 Specification, built on top of the 
> Parrot Virtual Machine", will leave people going,
>   "Huh?!"
> I think this is a good reason as anything, to think of getting a visual 
> representation of this, somewhat complicated idea out ASAP.

I agree fully about the need for a visual representation;  as far as
the name goes I'm hoping that people will think of "Rakudo Perl" in
a manner to the way that we currently think of "Strawberry Perl" or
"Vanilla Perl".

> Taking a step back from this soup of ideas and thinking of a logo  
> itself, it seems that it would help to produce something that's made of 
> somewhat interlocking and inter-related pieces: Perl on Parrot has two 
> separate pieces that come together and complete an idea. But there's 
> other things that could take, "Perl's" place, so it's really,
>   $x on Parrot
> It seems that if a logo would be made, we can modularize, say, that  
> Parrot part and use it for other things - same with the Perl part, if  
> you get into it. 

I can't really speak for what Parrot will want or need, as they already 
have a (very nice) logo.  But having a symbol to represent Parrot in 
the system you propose would likely be very workable.

> What I really *really* need now is some feedback for any and all of the 
> above research and braindump. 

My feedback is essentially "Sounds fantastic!" and I'm eager to see
where it leads.  If I can be of further help, please ask!


Re: A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread Guy Hulbert
On Fri, 2009-16-01 at 09:16 -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> I agree fully about the need for a visual representation;  as far as
> the name goes I'm hoping that people will think of "Rakudo Perl" in
> a manner to the way that we currently think of "Strawberry Perl" or
> "Vanilla Perl". 

Huh?! ;)

AFAIK.  Strawberry Perl is a binary distribution of perl5 for windows.

I thought "Rakudo Perl 6" was ( equivalent to "perl5" in the sentence
above ) either "going to become perl6" or "already perl6".

Is that the case, or 
 is there not going to be a(n official) "perl6" or
 are there going to be many "perl6"s ?

Yes, I know there is pugs but I thought that was a prototype.


Re: A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread jerry gay
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 07:46, Guy Hulbert  wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-16-01 at 09:16 -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
>> I agree fully about the need for a visual representation;  as far as
>> the name goes I'm hoping that people will think of "Rakudo Perl" in
>> a manner to the way that we currently think of "Strawberry Perl" or
>> "Vanilla Perl".
> Huh?! ;)
> AFAIK.  Strawberry Perl is a binary distribution of perl5 for windows.
> I thought "Rakudo Perl 6" was ( equivalent to "perl5" in the sentence
> above ) either "going to become perl6" or "already perl6".
> Is that the case, or
>  is there not going to be a(n official) "perl6" or
>  are there going to be many "perl6"s ?
> Yes, I know there is pugs but I thought that was a prototype.

What we can say here is that, unlike how it was with Perl 5, none of
these projects is designed to be the Official Perl. Perl 6 is anything
that passes the official test suite. This test suite was initially
developed under the Pugs project because that project is the furthest
along in exploring the high-level semantics of Perl 6. (Other projects
are better at other things, such as speed or interoperability.)
However, the Pugs project views the test suite as community property,
and is working towards platform neutrality, so that Perl 6 is defined
primarily by its desired semantics, not by accidents of history.


Re: A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread Richard Dice
Perl 6 is a language specification, tied to a test suite.  It will have as
many implementations as there are people / teams that wish to implement it.
Pugs is a Haskell implementation-in-progress.  Rakudo is an
implementation-in-progress on top of the Parrot VM.  One would expect a
JPerl6 and an IronPerl6 too, eventually.

 - Richard

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Guy Hulbert  wrote:

> On Fri, 2009-16-01 at 09:16 -0600, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> > I agree fully about the need for a visual representation;  as far as
> > the name goes I'm hoping that people will think of "Rakudo Perl" in
> > a manner to the way that we currently think of "Strawberry Perl" or
> > "Vanilla Perl".
> Huh?! ;)
> AFAIK.  Strawberry Perl is a binary distribution of perl5 for windows.
> I thought "Rakudo Perl 6" was ( equivalent to "perl5" in the sentence
> above ) either "going to become perl6" or "already perl6".
> Is that the case, or
>  is there not going to be a(n official) "perl6" or
>  are there going to be many "perl6"s ?
> Yes, I know there is pugs but I thought that was a prototype.
> --
> --gh

Re: A Logo design for Rakudo Perl 6

2009-01-16 Thread Guy Hulbert
On Fri, 2009-16-01 at 07:53 -0800, jerry gay wrote:
> > Yes, I know there is pugs but I thought that was a prototype.
> >
> from

Thanks (also R Dice). I probably saw that but memory dulls with age.
