Re: pint: Elizabeth, sort list???

2024-03-07 Thread Marc Chantreux

>  ==> sort({ | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v }) ==> say()

ok … so I'm lost but I'm not even curious to understand why (because of
my lack of interest for the ==> operator :))


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

Re: pint: Elizabeth, sort list???

2024-03-07 Thread Marc Chantreux

> How would you write that expression using the feed operator?

I tried

< afoo12 afoo2 >
==> {.sort: { | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v }}
==> {map &say}

and the error message is really interesting

Only routine calls or variables that can '.append' may
appear on either side of feed operators.

on the other hand: I really don't understand why ==> even exists
as method call syntax works well.

< afoo12 afoo2 >
.sort( { | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v } )

what I would love instead is something closer than the haskell's $
operator with a very low priority so it could be possible to be
parenthesis free.

as example. I would like

1..10 ==> map * * 2 ==> say

to be a joyful version of

    (1..10).map(* * 2).say


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

Re: pint: Elizabeth, sort list???

2024-03-05 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi rakoons,

On Sun, Mar 03, 2024 at 01:22:45PM +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen wrote:
> Actually, the expression can be refined a bit:
> say .sort(*.split(/\d+/, :v).map({ (try .Int) // $_}).List)

Which is gorgeous! thanks for that. I read the documentation which is
clear about all the magic in action there. So I played a little with it
and came with this sort

.say for <
afoo12 afoo2 abar12
afoo13 afoo4
>.sort: { | map { +$_ // $_ }, .split: /\d+/, :v }

The ouput seems to be ok.

Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

Re: who call raku?

2024-02-10 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Thu, Feb 08, 2024 at 02:25:00PM -0800, ToddAndMargo via perl6-users wrote:
> Actually, I am looking for the name of the calling program:
> Cobian, Task manager, deamon, etc..

linux centric anwser:

raku -e 'say "/proc/{"/proc/$*PID/stat".IO.words[3]}/comm".IO.lines[0]'


Marc Chantreux
Pôle CESAR (Calcul et services avancés à la recherche)
Université de Strasbourg
14 rue René Descartes,

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi Ralph,

> Given that the broader picture is file/path related operations, it makes
> sense to me you're mostly exploring use of `.parent` and `map`s etc.

Actually what I really like the most from all your answers was the fact
that I learned a lot not only about the langage but also some idoms.

> Is that because it knows me, or has google started blessing Larry's
> neologisms for the whole planet?!? )

Why not? new words happens all the time and those one are useful for

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-05 Thread Marc Chantreux
I love this one. I used uniq and run so the whole script can be run from
raku (except the xargs ls avoid the ARG_MAX error)

<<. raku -e 'run < ls -lUd >, unique map {(.IO, *.parent …^ "/")>>.Str.Slip}, 


Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-05 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi Ralph,

> The `.Str.say` can be just `.put`.

oh! got it. thanks :)

> If not, can you see why I'm surprised -- why `m:g{ "/" <-[/]>+ }`
> seems simpler to me than `m:ex{^ [:r "/" <-[/]>+]+? }`?

I just played again with your solution and got the beauty of it. why
made me realize I should take time between two post so I can have a
fresh mindset for all of them!

Actually: this is by far the simplest solution. Thanks.

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-04 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello William,

On Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 04:27:04PM -0700, William Michels wrote:
> Hi Marc, There's also this conversation from March 2021 on the mailing list:
> [Matthew's answer looks very interesting].

Interesting as it can provide a relative short solution with no advanced
concept. I tried this line but got an immutability problem. I tried
multiple work around with no success for the moment.

<<. raku -e ' {repeat {.put} while not .=parent ~~ "/" }'

thank you

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 09:50:08PM +0100, Ralph Mellor wrote:
> > ( A B C ) to ((A) (A B) (A B C)) ?
> [^1,^2,^3]

I got that one and tried to generalize it with something more generic
(using * to get the number of elements).

thanks for helping

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: steps of a path

2022-09-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi Bruce and William,

Ineed: I was looking for [\,] but your code removes the anoying empty
string because of the leading / (which is awesome) so I mixed from both
answers (<-[/]> is more robust than .alpha ) and added .Str to .say.

finally I got:

<<. raku -ne '.Str.say for m:ex /^ ["/" <-[/]>+:] **? 1..*  /;'

ther is only one caracter I don't understand in this anwser so I
considered removing it. bad idea:

<<. raku -ne '.Str.say for m:ex /^ ["/" <-[/]>+ ] **? 1..*  /;'

so I read about backtracking and found something I found a bit easier
to get/memorize: the :r adverb.

<<. raku -ne '.Str.say for m:ex{ ^ [ :r "/" <-[/]>+ ] **? 1..* }'

last but not least: **? 1..* is just +?.  At this point, my prefered solution 

<<. raku -ne '.Str.say for m:ex{^ [:r "/" <-[/]>+]+? }'

and it is pretty good compared to the sed version:

<<. sed -E ':b p; s:/[^/]+$::; t b'

thank you very much to both of you: I learned a lot on this post.

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

steps of a path

2022-09-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

I have this steps() function implemented this way in shell:

steps() sed -r ':b p; s,/[^/]+$,,; t b'
# demo:
<<. steps | xargs ls -lUd

which shows

-rw-r-  1 root adm  464304 Sep  3 19:03 /var/log/messages
drwxr-xr-x 22 root root   4096 Sep  3 00:00 /var/log
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root   4096 Jun 19  2021 /var

for those who don't know sed that much, the perl equivalent is:

steps() perl -lpe 'do {print} while s,/[^/]+$,,'

I thought the raku one could be shorter but for now I'm stuck
with a very long solution.

my \path = [ "/var/log/messages" .split: "/" ];
.say for (^path).map( { path[0..$_].join: "/" } )[1..*];

I'm pretty sure I saw a very concise and elegant way to transform
( A B C ) to ((A) (A B) (A B C)) in the past but I'm enable to figure
out how. Any help on that ?

thanks by advance.

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: rotor in comb?

2022-08-28 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello everyone and thanks Bruce and William for help,

On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 01:25:32PM -0700, William Michels wrote:
> ~$ raku -e '++(my %digraphs){$_} for, :exhaustive,
> /<[a..z]>**2/); .say for %digraphs.sort(-*.value);' richard3.txt

I don't see a huge difference with the code Bruce posted previously. Did
I miss something?

On Sat, Aug 27, 2022 at 12:24:50PM -0500, Bruce Gray wrote:
>> I do *not* think you can ("move the cursor backward in the comb
>> regex"); See : ... "returns a Seq
>> of non-overlapping matches" ...

I was diging in the regex syntax part of the doc but indeed: the comb part
is clear, its name is too and I realize I was abusing it: match is the
good thing to do.

>> The "non-overlapping" nature is the problem.
>> (Please let me know if this turns out to be incorrect!)

If the cursor can be manipulated from the regex itself (:exhaustive is
the thing I failed to find) but I try to be idiomatic so your answer

I noticed the usage of the hyperoperator » and wanted to know if we
could take advantage if parallelism I found it a bit faster.

It also shows that slurp.split('\n') is faster than lines by far (see

Thanks again for helping me!

slurp  :  15.89s user 0.37s system 105% cpu 15.373 total
slurp, split, race :  15.10s user 0.11s system 104% cpu 14.502 total
line, race :  24.96s user 0.19s system 314% cpu  7.991 total

set vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros \
  vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros vi.macros
time raku -e ', /(<[a..z]> ** 2)/)».Str.Bag
.sort({ -.value, ~.key })' "$@"
time raku -e 'slurp.split("\n").map({
|map ~*, .lc.match(:exhaustive, /(<[a..z]> ** 2)/)
}).flat.Bag.sort({-.value, .key})' "$@"
time raku -e '{
|map ~*, .lc.match(:exhaustive, /(<[a..z]> ** 2)/)
}).flat.Bag.sort({-.value, .key})' "$@"

raku -e '{
|map ~*, .lc.match(:exhaustive, /(<[a..z]> ** 2)/)
}).flat.Bag.sort({-.value, .key}).map: &say

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

rotor in comb?

2022-08-27 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

Here is a little raku code to count all the digraphs from some text:

my %digraphs =
.map( *.comb.rotor( 2 => -1, :!partial ).map: *.join )

The first .comb match words then I map them to get digraphs but I think
it is possible to move the cursor backward in the comb regex. I just
don't know how. I'm trying to write something like:
.comb(/ <[a..z]> ** 2 { --pos } /)

The perl version of it is:

perl -lnE '
END { say "$_ = $digraph{$_}" for
sort { $digraph{$b} <=> $digraph{$a} }
keys %digraph
$_=lc; while (/([a-z]{2})/g) {++$digraph{$1}; --pos; }

Any help is very welcome.


Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

questions about sigpipe

2022-08-08 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Rakoons,

I found the sigpipe module [S13] while reading the Rakudo Weekly
news[rwn] so Raku can handle SIGPIPE the way I think is the good one:

raku -e 'loop { say "y"}' | sed 3q
# some weird error

raku -Msigpipe -e 'loop { say "y"}' | sed 3q
# just works


so now I have this 6 wrapper to make raku more unixish:

6() RAKUDO_ERROR_COLOR= raku -Msigpipe "$@"

RAKUDO_ERROR_COLOR must be set because raku prints escape caracters in
stderr by default, no matter if it is a tty. I never complained about it
but I think of it as a bug.

Also considered as a bug here was the default sigpipe handler

raku -Msigpipe -e 'loop { say "y"}' | sed 3q

Just works "as expected" and I don't know why Raku took so long to
handle it this way. leont gave me the begin of the answer in the
documentation of the module:

«Raku's default sigpipe handling does the sensible things for
networking applications, but entirely the wrong thing for CLI

Can anyone give more detail about it?

Thanks for any answer and regards,

PS: sigpipe is also a nice example of usage for INIT and NativeCall.
Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: something between run and qx() ?

2022-08-04 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi Liz!

> sub prefix:<`>(*@a) { (run @a, :out).out.lines }

Thanks for this example, I now can write things like

.say for grep / '.txt' $ /, `
for ` { .say if / '.txt' $ / }

which made me remember I wrote something similar (but not working) for
the FOSDEM talk:

sub prefix:<`>(|c) is tighter(&infix:<.>) { (run :out, c).out.lines }

the `is tighter` thing was because I hoped I could write something like

`.grep( / '.txt' $ / ).say

Is is something to do to fix it ?

Thanks everything you do on Raku!

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: something between run and qx() ?

2022-08-04 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Liz and thanks for helping,

> I believe you could use App::Rak for that: 
> $ zef install App::Rak

I'll test rak at some point but in this case, I can just write

dpkg-query -f \${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot\* |
raku -pe '.=trim; .say if .trim.IO.f'

I asked the question about qx() and run because because I still have
the "removing bash with raku" in mind and this is typically the kind
of things where both tools comes with flaws.

It would be nice to define a backtrick operator (like in rc) so we
could write

my @installed-files =
grep *.IO.f,
map *.trim,
`< dpkg-query -f ${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot* >;

insead of

my @installed-files =
grep *.IO.f,
map *.trim,
( run :out, < dpkg-query -f ${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot* > ).out.lines;


Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: something between run and qx() ?

2022-08-04 Thread Marc Chantreux
Hi Brian and thanks for your reply.

> There is the 'x' adverb for Q -- I think qx is equivalent to Q:x

exactly. that's why Q:x doesn't help as it still run sh -c to execute
the command.

Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

something between run and qx() ?

2022-08-04 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

I found myself choosing between

raku -e '
(run :out, <
dpkg-query -f ${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot*
> ).out>>.lines>>.trim>>.grep(*.IO.f)>>.say'


raku -e '
dpkg-query -f \${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot\*

I really love the qx syntax but

* it runs an extra useless sh processus
* I need to quote the shell symbols

I read the Proc documentation and tried to see if there was another
command or an adverb to the qx construction (something like :r for run).

What I really would like to write is:

raku -e ' qx:r< dpkg-query -f ${db-fsys:Files} -W gnuplot* 
>.lines>>.grep(*.IO.f)>>.say '

Any suggestion is welcome.


Marc Chantreux
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: shorter way to set states in -n?

2022-07-03 Thread Marc Chantreux

> Is this a bug, or are my (our?) expectations wrong?

I posted on the list precisely because the doc. wasn't
enough to GTD so I can't reply your question :)

Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: shorter way to set states in -n?

2022-07-02 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Sat, Jul 02, 2022 at 08:27:19PM +0100, Ralph Mellor wrote:
> Does this do what you want:
>   BEGIN my (@o, @f) = 0 xx 3;
>   @o.push: "ok";
>   say @o;

seq 2|raku -ne '
BEGIN my (@o, @f) = 0 xx 3;
@o.push: "ok";
say @o;

works fine! thank you very much.
Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

shorter way to set states in -n?

2022-07-02 Thread Marc Chantreux

hello rakoons,

AFAIK about raku -n, I need 2 lines to setup a
state with a default value

seq 2| raku -ne '
state (@o, @f);
BEGIN @o = 0 xx 3;
@o.push: "ok";
say @o;

but is there a shorter way ?


Re: probably worth a bug report ?

2022-01-02 Thread Marc Chantreux
Le Sun, Jan 02, 2022 at 12:32:46PM +0100, Elizabeth Mattijsen a écrit :
> Maybe first explain why the error

thanks for the explaination. especially

> $ raku -e 'sub a(|c) { dd c }; a b => 42'
> \(:b(42))

now my sub works the way I wanted:

sub got (|c) {
for c.hash.kv -> $rule ,$input {
ok (my $r = Pugish.subparse: $input , :$rule )
, "match a $rule in: $input";
$r and return $r;
got pair => 'obey the law';

> Again, it is all about *reading* the error message.
> Is there room for improvement?  There always is!

I wrote this message mostly because the error message didn't help at all
here but now i discovered and inspected the Capture, i realize the
message was true but just left me clueless.

Capture is a good way to understand what happened.

> > Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0

because c.list got is all ...

many thanks for helping.

probably worth a bug report ?

2022-01-01 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello rakoons,

I got this error message

Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
  in sub xxx at - line 1
  in block  at - line 2

Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2021.09.
Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2021.09.

by running this:

<<\-. raku; raku -v
sub xxx ( Pair $test ) { $test.raku.say }
xxx key => 'value';

and i think it's worth a bug: i don't know if

xxx key => 'value'

should parse but at least it deserve a less
confusing message, don't you think ?


shell to raku

2021-12-31 Thread Marc Chantreux
Le Fri, Dec 31, 2021 at 01:20:45PM +, Wesley Peng a écrit :
> Replacing Bash scripts with Raku? That’s an interesting thing

Well ... replacing bash is always a good thing but raku is not
always the rhs of the substitution (could be dash/mksh/rc,
make/mk, C, ...).

raku is now my tool of choice when

* manipulexity is important
* performance is not

The way i see the talk is:

* show how to do simple things ($PATH vs $RAKULIB, ...)
* show similarities (if you're confortable with feature X,
  then raku's Y will makes you happy)
* show some pro and cons (Shell vs Raku)

> Can Linux be shipped with Raku by default?

apt install rakudo

Is possible from the stable debian but i don't think it's a good idea
to have it as part of the default install (in a sense that there should
be nothing bigger than dash/busybox/toybox in the default install).

Last day for FOSDEM submission

2021-12-30 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

I just discovered this this morning:

I don't remember if there was a previous annoucement in this list but
it's still possible to jump in.

I just submitted one on "Replacing Bash scripts with Raku"

* features and way of doing things i love from zsh
* the raku way [1]
* getting started with raku ecosystem (, zef, Ddt, fez, rakudoc, 
prove6, ...)

gather/take=while read, Seq vs Pipes, ...) and ideas of modules

1: the raku way are things like

*sh│ raku
|  │
xargs -P   │ .race
while read │ gather/take

At some point it could become an Intro section on the Raku documentation

If a native/fluent english speaker want to take over it: i'll be more
than happy to co-author the talk as well (i really feel like i'm a disaster as


Re: the MAIN questions

2021-12-29 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Daniel,

> > Did i just dreamed about it ?
> You sort of dreamed it.

damn! thanks for the red pill.

> my $argfiles = || '-');

my perl history works against me there: i see @files.elems || '-' here :)

thank you.

> The other change I'd suggest for additional elegance (at least imo) is to put
> the help text for each flag/option on the same line, either by putting it 
> after
> with #= or by using an embedded comment.  Here's the script with those 
> changes:

well ... i'm visually impaired so i really try my code to fit in 72

sub MAIN
( #| don't fix for real, just show the diff
Bool :$diff=False
, #| input files (stdin by default or with explicit '-')]
) {

would be my way of writing

>sub MAIN (
>#|[don't fix for real, just show the diff]  Bool :$diff=False,
>#|[input files (stdin by default or with explicit '-')] *@files ) {
>.&fixline.say for || '-').lines;

> Hope that helps!

definitely. always good to share ideas.


the MAIN questions

2021-12-29 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello rakoons,

I have a script named fixlines which is basically

sub fixline (Str $line) { ...  }
say fixline $_ for lines;

This is far enough for personal usage but i would like to release it
so i need a decent -h to be implemented and basically should look

  fixlines [--test] 

to do so, my

say fixline $_ for lines;


sub MAIN (
#| don't fix for real, just show the diff
Bool :$diff = False,
#| input files (stdin by default or explicit '-' in the list)
) {
+@files or @files = ('-');
my $argfiles =;
.&fixline.say for $argfiles.lines

This would be fair enough in any other langages but the whole thing looks
unelegant in a raku code.

So now I have 2 questions:

* I'm pretty sure i saw something like :!$test to express Bool :$test = False.
  Did i just dreamed about it ?
* more importantly, is the a better choice than

+@files or @files = ('-');
my $argfiles =;
.&fixline.say for $argfiles.lines

I saw %*SUB-MAIN-OPTS in the documentation and was wondering if something like

%*SUB-MAIN-OPTS= my @files; #= input files, stdin if none

could be achievable by a module MAIN::UnixFilter i could put on


Re: is 'use v6' still a thing?

2021-12-29 Thread Marc Chantreux

Dear Liz and Ralph, thanks for your anwsers.

Le Tue, Dec 28, 2021 at 09:29:26PM +, Ralph Mellor a écrit :
> > long time ago, there was this 'use v6' line ... Does it still make sense?
> I think it depends.

well. it's not that time consuming to add v6.d so reading your lines, i
realized it's not worth to spare it.

thank you.


Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

is 'use v6' still a thing?

2021-12-28 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

long time ago, there was this 'use v6' line so perl should be v6 and
still run v5.* things.

I just took a look to and seen

use v6;

Does it still makes sense?


Marc Chantreux
Direction du numérique de l'Université de Strasbourg
Pôle de Calcul et Services Avancés à la Recherche (CESAR)

Re: can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-21 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello William,

> #old:
> rule  TOP {* %% \n  }
> token line { * %% ',' }
> #new:
>   rule  TOP {*  }
>   token line { * %% ',' \n }

ohhh ... indeed! when i fixed the code on Ralph's instructions, i
finally was able to slurp a whole file and discovered a emtpy entry at
the end of the flow so i realize that \n is actually a terminator, not
a separator.

> class CSV_as_table {
> method TOP ($/)  { make $/.map: *.made }
> method line ($/) { make $/.map: *.made }
> method col:sym   ($/) { make ~$/ }
> #method col:sym ($_) { .make: ~S:g/'""'/"/ }
> method col:sym ($/) { make $/.subst(/'""'/, '"', :global) }
> }

nice :)

but as i said earlier, i really prefer the short one.

> been interesting nevertheless. Here's a related link to a one-liner that
> uses Raku's Text::CSV module:

This grammar really was an exercice. I also wrote a really simple csv2tsv
in C which is really fast and was actually simpler to write.


Re: can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-20 Thread Marc Chantreux
> On Sat, Nov 20, 2021 at 9:03 PM Marc Chantreux  wrote:
> > > > method col:sym ($/) { .make ~S:g/'""'/"/ }
> > > That's not working for me. I'm on Moar (2021.06).
> > works for me with:
> > method col:sym ($_) { .make: ~S:g/'""'/"/ }

> Yeah, you got it wrong the first time.  To explicate, the key difference
> is differently named parameters: ($/) vs ($_).

Ohh ... sorry i didn't spot the problem because the relation between $_
and the use of .make was too obvious to me. thank you for noticing!


Re: can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-20 Thread Marc Chantreux

helllo William,

> > Marc wrote:
> > i'm inclined to think that this is easier to read:
> > method col:sym ($/) { .make ~S:g/'""'/"/ }
> That's not working for me. I'm on Moar (2021.06).

works for me with:

Welcome to 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐝𝐨™ v2021.09.
Implementing the 𝐑𝐚𝐤𝐮™ programming language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2021.09.

> This Is what I get back (first error below, note the "grammar CSV" line is
> the first line of the script, and method col:sym  is on line 20):

the whole grammar and action is:

grammar CSV {
rule  TOP {*  }
token line { * %% ',' \n }
proto token col {*}
token col:sym   { <-[\n",]>* }
token col:sym {
'"' ~ '"'
[<( [ '""' | <-[\n"]> ]* )>]

class CSV_as_table {
method TOP ($/)  { make $/.map: *.made }
method line ($/) { make $/.map: *.made }
method col:sym   ($/) { make ~$/ }
method col:sym ($_) { .make: ~S:g/'""'/"/ }


Raku and Datasciences

2021-11-20 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

> I am still defending that we need a package for data
> analysis/science/engineer (like the Perl5 PDL, Python Pandas or R
> data.table) and an IDE for streaming programming like jupyter or rstudio.

I'm still excited about this idea and my offer to test/feedback/document
remains open.

A first step should be to start with examples of pure Raku code. Once
we are confident about the fact it's the state of art of the langage, we
can merge it into

I started it by using a turorial made by a colleage
(in french, sorry) about "exploring facts about the titanic demography
with python"

which is a good example:

* simple grammar
* simple data manipulations
* interesting facts to work on

simpler enough to explore Raku concepts and asking myself a lot of
questions like "is it possible that a grammar can Supply objects
or beging lazy".

so could something inspired like that grammar

grammar CSV {
rule  TOP { *  }
token line { * %% ',' \n }
proto token col {*}
token col:sym   { <-[\n",]>* }
token col:sym {
'"' ~ '"'
[<( [ '""' | <-[\n"]> ]* )>]

which is basically used that way:

my @data =
actions =>,
my \col = %( $_ Z=> ^$_ with @data.shift.List );

be used this way to take avantage of lazyness:

my @top5 = do {
} with onfly CSV, "quoted.csv".IO;

# IO stops tor read at line 6


Re: can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-20 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello William,

> method col:sym ($/) { make $/.subst(/'""'/, '"', :global).Str }

which is just a longuest version of the line Ralph wrote. i'm inclined
to think that this is easier to read:

method col:sym ($/) { .make ~S:g/'""'/"/ }

> The following line seems to work just fine, with-or-without the call to
> .Str at the end

both works but if you don't use ~ or .Str, a match is returned. I
noticed after i replied to Ralph.

Thanks for helping,

why not raku ?

2021-11-19 Thread Marc Chantreux

> I like ruby and perl

so do I but raku is by far my prefered interpreted langage now.
I don't raku that much and most of the time, i read the doc more than i
actually write code but when it's writen, it's always elegant and
concise the way i never seen before.

> Maybe perl6 is still not production-ready?

Perl6 is now raku.

it depends: what do you mean by "production" and "ready"? start with
some few non-critical usecases and you'll see raku is production ready
enough for lot of things.

> but why so few open source projects which were developed by perl6?

wow ... interesting question. my cents on it:

* raku shines on interpreted langages when people are moving to compiled 
* raku is that rich it's hard to get it in a first view
* raku is still way too slow to be taken seriously by a large audience
* js or python developpers are legions on the market now so everyone
  choose this as an argument
* we need more packages on
* i really think technologies are massively adopted when they are
  packaged in main linux distros because lot of people don't want to
  bother compiling an interpreter or adding extra repos to do it.


Re: can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-19 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Ralph,

Thank you for the whole explaination and links.

> method col:sym ($_) { .make: S:g/'""'/"/ }

i dug around it but missed it! arggh ...

> > am I right when i feel there is a way to do this
> > substitution inside the grammar

> As I've shown, yes. But it draws you into the `$/` dance.

The way I read you is "no" as i can't reassign inside a grammar.

what i was expecting is to hack the grammar itself. something like

token col:sym {
'"' ~ '"'
[ <( [ '""' | <-[\n"]> ]* )> ]

by something close to

token col:sym {
'"' ~ '"'
[ <( [ '""' { $0 = '"' } | <-[\n"]> ]* )> ]

anyway: thanks for the detailed explaination. your solution is really


Re: fixing the documentation

2021-11-19 Thread Marc Chantreux

Le Fri, Nov 19, 2021 at 07:12:13AM +0100, JJ Merelo a écrit :
> Thanks a lot.

well ... not sure who should thank someone here .. i meant: you spent so
much more time on the raku ecosystem than i did ...

thanks everyone.

can't make from a S/// ?

2021-11-18 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello rakoons,

I want to be able to parse this:

'162,1,2,"Watt, Mrs. James (Elizabeth ""Bessie"" Inglis 
Milne)",female,40,0,0,C.A. 33595,15.75,,S',
actions =>,

I wrote this simple Grammar and action

grammar CSV {
rule  TOP {* %% \n  }
token line { * %% ',' }
proto token col {*}
token col:sym   { <-[\n",]>* }
token col:sym {
'"' ~ '"'
[ <( [ '""' | <-[\n"]> ]* )> ]

class CSV_as_table {
method TOP ($/)  { make $/.map: *.made }
method line ($/) { make $/.map: *.made }
method col:sym   ($/) { make ~$/ }
method col:sym ($/) { make ~$/ }
# method col:sym ($/) { make S:g/'""'/'"'/ with ~$/ }

And it *almost* work. the thing I try to do now is to replace the "" in
quoted strings by a simple ".

when I use

method col:sym ($/) { make S:g/'""'/'"'/ with ~$/ }

instead of

method col:sym ($/) { make ~$/ }

I get this error message:

Cannot assign to a readonly variable or a value
  in method col:sym at whole.raku line 17
  in regex col:sym at whole.raku line 7
  in regex col at whole.raku line 5
  in regex line at whole.raku line 4
  in regex TOP at whole.raku line 3
  in block  at whole.raku line 30

I just don't understand why so i come with 2 questions
(or 4):

* how to fix it (and why isn't it working) ?
* am I right when i feel there is a way to do this substitution inside
  the grammar (and is it a good idea) ?


Re: fixing the documentation

2021-11-18 Thread Marc Chantreux

> The best would be if you propose a PR or open an issue at
> Any help with the documentation would
> most certainly be appreciated as people working on the docs project
> are overloaded.

Sorry I was late on this because I wasn't sure how to revamp the whole
thing. so i just simplified the 5to6 page this way:

Simple changes are better anyway.


fixing the documentation

2021-08-25 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,


This D526P is deprecated and some RAKULIB details are redundant with
both DFIM and DLIB.

I would like to propose a patch so:

* the details of RAKULIB comes in DLIB
* DFIM  refers to DLIB
* D526P refers to DFIM

But D526P asserts something i read nowhere else:

Note that C is more of a developer convenience in Raku (as
opposed to the equivalent usage of C in Perl) and shouldn't be
used by module consumers as it could be removed in the future.  This is
because Raku's module loading isn't directly compatible with operating
system paths.

Is it still true? if so, should this paragraph be in DFIM?


[better solution] pairs of separators from a string

2021-08-24 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello everyone,

I made a mistake while replying to all of us so anwsers never reached
your boxes. I'll summerize in one answer:


> Is it just even/odd elements that you want to separate out? If so, maybe
> .grep() is your friend here

I don't think it is: 0, 2 ... * seems to be

* closer to what i have in mind when i think about the problem
  (so i invoke readability there)
* probably more efficient than (0..*).grep(* % 2) that
  * generate twice the number of required elements
  * need to filter the result

Also, trying to play with this version:

my ($a,$b) =
with .comb;

just don't work because the lists are squashed into scalar context
in the process.

So Brian and Fernando made my day with := and the unexpected power of
the [] operator.

my (@a,@b) := .comb[ [0,2...*], [1,3...*] ];

I really like how declarative it is. Also the use of := now seems
obvious to me.

Sigils still remains something strange to me desprite all your examples
but i'll take some time. thanks everyone.


Re: pairs of separators from a string

2021-08-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello William,

> your string, or whether-or-not some might be nested within each other. You
> show a lone ampersand ("&") at the beginning of your example, but other
> strings may not be so simple.

really sorry about this artefact from previous attempts :(

> > $string.comb(/ ( <:Ps> ~ <:Pe> .?) /, :global).raku.say
> ("()", "\{}", "[]").Seq

those regexes i can't read for the moment is a good excuse to learn more
about raku. i'll read them later and come back here if i have questions.

thanks and regards.

[solved] pairs of separators from a string

2021-08-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Yary,

> and my instinct is that "map" is adding a layer you don't need or want for
> this issue, should just be sending the results of comb to a block. But I
> can't quite get the syntax right (and seems down at the
> moment)

With this and what i understood from Vladim, i tried this

my ($a,$b) = "AaBbCcDd" { .[0,2…*], .[1,3…*] };
say $a;

it failed too. Also: the Vladim example of a direct call of the lambda
seems intellectually closer to the problem to me. i realized that the
perl map and for with scalars are work arounds. raku has with.

so i tried:

my ($a,$b) = .[0,2…*], .[1,3…*] with "AaBbCcDd".comb;
say $a

which is exactly the way i want to write things :)

> I sent a variation of this as a potential question to Perl Weekly
> Challenge, maybe it will get a bunch of answers in a few weeks!

i'll be happy to read other answers.


(sigils are awesome, they say ...) Re: pairs of separators from a string

2021-08-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
thanks everyone for sharing,


my ($a, $b) = { @^a[0,2...Inf], @a[1,3...Inf] }.(q<(){}[]>.comb); say $a[0]; 
say $b[0]

oh. i never see this direct call of a lambda before but it really makes
sense! this is the answer i like the most.

i rewrote it my way and this works

my ($a, $b) = { .[0,2…∞], .[1,3…∞] }.(q.comb);

it would be nice if this one will:

my ($a, $b) = { .[0,2…∞], .[1,3…∞] }.: q.comb;

But here is one of the reasons i'm still unconfortable with raku is the
fact that sigils don't make sense anymore to me (in the contrary of perl
were sigils means "i want a [$%@] from this").

so as i can't get grid of sigils in this case

my (\a, \b) = { .[0,2…∞], .[1,3…∞] }.(q.comb);

i need to choose a sigil. The way i understand sigils is
"an optional type specifier". to me

my $truc  => my container 'truc' for anything you want
my @truc  => my container 'truc' for something that should mostly
 be understood as indexed
my %truc  => my container 'truc' for something that should mostly
 be understood as associative

so of course i tried

my (@a, @b) = { .[0,2…∞], .[1,3…∞] }.(q.comb);

because i have two lists and two containers. this doesn't work.
which means @ and $ combines with = to define how things are stored
but i don't understand how for the moment.


pairs of separators from a string

2021-08-21 Thread Marc Chantreux

i would like to get the list of opening (α) and closing
(ω) separators from this string:


too many years of perl made me think about this solution
or something alike but it didn't work.

my (\α,\ω) =| map
{ .[0,2…∞], .[1,3…∞] },

fixing this is important to me because it illustrate how bad i am to
comprehend how raku flatten things.


Re: Notes/Questions about Leon Timmermans's talk

2021-06-10 Thread Marc Chantreux

> >   sub foo ( Int $x ) { 0 if $x > 5 }
> >   sub hello {say "hello $^world"}
> >   if defined my $value = foo 45 { hello $value }
>with foo 7 { say $^value }

i feel really dumb right now as i just used with and didn't made the
match in my head.

> or if you want to trigger on *not* defined:
>without foo 7 { say $^value }

hoo ...

my $x;
without $x { note '$x is not set' }
if not defined $x { note '$x is not set' }
$x = 34;
without $x { note 'is your raku broken?' }

very nice! thank you for sharing!

> You can use the » without fear if there aren't any side-effects.
> Consider this:
>class Foo {
>my int $seen = 0;
>method bar() { ++$seen }  # side-effect
> Another thing to remember is the order in which they are executed:
> Hope this explains :-)

Both are clear and i AFAIR, i realize that your second example
illustrate the error i made as i was writing stuff in $*STDOUT.

thank you so much!

Notes/Questions about Leon Timmermans's talk

2021-06-09 Thread Marc Chantreux

I just saw this and it's very good

The features he picked are indeed things i really like in raku
and i learned some interesting details. Other details are still
bugging me so i have some questions there:

A. if x -> $y with //

For exemple, given a function Foo

sub foo ( Int $x ) { 42 if $x > 5  }

this is awesome you can write

if foo 7 -> $value { say $value }

and even

if foo 7 { say $^value }

but is there a way (adverb?) to match if something is False but defined
so given this

sub foo ( Int $x ) { 0 if $x > 5 }

i would write something else than

sub foo ( Int $x ) { 0 if $x > 5 }
sub hello {say "hello $^world"}
if defined my $value = foo 45 { hello $value }

B. » vs map

Leon made this slide where i consider as equivalent


someone, some day, told me they are not and i shouldn't use » if
i don't know what it means. I read the doc and came to the
(incorrect?) conclusion that


is actually*.abs).hyper

which could have important overloads while creating an HyperSeq.

should i reconsider the whole thing and use » without fear?


df.column1 ... stealing from others could be counter-productive?

2020-07-29 Thread Marc Chantreux
> > df.column1 ... return a list of values on this column
> That thought should be a topic in its own right.

what i really like in raku is that chance to not have all those fancy
keywords just because langages lack of syntax so stealing from
pandas, incanter, and others is a good idea only if we don't have
some rakuness¹. to me and in this case: nothing compares @df[1;*].

¹: obvious, idiomatic, powerful and elegant solution coming from the
raku langage itself


Re: Baby steps to create a dataframe structure

2020-07-21 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Tue, Jul 21, 2020 at 10:56:22PM -0300, Aureliano Guedes wrote:
> Then, a native call to R may be better cus bring us dataframe an a lot of
> statistical functions natively without other R's package.

coming from perl/shell and having to use pandas a little bit, my current
perception of "datasciences for beginners" is

* it's hard to find books about the way to reason about diving into a
  dataset: all the books are introductions to procedural python and R.
* DF are just 2D matrix with a complex name.
* PDL is about using native arrays instead of slow perl ones.
* raku have bare metal structures like CArray and @array of int32

so ...

> But the idea is to implement cooperatively those tools

if you do that, i'll be a very suportive user (and casual contributor
if i can).


Re: vim-raku roadmap

2020-05-11 Thread Marc Chantreux

> I think this got pulled into the Raku org so it didn't get lost - I
> don't think anyone is "in charge" at the moment. I'll review the
> existing PRs and apply them if possible.

There was a public call to take over it some mounths ago. i haven't
applied because i was affraid of the lack of time and competence (my
level with raku is close to 0) and Sterling (aka kindly accepted to maintain it. Now that i
write more raku code, it would save a lot of my time if we had at least
ctags, cscope and 'goto file' working. I don't have much more time than
i did, i just much more need vim to work as expected (and i think i know
vim pretty well).

so it would be really nice if we all join the effort at least by
giving me some clues about

* the best way to get the position (file, line and column)
  of the definitions of methods, variables and subs.
* same questions for method/function calls

about the 'goto file', i'll push a first version that try to find the
source file of a module into

* first $RAKULIB
* then  ~/.zef/store/*/*/lib

i don't know if it's the best way to do it.


vim-raku roadmap

2020-05-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello rakuists,

i want to work on raku-vim and saw that some PR from january aren't
merged ( so i would like to
discuss about my roadmap with any interested people.

my goals:

* remove references to perl6
* remove mappings that shouldn't be in a public package and 
  "conflicts" with digraphs anyway 
* improve inex to work with installed modules
* start working with open issues

waiting for someone in charge to contact me, i'll go on improving my repo.


Re: variable as subroutine?

2020-02-10 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello ToddAndMargo,

> Can I declare a subroutine as a variable?

just use the callable sigil (

those are 3 ways to write the same sub:

sub foo ($x) { $x * $x }
my &foo = -> $x { $x * $x }
my &foo = * * *;

marc outdated?

2020-01-03 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

i read an annoncement for rakudo 2019.11
and the last github release confirms that.

so i started to update the guix package
before discovering that the page
still points to 2019.03.

is there a problem with the last version or
os just outdated?



Re: play with raku and autobiographical numbers

2020-01-01 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Dec 31, 2019 at 03:16:50PM +0100, Tobias Boege wrote:
> Here is my entry, having a Bag count the occurences of letters,
> instead of the loop over @r you used.

i'm not used to bags so i always forget it. i really love the
your final code. thanks


play with raku and autobiographical numbers

2019-12-31 Thread Marc Chantreux

2020 describes itself as it is composed by

2 0
0 1
2 2
0 3

perfect golf excuse! I have :

sub is_autobiographic (\x) {
my \s = x.Str;
my @r = s.comb;
my %appearance_of;
%appearance_of{$_}++ for @r;
x ~~ join '', (%appearance_of{$_}//0 for 0..^@r);

).race( :1batch,:10degree
).grep( &is_autobiographic

anyone with something simpler?


(syntaxic choices) Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-25 Thread Marc Chantreux
> I don't think so; just a stylistic choice

well ... i tested ===> once because i'll choose any syntax that can
spare me parenthesis especially in raku because i feel they are in
the wrong place (scheme makes parenthesis right).

Raku behaves better than perl in this regard because

say (f 12), "works";

when Perl expect a +(f 12).

But i doesn't spare anything so are ok for me :)


Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux

> You could also use the feed operator

is there a reason to do so? i see none.


Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux

> Hi Marc, I tried the first solution you posted and the "subheaders"
> are returned out of order (e.g. "2,1,3" and not "1,2,3"):

you're right but it doesn't matter in this usecase.

> mbook:~ homedir$ cat p6_chunk_csv.p6
> lines.classify(*.split(",").head(2)) {
> .say for .key, |{ "\t" ~ .key });
> }
> mbook:~ homedir$ cat awk_test1.csv | perl6 p6_chunk_csv.p6

useless use of cat: as lines() works on $*ARGFILES, you can
just write:

perl6 p6_chunk_csv.p6 awk_test1.csv

thanks for helping me

Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux

> FWIW, I would make %section an HoA, which would be a less compact
> structure in memory, but allows more succinct manipulation, like so:

> my %section = lines()
>  .map( *.split(",") )
>  .classify( { .[0] }, :as{ .[1] } );
> for %section.sort {
> say .key;
> say "\t$_" for .value.sort.unique;
> }

* no need of %section
* no need to sort

so it becames:

fix () perl6 -e ' *.split(",") )
.classify( { .[0] }, :as{ .[1] } )
.map: { say .key; say "\t$_" for .value.unique }

even if the semicolon thing goes on scratching me,
i'm really happy about this one! thanks a lot.


Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Timo,

> lines()>>.trim-leading.classify(*.split(",").head(2)); say to-json %foo'

which led me to this solution:

fix () perl6 -e '
lines.classify(*.split(",").head(2)) {
.say for .key, |{ "\t" ~ .key });

fix () perl6 -e '
.classify( *.split(",").head(2) )
.map: { .say for .key, |{ "\t" ~ .key }); }

which is nice to read but hold much more data in memory.
anyway: good point.


Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Bruce,

> The first key of each second level is missing, which differs from your sample 
> output above.
> Have I corrupted your Awk code, or have I misunderstood something, or what?

you just spotted a bug: the first subkey *is* indeed required. actually
fixing the bug makes the awk version even shorter.

fix () {
awk -F, '{print $1" "$2}' |
sort -u   |
awk -F" " '
seen != $1 { seen = $1; print $1 }
{ print "\t"$2 }


Re: Fwd: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 06:20:51AM -0800, William Michels via perl6-users wrote:
> Hi Marc, I did a search for 'semicolon' on the following page and
> found the interesting text below. Semicolons are used to create
> multidimensional lists, maybe that's what's going on in your code?

indeed! i tried with ";" but it wasn't that helpful. :)

> PS I would presume some variation of 'next' would work where you're
> using 'walkTheHash', but I don't really know for sure.

Gianni gave the solution: my script became:

fix () perl6 -e '
my %section; {postcircumfix:<{; }>( %section, .split(",") ) = 1 }; { .say for $_ , |%section{$_} {"\t$_"} }

it would be nice to have a shorter syntax to access to access to
postcircumfix:<{; }> but still: it's awesome.



Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
> From a quick look through ``Perl6/Grammar.nqp`` and
> ``Perl6/Actions.nqp``, I think that the semicolon is special-cased by
> the compiler, so the slightly ugly way above (call the operator
> directly) is probably the only way that works.

*this* is the level of expertise i miss :) thanks for your reply.


Re: split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 03:07:28PM +0100, Patrick Spek via perl6-users wrote:
> Could you post some input and expected output? That would make it
> easier for me (and perhaps others) to see what exactly you're trying to
> accomplish, in practical terms.

sorry ... i'm so confortable with awk i haven't though about some are
not. i sincerely apologize.

Basically i want to figure out what are the sections, subsections of of
a CSV file:

A,1,garbage .
A,2,garbage .
A,2,garbage .
A,2,garbage .
A,3,garbage .
A,3,garbage .
A,3,garbage .
B,1,garbage .
B,2,garbage .
B,2,garbage .
B,2,garbage .
B,3,garbage .
B,3,garbage .
B,3,garbage .




split to walk into an HoH ?

2019-11-22 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

removing shell scripts is a good way to learn raku and compare.
today i want to replace this:

fix () {
awk -F, '{print $1" "$2}' |
sort -u   |
awk -F" " '{
if   (seen == $1) print "\t"$2;
else { seen = $1; print $1 }

and i got this:

fix () perl6 -e '
my %section; {
my ($s,$ss) = .split(",");
%section{$s;$ss} = 1;
{ .say for $_ , |%section{$_} {"\t$_"} }

";" to walk in the hoh is really awesome but i don't know even know
from where i know it and what's the object underneath.
it isn't listed in the list of operators

i would like to know because it would be nice to make this block

my ($s,$ss) = .split(",");
%section{$s;$ss} = 1;

a one liner so i'm searching for something like

%section{ .split(",").walkTheHash } = 1;

any help will be warmly welcome.


Re: anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-28 Thread Marc Chantreux

> should make it a bit faster, at the expense of *much* more memory
> usage, as opposed to just.

i was just reporting. perl6 isn't fast enough in this case to compare
with other dynamic langages.

> In any case, to get the same result, you could also do
> (0..10_000_00).sum.say
> which would come back instantaneously, regardless of the size of the
> range.

sure but the point of the stackoverflow question was to write a unix
filter. seq 100 was just a simple and reproductible example.

thanks a lot everyone for helping

Re: anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-28 Thread Marc Chantreux

> though that works here, admittedly, my p6 is sort old
> This is Rakudo version 2018.03 built on MoarVM version 2018.03
> implementing Perl 6.c.

this lead me test it with the docker rakudo-star (2019.03).

  time docker run rakudo-star bash -c 'seq 1|
perl6 -e ''slurp.split("\n")>>.Int.sum.say'''

My error message desapeared but the response time of the script made by
liz is more than one hour.


Re: anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-24 Thread Marc Chantreux

> > > > nice ... but when x is ~ 75440 (not always), there is a problem
> > > What is x here?
> > sorry. x is the arg of seq (number of lines).
> That never happens on my laptop

well.. so it's a problem with my station. nevermind :)

thanks again for helping

more unixish perl6?

2019-09-24 Thread Marc Chantreux

i don't know if it's useful to feedback on it but i would like to share
about MAIN.

this is a very nice thing to have it built-in so the quality of your
scripts can be improved without effort ($*USAGE is very nice!) but
here are some parts i feel i miss.

* dealing with $*ARGFILES should be simpler (something like the closing @ in
  perl5 signatures)
* a support of arguments cluster would be (both '-s -d +' and  '-sd+' should be 
* having something like auto-help that print $*USAGE on $*OUT

  multi sub MAIN ( Bool :h(:$help), +@rest ) { $*USAGE.say }

aside: the perl6 error messages comes with escape caracters even if $*ERR isn't 
this is unusual and makes things boring when you capture the error into
an editor or a filter. i don't know if it can be useful in some cases.



2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Mon, Sep 23, 2019 at 11:34:14PM -0500, Brad Gilbert wrote:
> You can create your own $*ARGFILES.
> sub MAIN ( +@ARGS ){
>   my $*ARGFILES = @ARGS || $*IN );
>   .say for lines;
> }

the way i understand, my
dynamic (my $*) variable is the raku way to have a local variable.

i played around it and got:

  sub snitch { say join ',', $*ARGFILES.handles }
  sub MAIN ( $pattern, Bool :$H, Bool :$n, +@files ) {
my $*ARGFILES =;

surprisingly compared to the rest of the code (especially when liz
reviews it!) and when you consider (as i do) that raku will be used to
write tons of filters. but hey! it works :)

thank you very much for help.


Re: anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Vittore,

> Ok, I am 100% sure that, if people use it, eventually $*ARGFILES will
> become as fast as $*IN. Because of people like Liz working on the project

functions like slurp, lines, words already depends on $*ARGFILES (which
is awesome, i think) so i have no doubt there will be attention there.

> > nice ... but when x is ~ 75440 (not always), there is a problem
> What is x here?

sorry. x is the arg of seq (number of lines).


Re: anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello liz and Vittore,

> bypassing $*ARGFILES.lines by using $*IN.lines, makes it faster for me than
> using slurp

$*ARGFILES is the correct FH to use when it comes to write unix filters
(as it was in the other examples of the page).

> > say*.Int).sum

i recently read that >> could help here so i tried

  seq 100 | time perl6 -e 'slurp.split("\n")>>.Int.sum.say'
perl6 -e 'slurp.split("\n")>>.Int.sum.say'  0,21s user 0,03s system 155% cpu 
0,151 total

nice ... but when x is ~ 75440 (not always), there is a problem

moar: src/unix/core.c:539: uv__close: Assertion `fd > STDERR_FILENO' failed.
perl6 -e 'slurp.split("\n")>>.Int.sum.say'  0,30s user 0,05s system 135% cpu 
0,254 total

anyway: thanks for detailed and useful replies.



2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux

> >  multi sub MAIN ( :$c ) { say [+] lines>>.chars }
> Isn't that just `slurp.chars` ?

correct :)

> >  multi sub MAIN ( :$w ) { say [+] +*.words }
> Isn't that just `+words` ?

Aren't you awesome ? At least you're right: the doc says:

  multi sub words
  ( IO::Handle:D $fh = $*ARGFILES
  , $limit = Inf
  , :$close --> Seq:D)

and it work like a charm.

> You should **never** use >>. on anything that you expect the order of
> execution to be the order of the input.  `>>.` allows the compiler to
> execute the code over multiple threads, so the `say` could be shown
> out of order.

wow ... thanks for pointing this. still can't mix MAIN and ARGFILES but
learned. thank you very much.



2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

short question: how to use $*ARGFILES in a MAIN function?


as an exercice as well as demo, i reimplement unix filters
(cat, grep, wc, join, paste, ...). Basic wc could be

  multi sub MAIN ( :$l ) { say +lines }
  multi sub MAIN ( :$c ) { say [+] lines>>.chars }
  multi sub MAIN ( :$w ) { say [+] +*.words }

now i want grep that can have both -H (head the line with the filename)
and the -n (add the number of the line). my 'almost working' attempt was
but it takes the flags as signatures.

  sub MAIN ( Str $pattern, :$H = False , :$n = False , *@rest ) {
( @rest).lines>>.say

any help on it?

extra note: i use the perl6 shipped with guix so:

perl6 -v
  This is Rakudo version 2019.03.1 built on MoarVM version 2019.03
  implementing Perl 6.d.


anything faster than say [+] lines?

2019-09-23 Thread Marc Chantreux

question: in raku, is there a faster solution than

  say [+] lines

long story;

here is a thread i would like to reply to


* the perl5 answer is fast compared to the other dynamic langages
* the shortest solution is very interesting: even if you have an average
  level in dc (i think i have one), this is not that easy to read the
  answer (commented in the post)

dc -f infile -e '[+z1

Re: flat a lazy gather ?

2019-08-10 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Bruce,

> Short answer: Add `flat` before `lazy in line 19, and remove `.flat` from 
> line 21. Like so:
> my @future_aams =
> flat lazy gather for 2019..∞ { take .&aam_dates_of_year };

sure but i loose the ability to use @future_aams year by year.

the best i i have here to keep both behaviors available is:

  sub flat_stream { lazy gather for @^list -> @l { take $_ for @l } }

> Full answer coming when time allows. For such a small fix, it was 
> surprisingly effortful to figure out.
> See

i'll read again and try to find by myself.


flat a lazy gather ?

2019-08-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

AÀM (Appel À Mousser) is the monthly social event of the Strasbourg(fr)
LUG. the dates of those meetings are scheduled by an algorithm
implemented in aam_dates_of_year (line 6).

Now i would like to show 25 AAM dates staring from 2019-01. line 14
works fine but is too long. i really would have those dates be read
as a simple list.

i wrote the line 18 (so i tought ) but when i want to get the 2 next
dates, i have the dates for the 2 next years. it seems .flat is ignored
and i don't know why.

any help on it ?


   1sub date_for (Date $d is copy, Int \dow) {
   2  $d.=later(:1day) while $ != dow;
   3  $d.later(:1week);
   6sub aam_dates_of_year ($year) {
   7   ( for 1..12 {$year, :$^month, :1day) } )
   8 Z[&date_for] | (2..4) xx *
  11# works:
  13# (2019..2025)>>.&aam_dates_of_year.flat>>.say;
  14# ( lazy gather for 2019..∞ { take .&aam_dates_of_year 
  16# more reusable ?
  18my @future_aams =
  19  lazy gather for 2019..∞ { take .&aam_dates_of_year };

Re: [golf?] list of matches

2019-07-10 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Bruce;

> # Elegant using the "cat-ears" range modifiers in Perl 6:
> for 0  ..^ @players.end -> \i {
> for i ^..  @players.end -> \j {
> say @players[i,j].join(' vs ');
> }
> }
> # See

i played around it and got:

  my @players = ;
  my @rounds =
gather for ^@players -> \p
  { take @players[p,$_] for p^..^@players };
  for @rounds -> ( $a, $b ) { "$a vs $b".say }

> say .join(' vs ') for @players.combinations(2);
> # See

i knew there will be something like that ... but didn't find it!
thank you very much.


Re: documentation translation effort ?

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 11:28:29PM +0200, Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users 
> I have updated the Wikipedia page linked in Marc's message. @Marc: please
> check it and let me know if you see any remaining issues.

reading the fix, i realized i mixed up the errors of the linuxfr page
and the wikipedia ones: of course, rakudo *is* the compiler targeting
moarvm and jvm and written in NQP. for the rest: i'll take a look and
fix the page if needed (i also have a wikipedia account).


Re: [golf?] list of matches

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Jul 09, 2019 at 11:44:07PM +0200, Laurent Rosenfeld via perl6-users 
> You might want to take a look at the cross ("X") operator, which takes two
> or more lists as arguments and returns a list or all lists that can be
> constructed combining the elements of each list (or, in other words, a
> Cartesian product of the input lists).

I used it in my first solution which was

  sub vs (@xs ( $head, *@tail ) ) {
|($head X @tail),
|(vs @tail if +@tail)

if i do @xs X @xs, i have +@xs unexpected elements so i have to filter
the result:

  my @players = ;
  for @players X @players ==> grep({ [ne] |$_})
-> ( $a , $b ) { say "$a vs $b" }

this is shorter but i my first solution doesn't need to be filtered.


[golf?] list of matches

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

i have a game where every opponent much play every other ones
so i implemented vs to get a list of all the matches from a list
of opponents.

i'm pretty sure that there is a shorter/more beautiful solution than
mine so i really would like to see.

mine is

  sub vs (@xs ( $head, *@tail ) ) {
|($head X @tail),
|(vs @tail if +@tail)

  my @rounds = .&vs;

  for @rounds -> ( $a, $b )  { say "$a vs $b" };

anyone want to share?


Re: documentation translation effort ?

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux

> There have been some efforts to translate perl6intro; but as Laurent says,
> we can hardly say the documentation is complete, so diverting resources to
> translation is probably not such a good idea.

yeah. when laurent spoke about a moving target, i gave a look at the doc
repo and there almost everything moved in the last months. this is

so i agreed with both of you: definitely not a good idea for the moment.


Re: documentation translation effort ?

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello Laurent,

> the French Wikipedia page you refer to is not really wrong, but rather
> terribly outdated and, therefore, no longer correct. I have a Wikipedia
> account and can easily fix that page (using, if needed, the updated English
> Wikipedia page on the same subject).

The very first sentence state that rakudo is a compiler which, AFAIR,
never was the case. i really want to double check other assertions of
the article (for example: i don't think rakudo was developped as a part
of the parrot project. instead, rakudo tried to target the parrot vm).

> Translating the whole Perl 6/Raku documentation is a totally different
> game. It's just too big (and it's a moving target), I won't undertake that.

Having the official documentation translated could be a really good
thing for the perl6 adoption in France so i think we have to think about
it at some point. However, you're right when you say it's a moving
target and it will slow down at some point. So maybe it's too early
to start a translation project?


documentation translation effort ?

2019-07-09 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

i just read this in which
the informations about perl6 are wrong. it points to which is wrong too and i was
thinking that instead of writting wrong stuff on wrong sites, it would
be nice to have a recap of the raku ecosystem (even the historical
parts) directly in the perl6 site. but in french :)

my broken english disqualify me to write the article itself but i
obviously can translate it. which leads me to the translation effort:

what if i want to translate the raku documentation? is there an official
workflow? my own would be to get the hash of each file to be translated
and start to translate it in another repo.


Re: replace s///r ?

2019-06-11 Thread Marc Chantreux

On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 08:26:11AM -0500, Brad Gilbert wrote:
> The /r modifier on s/// in Perl5 is S/// in Perl6.

oops .. it was the section just after s/// :( thanks for pointing out.

> Though you have to put it into a block lambda, otherwise it applies to
> $_ before it gets a chance to be passed to map.

this is very kind to let perl5 win sometimes :)


replace s///r ?

2019-06-10 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

in perl5, i can

print for
map  s/^/4/r,
grep /^\d+$/,

the perl6 version is a Seq, so much more memory friendly
but i expected (and haven't found in the documentation)
a short equivalent of s///r so the shorter i have is:

 . lines
 . grep( / ^ + $ / )
 .  map( *.subst(/^/," * ") )
 .  map(&other-things-to-do)
 .  map(&say)

when, of course, i want to replace

 .  map( *.subst(/^/," * ") )

by something like

 .  map( s:r/^/* / )

any idea?


Re: (update the doc?) Re: run with $*OUT?

2019-06-06 Thread Marc Chantreux

> Actually -- looks like it is there :-) though on the
> Proc page, not the 'run' page --

too far from the expected lines. so maybe we should just add a link ?

> I'm curious about whether you could rely
> on a line being emitted right away -- e.g.
> if there is some output-buffering of the
> command

well ... they told me that they torment implementers instead of users
so i guess i can trust this code :)


(update the doc?) Re: run with $*OUT?

2019-06-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
> Something like this?

>   my $p = run 'cat', '-n', :in, :out;
>   $$_) for ;
>   $;
>   say $p.out.slurp;

*that* simple!!! perfect ... thanks a lot!

this isn't obvious to guess that '-' means "you can connect the
subprocess directly to the perl interpreter". i really think this
example is worth to be added in the documentation.

also, i guess that the way the example is written will cause some
infinite iowait when we write a big enough amount of data to fill the
buffer (i don't know if it's correct).

so maybe this exemple should be added too?

my $p = run 'cat', '-n', :in, :out;
for  {
say $p.out.lines(1)[0];

how about the attached patch?


diff --git a/doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6 b/doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
index 6142ebd3..f456b970 100644
--- a/doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
+++ b/doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
@@ -536,6 +536,30 @@ creating a kind of I:
 my $proc = run "ls", "-alt", :out($ls-alt-handle);
 # (The file will contain the output of the ls -alt command)
+The standard input can be redirected as well so a bidirectional communication
+can be establish with the run process.
+my $p = run 'cat', '-n', :in, :out;
+for  { $$_) }
+say $p.out.slurp;
+# 1	i
+# 2	bet
+# 3	on
+# 4	you
+# 5	raku
+the last example isn't a good idea if you deal with a great amount of data so
+you can also interact with the process line by line.
+my $p = run 'cat', '-n', :in, :out;
+for  {
+say $p.out.lines(1)[0];
 These argument are quite flexible and admit, for instance, handles to
 redirect them. See L and
 L for more details.

run with $*OUT?

2019-06-06 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

French Perl Workshop is coming and would be a better
event if *you* take part of it

now the problem ...

let's say i have a raku script to wrap mutt.
in this script, i have

* $body is the content of the body my message
* $subject and $recipient are self explainatory

from the shell, i call mutt those ways

mutt -s $subject $recipient <<< $body
mutt -s $subject $recipient <<.

i'm searching for the shortest/simplest way to
do that in raku (meaning stay away from react/whenever for very basic
usages) .

so it seemed to me that `run` is a good candidate
and expect filehandlers or filenames to setup the std.

i tried some variations around

my $p = run 'cat', '-n', in => $*OUT, :out;
$*OUT.say for < i bet on you, raku >;
$*ERR.say: $p.out.slurp;

my $p = run 'cat', '-n', in => "/dev/stdout", :out;
$*OUT.say for < i bet on you, raku >;
$*ERR.say: $p.out.slurp;

my $o2 = $*OUT.clone;
my $p = run 'cat', '-n', in => $o2, :out;
$o2.say for < i bet on you, raku >;
$*ERR.say: $p.out.slurp;


none of those made raku unhappy but none of them does the job.
i'm on my way to use ... but before that, i would like
to ask if there is a simpler solution.


Announce: french perl workshop (Aka Journées Perl)

2019-05-21 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello perl6 people,

we hope there will be some events around the French Perl Worshop
(aka journées perl)

there will be at least a "perl6 modules hackathon" (trying to contribute
to the perl6 ecosystem). however i really would like to see a talk or a
workshop about perl6. some ideas of topics that can be appreciated by
the audience as well as trivial for some of you:

* perl6 module path (and bytecoded version)
* getting started with
* zef and mi6
* Cro
* NativeCall
* Grammars

so we'll be pleased to see you all and if you think you can give a talk:
don't be shy and show us your perl6 :)


can't match unicode chars?

2018-07-31 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people,

given the slides of my talk in the slides.vim format
(, i want some of
them to be shown one bullet a slide. so when i have
this input:

› Renater et le libre

 Sympa
 FileSender

the desired output is:

› Renater et le libre

 Sympa
› Renater et le libre

 FileSender

and it seems gather is the perfect solution for that so i started to
write it (any golfer magic or other feedback warmly welcome):

@* {
gather {
my @lines;
for .IO.lines -> $l {
   if /'›'/ {
   @lines and take @lines;
   @lines = $l;
   else {
   take @lines if /''/;

this doesn't work as it seems that '›' and '' aren't matched.
i tried both

for .IO.lines -> $l {

# following
for .IO.lines(enc => 'utf8') -> $l {

but none of them worked and i run out of idea to know what's going on.

any idea or documentation point for me ?


Re: lats rakudo version from rakudobrew ?

2017-09-13 Thread Marc Chantreux

> This is one of the gotchas of rakudobrew. It determines the version from
> the most recent release tag... but it uses git in default fetch mode, which
> only pulls the most recent tag and never updates it, so your updates will
> have the right commit hash but the wrong version from that point on. I
> typically do 'git fetch --all' (but 'git fetch --tags' is likely good
> enough for your use) in the three repos under ~/.rakudobrew/git_reference.
> (You only need to do it once; git will keep it up to date itself once it
> has been told that you want to track that.)

i did it. i also removed all the repo and artefacts to start from
scratch. yes i got a 2017.5. I have no more time to investigate so i
fallback to my old script to make things work.

thank you for helping

Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: takeWhile ?

2017-09-11 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:16:50PM +0200, Timo Paulssen wrote:
> the first expression uses ^ as a prefix operator on *, so it gives you
> "a list of numbers 0 through * - 1" instead of "the number *" to compare
> against *, so it's as if you had rounded the value up before comparing to 2.

and now i got it :) thank you for this


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: takeWhile ?

2017-09-11 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 10:07:32PM +0200, Timo Paulssen wrote:
> If I understand your problem correctly, you can simply use ...^ to leave
> out the last element :)

wow ... i tried it once but failed. and now i just spotted the error: 

i wrote 

(116, * * .6  ... ^ * < 2 ).say

instead of 

(116, * * .6  ...^ * < 2 ).say

the first expression is valid and i don't know what is does.
the first expression is valid *and correct*.

thank you!

Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

takeWhile ?

2017-09-11 Thread Marc Chantreux

doing maths with my kid, i just translated his spreadsheet with those
lines of haskell:

rebonds height loss = height : rebonds (height - height * loss) loss
main = print $ takeWhile (> 2) $ rebonds 116 0.6

then i wanted to make it as short as possible in perl6, i'm almost

(116, * * .6  ... * < 2 ).say

but the first $_ < 2 remains in the list. the only one alternative i see
is a gather/take loop but i really expect something shorter from perl6

any idea ?


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

lats rakudo version from rakudobrew ?

2017-09-11 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people, 

since rakudo 2017.05, i ditched my own perl6 update/install script to use

as rakudo 2017.07 is out, i would like to update so i typed 

rakudo self-upgrade && rakudo build moar

as written in the "Upgrading your Perl 6 implementation" section.

it actually built stuff but at the end, perl6 -v still gives me 2017.05.

any idea ?


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: lazy gather?

2017-03-14 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 03:16:40PM +0100, Andreas Mueller wrote:
>   or in one line in REPL:
>   ((1,1,*+* ... *).rotor(2=>-1).map:{[/] $_}) ... (*-*).abs < 1e-10
> > my \approx= fib.rotor(2 => -1).map: { .[1] ÷ .[0] };

both are awesome but i'll stick with the readable one :)
thanks for help


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

sympa hackathon: perl6 for the IM part ?

2017-03-14 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello perl6 hackers,

as some of you knows, there is a sympa hackathon in 3 weeks at

we talked about having an optionnal IM integration to the web UI using
perl6. i'm really excited about it!

if someone wants to help us, everyone is very welcome.

just subcribe to this list:


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

please apply to this CfP

2017-03-14 Thread Marc Chantreux
hello people, 

Polyconf comes to Paris in 2017:

and I would be really important to have a perl6 primer there.

Any volonteer ?


Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

Re: lazy gather?

2017-03-14 Thread Marc Chantreux
On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 08:33:05PM +0330, Siavash wrote:
> I may be wrong, but I think the code should be:
> my \golden= (1 + sqrt 5) ÷ 2;
> my \fib   = 1, 1, * + * ... ∞ ;
> my \approx= gather for fib.rotor(2 => -1) { take .[1] ÷ .[0] };
> my \distances = (golden - *).abs;
> say distances[^1000];

excellent! i updated my perl6 and tested this code and it works well!
thank you everyone.

Marc Chantreux (eiro on github and freenode)
"Don't believe everything you read on the Internet"
-- Abraham Lincoln

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