(PN) CfP: 10th Interaction and Concurrency Experience (ICE 2017) - Deadline extended

2017-04-12 Thread Massimo Bartoletti
) is permitted, and authors will not be penalized by for such 

Papers in the “Communications” category need not be anonymized.  For any 
questions concerning the double blind process, feel free to consult the 

We are keen to enhance the balanced, inclusive and diverse nature of the 
ICE community, and would particularly encourage female colleagues and 
members of other underrepresented groups to submit their work.

Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format via EasyChair 

=== Publications ===

Accepted research papers and communications must be presented at the 
workshop by one of the authors.

Accepted research papers will be published after the workshop in 
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (http://eptcs.org/).

We plan to invite authors of selected papers and brief announcements to 
submit their work in a special issue in the Journal of Logical and 
Algebraic Methods in Programming (Elsevier). Such contributions will be 
regularly peer-reviewed according to the standard journal policy, but 
they will be handled in a shorter time than regular submissions. A list 
of published and in preparation special issues of previous ICE editions 
is reported below.

=== Invited Speakers ===

 * Christian Cachin <https://www.zurich.ibm.com/%7Ecca/> - IBM Research
   - Zurich
 * Marieke Huismann <http://wwwhome.cs.utwente.nl/%7Emarieke/> -
   University of Twente
 * Pawel Sobocinski <http://users.ecs.soton.ac.uk/ps/> - University of

=== Program Committee ===


   Lacramioara Astefanoaei (Technical University of Munich, DE)


   Eduard Baranov (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)


   Franco Barbanera (University of Catania, IT)


   Henning Basold (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)


   Stefano Calzavara (University Ca’ Foscari Venezia, IT)


   Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)


   Vincenzo Ciancia (ISTI CNR Pisa, IT)


   Matteo Cimini (Indiana University, USA)


   Tiziana Cimoli (University of Cagliari, IT)


   Ornela Dardha (University of Glasgow, IT)


   Tobias Heindel (University of Copenhagen, DK)


   Anastasia Mavridou (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)


   Christos Kloukinas (City University London, UK)


   Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna, IT)


   Michael Lienhardt (University of Turin, IT)


   Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, DK)


   Julien Lange (Imperial College London, UK)


   Jean Marie Madiot (INRIA Paris, FR)


   Hernán Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires, AR)


   Fabrizio Montesi (University of Southern Denmark, DK)


   Dominic Orchard (University of Kent, UK)


   Johannes Åman Pohjola (Chalmers University, SE)


   Jurriaan Rot (Radboud University Nijmegen, NL)


   Alceste Scalas (Imperial College London, UK)


   Ana Sokolova (University of Salzburg, AT)


   Anke Stüber (Uppsala University, SE)


   Hugo Torres Vieira (IMT Lucca, IT)


   Roberto Zunino (University of Trento, IT)

=== ICEcreamers ===

Massimo Bartoletti (University of Cagliari, IT; PC co-chair)

Laura Bocchi (University of Kent, UK)

Ludovic Henrio (CNRS, Sophia Antipolis, FR)

Sophia Knight (Uppsala University, SE; PC co-chair)

=== Steering Committee ===

Simon Bliudze (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, CH)

Filippo Bonchi (CNRS, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, FR)

Roberto Bruni (University of Pisa, IT)

Alexandra Silva (University College London, UK)

Paola Spoletini (Kennesaw State University, US)

Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester, UK)

=== Previous editions ===

The previous eight editions of ICE have been held on

* July 6, 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland, co-located with ICALP'08. The 
post-proceedings were published in ENTCS (vol. 229-3).

* August 31, 2009 in Bologna, Italy, co-located with CONCUR'09. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 12) and selected papers 
appeared in a joint special issue of MSCS (with EXPRESS’09 and SOS’09, 
Vol. 22, Number 2).

* June 10, 2010 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, co-located with 
DisCoTec'10. The post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 38) and 
selected papers appeared in a joint special issue of SACS (with 
CAMPUS'10 and CS2BIO'10, Vol. XXI).

* June 9, 2011 in Reykjavik, Iceland, co-located with DisCoTec'11. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 59) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SACS (Vol. XXII).

* June 16, 2012 in Stockholm, Sweden, co-located with DisCoTec'12. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 104) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SCP (vol. 100).

* June 6, 2013 in Florence, Italy, co-located with DisCoTec’13. The 
post-proceedings were published in EPTCS (vol. 131) and selected papers 
appeared in a special issue of SCP (v

(PN) CfP: SOAP@SAC 2017 - deadline extended to Sept. 29

2016-09-12 Thread Massimo Bartoletti
 (e.g., REST)
- Microservices and Scalable Service-Oriented Computing
- Engineering methodologies and Patterns for Service-Oriented Software
- Static Analysis and Testing of Service-Oriented applications
- Adaptability, Dependability, and Fault handling in Service Systems
- Security in Service-Oriented Architectures
- Quality of Service and Performance Analysis
- Industrial deployment of tools and methodologies, case studies
- Service application case studies
- Trust and Services
- Sustainability and Services, Green Computing
- Cloud Computing and Services
- Services and Big Data


Authors are invited to submit original unpublished papers. Submission
of the same paper to multiple tracks is not allowed. Peer groups with
expertise in the track focus area will double-blindly review submissions.
Accepted papers will be published in the annual conference proceedings.
SOAP track chairs will not submit to the track. Submissions from SOAP PC
members and from PC members and track chairs of other SAC tracks are
welcome. Submission guidelines can be found on the SAC 2017 website:


Prospective papers should be submitted to the track using the provided
automated submission system. Please pay attention to ensure anonymity
of your submitted manuscript as detailed in the submission page so to
allow for double-blind review. Papers not satisfying this constraint
will be automatically rejected. The maximum length for papers is 8
pages. Accepted papers whose camera-ready version will exceed 6 pages
will have to pay an extra charge.

Paper registration is required, allowing the inclusion of the papers,
posters, or SRC abstracts in the conference proceedings. An author or
a proxy attending SAC MUST present the paper. This is a requirement for
the presented work to be included in the ACM/IEEE digital library.
No-show of registered papers, posters, and SRC abstracts will result
in excluding them from the ACM/IEEE digital library.


We plan a special issue of a top-level journal for which we will invite
the best papers.


As before, SAC 2017 organizes a Student Research Competition (SRC)
Program to provide graduate students the opportunity to meet and
exchange ideas with researchers and practitioners in their areas of
interest. For guidelines and information about the SRC program:


Submission of research abstracts (maximum of 2 pages) to the SRC
program should be in electronic form via the SAC 2017 website:


Submission of the same abstract to multiple tracks is not allowed.
All research abstract submissions will be reviewed by researchers
and practitioners with expertise in the track focus area to which
they are submitted. Authors of selected abstracts will have the
opportunity to give poster presentations of their work and compete
for three top-winning places. The Student Research Competition
committee will evaluate and select First-, Second-, and Third- place
winners. The winners will receive cash awards and SIGAPP recognition
certificates during the conference banquet. Authors of selected
abstracts are eligible to apply to the SIGAPP Student Travel Award
program for support.


Nazareno Aguirre (Universidad de Río Cuarto, AR)
Farhad Arbab (Leiden University and CWI, Amsterdam, NL)
Luís Barbosa (University of Minho, Braga, PT)
Antonio Bucchiarone (FBK, Trento, IT)
Marco Carbone (IT University of Copenhagen, DK)
Romain Demangeon (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, FR)
Schahram Dustdar (Vienna University of Technology, AT)
Gian Luigi Ferrari (Università di Pisa, IT)
José Fiadeiro (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
Saverio Giallorenzo (University of Bologna, IT)
Ross Horne (Nanyang Technological University, SG)
Vasileios Koutavas (Trinity College Dublin, IR)
Alberto Lluch Lafuente (Technical University of Denmark, DK)
Corrado Moiso (Telecom Italia, Torino, IT)
Alberto Núñez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SP)
Jorge A. Perez (University of Groningen, NL)
Gustavo Petri (Université Paris Diderot - Paris 7, FR)
Gwen Salaün (Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes, FR)
Alceste Scalas (Imperial College London, UK)
Hugo Torres Vieira (IMT Lucca, IT)
Emilio Tuosto (University of Leicester, UK)
Yongluan Zhou (University of Southern Denmark, DK)


- Maurice ter Beek (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, IT)
- Hernán Melgratti (University of Buenos Aires, AR)
- Massimo Bartoletti (Università di Cagliari, IT)
- Luís Cruz-Filipe (University of Southern Denmark, DK)


- Claudio Guidi (italianaSoftware, IT)
- Ivan Lanese (University of Bologna, IT and INRIA, FR)
- Manuel Mazzara (Innopolis University, RU)
- Fabrizio Montesi (University of Southern Denmark, DK)

[[ Petri Nets World:]]
[[  http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets

(PN) Call for Participation: TGC 2006

2006-10-23 Thread Massimo Bartoletti
  - Luciano Baresi, Karsten 
Ehrig and Reiko Heckel.Semantics-preserving 
Transformation of Behavioural Models
 - Davide Bacciu, Alessio Botta and Hernan Melgratti. 
   A Fuzzy Approach for Negotiating Quality of Services
  || CATNETS meeting
 17:30-23:00 Social Activity + Social Dinner

Thursday November 9
 09:00-10:00 Danny Krizanc (Invited Speaker)
 10.30-12.00 Algorithms and systems for global computing (TGC session)
 - Ioannis Caragiannis, Christos Kaklamanis,
Panagiotis Kanellopoulos and Evi Papaioannou.Scheduling 
to maximize participation
 - Francesco Silvestri.On the Limits of 
Cache-Oblivious Matrix Transposition
 - Alan Morkan, Joseph R. Kiniry, Fintan Fairmichael, 
   Dermot Cochran, Patrice Chalin, Martijn Oostdijk and 
   Engelbert Hubbers.The KOA Remote Voting 
System: A Summary of Work To-Date
  || CATNETS review
  || SENSORIA review
 14:00-18:30 Security, anonymity and type safety (TGC session)
 - Mariangiola Dezani, Silvia Ghilezan and Jovanka Pantovic. 
   Security Types for Dynamic Web Data
 - Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, Catuscia Palamidessi and 
   Prakash Panangaden.Anonymity Protocols as 
Noisy Channels
 - Tom Chothia, Simona Orzan and Jun Pang.
Automatically Checking Anonymity with mCRL
 - Sonia Fagorzi and Elena Zucca.A framework 
for type-safe exchange of mobile code
 CATNETS Project overview at TGC
 SENSORIA Project overview at TGC
  || CATNETS review
  || SENSORIA review

Friday November 10
 09:00-13:00 SENSORIA review

- Gilles Barthe   (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Rocco De Nicola (Univ. of Florence)
- Christos Kaklamanis (Univ. of Patras)
- Ugo Montanari   (Univ. of Pisa)
- Davide Sangiorgi(Univ. of Bologna)
- Don Sannella(Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Vladimiro Sassone   (Univ. of Southampton)
- Martin Wirsing  (LMU Munich)

- Gilles Barthe   (INRIA Sophia Antipolis)
- Rocco De Nicola (Univ. of Florence)
- Jose Luiz Fiadeiro  (Univ. of Leicester)
- Stefania Gnesi  (ISTI, Pisa)
- Manuel Hermenegildo (Technical University of Madrid)
- Christos Kaklamanis (Univ. of Patras)
- Elias Koutsoupias   (Univ. of Athens)
- Burkhard Monien (Univ. of Paderborn)
- Giuseppe Persiano   (Univ. of Salerno)
- Ugo Montanari   (co-chair, Univ. of Pisa)
- David Rosenblum (University College London)
- Davide Sangiorgi(Univ. of Bologna)
- Don Sannella(co-chair, Univ. of Edinburgh)
- Vladimiro Sassone   (Univ. of Southampton)
- Paul Spirakis   (Univ. of Patras)
- Martin Wirsing  (LMU Munich)
- Gianluigi Zavattaro (Univ. of Bologna)

- Massimo Bartoletti  (Univ. of Pisa)
- Roberto Bruni   (chair, Univ. of Pisa)
- Marzia Buscemi  (IMT Lucca)
- Pietro Carubbi  (webmaster, IMT Lucca)
- Barbara Iacobino(IMT Lucca) - Silvia Lucchesi (IMT Lucca)
- Hernan Melgratti(IMT Lucca)
- Laura Semini(Univ. of Pisa)
- Roberta Zelari  (IMT Lucca)


Please register on-line following the link at:

For inquiries of all kinds, you can reach us at:

[[ Petri Nets World:]]
[[  http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets/ ]]
[[ Mailing list FAQ:]]
[[ http://www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/TGI/PetriNets/pnml/faq.html ]]
[[ Post messages/summary of replies:]]
[[   petrinet@informatik.uni-hamburg.de ]]