[petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

2010-08-28 Thread Jed Brown
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:06:30 -0500, Keita Teranishi keita at cray.com wrote:
 The CPU timing I reported was after recompiling the code (I removed 
 PETSC_USE_DEBUG and GDB macros from petscconf.h).  

Unless you were manually overriding compiler flags, it still wasn't
optimized.  Please just reconfigure a new PETSC_ARCH --with-debugging=0.
It's as easy as

  foo-dbg/conf/reconfigure-foo-dbg.py --with-debugging=0 PETSC_ARCH=foo-opt
  make PETSC_ARCH=foo-opt


[petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

2010-08-28 Thread Jed Brown
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:18:43 -0500, Keita Teranishi keita at cray.com wrote:
 Yes, I replaced all the compiler flags by -O3.

petsc-maint doesn't come to me, but if the snippet that Barry quoted was
from your log_summary, then PETSC_USE_DEBUG was definitely defined when
plog.c was compiled.  It's really much easier to have two separate
builds and always use the optimized one when profiling.


[petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

2010-08-28 Thread Jed Brown
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:34:45 -0500, Keita Teranishi keita at cray.com wrote:
 I usually manually edit petscconf.h and petscvariables to change the
 installation configurations for Cray XT/XE.  The problem is configure
 script of PETSc picks up wrong variables and #define macros because
 the OS and library setting on the login node is different from the
 compute node.
 This particular case is just a mistake in configure script (and it's
 not a big deal to fix), but it will be great if you have any ideas to
 avoid picking up wrong settings.

If it's behaving incorrectly when you configure --with-batch, it is a
configure bug, so please submit the full error.


[petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

2010-08-28 Thread Richard Tran Mills

I'd just like to echo what Barry says.  I probably build petsc-dev on Jaguar 
more than any other person, and I generally don't have to manually edit any 
files generated by configure.py.  When I do, I either find and fix the problem 
in BuildSystem, or work with the petsc-maint folks to fix it.  If you will 
report problems to petsc-maint, we can work to ensure that you don't have to 
do these manual edits.

Best regards,

On 8/27/2010 8:00 PM, Barry Smith wrote:

 On Aug 27, 2010, at 4:34 PM, Keita Teranishi wrote:


 I usually manually edit petscconf.h and petscvariables to change the 
 installation configurations for Cray XT/XE.   The problem is configure 
 script of PETSc picks up wrong variables and #define macros because the OS 
 and library setting on the login node is different from the compute node.


   We would prefer that you complain to petsc-maint at mcs.anl.gov so that 
 we can fix configure problems and not have anyone editing the generated files.


 1) so that it works for all users not just those that know how to edit 
 those files. We cannot fix problems we don't know about

  2) editing those files repeatedly is fragile and it is easy to make a 
 slight mistake that's hard to track down.

 This particular case is just a mistake in configure script (and it's not a 
 big deal to fix), but it will be great if you have any ideas to avoid 
 picking up wrong settings.

   Keita Teranishi
   Scientific Library Group
   Cray, Inc.
   keita at cray.com

 -Original Message-
 From: Jed Brown [mailto:five9a2 at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Jed Brown
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 4:29 PM
 To: Keita Teranishi; For users of the development version of PETSc
 Subject: RE: [petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 16:18:43 -0500, Keita Teranishikeita at cray.com  
 Yes, I replaced all the compiler flags by -O3.

 petsc-maint doesn't come to me, but if the snippet that Barry quoted was
 from your log_summary, then PETSC_USE_DEBUG was definitely defined when
 plog.c was compiled.  It's really much easier to have two separate
 builds and always use the optimized one when profiling.


Richard Tran Mills, Ph.D.|   E-mail: rmills at climate.ornl.gov
Computational Scientist  |   Phone:  (865) 241-3198
Computational Earth Sciences Group   |   Fax:(865) 574-0405
Oak Ridge National Laboratory|   http://climate.ornl.gov/~rmills

[petsc-dev] What's the point of D(A/M)GetGlobalVector?

2010-08-28 Thread Matthew Knepley
I would support a name change to Create().  However, we should be really
sure before we do stuff
like that since nothing pisses people off (Wolfgang) like name changes.


On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 5:49 PM, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov wrote:


 petscda.h:EXTERN PetscErrorCode PETSCDM_DLLEXPORT
  DMGetColoring(DM,ISColoringType,const MatType,ISColoring*);
 petscda.h:EXTERN PetscErrorCode PETSCDM_DLLEXPORT  DMGetMatrix(DM, const
 petscda.h:EXTERN PetscErrorCode PETSCDM_DLLEXPORT
 petscda.h:EXTERN PetscErrorCode PETSCDM_DLLEXPORT
 petscda.h:EXTERN PetscErrorCode PETSCDM_DLLEXPORT

   should all of these be Create?

   In my mind usually Get means get something intrinsic to the underlying
 object (some property of it for example);  Create means generate a new thing
 that while it may be associated with the DA is not owned or controlled
 by the DA.

Another way to organize is Create() implies you later Destroy() that
 object, while for things you Get you do something else (like restore).

I'm inclined to change all of these ones to Create() since they are all

 On Aug 27, 2010, at 11:10 AM, Jed Brown wrote:

  On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:00:32 -0400, Kai Germaschewski 
 kai.germaschewski at unh.edu wrote:
  And it also requires some more memory management framework which would
  call upon caches to expire long-unused objects when memory is running
  How would you detect this?  Note that further allocation may be done
  external to PETSc, and perhaps even in a separate process.  We're not in
  a managed environment, we can't get a reliable time to GC.  If we
  could get that sort of signal, then I would be for such caching at all
  times, but I don't think we can, in which case I still think
  managed/pooled access versus owned creation needs to be explicitly

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
-- next part --
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[petsc-dev] [petsc4py] Vec.getArray()

2010-08-28 Thread Lisandro Dalcin
On 28 August 2010 06:23, Matthew Knepley knepley at gmail.com wrote:
 On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 6:14 PM, Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at gmail.com wrote:

 I cannot figure out how to implement a copy-free and safe
 VecGetArray()/VecRestoreArray() pattern in Python (not even by using
 the 'with' statement, it leaks the target variable).

 1) Provide a 100% safe but slow, copy-based way:

 a = x.getArray() #gives you a copy. It is implemented with
 VecGetArrayRead(x, p), memcpy p-a.data, VecRestoreArray(x,p) on a
 freshly allocated numpy array that is returned to the user.
 a.base is None # True, the array owns its memory buffer
 x.setArray(a) #writes array on the vector. It is implemented with
 VecGetArray(x,p) and memcpy a.data - p, VecRestoreArray(x,p)

 2) Provide a unsafe but fast, copy-free way to get a numpy array
 sharing memory with PETSc vectors:

 a = numpy.asarray(x) # gives you a numpy array that shares mem with
 the vec, it is implemented with VecGetArray() and special Python/NumPy
 protocols for buffer sharing.
 a.base is x # True, the base attr holds a ref to the Vec instance, the
 array does not own its memory buffer.
 del a # force garbage collection explicitily, then VecRestoreArray()
 will be called when a gets deallocated.

 Relying in explicit use of del for garbage collection is not reliable.
 NumPy is designed to support array views, these views hold references
 to the base array. So users have to be very careful about how the
 arrays obtained the fast way are used.

 Comments ? Suggestions? Complaints?

 I am for 2). PETSc users generally want to sacrifice safety for performance.
 ?? Matt

Matt, that was not a list to choose from. I'm proposing to provide
both models. a=x.getArray()  x.setArray(a) will be the slow and safe,
and a=numpy.asarray(x) will be the fast and safe, Additionally, we
could add with statement support for (2), and other syntax sugar
currently supported that is a=x[...]

Lisandro Dalcin
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169

[petsc-dev] [petsc4py] Vec.getArray()

2010-08-28 Thread Jed Brown
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010 13:43:34 +0200, Jed Brown jed at 59A2.org wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 15:14:02 -0300, Lisandro Dalcin dalcinl at gmail.com 
  I cannot figure out how to implement a copy-free and safe
  VecGetArray()/VecRestoreArray() pattern in Python (not even by using
  the 'with' statement, it leaks the target variable).
 What exactly leaks?

We discussed this on GChat, thanks to Lisandro for pointing out lots of

  with open('/tmp/tmp.txt','w') as f:
g = f
  f, g  # Both f and g are in scope, Python's with is not scoped like in Lisp 
or Haskell

This is sort of okay because use of the closed f will raise an
exception, but with numpy arrays, there is no way to invalidate an
array.  A first step would be to nullify the pointer so that invalid
access would seg-fault instead of silently corrupting memory.

numpy.array is an extension type, there is one vtable per class (like
C++), not one per object (like PETSc).  So it would not be okay to
overwrite methods in the vtable.  But there is still a type pointer
(much like a C++ vptr) in each object that could perhaps be overwritten.
This would allow

  with X as x: pass
  x[0] = 1  # x is not valid

to actually raise an exception instead of doing something bad.

Now consider

  with X as x: y = x[1:]
  y[0] = 1

Since we don't have control of y's vtable, we can't invalidate it.  If x
and y are native numpy arrays, then after y=x[1:], y must carry a
reference to x (or rather, to the memory that backs x).  The gc package
is not aware of this reference, maybe it can't be queried from Python at
all, but it must be accessible from C.

I assume it won't hold full backward-links, so you couldn't use
gc.get_referrers() to rewrite the vptr of all array views.  But perhaps
it is still possible to verify that only one exclusive reference
remains.  This would cause

  with X as x:
y = x[1:]
  # Exception in __exit__ because the reference is not exclusive, use of
  # y would be unsafe (could cause silent corruption).

  with X as x:
y = x[1:]
# use y
del y
  # Good, no hanging references

Perhaps this is somewhat ugly, but I think it's better than silently
corrupting memory.  Attached is a short example code, it outputs

  $ python3 with.py 
  __exit__: [102], nrefs=3, refs=[frame object at 0x23b16a0, {'val': [102]}, 
[[100], [102]]]
  __exit__: [101], nrefs=2, refs=[frame object at 0x23b16a0, {'val': [101]}]
  __exit__: [100], nrefs=3, refs=[frame object at 0x23b16a0, {'val': [100]}, 
[[100], [102]]]

The opaque frame object is for the scope containing the with statement,
the next is the reference saved by the Dispenser object, the third is
the hanging reference (holding just a and c).

Note that gc.get_referrers(), used in this example, is probably not
available so we'd be raising the exception based purely on a reference
count.  Is there a case where a leak is unavoidable or where the
reference count would otherwise be artifically high at __exit__(), so
that it would be unacceptable to raise a usage exception when a
reference is leaked?

   with Vec.getArrays(X,Y,Z) as (x,y,z):
 x = y + z  # Numpy vectorized addition

This can be written

  with X as x, Y as y, Z as z:

in Python 2.7 and 3.1+


-- next part --
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[petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

2010-08-28 Thread Matthew Knepley
On Fri, Aug 27, 2010 at 7:19 PM, Keita Teranishi keita at cray.com wrote:


 Yes. It improves the performance dramatically, but the execution time for
 KSPSolve stays the same.

 MatMult 5.2 Gflops

I will note that to put the matvec on the GPU you will also need -mat_type



  Keita Teranishi
  Scientific Library Group
  Cray, Inc.
  keita at cray.com

 -Original Message-
 From: petsc-dev-bounces at mcs.anl.gov [mailto:petsc-dev-bounces at 
 On Behalf Of Barry Smith
 Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 2:15 PM
 To: For users of the development version of PETSc
 Subject: [petsc-dev] [GPU] Performance on Fermi

   PETSc-dev folks,

  Please prepend all messages to petsc-dev that involve GPUs with [GPU]
 so they can be easily filtered.


  To run src/ksp/ksp/examples/tutorials/ex2.c with CUDA you need the
 flag -vec_type cuda

  Note also that this example is fine for simple ONE processor tests but
 should not be used for parallel testing because it does not do a proper
 parallel partitioning for performance


 On Aug 27, 2010, at 2:04 PM, Keita Teranishi wrote:

  I ran ex2.c with a matrix from 512x512 grid.
  I set CG and Jacobi for the solver and preconditioner.
  GCC-4.4.4 and CUDA-3.1 are used to compile the code.
  BLAS and LAPAKCK are not optimized.
  Fermi:1142 MFlops
  1 core Istanbul:  420 MFlops
  Fermi:1.5 Sec
  1 core Istanbul:  1.7 Sec
   Keita Teranishi
   Scientific Library Group
   Cray, Inc.
   keita at cray.com
  -Original Message-
  From: petsc-dev-bounces at mcs.anl.gov [mailto:
 petsc-dev-bounces at mcs.anl.gov] On Behalf Of Satish Balay
  Sent: Friday, August 27, 2010 1:49 PM
  To: For users of the development version of PETSc
  Subject: Re: [petsc-dev] Problem with petsc-dev
  On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Satish Balay wrote:
  There was a problem with tarball creation for the past few days. Will
  try to respin manually today - and update you.
  the petsc-dev tarball is now updated on the website..

What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments
is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments
-- Norbert Wiener
-- next part --
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[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Lisandro Dalcin
On 27 August 2010 17:54, Jed Brown jed at 59a2.org wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:45:46 -0500, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov wrote:

 ? Jed,

 ? ? ? You are certainly welcome to add it.


 This just writes inconsistencies via PetscErrorPrintf, only in debug
 mode. ?I think I've gotten all the major inconsistencies in PETSc
 proper, Sieve might have more, but I don't have a current build of that.

 Note that this might be noisy for user code that redefine __FUNCT__, but
 not everywhere. ?If this bothers anyone, we could add a configure option
 to turn this, and only this, on and off.


running test_mat_fact
[0]PETSC ERROR: src/mat/impls/baij/seq/baijfact3.c:80:
__FUNCT__=MatSeqBAIJSetNumericFactorization does not agree with
..[0]PETSC ERROR: src/mat/impls/baij/seq/baijfact3.c:80:
__FUNCT__=MatSeqBAIJSetNumericFactorization does not agree with
__FUNCT__=MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1 does not agree with
__FUNCT__=MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1 does not agree with

No chance right now to look at these...

Lisandro Dalcin
Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169

[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Barry Smith

  Fixed the MatSeqBAIJSetNumericFactorization_inplace() on it was missing

  Don't know why MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1_ushort doesn't work. I guess someone who 
cares like Jed will have to figure it out. Or maybe you have outdated petsc-dev?


On Aug 28, 2010, at 5:24 PM, Lisandro Dalcin wrote:

 On 27 August 2010 17:54, Jed Brown jed at 59a2.org wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:45:46 -0500, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov 
   You are certainly welcome to add it.
 This just writes inconsistencies via PetscErrorPrintf, only in debug
 mode.  I think I've gotten all the major inconsistencies in PETSc
 proper, Sieve might have more, but I don't have a current build of that.
 Note that this might be noisy for user code that redefine __FUNCT__, but
 not everywhere.  If this bothers anyone, we could add a configure option
 to turn this, and only this, on and off.
 running test_mat_fact
 [0]PETSC ERROR: src/mat/impls/baij/seq/baijfact3.c:80:
 __FUNCT__=MatSeqBAIJSetNumericFactorization does not agree with
 ..[0]PETSC ERROR: src/mat/impls/baij/seq/baijfact3.c:80:
 __FUNCT__=MatSeqBAIJSetNumericFactorization does not agree with
 __FUNCT__=MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1 does not agree with
 __FUNCT__=MatMult_SeqSBAIJ_1 does not agree with
 No chance right now to look at these...
 Lisandro Dalcin
 Predio CONICET-Santa Fe
 Colectora RN 168 Km 472, Paraje El Pozo
 Tel: +54-342-4511594 (ext 1011)
 Tel/Fax: +54-342-4511169

[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Satish Balay
On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Jed Brown wrote:

 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:45:46 -0500, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov wrote:
You are certainly welcome to add it.
 This just writes inconsistencies via PetscErrorPrintf, only in debug
 mode.  I think I've gotten all the major inconsistencies in PETSc
 proper, Sieve might have more, but I don't have a current build of that.
 Note that this might be noisy for user code that redefine __FUNCT__, but
 not everywhere.  If this bothers anyone, we could add a configure option
 to turn this, and only this, on and off.

If compiler supports the equivalent of __FUNCT__ - then configure
should set things in such a way that all macro automatically use that
one [and ignore __FUNCT__]

The error check option [for __FUNCT__ being correct] should just be a
special case test for us - or users - so an explicit configure can be
used for it.


[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Barry Smith

On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Satish Balay wrote:

 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Jed Brown wrote:
 On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:45:46 -0500, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov 
  You are certainly welcome to add it.
 This just writes inconsistencies via PetscErrorPrintf, only in debug
 mode.  I think I've gotten all the major inconsistencies in PETSc
 proper, Sieve might have more, but I don't have a current build of that.
 Note that this might be noisy for user code that redefine __FUNCT__, but
 not everywhere.  If this bothers anyone, we could add a configure option
 to turn this, and only this, on and off.
 If compiler supports the equivalent of __FUNCT__ - then configure
 should set things in such a way that all macro automatically use that
 one [and ignore __FUNCT__]

This may not work properly for our weird templated functions in .h files 
for SOR for SBAIJ etc and for VecScatter. I'd like to keep using out macro for 
now and only use the compiler version for checking. Then in the releases we 
don't have Jed's check so it doesn't bother people.

 The error check option [for __FUNCT__ being correct] should just be a
 special case test for us - or users - so an explicit configure can be
 used for it.

[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Satish Balay
On Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Barry Smith wrote:

 On Aug 28, 2010, at 6:25 PM, Satish Balay wrote:
  On Fri, 27 Aug 2010, Jed Brown wrote:
  On Fri, 27 Aug 2010 12:45:46 -0500, Barry Smith bsmith at mcs.anl.gov 
   You are certainly welcome to add it.
  This just writes inconsistencies via PetscErrorPrintf, only in debug
  mode.  I think I've gotten all the major inconsistencies in PETSc
  proper, Sieve might have more, but I don't have a current build of that.
  Note that this might be noisy for user code that redefine __FUNCT__, but
  not everywhere.  If this bothers anyone, we could add a configure option
  to turn this, and only this, on and off.
  If compiler supports the equivalent of __FUNCT__ - then configure
  should set things in such a way that all macro automatically use that
  one [and ignore __FUNCT__]

  This may not work properly for our weird templated functions in
 .h files for SOR for SBAIJ etc and for VecScatter. I'd like to
 keep using out macro for now and only use the compiler version
 for checking. Then in the releases we don't have Jed's check so
 it doesn't bother people.

Looks like Jed's current change already does this. So its currently

The addition in my sugestion was to have a configure option to
enable-disable PetscCheck__FUNCT__()


  The error check option [for __FUNCT__ being correct] should just be a
  special case test for us - or users - so an explicit configure can be
  used for it.

[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Barry Smith

On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Satish Balay wrote:

 The addition in my sugestion was to have a configure option to
 enable-disable PetscCheck__FUNCT__()
It is fine to have that configure option. My concern is the default, if we 
default off then no one will remember to turn it on and test if we default on 
then it will annoy many users. I say default off and make some nightly builds 
have it on.


 The error check option [for __FUNCT__ being correct] should just be a
 special case test for us - or users - so an explicit configure can be
 used for it.

[petsc-dev] When __FUNCT__ is wrong

2010-08-28 Thread Satish Balay
I see Jed has a User provided function exception in
PetscCheck__FUNCT__(). I was thinking of this issue [user code
warnings with no funct usage] - when I suggested the configure option.

So - at this point - I'm fine with current code..


On Sat, 28 Aug 2010, Barry Smith wrote:

 On Aug 28, 2010, at 7:57 PM, Satish Balay wrote:
  The addition in my sugestion was to have a configure option to
  enable-disable PetscCheck__FUNCT__()
 It is fine to have that configure option. My concern is the default, if 
 we default off then no one will remember to turn it on and test if we default 
 on then it will annoy many users. I say default off and make some nightly 
 builds have it on.
  The error check option [for __FUNCT__ being correct] should just be a
  special case test for us - or users - so an explicit configure can be
  used for it.