Re: A moment of silence for a fallen comrade...

2004-12-09 Thread James Cammarata
At 03:15 AM 12/9/2004, David A. Ulevitch wrote:
It'd probably be smart to just keep the openbsd firewall in place, even
with a blank ruleset, behind the PIX.
A PIX can't handle any traffic once it has a serious ruleset.
That is actually our plan down the road.  We're going to have another 
firewall protecting our servers from our user base, and as a second line or 
protection in case of an intrusion.  My boss knows you shouldn't have two 
of the same firewall protecting your network, so we'll definitely be using 
OpenBSD for that.

At 10:54 AM 12/9/2004, you wrote:
What was their reasoning from switching from OBSD --> Cisco?  They weren't
spending enough money? ;)
Apparently.  We had a consulting company come in that has a lot of sway 
with upper management and their big buzzword was Cisco (we're also forced 
to ditch our 3com switches for Cisco's...).  So our steering committee is 
making us do the transition, even though this consulting company did an 
intrusion test on us and got nowhere ;)

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

A moment of silence for a fallen comrade...

2004-12-09 Thread James Cammarata
I'd just like to have a moment of silence for my company's OpenBSD firewall
It has served us well for over a year (no intrusions is well isn't it?), 
but the powers that be are demanding we actually install the Cisco PIX that 
we bought a couple of months ago.  So this weekend we're throwing the 
switch on the super reliable whitebox we've been using to guard our company 
and installing the PIX.  My coworker and myself both use OpenBSD for our 
home networks so not all is lost, hopefully in the future we'll be able to 
swing the pendulum back our way again :)

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

pfm up to 0.05

2004-08-04 Thread James Cammarata
Two more updates from today, up to version 0.05.
* altq / queue rules parsed
* table rules are now parsed
Tomorrow should bring options parsing as well as all anchor rules, and that 
will round out the majority of the parsing section.  By thursday I plan to 
have OS fingerprinting and a few other options I missed from the filter 
rule parsing added in as well.

As usuall, you can get the latest tar at  I leave the 
old ones up for historical reasons, please just always grab the newest one.

Any questions / comments so far?
James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

pfm 0.02 available

2004-08-03 Thread James Cammarata
Here is my effort to date.  I'll call mine PFM (pf manage) to differentiate 
it from Johan's work.

New features:
* full recursive descent parser for the rulesets
* NAT/RDR support (working on BINAT)
* supports state, flags, tag, tagged, and queues for filter opts
(labels, user, group and others could be added easily, due to the 
flexibilty of the new parser)
* I had macro support working, but since I redid the parser I have yet to 
readd it.  It is trivial to do however and will be redone soon.
* filter rules support table names
* the parser correctly does route options now, but I haven't added the 
ability to edit them to the interface yet.
* the parser correctly parses out every kind of "block return" option now, 
including the ICMP ones, but again, no way to view this on the edit 
interface yet.

I've made the code available on my website.  Be kind, it's only a 384kbps 
upload speed, even if it is a 27K file :)

If you want to test rules, you can do it with a simple python script like this:
from PFParse import pf_rule, pf_nat, display_obj
display_obj( pf_rule('YOUR FILTER RULE GOES HERE') )
display_obj( pf_nat('YOUR NAT RULE GOES HERE') )
It is not very technical, basically it just dumps the hash object out in an 
alphabetical manner.  You can inspect the lines to see if each element of 
the rule was done correctly.  Good enough for testing though :)

Things that are borked:
* like I said, macro parsing is gone temporarily.  These are so easy to 
parse out though that I didn't even worry about it.
	1) ports are whacked.  The filter object originally contained a string,
	now it's an array.  This messes things up and I haven't fixed them yet.
	2) can't edit some options like the return-icmp commands, some of
	the new filter opts like tag, tagged, etc., and routing options
* binat syntax sucks.  It is so close to NAT and RDR but it just has to be 
different and screw things up doesn't it...
* can someone please explain what the hell "sticky-address" does?  It looks 
like it is something that needs to be parsed out according to the BNF but 
there is no other reference to it.
* the key (string or hex) for the "source-hash" pool type does not get 
parsed out yet.  This will cause the line to parse incorrectly if you have 
this kind of entry.
* there's probably other cases where one thing may not parse correctly, I'm 
just forgetting what.

So please, give it a try.  Throw some rules at it, see if your ruleset will 
export (the filter rules and NAT/RDR stuff anyway).  Let me know if it 
bombs on too much.

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

pfm 0.03 available

2004-08-03 Thread James Cammarata
Ok, already got some extras done tonight... so I'm moving it up to 0.03.
New stuff:
* binat is parsed correctly
* macros work again
Here's the page for it:
Anyone else find it funny I got all that done before I ever got the last 
email back from the list that I sent?  Is it just me or does it take a 
while for the email list to respond?

If it's not just me, I think we all need to chip in and get Daniel a new 
mail server :)

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

Re: Introducing pfw - web frontend for pf

2004-07-27 Thread James Cammarata
This is roughly where I am at too ;)  I'm working on the NAT rule editing now.
At 06:09 PM 7/25/2004, Johan Allard wrote:
I've just made the first public release of pfw - a web frontend for pf - 
available on It's still in it's early 
development and it is functional enough for you to have a play with right now.

Through the web interface, you can edit filters, macros and address 
translation (for now) and install them, all through the web interface.

Have a look on, I have put up some screenshots as 
well, and let me know what you think.


James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

PFmanage version -10

2004-07-11 Thread James Cammarata
Yes, version -10... it's that bare so far.  But I thought I'd get some 
early input on the interface and what not so you guys can play with it all 
you want. I'll try working on this more than one day a week, whether work 
permits it or not ;)

I did go with suggestions to ditch Zope.  Everything is done in pure Python 
ToDo (for now):
1) Implement route-to in the rule parsing (notice these don't parse 
correctly if you edit them).
2) Finish off the queue parsing (these don't work yet either for editing)
3) Saving/Inserting new rules
4) Implementing definitions for interfaces.

The last one is puzzling me.  I'm thinking of limiting definitions to only 
be allowed for interfaces, or if you want a def to appear on the interface 
list it has to start with $IF_.  Any other suggestions?

The samples on there are from my firewall, so don't hack me pls 
;)  Remember, I'm no expert on pf syntax, so feel free to correct me if 
I've made some incorrect reads on the BNF.

Finally, here is the working idea:
Main Screen
|--- Checkout ruleset
	|--- Rules are parsed into individual files for individual editing and 
syntax checking
	|--- In the future, you'd be allowed to check out rulesets on different 
|--- Save currently checked-out ruleset.
	|--- this will remerge the files into the single pf.conf
|--- Edit Filter rules (what I have mostly currently done)
	|--- Edit Rules
	|--- Delete Rules
	|--- Insert a new rule
|--- Edit Queue rules
	|--- same options
|--- Edit NAT rules
	|--- same options

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

Re: how can cheap routers do it?

2004-07-11 Thread James Cammarata
At 01:25 PM 7/11/2004, you wrote:
On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 08:42:58AM +0200, the unit calling itself 
Jean-Francois Dive wrote:

> > How about the ability to handle IPSec passthrough???
> >
> > I think both IPSec/PPTP passthrough abilities would be a big + for PF
> > for people that are looking for this feature but stuck using a Linksys
> > router to do it...  I don't want to put any maps.. i just want it to
> > work.
> it's the nature of the protocol. Use nat-t and you should not have any
> problem...
I've looked through the pf user's guide, and can't find anything on
"nat-t"... How is nat-t accomplished in OBSD's pf?
It isn't yet, they are working on it last i heard.  At the start of June it 
was supposed to be done in 3 weeks

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

Re: carp + pfsync + sqlnet (Oracle)

2004-06-21 Thread James Cammarata
At 06:00 AM 6/16/2004, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Does anybody protect any oracle rdbms (sqlnet protocol) using
obsd 3.5 + carp + pfsync ? Does it work ? Is it problematic ?
I assume you want to do a redundant DB correct?  Databases are not suited 
to this kind of failover, due to the lack of consistency between the files 
on different disks.  Your best bet is to use Oracle's built in redundancy 
(as expensive as that may be).  Creating a stand-by server is not cheap, 
but that is the kind of redundancy you want.

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

Re: web interface?

2004-06-14 Thread James Cammarata
Thanks all for the insightful comments.  You've given me some extra things 
to look out for and some ideas for how to procede in the near future.  I do 
believe there is a need for this, so I will keep working on it in my spare 
time, hopefully no one trumps me on this one due to me being overworked ;)

Currently I'm very early in the development of this, I basically coded for 
one night before I made my post to the list, and I was busy till now to 
reply.  The only thing I have done is a rule generation page, which gives 
most of the options I think people would like: the only thing really 
lacking is the route-to option.  Currently the program grabs the list of 
interfaces from ifconfig for the rule generation, and it parses out all the 
queues available from the conf and lets you add them to the rule.

Next up is parsing out rules and feeding them to this page so you can 
modify existing rules, and also the queue generation/parsing.  I'll be 
working on that this week.

James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

web interface?

2004-06-11 Thread James Cammarata
Is there any interest in this?  I am currently writing one in Python/Zope 
to manage the PF rules.  It's in the very early stages of planning so there 
isn't much to it yet, so I thought I'd ask people what they thought of the 
idea / Zope.  I personally love Zope for web development (use it for our 
Intranet at my company), so that's why I'm using it.  I could break out of 
it without too much pain now, and just have to rewrite the low-level CGI 
stuff myself.

Also, in the future I would like to write a daemon that allowed a single 
web interface to manage multiple firewalls.  This of course has many 
inherent risks so it's definitely just a thought right now, but Cisco does 
it and I'll be damned if they do something we can't do ;)

Anyway, any thoughts are appreciated.
James Cammarata
home: 314-966-5976
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
..nothing but Net

Filter on packet content

2004-01-28 Thread James Cammarata
Hi all.  My company recently underwent the first stages of a security 
review by a third-party.  In this first stage they gathered information 
about our network via publicly accessible records and such, and did some 
port scans and some other light probing to see what they could detect on 
our network.

The one thing that stuck out to me was this (from their report): "remote 
host does not discard TCP SYN packets that also have the FIN flag 
set."  This note appeared for every visible server they probed.  Now, I 
thought (based on the PF FAQ) that doing a scrub on incoming packets would 
stop this from happening.   The first line (well, 2nd really) of my pf.conf 
is "scrub in all".

Is something odd going on here?  All of our servers they probed are behind 
the firewall, so the scrub rule is in effect for all of them.  Is scrub 
just cleaning the packets instead of dropping them outright?

PS.  the actual first line of my pf.conf is:
# It puts the lotion on the packets... ;)

pfstat possible bug

2004-01-11 Thread James Cammarata
Hi all, don't know if this is the place to post this, but I found a
possible bug with pfstat.  I'm running a pretty simple conf, I just want
a graph for the last hour, last day, last week, and last month.

Here's the conf:
image "/var/www/htdocs/images/pfstat_hour.jpg" {
from 1 hours to now
width 960 height 300
image "/var/www/htdocs/images/pfstat_day.jpg" {
from 1 days to now
width 960 height 300
image "/var/www/htdocs/images/pfstat_week.jpg" {
from 1 weeks to now
width 960 height 300
image "/var/www/htdocs/images/pfstat_month.jpg" {
from 1 months to now
width 960 height 300

Everything is great, except the last graph.  It prints out 30 weeks
along the bottom instead of 30 days.  The x-axis is like this:
...-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 weeks

Is this a glitch/bug? Or something I've done wrong?

Re: dynamically updating anchors via pfctl

2004-01-04 Thread James Cammarata

is it correct that you have to reload the ruleset after adding a rule to 
an anchor like this?

echo "nat on ed0 inet from  to any -> ed0" | pfctl -a 
allownat:friso -f -

pfctl -F all ; pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

it's the only way that it seems to work, just adding the rule without 
reloading /flushing does nothing...

running freebsd and pf
First off, I would recomend doing a "pfctl -Fn -f /etc/pf.conf" rather than 
what you have.  This will only wipe out your NAT rules without destroying 
your states and then reload them from the conf.

Secondly, can you add the -Fn rule to your echo statement above to flush 
the NAT rules there?  So it would be:

echo "nat on ed0 inet from  to any -> ed0" | pfctl -Fn -a 
allownat:friso -f -

 Never tried it but it may work.  If not the first suggestion should make 
things a little smoother.  That's the way I reload the ruleset, so that I 
don't disrupt any connections that are currently in progress.

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Re: newbie help

2004-01-03 Thread James Cammarata

>Thanks for the helpful reply.
>If you know it so well, I geuss you just aren't smart enough to figure out
>why I'm geting ftp errors in my messages file, cause if you were, I certain
>you would have to show off just how smart you are.
you really are a silly c*nt.
Ok, this is getting silly.

Stan, people here are mostly right.  There are dozens of variables in your 
problem and no one person here can be expected to figure out every little 
particular problem you have.  We do not have access to your computer and 
thus cannot diagnose your problem by looking at your conf and a couple of 
lines out of a log.

Your best bet is to familiarize yourself the best you can with how PF works 
and try to debug your problem as best possible.  It is obviously not a PF 
bug, it is a configuration problem.  So figure it out.

For the trolls, don't bombard the list with your ignorant profanity, you 
simply make yourself wrong in the argument and do not add anything useful 
what so ever.  This guy may be a pain in the a$$, but that does not make 
him an open target for attacks, and you could be turning him off getting 
help for his problems in the future.  Do we want another clueless person 
out there in charge of securing computers? I think not.

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Re: transquid

2004-01-01 Thread James Cammarata
At 05:24 PM 1/1/2004 -0800, Bryan Irvine wrote:
I'm trying to follow the howto locate at
And i'm having problems.

Ideas? suggestions? cluestick?

Seeing your configs for Squid and PF would help, as well as any tcpdump's 
you might have.

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Re: HTTP/FTP Proxy not working

2004-01-01 Thread James Cammarata
Ok, figured out the problem.

I finally noticed that packets with destination were being routed 
out my main external interface.  Why? Don't ask me. So I added this rule:

pass in quick on xl2 route-to lo0 from any to keep state

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I've got two external 
interfaces (xl0 goes to our old frac. T1, xl1 goes to our new full T1).  We 
use xl0 to service our WAN, with all the large traffic from our main 
support center going out xl1.  Anyone have some forensic analysis as to why 
I had to add this rule?

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Re: HTTP/FTP Proxy not working

2003-12-31 Thread James Cammarata

On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, James Cammarata wrote:
> # the local interface is wide open
> pass in  quick on lo0 all
> pass out quick on lo0 all
You really want the lo0 rules before any block rules, just to be sure.
right, normally i'd agree but I doubt it makes a difference here.  I've got 
the global blocks first, followed by very specific blocking on the two 
external interfaces (which should not affect a address at all) 
and then the pass quick for the loopback.  it wouldn't hurt to move the 
loopback stuff up first of course, but i'm sure that's not the problem.

> >What does 'tcpdump -i pflog0 -env' say when you start an FTP session?
> # tcpdump -env -i lo0
> tcpdump: listening on lo0
pflog0, not lo0.
I'm an idiot :|
I did answer this in the first email though, pflog0 was not showing any 
activity while the ftp program was trying to connect.  The command "ftp" on my test server caused this on xl2: > tcp 0 (DF)

( being the internal computer i ran that command on).  Nothing 
appeared on lo0, pflog0, xl1, or xl0 after this packet came into xl2.

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Re: HTTP/FTP Proxy not working

2003-12-31 Thread James Cammarata
At 11:33 AM 12/31/2003 +0100, you wrote:

Do you have 'pass on lo0 keep state' ?  Forwarding enabled?
yep forwarding enabled, these are the first rules I have following my 
NAT/RDR rules:

# block everything by default
block return-rst in log proto tcp from any to any
blockin log from any to any
# block in spoofs
# log these in case we want to analyze an attack
block in log quick on {xl0,xl1} from $spoof_ips to any
block in log quick on xl0   from anyto $frsmurf_ips
block in log quick on xl1   from anyto $t1smurf_ips
# the local interface is wide open
pass in  quick on lo0 all
pass out quick on lo0 all
# no ip6 pls...
block in  quick inet6 all
block out quick inet6 all

I did comment out the spoof blocking lines above (one of the spoof IP's in 
the list is, and it did not make a difference.

What does 'tcpdump -i pflog0 -env' say when you start an FTP session?
# tcpdump -env -i lo0
tcpdump: listening on lo0
# ifconfig lo0
lo0: flags=8149 mtu 33224
inet netmask 0xff00
inet6 ::1 prefixlen 128
inet6 fe80::1%lo0 prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x7
James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

HTTP/FTP Proxy not working

2003-12-31 Thread James Cammarata
Hi all, I'm having some problems with proxying on my OpenBSD 3.4 box.

I have squid installed, as well as enabling ftp-proxy exactly as the FAQ 

Here's what happens:
1) FTP program starts up
2) FTP packet hits xl2 (my internal interface)
3) Nothing else happens
The packet is not hitting xl0 or xl1 (my external interfaces) nor is it 
hitting lo0.  The same thing happens for Squid, as it is also listening on

Sample TCP dump:
tcpdump: listening on xl2 > tcp 0 (DF) > tcp 0 (DF) > tcp 0 (DF) > tcp 0 (DF)
PF rules (right out of the FAQ):
# FTP Proxy
rdr on xl2 inet proto tcp from any to any port 21 -> port 8021
rdr on xl2 inet proto tcp from any to any port 80 -> port 3128
HTTP and FTP work fine if i comment out the above lines (FTP in passive 
mode only).

Here's the routing table regarding 127.0 IP's:

# route -n show | grep 127.0  UG  UH
::  ::1UG
I'm sure this is probably something stupid, but I'm new to this so I'd 
appreciate any help available.

James Cammarata
home: 314-835-1122
work: 314-872-2426
cell: 314-409-0583
Out the Ethernet, through the router,
down the fiber, off another router,
down the T1, past the fire-wall
...nothing but Net

Strange Setup problems

2003-12-21 Thread James Cammarata
Ok, I've read the examples of load balancing outgoing connections, but this 
is not exactly what my company is trying to do.

1) We have a frame relay line that connects our WAN to our central office.
2) All internal IP address on this WAN (192.168.x.x) do not pass through 
the firewall.  They are split off by a router before they hit our firewall.
3) We have a new full T1 line that we want to service our central office, 
since it has much higher bandwidth requirements than all our branch offices.
4) We want all new outgoing traffic from our central office to go over the 
T1 line, and everything else will stay on the frame relay.

So this is basically a very screwed up kind of load balancing.

My problem is, when I turn on our firewall rules, I can see out just 
fine.  However, incoming packets are getting trapped somewhere.  After 
using tcpdump to watch the interfaces, this is what i see happening.

Packet comes in on xl0 (external interface 1)
Packet gets NAT'd and forwarded to xl2 (internal interface)
The internal server responds to the packet (ping for instance) and sends 
the reply
Packet goes out xl2
Packet never makes it to xl0 or xl1 (the other ext.if)

Admittedly, I'm a complete n00b when it comes to OpenBSD and PF.  Is there 
a setting i'm missing somewhere, is there a route i need to add? I'm 
completely in the dark as to what is happening and how the packets are 
being bounced from interface to interface.  It seems like xl2 is not 
forwarding to xl0, and I have no idea how to make it do that.

Here's a sample of a pf.conf I made for testing, it is a wide open setup as 
I was just trying to make the internal servers visible to the outside world

xl0 from any to X.X.X.X/32 ->
block in  log from any to any
block out log from any to any
pass in quick on xl0 all
pass in quick on xl1 all
pass out on xl2 from any to any keep state

pass in quick on xl2 from to xl2

pass in on xl2 route-to (xl0 Y.Y.Y.Y) from to any modulate state

pass out on xl0 proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA modulate state
pass out on xl0 proto {udp,icmp} from any to any keep state
pass out on xl1 proto tcp from any to any flags S/SA modulate state
pass out on xl1 proto {udp,icmp} from any to any keep state
pass out on xl0 route-to (xl1 Z.Z.Z.Z) from xl1 to any
pass out on xl1 route-to (xl0 Y.Y.Y.Y) from xl0 to any

As you can see, it is essentially based on the PF FAQ's load balancing example.

Any tips for a complete n00b?