Re: [GENERAL] pg_query transaction: auto rollback? begin or start?? commit or end???

2008-07-24 Thread Karsten Hilbert
>  How can I
> > even include something *outside* a transaction *inside* it

I was referring to conditions outside the database which you
detect while the transaction is in progress and which
invalidate the semantic integrity of the transaction as a
whole. Under such circumstances you would want to issue a
rollback even though technically the transaction went
through an *could* be committed. That's about the only case
where it makes sense to have a keyword separate from "end",
namely "rollback". Because you have the choice: either "end"
the transaction or "rollback". All other cases just need
"end". They will rollback or commit depending on whether
there were any unhandled errors.

GPG key ID E4071346 @
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Re: [GENERAL] Full text index without accents

2008-07-24 Thread Fco. Mario Barcala
Finally I create a function like:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nonsensible (text) RETURNS text AS $$
  var1 varchar;
  var1=replace($1, 'á', 'a');
  var1=replace(var1, 'é', 'e');
  var1=replace(var1, 'í', 'i');
  var1=replace(var1, 'ó', 'o');
  var1=replace(var1, 'ú', 'u');
  var1=replace(var1, 'Á', 'A');
  var1=replace(var1, 'É', 'E');
  var1=replace(var1, 'Í', 'I');
  var1=replace(var1, 'Ó', 'O');
  var1=replace(var1, 'Ú', 'U');
  return var1;
$$LANGUAGE plpgsql immutable;

Then, create text indexes, one for sensible queries and other for
unsensible ones:

CREATE INDEX textindex ON document USING

CREATE INDEX textindexn ON document USING

And then make a query sensible or unsensible to accents doing:

SELECT id FROM document WHERE to_tsvector('spanish',text) @@


SELECT id FROM document WHERE to_tsvector('spanish',nonsensible(text))
@@ to_tsquery('spanish',nonsensible('word_with_accent'));

I think postgreSQL uses both indexes as necessary. I believe to remember
reading something about it in the documentation.

Thank you very much,

  Mario Barcala 

> Here is an example
> CREATE FUNCTION dropatsymbol(text) RETURNS text
> AS 'select replace($1, ''@'', '' '');'
> arxiv=# select to_tsvector('english',dropatsymbol('[EMAIL PROTECTED]'));
> to_tsvector
> -
>   'oleg':1 '':2

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[GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread admin
First, thanks to everyone who responded to my newbie questions 
yesterday, all clear now.

I spent most of today struggling with apparently inconsistent behaviour 
while running SELECT statements on PG 8.1.9 using PHP 5.1.6 (these are 
both as supplied with CentOS 5.1, a fairly conservative distro).

It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are 
there any known issues with them?

I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just 
didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or 
persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the 
PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour 
in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and 
re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array 
member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
  $content = $row[0]

echo $content;

$content was always 'undeclared'.

Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the 
rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is 
this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

Another weird one was that this statement always failed:

$name = "file.php";
SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

while this one always worked:

SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_pid=1

in a three column table:

fld_pid serial PRIMARY KEY,
fld_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
fld_content text NOT NULL

while everything worked fine from the psql console.

... but this post is getting too unwieldy. I am reading documentation 
but am also under some pressure to get basic things up and running. Any 
pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well known gotchas?

PS If people want to throw MySQL->PostgreSQL gotchas at me I'm happy to 
collate and write up.

Thanks again

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Craig Ringer
admin wrote:
> First, thanks to everyone who responded to my newbie questions
> yesterday, all clear now.
> I spent most of today struggling with apparently inconsistent behaviour
> while running SELECT statements on PG 8.1.9 using PHP 5.1.6 (these are
> both as supplied with CentOS 5.1, a fairly conservative distro).
> It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are
> there any known issues with them?
> 1.
> I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just
> didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or
> persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the
> PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour
> in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

It sounds like you must be using a connection pooler, so your scripts
are acquiring connections that've already been used and had statements
prepared for them. If you try to prepare a new statement with the same
name it'll fail.

I understand that this is a common issue with simple connection poolers,
but as I don't deal with them myself I don't have any suggestions for
you. Others here may, and I'm sure Google can help out too.

> 3.
> Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the
> rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is
> this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

Required by what? I'm not sure I really understand your question.

Do you mean "does PostgreSQL always return a row count that can then be
accessed with pg_num_rows()" ?


"Must I iterate through a resultset with a loop over pg_num_rows()
rather than using some other method to iterate through the resultset" ?

> 4.
> Another weird one was that this statement always failed:
> $name = "file.php";
> SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

"failed" how? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? What
was the exact error message?

You always need to ask yourself those questions when reporting any sort
of problem. Otherwise, the people reading your question will just have
to ask them, so you'll get slower and less useful responses (and fewer
of them, as many people will just ignore poorly written questions).

Craig Ringer

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[GENERAL] C function working with input/ouput tables failed !

2008-07-24 Thread M. François Benoît-Marand
Dear Postgre co-users,

I just submit to this mailing list and I am not a really good English speaker,
so excuse me if I don't respect some of the rules to apply. Just tell me!

I work on Win32 OS with Postgre/Postgis/PgAdmin and I build dlls with DevCpp to
create C functions.

I would like to create a C function which take a square table in entry, put it
in a matrix structure, do some operations (power, sum, etc…) and return the
result in a square table.

First, I just try to put the input table in a matrix data structure before to
return it in an output table. Not really useful at this time!

I take the pgRouting code as example. But I have two problems!

First problem:
When I try to get the input table, the first element is forgotten, then, the
whole matrix is wrong! I have no idea of what happens…

 Input table Matrix obtained
By reading tuple by tuple

  1  0  2  00  1  0  2
  0  1  0  00  0  1  0
  0  0  1  00  0  0  1
  0  0  0  10  0  0  0

If you are interested to read the code:
Look at the function called: compute_puissance_table
At the line containing : DBG(“Update of puissance_m”);

Second problem:
When I try to give the output table, only the first line is correctly returned.
I have introduced an analyse stage which reveals that the problem comes from
the loss of the information in my matrix data structure when the function is
called for the second time.

My matrix data structure is the following :

typedef struct puissance_matrix
   int nl;//number of lines
   int nc;//number of columns
   int** data;//2D integer data
 } puissance_m;

I use palloc to allocate space to the element called data.

At the second call of the function, the element funcctx->user_fctx (that I use
to store my matrix data structure) references the good memory block. Moreover,
the nl and nc element references the good memory block too. But, in the block
pointed by nl and nc, the values stored have changed ! I don’t understand why.
I try to use malloc or pgport_palloc instead of palloc: it doesn’t work !


At the first call of my function:

1: pointer value of pm [11784980]
1: pointer value of pm->nc [11785068] stores (4)
1: pointer value of pm->nl [11785064] stores (4)
1: pointer value of pm->data [] and stored value () ::
  [19517544] (0) ::
  [19517548] (1) ::
  [19517552] (0) ::
  [19517556] (2) ::
  [19517568] (0) ::
  [19517572] (0) ::
  [19517576] (1) ::
  [19517580] (0) ::

At the second call of my function:

1: pointer value of pm [11784980]
1: pointer value of pm->nc [11785068] stores (0)
1: pointer value of pm->nl [11785064] stores (0)

If you are interested to read the code:
Look at the function called: puissance_table
At the line containing : DBG("PROBLEMATIK at step %i\n" , call_cntr);

Only for interested people, here is the code of the ‘dllmain.c’ file.
Notice that there is a foreword due to the resolution of the conflicts generated
by the BUILDING_DLL macro on Win32 Platform (XP).

Just pass this step if you’re not interested! And directly go to the line
containing **Power Table**

Thanks for your reading! I hope, a day, I’ll help you in response!


/*  by FBM :: July 2008   */

/*Adaptation needed for the platform Win32 OS**/

#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#ifndef _USE_32BIT_TIME_T
#define _USE_32BIT_TIME_T

#error Do not define BUILDING_DLL when building extension libraries

// Ensure that Pg_module_function are declared __declspec(dllexport)

//Includes (more than needed)
#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "utils/geo_decls.h"
#include "executor/executor.h"
#include "funcapi.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"
#include "utils/array.h"
#include "utils/lsyscache.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "commands/trigger.h"

/* PG MACROS :: */


#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#if defined(BUILDING_MODULE)
#define PGMODULEEXPORT __declspec (dllexport)
#define PGMODULEEXPORT __declspec (dllimport)

Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Raymond O'Donnell

On 24/07/2008 10:41, admin wrote:

I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just 
didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or 
persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the 
PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour 
in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

That's not something I've ever encountered, and I've done a good bit of 
PHP+PG at this stage. Can you show us an example? Also, how are you 
connecting? - are you simply doing pg_connect() to connect directly, 
or is there anything else in the middle - maybe a connection pooler of 
some kind?

Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and 
re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array 
member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
  $content = $row[0]

echo $content;

$content was always 'undeclared'.

Again, this ought to be fine as you've shown itcan you show us the 
SELECT statement and other information?

Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the 
rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is 
this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

No real need - I generally use the idiom you have above -

  $rs = pg_query($sql_string);
  while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)
$value = $row['col1'];
// etc

Another weird one was that this statement always failed:

$name = "file.php";
SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

That's because you need to use double-inverted-commas for string 

  ...WHERE fld_name = "$name"


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals:

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Richard Huxton

admin wrote:
First, thanks to everyone who responded to my newbie questions 
yesterday, all clear now.

I spent most of today struggling with apparently inconsistent behaviour 
while running SELECT statements on PG 8.1.9 using PHP 5.1.6 (these are 
both as supplied with CentOS 5.1, a fairly conservative distro).

It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are 
there any known issues with them?

PHP's functions change on a regular basis I'm afraid. There's a 
changelog to track the detail, but the docs give details of larger 
changes. You might find it simplest to refer to the docs that come with 
your distro.

I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just 
didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or 
persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the 
PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour 
in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

You're probably using persistent connections. Don't - they're not much 
use with a standard Apache+PHP installation. Prepared queries last for 
the length of a session (connection).

Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and 
re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array 
member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
  $content = $row[0]

echo $content;

$content was always 'undeclared'.

Nothing leaping out at me, but don't refer to columns by index, refer to 
them by name.

Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the 
rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is 
this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

Not required. The while($row=) works if you want all rows. Of course if 
you just want a page of 20 or so then you might want a for loop.

Another weird one was that this statement always failed:

$name = "file.php";
SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

while this one always worked:

SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_pid=1

1. Don't interpolate variables directly into SQL. Use the parameterised 
query functions.

2. Check the error message to see why there's a problem.

... but this post is getting too unwieldy. I am reading documentation 
but am also under some pressure to get basic things up and running. Any 
pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well known 

None (other than the fact that persistent connections don't work how a 
newbie might want).

PS If people want to throw MySQL->PostgreSQL gotchas at me I'm happy to 
collate and write up.

Traditionally MySQL is very "relaxed" about data validity. PostgreSQL 
isn't and dates of 00-00- aren't allowed. There are pages of "mysql 
gotchas" and "postgresql gotchas" too - google for them.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread adam_pgsql

Hi Mick,

I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone  
just didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached  
or persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of  
the PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent  
behaviour in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

Do you have an example? and what makes you say they are persisting?

Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and re- 
checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array  
member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
 $content = $row[0]

echo $content;

$content was always 'undeclared'.

are you sure pg_fetch_array($query) is returning any rows? (try echo  
$row[0]; within the while loop)

Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the  
rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ...  
is this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

I often do something along the lines of this:

if($stat = pg_exec($dbh, $sql))
 if($rows = pg_numrows($stat))
   for($i=0; $i < $rows; $i++)
  $data = pg_fetch_array($stat, $i);

  # do something with $data
 else{echo "no rows returned";}
 else{echo "query failed";}

Another weird one was that this statement always failed:

$name = "file.php";
SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

is $name being interpolated correctly when you use it maybe use:

$sql = "SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='".$name."'";

(or use a prepared statement)

while this one always worked:

SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_pid=1

in a three column table:

fld_pid serial PRIMARY KEY,
fld_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
fld_content text NOT NULL

while everything worked fine from the psql console.

... but this post is getting too unwieldy. I am reading  
documentation but am also under some pressure to get basic things up  
and running. Any pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG,  
or any well known gotchas?

PS If people want to throw MySQL->PostgreSQL gotchas at me I'm happy  
to collate and write up.

Thanks again

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Raymond O'Donnell

On 24/07/2008 11:13, Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

  $rs = pg_query($sql_string);
  while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)

Whoops! -

  while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs))


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland
Galway Cathedral Recitals:

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Re: [GENERAL] High activity short table and locks

2008-07-24 Thread Richard Huxton

Guillaume Bog wrote:

On Wed, Jul 23, 2008 at 11:17 PM, Richard Huxton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried a vacuum full and had to stop it as it was blocking the server for
too long. Below is the partial results I got. It seems you are right:
enormous amount of dead space and rows. I did the same vacuum later and it
seems to have improved a lot the performance. I need to check again

We don't have autovacuum, but as it seems autovacuum cannot target a
specific table, I may prefer do it by cron every minute, as you suggest.

There's a pg_autovacuum system table that lets you tune things 
table-by-table. See the manual for details. In your case, a manual 
vacuum once a minute will be a huge step forward anyway.

vf_cn2fr=# VACUUM FULL VERBOSE lockers ;
INFO:  vacuuming "public.lockers"
INFO:  "lockers": found 4228421 removable, 107 nonremovable row versions in
64803 pages

Well, that table is at least 1000 times larger than it needs to be.

If you've run a VACUUM FULL, you'll want to run REINDEX on all the 
indexes on that table too.

64803 pages containing 512643700 free bytes are potential move destinations.

Ouch! that's a 500MB table holding 100 live rows.

You could fiddle around setting up ramdisks and pointing tablespaces there,
but I'm not sure it's worth it.

If it is possible to have no WAL at all on this table, I'd prefer to try it.
It seems completely useless and is probably taking a fair amount of i/o.

It's a bit early to be sure if the solution is there, but I feel you already
did throw some good light on my dark path, I have to thank you for that.

Afraid not. The synchronous_commit setting can reduce the disk I/O though.

  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Leif B. Kristensen
On Thursday 24. July 2008, admin wrote:

>It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are
>there any known issues with them?

I've been using PHP with PostgreSQL for 5 years, and haven't noticed any 
substantial changes.

>while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
>   $content = $row[0]
>echo $content;
>$content was always 'undeclared'.

You have to use an intermediate variable like a handle. Try this:

$handle = pg_query("SELECT whatever FROM foo");
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($handle) {
$content = $row[0];

> Any pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well
> known gotchas?

You can download my pg+php genealogy app "exodus" from here:

The code is certainly not stellar, but it works for me. Note that the 
code is intended for running in a private environment, and there are no 
security features whatsoever.
Leif Biberg Kristensen | Registered Linux User #338009
Me And My Database:
My Jazz Jukebox:

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 19:11:36 +0930
admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 2.
> Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and 
> re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an
> array member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
>$content = $row[0]
> }
> echo $content;
> $content was always 'undeclared'.

Did the result contain at least 1 row?
Also prefer column names. If you change the schema, order etc...
you'll have less chances to break code.

What do you mean by 'undeclared'?

if(!isset($content)) ?

or just

echo $content doesn't return output?

what about
$content .= $row[0]." # ";
for quick debugging?

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 12:30:22 +0200
"Leif B. Kristensen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Thursday 24. July 2008, admin wrote:

> >while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
> >   $content = $row[0]
> >}
> >
> >echo $content;
> >
> >$content was always 'undeclared'.
> You have to use an intermediate variable like a handle. Try this:
> $handle = pg_query("SELECT whatever FROM foo");
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($handle) {
> $content = $row[0];
> }

Interactive mode enabled

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Re: [GENERAL] C function working with input/ouput tables failed !

2008-07-24 Thread M. François Benoît-Marand

> First problem:
> When I try to get the input table, the first element is forgotten, then, the
> whole matrix is wrong! I have no idea of what happens…
> Example:
>  Input table Matrix obtained
> By reading tuple by tuple
>   1  0  2  00  1  0  2
>   0  1  0  00  0  1  0
>   0  0  1  00  0  0  1
>   0  0  0  10  0  0  0
> If you are interested to read the code:
> Look at the function called: compute_puissance_table
> At the line containing : DBG(“Update of puissance_m”);

I change :
pm->data[i][j]= DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval(tuple,tupdesc, j, &isnull));
To :
pm->data[i][j]= DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval(tuple,tupdesc, j+1, &isnull));
In :
>for (i = 0; i < nl; i++)
>  {
>DBG("Tuple number %i\n", i+1);
>HeapTuple tuple = tuptable->vals[i];
>for (j = 0; j < nc; j++)
>pm->data[i][j]= DatumGetInt32(SPI_getbinval(tuple,
> tupdesc, j, &isnull));
>  }

In fact "SPI_getbinval(tuple,tupdesc, 0, &isnull));" returns NULL;


Thanks for your reading!

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Re: [GENERAL] Equality search on timestamp value returns no rows

2008-07-24 Thread Tomasz Ostrowski
On 2008-07-23 21:24, Keaton Adams wrote:

> We run into a problem when an equality search on a timestamp column
> returns no records, even when there are records to return, as in this
> example:
> mxl=# select * from mxl_scheduler_queue where status_modified =
> '2008-07-03 16:55:06.44695-06';

Never use equality with floating point number as they are stored inexact.

Use for example:
select * from mxl_scheduler_queue where status_modified>='2008-07-03
16:55:06' and status_modified<'2008-07-03 16:55:07';

You can also compile Postgres with integer timestamps which does not
have this problem. You'll need to backup/initdb/restore though.

...although Eating Honey was a very good thing to do, there was a
moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you
  Winnie the Pooh

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Re: [GENERAL] mac install question

2008-07-24 Thread John DeSoi

On Jul 24, 2008, at 1:51 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Relative paths sound like the best solution to me, assuming they work.

Relative paths work fine. I use this all the time for distributing  
psql. It looks something like this:

install_name_tool -change /path/to/postgresql/lib/libpq.dylib  
@executable_path/../lib/libpq.dylib psql

John DeSoi, Ph.D.

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread admin

Thanks again for replies.
I know those questions were pretty vague.
I need to set up some methodical test scripts that replicate my 
problems, so that it is clear what is going on.

There does seem to be some evidence of problems historically with PHP 
and persistent connections in PostgreSQL, on the PHP forums. The advice 
is typically to avoid them.


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Re: [GENERAL] mac install question

2008-07-24 Thread Shane Ambler

Shane Ambler wrote:


Is the otool program on your system anywhere? Afaik, it should be on
any Mac, but maybe it's part of xcode (i hope not- can anyone

I have a few installs here.

now that I think about it - it may be a dev tools only thing.

otool is included inside /Developer/usr/bin
my working 10.4 that the dev tools is installed on also includes otool 
at /usr/bin

This has been running for a few years so otool at /usr/bin may have come 
from anywhere.

A minimal 10.3 install has otool at /usr/bin

I have two 10.3 systems here the one that has otool is an emergency boot 
setup by TechTool Pro. A normal 10.3 install does not have otool.

A clean 10.5 install does not have otool


Shane Ambler
pgSQL (at) Sheeky (dot) Biz

Get Sheeky @ http://Sheeky.Biz

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Re: [GENERAL] contrib catalogs

2008-07-24 Thread Kevin Neufeld
Really?  I didn't know that ... guess I never tried.  I'll have to do 
some experimenting!  Thanx Tom.

-- Kevin

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Neufeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
This might seem like a silly question, but what are the implications of 
PostgreSQL allowing developers to create custom catalogs?

For example, PostgreSQL currently uses the pg_catalog schema to store 
system catalogs / relations / functions / etc.  Has thought gone into 
extending the scope to allow contrib modules to create their own 
catalogs (ie. a PostGIS catalog, cube, tsearch2, etc.)?

A superuser can create whatever he wants in pg_catalog.  Whether this
is a good idea or will behave smoothly is a topic that has not been
thought about, to my knowledge.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread David Spadea

As I haven't seen anyone else say it, I just wanted to throw this in.

I'm not a PHP programmer, so I'm not very sure of PHP's scoping rules,
but this looks to me like a variable scoping problem. If the first
time you've used $content is inside of the while(), it's probably
going out of scope before your echo. Try this:

# Initialize $content before going into the loop.
# This declares it outside the scope of the while()


# Now do your loop

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
$content = $row[0]

echo $content;

Your loop is a little weird, too. You're not accumulating anything,
you're just saving the previous value. When you exit the loop,
$content will only contain the value from the final row. If that's
your intent, you may save some time by reverse-ordering your query and
using "limit 1". That way you can remove the loop altogether and save
lots of processing time.

David Spadea

On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 5:41 AM, admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> First, thanks to everyone who responded to my newbie questions yesterday,
> all clear now.
> I spent most of today struggling with apparently inconsistent behaviour
> while running SELECT statements on PG 8.1.9 using PHP 5.1.6 (these are both
> as supplied with CentOS 5.1, a fairly conservative distro).
> It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are there
> any known issues with them?
> 1.
> I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just
> didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or persistent
> in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the PHP script. Is
> there something I need to know about persistent behaviour in PG that doesn't
> exist in MySQL?
> 2.
> Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and re-checked
> code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array member and
> trying to use it later just would not work, eg
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
>  $content = $row[0]
> }
> echo $content;
> $content was always 'undeclared'.
> 3.
> Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the rows in
> a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is this required
> behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?
> 4.
> Another weird one was that this statement always failed:
> $name = "file.php";
> SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'
> while this one always worked:
> SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_pid=1
> in a three column table:
> fld_pid serial PRIMARY KEY,
> fld_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
> fld_content text NOT NULL
> while everything worked fine from the psql console.
> ... but this post is getting too unwieldy. I am reading documentation but am
> also under some pressure to get basic things up and running. Any pointers to
> good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well known gotchas?
> PS If people want to throw MySQL->PostgreSQL gotchas at me I'm happy to
> collate and write up.
> Thanks again
> Mick
> --
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Re: [GENERAL] C function :: SECOND PROBLEM SOLVED :: SPI_finish releases memory!

2008-07-24 Thread M. François Benoît-Marand
The second problem is now solved !

> Second problem:
> When I try to give the output table, only the first line is correctly
> returned.
> I have introduced an analyse stage which reveals that the problem comes from
> the loss of the information in my matrix data structure when the function is
> called for the second time.
> My matrix data structure is the following :
> typedef struct puissance_matrix
>  {
>int nl;//number of lines
>int nc;//number of columns
>int** data;//2D integer data
>  } puissance_m;
> I use palloc to allocate space to the element called data.
> At the second call of the function, the element funcctx->user_fctx (that I
> use
> to store my matrix data structure) references the good memory block.
> Moreover,
> the nl and nc element references the good memory block too. But, in the block
> pointed by nl and nc, the values stored have changed ! I don’t understand
> why.
> I try to use malloc or pgport_palloc instead of palloc: it doesn’t work !
> Example:
> At the first call of my function:
> 1: pointer value of pm [11784980]
> 1: pointer value of pm->nc [11785068] stores (4)
> 1: pointer value of pm->nl [11785064] stores (4)
> 1: pointer value of pm->data [] and stored value () ::
>   [19517544] (0) ::
>   [19517548] (1) ::
>   [19517552] (0) ::
>   [19517556] (2) ::
>   [19517568] (0) ::
>   [19517572] (0) ::
>   [19517576] (1) ::
>   [19517580] (0) ::
> etc…
> At the second call of my function:
> 1: pointer value of pm [11784980]
> 1: pointer value of pm->nc [11785068] stores (0)
> 1: pointer value of pm->nl [11785064] stores (0)
> If you are interested to read the code:
> Look at the function called: puissance_table
> At the line containing : DBG("PROBLEMATIK at step %i\n" , call_cntr);

In fact, SPI_finish releases memory allocated by palloc !!
Then, by using SPI_palloc insted of palloc I solved my second problem !

I think it would be interesting to add this in the documentation of the SPI !

Thnaks for your reading.

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Re: [GENERAL] contrib catalogs

2008-07-24 Thread Kevin Neufeld

Tom Lane wrote:

A superuser can create whatever he wants in pg_catalog.  Whether this
is a good idea or will behave smoothly is a topic that has not been
thought about, to my knowledge.

regards, tom lane

Sorry, Tom. I think you are mistaken.  In my 8.3 instance, system 
catalog modifications are not allowed.

/opt/pgsql83/bin/psql -p 5432 -U postgres postgres

Welcome to psql 8.3.3, the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.

Type:  \copyright for distribution terms
   \h for help with SQL commands
   \? for help with psql commands
   \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
   \q to quit

postgres=# \du
   List of roles
 Role name | Superuser | Create role | Create DB | Connections | Member of
 postgres  | yes   | yes | yes   | no limit| {}

postgres=# CREATE TABLE pg_catalog.test (id integer);
ERROR:  permission denied to create "pg_catalog.test"
DETAIL:  System catalog modifications are currently disallowed.

It would be interesting to test a contrib module install in pg_catalog 

-- Kevin

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Thu, 24 Jul 2008 11:13:52 -0400
"David Spadea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mick,
> As I haven't seen anyone else say it, I just wanted to throw this
> in.
> I'm not a PHP programmer, so I'm not very sure of PHP's scoping
> rules, but this looks to me like a variable scoping problem. If
> the first time you've used $content is inside of the while(), it's
> probably going out of scope before your echo. Try this:

Interactive mode enabled

 # Initialize $content before going into the loop.
> # This declares it outside the scope of the while()
> $content=''';


> # Now do your loop
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
> $content = $row[0]
> }
> echo $content;
> Your loop is a little weird, too. You're not accumulating anything,
> you're just saving the previous value. When you exit the loop,
> $content will only contain the value from the final row. If that's

for debugging I suggested:
$content .= $row[0]." # ";
So he could see if any row even if all $row[0] contained '' or null.

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo

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Re: [GENERAL] contrib catalogs

2008-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Kevin Neufeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Tom Lane wrote:
>>> A superuser can create whatever he wants in pg_catalog.  Whether this
>>> is a good idea or will behave smoothly is a topic that has not been
>>> thought about, to my knowledge.

> Sorry, Tom. I think you are mistaken.  In my 8.3 instance, system 
> catalog modifications are not allowed.

Hm, I had forgotten that the allow_system_table_mods filter extends to
anything at all in pg_catalog.  But you could easily enable that setting
in a test database and then see what happens.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] contrib catalogs

2008-07-24 Thread Kevin Neufeld

Thanx for tip, Tom.  I'll definitely give that a try in my spare time.

Tom Lane wrote:

Kevin Neufeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tom Lane wrote:

A superuser can create whatever he wants in pg_catalog.  Whether this
is a good idea or will behave smoothly is a topic that has not been
thought about, to my knowledge.

Sorry, Tom. I think you are mistaken.  In my 8.3 instance, system 
catalog modifications are not allowed.

Hm, I had forgotten that the allow_system_table_mods filter extends to
anything at all in pg_catalog.  But you could easily enable that setting
in a test database and then see what happens.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] cursor

2008-07-24 Thread Bob Pawley

I understand that a cursor can be opened and used through sql commands.

However, when a host application accesses a particular row on a particular 
table can that be detected within the sql medium?

Or does that information have the be accessed by transmitting from the host?


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[GENERAL] open_sync fails

2008-07-24 Thread Rick Weber

Basic system setup:

Linux 2.4 kernel (heavily modified)
Dual core Athlon Opteron
SW RAID 10 configuration with 8 750 Gb disks (using only 500Gb of each 
disk) connected via LSISAS1068 based card

While working on tuning my database, I was experimenting with changing 
the wal_sync_method to try to find the optimal value.  The really odd 
thing is when I switch to open_sync (O_SYNC), Postgres immediately fails 
and gives me an error message of:

2008-07-22 11:22:37 UTC 19411 akamai [local] PANIC:  could not write to 
log file 101, segment 40 at offset 1255

8336, length 2097152: No space left on device

Even running the test_fsync tool on this system gives me an error 
message indicating O_SYNC isn't supported, and it promptly bails.

So I'm wondering what the heck is going on.  I've found a bunch of posts 
that indicate O_SYNC may provide some extra throughput, but nothing 
indicating that O_SYNC doesn't work.

Can anybody provide me any pointers on this?



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [GENERAL] open_sync fails

2008-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Rick Weber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Basic system setup:
> Linux 2.4 kernel (heavily modified)

"Heavily modified" meaning what exactly?

Given that no one else has reported such a thing, and the obvious
bogosity of the errno code, I'd certainly first cast suspicion on the

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] open_sync fails

2008-07-24 Thread Alvaro Herrera
Rick Weber wrote:

> While working on tuning my database, I was experimenting with changing  
> the wal_sync_method to try to find the optimal value.  The really odd  
> thing is when I switch to open_sync (O_SYNC), Postgres immediately fails  
> and gives me an error message of:
> 2008-07-22 11:22:37 UTC 19411 akamai [local] PANIC:  could not write to  
> log file 101, segment 40 at offset 12558336, length 2097152: No space left on 
> device

Sounds like a kernel bug to me, particularly because the segment is most
likely already 16 MB in length; we're only rewriting the contents, not
enlarging it.  Perhaps the kernel wanted to report a problem and chose
the wrong errno.

Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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Re: [GENERAL] open_sync fails

2008-07-24 Thread Rick Weber

Definitely believable.  It gives me an internal avenue to chase down.



Alvaro Herrera wrote:

Rick Weber wrote:

While working on tuning my database, I was experimenting with changing  
the wal_sync_method to try to find the optimal value.  The really odd  
thing is when I switch to open_sync (O_SYNC), Postgres immediately fails  
and gives me an error message of:

2008-07-22 11:22:37 UTC 19411 akamai [local] PANIC:  could not write to  
log file 101, segment 40 at offset 12558336, length 2097152: No space left on device

Sounds like a kernel bug to me, particularly because the segment is most
likely already 16 MB in length; we're only rewriting the contents, not
enlarging it.  Perhaps the kernel wanted to report a problem and chose
the wrong errno.


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 6:33 AM, admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks again for replies.
> I know those questions were pretty vague.
> I need to set up some methodical test scripts that replicate my problems, so
> that it is clear what is going on.
> There does seem to be some evidence of problems historically with PHP and
> persistent connections in PostgreSQL, on the PHP forums. The advice is
> typically to avoid them.

php and persistant connections are a foot gun for any database really.
 There are very strict provisioning rules you have to follow to use
them correctly, and they are often NOT the best answer for a given
problem.  Until they are. :)

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[GENERAL] invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE"

2008-07-24 Thread AlannY

Hi there.

Many times, I'm confronting with that strange problem: invalid byte 
sequence for encoding "UNICODE". So, I guess, Postgresql can't allow me 
to use some symbols which is not a part of UNICODE. But what is that 

I'm attaching a screenshot with THAT dead-symbol. As you can see - it's 
an unknown symbol in the end of Cyrillic. First of all, I have checked 
my data with iconv (iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-8 data.txt) and there are no 
errors, so, I guess, there are no dead-symbols.

So the question is: is it possible to find a *table* with forbitten 
characters for encoding "UNICODE"? If I can get it -> I can kill that 
dead-characters in my program ;-)

Thank you.

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Re: [GENERAL] invalid byte sequence for encoding "UNICODE"

2008-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
AlannY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Many times, I'm confronting with that strange problem: invalid byte 
> sequence for encoding "UNICODE". So, I guess, Postgresql can't allow me 
> to use some symbols which is not a part of UNICODE. But what is that 
> symbals?

Doesn't it tell you?  AFAICS every PG version that uses that error
message phrasing gives you the exact byte sequence it's complaining

It would also be worth asking what PG version you are using anyway.
If it's not a pretty recent update then updating might help --- I
think there were some bugs in the encoding verification stuff awhile

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] UPDATE runs slow in a transaction

2008-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Viktor Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Postgres is indeed selecting a bad plan.  Turns out that the index I  
> created to speed up the UPDATE isn't used inside a transaction block.

I was having a hard time believing that, but just noticed that there is
a case in which it could be expected to happen, in 8.3.  The HOT patch
has to prevent use of an index in its creating transaction in some
cases.  To quote from README.HOT:

: Practically, we prevent old transactions from using the new index by
: setting pg_index.indcheckxmin to TRUE.  Queries are allowed to use such an
: index only after pg_index.xmin is below their TransactionXmin horizon,
: thereby ensuring that any incompatible rows in HOT chains are dead to them.
: (pg_index.xmin will be the XID of the CREATE INDEX transaction.  The reason
: for using xmin rather than a normal column is that the regular vacuum
: freezing mechanism will take care of converting xmin to FrozenTransactionId
: before it can wrap around.)
: This means in particular that the transaction creating the index will be
: unable to use the index.  We alleviate that problem somewhat by not setting
: indcheckxmin unless the table actually contains HOT chains with
: RECENTLY_DEAD members.  (In 8.4 we may be able to improve the situation,
: at least for non-serializable transactions, because we expect to be able to
: advance TransactionXmin intratransaction.)

That "alleviation" could mask the behavior in simple test cases, if
you're testing in an otherwise-idle database.  But in a real workload
it wouldn't be surprising that a new index would fail to be used
immediately, if it were built on a table that had been recently UPDATEd.

I think also that I tried to duplicate the problem in HEAD rather than
8.3, which means that the TransactionXmin advance code also helped to
keep me from seeing it.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] mac install question

2008-07-24 Thread Dave Page
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 12:55 PM, John DeSoi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Jul 24, 2008, at 1:51 AM, Tom Lane wrote:
>> Relative paths sound like the best solution to me, assuming they work.
> Relative paths work fine. I use this all the time for distributing psql. It
> looks something like this:
> install_name_tool -change /path/to/postgresql/lib/libpq.dylib
> @executable_path/../lib/libpq.dylib psql

Yeah, we do that in pgAdmin. In the installer though we have far more
executables and libraries in various locations, and scripting the
required changes (without hardcoding for specific filenames which is a
recipe for future bugs) will be much more tricky.

The other downside is that I won't be able to set the library install
name correctly of course. I'll have to change that to just the

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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[GENERAL] [PERL DBI] Insertiing data across multiple tables

2008-07-24 Thread JD Wong
Does anybody know how to insert data over multiple tables transactionally?
The relationship is 1:1 with the latter table having a foreign key
constraint.  In order to add data to Table2 I need to know the primary key
value of the same record in Table1 before it's committed, which in this case
is a serial integer which of course is regulated by an implicit index.  Does
anybody know how to access a column's index in the Perl DBI?

Re: [GENERAL] mac install question

2008-07-24 Thread Dave Page
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 3:57 PM, Shane Ambler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Shane Ambler wrote:
>>> Is the otool program on your system anywhere? Afaik, it should be on
>>> any Mac, but maybe it's part of xcode (i hope not- can anyone
>>> confirm?)
>> I have a few installs here.
> now that I think about it - it may be a dev tools only thing.

Yeah, was afraid of that. Thanks for checking.

Dave Page
EnterpriseDB UK:

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Re: [GENERAL] [PERL DBI] Insertiing data across multiple tables

2008-07-24 Thread SCassidy
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 07/24/2008 01:36:27 PM:

> Does anybody know how to insert data over multiple tables 
> transactionally?  The relationship is 1:1 with the latter table 
> having a foreign key constraint.  In order to add data to Table2 I 
> need to know the primary key value of the same record in Table1 
> before it's committed, which in this case is a serial integer which 
> of course is regulated by an implicit index.  Does anybody know how 
> to access a column's index in the Perl DBI?
> -thanks

Table2 needs to have the foreign key constraint defined as INITIALLY 

First, turn AutoCommit off (starts a transaction).
Then, get the nextval of the sequence used for the foreign key.
Insert master table row, using the key value.
Insert second table row, again using the key value.
Set AutoCommit back on, if the execution will continue, and you will need 
it again.

I sometimes set up primary key columns like:  "id  integer PRIMARY KEY 
DEFAULT nextval('tblname_seq'),
that way I have a sequence name with a meaningful name, easy to reference.


Tiered Data Protection Made Simple

[GENERAL] PgDBF, Another XBase to PostgreSQL converter

2008-07-24 Thread Kirk Strauser
It'd been a couple of years since I wrote a program to convert some  
random database to PostgreSQL, and it seemed like time to crank out  
another one.  The results, PgDBF, are available under the GPLv3 and  
downloadable from .

Why yet another program to convert XBase databases in general (and  
FoxPro in particular) to PostgreSQL?  Because the other ones I found  
were incomplete, complex, slow, or not available on Unix-like  
systems.  We needed something that could run hourly to keep our legacy  
database in sync with our new production system, and the program we'd  
been using (XBaseToPg: was a  
hack on another program that was never meant to be abused that way.

Seriously, PgDBF is fast and simple.  I profiled it, optimized,  
profiled, optimized, and profiled again until I couldn't find anything  
else to tweak.  And yet its speed comes primarily through its  
simplicity, so it should be very easy to maintain.

Give it a try.  It runs on everything Unixy that I had available for  
testing (including Linux x86, FreeBSD x86-64, and OS X PPC).  I'm  
pretty pleased with how this turned out.

Kirk Strauser

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Re: [GENERAL] [PERL DBI] Insertiing data across multiple tables

2008-07-24 Thread Klint Gore

JD Wong wrote:
Does anybody know how to insert data over multiple tables 
transactionally?  The relationship is 1:1 with the latter table having 
a foreign key constraint.  In order to add data to Table2 I need to 
know the primary key value of the same record in Table1 before it's 
committed, which in this case is a serial integer which of course is 
regulated by an implicit index. 

Have a look at INSERT ... RETURNING.  It can feed back the new rows to 
your application so that you can make your 2nd insert without having to 
pre/reselect them (assuming your running 8.2+)


Klint Gore
Database Manager
Sheep CRC
University of New England
Armidale NSW 2350

Ph: 02 6773 3789  
Fax: 02 6773 3266


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[GENERAL] FK check will use index on referring table?

2008-07-24 Thread John D. Burger

Hi -

My understanding is that PG will use an index on the referring side  
of a foreign key for FK checks.  How can I tell whether it's doing  
that?  EXPLAIN ANALYZE just shows something like this:

=> explain analyze delete from segments where segmentid = 24305259;
 Index Scan using segments_pkey on segments  (cost=0.00..10.46  
rows=1 width=6)
time=0.243..0.248 rows=1 loops=1)

   Index Cond: (segmentid = 24305259)
 Trigger for constraint $1: time=0.344 calls=1
 Trigger for constraint $2: time=0.180 calls=1
 Trigger for constraint $1: time=0.325 calls=1
 Trigger for constraint tokenizedsegments_segmentid_fkey:  
time=16910.357 calls=1

 Total runtime: 16911.712 ms

tokenizedSegments.segmentID has an FK reference to  
segments.segmentID, and there is an index (not UNIQUE) on the  
referring column, but the extreme sloth of that last trigger suggests  
it is not using it.  Deferring doesn't matter (perhaps not surprising  
on one delete).

How can I tell what the trigger is doing?  I'm using 8.2.5 and I've  
ANALYZED everything.


- John D. Burger

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Aarni Ruuhimäki
On Thursday 24 July 2008 12:41, admin wrote:
> 1.
> I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just
> didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or
> persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the
> PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour
> in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

Not sure what causes this with your server but I always use something like 
this, ie first connect then do your stuff and then close the connection:

require(""); // holds the $conn which is pg_connect("with 
if (!$conn) 
  {exit("Database connection failed. Please try again." . $conn);} 
$sql ="SELECT ..."; 
if (!$product) 
  {exit("Database connection failed. Please try again.");} 
while ($row = pg_fetch_row($product)) 


Burglars usually come in through your windows.

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Re: [GENERAL] FK check will use index on referring table?

2008-07-24 Thread Stephen Frost
* John D. Burger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> My understanding is that PG will use an index on the referring side of a 
> foreign key for FK checks.  How can I tell whether it's doing that?  

It should, when it makes sense, yes.  Having the actual schema
definitions would help in debugging this, of course.

> EXPLAIN ANALYZE just shows something like this:
> => explain analyze delete from segments where segmentid = 24305259;

What does:

explain analyze
delete from tokenizedSegments
where segmentId = 24305259;

look like?

If more than a few percent of the tokenizedSegments table has a
segmentId of 24305259 then PG may rightly be scanning the whole table
sequantially because going through it randomly with an index would be
slower.  There's a few options which can tune those parameters in the
planner, of course, but you might consider doing a test
'set enable_seqscan = false;' first, if it's indeed doing one, to see
what the difference really is.



Description: Digital signature

Re: [GENERAL] FK check will use index on referring table?

2008-07-24 Thread Tom Lane
Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> * John D. Burger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> My understanding is that PG will use an index on the referring side of a 
>> foreign key for FK checks.  How can I tell whether it's doing that?  

There isn't any very good way at the moment :-(

> If more than a few percent of the tokenizedSegments table has a
> segmentId of 24305259 then PG may rightly be scanning the whole table
> sequantially because going through it randomly with an index would be
> slower.  There's a few options which can tune those parameters in the
> planner, of course, but you might consider doing a test
> 'set enable_seqscan = false;' first, if it's indeed doing one, to see
> what the difference really is.

One thing to keep in mind while experimenting is that the plan for an FK
update query is cached the first time the particular trigger is fired in
a session; and in 8.2 I don't think there's any way to un-cache it short
of starting a fresh session.  This won't affect manual experimentation
of course, but if you do something that you are hoping will change the
trigger's behavior (like fooling with enable_seqscan), be sure to start
a new session first.

Also, the trigger's internal FK query will be parameterized; so the
closest manual equivalent will be something like

prepare foo(int) as delete from tokenizedSegments where segmentId = $1;
explain execute foo(24305259);

(adjust datatype of parameter to match segments.segmentID...) and here
again remember that "prepare" caches the plan.

regards, tom lane

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Re: [GENERAL] FK check will use index on referring table?

2008-07-24 Thread Scott Marlowe
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * John D. Burger ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>> My understanding is that PG will use an index on the referring side of a
>> foreign key for FK checks.  How can I tell whether it's doing that?
> It should, when it makes sense, yes.  Having the actual schema
> definitions would help in debugging this, of course.
>> EXPLAIN ANALYZE just shows something like this:
>> => explain analyze delete from segments where segmentid = 24305259;
> What does:
> explain analyze
> delete from tokenizedSegments
> where segmentId = 24305259;
> look like?

If you're doing that put it in a begin; rollback; sandwich so your
rows don't disappear while testing.

Or just do a

explain analyze select 1 from tokenizedSegments where segentId=23405259;

the plan would be the same I'd think

> If more than a few percent of the tokenizedSegments table has a
> segmentId of 24305259 then PG may rightly be scanning the whole table
> sequantially because going through it randomly with an index would be
> slower.  There's a few options which can tune those parameters in the
> planner, of course, but you might consider doing a test
> 'set enable_seqscan = false;' first, if it's indeed doing one, to see
> what the difference really is.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
> iEYEARECAAYFAkiJJxIACgkQrzgMPqB3kighnACfd1AaKusTxFaKIqcqEjAmvRwm
> LmwAnR0YegtP/rr84LiVVAMJUv3dYOMj
> =dPu1

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Chris

> There does seem to be some evidence of problems historically with PHP
> and persistent connections in PostgreSQL, on the PHP forums. The advice
> is typically to avoid them.

You'll find the same advice for mysql + persistent connections or any
other db + persistent connections. It's not a php+postgres thing.

Postgresql & php tutorials

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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread Chris

> 2.
> Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and
> re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array
> member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg
> while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
>   $content = $row[0]
> }
> echo $content;

pg_fetch_array expects a result from a query, not an actual sql query.

You need something like this:

$query = "select id, name from tablename";
$result = pg_query($query);
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
  $content = $row[0];

> 3.
> Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the
> rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is
> this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

You used to have to do this but you don't any more.

The old style was something like:

> Another weird one was that this statement always failed:
> $name = "file.php";
> SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

Escape your data:

$name = 'blah';
$query = "SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='" .
pg_escape_string($name) . "'";

I have some intro guides here you might want to check out:

Postgresql & php tutorials

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[GENERAL] Sequence

2008-07-24 Thread Alex Cheshev

A table has two primary keys: CREATE TABLE example ( pk1 integer, pk2 
integer, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ). To add a new record I use command: 
INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, 0). Before adding the new 
record I have to find out the last value of pk2. How can I use something 
like this: INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, nextval('pk2'))?
If a table just has one primary key I can use sequence (CREATE 
SEQUENCE). What about two primary keys?

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Re: [GENERAL] Sequence

2008-07-24 Thread A. Kretschmer
am  Fri, dem 25.07.2008, um 15:54:23 +1100 mailte Alex Cheshev folgendes:
> Hello.
> A table has two primary keys: CREATE TABLE example ( pk1 integer, pk2 
> integer, PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2) ). To add a new record I use command: 
> INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, 0). Before adding the new 
> record I have to find out the last value of pk2. How can I use something 
> like this: INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, nextval('pk2'))?
> If a table just has one primary key I can use sequence (CREATE 
> SEQUENCE). What about two primary keys?

You can also use a sequence.

Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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Re: [GENERAL] Sequence

2008-07-24 Thread Craig Ringer

Alex Cheshev wrote:

A table has two primary keys: 

It appears that you really meant "a table has a two-field composite 
primary key". There can only be one primary key for a table, that's the 
whole point - but the primary key can be composed of more than one field.

[Note: if you format your SQL when you post, more people will bother to 
read it and try to help you out. For example, your CREATE TABLE could've 
been better written as:]

CREATE TABLE example (

>   pk1 integer,
>   pk2 integer,

  PRIMARY KEY (pk1, pk2)

To add a new record I use command: 

INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, 0).

Before adding the new 
record I have to find out the last value of pk2. How can I use something 
like this:

INSERT INTO example (pk1, pk2) VALUES (0, nextval('pk2'))


If a table just has one primary key I can use sequence (CREATE 
SEQUENCE). What about two primary keys?

You can still use a SERIAL type or manually use CREATE SEQUENCE and 
nextval() .

I suspect I'm missing the point of your question, though. Perhaps if you 
gave a real-world example of what you are trying to do, with meaningful 
field names?

Craig Ringer

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