[GENERAL] Select rotate in PostgreSql

2013-03-13 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi all,

I don't know how to ask for this. I need to rotate a Select in
PostgreSql, just like this: http://dpaste.com/1021691/

I can achieve this easily without a procedure?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] How to get faster queries in the database?

2012-09-09 Thread Andre Lopes

I've developed a system that was not to work online, but now it is
online and it is degrading due to bad design choices.

Here is the thing. I've the database build in vertical mode. I will
justo explain what I mean with that.

Attribute  | Value
site_name   | Some site name1
uri   | Some uri1
job_title   | Some job title1
job_description | Some job description1
country_ad  | Some country1
location_ad | Some location 1

The above is the vertical mode that I was talking about. It is
actually more complicated because it deals with JOINS. The SELECT
below is the SELECT that I use to rotate the data.

md5(site_name.uri) as hash,
NULLIF(site_name.site_name, ''::text) AS site_name,
site_name.uri::text AS uri,
NULLIF(job_title.job_title, ''::text) AS job_title,
NULLIF(job_description.job_description, ''::text) AS job_description,
NULLIF(country_ad.country_ad, ''::text) AS country_ad,
NULLIF(zone_ad.zone_ad, ''::text) AS zone_ad,
NULLIF(location_ad.location_ad, ''::text) AS location_ad,
((tdir_uris date_inserted JOIN (
SELECT tdir_uris_text.id_category, tdir_uris_text.uri,
tdir_uris_text.n_text AS site_name -- Ter em atencao, este select tem
aqui metido o id_category p usar no WHERE final deste select
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'site_name'::text)
) site_name ON (((site_name.uri)::text =
(date_inserted.uri)::text))) LEFT JOIN (
SELECT tdir_uris_text.uri, tdir_uris_text.n_text AS job_title
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'job_title'::text)
) job_title ON (((job_title.uri)::text = (site_name.uri)::text))) LEFT 
SELECT tdir_uris_text.uri, tdir_uris_text.n_text AS job_description
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'job_description'::text)
) job_description ON (((job_description.uri)::text =
(site_name.uri)::text))) LEFT JOIN (
SELECT tdir_uris_text.uri, tdir_uris_text.n_text AS country_ad
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'country_ad'::text)
) country_ad ON (((country_ad.uri)::text =
(site_name.uri)::text))) LEFT JOIN (
SELECT tdir_uris_text.uri, tdir_uris_text.n_text AS zone_ad
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'zone_ad'::text)
) zone_ad ON (((zone_ad.uri)::text = (site_name.uri)::text))) LEFT JOIN (
SELECT tdir_uris_text.uri, tdir_uris_text.n_text AS location_ad
FROM tdir_uris_text
WHERE ((tdir_uris_text.id_data)::text = 'location_ad'::text)
) location_ad ON (((location_ad.uri)::text = (site_name.uri)::text)))
site_name.id_category = 5

With the SELECT I build a VIEW to show me something like this:

site_name   | uri  | job_title   |
job_description | country_ad   | location_ad
Some site name1 |  Some uri1 | Some job title1 |  Some job
description1 | Some country1 | Some location 1
Some site name2 |  Some uri2 | Some job title2 |  Some job
description2 | Some country2 | Some location 2
Some site name3 |  Some uri3 | Some job title3 |  Some job
description3 | Some country3 | Some location 3
Some site name4 |  Some uri4 | Some job title4 |  Some job
description4 | Some country4 | Some location 4
Some site name5 |  Some uri5 | Some job title5 |  Some job
description5 | Some country5 | Some location 5

My question is, how can I get the queries faster. It is possible to do
it with INDEXES or it is better to search for other approach? I simple
SELECT using a LIMIT do paginate is taking 5 minutes. Any ideas on
where to start?

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[GENERAL] How to isolate the result of SELECT's?

2012-03-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to do an operation that I will use some SELECT's and get the
results, but I want to have sure that those tables have not been
changed with INSERT's or UPDATES during the operation.


Select field from table1;
Select other_field from table2;

How can I lock these tables to assure that the tables are not getting
INSERTS's or UPDATE's during the operation?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] Complex transactions without using plPgSQL Functions. It is possible?

2012-03-06 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm writing a web application that uses PostgreSQL and I need to do
some operations where I read/write to 3 tables in the same
transaction. To do this I need to store the values of variables and
I'm not sure if it is possible to do this without using plPgSQL.

SELECT count(email) INTO vCONTA_HIST FROM am_newsletter_hist_alter
WHERE email = pEMAIL AND id_website_recolha = pID_WEBSITE_RECOLHA;

vNUM_ALTER := 1;
SELECT MAX(num_alter) INTO vNUM_ALTER_ACT FROM am_newsletter_hist_alter
WHERE email = pEMAIL AND id_website_recolha = pID_WEBSITE_RECOLHA LIMIT 1;

This is the plPgSQL code that I need to write in Python. It is
possible to do this without using PlPgSQL?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] How to get a signal from the database when a INSERT INTO is done?

2012-02-28 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi all,

I'm designing an application in Python and using PostgreSQL.

This is a mixed question Python/PostgreSQL... I need to get a signal
in my python application when a new insert is done. How can this be
done, any clues?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] How to store variable data in a field?

2012-02-21 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi all,

I need to create a table to store Twitter accounts information,
Facebook and other social networks details for API login. I need to
know if it is possible to store the account details(account_details
field) in a field that contains something like an array. I need to
store this data in an array like field because the details for each
social network accounts are different. What is my best choice for the
field account_details?

CREATE TABLE account (
id_account int4 NOT NULL,
id_account_type int4 NOT NULL,
n_account varchar(50) NOT NULL,
account_details varchar NOT NULL,
comment varchar(2000),
  PRIMARY KEY(id_account,id_account_type)

I will need to store something like this:

Twitter: array(account_name = xpto, hash1 = 3432454355,
megahash = dfcf786fds987fds897)
Facebook: array(account_name = xpto, fb_special_hash =
dsdsad4535, fb_security_hash = dsadsad454355,
fb_extended_hash = sdasfe5r4536556fsgg)

It is possible to put something like that in a field? If yes, what
datatype should I choose? Pros and cons of doing this?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Backup database remotely

2012-02-15 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi all,

To do this backup remotely we need to open the 5434 port in the Firewall?

Best Regards,

On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 5:28 PM, Andreas Kretschmer
akretsch...@spamfence.net wrote:
 Fanbin Meng fanbin.m...@kiltechcontrols.com wrote:

 I installed the PostgreSql9.0 in windows 7 with one click installer.
 How can i backup another PostgreSql server database remotely  via an internet
 connection .
 I trid add a connection to a server, but it did not work.

 Don't know waht you mean with 'add a connection to a server'. You should
 use something like:

 pg_dump -h other_host (or pg_dumpall)

 Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely
 unintentional side effect.                              (Linus Torvalds)
 If I was god, I would recompile penguin with --enable-fly.   (unknown)
 Kaufbach, Saxony, Germany, Europe.              N 51.05082°, E 13.56889°

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[GENERAL] How to escape to quotes on Insert into?

2011-12-21 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to escape quotes on an insert into that have a quote like this:


How can I escape  '  on an insert into?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] How to escape to quotes on Insert into?

2011-12-21 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for your help. It is working.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 9:04 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.com wrote:
 In response to Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:


 I need to escape quotes on an insert into that have a quote like this:


 How can I escape  '  on an insert into?

 It depends:

 The best way is to pass the string as a parametrized query, then you don't
 have to escape anything.

 The second best way is to use the string escape function for whatever
 language your programming in.

 If you don't have either of those available, you should reconsider your
 choice of language/client library, as writing your own escape functions is
 bad news.

 If you're forced to write the raw SQL statements for some reason, you
 escape ' with a second ', so:
 INSERT INTO tablename (colname) VALUES ('http://host.com/cond''nast');

 Bill Moran

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[GENERAL] How to configure the connection timeout in PostgreSQL 8.3

2011-12-09 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm using PostgreSQL 8.3 and I need to reduce the timeout. How can I
configure the connection timeout?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] Queries take long long(10 sec.) time running

2011-12-07 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a vertical database schema running with an webapp. I query
this database in the webapp rotating the vertical schema with a
view(something like a pivot view)

I know that this type of operation is very expensive, but I have the
webapp running with acceptable response time for 45 days(machine
uptime). Now the queries started to take much much time to execute. I
use a VPS with 512MB memory, and I have Apache2, PostgreSQL 8.4, MySQL
5. The webapp don't have high traffic, have about 700 visits per

I've run top and I see that the server is using a lot of swap. I
have ordered the top to give me the used swap, the result is this:

top - 09:24:13 up 49 days, 22:44,  3 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.12, 0.13
Tasks: 123 total,   1 running, 122 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 96.6%id,  3.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:500452k total,   490576k used, 9876k free,  496k buffers
Swap:   524284k total,   343664k used,   180620k free,32428k cached

 1881 mysql 20   0  929m 20240 S  0.0  0.4 142:11.73 927m
11093 root  20   0  275m   560 S  0.0  0.0   0:03.46 275m
19462 apache20   0  280m 6704 1796 S  0.0  1.3   0:02.00 273m
11103 apache20   0  280m 7076 1740 S  0.0  1.4   0:07.80 273m
11095 apache20   0  280m 7544 1788 S  0.0  1.5   0:08.70 273m
11260 apache20   0  280m 7548 1548 S  0.0  1.5   0:07.94 273m
11096 apache20   0  280m 7728 1588 S  0.0  1.5   0:08.45 272m
12668 apache20   0  280m 7660 1804 S  0.0  1.5   0:07.30 272m
11293 apache20   0  280m 7908 1800 S  0.0  1.6   0:08.59 272m
12669 apache20   0  280m 8052 1860 S  0.0  1.6   0:07.69 272m
11099 apache20   0  277m 4940 1720 S  0.0  1.0   0:08.64 272m
11297 apache20   0  280m 8100 1884 S  0.0  1.6   0:09.00 272m
11102 apache20   0  280m 8148 1920 S  0.0  1.6   0:09.34 272m
12672 apache20   0  280m 8172 1804 S  0.0  1.6   0:07.62 272m
12113 apache20   0  280m 8220 1804 S  0.0  1.6   0:07.87 272m
11100 apache20   0  280m 8348 1940 S  0.0  1.7   0:08.70 272m
12663 apache20   0  278m 7188 1940 S  0.0  1.4   0:07.66 271m
19350 apache20   0  277m 6148 1936 S  0.0  1.2   0:07.23 271m
11105 apache20   0  280m 8928 2412 S  0.0  1.8   0:08.08 271m
 1960 apache20   0  279m 7912 2108 S  0.0  1.6   0:05.63 271m
11287 apache20   0  276m 5176 1936 S  0.0  1.0   0:08.66 271m
14813 apache20   0  280m 9336 2424 S  0.0  1.9   0:03.00 271m
 1729 root  20   0  242m  396  252 S  0.0  0.1   1:14.37 242m
11304 postgres  20   0  218m  15m  15m S  0.0  3.2   1:34.18 203m
11323 postgres  20   0  218m  20m  16m S  0.0  4.2   1:58.70 198m
20149 postgres  20   0  218m  22m  17m S  0.0  4.7   0:07.35 195m
11360 postgres  20   0  218m  23m  17m S  0.0  4.8   1:14.27 194m
11604 postgres  20   0  218m  23m  17m S  0.0  4.9   1:43.92 194m
11531 postgres  20   0  218m  24m  17m S  0.0  4.9   2:29.91 194m
11628 postgres  20   0  218m  24m  17m S  0.0  5.0   2:46.56 194m
11437 postgres  20   0  218m  24m  17m S  0.0  4.9   1:38.11 194m
28295 postgres  20   0  188m 3364 2920 S  0.0  0.7   0:00.09 184m
13465 postgres  20   0  184m  140   96 S  0.0  0.0  15:07.25 183m
13466 postgres  20   0  184m  596  300 S  0.0  0.1   6:14.63 183m
13460 postgres  20   0  184m  340  220 S  0.0  0.1   5:14.39 183m
13555 postgres  20   0  218m  35m  17m S  0.0  7.3   1:28.89 183m
13464 postgres  20   0  184m 3332 3168 S  0.3  0.7  16:38.80 180m
11761 postgres  20   0  218m  37m  17m S  0.0  7.7   1:41.28 180m
11560 postgres  20   0  218m  38m  17m S  0.0  7.8   1:37.13 180m
12914 postgres  20   0  218m  39m  17m S  0.0  8.1   1:49.34 179m
11305 postgres  20   0  202m  24m  17m S  0.0  5.0   1:31.30 178m
29837 postgres  20   0  188m  10m 8332 S  0.0  2.1   0:01.42 178m
12666 postgres  20   0  218m  40m  17m S  0.0  8.4   0:59.64 177m
19639 postgres  20   0  216m  41m  17m S  0.0  8.5   1:38.68 175m
11373 postgres  20   0  218m  44m  18m S  0.0  9.2   1:39.24 173m
12196 postgres  20   0  195m  23m  16m S  0.0  4.8   1:15.28 172m
 2313 postgres  20   0  202m  31m  18m S  0.0  6.4   1:09.09 171m
14947 postgres  20   0  218m  47m  18m S  0.0  9.7   0:30.29 170m

This top result is ordered by swap.

This is enough information for some clues on how to increase the
response time in queries?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Queries take long long(10 sec.) time running

2011-12-07 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the replies.

I've done a vmstat 1, here is the result:

 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   sobibo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 1  1 342728  21384264  34940   960  1428 0  616  275  1
0 92  7  0
 0  0 342728  15032312  4000800  5136 0  821  561  0
0 89 10  0
 0  0 342728  15048312  4007200 0 0   86   51  0
0 100  0  0
 0  0 342728  15792336  4027200   256 0  561  201  0
0 94  5  0
 0  0 342728  15808344  4030000 036   92   60  0
0 100  0  0
 0  0 342728  15800344  4030400 0 0  366  171  0
0 100  0  0
 0  0 342728  15800344  4030400 0 0   67   44  0
0 100  0  0
 0  0 342728  15800344  4030400 0 0  351  163  0
0 100  0  0
 0  0 342728  15800344  4030400 0 0   85   52  0
0 100  0  0
 0  1 342728  14808344  4087600   52840  459  200  0
0 96  4  0
 0  1 342728  14596356  41408   320   63688  217   80  0
0 95  5  0
 1  1 340184  10876356  41428 41440  4144 0 1155  715  0
0 82 17  0
 0  3 333176   5460316  38484 10312   28 1033632 2158 1474  3
1 75 21  0
 0  2 329480   6192148  31452 7688 1764  8000  1812 2140 1311  2
1 74 23  0
 1  1 329112   6452136  30836 4284 2268  5828  2296 1638  799  6
0 75 19  0
 0  3 328832   5972120  30356 3572 2312  5396  2316 1388  744  4
0 72 24  0
 1  5 331156   5204116  30656  764 2988  2136  3036  552  391  0
0 68 32  0
 1  0 329708   6524104  30100 2176  188  3256   192 1586  517  8
0 77 14  0
 0  1 330748   6580104  30840 1244 1764  5112  1764 1270  509  5
0 70 25  0
 1  1 330584   5888124  31204 1160 1180  2936  1184 1110  381  7
0 76 17  0
 1  1 332684   5660200  34564  936 2928 14252  3452 2812 1191  9
1 61 28  0
 1  2 332500   5916220  34216  860  580  2084  1160 1151  542  4
0 66 30  0
 0  2 332236   5596228  33712 1636 1088  2444  1132 1665  475 10
1 64 25  0
 1  1 332552   6232152  32580 1180 1192  4948  1192 1386  504  6
0 61 32  0
 1  0 332748   6496192  34380   32  204  2128   204 1804  363 13
0 78  9  0
 0  4 334712   6056244  34644  356 2072  4836  2168 1752  542  8
1 71 21  0
 0  2 335060   5792260  35132  100  372  1284   372  506  212  0
0 76 24  0
 1  0 335492   6572280  36352   96  480  2516   576  769  325  1
0 76 23  0
 0  0 335492   6568280  3643200 0 0  264  120  0
0 100  0  0

Seems my problem is SWAP/IO... I can only solve this putting more RAM
on the machine or it is possible to put down this values only
adjusting some settings?

Best Regards,

On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 9:52 AM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 12/07/11 1:27 AM, Andre Lopes wrote:

 This is enough information for some clues on how to increase the
 response time in queries?


 to optimize queries, you generally need to know what the queries are, what
 the relations they are using look like, and get the output of `explain
 analyze your query;`

 some random comments in passing...

  * whats mysql got to do with this?

  * a server running efficiently should be using zero swap.   the fact
   that you have 340MB of swap used implies you need at least twice as
   much physical memory as you have.

  * VPS?  as in virtual server?  so your disk IO is virtualized too?
  this is usually bad news for getting decent database performance.

 john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
 santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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[GENERAL] Can't access to database from webapp in PostgreSQL 9.0, from shell it is Ok.

2011-12-02 Thread Andre Lopes

I've installed PostgreSQL 9.0 in CentOS6 I don't have configured
anything in Postgre, I just created a user with this method:

Here is how I do to create a Postgres user with the same username as
my regular login in Linux Ubuntu.

Go to your terminal with your regular user and do:

yourusername$ sudo su - postgres

Ok, now you are as postgres user. To access to postgres do:

postgres$ psql

Now that you are in postgres terminal, do this:

postgres=# create user yourusername with createdb createrole password

an then do:

postgres=# create database yourusername with owner yourusername;

And now you can do this:

postgres=# \q
postgres$ exit
yourusername$ psql
yourusername=# ..

Remember that this will create a postgres user with the same username
as your regular login, a password, and the privileges to create more
databases and users.

With the method above I have no problems in enter psql but when I
try to connect with the user created with these method to a webapp I
got an error:

Exception Value:
FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user mypoatgreuser

There is more permissions that I must to give to the user
mypoatgreuser? What could be wrong here?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't access to database from webapp in PostgreSQL 9.0, from shell it is Ok.

2011-12-02 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi Adrian,

Thanks for the reply.

My pg_hba.conf have this:

# local is for Unix domain socket connections only
local   all all ident
# IPv4 local connections:
hostall all
# IPv6 local connections:
hostall all ::1/128 ident


Some clue with this config file?

Best Regards,

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Friday, December 02, 2011 3:13:41 pm Andre Lopes wrote:

 I've installed PostgreSQL 9.0 in CentOS6 I don't have configured
 anything in Postgre, I just created a user with this method:

 With the method above I have no problems in enter psql but when I
 try to connect with the user created with these method to a webapp I
 got an error:

 Exception Value:
 FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user mypoatgreuser

 There is more permissions that I must to give to the user
 mypoatgreuser? What could be wrong here?

 Some pointers. The  client authentication is handled here:

 In your pg_hba.conf  there is at least one authentication method set to ident.
 That is described here:

 From the sequence of commands you have given you are looking to use password
 authentication.  For security you want md5.
 There may already be a line with that method in your pg_hba.conf. In 
 first matching line wins, so if there is a line with ident first it will take

 If this is too confusing post your pg_hba.conf(unless of course there are
 security issues) and we can go from there.

 Best Regards,

 Adrian Klaver

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Re: [GENERAL] Can't access to database from webapp in PostgreSQL 9.0, from shell it is Ok.

2011-12-02 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi John,

Thanks for the replies.

The problem was the ident in the host. Problem solved.

Thanks a lot!

Best Regards,

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:46 PM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 12/02/11 3:41 PM, Andre Lopes wrote:

 My pg_hba.conf have this:
 # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            CIDR-ADDRESS            METHOD

 # local is for Unix domain socket connections only
 local   all             all                                     ident
 # IPv4 local connections:
 host    all             all               ident
 # IPv6 local connections:
 host    all             all             ::1/128                 ident


 Some clue with this config file?

 see my other post.  and don't use ident for 'host' connections, its not
 really suitable.

 john r pierce                            N 37, W 122
 santa cruz ca                         mid-left coast

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[GENERAL] How to correct: ERROR: permission denied: RI_ConstraintTrigger_24966 is a system trigger

2011-10-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I have created a database that have a function that disable triggers
on tables, but when I execute the function: (I have created the
database with the same user that I'm trying to execute the function)

select triggerall(false);


ERROR:  permission denied: RI_ConstraintTrigger_24966 is a system trigger
PL/pgSQL function triggerall line 14 at EXECUTE statement

This is known problem? How to solve this?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] How to correct: ERROR: permission denied: RI_ConstraintTrigger_24966 is a system trigger

2011-10-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I have created a database and all tables with a user, but I can't
execute this alter table:

xxx_database= ALTER TABLE tdir_categories DISABLE TRIGGER ALL;
ERROR:  permission denied: RI_ConstraintTrigger_25366 is a system trigger

What can I do to solve this?

Best Regards,

On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:08 AM, Craig Ringer ring...@ringerc.id.au wrote:
 On 10/18/2011 03:52 PM, Andre Lopes wrote:


 I have created a database that have a function that disable triggers
 on tables, but when I execute the function: (I have created the
 database with the same user that I'm trying to execute the function)

 select triggerall(false);


 ERROR:  permission denied: RI_ConstraintTrigger_24966 is a system
 PL/pgSQL function triggerall line 14 at EXECUTE statement

 You're trying to disable triggers associated with foreign key constraints or
 CHECK constraints, too. You should probably skip those system triggers in
 your function.

 If you want to disable them too, I think you have to be the table owner, or
 maybe superuser; I don't remember and haven tested. In any case, the user
 you're running as doesn't have permission to disable those.

 Craig Ringer

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[GENERAL] How to install PGCRYPTO in PostgreSQL9

2011-08-17 Thread Andre Lopes

I am using CentOS and PostgreSQL9. I have an application that uses
Pgcrypto. I have googled but I am not sure how can I install this in

Someone can give me a clue on this?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] How to install PGCRYPTO in PostgreSQL9

2011-08-17 Thread Andre Lopes
I have installed and tried to import the SQL, but I got this:

[andre@andre public]$ psql -d 420 -f /usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:9: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:14: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:19: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:24: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:29: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:34: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:39: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:44: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:49: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:54: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:59: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:64: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:72: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:77: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:85: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:90: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:98: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:103: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:111: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:116: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:124: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:129: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:137: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:142: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:150: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:155: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:163: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:168: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:176: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:181: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:189: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:197: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:202: ERROR:  permission
denied for language c
[andre@andre public]$

What's wrong here?

Best Regards,

2011/8/17 Devrim GÜNDÜZ dev...@gunduz.org:
 On Wed, 2011-08-17 at 06:28 -0700, Andre Lopes wrote:

 I am using CentOS and PostgreSQL9. I have an application that uses
 Pgcrypto. I have googled but I am not sure how can I install this in

 If you are using RPMS, then install -contrib RPM, and then install
 pgcrypto using pgcrypto.sql that comes with the package.

 If it is the source installation, run make install under
 contrib/pgcrypto directory. Then again, load pgcrypto.sql to your

 Devrim GÜNDÜZ
 Principal Systems Engineer @ EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
 PostgreSQL Danışmanı/Consultant, Red Hat Certified Engineer
 Community: devrim~PostgreSQL.org, devrim.gunduz~linux.org.tr
 http://www.gunduz.org  Twitter: http://twitter.com/devrimgunduz

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Re: [GENERAL] How to install PGCRYPTO in PostgreSQL9

2011-08-17 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply. I have installed with the user postgres and it
worked. Thanks!

2011/8/17 Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.com:
 On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 6:44:31 am Andre Lopes wrote:
 I have installed and tried to import the SQL, but I got this:

 [andre@andre public]$ psql -d 420 -f
 /usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql SET

 psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:197: ERROR:  permission
 denied for language c
 psql:/usr/pgsql-9.0/share/contrib/pgcrypto.sql:202: ERROR:  permission
 denied for language c
 [andre@andre public]$

 What's wrong here?

 Would seem to indicate you did not install as database superuser.

 Adrian Klaver

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[GENERAL] Some PostgreSQL enthusiast working in holland?

2011-04-04 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm willing to contact a PostgreSQL developer working in Holland. I
know that this is not the main reason of this list.

Please contact-me by e-mail.

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] Using bytea field...

2011-03-08 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm using a bytea field to store small images in base64. I need to
know if I can compare bytea rows for equality. To know for example if
the file already exists in the database, this is possible with bytea?

Best Regads,

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to?

2011-03-06 Thread Andre Lopes

Just another question about this subject.

It is possible to compare if these 3 PlpgSQL arrays have the same
number of elements? How to get the number of elements of an PLpgSQL

NOTICE:  file types: {image,image,image,image,image}
NOTICE:  file details: {type,width,height,html_width_height,mime}
NOTICE:  values: {jpg,343,515,width=\343\ height=\515\,image/jpeg}

Best Regards,

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:44 PM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 03/05/11 11:22 AM, Andre Lopes wrote:


 I need to transform an PHP array to an PlPgSQL array. The PHP array is
 like this:

 in a relational database, it would be far better to store that sort of thing
 as a table, so you can use relational operations on it.

 your example structure would fit nicely into a table like...

 CREATE TABLE images (
    id integer primary key,
    base64 text,
    image_type text,
    width integer,
    height integer,
    mime text );

 and use a view to construct the html_width_height value as it contains
 redundant data

 CREATE VIEW images_html (id, html_width_height)
    as select id, 'width='||cast(width as text)||' height='||cast(height
 as text)||'' from images;

 btw, if that base64 field is in fact the binary image, I would instead
 change that to `image bytea` and store the image in binary.

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to?

2011-03-06 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi Pavel,

Thanks for the reply. It was exactly that that I'm looking for.

Best Regards,

On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 3:05 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com wrote:

 look on array_lower and array_upper functions


 for one dimensional arrays - select array_upper(var,1) - array_lower(var,1)


 Pavel Stehule

 2011/3/6 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:

 Just another question about this subject.

 It is possible to compare if these 3 PlpgSQL arrays have the same
 number of elements? How to get the number of elements of an PLpgSQL

 NOTICE:  file types: {image,image,image,image,image}
 NOTICE:  file details: {type,width,height,html_width_height,mime}
 NOTICE:  values: {jpg,343,515,width=\343\ height=\515\,image/jpeg}

 Best Regards,

 On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 10:44 PM, John R Pierce pie...@hogranch.com wrote:
 On 03/05/11 11:22 AM, Andre Lopes wrote:


 I need to transform an PHP array to an PlPgSQL array. The PHP array is
 like this:

 in a relational database, it would be far better to store that sort of thing
 as a table, so you can use relational operations on it.

 your example structure would fit nicely into a table like...

 CREATE TABLE images (
    id integer primary key,
    base64 text,
    image_type text,
    width integer,
    height integer,
    mime text );

 and use a view to construct the html_width_height value as it contains
 redundant data

 CREATE VIEW images_html (id, html_width_height)
    as select id, 'width='||cast(width as text)||' height='||cast(height
 as text)||'' from images;

 btw, if that base64 field is in fact the binary image, I would instead
 change that to `image bytea` and store the image in binary.

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[GENERAL] PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to?

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to transform an PHP array to an PlPgSQL array. The PHP array is
like this:

$arr = array(
0 = array(
base64 = ddfff,
image_type = jpg,
width = 343,
height = 515,
html_width_height = 
'width=343 height=515',
mime = image/jpeg
1 = array(
base64 = 
image_type = jpg,
width = 343,
height = 515,
html_width_height = 
'width=343 height=515',
mime = image/jpeg  


How can I pass this kinf of PHP array to PlPgSQL?

Give me a clue.

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to?

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi Pavel,

Thanks for the reply.

In PlpgSQL there is possible to define arrays with Key = Value, Key = Value?

Best Regards,

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com wrote:

 there isn't a simple way :(

 the most simply way is using string_to_array function

 SELECT func(string_to_array('1,2,3,4,5',','));


 Pavel Stehule

 2011/3/5 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:

 I need to transform an PHP array to an PlPgSQL array. The PHP array is
 like this:

 $arr = array(
                                0 = array(
                                                        base64 = 
                                                        image_type = jpg,
                                                        width = 343,
                                                        height = 515,
 = 'width=343 height=515',
                                                        mime = image/jpeg
                                1 = array(
                                                        base64 = 
                                                        image_type = jpg,
                                                        width = 343,
                                                        height = 515,
 = 'width=343 height=515',
                                                        mime = image/jpeg

 How can I pass this kinf of PHP array to PlPgSQL?

 Give me a clue.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] PHP array to PlPgSQL arrat. How to?

2011-03-05 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks again,

I saw this tutorial on how to get Key = Value,

It is not possible to use hstore to me.

Best Regards,

On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:42 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com wrote:
 2011/3/5 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
 Hi Pavel,

 Thanks for the reply.

 In PlpgSQL there is possible to define arrays with Key = Value, Key = 

 No, no directly

 there are no hash array

 there is a workaround a hstore module


 attention - it doesn't allow a nested values


 Pavel Stehule

 for more complex values is other was - using a temp tables - you can
 fill a temp table and in next step a plpgsql code use this temp table.
 But it should have a performance impacts.

 Best Regards,

 On Sat, Mar 5, 2011 at 7:28 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com 

 there isn't a simple way :(

 the most simply way is using string_to_array function

 SELECT func(string_to_array('1,2,3,4,5',','));


 Pavel Stehule

 2011/3/5 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:

 I need to transform an PHP array to an PlPgSQL array. The PHP array is
 like this:

 $arr = array(
                                0 = array(
                                                        base64 = 
                                                        image_type = 
                                                        width = 343,
                                                        height = 515,
 = 'width=343 height=515',
                                                        mime = 
                                1 = array(
                                                        base64 = 
                                                        image_type = 
                                                        width = 343,
                                                        height = 515,
 = 'width=343 height=515',
                                                        mime = 

 How can I pass this kinf of PHP array to PlPgSQL?

 Give me a clue.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Transactions and ID's generated by triggers

2011-02-28 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply.

I will try the code tonight.

Best Regards,

On Sun, Feb 27, 2011 at 11:37 PM, David Johnston pol...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Using pl/pgsql you can:
 DECLARE idordinal type;
 INSERT INTO tdir_uris_files RETURNING id_ordinal INTO idordinal;
 INSERT INTO tdir_uris_files_details (id_ordinal) VALUES (idordinal);

 Similar results are possible in other environments.  If you do not have 
 access to RETURNING for some reason you can issue a select - assuming you 
 can identify the record in tdir_uris_files that you need.

 David J.

 -Original Message-
 From: pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org 
 [mailto:pgsql-general-ow...@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Andre Lopes
 Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2011 3:34 PM
 To: postgresql Forums
 Subject: [GENERAL] Transactions and ID's generated by triggers


 I have a situation that I dont know how to deal.

 I have 2 tables tdir_uris_files and tdir_uri_files_details. Please see 
 the Image in attach.

 The table tdir_uris_files have the field id_ordinal that is originated by 
 a trigger(before insert) The table tdir_uri_files_details use the field 
 generated by trigger on the insert on the table tdir_uris_files

 Now my doubt. It is possible to do a transaction to this two tables at the 
 same time?

 How can I know the value of the field id_ordinal that was generated by the 

 Can I be able to do this?

 INSERT INTO tdir_uris_files (uri, id_language, id_category, id_file_context, 
 id_encode_format, n_file, file) values (...) INSERT INTO 
 tdir_uri_files_details (uri, id_language, id_category, id_file_context, 
 id_ordinal, id_file_type, id_file_detail, value) values (...); COMMIT; [/code]

 PS: Sorry my bad english.

 Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Transactions and ID's generated by triggers

2011-02-28 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

How can I user the RETURNING without pl/sql? My PostgreSQL version is 8.3

Can you give me some example?

Best Regards,

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 7:00 PM, Alban Hertroys
dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl wrote:
 On 28 Feb 2011, at 24:37, David Johnston wrote:

 Using pl/pgsql you can:

 You don't need pl/pgsql for that. You can return the resultset of the first 
 insert into a client-side variable (while still making use of the 
 RETURNING-clause of course).

 Of course, the benefit of using pl/pgsql for this is that you could make the 
 desired behaviour independent of client-implementations (which are all too 
 likely to differ if there are multiple types of clients). However, for that 
 to work reliably you will need to do some extra work to make sure it's the 
 only possible code-path for inserting those records.

 Alban Hertroys

 If you can't see the forest for the trees,
 cut the trees and you'll see there is no forest.


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[GENERAL] Transactions and ID's generated by triggers

2011-02-27 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a situation that I dont know how to deal.

I have 2 tables tdir_uris_files and tdir_uri_files_details. Please
see the Image in attach.

The table tdir_uris_files have the field id_ordinal that is
originated by a trigger(before insert)
The table tdir_uri_files_details use the field id_ordinal
generated by trigger on the insert on the table tdir_uris_files

Now my doubt. It is possible to do a transaction to this two tables at
the same time?

How can I know the value of the field id_ordinal that was generated
by the trigger?

Can I be able to do this?

INSERT INTO tdir_uris_files (uri, id_language, id_category,
id_file_context, id_encode_format, n_file, file)
values (...)
INSERT INTO tdir_uri_files_details (uri, id_language, id_category,
id_file_context, id_ordinal, id_file_type, id_file_detail, value)
values (...);

PS: Sorry my bad english.

Best Regards,
attachment: uri_files.PNG
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Re: [GENERAL] Schema version control

2011-02-11 Thread Andre Lopes

Where can we donwload dbsteward?

Best Regards,

On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 5:16 AM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.com wrote:
 In response to Glenn Maynard gl...@zewt.org:

 On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 6:44 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.comwrote:

  dbsteward can do downgrades ... you just feed it the old schema and
  the new schema in reverse of how you'd do an upgrade ;)
  Oh, also, it allows us to do installation-specific overrides.  We use
  this ONLY for DML for lookup lists where some clients have slightly
  different names for things than others.  In theory, it could do DDL
  overrides as well, but we decided on a policy of not utilizing that
  because we wanted the schemas to be consistent on all our installs.

 What about upgrades that can't be derived directly from an inspection of the
 schema?  Some examples:

 - Adding a NOT NULL constraint (without adding a DEFAULT).  You often want
 to precede this with filling in any existing NULL values, so the new
 constraint doesn't fail.
 - Updating triggers, functions and their effects.  For example, when I have
 an FTS index with a trigger to update an index column, and I change the
 underlying trigger, I often do something like UPDATE table SET column =
 column, to cause all of the update triggers to fire and recalculate the
 index columns.
 - Creating a new column based on an old one, and removing the old one; eg.
 add a column n, run UPDATE ... SET n = i*j * 2, and then drop the old
 columns i and j.
 - Updating data from an external source, such as ORM model code; for
 example, if you have a table representing external files, an update may want
 to calculate and update the SHA-1 of each file.
 - For efficiency, dropping a specific index while making a large update, and
 then recreating the index.

 In my experience, while generating schema updates automatically is handy, it
 tends to make nontrivial database updates more complicated.  These sorts of
 things happen often and are an integral part of a database update, so I'm
 just curious how/if you deal with them.

 I've used Ruby's migrations, and for my Django databases I use my own
 migration system which is based in principle off of it: create scripts to
 migrate the database from version X to X+1 and X-1, and upgrade or downgrade
 by running the appropriate scripts in sequence.

 It's not ideal, since it can't generate a database at a specific version
 directly; it always has to run through the entire sequence of migrations to
 the version you want, and the migrations accumulate.  However, it can handle
 whatever arbitrary steps are needed to update a database, and I don't need
 to test updates from every version to every other version.

 You're correct (based on our experience over the past few years).

 The big caveat is that 99.9% of the database changes don't fall into those
 nontrivial categories, and dbsteward makes those 99.9% of the changes
 easy to do, reliable to reproduce, and easy to track.

 We've added some stuff to handle the other .1% as well, like beforeUpdateSQL
 and afterUpdateSQL where you can put an arbitrary SQL strings to be run
 before or after the remainder of the automatic stuff is done.  We probably
 haven't seen every circumstance that needs a special handling, but we've
 already struggled through a bunch.

 All this is part of the reason we're pushing to get this stuff open-
 sourced.  We feel like we've got something that's pretty far along, and
 we feel that community involvement will help enhance things.

 Bill Moran

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[GENERAL] Slow Inserts, two different scenarios.

2011-02-07 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a problem when doing INSERT's in a table.

The table structure is:

uri (varchar 1) PK
id_language (varchar 10) PK
id_category (int4) PK
id_data (varchar 50) PK
id_ordinal (int4) PK (this field have a trigger to auto increment)
n_text (text)

When I run this function to do 90 INSERT's it runs well and in few time:

i integer;
i := 1;

while i = 90 loop
insert into tdir_uris_text (uri, id_language, id_category, 
n_text) values ('http://localhos/teste' || i, 'PORT', '2',
'pagetitle', 'Pagina teste ' || i);

i := i + 1;
end loop;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;

But when I do this with 10 INSERT's it seems to never end the
INSERT's operation, It is running at 5h now...

i integer;
i := 1;

while i = 10 loop
insert into tdir_uris_text (uri, id_language, id_category, 
n_text) values ('http://localhos/teste' || i, 'PORT', '2',
'pagetitle', 'Pagina teste ' || i);
insert into tdir_uris_text (uri, id_language, id_category, 
n_text) values ('http://localhos/teste' || i, 'PORT', '2',
'country_ad', 'italy');
insert into tdir_uris_text (uri, id_language, id_category, 
n_text) values ('http://localhos/teste' || i, 'PORT', '2',
'services_available', 'service 1');
insert into tdir_uris_text (uri, id_language, id_category, 
n_text) values ('http://localhos/teste' || i, 'PORT', '2',
'services_available', 'service 2');

i := i + 1;
end loop;
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' ;

What could be the problem here? Any clues?

Best Regards,

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[GENERAL] Database Design - Which design should I use? Two options.

2011-02-05 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm designing a database, but I'm with some doubts in the design. I
have posted a question in stackoverflow because of the use of images.

Can someone give some clues about which design should I use?

The link to the question is here:

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Store base64 in database. Use bytea or text?

2011-01-28 Thread Andre Lopes

Another question about this subject.

It is possible to cache this images from the database? In the future I
will need to cache the pictures.

If you have any knowledge about this, please give me a clue.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Jan 26, 2011 at 2:09 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.com wrote:
 In response to Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com:

 2011/1/26 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com

  Thanks for the reply.
  I will mainly store files with 100kb to 250kb not bigger than this.
  PQescapeByteaConn is not available in a default installation of
  PostgreSQL? My hosting account hava a standard installation of
  PostgreSQL. There are other options for escaping binary files?
  Best Regards,
 PQescapeByteConn is a function of libpq - native C client library.
 In you case (PHP) you should use its functions to encode binary
 data before including it into a query (e.g., in base64) and use
 built-in decode() function of Postgres:
 -- Pseudo-code
 INSERT INTO img (dat) VALUES (decode(BASE64_INPUT_FROM_PHP, 'base64'));

 where dat column of table img of type bytea.

 More specifically:

 $query = INSERT INTO image_data (bytea_field) VALUES (' .
         pg_escape_bytea($binary_data) . ');

 And to get it back out:
 $query = SELECT bytea_field FROM image_data;
 $rs = pg_query($query);
 $row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs);
 $binary_data = pg_unescape_bytea($row['bytea_field']);

 (note that I may have omitted some steps for clarity)

 DO NOT use parametrized queries with PHP and bytea (I hate to say that,
 because parametrized fields are usually a very good idea).  PHP has a
 bug that mangles bytea data when pushed through parametrized fields.

 PHP bug #35800

 Bill Moran

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[GENERAL] Store base64 in database. Use bytea or text?

2011-01-25 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to put some images on Base64 in a PostgreSQL database. Wich
type should I use and what is the difference between using bytea or
text to store Base64?

Best Regards,

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Re: [GENERAL] Store base64 in database. Use bytea or text?

2011-01-25 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for all the reply's.

I will be using PHP for now to insert data.

So I shouldn't use base64 to store images or any other kind of files.
I'm new to storing files in the database. This will be my first

I will research about PQescapeByteaConn.

Thanks for the help.

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.com wrote:
 In response to Peter Geoghegan peter.geoghega...@gmail.com:

 On 25 January 2011 22:27, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:
  I need to put some images on Base64 in a PostgreSQL database. Wich
  type should I use and what is the difference between using bytea or
  text to store Base64?

 I really don't think you want to do that. Base64 is used to make
 binary data 7-bit safe for compatibility with legacy systems (i.e. to
 embed arbitrary binary data within ASCII). Sometimes people escape
 binary data as base64 to store it in their DB, but they typically
 store it as bytea. Base64 probably isn't even a particularly good
 choice for escaping binary, let alone storing it.

 You should just use a generic escaping function. libpq has
 PQescapeByteaConn(), for example.

 A warning: last I checked, PHP's pg_escape_bytea() was broken, so be
 cautious if you're using PHP.

 Bill Moran

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Re: [GENERAL] Store base64 in database. Use bytea or text?

2011-01-25 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply.

I will mainly store files with 100kb to 250kb not bigger than this.

PQescapeByteaConn is not available in a default installation of
PostgreSQL? My hosting account hava a standard installation of
PostgreSQL. There are other options for escaping binary files?

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:58 PM, Dmitriy Igrishin dmit...@gmail.com wrote:

 2011/1/26 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com

 Thanks for all the reply's.

 I will be using PHP for now to insert data.

 So I shouldn't use base64 to store images or any other kind of files.
 I'm new to storing files in the database. This will be my first

 You may want to use large objects to store files instead of using
 bytea data type. With large objects you can achieve streaming
 data transfer and as of PostgreSQL 9.0 it is possible to control
 access permissions on large objects via GRANT.

 But I don't know about support of large objects in PHP.

 I will research about PQescapeByteaConn.

 Thanks for the help.

 Best Regards,

 On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 10:46 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.com
  In response to Peter Geoghegan peter.geoghega...@gmail.com:
  On 25 January 2011 22:27, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:
   I need to put some images on Base64 in a PostgreSQL database. Wich
   type should I use and what is the difference between using bytea or
   text to store Base64?
  I really don't think you want to do that. Base64 is used to make
  binary data 7-bit safe for compatibility with legacy systems (i.e. to
  embed arbitrary binary data within ASCII). Sometimes people escape
  binary data as base64 to store it in their DB, but they typically
  store it as bytea. Base64 probably isn't even a particularly good
  choice for escaping binary, let alone storing it.
  You should just use a generic escaping function. libpq has
  PQescapeByteaConn(), for example.
  A warning: last I checked, PHP's pg_escape_bytea() was broken, so be
  cautious if you're using PHP.
  Bill Moran

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 // Dmitriy.

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[GENERAL] Need advise for database structure for non linear data.

2011-01-03 Thread Andre Lopes

I need advise about a database structure. I need to capture data from the
web about one specific subject on few specific websites and insert that data
to a database. I have done this question here before, but I think I have not
explained very well.

The problem with this task is that the information is not linear, if I try
to design tables with fields for all possible data I will end up with many
row fields with NULL values. There are any problem with this(end up with
many row fields with NULL values)? Or should I user other kind of structure?
For example store the data in one field and that field containing an
associative array with data.

What I mean with non linear data is the following:

  'name' = 'Don',
  'age'  = '31'

  'name' = 'Peter',
  'age'  = '28',
  'car'  = 'ford',
  'km'   = '2000'

In a specific website search I will store only name and age, and in
other website I will store name, age, car and km.

I don't know If I explain weel my problem. My english is not very good.

Best Regards.

Re: [GENERAL] Need advise for database structure for non linear data.

2011-01-03 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply's. I was tempted to accept the Rodoslaw Smogura
proposal. There will be about 100 websites to capture data on daily basis.
Each website adds per day(average) 2 articles.

Thomas talked about the noSQL possibility. What do you think would be
better? I have no experience in noSQL and that could be a weakness.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 11:58 AM, Thomas Schmidt 
postg...@stephan.homeunix.net wrote:


 Am 03.01.11 12:46, schrieb Radosław Smogura:

  I can propose you something like this:

 website(id int, url varchar);
 attr_def (id int, name varchar);
 attr_val (id int, def_id reference attr_def.id, website_id int references
 website.id, value varchar);
 If all of your attributes in website are single valued then you can remove
 id from attr_val and use PK from website_id, def_id.

 Depending on your needs one or many from following indexes:
 attr_val(value) - search for attributes with value;


  Probably you will use 2nd or 3rd index.

 Example of search on website
 select d.name, v.value from attre_def d join attr_val v on (v.def_id =
 d.id) join website w on (v.website_id = w.id)
 where d.name = '' and w.url='http://somtehing'

 Imho its hard - (if not impossible) to recommand a specific database scheme
 (incl indexes) without knowing the applications taking plance behind it.
 Your schema is nice for specific querying, but might blow up if lots of
 data is stored in the database (joins, index-building might be time
 On the other hand, google put some effort into their BigTable
 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BigTable for storing tons of data...

 Thus - it all depends on the usage :-)


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[GENERAL] How to deal with field on the database that stores variable array's?

2011-01-01 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to develop a database table that will aceept a variable array field.
My doubt is how to deal with updates on the
array field. How can I store the information of the array fields? There any
examples on the Internet on how to deal with
this subject?

What I mean with variable array is:

  'name' = 'Don',
  'age'  = '31'

  'name' = 'Peter',
  'age'  = '28',
  'car'  = 'ford',
  'km'   = '2000'

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to obtain the maximum value of a date, between 3 tables...

2010-12-08 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to obtain the maximum value of a date, but that comparison will be
made between 3 tables... I will explain better with a query...

a.last_refresh_date as d1, ae.last_refresh_date as d2, ha.last_refresh_date
as d3
from tbl1 a
join tbl2 ae on a.id_anuncio_externo = ae.id_anuncio_externo
join tbl3 ha on a.id_anuncio_externo = ha.id_anuncio_externo

My question is how is the best way to obtain with date is the greatest, d1,
d2 or d3

Can you guys give me a clue.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to obtain the maximum value of a date, between 3 tables...

2010-12-08 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

And there are other options to do it without using a UNION? I don't need to
know from witch table comes the greatest date, but the query is complex,
this query is part of an UNION. The use of the CASE WHEN could be an

Best Regards,

On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 1:20 PM, Jon Nelson

 On Wed, Dec 8, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com
  I need to obtain the maximum value of a date, but that comparison will be
  made between 3 tables... I will explain better with a query...
  a.last_refresh_date as d1, ae.last_refresh_date as d2,
  as d3
  from tbl1 a
  join tbl2 ae on a.id_anuncio_externo = ae.id_anuncio_externo
  join tbl3 ha on a.id_anuncio_externo = ha.id_anuncio_externo
  My question is how is the best way to obtain with date is the greatest,
  d2 or d3

 If you don't need to know which table it came from I would probably try
 select a.last_refresh_date as d1, NULL as d2, NULL as d3 FROM tbl1 as a


Re: [GENERAL] It is possible to update more than 1 table in the same update statement?

2010-11-08 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

I have write the transaction, but I have some doubt's... If in this example
the Update is executed successfully and the Function it is not, what
happens? The Update automatically rolls back?


update aae_anuncios
n_anunciante = 'teste',
email = 'te...@email.com',
telefone_privado = '123456789',
dat_nasc = '1980-01-01',
n_anuncio = 'teste nome',
telefone_anuncio = '234567890',
id_genero = 'femi',
id_cidade = '1452003',
id_nacionalidade = 'BRAS',
id_orientacao = 'h'
where id_anuncio_externo = '38';

select apr_update_hist_2_1('aae_hist_anuncios',
'38', /* id_anuncio_externo */
'2010-08-31', /* data_inicio */
'2010-12-29', /* data_fim */
'AA' /* Motivo: Aprovação Anúncio */

Best Regards,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Scott Ribe scott_r...@killerbytes.comwrote:

 On Nov 7, 2010, at 8:37 AM, Andre Lopes wrote:

  The only way I can guarantee a transaction is in a Function or there are
 other ways?


 Scott Ribe
 (303) 722-0567 voice

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[GENERAL] It is possible to update more than 1 table in the same update statement?

2010-11-07 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to update various tables in the same update. It is possible to do it?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] It is possible to update more than 1 table in the same update statement?

2010-11-07 Thread Andre Lopes
Sorry for not explain well.

I mean update more than one table at the same time with something like this:

update table1, table2
table1.f1 = 'aaa',
table2.date = '2001-01-01'
table1.id = 'x1' and table2.id = 'x1'

Something like this is possible? It is the best way to do it?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 3:11 PM, Scott Ribe scott_r...@killerbytes.comwrote:

 On Nov 7, 2010, at 7:58 AM, Andre Lopes wrote:

   need to update various tables in the same update. It is possible to do


 Scott Ribe
 (303) 722-0567 voice

Re: [GENERAL] It is possible to update more than 1 table in the same update statement?

2010-11-07 Thread Andre Lopes
The only way I can guarantee a transaction is in a Function or there are
other ways?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Szymon Guz mabew...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 7 November 2010 16:20, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sorry for not explain well.

 I mean update more than one table at the same time with something like

 update table1, table2
 table1.f1 = 'aaa',
 table2.date = '2001-01-01'
 table1.id = 'x1' and table2.id = 'x1'

 Something like this is possible? It is the best way to do it?

 Best Regards,

 This is not possible, however you could do two updates in one transaction.


[GENERAL] Tools for form generation in PHP/HTML from database models/queries

2010-10-22 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to do some repetitive work in form creation to insert, update and
delete data from the database. There are some tools that handle with form
creation from a PostgreSQL database?

PS: Sorry my English.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to dump only the the data without schema?

2010-09-25 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to generate the dump of a PostgreSQL database only with the data with
INSERT's. It is possible to do this?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to use pg_restore with *.sql file?

2010-09-25 Thread Andre Lopes

I have generate an *.sql file with the command:

pg_dump -a --inserts databasename  exportfilename.sql

How can I use the pg_restore to import the data to the database?

I have tried:

pg_restore -d databasename exportfilename.sql

But without success...

What is the best way to import the *.sql file to the database?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to use pg_restore with *.sql file?

2010-09-25 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks a lot! It works.

On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 1:23 PM, Scott Marlowe scott.marl...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 6:19 AM, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com
  I have generate an *.sql file with the command:
  pg_dump -a --inserts databasename  exportfilename.sql
  How can I use the pg_restore to import the data to the database?


 Just use psql with plain sql dumps:

 psql databasename -f exportfilename.sql

[GENERAL] How to add permissions to views?

2010-08-13 Thread Andre Lopes

I have developed a database system where every table have a view mapping the
contents, so the users don't have direct access to the tables. For UPDATE
and DELETE I have created RULES on the views.

My question:

I will create a user to give permissions to the views. I don't know what
kind of permissions I should add. For example, for a view that have RULEs
for UPDATE and DELETE wich kind of GRANT should I do?

PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to import *.sql file to postgresql database

2010-07-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a DUMP file with INSERT's commands. I need to import this data to
postgresql database with the psql command.

How can I do this task?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to import *.sql file to postgresql database

2010-07-18 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply,

I have this error:

ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8: 0xff
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by client_encoding.

I have set the client encoding to LATIN1 like this,

$psql database
database= set client_encoding to LATIN1;
database=\i /home/folder1/data.sql

Then I got this different error:

psql:/home/folder1/data.sql:1: ERROR:  syntax error at or near ÿþ
LINE 1: ÿþ-

How should I solve this problem?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:10 PM, Szymon Guz mabew...@gmail.com wrote:

 2010/7/18 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com


 I have a DUMP file with INSERT's commands. I need to import this data to
 postgresql database with the psql command.

 How can I do this task?

 Best Regards,

 you can do that for example using the following command:

 psql database  file.sql

 where datatabase is the name of the database you use.

 Szymon Guz

Re: [GENERAL] How to import *.sql file to postgresql database

2010-07-18 Thread Andre Lopes
If I do this command gives me the same error:

ERROR:  invalid byte sequence for encoding UTF8: 0xff
HINT:  This error can also happen if the byte sequence does not match the
encoding expected by the server, which is controlled by client_encoding.

What more can I do?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Jul 18, 2010 at 9:11 PM, Edoardo Panfili edoa...@aspix.it wrote:

 On 18/07/10 22.06, Andre Lopes wrote:


 I have a DUMP file with INSERT's commands. I need to import this data to
 postgresql database with the psql command.

 How can I do this task?

 I think

 psql -U user_name database_name dump_file


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[GENERAL] How to change the file encoding of a 3gb file?

2010-07-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I'am trying to import an SQL file with 3gb of INSERTS. I must to change the
encode of the file to UTF8, how can I change the encode of the file without
open it? This 3gb file crashes every program...

Give me a clue.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Rules in views, how to?

2010-07-06 Thread Andre Lopes

I'am using rules in views, but I'am not sure about how the rules work... let
me explain...

For example, I have this table:

CREATE TABLE atau_utilizadores (
id int4 NOT NULL,
group_id int4 NOT NULL,
ip_address char(16) NOT NULL,
username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
password varchar(40) NOT NULL,
salt varchar(40),
email varchar(40) NOT NULL,
activation_code varchar(40),
forgotten_password_code varchar(40),
remember_code varchar(40),
created_on timestamp NOT NULL,
last_login timestamp,
active int4,
coment varchar(2000),
id_utiliz_ins varchar(45),
id_utiliz_upd varchar(45),
data_ult_actual timestamp,
  CONSTRAINT check_id CHECK(id = 0),
  CONSTRAINT check_group_id CHECK(group_id = 0),
  CONSTRAINT check_active CHECK(active = 0)

And I have also a view to this table with a rule do the user be able to do
INSERTS in views:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW aau_utilizadores AS
select * from atau_utilizadores;

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE ins_aau_utilizadores AS
ON INSERT TO aau_utilizadores
(insert into atau_utilizadores
(id, group_id, ip_address, username, password, salt, email, activation_code,
forgotten_password_code, remember_code, created_on, last_login, active)
values (NEW.id, NEW.group_id, NEW.ip_address, NEW.username, NEW.password,
NEW.salt, NEW.email, null, null, null, NEW.created_on, null, NEW.active));

Now I need also to add an INSTEAD UPDATE rule and an INSTEAD DELETE rule,
but I have some doubts about it... let me explain...

Ok, I need to create an INSTEAD UPDATE rule in this view, but I don't know
how to use the clause WHERE in the UPDATE rule. For example the UPDATE could
be done when WHERE email = 'X'  or WHERE id = 'Y' .

Question: How can I deal with this?

The update rule should be:

update atau_utilizadores
set group_id = NEW.group_id,
password = NEW.password,
salt = NEW.salt,
email = NEW.email,
activation_code = NEW.activation_code,
forgotten_password_code = NEW.forgotten_password_code,
remember_code = NEW.remember_code,
created_on = NEW.created_on,
last_login = NEW.last_login,
active = NEW.active


update atau_utilizadores
set group_id = NEW.group_id,
password = NEW.password,
salt = NEW.salt,
email = NEW.email,
activation_code = NEW.activation_code,
forgotten_password_code = NEW.forgotten_password_code,
remember_code = NEW.remember_code,
created_on = NEW.created_on,
last_login = NEW.last_login,
active = NEW.active
(email = OLD.email or id = OLD.id)


PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Rules in views, how to?

2010-07-06 Thread Andre Lopes

I'am using rules in views, but I'am not sure about how the rules work... let
me explain...

For example, I have this table:

CREATE TABLE atau_utilizadores (
id int4 NOT NULL,
group_id int4 NOT NULL,
ip_address char(16) NOT NULL,
username varchar(50) NOT NULL,
password varchar(40) NOT NULL,
salt varchar(40),
email varchar(40) NOT NULL,
activation_code varchar(40),
forgotten_password_code varchar(40),
remember_code varchar(40),
created_on timestamp NOT NULL,
last_login timestamp,
active int4,
coment varchar(2000),
id_utiliz_ins varchar(45),
id_utiliz_upd varchar(45),
data_ult_actual timestamp,
  CONSTRAINT check_id CHECK(id = 0),
  CONSTRAINT check_group_id CHECK(group_id = 0),
  CONSTRAINT check_active CHECK(active = 0)

And I have also a view to this table with a rule do the user be able to do
INSERTS in views:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW aau_utilizadores AS
select * from atau_utilizadores;

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE ins_aau_utilizadores AS
ON INSERT TO aau_utilizadores
(insert into atau_utilizadores
(id, group_id, ip_address, username, password, salt, email, activation_code,
forgotten_password_code, remember_code, created_on, last_login, active)
values (NEW.id, NEW.group_id, NEW.ip_address, NEW.username, NEW.password,
NEW.salt, NEW.email, null, null, null, NEW.created_on, null, NEW.active));

Now I need also to add an INSTEAD UPDATE rule and an INSTEAD DELETE rule,
but I have some doubts about it... let me explain...

Ok, I need to create an INSTEAD UPDATE rule in this view, but I don't know
how to use the clause WHERE in the UPDATE rule. For example the UPDATE could
be done when WHERE email = 'X'  or WHERE id = 'Y' .

Question: How can I deal with this?

The update rule should be:

update atau_utilizadores
set group_id = NEW.group_id,
password = NEW.password,
salt = NEW.salt,
email = NEW.email,
activation_code = NEW.activation_code,
forgotten_password_code = NEW.forgotten_password_code,
remember_code = NEW.remember_code,
created_on = NEW.created_on,
last_login = NEW.last_login,
active = NEW.active


update atau_utilizadores
set group_id = NEW.group_id,
password = NEW.password,
salt = NEW.salt,
email = NEW.email,
activation_code = NEW.activation_code,
forgotten_password_code = NEW.forgotten_password_code,
remember_code = NEW.remember_code,
created_on = NEW.created_on,
last_login = NEW.last_login,
active = NEW.active
(email = OLD.email or id = OLD.id)


PS: Sorry for my bad english.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Rules in views, how to?

2010-07-06 Thread Andre Lopes
Hi Alban,

But in my application I have more than one way of uniquely identify the
record. Could be by the email field or by the id field.

Thera are update that are done by the WHERE email clause and other by the
WHERE id clause.

It is possible to deal with this?

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Alban Hertroys 
dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl wrote:

 On 6 Jul 2010, at 12:28, Andre Lopes wrote:

  Now I need also to add an INSTEAD UPDATE rule and an INSTEAD DELETE rule,
 but I have some doubts about it... let me explain...
  Ok, I need to create an INSTEAD UPDATE rule in this view, but I don't
 know how to use the clause WHERE in the UPDATE rule. For example the UPDATE
 could be done when WHERE email = 'X'  or WHERE id = 'Y' .
  Question: How can I deal with this?

 In the WHERE-clause you use the columns from the OLD record that uniquely
 identify that record.

 Alban Hertroys

 Screwing up is an excellent way to attach something to the ceiling.


Re: [GENERAL] [SOLVED] Rules in views, how to?

2010-07-06 Thread Andre Lopes
Ok, I have done the UPDATE RULE like this and works!

update atau_utilizadores
set group_id = NEW.group_id,
password = NEW.password,
salt = NEW.salt,
email = NEW.email,
activation_code = NEW.activation_code,
forgotten_password_code = NEW.forgotten_password_code,
remember_code = NEW.remember_code,
created_on = NEW.created_on,
last_login = NEW.last_login,
active = NEW.active
(id = OLD.id or username = OLD.username or email = OLD.email)

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:03 PM, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Alban,

 But in my application I have more than one way of uniquely identify the
 record. Could be by the email field or by the id field.

 Thera are update that are done by the WHERE email clause and other by the
 WHERE id clause.

 It is possible to deal with this?

 Best Regards,

 On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 11:54 AM, Alban Hertroys 
 dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl wrote:

 On 6 Jul 2010, at 12:28, Andre Lopes wrote:

  Now I need also to add an INSTEAD UPDATE rule and an INSTEAD DELETE
 rule, but I have some doubts about it... let me explain...
  Ok, I need to create an INSTEAD UPDATE rule in this view, but I don't
 know how to use the clause WHERE in the UPDATE rule. For example the UPDATE
 could be done when WHERE email = 'X'  or WHERE id = 'Y' .
  Question: How can I deal with this?

 In the WHERE-clause you use the columns from the OLD record that uniquely
 identify that record.

 Alban Hertroys

 Screwing up is an excellent way to attach something to the ceiling.


Re: [GENERAL] [SOLVED] Rules in views, how to?

2010-07-06 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

In the application there are two kinds of UPDATES to this table.

update aau_utilizadores
set group_id = 3
where email = pEMAIL;


update aau_utilizadores
set password = 3
where id = pNEWPASSWORD;

If I use the clause WHERE only in id will not work fot both cases, or will

Best Regards,

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 06, 2010 at 12:28:35PM +0100, Andre Lopes wrote:
  Ok, I have done the UPDATE RULE like this and works!

  (id = OLD.id or username = OLD.username or email = OLD.email)

 I'm pretty sure you just want to be using the id column above.  Using an
 OR expression as you're doing could have some strange side effects.

 You may also want to consider a UNIQUE constraint on the username (and
 maybe email) fields as well, especially as you've said they should be
 able to be used to uniquely determine a user.

  Sam  http://samason.me.uk/

 Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
 To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] How to know if an INSERT is done inside a function?

2010-07-04 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a function, at the end I need to know if the INSERTS have run
successfully or not.

Here is the function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apr_insert_utilizador_ap
(IN ppgroup_id int4,
IN ppip_address char,
IN ppusername varchar,
IN pppassword varchar,
IN ppemail varchar,
IN ppactive int4,
IN ppnome_real varchar,
IN pptelefone_pessoal varchar,
IN ppid_anunciante varchar,
OUT ppreturn_value int4

pGROUP_ID alias for $1;
pIP_ADDRESSalias for $2;
pUSERNAMEalias for $3;
pPASSWORDalias for $4;
pEMAILalias for $5;
pACTIVEalias for $6;
pNOME_REALalias for $7;
pTELEFONE_PESSOALalias for $8;
pID_ANUNCIANTEalias for $9;


SELECT INTO vID_UTILIZADOR_MAX max(id) AS max_id FROM aau_utilizadores;

INSERT INTO aau_utilizadores
(id, group_id, ip_address, username, password, salt, email,
forgotten_password_code, remember_code, created_on, last_login, active)
pPASSWORD, null,
pEMAIL, null, null, null, NOW(), null, pACTIVE);

INSERT INTO aau_metadata
(id, user_id, nome_real, telefone_pessoal)

INSERT INTO aau_anunciantes
(user_id, id_anunciante)

vRETURN := 1;
ppreturn_value := vRETURN;


If the INSERTS are all done the function RETURNS 1, but how can I RETURN
0 if any error occurred?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to know if an INSERT is done inside a function?

2010-07-04 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, in the Postgre command line I see the exception, the problem is that
I'am using this function in a PHP code. I need send the value 1 to the OUT
parameter if the function is successful or send the value 0 to the OUT
parameter if the function not runs successful.

How can I do this?

Best Regards,

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.comwrote:


 every unsuccessful SQL command raises exception in PL/pgSQL. So if
 your function is finished without exception, then INSERT is ok.


 Pavel Stehule

 2010/7/4 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
  I have a function, at the end I need to know if the INSERTS have run
  successfully or not.
  Here is the function:
  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apr_insert_utilizador_ap
  (IN ppgroup_id int4,
  IN ppip_address char,
  IN ppusername varchar,
  IN pppassword varchar,
  IN ppemail varchar,
  IN ppactive int4,
  IN ppnome_real varchar,
  IN pptelefone_pessoal varchar,
  IN ppid_anunciante varchar,
  OUT ppreturn_value int4
  pGROUP_ID alias for $1;
  pIP_ADDRESSalias for $2;
  pUSERNAMEalias for $3;
  pPASSWORDalias for $4;
  pEMAILalias for $5;
  pACTIVEalias for $6;
  pNOME_REALalias for $7;
  pTELEFONE_PESSOALalias for $8;
  pID_ANUNCIANTEalias for $9;
  INSERT INTO aau_utilizadores
  (id, group_id, ip_address, username, password, salt, email,
  forgotten_password_code, remember_code, created_on, last_login,
  pPASSWORD, null,
  pEMAIL, null, null, null, NOW(), null, pACTIVE);
  INSERT INTO aau_metadata
  (id, user_id, nome_real, telefone_pessoal)
  INSERT INTO aau_anunciantes
  (user_id, id_anunciante)
  vRETURN := 1;
  ppreturn_value := vRETURN;
  If the INSERTS are all done the function RETURNS 1, but how can I
  0 if any error occurred?
  Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to know if an INSERT is done inside a function?

2010-07-04 Thread Andre Lopes
Great! That is what I need!

Thank you Pavel.

Best Regards,

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.comwrote:

 2010/7/4 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
  Thanks for your reply.
  Yes, in the Postgre command line I see the exception, the problem is that
  I'am using this function in a PHP code. I need send the value 1 to the
  parameter if the function is successful or send the value 0 to the OUT
  parameter if the function not runs successful.
  How can I do this?

 RETURNS int AS $$
 $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

 But I am sure so you can see exception from php too.


  Best Regards,
  On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:05 AM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com
  every unsuccessful SQL command raises exception in PL/pgSQL. So if
  your function is finished without exception, then INSERT is ok.
  Pavel Stehule
  2010/7/4 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
   I have a function, at the end I need to know if the INSERTS have run
   successfully or not.
   Here is the function:
   CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apr_insert_utilizador_ap
   (IN ppgroup_id int4,
   IN ppip_address char,
   IN ppusername varchar,
   IN pppassword varchar,
   IN ppemail varchar,
   IN ppactive int4,
   IN ppnome_real varchar,
   IN pptelefone_pessoal varchar,
   IN ppid_anunciante varchar,
   OUT ppreturn_value int4
   RETURNS int4 AS
   pGROUP_ID alias for $1;
   pIP_ADDRESSalias for $2;
   pUSERNAMEalias for $3;
   pPASSWORDalias for $4;
   pEMAILalias for $5;
   pACTIVEalias for $6;
   pNOME_REALalias for $7;
   pTELEFONE_PESSOALalias for $8;
   pID_ANUNCIANTEalias for $9;
   INSERT INTO aau_utilizadores
   (id, group_id, ip_address, username, password, salt, email,
   forgotten_password_code, remember_code, created_on, last_login,
   pPASSWORD, null,
   pEMAIL, null, null, null, NOW(), null, pACTIVE);
   INSERT INTO aau_metadata
   (id, user_id, nome_real, telefone_pessoal)
   INSERT INTO aau_anunciantes
   (user_id, id_anunciante)
   vRETURN := 1;
   ppreturn_value := vRETURN;
   If the INSERTS are all done the function RETURNS 1, but how can I
   0 if any error occurred?
   Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Open Source Forum Software using PostgreSQL?

2010-07-04 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to use an Forum Software. There is any Open Souce Forum Script using

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to know if an INSERT is done inside a function?

2010-07-04 Thread Andre Lopes

The function will run in the php-cli, in a CronJob, it is not for use in a
PHP webpage. I think doesn't matter the extra time that takes to run.

Best Regards,

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 4:11 PM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.comwrote:

 2010/7/4 Merlin Moncure mmonc...@gmail.com:
  On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 7:25 AM, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com
  Great! That [begin exception end] is what I need!
  Thank you Pavel.
  Best Regards,
  Just a quick heads up: functions with exception handlers tend to be
  more expensive than those without, even if the exception doesn't fire.

 yes, better to use prepared statement and read diagnostics info from PHP



[GENERAL] How to emulate password generation in PHP with PlpgSQL?

2010-06-13 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to create users in a database function. I'am dealing with a PHP
application, the code that generate the password is this:

public function salt()
return substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 10);

public function hash_password($password, $salt=false)
if (empty($password))
return FALSE;

if (FALSE  $salt)
return  sha1($password . $salt);
$salt = $this-salt();
return  $salt . substr(sha1($salt . $password), 0, -10);

It is possible to emulate this in a PlpgSQL function?

I have a function that generates the SHA1 codes

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sha1(bytea) returns text AS $$
  SELECT encode(digest($1, 'sha1'), 'hex')

But I'am not getting how to generate the SALT. Can someone give me a clue on
how to do this.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Hosting without pgcrypto functions. There are other solutions?

2010-06-13 Thread Andre Lopes

I have an account in A2Hosting.com, and I'm developing some functions that
deal with encryption.

A2Hosting.com don't have available the function digest()

ERROR:  function digest(unknown, unknown) does not exist
LINE 1: select digest('', 'sha1')
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
to add explicit type casts.

Indicação de entrada :
select digest('', 'sha1')

I need to compile a SHA1 function, but without the digest() function,
nothing done...

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sha1(bytea) returns text AS $$
  SELECT encode(digest($1, 'sha1'), 'hex')

There is a way to get this job done without the digest() function?

I need also to be able to do this select select substr(gen_salt('md5'), 0,
10) but there is no gen_salt() available...

What is my best option? To change hosting account? There is some hosting
accounts with this functions available in the Postgre?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to return an INT4 subtracting dates?

2010-06-09 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to return an int4 subtracting two dates, but returns me an interval.

end_date - now() as interger_number
from hist_anuncios

How to return an integer out of this?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to return an Int4 when subtracting dates/timestamps

2010-05-18 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to return an Int4 when I do this king of select

select CURRENT_DATE - '2009-12-31' from tbl_sometable

This select returns an Interval. How can I return an Integer? Like '138'

Sorry my bad english.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Shell script to Backup/Dump Database

2010-05-12 Thread Andre Lopes

I'am looking fo a shell script do Backup/Dump my PostgreSQL twice a day.

I will need to do a full dump (schema + data), schema dump (only schema) and
data (only data)

There is something done on this subject? I'am very poor in shell script,
there are some scripts on the web ready to use?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Shell script to Backup/Dump Database

2010-05-12 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply.

I will test today.

There are some good practices that I should do? For example, I have this
database in a shared hosting, should I add the functionality of send the
dumps by FTP to my PC once a week? Give some more ideias to avoid data loss
in case of disaster.

Best Regards,

On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Thom Brown t...@linux.com wrote:

 On 12 May 2010 16:30, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:


 I'am looking fo a shell script do Backup/Dump my PostgreSQL twice a day.

 I will need to do a full dump (schema + data), schema dump (only schema)
 and data (only data)

 There is something done on this subject? I'am very poor in shell script,
 there are some scripts on the web ready to use?

 Best Regards,

 Yes, several of us discussed something like this recently.  Are you looking
 to back up all databases on the cluster or just an individual database?

 If it's a cluster, you could have a shell script like this:


 mkdir /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`
 pg_dumpall -U postgres | gzip  /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`/FULL.sql.gz
 pg_dumpall -c -U postgres | gzip  /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`/SCHEMA.sql.gz
 pg_dumpall -a -U postgres | gzip  /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`/DATA.sql.gz

 If you want a single database, try this:


 mkdir /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`
 pg_dump -U postgres my_database | gzip  /tmp/`date
 pg_dump -s -U postgres my_database | gzip  /tmp/`date
 pg_dump -a -U postgres my_database | gzip  /tmp/`date

 If you want each individual database, try this:


 mkdir /tmp/`date +\%Y\%m\%d`
 query=select datname from pg_database where not datistemplate and
 for line in `psql -U postgres -At -c $query postgres`
 pg_dump -U postgres $line | gzip  /tmp/`date
 pg_dump -s -U postgres $line | gzip  /tmp/`date
 pg_dump -a -U postgres $line | gzip  /tmp/`date

 Obviously you can change the output location to something other that /tmp
 if you're not going to transfer it anywhere.  Just make sure the path
 exists.  If you are copying it away immediately after, make sure you delete
 it or they'll build up.

 If you want to schedule it, bung it in a shell script like
 backup_databases.sh and stick it in the root crontab.



[GENERAL] How to deal with NULL values on dynamic queries?

2010-05-06 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a query that some values could be NULL, how can I deal with this

|| quote_ident(pNOME_VIEW)
|| '('
|| quote_ident(pCHAVE_1)
|| ', DAT_INICIO, DAT_FIM, COMENT) values ('
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_1)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_2)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CAMPO1)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_COMENT)
|| ')';

The variable pVAL_COMENT could be NULL or have a value. How can I deal with

Sorry the bad english.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Function not RAISE NOTICE if a parameter is NULL

2010-05-05 Thread Andre Lopes
Oh... Thanks. What a lame I'm.

Best Regards,

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 1:25 AM, Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:

 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com writes:
  Thanks for the reply. I have not call it STRICT...

 Yes you are:


 regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Dynamic SQL with pgsql, how to?

2010-05-04 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply,

It is working now.

Best Regards.

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 7:44 AM, Maximilian Tyrtania 
maximilian.tyrta...@byte-employer.de wrote:

 Am 03.05.2010 um 23:50 schrieb Andre Lopes:

  Thanks for the reply's,
  I need to do a Dynamic SELECT INTO. There is a way of doing it?

 Yes. Plpgsql supports this:

 EXECUTE command-string [ INTO [STRICT] target ] [ USING expression [, ... ]



 Maximilian Tyrtania Software-Entwicklung
 Dessauer Str. 6-7
 10969 Berlin
 Mobil: 0152/292 707 36
 email: maximilian.tyrta...@byte-employer.de

[GENERAL] How to exit/abort from a function that returns VOID?

2010-05-04 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a PLPgSQL function that return void but I need to exit the function
if some condition returns true.

I have tried to do this, but I got an error:

RAISE NOTICE 'O campo data fim tem de ser maior que o campo data

The error is the folowing:

ERROR:  RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning void at or near
0 at character 1973

My question. How can I display the NOTICE and exit the function?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to exit/abort from a function that returns VOID?

2010-05-04 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks. I got working.

Best Regards,

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Adrian Klaver adrian.kla...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tuesday 04 May 2010 1:55:35 pm Andre Lopes wrote:
  I have a PLPgSQL function that return void but I need to exit the
  if some condition returns true.
  I have tried to do this, but I got an error:
  RAISE NOTICE 'O campo data fim tem de ser maior que o campo
  data inicio.';
  The error is the folowing:
  ERROR:  RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning void at or
  near 0 at character 1973
  My question. How can I display the NOTICE and exit the function?
  Best Regards,

 From here:


 Adrian Klaver

[GENERAL] Function not RAISE NOTICE if a parameter is NULL

2010-05-04 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a function, that I'm debugging...

If I use NULL in any parameter the function does not RAISE any NOTICE. I
can't pass NULL values in parameters?

select apr_ins_gder_2_1
('table_fgh' /* Varchar */,
'id_fgh' /* Varchar */,
'5' /* Varchar */,
NULL /* Date */,
'2001-01-05' /* Date */,
'coment...' /* Varchar */)

Solutions for pass NULL values in the parameters and receive RAISE NOTICE's?

Sorry for my english.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Function not RAISE NOTICE if a parameter is NULL

2010-05-04 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply. I have not call it STRICT...

The function is:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION apr_insert_hist_2_1 (IN pNOME_VIEW varchar, IN
pCHAVE_1 varchar, IN pVAL_CHAVE_1 varchar, IN pVAL_CHAVE_2 date, IN
pVAL_CAMPO1 date, IN pVAL_COMENT varchar)

pNOME_VIEW alias for $1;
pCHAVE_1 alias for $2;
pVAL_CHAVE_1 alias for $3;
pVAL_CHAVE_2alias for $4;
pVAL_CAMPO_1alias for $5;
pVAL_COMENT alias for $6;
-- vEMAIL_KEYvarchar;
vDEBUG  varchar;

-- Condições para se abortar a função
-- Verificar que a dat_inicio está preenchida, não pode estar a nulo.
RAISE NOTICE 'O campo data inicio não pode ser nulo.';
RETURN; /* Sai da função */
-- Verificar que a dat_fim é maior que a dat_inicio.
RAISE NOTICE 'O campo data fim tem de ser maior que o campo data
RETURN; /* Sai da função */

-- Vou verificar se já existe algum registo para o ID_ANUNCIO_EXTERNO
|| quote_ident(pNOME_VIEW)
|| ' WHERE '
|| quote_ident(pCHAVE_1)
|| ' = '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_1)

-- Para DEBUG
-- RAISE NOTICE 'Contagem: %', vCONTA;

-- Verificar se existem registos na tabela
-- Se não existirem registos, entra aqui.
RAISE NOTICE 'entrou aqui 0';
-- Fazer o INSERT dinamico como primeiro registo do ID_QQ_COISA
|| quote_ident(pNOME_VIEW)
|| ' ('
|| quote_ident(pCHAVE_1)
|| ', DAT_INICIO, DAT_FIM, COMENT) values ('
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_1)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_2)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CAMPO1)
|| ', '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_COMENT)
|| ')';

RAISE NOTICE 'dat_inicio: %', vDAT_INICIO_0;
RAISE NOTICE 'dat_fim: %', vDAT_FIM_0;
  --  RAISE NOTICE 'select: %', vDEBUG;

-- Se já existirem registo, entra aqui
RAISE NOTICE 'entrou aqui  0';
-- Vou verificar que a dat_inicio agora inserida não é maior que a
-- última dat_inicio para o ID_QQ_COISA.
-- Vou ver qual a dat_inicio máxima para o ID_QQ_COISA
EXECUTE 'SELECT MAX(dat_inicio) AS max_dat_inicio FROM '
|| quote_ident(pNOME_VIEW)
|| ' WHERE '
|| quote_ident(pCHAVE_1)
|| ' = '
|| quote_literal(pVAL_CHAVE_1)

-- Vou verificar que a nova data inserida agora não é inferior à
data máxima.
RAISE NOTICE 'A data inicio tem de ser maior que o campo data
inicio anterior.';
RETURN; /* Sai da função */

-- Vou inserir uma nova linha

-- SELECT dat_inicio FROM aae_hist_anuncios WHERE id_anuncio_externo
= '5';
-- select max(dat_inicio) as max_dat_inicio from atae_hist_anuncios



I'm doing something wrong?

Best Regards,

On Tue, May 4, 2010 at 11:23 PM, Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:

 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com writes:
  If I use NULL in any parameter the function does not RAISE any NOTICE. I
  can't pass NULL values in parameters?

 Sure you can.  Maybe you declared the function STRICT?  That means to
 not call it for a NULL.

regards, tom lane

[GENERAL] Dynamic SQL with pgsql, how to?

2010-05-03 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to write some dynamic SQL in pgsql.

I have to do something like this:

[code=SQL Server]
FROM ' + @TABLA + ' B
   EXEC sp_executesql @STRINGN,
N'@FINI2 datetime out, @FFIN2 datetime out, @CAMP2
varchar(50) out',
@FINI out, @FFIN out , @CAMP out

There is documentation on how can I do this in pgsql?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Dynamic SQL with pgsql, how to?

2010-05-03 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply's,

I need to do a Dynamic SELECT INTO. There is a way of doing it?

Best Regards,

On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 10:05 AM, A. Kretschmer 
andreas.kretsch...@schollglas.com wrote:

 In response to Andre Lopes :
  I need to write some dynamic SQL in pgsql.
  There is documentation on how can I do this in pgsql?



 Regards, Andreas
 Andreas Kretschmer
 Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: - Header)
 GnuPG: 0x31720C99, 1006 CCB4 A326 1D42 6431  2EB0 389D 1DC2 3172 0C99

 Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
 To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] User with GRANTS only on Views. Lock table on function will work?

2010-04-25 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a database were the users only can do operations using views, they
have not access to physical tables. But I have a function with a lock on a
physical table. Can I allow this users to run a function that locks a
physical table?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Problem saving emails to database.

2010-04-25 Thread Andre Lopes

It is the first time that I store emails in a database to send them later...

Let me explain the problem... I'am sending text emails, and to break the
lines of the message I use \n. The first problem was to stores the \. To
INSERT \n I need to write \\n. When I do a SELECT I see \n but when I
dump the database in the INSERTS I see \\n.

The problem with this is that when I send an email the \n that I see in
the SELECT returns simply n in the email and does not break the line.

This problem have solution?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to allow PostgreSQL to accept remote connection?

2010-04-24 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a virtual machine with VMWARE, and I need to connect from outside the
virtual machine to PostgreSQL.

How can I configure the PostgreSQL to accept outside connections?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to allow PostgreSQL to accept remote connection?

2010-04-24 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply's,

How can I configure pg_hba.conf to accept connections from all IP's

What I have in this file is:

host all all md5

host all all ::1/128 md5

What I need to change?

Best Regards,

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 4:15 PM, Fredric Fredricson 
fredric.fredric...@bonetmail.com wrote:

 Raymond O'Donnell wrote:

 On 24/04/2010 15:58, Andre Lopes wrote:


 I have a virtual machine with VMWARE, and I need to connect from outside
 the virtual machine to PostgreSQL.

 How can I configure the PostgreSQL to accept outside connections?

 It should be just the same as a real machine put the IP address of
 the VM's network interface in listen_addresses in postgresql.conf.

 You will probably also have to edit pg_hba.conf file (chaper 20.1 in the


[GENERAL] Lock table, best option?

2010-04-24 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to do a SELECT and an UPDATE, but I will have concurrent processes
doing the same task.

How can I prevent that the concurrent task don't have the same results in
the SELECT? Locking a table? How can I do that?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Problem compiling function with BEGIN WORK; COMMIT WORK;

2010-04-24 Thread Andre Lopes

I need to use the BEGIN WORK; and COMMIT WORK; to lock a table when I'am
doing a SELECT and UPDATE operation.

The code is not compiling, the error is:

[error]ERROR:  syntax error at or near work at character 1
QUERY:  work
CONTEXT:  SQL statement in PL/PgSQL function apr_apanhar_ownership_email
near line 7

And the code is:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.apr_apanhar_ownership_email (ppid
int4, out ppid_email_envio int4) RETURNS integer AS
pPID alias for $1;


begin work;
lock table atem_emails_envios in access exclusive mode;

select id_email_envio from atem_emails_envios
where dat_sended is null
and (i_started is null or i_started  (current_timestamp - '2
and (pid is null or pid = pPID)
order by dat_inserted asc
limit 1

update atem_emails_envios
i_started = current_timestamp,
pid = pPID
where id_email_envio = vID_EMAIL_ENVIO;
commit work;

ppid_email_envio := vID_EMAIL_ENVIO;


What is wrong here? Can someone give me a clue.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Database viewpoint of subject - Sending e-mails from database table with Cronjob

2010-04-21 Thread Andre Lopes

I need some advice about a subject.

I generate e-mail messages to a database table and then with a CronJob I
sent the e-mails.

My doubt is... The CronJob runs every 10 minutes, but If I have 100.000
e-mails to send the script will not be able to send all the 100.000 e-mails
in 10 minutes.

How can I deal with this problem? There is no problem to have multiple
CronJobs runing in background?

Please give me some clues about this subject.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] Database viewpoint of subject - Sending e-mails from database table with Cronjob

2010-04-21 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new

How can I do this. I'am thinking to use a PHP Script?

Best Regards,

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:35 PM, A B gentosa...@gmail.com wrote:

  I generate e-mail messages to a database table and then with a CronJob I
  sent the e-mails.
  My doubt is... The CronJob runs every 10 minutes, but If I have 100.000
  e-mails to send the script will not be able to send all the 100.000
  in 10 minutes.
  How can I deal with this problem? There is no problem to have multiple
  CronJobs runing in background?

 If N is the number of mails you can send per cronjob in 10 minutes,
 then run 100 000/N cron jobs.
 You will be very happy if you also add som kind of sleep (for a
 growing number of seconds) to the cronjobs when there are currently no
 more mails to send. Otherwise you will end up with a very annoying CPU

 The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
 limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
 These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
 they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new

 That ought to do the trick.

Re: [GENERAL] Database viewpoint of subject - Sending e-mails from database table with Cronjob

2010-04-21 Thread Andre Lopes
It is not for SPAM, the 100.000 e-mails is only for example purposes. But I
must to draw the code to be possible to send this volume, just in case if it

There are examples on how can I do this?

Best Regards,

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:01 PM, Allan Kamau kamaual...@gmail.com wrote:

 On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com
  Thanks for the reply.
  The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
  limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
  These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
  they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new
  How can I do this. I'am thinking to use a PHP Script?
  Best Regards,
  On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:35 PM, A B gentosa...@gmail.com wrote:
   I generate e-mail messages to a database table and then with a CronJob
   sent the e-mails.
   My doubt is... The CronJob runs every 10 minutes, but If I have
   e-mails to send the script will not be able to send all the 100.000
   in 10 minutes.
   How can I deal with this problem? There is no problem to have multiple
   CronJobs runing in background?
  If N is the number of mails you can send per cronjob in 10 minutes,
  then run 100 000/N cron jobs.
  You will be very happy if you also add som kind of sleep (for a
  growing number of seconds) to the cronjobs when there are currently no
  more mails to send. Otherwise you will end up with a very annoying CPU
  The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
  limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
  These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
  they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new
  That ought to do the trick.

 I really hope this is not for SPAM mail.


Re: [GENERAL] Database viewpoint of subject - Sending e-mails from database table with Cronjob

2010-04-21 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks for the reply.

I will move the topic to the php/pgsql if I don't get how to do it.

Thanks for the help.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 4:49 PM, Bill Moran wmo...@potentialtech.comwrote:

 In response to A B gentosa...@gmail.com:

   The other way is to let the cron job spawn new processes (up to a
   limited number of child proceses) as long as there are mails to send.
   These child processes runs as long as there are mails to send, then
   they die. The cron job will then mostly do process controll/start new
   How can I do this. I'am thinking to use a PHP Script?
  This is getting a little of topic, but I guess something like
  exec('php some_script.php') will work?

 There's a php/pgsql list available on this listserve that will get
 you a lot more help in this area.

 However, I would suggest PHP's pcntl_fork() and friends for creating
 multiple processes.  Of course, that's only needed if you want to
 run them in parallel, which was unclear to me.

 Bill Moran

[GENERAL] How to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger?

2010-04-19 Thread Andre Lopes

I have an account in a shared hosting account and I can't install any 3rd
party software.

I need to send data from a PostgreSQL database to a MySQL database. I was
thinking of using a trigger. The trigger calling a PHP file to help me
passing the data to the MySQL database.

It is possible to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger? If yes, how to?

This is the best way to do this task?

PS: Sorry for my english.

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger?

2010-04-19 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply.

I can't install languages. The database is in a shared hosting.

There are other solutions?

Best Regards,

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.comwrote:


 2010/4/19 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
  I have an account in a shared hosting account and I can't install any 3rd
  party software.
  I need to send data from a PostgreSQL database to a MySQL database. I was
  thinking of using a trigger. The trigger calling a PHP file to help me
  passing the data to the MySQL database.

 use plperlu instead. You can put connect and transfer of data directly
 to trigger

 Pavel Stehule

  It is possible to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger? If yes, how to?
  This is the best way to do this task?
  PS: Sorry for my english.
  Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger?

2010-04-19 Thread Andre Lopes

So the best option is to send the data to a table and then with an cronjob I
verify if it is data to send to the MySQL database.

Best Regards,

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:09 AM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.comwrote:

 2010/4/19 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
  Thanks for the reply.
  I can't install languages. The database is in a shared hosting.
  There are other solutions?

 yes. you can store values to some stack table (via trigger) and later
 move content of this table to mysql from application. But you can't
 execute file from stored procedure as unprivileged user.


  Best Regards,
  On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Pavel Stehule pavel.steh...@gmail.com
  2010/4/19 Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com:
   I have an account in a shared hosting account and I can't install any
   party software.
   I need to send data from a PostgreSQL database to a MySQL database. I
   thinking of using a trigger. The trigger calling a PHP file to help me
   passing the data to the MySQL database.
  use plperlu instead. You can put connect and transfer of data directly
  to trigger
  Pavel Stehule
   It is possible to call a file from a PlPgsql trigger? If yes, how to?
   This is the best way to do this task?
   PS: Sorry for my english.
   Best Regards,

[GENERAL] Error in Trigger function. How to correct?

2010-04-14 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a trigger that runs in my Development machine but not in my
Production machine. the code is the following:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION aprtr_geraemail_agcompagamento ()
RETURNS trigger AS

vSUBJECT varchar(500);
vEMAIL_MSG_COMPOSTA text; -- Tem o body do email já preenchido.
vEMAIL_TO varchar(500);

-- Variaveis de configuração
vID_EMAIL_MSG varchar(20);
vEMAIL_FROM varchar(500);
vMAX_TRIES int4;

vID_EMAIL_MSG := 'ag_com_pag_sucesso'; -- campo id_email_msg
vEMAIL_FROM := 'adefi...@mail.com';
vMAX_TRIES := 3; -- Número máximo de vezes que a mensagem vai tentar ser
-- ##

if new.id_estado_insercao = 'sucesso'
and new.id_estado_concordancia_contrato = 'aceite'
and new.id_estado_concordancia_pagamento = 'aceite'
and new.id_estado_pagamento = 'pago' then

-- Vou buscar a mensagem de email (ag_com_pag_sucesso)
select email_subject, email_msg
id_email_msg = vID_EMAIL_MSG
and dat_fim is null

-- Vou fazer a mensagem de email
'@numero_anuncio@', a.id_anuncio_externo), '@nome_anuncio@', a.n_anuncio),
'@idade@', EXTRACT(year from AGE(NOW(), a.dat_nasc))), '@telefone_anuncio@',
a.telefone_anuncio), '@orientacao_sexual@', o.n_orientacao), '@cidade@',
c.n_cidade) as email_composto,
a.email as email_to
-- a.id_anuncio_externo, a.n_anuncio, a.telefone_anuncio, a.dat_nasc,
-- c.n_cidade, n.n_nacionalidade, o.n_orientacao
aae_anuncios a
join aa_cidades c ON a.id_cidade = c.id_cidade
join ae_nacionalidades n ON a.id_nacionalidade = n.id_nacionalidade
join ae_orientacao o ON a.id_orientacao = o.id_orientacao
where id_anuncio_externo = OLD.id_anuncio_externo

-- Vou inserir na tabela de mensagens de email (atem_emails_envios)
insert into aem_emails_envios
(id_email_msg, dat_inserted, max_tries, email_from, email_to,
email_subject, email_msg)

-- raise notice ' % ', vEMAIL_MSG_COMPOSTA;
end if;


This code works great in my development machine in Windows. When I move this
to the production machine gives me this error:

SQL Error:

ERROR:  function replace(text, unknown, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace( $1 ,...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
to add explicit type casts.
QUERY:  select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace( $1 ,
'@numero_anuncio@', a.id_anuncio_externo), '@nome_anuncio@', a.n_anuncio),
'@idade@', EXTRACT(year from AGE(NOW(), a.dat_nasc))), '@telefone_anuncio@',
a.telefone_anuncio), '@orientacao_sexual@', o.n_orientacao), '@cidade@',
c.n_cidade) as email_composto, a.email as email_to from aae_anuncios a join
aa_cidades c ON a.id_cidade = c.id_cidade join ae_nacionalidades n ON
a.id_nacionalidade = n.id_nacionalidade join ae_orientacao o ON
a.id_orientacao = o.id_orientacao where id_anuncio_externo =  $2
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function aprtr_geraemail_agcompagamento line 46 at SQL

What can I do to correct this? Some clues?

Best Regards.

Re: [GENERAL] [SOLVED] Error in Trigger function. How to correct?

2010-04-14 Thread Andre Lopes
Thanks a lot, it works!

I'am using Postgres Plus Advanced Server 8.3R2 in development.In production
I user PostreSQL 8.3.9.

Best Regards,

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:19 PM, A. Kretschmer 
andreas.kretsch...@schollglas.com wrote:

 In response to Andre Lopes :
  I have a trigger that runs in my Development machine but not in my
  machine. the code is the following:
  SQL Error:
  ERROR:  function replace(text, unknown, integer) does not exist
  LINE 1: select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace( $1 ,...

 Let me guess: you have 8.2 on your Development machine and 8.3 or 8.4 on
 your production machine, right?

 I think you need to add explicit casts, let me explain:

  HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might
 need to
  add explicit type casts.
  QUERY:  select replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace( $1 ,
  '@numero_anuncio@', a.id_anuncio_externo), '@nome_anuncio@',
  '@idade@', EXTRACT(year from AGE(NOW(), a.dat_nasc))),

 EXTRACT(year ...) returns an INT, but replace(...) expects a TEXT or a
 similar type. Try to add a ::TEXT after the EXTRACT(...) - function:

 extract (year from ...)::text

 Maybe there are more occurrences ...

 Greetings from saxony, germany.
 Andreas Kretschmer
 Kontakt:  Heynitz: 035242/47150,   D1: 0160/7141639 (mehr: - Header)
 GnuPG: 0x31720C99, 1006 CCB4 A326 1D42 6431  2EB0 389D 1DC2 3172 0C99

 Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (pgsql-general@postgresql.org)
 To make changes to your subscription:

[GENERAL] How to generate a valid postgre TIMESTAMP with PHP?

2010-03-28 Thread Andre Lopes

I'am writing some code in PHP and I need to generate a valid postgresql

Any PHP programmer thar can help me on how to generate valid TIMESTAMP's
with PHP?

Sorry my bad english.

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] How to write Rules on a View to allow all actions as in the physical table?

2010-03-26 Thread Andre Lopes

I have one problem with a view and his rules.

Ok, I have a table to store Session data, the structure is this:
CREATE TABLE cti_sessions (
session_id varchar(40) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
ip_address varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
user_agent varchar(50) NOT NULL,
last_activity int4 NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,
user_data text,
coment varchar(2000),
id_utiliz_ins varchar(45),
id_utiliz_upd varchar(45),
data_ult_actual timestamp,
  PRIMARY KEY(session_id),
  CONSTRAINT ckeck_last_activity CHECK(last_activity = 0)

And I have a view with this structure:
select session_id, ip_address, user_agent, last_activity, user_data from

ON INSERT TO ci_sessions
(insert into cti_sessions (session_id, ip_address, user_agent,
last_activity, user_data) values (new.session_id, new.ip_address,
new.user_agent, new.last_activity, new.user_data));

ON DELETE TO ci_sessions
(delete from cti_sessions where session_id = old.session_id);

ON UPDATE TO ci_sessions
(update cti_sessions set ip_address = new.ip_address, user_agent =
new.user_agent, last_activity = new.last_activity, user_data = new.user_data
where session_id = old.session_id);

If I use the physical table do to the operations with sessions it works OK.
If I use the view it won't works.

How can I write the Rules to allow do all as in the physical table?

Best Regards,

[GENERAL] What datatype should I use to store an IP Address?

2010-03-25 Thread Andre Lopes

I'm using Varchar(16) to store an IP Address. PostgreSQL offers another
datatypes to store IP's or it is OK to store in Varchar(16)?

Best Regards,

Re: [GENERAL] How to? Timestamp with timezone.

2010-03-10 Thread Andre Lopes

Thanks for the reply's.

ALTER DATABASE foo SET timezone TO 'someval'
ALTER ROLE bar SET timezone TO 'someval'

I need to alter only the Timezone of the database OR I need also to alter
the Role?

Best Regards,

On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 1:06 AM, Alvaro Herrera

 Andre Lopes escribió:
  It is possible to do this in a shared database server?

 You can also do

 ALTER DATABASE foo SET timezone TO 'someval'
 ALTER ROLE bar SET timezone TO 'someval'

 Alvaro Herrera
 The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

[GENERAL] How to? Timestamp with timezone.

2010-03-09 Thread Andre Lopes

I have a database in a US based Server. I need to get a TIMESTAMP with the
PORTUGAL time. How can I do this?

Best Regards,

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