Re: [GENERAL] OT hardware recommend

2016-06-17 Thread John W Higgins
I would start with something like this

With it being 2U you can then pop out the motherboard and go with anything
more modern you wanted in terms of the motherboard/cpu/ram.

$1200 all in would certainly get you a nice system with that as the base.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Andy Colson  wrote:

> Hi all.
> I have access to quite a few laptop HD's (10 to 15 of them at least), and
> thought that might make a neat test box that might have some good IO speed.
> Needs to be cheap though, so linux with software raid, rack mount
> preferred but not required.
> Anyone have any experience with anything like that?  $2K might be
> possible, painful, but possible.
> Suggestions?
> Thanks for your time,
> -Andy
> --
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Re: [GENERAL] Add relcreated (timestamp) column to pg_class catalog to record the time an object was created

2016-04-21 Thread John W Higgins
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 9:55 AM, Melvin Davidson 

> Please, just ONE LOGICAL VALID argument, not speculation. Otherwise, stop
> with the nay saying.

I think you should look seriously at the suggestion offered of using an
event trigger to get what you desire here. I think the most logical
argument is that there is no need to do anything if a solution is available
on the table right now. Whether or not you agree with someone's fear of the
side effects of a larger solution - if you can use a tool that is already
available you should.

You are also more than happy to produce any patch that you would like to
offer up for inclusion. I completely appreciate that for any reason you may
not be able to offer up such a patch - but on the other hand - you cannot
demand that someone create the patch for you if they do not desire.


Re: [GENERAL] Group by range in hour of day

2015-03-16 Thread John W Higgins
Assuming 3 things

Table name - test
Column names - start_time, end_time
Added an id column (int) to distinguish each record in the table

You can go with this. (my apologies for formatting issues)

slots as (
select  *
fromgenerate_series(0,1439) as s(slot)
slots_hours as (
select  slot,
slot / 60 as hour
from slots
minutes as (
select  id,
date_part('hour', start_time) * 60 + date_part('minute',
start_time) as start_minute,
date_part('hour', end_time) * 60 + date_part('minute',
end_time) as end_minute
minute_slots as (
select  id,
on  minutes.start_minute <= slots_hours.slot
and minutes.end_minute > slots_hours.slot
select  hour,
count(*) / 60.0 as sum,
count(distinct id) as count
group byhour

I'm certain there are more elegant solutions possible - but you can grasp
each step this way.


On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 2:57 PM, Israel Brewster 

> I have a table with two timestamp columns for the start time and end time
> of each record (call them start and end).I'm trying to figure out if there
> is a way to group these records by "hour of day", that is the record should
> be included in the group if the hour of the day for the group falls
> anywhere in the range [start,end]. Obviously each record may well fall into
> multiple groups under this scenario.
> The goal here is to figure out, for each hour of the day, a) what is the
> total number of "active" records for that hour, and b) what is the total
> "active" time for those records during the hour, with an ultimate goal of
> figuring out the average active time per record per hour.
> So, for simplified example, if the table contained three records:
>  start  |   end
> -
> 2015-03-15 08:15  |  2015-03-15 10:45
> 2015-03-15 09:30  |  2015-03-15 10:15
> 2015-03-15 10:30  |  2015-03-15 11:30
> Then the results should break out something like this:
> hour  |  count  |  sum
> -
> 8   |1   |   0.75
> 9   |2   |   1.5
> 10 |3   |   1.5
> 11 |1   |   0.5
> I can then easily manipulate these values to get my ultimate goal of the
> average, which would of course always be less than or equal to 1. Is this
> doable in postgress? Or would it be a better idea to simply pull the raw
> data and post-process in code? Thanks.
> ---
> Israel Brewster
> Systems Analyst II
> Ravn Alaska
> 5245 Airport Industrial Rd
> Fairbanks, AK 99709
> (907) 450-7293
> ---

Re: [GENERAL] In need of some JSONB examples ?

2015-01-23 Thread John W Higgins
create table json_data(row_id int, json_text jsonb);

insert into json_data(1,

To search for an ID

select row_id, parsed.* from json_data, lateral
jsonb_to_recordset(json_data.json_text) as parsed("ID" text, location_name
text) where parsed."ID" = '1';

To get all records just drop the where clause.

Obviously you could use the result to insert the data into a table as well
if you wished.

As to results to json

select row_to_json(row_data) from (select id, parsed.* from json_data,
lateral jsonb_to_recordset(json_data.json_text) as parsed("ID" text,
location_name text)) row_data;

While the number of examples are weak - the docs are not weak in terms of
getting you in the ballpark.


On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM, Tim Smith 

> So basically we're saying JSON in 9.4 is still a little way from where
> it needs to be in terms of real-world functionality ?  Or am I being
> too harsh ? ;-)
> On 23 January 2015 at 18:49, Adrian Klaver 
> wrote:
> > On 01/23/2015 10:15 AM, Tim Smith wrote:
> >>>
> >>> How does it not work?
> >>> In other words what was the query you tried and what was the output?
> >>
> >>
> >> As in, it doesn't work.   Full stop
> >>
> >> \d+ json_test
> >>Table "public.json_test"
> >>   Column  | Type  | Modifiers | Storage  | Stats target | Description
> >> -+---+---+--+--+-
> >>   content | jsonb | not null  | extended |  |
> >> Indexes:
> >>  "idxgin" gin (content)
> >>
> >>
> >>   truncate json_test;
> >>   insert into json_test(content)  values('[{"ID":
> "3119","Desc":"bob"}]');
> >> INSERT 0 1
> >>
> >> select content->'Desc' from json_test where content @> '{"ID":"3119"}';
> >>   ?column?
> >> --
> >> (0 rows)
> >>
> >
> > WITH c AS
> > jsonb_array_elements(content) AS content
> > FROM
> > json_test)
> > content->'Desc'
> > FROM
> > c
> > content @> '{"ID":"3119"}'
> >
> >  ?column?
> > --
> >  "bob"
> > (1 row)
> >
> >
> > With the caveats that Christophe Pettus  mentioned.
> >
> >>> --
> >>> Adrian Klaver
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > --
> > Adrian Klaver
> >
> --
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Re: [GENERAL] Complex Recursive Query

2014-07-23 Thread John W Higgins

Sorry for the 3rd party site - just easier to get the layout correct.

A CTE and dense_rank is all it takes. I am always amazed at what one can
now pack into such small amounts of code.

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Jim Garrison  wrote:

> I have a collection of relationship rows of the form
> Table: graph
> key1 varchar
> key2 varchar
> A row of the form ('a','b') indicates that 'a' and 'b' are related.
> The table contains many relationships between keys, forming several
> disjoint sets. All relationships are bi-directional, and both
> directions are present.  I.e. the table contains a set of disjoint
> graphs specified as node pairs.
> For example the set of values
> key1key2
> -   -
>   a   x
>   a   y
>   b   w
>   c   t
>   x   a
>   y   a
>   y   z
>   z   y
>   t   c
>   w   b
>   w   d
>   d   w
> defines three disjoint groups of connected keys:
>   a x y z
>   c t
>   b w d
> What I would like to achieve is a single SQL query that returns
>   group key
>   - ---
> 1a
> 1x
> 1y
> 1z
> 2c
> 2t
> 3b
> 3w
> 3d
> I don't care about preserving the node-to-node relationships, only
> the group membership for each node.
> I've been playing with "WITH RECURSIVE" CTEs but haven't had any
> success.  I'm not really sure how to express what I want in SQL, and
> it's not completely clear to me that recursive CTEs will help here.
> Also I'm not sure how to generate the sequence numbers for the groups
> --
> Sent via pgsql-general mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [GENERAL] how to create multiple databases running in different dirs

2014-07-02 Thread John W Higgins
Afternoon Frank,

I believe what you might wish to look at is a single database with a set of
schemas[1] which would separate your data in a logical way. You could have
a single connection url and then each individual connection could create a
schema (or reuse if you wish), set the search path (first example here [2])
and populate the schema (if needed) within your single database

That would give you your desired isolation but within a simple framework
that is PostgreSQL friendly.


[1] -
[2] -

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 4:24 PM, frank ernest  wrote:

> > how would an instance of your program know what to connect to, or which
> > previous instance its 'predecessor' was ?
> > normally, you have ONE database for a given set of applications, and all
> > the applications share the same database tables and such.
> That's the problem, is there some way to tell pgsql "Go to dir X, open
> your data base Y and prepare for connections at adress Z and port P"? And
> could pgsql accept multiple connections on the same address and port? I was
> thinking of using my pID but that would change and if I used a user created
> string then if I started only on a single instace of pgsql and pointed it
> to it's databases the user might get the strings duplicated and that would
> be no good. I also thought of naming each database with a name generated by
> using the uuid library but I'm not sure which would be best.
> If I choose to have multiple servers running on the same machine how would
> my program start them?
> > Is each runtime instance of your application to have a new, empty
> > database? No data from any other run of the application?
> No, the dynamically generated content is to be dropped (drop table
> dynamic_content;) but the rest is to be preserved. The idea is to create a
> database of a file system but the files contain no data, I only want their
> metadata and I will add a few additional metadta values to each file.
> Thanks, David