Re: [GENERAL] Strict-typing benefits/costs

2008-02-16 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

Ken Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

select 5<'6' -> true
select 5>'6' -> false
select 15<'60' -> true
select 15>'60' -> false

These examples miss the point, because they'd give the same answer
whether you think the values are text or integer.  Consider instead
these cases:

regression=# select 7 > '60'; -- int > int

(1 row)

regression=# select '7' > '60';   -- text > text

(1 row)

regression=# select 7 > '08'; -- int > int

(1 row)

regression=# select '7' > '08';   -- text > text

(1 row)

All of a sudden it seems much more important to be clear about
what data type is involved, no?

Agreed, so should we disallow 7 > '08'? Because that is (tell me if you 
disagree), much more hazardous than allowing, say TRIM(7) or 
POSITION('7' IN 7). Or for non-failfast comparison of two columns of 
dissimilar types (say bigint, integer, real, char).

select 'ba'>'ab' -> true
select 'ab'>'ba' -> false
select '0.5'=.5 -> true (is char comparator or numeric to laymen?)
select '7a'<'070' -> true (is char comparator or numeric to laymen?)
select '7a'<70 -> failfast, good.

Numbers and datetime in sql have exactly prescribed standard char 
representations (even if others dbs don't use them for datetimes).

See the datestyle parameter before you maintain that Postgres
should assume that.

I agree. Unless the date style is know to always be iso8601, which is 
not true owed to datestyle. Unless sql spec allows for it, could this be 
an argument for removing the datestyle implict (non-iso8601) feature?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Strict-typing benefits/costs

2008-02-16 Thread Ken Johanson

Michael Glaesemann wrote:

On Feb 15, 2008, at 18:11 , Ken Johanson wrote:

Tom, is it accurate to assume that newer PG versions will further 
tighten type-strictness (say, '2008-01-01' presently being comparable 
to a datetime)? Also, do you know of any other vendors that are 
heading in this direction (removing by default the autocasts)?

'2008-01-01' does not indicate some kind of string: it's just an untyped 
literal. Postgres will determine its type in context.

Exactly, it is performing a context based auto conversion, what some 
will call a cast.

select 5<'6' -> true
select 5>'6' -> false
select 15<'60' -> true
select 15>'60' -> false

So one can argue that is is convenient, and safe, to perform the same 
implicit/auto conversion for many functions which no longer do that. And 
that even if looses-typing / auto cast it allows/encourages bad design, 
that does not mean that the all designs cases will be bad. Some users 
prefer convenience over type safety, and some of those same users *will* 
produce error free code.

On the other hand, should we go the extra mile and failfast when 
comparing 5 and '6'? No, because there is clearly only one appropriate 
conversion path (cast string to numeric) for the context. Or, some might 
argue we should not allow that comparison.

select position('5' in 5)
select position('.' in 5.1)
select position('2008' in current_timestamp)

Numbers and datetime in sql have exactly prescribed standard char 
representations (even if others dbs don't use them for datetimes). So 
one can argue implicit conversion to char IS safe for these types and 
any char-consuming functions.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-16 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

Hm, good point, so really we ought to have a separate casting path for
numeric types to char(n).  However, this section still doesn't offer
any support for the OP's desire to auto-size the result; it says
that you get an error if the result doesn't fit in the declared

 iv) Otherwise, an exception condition is raised: data exception-
 string data, right truncation.

I don't believe the size is being declared in the OP's (subject line) 
example:  SELECT CAST(123 AS char)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Strict-typing benefits/costs

2008-02-15 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

It's possible to special-case any particular function you really feel
you need this behavior for.  We did special-case || (the string
concatenation operator), and there was some discussion of also putting
in a built-in special case for LIKE, but we desisted from sliding any
further down that slippery slope.  Since it's possible for users to
install such hacks for themselves, as in the example here,
there didn't seem to be a convincing case for weakening the type
checking for everybody.

Tom, is it accurate to assume that newer PG versions will further 
tighten type-strictness (say, '2008-01-01' presently being comparable to 
a datetime)? Also, do you know of any other vendors that are heading in 
this direction (removing by default the autocasts)?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Strict-typing benefits/costs

2008-02-15 Thread Ken Johanson

Jeff Davis wrote:

If postgresql were to revert to 8.2 implicit casting behavior, would
that actually improve compatibility with other DBMSs? Every DBMS
probably has it's own rules for implicit casting, different from every
other DBMS.

So are you sure it wouldn't just introduce more compatibility problems
somewhere else? Or worse, it could hide the problems during
migration/testing, and they could surface after you put it into

In my opinion the autocasting behaviors of the database are probably 
more consistent and fined tuned, than their explicit cast function. Or 
in the least, they may actually *save* mistakes that (lay) programmers 
would make (by adding casts for the sake of PG).

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[GENERAL] Strict-typing benefits/costs

2008-02-14 Thread Ken Johanson
I continue to hope that 8.4 later (or 8.3 patched) will provide behavior 
 / compatibility controls..

I personally have requested others in past, but one outstanding one now, 
seems to be an ability to turn back-on implicit type conversion. I'm 
struggling to see Mysql, Mssql, Oracle, and others following PG and 
turning off their implicit conversion. People will have to choose 
whether to re-code (explicit casts) their apps for sake of PG.

Granted, some of the other databases have bugs in their CAST
implementations (see & bugs which makes writing PG 
8.3 portable code arduous or impossible when dealing with legacy table 
designs and program which counted on implicit casts. But even when mysql 
gets fixed, one will ask: "should I re-code my apps just so they will 
work with PG>=8.3 (and test the code on other DBs), or should I only 
support PG<8.3?


"these expressions formerly worked:
  1) substr(current_date, 1, 4)
  2) 23 LIKE '2%'
but will now draw "function does not exist" and "operator does not
exist" errors respectively. Use an explicit cast instead.
  3) current_date < 2017-11-17

(the section also prominently cites a non-portable cast syntax)


For case 1, regarding type safety: we know use of LIKE (and SUBSTR) 
requires *implicit or explicit* conversion to a text type. Why require 
that explicitly? Closet answer I can see, is that for (example #1) 
text-formed dates in some servers are not iso8601 format. But, even 
explicit datetime->text cast has this same hazard -- it doesn't require 
a format argument.

For case #2, explicit or implicit again have same risk: that base-10 and 
with/out decimal, should be the default format.

For case #3, I see "in the presence of automatic casts both sides were 
cast to text", but can that not be fixed? Operand 2 yields an integer, 
and integer and date compares should failfast, they are not comparable. 
(I believe sql requires delimited iso8601 fields, so both 2008041412 
and '2008041412' should failfast)

int compare(datetime a, object b)
  if (typeof(b=="charsequence")
return compare(cast(b as datetime), a);
  if (typeof(b)=="date")
return compare(cast(b as datetime), a);
  if (typeof(b)=="time") //allowed?
return compare(cast(b as datetime), a);
  throw "cannot compare "+a.getClass()+" and "+b.getClass();

WHERE (current_date < 2017-11-17) -> FAIL
WHERE (current_date < CAST(2017-11-17 AS datetime)) -> FAIL
WHERE (current_date < '2017-11-17') -> PASS
WHERE (current_date < CAST('2017-11-17' AS datetime)) -> PASS

Sure, we know stricter typing will help performance, by encouraging 
more-correct design. For example it may be prudent to ALWAYS failfast 
when trying to join key/indexed table columns of differing types (one 
char to another's int). But on non-key where conditions? Or make that a 
behavior option. Perhaps An SQLWarning could be set when mismatches 
occur, yet make a best effort at autocast.

A char to int key comparison affects performance horridly and indicates 
(though not always) a potential mis-design, yet it MAY be safe to 
autocast the text to numeric before compare, because the narrowing 
conversion will assert that only base-10 chars exist.

So, are there other examples of why, esp for runtime/type safety, we
should force explicit conversion?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Johanson

Richard Huxton wrote:

What I couldn't figure out was what type MySQL was using. I mean, what 
type is this?

mysql> SELECT cast(a as char) as achar FROM tt;
| achar |
| 1 |
| 10|
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Is it char(2)?

mysql> CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ttchar0 AS SELECT cast(a as char) as achar 
FROM tt;

Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

mysql> describe ttchar0;
| Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| achar | varchar(11) | YES  | | NULL|   |

TA DAH! It looks like you are casting to varchar anyway Ken, it's just 
that MySQL isn't letting you spell it properly. So does an unconstrained 
"char" just map to varchar with MySQL then?

I think the issue here (subjective) is: is unconstrained CAST(n AS 
char), a DDL statement in the storage sense, or in the return 
type/function sense? Thats how PG and the other's CAST differ, anyway. 
While the spec doesn't seem to qualify that and it's safe to assume 
'char' type should just behave the same even in the context of cast + 
number, both Ms and My's CAST treat numeric inputs as auto-size on 
select stmts.

Add to that, that Mysql does the auto-trim thing which might be 
affecting/confusing some operations (inserts for starters). I don't 
know. Surprisingly I've never had a user complain about that trim 
spec-deviation, nor case-insens compares (though I always teach/code 
case-folding for portability).

Richard, when you say "casting to varchar anyway", it's not possible by 
syntax (shortcoming in their current cast impl), so using char was a 
next best thing to try. Your test ultimately applies I think to a table 
DDL and not select.

Anyway, there are to many barriers (real or imagined) for my users to 
migrate to PG from My and Ms (AS-less labels, result set metadata, 
auto-generated keys, now stricter typing) so I've already resolved to 
check back and see how things look when 8.4 comes out. Maybe it'll be 
more spec compliant... a good thing, for one DB ..or another..

I'm patient and an old pro at this, I've been evaluating PG for about 9 
years now, and despite the amazing number of features and advantages 
it's always had, customers come out in favor of the other DBs because 
they only need a small subset of them, and rate convenience (ala 
autocast) over specs which they know nothing of. Well, at least we have 
standard_conforming_strings now. I digress and am touching on another 
thread someone brought up.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Johanson

Alvaro Herrera wrote:

If you are arguing that the spec's definition of the CHARACTER type is
not really very useful, I think you are going to find a lot of
supporters.  You can send your complaints to the SQL committee; but
then, it is unlikely that this is going to change anytime soon because
of the fear of breaking backwards compatibility.

Agreed. There may be allot of users who in the case of CAST, need to 
extract the leftmost digit, and for those database and their users that 
do this by default, it would cause harm.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-13 Thread Ken Johanson

Andrew Sullivan wrote:

No, you're trying to convey that it is more benign/useful _to you_.  Others
are arguing that they want to write conformant code, and don't much care
what MyOccasionallyReadTheSpec does.  It's a pity that SQL conformance is
not better across systems, but surely the way to improve that is to reduce
the number of products that are being careless, not to increase them?

Let's leave it as-is then. We'll conform to the spec, and this good 
since someone may want to extract the leftmost char from a base-10 
number representation.

Henceforth SELECT CAST(123 AS char) will and should undisputedly return '1'.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Dean Gibson (DB Administrator) wrote:

Then I don't understand.  While I've never used MySQL, the MySQL web 
pages apparently indicate that VARCHAR has been supported since version 

Only in DDL and not the cast function, apparently. Mysql 5.1 says:

select cast(123 AS varchar)
select cast(123 AS varchar(10))

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds 
to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'varchar)' 
at line 1.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Dean Gibson (DB Administrator) wrote:

On 2008-02-12 16:17, Ken Johanson wrote:

Dean Gibson (DB Administrator) wrote:

I'm guessing you declare an explicit length of 1 (for portability), or 
do you "CAST (x as char)"? And one might ask in what context we'd need 
CHAR(1) on a numeric type, or else if substr/ing or left() make the 
code more readable for other data types..

Actually, I just write "CHAR" for a length of 1.

On a numeric type?.. That's the quintessential part to me...

> What is wrong with using VARCHAR for your 

Simply that a commonly used database (my) does not support it.

By "my", do you mean "MySQL", or "MyDatabase"?  If the latter, then 
while it's your business decision  (and/or that of your customers), the 
availability of decent, free databases should make a compelling case for 
anyone using anything else, to migrate (and never look back) to 
something full-featured.

Yes, Mysql, and yes, it's customer driven.

It's like requiring portable C code to use the old, pre-ANSI style of 
function declarations, because some old C compilers might not support 
the ANSI style.  I think Richard Stallman of the FSF takes that 
position, but I don't know of anyone else (although I'm sure there are 

Point taken. This is really just a rock and hard place because I'm stuck 
between 3rd party products (customer API and database x^n). I'm trying 
to convey here that changing the behavior to a (numb AS varchar) one, 
practically speaking, is more benign/useful (vs now), even if that is 
only a non-spec workaround, and "everyone else does it" is an invalid 
arg. I'm much more concerned about the AS in column labels issue and 
some driver todos. The pre standard_conforming_strings behavior used to 
be the full show stopper for PG, and now I only hear smaller 
compatibility and ease of migration concerns (whether spec or defacto). 
Things are improving.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

Simply that a commonly used database (my) does not support it.

They do support char(n) in this context, which would have the advantage
of being standards compliant as well as de-facto portable.

Hmm, interesting. Mysql actual returns:
select cast(123 AS char(10)) -> '123' (agreed wrong since length is 

And PG (Ms also) gives:
select cast(123 AS char(10)) -> '123 ' (tested via jdbc driver since 
hard to visualize the space in psql)

and PG:
select '='||cast(123 AS char(10))||'=' -> '=123=' (test via psql)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Dean Gibson (DB Administrator) wrote:
> On 2008-02-12 07:30, Ken Johanson wrote:
>>> Sure, but you're a prime candidate for understanding the value of
>>> following the spec if you're trying to write software that works with
>>> multiple databases.
>> The spec has diminished in this (CAST without length) context:
>> a) following it produces an output which has no usefulness whatsoever
>> (123 != 1)
> I *OFTEN* use a cast of CHAR to get just the first character.

I'm guessing you declare an explicit length of 1 (for portability), or
do you "CAST (x as char)"? And one might ask in what context we'd need
CHAR(1) on a numeric type, or else if substr/ing or left() make the code
more readable for other data types..

>> b) all the other databases chose to not follow the spec in the context
>> of cast and char with implicit length.
> I doubt that:


The actual behavior is to autosize on MS and My. I do not have DB2 but
would be curious to know how it behaves.

>> When the length is unqualified, a cast to char should one of:
>> 1) failfast
>> 2) auto-size to char-count (de facto)
>> 3) pad to the max-length
> What is wrong with using VARCHAR for your
> purpose

Simply that a commonly used database (my) does not support it. I HAVE to
support that one (too widely in use), better/worse, its not my choice.
Even at the expense of its standards deviation, and for doubting the
vendor(s) will the change behavior (and break the app).

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Gregory Stark wrote:

"Ken Johanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Tom Lane wrote:

SQL92 section 6.1  quoth

  | CHAR []


 4) If  is omitted, then a  of 1 is implicit.

Therefore, writing just "char" is defined as equivalent to "char(1)".

However when length is not defined I think it will generally be safe(r) to
auto-size. In the grand scheme auto-size creates much more sensible output than
a 1-char wide one (even if right-padded to max char-length of the type).

Sure, but you're a prime candidate for understanding the value of following
the spec if you're trying to write software that works with multiple

The spec has diminished in this (CAST without length) context:
a) following it produces an output which has no usefulness whatsoever 
(123 != 1)
b) all the other databases chose to not follow the spec in the context 
of cast and char with implicit length.

When the length is unqualified, a cast to char should one of:

1) failfast
2) auto-size to char-count (de facto)
3) pad to the max-length

It's a bit crazy to be using CHAR and then complaining about padding... 

I did say earlier that I could at least accept padding to the max-char 
length, even though in my use-case it wont work.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-11 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

SQL92 section 6.1  quoth

  | CHAR []


 4) If  is omitted, then a  of 1 is implicit.

Therefore, writing just "char" is defined as equivalent to "char(1)".

However when length is not defined I think it will generally be safe(r) 
to auto-size. In the grand scheme auto-size creates much more sensible 
output than a 1-char wide one (even if right-padded to max char-length 
of the type).

Also, section 6.10  defines an explicit cast to
a fixed-length string type as truncating or padding to the target
length (LTD):

And PG does this, perfectly. It even right-pads, the other databases 
(tried My and Ms) do not...

Possibly you could get what you want by casting to char(10) or so.

Alas the behavior is different. The right padding exists (in PG). So I 
cannot get uniform behavior (the other DB's fault I agree for not 
supporting cast as varchar).

Unless PG can start throwing an exception in this version when it 
truncates to implicit-1, I think it should be forgiving and auto-size..

Is it possible to override this built-in cast function with a create-cast?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] SELECT CAST(123 AS char) -> 1

2008-02-11 Thread Ken Johanson
For sake of interoperability (and using an API that requires String-type 
hashtable keys), I'm trying to find a single CAST (int -> var/char) 
syntax that works between the most databases. Only char seems to be a 
candidate, but in 8.3 casting from an integer outputs only the first char...

Is this a bug, or would someone like to horrify me by stating something 
like "spec says this is correct". :-)

I noticed this is also occurring on date/time types though that's not my 

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

[GENERAL] Set server behaviors on a per-session basis?

2008-02-09 Thread Ken Johanson

(re-post, last seemed not to get on-list)

Hi all,

In the link below we asked if it was possible to set, in this case, the
standard_conforming_strings behavior, on a per-connection basis.

The responses were good to see -- the ability to set it on a role or
database context is great.. however in some hosting / shared
environments, one-role per behavior isn't always practical, even though
it's arguably the ideal approach.

A first question: will the current server design easily allow some
change that lets us set behaviors (like standard_conforming_strings) on
a per-connection basis? Or are per-connection behaviors a substantial

A second question: is support for a general notion of "behavior" on the
roadmap for any of the three contexts (roles, database, sessions)? Not
just standard_conforming_strings, but both conformant and non behaviors.
Say accepting relaxed typing (quoted ints etc), implicit AS-keyword in
SELECT lists (someday and in sacrifice of regclass), etc. Even to allow
newer PGs to behave as old ones.

These two features would ease migration *from* non-compliant/3rd party
DBs -- and also to ease PG itself *into* standard-compliant modes (e.g
'implicit AS-keyword in SELECT lists'). Also may allow some blackbox
apps to migrate from 3rd party DBs.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Is PG a moving target?

2008-02-09 Thread Ken Johanson

Magnus Hagander wrote:

PG uses a different versioning system than this one?:

Or do you mean the changes are not minor? :-)

Yes, we use the one stated on our site, not wikipedia ;)


Thank you, I understand now.

"A major release is numbered by increasing either the first or second 
part of the version number, e.g. 8.1 to 8.2."

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Is PG a moving target?

2008-02-09 Thread Ken Johanson

Stephen Frost wrote:

* Ken Johanson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
But given the recent and dramatic example of 8.3's on-by-default stricter 
typing in functions (now not-autocasting), I worry that kind of change 
could happen in every minor version (8.4 etc).

8.3 isn't a minor version.

PG uses a different versioning system than this one?:

Or do you mean the changes are not minor? :-)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Is PG a moving target?

2008-02-09 Thread Ken Johanson
I acknowledge that from time to time we must accept changes in the 3rd 
party software that will break our apps if we (or customers) ever 
upgrade them (a compounded issue if we have heavily-used deployments in 
the field and not just in-house ones to maintain).

But given the recent and dramatic example of 8.3's on-by-default 
stricter typing in functions (now not-autocasting), I worry that kind of 
change could happen in every minor version (8.4 etc).

Sure the strict-typing (and other compatibility-breaking changes) is a 
good thing in the long run, but it discourages anyone trying to:

a) port apps from another database
b) upgrade PG to get other features, or port apps written against from a 
PG version that's 1 year older

The type-strictness change, as an example, also creates pragmatic vs 
academic (polarizing) debates around "rtrim(intype)" being innocuous vs 
sloppy. And "database XYZ is better/worse", e.g balance of ease of use, 
TCO, vs ACID, strictness etc). The word 'balance' is key.

Is there anything now, or in the works, for compatibility emulation? For 
example to setup my session to act like 8.2 and allow less-strict 
typing. Or can one write an app against 8.3 and safely assume that 8.4 
*could* also add more behavior changes (e.g even more strict-ness in 
functions where even 8.3 could be *validly argued* as being too loose)?...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] failed to build any 8-way joins: SQLSTATE: XX000 on PostgreSQL 8.2.6

2008-02-04 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

If increasing join_collapse_limit to 9 or more makes the problem go away
for you, that would be additional evidence that what you are seeing is
the same problem already diagnosed.  That might be a usable workaround
for you until 8.2.7 comes out...

Thank Tom. That worked around it.

I always knew I hated arbitrary limits. I set it to 1 ("# 1 disables 
collapsing of explicit JOINS") and all seems OKAY. That was 3 hours of 
my life (experimenting, researching, communicating) under the bridge. 
Anyway, back in business.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Simplest syntax (or a UI?) to rename columns and sequences and constraints (etc)?

2008-02-04 Thread Ken Johanson
Is there a SQL/ALTER (pg proprietary or otherwise) syntax that uniformly 
changes the names off all object tied to a column when that column name 
is changed? Or can anyone recommend a UI that does this?

For example in a table 'foo' I have a 'rowid' (pk and auto increment) 
and I choose to rename it. The default naming convention given to the 
supporting sequence is 'foo_rowid_seq', so (ignoring safely/ambiguity 
issues) is it possible rename 'rowid' and have the changes cascade to 
sequences, constraints, etc?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] failed to build any 8-way joins: SQLSTATE: XX000 on PostgreSQL 8.2.6

2008-02-04 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

Please see if this patch fixes it for you:

If not, we'll need a self-contained test case.

Please pardon my non-awareness, what comprises a test case for this; is 
DDL sufficent? I'm electing to go that route for having only RPMs on 
hand, slow CPU and unfamiliarity with the optimal configure options.

Also from the query can you tell if specific changes to it will prove 
whether the patch will work? I see "clauseless joins of relations that 
have unexploited join clauses", however I (interpreted this as needing) 
adding a column from "persParent" to the select list, but the problem 
persists. Also, I can remove any one of the timezone joins and the query 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

[GENERAL] failed to build any 8-way joins: SQLSTATE: XX000 on PostgreSQL 8.2.6

2008-02-04 Thread Ken Johanson
Hi all, I've seen other mentions of this happening but this instance is 
with a newer server version than the ones that had a patch applied.

Basically, 8 LEFT JOINs, and removing any one of them stop the symptom. 
I'll provide more data if the query in itself doesn't not indicate 
what's causing the problem...


NOW()   AS a,
host.hostname   AS b,
host.serverdom  AS c,
host.sitename   AS d,
host.appnameAS e,
site.rowid  AS f,
site.namefirst  AS g,
pers.rowid  AS h,
pers.uuid   AS i,
pers.namefirst  AS j,
pers.nameLast   AS k,
logon.token AS l,
siteTz.timezone_id  AS o,   AS p,
persTz.timezone_id  AS q,   AS r,
compTz.timezone_id  AS s,   AS t
FROM http_host AS host
LEFT JOIN contact AS site ON host.join_contact = site.rowid
LEFT JOIN contact_timezones AS siteTz ON site.timezoneId = 

LEFT JOIN contact AS pers ON LOWER(pers.logonName) = LOWER('ken')
LEFT JOIN contact_timezones AS persTz ON pers.timezoneId = 

LEFT JOIN contact_rela AS persParent ON pers.rowid = persParent.childId
LEFT JOIN contact AS comp ON persParent.parentId = comp.rowid
LEFT JOIN contact_timezones AS compTz ON comp.timezoneId = 

LEFT JOIN contact_logon AS logon ON pers.rowid = logon.join_contact
WHERE host.hostname = 'localhost'

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-15 Thread Ken Johanson

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Jan 15, 2008 1:15 AM, Ken Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The output of this is very verbose and broken into multiple queries
making joins difficult for me to understand, I'm afraid; my current
experience level likely will not reliably produce a single-query
equivalent to the above.

I have to again ask for designer expertise on this one. Also a factor is
that since the query will be hard coded into a driver, knowledge of how
to make it most durable across server versions would be a benefit
(assuming the underlying tables change?).

One gotcha that I should have mentioned with querying system catalogs
is that they may change from version to version.  That said, the query
you need should be fairly portable with small changes (I'm using 8.3

I think you have given up a little to easily.  The system catalogs are
fully documented in the docs btw.  Let's look at what psql outputs for
a typical table with \d:

SELECT c.oid,
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname ~ '^(queue)$'
  AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
ORDER BY 2, 3;
-- this query looks up the oid of the table you are asking for. you
probably are not interested in this.

SELECT relhasindex, relkind, relchecks, reltriggers, relhasrules,
relhasoids , reltablespace
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE oid = '155955'

-- psql checks for table properties of the table (the oid in this case
is 155955).  you may not need this, in any event it should be clear
what it is doing.

SELECT a.attname,
  pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
  (SELECT substring(pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128)
   FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
   WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef),
  a.attnotnull, a.attnum
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE a.attrelid = '155955' AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
ORDER BY a.attnum

-- this is the 'column query'.  it lists values from pg_attribute for
the table in column position order.  note the table oid again
(155955).  you can drop your own table oid here and get the exact
results psql gets.

Following are more queries that get information for indexes, rules
inheritance, etc.  Unless you specifically are interested in those
things, you can ignore them.

It's not as hard as you thinkthe naming can trip you up as well as
the use of the hidden 'oid' column if you are not familiar with its

Merlin, thought you;d be interested in this. The guys (Tom and Kris) on 
the jdbc list suggested I use:

SELECT 'database.schema.table'::regclass::oid;
to get the table's OID. So I wont need to (less directly) search for 
catalog and schema and tablename in information schema.

I'll just be using the pg_ tables passing the OID. It reduces my 
learning curve hopefully.



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-15 Thread Ken Johanson

Merlin Moncure wrote:

On Jan 15, 2008 1:15 AM, Ken Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The output of this is very verbose and broken into multiple queries
making joins difficult for me to understand, I'm afraid; my current
experience level likely will not reliably produce a single-query
equivalent to the above.

I have to again ask for designer expertise on this one. Also a factor is
that since the query will be hard coded into a driver, knowledge of how
to make it most durable across server versions would be a benefit
(assuming the underlying tables change?).

One gotcha that I should have mentioned with querying system catalogs
is that they may change from version to version.  That said, the query
you need should be fairly portable with small changes (I'm using 8.3

I think you have given up a little to easily.  The system catalogs are
fully documented in the docs btw.  Let's look at what psql outputs for
a typical table with \d:

SELECT c.oid,
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
 LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname ~ '^(queue)$'
  AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
ORDER BY 2, 3;
-- this query looks up the oid of the table you are asking for. you
probably are not interested in this.

SELECT relhasindex, relkind, relchecks, reltriggers, relhasrules,
relhasoids , reltablespace
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class WHERE oid = '155955'

-- psql checks for table properties of the table (the oid in this case
is 155955).  you may not need this, in any event it should be clear
what it is doing.

SELECT a.attname,
  pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod),
  (SELECT substring(pg_catalog.pg_get_expr(d.adbin, d.adrelid) for 128)
   FROM pg_catalog.pg_attrdef d
   WHERE d.adrelid = a.attrelid AND d.adnum = a.attnum AND a.atthasdef),
  a.attnotnull, a.attnum
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE a.attrelid = '155955' AND a.attnum > 0 AND NOT a.attisdropped
ORDER BY a.attnum

-- this is the 'column query'.  it lists values from pg_attribute for
the table in column position order.  note the table oid again
(155955).  you can drop your own table oid here and get the exact
results psql gets.

Following are more queries that get information for indexes, rules
inheritance, etc.  Unless you specifically are interested in those
things, you can ignore them.

It's not as hard as you thinkthe naming can trip you up as well as
the use of the hidden 'oid' column if you are not familiar with its


I sincerely wish I had enough time to learn the servers internal schema 
design, it seems immensely powerful (an understatement). Time (lack of) 
lately leaves me always looking for the most direct path though, so 
admittedly I was looking for someone else (a designer) to answer it. I 
know that in my past attempts to improvise, I seem to miss(interpret) an 
important where or on clause, and since I'm writing code for a PG driver 
I'm hesitant to roll my own on this one. Tino's idea may do what I need 
but if you have the time and expertise to translate that 
information_schmea does I'd certainly apprciate that.

Thank you again,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-15 Thread Ken Johanson

Tino Wildenhain wrote:

Ken Johanson wrote:

I am looking for expertise on how to program the equivalent to this
query, but using the pg_catalog tables, which I understand have fewer
security restrictions than information_schema in some cases:

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position


I have to again ask for designer expertise on this one. Also a factor 
is that since the query will be hard coded into a driver, knowledge of 
how to make it most durable across server versions would be a benefit 
(assuming the underlying tables change?).

Ah driver you say? For which language? Will it be coded in C?

This case happens to be the JDBC driver; it's:
Statement.executeUpdate(sql, int[] columnINdexes) method..

If you want to do it most reliable and do not want to code
for every PG version and also do not want to use information_schema
(why btw?) you can also resort to just

SELECT * FROM schema.table WHERE false;

and then inspect the cursor for column names and datatypes.

I think you may be right. This is the obvious and elegantly-simple 
answer (ashamed that I missed it). It does all I need at this point: to 
get the column names for the given indexes. Unfort though I suspect it 
is one extra trip to the server but I was resigned to that anyway 
(though hoped for a way to do via RETURNING).

I was avoiding using information_schema for being told it wil have 
security restrictions that pg_* wont; but the 'SELECT * FROM .. WHERE 
false' method overcomes those also (of course :-).

Thank you Tino,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-14 Thread Ken Johanson

I am looking for expertise on how to program the equivalent to this
query, but using the pg_catalog tables, which I understand have fewer
security restrictions than information_schema in some cases:

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position

Do what psql does...launch it with psql -E, and it will echo any
internal queries it makes back to you.  Do \d on a couple of tables
and you should see what is going on.

The output of this is very verbose and broken into multiple queries 
making joins difficult for me to understand, I'm afraid; my current 
experience level likely will not reliably produce a single-query 
equivalent to the above.

I have to again ask for designer expertise on this one. Also a factor is 
that since the query will be hard coded into a driver, knowledge of how 
to make it most durable across server versions would be a benefit 
(assuming the underlying tables change?).

Thank you,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-09 Thread Ken Johanson
I am looking for expertise on how to program the equivalent to this 
query, but using the pg_catalog tables, which I understand have fewer 
security restrictions than information_schema in some cases:

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position

I need this to lookup the column names and their ordinal position for 
a given table (implementing a driver call).

Just curious... but why is ordinal position important here?

Because the API spec (JDBC) for the driver supports an argument of 
column indexes (int array) which are the table's natural position. This 
is to specify which columns' auto-generated keys to return.,%20int[])

So in this case I must pre-fetch the column names from the indexes, and 
append a RETURNING clause. Inefficient but the only strategy I know of.

I wont argue if this API is somewhat dubious in ordinary applications, 
but the interface requires it be implemented anyway.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

[GENERAL] Query to get column-names in table via PG tables?

2008-01-09 Thread Ken Johanson

Hi all,

I am looking for expertise on how to program the equivalent to this 
query, but using the pg_catalog tables, which I understand have fewer 
security restrictions than information_schema in some cases:

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position

I need this to lookup the column names and their ordinal position for a 
given table (implementing a driver call).

Thanks in advance,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-13 Thread Ken Johanson

Kris Jurka wrote:

Using pg_catalog tables is better than using information_schema because 
of the way permissions work.  For information_schema you must be the 
table owner, while people who only have permissions to access a table 
will most likely be able to read pg_catalog.

Do you have an equivalent query/join handy that will get the catalog and 
schema and table and column names frm the pg tables?

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-13 Thread Ken Johanson

Kris and all,

Here is the query I will call to the get the name of columns by ordinal 
position. Do you see any compatibility drivers will older server 
versions, or other issues?

SELECT column_name
FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_catalog=? AND table_schema=? AND table_name=?
ORDER BY ordinal_position


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-12 Thread Ken Johanson

If true, my next idea would be to derive the column name using a 
subquery in the returning clause. But it sounds like this may have 
potential security contraints (will any INSERT query always have read 
access to the PG tables?). And no guarantee of the order matching in 
the long term.

There is no requirement that insert permission on a user table implies 
read access to pg_catalog.  Still many clients will break if they can't 
read pg_catalog.  For example, all of the JDBC driver's MetaData results 
need to query pg tables, updatable ResultSets need to query pg tables to 
know what the primary key is and so on.  So if this functionality 
required access to pg_catalog that would neither be unprecedented nor 

So it sounds like this may be the best approach, do you agree? I'll try 
and find the cycles to code this up although the limited value of 
getGeneratedKeys by index makes me think my time would be better spent 
elsewhere on the JDBC driver. For now at least. If you can respond to my 
earlier query (5 Dec) about what robustness improvements are needed, 
I'll start there..


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Kris Jurka wrote:

I think the expectation is that:

CREATE TABLE t(a int, b int);

will return 1,2 instead of 2,1 as it does now.  In this case the op is 
not expecting that the (potentially reorganized) table order is driving 
the results, but the order that they've actually specified the columns 
in creates the result.

Kris, do you have pointers to a spec that says the named-columns should 
specify the index, or that it should instead be the order in the table? 
My interpretation from the JDBC spec was that the latter is true, I may 
be wrong...

In the case where it is table-order, then I presume in PG that the 
"natural" order of the columns (even if reordering is allowed at a alter 
date) is specified by data in one of the pg_* tables (pg_class, 
pg_index, etc). Does anyone know if this is true/false?

If true, my next idea would be to derive the column name using a 
subquery in the returning clause. But it sounds like this may have 
potential security contraints (will any INSERT query always have read 
access to the PG tables?). And no guarantee of the order matching in the 
long term.

Is there a more elegant approach, like?:


I looked but did not find such a utility. It seems that such function 
would be best implemented in the server instead of in a driver (eg. 
having hardcoded subquery to the schema).


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-12 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom Lane wrote:

Kris Jurka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I think the expectation is that:

CREATE TABLE t(a int, b int);

will return 1,2 instead of 2,1 as it does now.

Hmm ... I see your point, but on what grounds could one argue that
a "*" targetlist here should return something different from what
"SELECT * FROM t" would return?

I'd say that an app that wants that should write


which is surely not that hard if you've got the code to produce
the "(b,a)" part.

In any case it's not clear this is the same thing Ken is complaining
about ...

I am only seeking to have the columns returned in the order they appear 
naturally. JDBC says "This array contains the indexes of the columns in 
the target table that contain the auto-generated keys that should be 
made available."

For the record I was not "complaining", only citing in advance the fact 
that while some consider selecting the keys by index to be dubious, it 
nonetheless must be done because an API requires it. Casting my question 
into a complaint is another topic.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] RETURNING clause: how to specifiy column indexes?

2007-12-11 Thread Ken Johanson
I am attempting to implement (in a driver)(PG JDBC) support for 
specifying which column indexes (that generated keys) to return, so I'm 
searching for a way to get the server to return the values of the 
columns by their index, not name. By name, it is simply to append the 
RETURNING clause and column names to the query:


Does anyone know how (if) this is possible by index? A standard or 
server-specific syntax is fine since this is being implemented in a 

Something like?:

INSERT... RETURNING [1],[2] (obviously this will not work)

Would I otherwise need to?:


then extract the user-requested columns? This seems inefficient as it 
returns all columns / non-key ones (blobs etc).

While the values of an API that specifies the table's columns by 
ordinaility may seem dubious, it is an API that I think should be 
implemented anyway.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] Native type for storing fractions (e.g 1/3)?

2007-03-15 Thread Ken Johanson

John D. Burger wrote:

Stephane Bortzmeyer wrote:

But he can write one in PostgreSQL quite easily. Rational numbers are
always the first exercice in CS courses about Abstract Data Types :-)

It's a little tricky to get good performance for all the operations:

The addition and subtraction operations are complex. They will require 
approximately two gcd operations, 3 divisions, 3 multiplications and 


(From the Booost rational package -

I'd try to link to an existing library that provides rationals, or model 
my code closely after one.

Yes, it may be easy to create composite type but the operands would
still be needed.

Select n FROM t WHERE frac1 < frac2;

John, do you how compatible the Booost license is (or can be made :-)
with PG, in the case where adding this to the server as a standard
datum-type might be very useful (for me anyway).


PS - Sorry for the re-send with-the-list, John

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Native type for storing fractions (e.g 1/3)?

2007-03-14 Thread Ken Johanson
In SQL servers in general, or in PG, is there a native field type to 
store fractions? Or must one resort to char or separate 
numerator/denominator columns?


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Example of RETURNING clause to get auto-generated keys

2007-01-24 Thread Ken Johanson

Now playing devil's advocate, can anyone see scenarios where this will 
not work as expected? Examples (descriptions not sql necessarily) of 
those would be helpful too...

Just to be sure, will the RETURNING clause work with custom sequences 
(say, non numeric or increment by two) or other types of key 
generators?... And how will triggers interfere with it (if at all)?

I honestly have limited experience with server generated keys that are 
not numeric/serial (or uuids), or with cases where triggers, 
constraints, etc might come into play (I'm used to using the DB mostly 
as a storage device and using server-side logic..)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

Re: [GENERAL] Example of RETURNING clause to get auto-generated keys

2007-01-24 Thread Ken Johanson

Adam Rich wrote:

Let's say you have a table with "id, value" columns.

And your normal query would be this:

INSERT into mytable (id,value) values (1,"foo"),(2,"bar");

Your new query would be like this:

INSERT into mytable (id,value) values (1,"foo"),(2,"bar")

And you would get a result back with one column (id) and
two rows (the newly inserted keys).  You can also return
other fields if you like, you're not limited to just the
generated keys.

Thank you Alvaro and Adam,

Now playing devil's advocate, can anyone see scenarios where this will 
not work as expected? Examples (descriptions not sql necessarily) of 
those would be helpful too...


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Example of RETURNING clause to get auto-generated keys from INSERT

2007-01-23 Thread Ken Johanson


I am looking into possibly contributing some code for one of the 
existing PG drivers, that will allow us to, after INSERT, get a 
ResultSet containing the server generated keys (sequences or other). 
I've been told that (short of implementing a new V4 server protocol) the 
most effective way to do this, may be to use PG's RETURNING clause. 
However I could really use some example queries, since I'm not 
proficient enough with PG and this clause to know how to get the values.

I do know that the query should:

-support multiple values, ie. insert int tbl (a,b) values (1,2),(3,4), 
should return a result with 2 rows containing the new keys (one for each 
column the users declares).
-query the values atomically (so that insert by another client won't 
skew the curval / sequence) (obvious but deserves mention)
-ideally be predictable - just in case the sequence doesn't use a 
increment value of one, or if some other non-sequence (triggers) or 
numeric (uuids) generator is used.
-ideally not require parsing the user INSERT query (for table names 
etc), though I expect that (in order to use RETURNING) I will have to 
append to it.

The API I'd implement this for (jdbc), does require us to declare what 
columns we are interested in getting generated keys for, so that might 
preclude needing resultset metadata to know which columns have server 
generated keys.

So if anyone can give SQL samples of how to best make this work, I would 
be very much appreciative.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?

Re: [GENERAL] PG Rocks! (was:Backslashes in 8.2 still escape, hwo

2006-09-29 Thread Ken Johanson
You guys, and PG ROCK!! The standard_conforming_strings mode works 
beautifully... it is (was) the last low-level barrier to using PG in a 
really professional/interop environment. And as I become familiar, 
again, with how PG and it's tools have come along, I am SUPER impressed. 
Many, many kudos!! Top notch!!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] Backslashes in 8.2 still escape, hwo to disable?

2006-09-29 Thread Ken Johanson


I'm trying out the new 8.2 beta; the following query:

select 'ab\cd'; yields: abcd, not ab\cd.

Is there a setting I'd need to switch to enable the ANSI/ISO escape 
behavior? I am using the JDBC driver; not sure if that could be the 


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: [GENERAL] Backslash as ordinary char vs. not; set via a connection/session

2006-07-27 Thread Ken Johanson

Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

foo=# create table backslash(baz text);
foo=# set standard_conforming_strings to on;
foo=# insert into backslash values ('\\');
foo=# set standard_conforming_strings to off;
foo=# insert into backslash values ('\\');
WARNING:  nonstandard use of \\ in a string literal
LINE 1: insert into backslash values ('\\');
HINT:  Use the escape string syntax for backslashes, e.g., E'\\'.
foo=# select * from backslash;
(2 rows)

like that ? :-)

Yes - that is the eye candy I'm looking for. Anxiously looking forward 
to 8.2 :-)


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Backslash as ordinary char vs. not; set via a connection/session

2006-07-27 Thread Ken Johanson

Stefan Kaltenbrunner wrote:

postgresql can do that in an even more powerful way - but people tend to
not notice much of it in your case that would be:

ALTER ROLE foo SET standard_conforming_strings='off'

or even:

ALTER DATABASE bar SET standard_conforming_strings='off'

you can do that for nearly all GUCs (like


Stefan and Alvaro,

Thank you!!! Yes, that is the feature I'd like... and yes, setting it on 
a per role or per database level is something I personally would prefer 
over the connection level. But, is there also a way to set it on the 
connection? Just because, one can imagine scenarios where two APIs share 
the same role & database, but one API forces backslashes 'on' during its 
statement-prepare just playing devil's advocate :-)

So is this 'standard_conforming_strings' variable already set-able in a 
recent build, at the role or db level? Or will that need to wait for 8.2?

Thanks again!!


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

[GENERAL] Backslash as ordinary char vs. not; set via a connection/session variable

2006-07-27 Thread Ken Johanson

Tom and folks,

Will it be possible to set this more standard backslash handling
behavior -- and possibly similar conformance modes... in a way similar
to how mysql allows? They allow one to issue commands on the connection


The advantage to this is that ISPs, etc can, by default, run the
database with the old/incorrect mode (which is more compatible with the
correspondingly legacy/broken apps.. and for newer apps to issue that
command to make the DB act more standards compliant..

I personally have no need for the old backslash behavior (currently
using databases/queries that don't use it), but sometimes one may have
to coexist in a shared server environment.

(for those who may not know,) the actual overhead of issuing that
command (on the client side at least) before each exec is low, since
connection pools for example usually already need to issue a 'ping'
command (e.g SELECT 1) to test the connection before executing on it. So
if the pool/api allows the user to define connection-setup DML, that
conveniently takes the place of the ping anyway (if the API supports).
And, given that the last user of a pooled connection may have tweaked
the settings, it's prob. best to reset them before each exec.

I seem to have lost the URL that describes the upcoming string
conformance mode.. can't find the section that John Gunther
mentioned.. does anyone have that handy?

Thank you,


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

[GENERAL] 8.2 Beta ETA

2006-07-11 Thread Ken Johanson
Does anyone know roughly when there might be an 8.2 beta? Would a rough 
guess of about November be right (1 year after 8.1)?



---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
  subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
  message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Perspective: PostgreSQL usage boon after release of

2006-03-07 Thread Ken Johanson

Tony Caduto wrote:

Ken Johanson wrote:
Most of the corp folks I know who have tried using PG to augment or 
replacement a commercial offering just tend to silently pause and 
wait for this change.. that why this topic isn't really heard very 
often. It's like going to a car lot to buy a SUV, but they don't have 
any within sight.. the perspective buyer just moves on without saying 

I have converted databases from other DBs such as MS SQL server and 
never had a problem with string escaping, can you please post a 
example of what you mean?  Do you mean inside of functions?

Well for a simple (for brevity) example, when you compile a query (not 
via prepared stmts/argument based compilation) that takes user input, 
how do you handle both backslashes and single-quotes? In practice the 
way of doing this is quite different between pg and a iso-compliant db, 
otherwise you have either code injection, or superfluous backslashes..

"SELECT firstName FROM tbl WHERE lastName = '"+toSql(userInput)+"' "

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[GENERAL] Perspective: PostgreSQL usage boon after release of 8.2

2006-03-07 Thread Ken Johanson

Just a quick thought, and an possibly over-optimistic forecast:

I think PG will see a really significant increase in usage, especially 
'corporate' use, with the release of the version that has support for 
(what I consider to be) one of the biggest features in recent memory: 
standard iso/ansi string escaping.

In my experience this has been the biggest roadblock to adoption by 
companies running a commercial database... it has made migration 
difficult/daunting, especially for users who cannot rely on prepared 
statement style APIs (complex dynamic queries, etc).

Most of the corp folks I know who have tried using PG to augment or 
replacement a commercial offering just tend to silently pause and wait 
for this change.. that why this topic isn't really heard very often. 
It's like going to a car lot to buy a SUV, but they don't have any 
within sight.. the perspective buyer just moves on without saying anything.

I'm am SOOO looking forward to hearing the beta announcement for 8.2... 
hopefully that version's still on target for the standard string escape 
option.. This *one* roadblock will be gone.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] escape string type for upcoming 8.1

2005-10-26 Thread Ken Johanson

Bruce Momjian wrote:

E'' is more a marker than a type.  I realize making E a type might work,
but it seems unusual.

What we could do is backpatch E'' to 8.0.X as a no-op like it will be in


Is it possible in the 8.1 betas to 'switch on' on the standard SQL 
escape behavior? This is from the use-case perspective of someone who 
does not have backwards compatibility concerns, rather, I'd like to 
preemptively forward-port / certify an app from another databases, onto 
PostgreSQL -- so all I need to do is switch that config on, if possible.

From the changelog:

"While this release does not change the  handling of 
backslashes in strings, it does add new configuration parameters to help 
users migrate applications for future releases:

o standard_conforming_strings ..

o escape_string_warning ..

The standard_conforming_strings value is read-only. "

The last quoted sentence seems to answer my question (as no), but 
hopeful optimism is my motto :-)

If it is indeed readonly, can it be made 'writable' before the 8.3 
release where is would be made the default behavior? For that matter, if 
the current backslash behavior stayed as the default for pre-8.3 
releases, and the patches are backported, I don't see any harm to the 
old-style apps/users; yet the correct behavior option is a useful 
"opt-in" one (one that I would like to try, now, even on 8.1).

Thank you,


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
  choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string

2005-03-29 Thread Ken Johanson
The latest mysql build (5.0.3) now supports standard backslash behavior, 
using the below config option.

PG seems to be the last holdout. :-)
Ken Johanson wrote:
I think most people agree that being SQL compliant is good. The question
is: is it worth the pain for existing users?

My guess is that it is worth it, if the users are given the discretion 
of treading that water.. and to save them future pain by encouraging 
them to migrate toward 'other-db' compatibility (or merely to migrate to 
PreparedStatement to eliminate worry and *insure* interop).

But where things are right now, I *know* allot of apps specially coded 
for PG (or mysql) --- using functions like PHPs escapeCslashes()... so 
they are NOT compatible apps with other DBs. So making the change would 
at least raises author awareness to use PreparedStatements instead (half 
the battle is won then because when a PS admin turns on the new escape, 
their apps still works correctly), or stop using escapeCslashes in favor 
of a sql-escape function (yes, not 'old pg' compatible, but be able to 
claim interop with other dbs).

A configurable option does not make the pain disappear. Admins are
forced to choose one side (either sql compliant or c style) and exclude
the other applications. Any app developer that wants to support pre-8.1
apps will have to have a c-style app available. So even if you nip it in
the bud, it's not really gone yet because app developers want to support
old versions of postgres.

As was mentioned earlier, this may not be too much of an issue if the 
new drivers supported an option in the getConnection call that turned on 
the new escape, otherwise leaving old escape turned on by default. Sort 
of like the jdbc version/conformance level that jdbc drivers can report 
through function calls. In fact PG could forever use the old style 
escapes by default, except when a modern driver connected to it and they 
both agree to use the new style.

I know if we added the option and deprecated the old style, I would be
forced to choose between using deprecated syntax that may not be
supported for long, or doing a lot of work to convert and retest
Yes - and your app would be inter operable with Oracle, Sybase, etc and 
have a wider audience (moot point if you use prepared statements 
obviously) especially in the enterprise... Very worthwhile, imo.

Besides, the version-deprecation / version requirements you mention 
exists in every piece of software I've even seen. Sometime they're 
okay with a really old version, sometime only the newest will do. 
This is the very argument for getting PG to offer an (use-optional) 
escape behavior inline with the rest - to mitigate these version 
requirements down the road.

I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. I am not suggesting
that we don't change the database at all between versions, my argument
was showing the difficulties when one version has many different shapes
due to many incompatible options.

Sorry, I misunderstood. Your point is well taken, and I agree.
Thank you,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Johanson
I think most people agree that being SQL compliant is good. The question
is: is it worth the pain for existing users?
My guess is that it is worth it, if the users are given the discretion 
of treading that water.. and to save them future pain by encouraging 
them to migrate toward 'other-db' compatibility (or merely to migrate to 
PreparedStatement to eliminate worry and *insure* interop).

But where things are right now, I *know* allot of apps specially coded 
for PG (or mysql) --- using functions like PHPs escapeCslashes()... so 
they are NOT compatible apps with other DBs. So making the change would 
at least raises author awareness to use PreparedStatements instead (half 
the battle is won then because when a PS admin turns on the new escape, 
their apps still works correctly), or stop using escapeCslashes in favor 
of a sql-escape function (yes, not 'old pg' compatible, but be able to 
claim interop with other dbs).

A configurable option does not make the pain disappear. Admins are
forced to choose one side (either sql compliant or c style) and exclude
the other applications. Any app developer that wants to support pre-8.1
apps will have to have a c-style app available. So even if you nip it in
the bud, it's not really gone yet because app developers want to support
old versions of postgres.
As was mentioned earlier, this may not be too much of an issue if the 
new drivers supported an option in the getConnection call that turned on 
the new escape, otherwise leaving old escape turned on by default. Sort 
of like the jdbc version/conformance level that jdbc drivers can report 
through function calls. In fact PG could forever use the old style 
escapes by default, except when a modern driver connected to it and they 
both agree to use the new style.

I know if we added the option and deprecated the old style, I would be
forced to choose between using deprecated syntax that may not be
supported for long, or doing a lot of work to convert and retest
Yes - and your app would be inter operable with Oracle, Sybase, etc and 
have a wider audience (moot point if you use prepared statements 
obviously) especially in the enterprise... Very worthwhile, imo.

Besides, the version-deprecation / version requirements you mention 
exists in every piece of software I've even seen. Sometime they're okay 
with a really old version, sometime only the newest will do. This is the 
very argument for getting PG to offer an (use-optional) escape behavior 
inline with the rest - to mitigate these version requirements down the road.

I think you may have misunderstood what I meant. I am not suggesting
that we don't change the database at all between versions, my argument
was showing the difficulties when one version has many different shapes
due to many incompatible options.
Sorry, I misunderstood. Your point is well taken, and I agree.
Thank you,

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Johanson
Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Mon, Feb 28, 2005 at 10:13:00 -0700,
  Ken Johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Besides, the version-deprecation / version requirements you mention 
exists in every piece of software I've even seen. Sometime they're okay 
with a really old version, sometime only the newest will do. This is the 
very argument for getting PG to offer an (use-optional) escape behavior 
inline with the rest - to mitigate these version requirements down the road.

Shouldn't this data be being passed through some standard code that checks if
escaping is needed? If so, is that the right place to handle whether or not
backslashes need to be escaped in addition to single quotes?

Ideally yes, but its not a requirement in any driver's spec that I'm 
familiar with. In fact the driver specs expect or 'claim' some (possibly 
implicit) level of sql language compliance -- so that the same query 
sent to a different database yields the same result.

insert into tbl (path) values ('c:\test')
The above query *could* and "should* be sent through an escape 
preprocessor (PreparedStatement interface) but it is *not* required. 
It's also not fair to say that a user can *expect* the above to not work 
with PG even though it does with another DB, imo. The user coming from 
another DB *won't* expect it to be broken. (I know from experience :-)

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Johanson

I'm a little worried about PostgreSQL having the same problems as PHP.
In PHP, every time you want to download an application, you never see
"This application works on php 4+". Instead, you see "This application
works on php4+ with the following config options set ".
Sometimes these applications have conflicting requirements. From an
administrator's standpoint, it's a mess.
In PostgreSQL I think it would actually be much worse. Right now many
applications build a PostgreSQL layer, but will they build two? I think
this would cause a divide in the application support (some for config
option A some for config option B) in the already smaller-than-we'd-like
set of software that supports PostgreSQL.
	Jeff Davis

There's certainly two perspectives to this. The one you present is 
certainly valid, but consider the bigger picture...

"This application requires the following databases: Oracle versionX, MY 
SQL version X, Mysql version 5.2 with the no-backslashes option, UltraDB 
version x"

Notice the lack of PG - some apps - most notably commercial ones - will 
automatically shoot it down if it cant meet certain language 
requirements. The database itself could meet the latest SQL03 (or 
whatever we're up to) specs for Object Relational stuff, etc to the tee. 
The JDBC driver could meet the JDBC spec to the tee for transaction 
support, etc - but this one low level problem is a total show stopper, 
because it plainly breaks queries sent through various interfaces in 
various drivers.

Besides, the version-deprecation / version requirements you mention 
exists in every piece of software I've even seen. Sometime they're okay 
with a really old version, sometime only the newest will do. This is the 
very argument for getting PG to offer an (use-optional) escape behavior 
inline with the rest - to mitigate these version requirements down the road.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 8: explain analyze is your friend

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string escapeing

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Johanson

Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

  On Sun, Feb 27, 2005 at 06:25:18PM -0700, Ken Johanson wrote:
I feel somewhat confident (very actually) that a config option that 
disabled the backslash behavior globally(*) would be acceptable, BUT 
leave the current backslash behavior turned on by default so that 
current users are not impacted at all. Only a conscientious decision by 
the db admin to turn it on could cause problems, but _only_ if he/she 
didn't warn all his/her users beforehand of the impending change and its 
consequences (rtm).

It's not just a question of warning the users, all interfaces to the
database will instantly break. For example: JDBC, Perl DBI, PHP PEAR
etc. They will continue to send queries with the backslashes embedded.
These interfaces would need to be modified to handle both situations
and detect which situation they're dealing with.

All interfaces will NOT break IF the legacy db behavior stays its
default. This means NONE of the current users would be hurt until they
start experimenting with the new option. Yes, the built in prepared
stmt components of those interfaces will still add the backslash by
default and break queries for legacy drivers, but this is not an issue
for the straight-through query/update exec(s) calls, and prepared stmt
users can hack the Prepared stmts behavior until the same option is
officially supported in the driver also (probably by auto-detecting
what the DB expects its backslashes to look like).

Like I said, users should be warned beforehand, that they need to get a
hacked or official driver update, if the dbadmin decides to turn on the
'new' mode. Seems prudent to me.

The thing is all these interfaces handle the quoting transparently for
you, so the code is portable already. What you're complaining about is
that you have your own query marshalling and it is not portable.

As you say, the portability you describe REQUIRES the use of prepared
stmts type queries - but one CANNOT issue a portable query, say,
jdbc:stmt.execQuery() or execute update. Those "lower-level" calls need
to be portable where string escaping is concerned, and they are not.
They arguably break both the JDBC spec and SQL spec since some
additional, nonstandard string preprocessing is REQUIRED for them to
work. And not to repeat what you already know, but Prepared stmts are
not suitable or available for certain query types (performance
sometimes better w/o PS, dynamic query building, batch queries,
etc) and drivers (small foot print ones).

Incidently, if you disable the backslash quoting, how does one enter
raw binary data including NUL (\0) characters? 

I'm not sure if you're talking about API interfaces or shell, or both.
If shell, a piped sql-compliant escape processor would clearly be

As for APIs, I suspect the current design of each driver handles nulls
and the like, stems from how the underlying db protocol was originally
built --so they use either run length encoding (chunking),
boundary-delimiting, or are null terminated (whichever PG uses
natively, I don't know). In any case the very lowest level of the db
interface can translate as necessary (doubling the backslashes if
necessary), but queries should be able to issue any byte, including
nulls, with the only requirement that apostrophes are the string-escape
character, for themselves. In other words nulls should need no special
treatment from the query interface layer.

The only viable solution I can think of is that it is set at
*connection* time (maybe extra parameters), and unchangable for the
rest of the session. This means that unmodified client interfaces won't
see a difference.


Yes, sessions (connections) could work, and also perhaps per-user or
group, wherein the db the escape handing is handled the old or new way
on a per-user basis.

I can say, that I for one would enable the no-backslash config option 
out of the box -globally -so that we can start using pg now without any 
more upper managerial concerns/excuses about language/interface 
compliance..I can also say that (what we already know) the longer we 
wait to provide the 'right' option, the *more* legacy apps (and 
interfaces) will be built around it and consequently suffer when the 
need for change eventually comes (almost wholly caused by interop 
concerns). And market gain is being hurt now by this incompatibility 
with commercial offerings; that's an unfortunate fact.

Even if PostgreSQL implements this now, you will have to wait for new
versions of any client libraries before it's usable. See the autocommit
disaster for an example why people are not rushing into this...


I fully agree. I can see waiting at LEAST 1-3 months before the db
itself has changes committed for alpha testing, but that SURE BEATS
procrastination --which means years worth of more apps and interfaces
being built around the

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string escapeing

2005-02-28 Thread Ken Johanson

Uh, yea, this is going to require quite a bit of discussion in the
group, and I am concerned how it will affect other apps using
PostgreSQL.  (The mode isn't going to be useful if it breaks plug-in
extensions and stuff.)

The hard part of this isn't turning off backslash quoting; the code
changes to do that would be pretty trivial.  The hard part is not
breaking vast quantities of existing client code.  After our experience
with autocommit, no one is going to want to solve it with a GUC variable
that can be flipped on and off at random.  That would make the
compatibility problems that autocommit caused look like a day at the
beach :-(
I don't actually know a way to solve this that wouldn't impose
impossible amounts of pain on our existing users, and I'm afraid that
I rank that consideration higher than acquiring new users who won't
consider changing their own code.
If you can show me a way to provide this behavior without risk of
breaking existing code, I'm all ears.
			regards, tom lane

I feel somewhat confident (very actually) that a config option that 
disabled the backslash behavior globally(*) would be acceptable, BUT 
leave the current backslash behavior turned on by default so that 
current users are not impacted at all. Only a conscientious decision by 
the db admin to turn it on could cause problems, but _only_ if he/she 
didn't warn all his/her users beforehand of the impending change and its 
consequences (rtm).

(*Or if it's possible, provide the no-backslash config on a per-catalog 
basis perhaps? -or even per-user/group?, --that would allow individuals 
to use the legacy mode until they choose otherwise)

I can say, that I for one would enable the no-backslash config option 
out of the box -globally -so that we can start using pg now without any 
more upper managerial concerns/excuses about language/interface 
compliance..I can also say that (what we already know) the longer we 
wait to provide the 'right' option, the *more* legacy apps (and 
interfaces) will be built around it and consequently suffer when the 
need for change eventually comes (almost wholly caused by interop 
concerns). And market gain is being hurt now by this incompatibility 
with commercial offerings; that's an unfortunate fact.

Better to nip it in the bud sooner than later, imo.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 3: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
 subscribe-nomail command to [EMAIL PROTECTED] so that your
 message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Re: [GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string escapeing

2005-02-25 Thread Ken Johanson

Bruce Momjian wrote:

  Ken Johanson wrote:

Does anyone know if it will be possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO 
string escaping instead of C-style escapes? The C style escaping is a 
shoot-down for our adoption of postgres, since its non-standard.

Not yet, but we have a TODO item:

	* Allow backslash handling in quoted strings to be disabled for
	  The use of C-style backslashes (.e.g. \n, \r) in quoted strings is not
	  SQL-spec compliant, so allow such handling to be disabled.

Uh, what is ANSI/ISO escaping actually?  I assume you mean only
supporting '' for literal quotes rather than \' too.


Yes Sir. Being able to disable the backslash-escaping is the desired
operation. In circles of business deciding wether to move to opensource
databases this is the silently used excuse (by the critics) to dismiss
pg since its arguably so fundamental and somewhat dangerous (data
loss). Getting pg to behave 'normally' would silence this excuse.

Is there anything I can do to help move this up the todo list?


[GENERAL] Rephrased: Possible to run the server without backslash (C-style) escaping?

2005-02-23 Thread Ken Johanson
More specifically, I'd like to disable the non-standard backslash
escaping behavior of the server, so that backslashes aren't discarded, like:
insert into table values ('This won''t work when inserting a \
character'); -> 'This won't work when inserting a  character'
Instead I'd like for only single quotes (apostrophes) to server as the
escape character (for themselves), as in the iso/ansi recommendations
-so that the server behaves the same as Oracle, ms, and most other
databases in this regard.
I am living testament to all the users who switched from the 'big'
databases to pg and had the unpleasant surprise of having lost all the
backslashes chars -as well as having to tweak apps to get them to work.
If nothing else, a VERY prominently placed warning on the docs front
page should warn new users of the nonstandard behavior, imo. This can be
a life saver.

---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

[GENERAL] Possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO string escapeing instead of C-style escapes?

2005-02-23 Thread Ken Johanson
Does anyone know if it will be possible to run the server with ANSI/ISO 
string escaping instead of C-style escapes? The C style escaping is a 
shoot-down for our adoption of postgres, since its non-standard.


---(end of broadcast)---
TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?