Re: [GENERAL] Change table structure.

1999-09-23 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

"Michal A. Kowalski" wrote:
 is there any way to change table structure without doing DROP and CREATE
nope, only if you rename (table|attr) name(s) or add an attribute.

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

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Re: [GENERAL] data type serial

1999-09-22 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

Michael wrote:
   So how do you store something in data type serial?
   I've created the column but everytime I attempt to do an update I get
   back the error message that I can't store a duplicate key.
   table_col_seq.last_value = 1
   increment = 1
   maxvalue = 2billion something
   I've tried storing 1,2,some other number in "serial" in the main
   table to no avail. What is the magic to get this to work. There
   appears to be no documentation anywhere on the necessary SQL commands
   to cycle the generator. I've tried the method used for Oracle SQL but
   that does not work. I'm a bit of a newbie at this.
  You cant insert into a serial as far as I know.
  The serial is simply incrimented automatically whenever a new INSERT
  is done on the table.
 Hmmm that's a real problem when adding it to an existing table.
? you can create another serial, starting @ max(serial attr)+1
 The values I get back on a select indicate all blanks. I've got
 several hundred records in the table at the moment. There must be a
 way to update the darn things.
it should not, how do you make that select 7 what's the table

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer (h)
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Re: [GENERAL] oid_index size problem

1999-09-17 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

Sebestyen Zoltan wrote:
  I wrote an application that uses PgSQL as database backend. It ran for
 almost a year and now it's database directory grew to 85633Kbyte.
 Inspecting this directory, I found out that a file called oid_index grew
 to 84058112 bytes, i.e. 99% of the database is index. What went wrong?
 What can be done now? I use a PgSQL 6.4.2 on a AIX 4.2..
 THanks in advance
just a wild guess, have you ever run vacuum ?

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

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Re: [GENERAL] shutdown gracefully single user mode?

1999-09-14 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

amy cheng wrote:
 hi, all experts there, greetings!
 Just minutes ago, my boss found out one of the attributes in a
 table is too short (varchar 64 for url), we need to make
 it wider to 85 A.S.A.P. Seems that alter table can not do it.
 So, I used pg_dump, (how to do it gracefully?) immediately drop the table,
 shutdown the postmaster (not necessary?) and change the dumped table, and
 then restart the postmaster, use pgsql to reload the data. Our database is
 not large YET. So, it took ONLY 10 minutes to re-load.
 the job was done. But I feel nervous -- because I expect this will
 happen again SOON. What is the "standard" procedure for postgreSQL to
 do such kind of things? more specifically (maybe there are some other
 1) how to shutdown postmaster gracefully (I simply used
 kill proID. I feel lucky that I do not need to use -9 ! ) so
 that I'm sure the data is not corrupted?
 2) how to "shutdown"(drop) just one table gracefully?
 3) any simpler way (alter-table-like) to widden the attribute?
 4) single user mode?
 thanks in advance!!!
gee :)
why don't you just :
1. create a new table with the field adjusted to the needed size.
2. INSERT INTO new_table SELECT ... FROM old_table ...
3. DROP TABLE old_table
4. ALTER TABLE new_table RENAME TO old_table
eventually within a transaction.
Also a SELECT INTO may be a shortcut, but I didn't test that.

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

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Re: [GENERAL] Problem connecting NT-psqlODBC to Linux-PostgreSQL

1999-09-07 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

Jelle Ruttenberg wrote:
 Hello all,
 I'm trying to connect from a NT via psqlODBC (6.40.0005) to a
 Linux-machine with PostgreSQL 6.5.1 up and running. The connection is
 refused and in the logfile on the Linux-machine is the following message:
 Unable to connect to Ident server on the host which is trying to connect
 to Postgres (IP address, Port 113). errno = Connection
 refused (111)
 In the PostgreSQL-homedir there is also a file odbcinst.ini. Because I
 didn't install PostgreSQL myself, I don't know why it's there and if this
 can cause the trouble.
I think it has to do w/ pg_hba.conf
it's under $PGDATA/database , iirc. Take a look @ it.
Second, hmm, your port is 113 but I know the default is 5432.
If nobody is listening to a port where you are trying to connect, you
the same respone (connection refused).

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL table data structure generator...

1999-09-01 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

 or you could use GNUstep's ( ) database library (
 aka Enterprise Objects Framework 1.x ), which provides an OO
 wrapper for database independent stuff.  you dont have to deal with SQL;
 you deal with the objects.

been there, but couldn't find that Enerprise Objects Framework. I am
really interested
could you point out a more accurate URI? tia

CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

@ DIGICOM S.A. Bucharest, Romania
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Re: [GENERAL] do delete/insert instead of update if name changes

1999-08-31 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

amy cheng wrote:
 hi, all experts there,
 I'm studying the example in postgresql-6.5.1/src/pl/plpgsql/test.
 I do not understand why we need "do delete/insert instead of update if name
 changes". Is it ONLY for the test, or, there is some
 reason for doing that in practical use?
 I cut/paste part of it below.
iirc, slotname is the primary key, and an update on a primary key might
be a "bad thing" 
- e.g. I dunno if when changing only the key field, the index is updated
automagically -
so maybe a proper INSERT statement is the right way to do it.

 -- * BEFORE UPDATE on PHone
 -- *- do delete/insert instead of update if name changes
 create function tg_phone_bu() returns opaque as '
 if new.slotname != old.slotname then
 delete from PHone where slotname = old.slotname;
 insert into PHone (
 ) values (
 return null;
 end if;
 return new;
 ' language 'plpgsql';
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CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer

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Re: [GENERAL] How to display user-defined functions?

1999-08-31 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

Mark Dalphin wrote:
 Is there a way to display user-defined functions?  For example, if I define a
 function using PL/pgsql, what tables do I query and in what way to learn that
 the function exisits and further, what its defintion is? I can find functions
 that return known types, eg getTimeStamp, below, shows up with '\df', however
 functions defined returning type "opaque" do not show up, eq,
 "exon_foreign_keys", below.

afaik this *should* work:
SELECT * FROM pg_proc WHERE procname='your_f_name_here';
I'm not sure of "procname",though 
also try to display system tables (I think \dS or something)
and peek into other suspicious pg_* tables :)
CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer (h)
@ DIGICOM S.A. Bucharest, Romania
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Re: [GENERAL] change null to

1999-08-31 Thread Teodor Cimpoesu

amy cheng wrote:
 hi, all experts there,
 it's me again :-)
oh well :)
 I'm studying the example in postgresql-6.5.1/src/pl/plpgsql/test.
 I have another question: why do we need to "Set backlink to empty string if
 NULL value given"? is it JUST a test, or, some reasons to
 do that in general?
Nope, it's just an example of "triggers".
You should also post the CREATE statement of PSlot,
does it have a "NOT NULL" constraint for backlink attribute?
if yes, you've got the answer (I would also have a look but
I'm on the other OS right now : )

 -- * BEFORE INSERT or UPDATE on all slots with backlink
 -- *- Set backlink to empty string if NULL value given
 create function tg_chkbacklink() returns opaque as '
 if new.backlink isnull then
 new.backlink := ;
 end if;
 return new;
 ' language 'plpgsql';
 create trigger tg_chkbacklink before insert or update
 on PSlot for each row execute procedure tg_chkbacklink();
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CIMPOESU Teodor, Web Programmer (h)
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