Re: [GENERAL] Slashdot discussion

2000-07-11 Thread Thomas Good

On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Lamar Owen wrote:

 And, if most people's experience with the RedHat 5.2 RPM's is what
 they're going on, they need to get with the program -- RH 5.2 shipped
 PostgreSQL *6.3.2* which is absolutely ancient.  Although, at the time,
 6.3.2 was better than nothing.

Hello Lamar,

'Better than nothing' - hmm...

Perhaps better than MySQL?  Definitely better than PROGRESS which is
what it replaced in my shop.  I have one linux box running Pg up over
190 days - and it gets hammered on daily.  Mind you I don't run RedHat 
on production machines - it's a little too cute and a little too unstable.  
I use slackware.

Anyway, I have some development boxes using newer versions of Pg
(both FBSD and Linux - even a RedHat workstation) but there is nothing
wrong with 6.3.2.  Sure 7+ boasts more features and better performance
but there is nothing fatally flawed in 6.3.2.  Trust me, 190 days for
a linux box running linux is pretty good.  Especially when the users
are social workers - afraid of technology and overly fond of abusing the
text data type.

6.3.2 is certainly 'better than nothing' and, aside from slow vacuums,
I have no complaints.  Of course, I have the old logo taped to the cover
of my notebook:  a printout of the various pg manuals and Bruce's book. 
Being a bit of a blockhead I kind of fancy to exploding bricks.  ;-)

BTW, re the slashdot business...

Maybe MySQL is 'perceived' as easier to use than Pg - like Access (Abcess?)
is perceived as being friendlier than a real database.  But the reality
is that MySQL always struck me as being more of a toy than an industrial
strength db - and installation isn't really that much easier.

I still recall my first build with Pg.  The docs were very good and I
had it up and running on my first attempt.  The only difficulty I had
was determining what IF to use.  I started with ecpg then switched to
DBI.  I think now I'd like to have a crack on the new and improved ecpg.
I see that Michael's done alot of work - of course it was always 'better
than nothing'!  ;-)


   SVCMC - Center for Behavioral Health  

Thomas Good  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
IS Coordinator / DBA Phone: 718-354-5528 
 Fax:   718-354-5056  

Powered by:  PostgreSQL s l a c k w a r e  FreeBSD:
   RDBMS   |-- linux  The Power To Serve

Re: [HACKERS] Re: [GENERAL] Revised Copyright: is this more palatable?

2000-07-05 Thread Thomas Good

On Wed, 5 Jul 2000, The Hermit Hacker wrote:

 Personally, from all the 'legal' issues that FreeBSD has gone through over
 the years, especially recently with the BSDi/FreeBSD merger and the whole
 cryptology merger, I would think they would have been the first to
 adopt/change their BSD license to something else, and I've never even seen
 discussions on it ...

The only thing that comes close are the periodic discussions (ignored by
FBSD developers) about the removal of the 'offensive' mascot.  ;-)

Top Ten Gratuitous Discussions:

1.  FreeBSD v. Linux
2.  GPL v. BSD licence
3.  Removal of 'Chuckie' (Berkeley Daemon) from BSD 
in favour of something less 'Satanic' or 'Demonic'
4.  (Official) renaming of 'Chuckie' so as not offend McKusick
over the popular (mis)perception that the Berkeley Daemon 
is (nick)named 'Chuckie'
5.  MySQL v. Postgres
6.  RedHat v. Debian v. SuSe
7.  Why was Slackware not involved in the above discussion
8.  Perl v. Python
9.  Coke v. Pepsi


10. Altering the PG licence...I agree with *my perception* of Scrappy's
position:  If FBSD get nervous and changes their licence, Pg should
follow suit.  Otherwise it seems counterproductive.

Anyway, thanks for the great code.  I promise not to abuse it.
I promise not to sue anyone if I am too damn stupid to use it properly.

   SVCMC - Center for Behavioral Health  

Thomas Good  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
IS Coordinator / DBA Phone: 718-354-5528 
 Fax:   718-354-5056  

Powered by:  PostgreSQL s l a c k w a r e  FreeBSD:
   RDBMS   |-- linux  The Power To Serve

Re: [GENERAL] Re: [HACKERS] proposed improvements to PostgreSQLlicense

2000-07-04 Thread Thomas Good

On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Peter Eisentraut wrote:

  and ensuring that the code stays open source in perpetuity.
 No, that's what the GPL does.

This is only an end user's reply but here goes...

And I feel alot more comfortable with the GPL as an end user.  I *trust*
Richard Stallman...alot more than any johnny-come-lately.  Peter's point
about the longevity of the Bersekeley licence is well taken.

 To my knowledge, the BSD license has been used in one form or another for
 at least 20 years and neither has any contributor ever been sued for
 liability, nor was there any court case that concluded that the BSD
 license is worth anything at all, nor has the developer or commercial
 acceptance of any product ever been affected by this "untight" license.
  [To be integrated with the software in such a way that this license
  must be seen before downloading can occur]
 That's funny...

Actually, that's frightening...more than a bit reminiscent of the old Bill.
I've invested *alot* of time in writing code that wraps around Pg.
Because of its OSS licence and Berkeley lineage.

Perhaps the end user should also have to enter a key to do the build.
And subsequently be pestered to register online for 'free updates'...
Maybe code could be worked in to reach out on the network to see if any 
unauthorized binaries are in use.

  The foregoing shall be governed by and construed under the laws of
  the State of Virginia.
 The recurring theme throughout this email was that Great Bridge has
 apparently not appreciated that PostgreSQL land extends beyond the borders
 of the U.S. of A. Maybe your 32 focus groups in major U.S. cities wanted
 the license changed like this, but I'll bet lunch that 32 out of 32 focus
 groups in major European cities will look with extreme suspicion at
 anything with "laws of the State of XXX" attached to it.

 Until they realize that the laws of Virginia don't apply to them. Or to
 Canada, where is located these days.

Ah, The Old Dominion.  In NYC we have some of the toughest gun laws in
the US.  But they are largely ineffective (aside from blocking honest
citizens access to sporting firearms).  You see all sorts of guns flow in
illegally from states that don't enforce their laws.  Like Virginia.
The end result is that hospital ERs continue to treat gunshot wounds.

Rewriting the GPL or BSD licence sounds like reinventing the wheel...
Unless of course there is another agenda.

   SVCMC - Center for Behavioral Health  
Thomas Good  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
IS Coordinator / DBA Phone: 718-354-5528 
 Fax:   718-354-5056  

Powered by:  PostgreSQL s l a c k w a r e  FreeBSD:
   RDBMS   |-- linux  The Power To Serve

Re: [GENERAL] Perl interface

2000-06-16 Thread Thomas Good

On Fri, 16 Jun 2000, Thomas Holmgren wrote:

 I would like to extract data from my postgreSQL7.0 database and present   
 them on a web-page. I want to use CGI scripts written in Perl. How do I   
 connect to and query the DB from Perl? A reference to a tutorial or some  
 sort of documentation would be highly appreciated! :))
 I am familiar with both Perl and databases.

Hallo Thomas,

I do that for a living at the moment!  Check out my page at:
for links to docs, sample scripts, modules, etc.

The Man, in this instance is Lincoln Stein, PhD, - he wrote
and has a good book:  Official Guide To Programming the

Do a search on Yahoo or whatever:
Click on Lincoln Stein's page to find the ISBN for the book.
About $28 (perhaps less from Amazon).
My page has his scripts... ;-)

If you want to see some of my code (more involved than the rudimentary
samples) send some mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Also, have a look at: - this is SQL Ledger, an 
Open Source accounting package.  Dieter Simader is the author and
a nice guy as well.


   SVCMC - Center for Behavioral Health  

Thomas Good  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
IS Coordinator / DBA Phone: 718-354-5528 
 Fax:   718-354-5056  

Powered by:  PostgreSQL s l a c k w a r e  FreeBSD:
   RDBMS   |-- linux  The Power To Serve

Re: [GENERAL] Perl interfaces?

2000-06-01 Thread Thomas Good

On Tue, 30 May 2000, Philip Hallstrom wrote:

 Hi -
   I took a look around and was unable to find a Perl DBI driver for
 PostgreSQL... does one exist that I'm missing?  If not, which of the three
 drivers at is the best (please no wars :)


I use DBI and DBD-Pg.  For char mode and CGI.  Works well.


--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 7.0-2 RPMset released.

2000-05-21 Thread Thomas Good

On Sat, 20 May 2000, Lamar Owen wrote:

 The 7.0-2 RPMset fixes the following:
 1.)   SPI headers are now the 7.0 set, and not the 6.5.3 set;
 2.)   pg_options default to NOT enable syslog, or extended query logging, as
 syslogd has some issues with long queries (such as issued by psql's \d
 3.)   Alpha patches have returned!
 As usual, read '/usr/doc/postgresql-7.0/README.rpm' for more information.


On the GENERAL list the issue of firing up a server, and the silent flag
used by the default redhatter 'postgresql' script in init.d came up.

I redirect output to /var/lib/pgsql/postlog after I rm the -S from the
call to the server...not having pg complain when I screw up my CGI
scripts is no good to me.

If I were to have a vote, I'd urge whomever to add a comment to 'postgresql
the script' to offer logging in the manner described above.

I do this on BSD, UnixWare and Linux (a few flavours) and have never had
a problem.  Other than with my own code!

To be a bit clearer (tough this early):  I rm the -S muzzle,  stdout and
stderr to /var/lib/pgsql/postlog, then run the whole enchilada in the 
background ( 21 ' ).  This works well.

I call the script from rc.local and I still get the [OK] in brilliant green
followed by the pid.  Nothing appears broken *and* I get a log full of
insensitive complaints about my programming skills.  Who could ask for
more?  Here is what I do:

su -l postgres -c '/usr/bin/postmaster -i -D/var/lib/pgsql  
  /var/lib/pgsql/postlog 21 '


 **initdb required for those still running releases prior to 7.0RC5!***
 Users running 6.5.x  (or earlier!) need to thoroughly read and understand the
 README.rpm before installing (it is available on the ftp site as README in the
 RPM distribution directory, as well as in the 'unpacked' subdirectory).
 The spec file for this release, as well as all patches and supplemental
 programs are available in the 'unpacked' subdirectory.
 RPMset's are available at:
 Further information available at, as
 usual; or by e-mail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] (i prefer RPM questions to go
 to the list instead of directly to me).
 Lamar Owen
 WGCR Internet Radio
 1 Peter 4:11

   North Richmond Community Mental Health Center 
Thomas Good, MIS Coordinatortomg@ { admin | q8 }
Phone: 718-354-5528 
Fax:   718-354-5056  
 North Richmond Systems   PostgreSQL s l a c k w a r e 
   Are Powered By:  RDBMS   |-- linux  

Re: [GENERAL] Re: Is PostgreSQL ready for mission critical applications?

1999-11-22 Thread Thomas Good

On Mon, 22 Nov 1999, Stephen Birch wrote:

 I have been surprised by the response to this question.  I was hoping that the
 responses would be more consistent, after all when software is unreliable it
 is generally known by all users.

Steve -  I tried to post an answer earlier (and it was verbose as is my
tendency!) but apparently it bounced.  I will cc the list, you and
scrappy on this note.

I converted my shop from FoxPro and PROGRESS (on UnixWare) to Postgres on
Linux/BSD this past year.  12 years worth of data.  My users are clinical
staff *not* computer ppl (in fact they are computer-phobic) and have made
myriad mistakes in entering and retrieving data via network and dialup
connections.  Our electricians have swapped feeder cables while my boxes
were online - ouch.  And I have made dubious errors in programming as I
learned perl, CGI and DBI.  But throughout it all, PG has suffered all of
our blunders and our predilection for the text data type.

Social Workers love to talk, even in their clinical progress notes.
But PG rolls with the punches and everyday I find new reasons to love this
database.  Performance is good (better on UnixWare and BSD than Linux)
and I am really happy that the Pg SQL is less idiosyncratic than Oracle.

Perl has become a 4GL of sorts for me (replacing PROGRESS) and my  140
character apps are now being ported to CGI for a netscape interface.
They work well...

I can't say enuf about how much I like postgres and - how much my users
like it.  They suffered with PROGRESS (slow) and FoxPro (corruption).
I run Oracle on Linux and have tried Sybase and Informix too.  I'll stick
with Postgres.  MySQL and mSQL are too much like flat file db's (concurrency 
control matters here) for me to even consider using them (I did try mSQL 
and didn't much care for it...)

I use Pg ver 6.3.2 which is *rock* solid altho I'm told 6.5.x is faster.
I may upgrade at some point but I feel very comfortable with 6.3.2 as I
know it runs a wide array of mission critical apps with good speed and
and good reliability.  The tech support from the likes of Vadim and
Bruce (and volunteers like Herouth M and Brett) is also something I've
gotten used to...I often waffle between which unix I like best but I
know which database I prefer.


--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

Re: [GENERAL] Studying

1999-10-29 Thread Thomas Good

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Ken Gunderson wrote:

 At 01:17 PM 10/29/99 +1200, John Henderson wrote:
 I am in need of a great SQL reference that is readable by a beginner but is
 also comprehensive, any recommendations? Do you think O'Reilly is best? I
 have seen others recommended?
 I have pretty much exhausted the online documentation/FAQ/tutorials etc.
 John Henderson
 The _Practical SQL Handbook_ by Bowman, is well respected and
 frequently recommended as a good SQL intro for beginners.  This will not
 give you DB specific info though.  I would stay away from O'Reilly on this
 Ciao-- Ken

And I never weary of touting the virtue of the `LAN TIMES Guide to SQL'
by Groff and Weinberg.  I find it superior to every other tome I've read.
It includes very handy charts.  The data type comparison chart includes
Ingres whose data types match PG for the most part.  I ripped mine out
and laminated it.  Very useful.

For performance tuning I recommend Guy Harrison's `SQL Performance Tuning'.
Although it is Oracle specific the concepts (e.g., sequences) apply.

Once you get the rudiments of SQL, anything by Joe Celko is usually helpful
for headier topics.  I like `SQL for Smarties', even the parts that elude 
me.  ;-)


--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

[GENERAL] Re: [NOVICE] next steps

1999-10-29 Thread Thomas Good

On Fri, 29 Oct 1999, Carsten Huettl wrote:

 I have set up a postgres installation on a freeBSD box and am now 
 ready to take the next steps.
 Where can I find some Webpages with postgres applications or 


You can have a look at where you can download
a working accounting program written by a friend of mine (aus Bayern).
The docs are lacking (my fault, actually) but we are working on it.
I'd be happy to try and help.  BTW, I recently switched from coding
(into Perl scripts) all the HTML stuff by hand to using Lincoln Stein's module and my scripts are now concise and easier to read.  I can 
forward some if you like.  

Good luck,

 How do I create a "user front end"/data input mask/menu system?
 Can anyone point me to a webside to learn more about postgres 
 Learning lessons?
 Carsten Huettl -
 pgp-key on request

--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

Re: [GENERAL] ElephantWear Now Available...

1999-08-04 Thread Thomas Good

I like the ballcap, believe I'll order one...

BTW, Scrappy - I expect I have one cd remaining on my sub.
Are you planning on burning any copies of 6.5.1 for the sub


Still hoping to see that pachyderm on the cover of an O'Reilly
book someday...

--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

Re: [GENERAL] July 1999 issue of Sys Admin

1999-07-09 Thread Thomas Good

On Wed, 7 Jul 1999, Kaare Rasmussen wrote:

  The July issue of sys admin has a feature on Perl for DBAs.
  This is actually better coverage than you get in most perl
  Shall I fax you a copy?
 Yes, please :-)

I could do that...of course, Kaare, you'd have to buy me a pint.
I hope to be at a conference in Paris next spring...maybe I'll
stop by.  Or we could meet in Antwerpen.  ;-)

 I'd like to ask if it's on the web?

Not yet.

BTW, this is not any advanced code, it is basic, `how do I connect'
stuff.  But it is clear and correct - unlike what you see in `Advanced
Perl Programming'.

The reason I mentioned it to Jeff is that he's in Sales and it's good
to see Pg mentioned (albeit indirectly) in one of the is 
a pet peeve that MySQL and mSQL get all the press.  I suppose they
are decent databases and deserve coverage but postgres beat out both
of them in my shop.  I wish Tim O'Reilly would notice that lots of
use _rely_ on postgres...

How goes the accounting project?  I had to refocus on my clinical 
software as we have dumped all proprietary databases (shut down our
last PROGRESS database yesterday) and I have lots of code to write.
Speaking of which --- back to work!

--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

Re: [GENERAL] Stuck in a vacuum.

1999-07-07 Thread Thomas Good

On Tue, 6 Jul 1999, Vadim Mikheev wrote:

Vadim - thanks very much for the reply!  Sorry to take up your time on

Dobri vecher,

  1) what causes bufmgr.c to barf and kill vacuum when something is returned
  as `-2', ie `PINNED'?
 Buffer was pinned by someone, but shouldn't be. This could be caused
 by buffer leak problem. It's known that FATAL may cause buffer leak.
 Did you see FATALs before vacuum?
  2) how alarmed should I be?
 Shouldn't. No damage is expected in this case.
  3) is there a recommended fix (and/or a deprecated fix? ;-)  How can I avoid
 Stop postmaster. Sure that there is no backend running.
 Start postmaster. vacuum.

--- North Richmond Community Mental Health Center ---

Thomas Good   MIS Coordinator
Vital Signs:  tomg@ { admin | q8 }
  Phone: 718-354-5528  
  Fax:   718-354-5056  
/* Member: Computer Professionals For Social Responsibility */ 

RE: [GENERAL] Case insensitive searches

1999-05-06 Thread Thomas Good

On Thu, 6 May 1999, Michael J Davis wrote:

   select some_field
  from table
  where lower(another_field) like '%substring_entered_by_user%'
   -Original Message-
   From:   Paulo Parola [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent:   Thursday, May 06, 1999 3:53 PM
   To: pgsql-general
   Subject:[GENERAL] Case insensitive searches

Michael,  I stuck with this format for awhile, in the interests of trying
to write generic code and then the '~*' operator was just too handy.  ;-)

SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar ~* 'kun';

Will return `Kunstler' from table `foo'...I don't know about the umlaut


   When using mSQL I can perform case insensitive queries by using
   like below:
  select some_field
  from table
  where another_field clike '%substring_entered_by_user%'
   How should I do that with PostgreSQL? (I understand 'clike' is not a
   standard SQL feature and there is no similar in PostgreSQL).
   If I change the substring entered by the user, lets say for example
   to the following form '[mM][oO][rR][eE]' would it work?
   And if I have words with accents (lets say 'Künstler') how should I
 do to
   return the same entries no matter if the user types the accent or
 not? In
   the previous case, the search should return the same values no
 matter if the
   user entered the word 'Künstler' (with accent) or if he typed
   (without accent).

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  
 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes on ECPG

1999-04-29 Thread Thomas Good

Bruce - 

I searched thru my libs (/usr/lib, /usr/ccs/lib and /usr/ucblib)
and managed to eliminate most of ecpg's complaints with -lnwutil
and -lucb...

But there appears to be one problem I can't resolve:
lex_init does not exist in any obj code anywhere on my system (as other
than undef).

This would appear to be fatal, yes?

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center

 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  

 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution

1999-04-29 Thread Thomas Good

Bruce - by commenting ecpg out of the interfaces Makefile I got
all of Postgres to compile and have successfully run initdb...

As soon as I can resolve the IpcMemory errors I hope to have this
thing going.

Thanks for all of your help,

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  
 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution

1999-04-29 Thread Thomas Good

On Thu, 29 Apr 1999, Jun Zhang wrote:

 After commented the line with "ecpg" (there is only one such line)
 from the GNUmake file, the make all didn't go very far but ended with
 the following message:

I'm sorry but I'm did *not* succeed in compiling?
I eventually did succeed and am now looking at increasing semaphores
and shared memory so that the d*mn IpcMemory errors take a hike.

I am no fan of UnixWare.  It was a real dance to get UUCP over TCP
working - and sendmail was also a week of fun.  It is hard for me to
believe that this was once ATT src code.  Of course, ATT never would
have released it in this state...that was done by Novell with an
encore by SCO.

I plan to get a pint (or three) and start on my kernel rebuild later.
(Expletive deleted) I thought BSD was the unix for kernel rebuilds
(based on the philosophy that the user should be able to build something
specially tailored to his/her needs).  System V kernels are supposed
to handle *any* eventuality.  Hah...

In the event I'm reading you correctly and your compilation failed:

Once I rm'd ecpg from the Makefile list in ./interfaces I was able
to compile and then install.  Next I added /usr/local/pgsql/lib
to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and I ran initdb.  Now I need to get the postmaster
fired up and that means more shared memory.

BTW, this is PG 6.3.2 on UW 2.1.2...

Good luck with your situation.  If I can do anything to help (send my
log notes, whatever) let me know.  I'd be willing to send binaries
if you like.


 make -C utils all
 make[1]: Entering directory `/home/humphrey/postgresql-6.4.2/src/utils'
 cc -I../include -I../backend   -c version.c
 UX:acomp: ERROR: "/usr/include/strings.h", line 20: identifier redeclared:
 UX:acomp: ERROR: "/usr/include/stdlib.h", line 169: identifier redeclared:
 make[1]: *** [version.o] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/humphrey/postgresql-6.4.2/src/utils'
 make: *** [all] Error 2
 I used 6.4.2 on UnixWare 2.1.3.
  From: Thomas Good [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  To: Bruce Momjian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes --- Resolution
  Date: Thursday, April 29, 1999 8:55 AM
  Bruce - by commenting ecpg out of the interfaces Makefile I got
  all of Postgres to compile and have successfully run initdb...
  As soon as I can resolve the IpcMemory errors I hope to have this
  thing going.
  Thanks for all of your help,
   North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
   Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
   E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
   Fax:  718-354-5056  

   Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center

 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  

 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes

1999-04-28 Thread Thomas Good
cc -o postgres access/SUBSYS.o bootstrap/SUBSYS.o catalog/SUBSYS.o commands/SUBSYS.o 
executor/SUBSYS.o lib/SUBSYS.o libpq/SUBSYS.o main/SUBSYS.o nodes/SUBSYS.o 
optimizer/SUBSYS.o parser/SUBSYS.o port/SUBSYS.o postmaster/SUBSYS.o regex/SUBSYS.o 
SYS.o storage/SUBSYS.o tcop/SUBSYS.o utils/SUBSYS.o ../utils/version.o -lgen -lcrypt 
-lld -lnsl -lsocket -ldl -lm -ltermcap -lcurses -lc89  -lc89 -Wl,-Bexport
Undefined   first referenced
 symbol in file
alloca  bootstrap/SUBSYS.o
UX:ld: ERROR: postgres: fatal error: Symbol referencing errors. No output written to 
gmake[1]: *** [postgres] Error 1
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.3.2/src/backend'
gmake: *** [all] Error 2

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  
 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes

1999-04-28 Thread Thomas Good

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Bruce Momjian wrote:

  On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Bruce Momjian wrote:
 It is this line:
   [56]| 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |alloca
 Your bison is outputting code that can not be resolved by the libraries
 you supplied.  Try doing 'nm' in /usr/lib, and see if you can find a
 reference to alloca that does not have "UNDEF" next to it.

Hi.  Negative...not in /usr/lib, /opt/lib or /lib *but* I found
one entry in my Berkeley libraries (/usr/ucblib):

Symbols from libucb.a[alloca.o]:
[1] | 0|   0|FILE |LOCL |0|ABS|alloca.s
[4] | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|1  |alloca

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
     Thomas Good   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  
 Powered By:   Slackware 3.6  PostgreSQL 6.3.2
/* Die Wahrheit Ist Irgendwo Da Draussen... */ 

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center

     Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  

 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes

1999-04-28 Thread Thomas Good

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Thomas Good wrote:

  It is this line:
  [56]| 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|UNDEF  |alloca
  Your bison is outputting code that can not be resolved by the libraries
  you supplied.  Try doing 'nm' in /usr/lib, and see if you can find a
  reference to alloca that does not have "UNDEF" next to it.

 Hi.  Negative...not in /usr/lib, /opt/lib or /lib *but* I found
 one entry in my Berkeley libraries (/usr/ucblib):
 Symbols from libucb.a[alloca.o]:
 [1]   | 0|   0|FILE |LOCL |0|ABS|alloca.s
 [4]   | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|1  |alloca

Bruce - I see the calls in /opt/lib/bison.simple to alloca...
can I make a careful incision anywhere?  ;-)

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center

     Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  

 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

Re: [GENERAL] UnixWare chokes

1999-04-28 Thread Thomas Good

On Wed, 28 Apr 1999, Bruce Momjian wrote:

  Symbols from libucb.a[alloca.o]:
  [1] | 0|   0|FILE |LOCL |0|ABS|alloca.s
  [4] | 0|   0|NOTY |GLOB |0|1  |alloca
 Bing.  Looks like bison-programs need -lucb as a compiler option.  Try
 that and see.

Bruce -

gmake all
produces seemingly benign output:

gmake -C lextest all
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.3.2/src/lextest'
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.3.2/src/lextest'

But of course, make trying to force the issue with:

cd /usr/src/pgsql/postgresql-6.3.2/src/backend
cc -o postgres access/SUBSYS.o bootstrap/SUBSYS.o catalog/SUBSYS.o 
commands/SUBSYS.o executor/SUBSYS.o lib/SUBSYS.o libpq/SUBSYS.o 
main/SUBSYS.o nodes/SUBSYS.o optimizer/SUBSYS.o parser/SUBSYS.o 
port/SUBSYS.o postmaster/SUBSYS.o regex/SUBSYS.o rewrite/SUBSYS.o 
storage/SUBSYS.o tcop/SUBSYS.o utils/SUBSYS.o ../utils/version.o 
-lgen -lcrypt -lld -lnsl -lsocket -ldl -lm -ltermcap -lcurses 
-lc89  -lc89 -Wl,-Bexport -lucb

UX:ld: ERROR:  fatal error: library not found: -lucb

I've tried different placement of the flag in the cc cmd but the
result is the same.  Ouch.  I've re-read the ld man page but see
no reference to calling the beserkely libs.  At a loss (again).


 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center

 Thomas Good   Information Systems Coordinator
 E-Mail:   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  

 Empowered by PostgreSQL 6.3.2

[GENERAL] Desperately Seeking Regular Expression

1999-04-27 Thread Thomas Good

Hi all - 

I am porting a PROGRESS database to PostgreSQL.

I've had success previously doing a port - but from FoxPro which
allows one to dump data delimited by tabs.  Unfortunately, PROGRESS
dumps fields delimited by whitespace rather than tabs and I can find no
documentation on how to alter this behaviour. 

I read the recent post wherein someone used awk to change whitespace
to tabs:   

cat $input | awk '{ print $1"\t"$2"\t"$3"\t"$4"\t"$5"\t" \
$6"\t"$7"\t" }'  $input.out

I am using this with good effect.  However, I run into trouble as
inside my dump file(s) there are doublequoted character strings.
awk is changing the whitespace delimited words inside the char strs
into tab delimited words inside strings.  Ouch.

What follows is my inept effort to get sed on my side as I try to sort
this out:
sed -e 's/" *"/ /g' $input.out  $input.sql 

This is a miserable failure as it simply converts all the tabs back
to whitespace.  I've tried escaping the double quotes in the regex
but then sed changes nothing.

Can someone put me out of my misery?  Anyone have suggestions on a
regular expression that will:

Convert tabs to whitespace *inside* of double quoted strings *only* ???
I don't care if the regex is for sed/awk/perl, whatever, I need to get
the job done!


Stuck in Staten Island,

 North Richmond Community Mental Health Center
 Thomas Good   tomg@ { admin | q8 }
 Fax:  718-354-5056  
 Powered By:   Slackware 3.6  PostgreSQL 6.3.2
/* Die Wahrheit Ist Irgendwo Da Draussen... */