[GENERAL] Better way to process boolean query result in shell-like situations?

2015-10-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt

I regularly run into the problem that I want to query a
PostgreSQL database in a script/program and depending on a
boolean result do one thing or the other.  A typical example
would be a Puppet Exec that creates a user only if it does
not exist yet.

But unfortunately psql always returns with the exit code 0
if the query was run without errors.  In a shell script I
can use a query that returns an empty string for failure and
something else for success and then test that à la:

| if [ -n "$(psql -Atc "[…]") ]; then echo Success.; fi

but for example in Puppet this requires putting around
'/bin/bash -c "[…]"' with yet another level of quoting.

The best idea I had so far was to cause a runtime error
(here with the logic reversed: If the user exists, psql re-
turns failure, otherwise success):

| [tim@passepartout ~]$ psql -c "SELECT usename::INT FROM pg_user WHERE usename 
= 'tim';"; echo $?
| FEHLER:  ungültige Eingabesyntax für ganze Zahl: »tim«
| 1
| [tim@passepartout ~]$ psql -c "SELECT usename::INT FROM pg_user WHERE usename 
= 'does-not-exist';"; echo $?
|  usename 
| -
| (0 rows)

| 0
| [tim@passepartout ~]$

But this (in theory) could fail if usename could be con-
verted to a number, and for example 'a'::INT will fail al-

Are there better ways?  The environment I am most interested
in is 9.3 on Ubuntu Trusty.


P. S.: I /can/ write providers or inline templates for Pup-
   pet in Ruby to deal with these questions; but here I
   am only looking for a solution that is more "univer-
   sal" and relies solely on psql or another utility
   that is already installed.

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Re: [GENERAL] Quick Date/Time Index Question

2011-09-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
David Johnston pol...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I have a database field that stores a timestamp to second+ precision;
 however, I want to search against it only to day precision.  If I leave the
 field in second precision and try to WHERE field BETWEEN date0 AND date0 I
 get no results (OK, fine) but then I cast the field to date WHERE
 field::date BETWEEN date0 AND date0 and get the expected results.  So now I
 want to index field::date by I cannot create a functional index on
 field::date OR CAST(field AS date) OR date_trunc('day',field) due to
 either syntax (::) or non-IMMUTABLE function errors (cast; date_trunc).

 Is there some other way to create an index on only the date portion of the
 field?  Is it even necessary since any index ordered on timestamp is also,
 by definition, order on date as well?

Not necessarily a direct answer, but have you tried querying
WHERE field = date0 AND field  (date0 + 1)?


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Re: [GENERAL] Quick Date/Time Index Question

2011-09-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:

 I have a database field that stores a timestamp to second+ precision;
 however, I want to search against it only to day precision.  If I leave the
 field in second precision and try to WHERE field BETWEEN date0 AND date0 I
 get no results (OK, fine) but then I cast the field to date WHERE
 field::date BETWEEN date0 AND date0 and get the expected results.

 Try WHERE field BETWEEN date0 AND date0+1.  When comparing a date to a
 timestamp, the date is considered to represent midnight of its day, so
 you're testing for a zero-width range there.

Dare I to say it? :-) Not quite true:

| tim=# SELECT t
| tim-#FROM (VALUES ('2011-01-01 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP),
| tim(# ('2011-01-02 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP)) AS d (t)
| tim-#WHERE t BETWEEN '2011-01-01'::DATE AND ('2011-01-01'::DATE + 1);
|   t
| -
|  2011-01-01 00:00:00
|  2011-01-02 00:00:00
| (2 Zeilen)

| tim=#

So you would have to assert that no timestamp will ever fall
on midnight.


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Re: [GENERAL] How to distribute quantity if same product is in multiple rows

2010-07-22 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote:

It can be done in SQL: SUM(kogus) OVER (PARTITION BY toode
ORDER BY ID) - kogus (*1) will give you the running sum of
the product up to that row. You can then subtract that value
from the delivered quantity to calculate the delivered quan-
tity for the current row.

  But doing so automatically is probably bad. For example,
if a user has a purchase order with one position of two
pieces and one position of four, it is very likely that when
a shipment of four pieces arrives, the latter position shall
be marked as delivered. So I would leave the decision to the

 If four pieces arrived, first position of 2 pieces should
 marked as delivered.
 Second position of 4 pieces shoudl be marked as partialli
 delivered by setting undelivered quantity
 of this row to 2

 How to use your suggestion for this ?

Que? You take the query above, join it in the UPDATE and
set the delivered quantity to the minimum of the ordered
quantity and taitmkogus - sumkogus.

 How to implement this is PostgreSql 8.1,8.2, 8.3 ?

An example for calculating running sums without window
functions can be found at
I would rather use a PL/pgSQL function in this case, though.


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Re: [GENERAL] How to distribute quantity if same product is in multiple rows

2010-07-20 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote:

 Order contains same product in multiple rows.
 I tried to calculate undelivered quantity using script below but it produces
 wrong result:
 delivered quantity is substracted from both rows, not distributed.

 How to distibute undelivered quantity according to row quantity in every row
 Can it be done using SQL or should SCAN loop in plpgsql used?

It can be done in SQL: SUM(kogus) OVER (PARTITION BY toode
ORDER BY ID) - kogus (*1) will give you the running sum of
the product up to that row. You can then subtract that value
from the delivered quantity to calculate the delivered quan-
tity for the current row.

  But doing so automatically is probably bad. For example,
if a user has a purchase order with one position of two
pieces and one position of four, it is very likely that when
a shipment of four pieces arrives, the latter position shall
be marked as delivered. So I would leave the decision to the


(*1)   In PostgreSQL 9.0, you might be able to use ROWS

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Re: [GENERAL] coalesce seems to give strange results

2010-07-15 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Richard Yen rich...@iparadigms.com wrote:

 Ah, I see what you mean.  If there's no rows to return, then there's no 
 coalesce-ing to do...

That's right, /but/ if you use a sub-select, you can achieve
something similar:

| tim=# SELECT COALESCE((SELECT ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() - query_start))
| tim(#FROM pg_stat_activity
| tim(#WHERE current_query = 'IDLE in transaction'),
| tim(# 0);
|  coalesce
| --
| 0
| (1 Zeile)

| tim=#

 sorry for the spam.

That wasn't spam :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Need help doing a CSV import

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Craig Ringer cr...@postnewspapers.com.au wrote:

 I am in the process of moving a FoxPro based system to PostgreSQL.

 We have several tables that have memo fields which contain carriage
 returns and line feeds that I need to preserve. I thought if I converted
 these into the appropriate \r and \n codes that they would be imported as
 carriage returns and line feeds, but instead they are stored in the
 database as \r and \n.

 PostgreSQL doesn't process escapes in CSV import mode.

 You can reformat the data into the non-csv COPY format,
 which WILL process escapes. Or you can post-process it after
 import to expand them. Unfortunately PostgreSQL doesn't
 offer an option to process escapes when CSV mode COPY is

 I posted a little Python script that reads CSV data and
 spits out COPY-friendly output a few days ago. It should be
 trivially adaptable to your needs, you'd just need to change
 the input dialect options. See the archives for the script.

Another option is a small Perl script or something similar
that connects to both the FoxPro and the PostgreSQL database
and transfers the data with parameterized INSERT. The ad-
vantage of this is that you have tight control of charsets,
date formats, EOL conventions  Co. and do not have to won-
der whether this and that file is in this and that stage of
the conversion process, the disadvantage is obviously that
you lose any speed benefit of bulk COPY.


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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 8.4, XPath and name() function

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Craig Ringer cr...@postnewspapers.com.au wrote:

 I would like to get unit, but I just get an empty array ({}).
 How can I get unit ?

 AFAIK, this is not related to PostgreSQL, but inherent to
 XPath in that it returns elements from the document that
 fulfill the XPath expression *unchanged*.

 My (poor) understanding is that XPath can be used as an
 expression language and as a selector specifier language.
 You can observe this in XSLT, where

 xsl:template match=some-xpath/

 uses XPath as a selector of elements, and:

 xsl:value-of select=some-xpath/

 uses XPath as an expression language, returning the output
 of a given XPath expression or function not just the
 matched/not matched status.

 I found this very confusing myself when learning XSLT, and
 it's possible I'm still misunderstanding it somewhat, but
 it's clear that XPath can be used in more than one way.

Okay, that's maybe due to my XML socialization: An XPath ex-
pression to me has always been something you use in
xsl:template and xmllint --shell, as in xsl:value-of 
Co. you have also access to other functions. It's even in
the specification :-):

| [...]   The primary purpose
| of XPath is to address parts of an XML [XML] document. [...]

(from: URI:http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/)


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Re: [GENERAL] Need help doing a CSV import

2010-07-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
David Fetter da...@fetter.org wrote:

 Another option is a small Perl script or something similar
 that connects to both the FoxPro and the PostgreSQL database
 and transfers the data with parameterized INSERT. The ad-
 vantage of this is that you have tight control of charsets,
 date formats, EOL conventions  Co. and do not have to won-
 der whether this and that file is in this and that stage of
 the conversion process, the disadvantage is obviously that
 you lose any speed benefit of bulk COPY.

 You can do your transformations and hand the stream off to the COPY
 interface.  See the pg_putcopydata() section of the DBD::Pg manual for
 examples. :)

Eh, yes, but then you have to do all the escaping yourself
and the simplicity of get values A, B, C from this connec-
tion and pass it onto that goes away :-). Now if there'd be
a pg_putcopydata(array of arrayrefs) ... :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Postgresql 8.4, XPath and name() function

2010-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
ced45 cedric.dup...@ifn.fr wrote:

 I have trouble using XPath name() function in a XML field.
 For example, when I execute the following query :

 SELECT XPATH('name(/*)', XMLPARSE(DOCUMENT 'unitvalue/unit'))

 I would like to get unit, but I just get an empty array ({}).
 How can I get unit ?

AFAIK, this is not related to PostgreSQL, but inherent to
XPath in that it returns elements from the document that
fulfill the XPath expression *unchanged*.

  So you will probably have to tackle your problem from an-
other angle.


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Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz pagong...@gmail.com wrote:

 * sites (generic):


 * site_natural

 * site_arqueology

 But i seem to be missing something. How can i have this in a way that its
 easy to list only arqueology sites for example. I feel the solution is
 simple enough, even for me, but its eluding me. Any help in the right
 direction would be very appreciated.

You mean archaeological sites that are not also natural

| SELECT * FROM site_arqeuology
|   WHERE id_site NOT IN
| (SELECT id_site FROM site_natural);

There are numerous other ways to do this, i. e., with LEFT


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Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz pagong...@gmail.com wrote:

 I was looking for an opinion on the actual table structure. :-) How should i
 build the data set? Is my second example ok? The first is the long version
 but i wanted to put together all the common fields to both types of sites
 and then (maybe) build tables to accomodate the specific fields so there are
 no empty columns on the table if i put everything in the same table.

That's way too fuzzy for good advice. Few people build data
sets on archaeological sites, and even those probably don't
use all the same structure.

(not telepathic)

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Re: [GENERAL] problem with table structure

2010-07-09 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Miguel Vaz pagong...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you for the opinion, Alban. The names are the least of my worries, i
 typed them without thinking. And its portuguese. :-)

 If, using that design, i had a different table with something like arq_types
 { id_arq_type, descr } that i could somehow connect to the generic table
 (the one with the common fields), how could i go about querying those tables
 for all the results of a specific type, for example? Or maybe i could add a
 table_name field on that arq_type table?


 Dont consider this to be strictly for archeology, i mean in a generic sense
 that if we have several data sets with common fields, if we could divide
 them into several tables, one with common fields, and the others with fields
 related to each type. My doubt was regarding how to have a separate table
 with types that could be used to help query the common fields table and
 fetch the corresponding table of that specific type. I understand its a bit
 ungrateful for you guys to understand what i mean, considering that i am
 probably making things even more confusing. :-)

I think the main problem is that you haven't stated your ex-
perience with SQL (or databases in general). Your questions
above (somehow connect to the generic table, go about
querying those tables) indicate that you seem to be lacking
basic knowledge. In this case, it won't help you, us or your
database to ask how to structure your data; you should read
a tutorial, and then choose a structure that you understand
and that works for you.

  But at the moment, you're basically saying: I'd like to
build a vehicle; I haven't decided yet whether it should
take me to the next pub or the moon. Which screws should I


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Re: [GENERAL] to_date function

2010-07-07 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Carlos Henrique Reimer carlos.rei...@opendb.com.br wrote:

 I've a Linux box running postgresql 8.2.17 and facing some strange results
 from the to_date function.

 As you can see in the following tests the problem occurs when the template
 used includes upper and lower case characters for the minute (Mi or mI).

 Am I using the incorrect syntax or is it a bug?

In general, the template patterns are case-sensitive (cf.
month vs. Month vs. MONTH). So mI will probably be
interpreted as a literal m and I meaning last digit of
ISO year which isn't what you want.

  So use MI and be happy.


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Re: [GENERAL] how to remove a for-loop from programming language and put it into the query?

2010-07-05 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Pedro Zorzenon Neto pedro2...@mandic.com.br wrote:

 So, I need to get a report of all diagnostics of all hardware on
 december 25th.

 (external programming language)
 for ($i = 1; $i  500; $i++) {
   // return me the most recent diag_value from a hardware_id $i
   // at the desired timestamp
   runquery(select diag_value from diagnose_logs where ts = '2009-12-25
 23:59:59' and hardware_id = $i order by ts desc limit 1);

 Currently I have an index on diagnose_logs(ts,hardware_id)
 I have 3 milion registers of 500 different hardware_id.

 The time to run 500 times this query is long... about 1 minute. When I
 need a montly day-by-day report of 500 hardwares, it takes about half an

 can I turn this for-loop into a single query to run in postgres?

Another month, another case for DISTINCT ON:

| SELECT DISTINCT ON (hardware_id)
|   hardware_id, diag_value
|   FROM diagnose_logs
|   WHERE ts = '2009-12-25 23:59:59'
|   ORDER BY hardware_id, ts DESC;

BTW, I'd prefer WHERE ts  '2009-12-26' as otherwise you
don't catch a timestamp '2009-12-25 23:59:59.5' (not to
speak of leap seconds).


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Re: [GENERAL] Query to balance rows across multiple tables

2010-07-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mike Christensen m...@kitchenpc.com wrote:

 Here's the catch: I want to DELETE any row (in either table) that has
 zero quantity, since I no longer need this data (plus I have a CHECK
 constraint on this value and require it to be positive anyway)..

 Is there actually a way to do this in a SQL function?  Thanks!

Probably. But I wouldn't take that path: If your function
has a bug, you'll have /no/ record of what went wrong, but
only some numbers that may or may not be correct.

  So I'd rather use a more elaborate table structure where
you can track when you bought/planned to use/used what quan-
tity of items, and then use SUM()  Co. to report what you
own and what you need to buy.


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Re: [GENERAL] Postgres table contents versioning

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
John Gage jsmg...@numericable.fr wrote:

 Is there an equivalent of svn/git etc. for the data in a
 database's tables?

 Can I set something up so that I can see what was in the
 table two days/months etc. ago?

 I realize that in the case of rapidly changing hundred
 million row tables this presents an impossible problem.

 The best kludge I can think of is copying the tables to a
 directory and git-ing the directory.

If you're looking at this from a disaster recovery point of
view, you should read up on PostgreSQL's PITR capabilities.
If you need the information in your application, you should
google for temporal databases on how to amend your table


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Re: [GENERAL] Filtering by tags

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Anders Steinlein and...@steinlein.no wrote:

 No one with any response on this?

Insert a LEFT JOIN in the first subquery?

(too lazy to test :-))

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Re: [GENERAL] loading many queries from a file

2010-06-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Szymon Guz mabew...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've got a file with many SQL queries, also some function definitions and so
 on. I'd like to load it to database, but using some library like
 JDBC/ODBC/DBI, not using the obvious psql. Do you know how I could load
 those many queries? Usually there could be loaded only one query, I saw that
 psql parses the file looking for the semicolon.

 Is there any other way than parsing the file and loading queries one by one?

Is your file friendly or arbitrary? With DBI, you can exe-
cute several commands in one do() call, but you cannot split
one command across several calls. The PostgreSQL frontend/
backend protocol seems to allow that by a cursory look, but
that's *very* far from JDBC/ODBC/DBI.

  If there are no guarantees on the format of your file, I
would try to adapt psql's psqlscan.l  Co.


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Re: [GENERAL] Equivalent to use database in postgre

2010-06-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
javijava welove.e.mu...@gmail.com wrote:

 i'm newby in postgre sql world.

 i need to know how to do a simple script  that create a database,the y
 select it (in other languajes using USE) and after create tables with this

 How can I say use name_database on postgre sql?

You must specify the database to use on connect; if you want
to use psql for your script, you can use \c name_database
à la:

| CREATE DATABASE testdatabase;
| \c testdatabase
| CREATE TABLE testtable (testcolumn int);


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Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andrus kobrule...@hot.ee wrote:

 Autogenerated select statement contains 0 .. n left joins:

 SELECT somecolumns
 FROM ko
 LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey
 LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey
 WHERE ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue';

 This select can return only 0 or 1 rows depending if ko row with primary key
 'someprimarykeyvalue' exists or not.


 if there is no searched primary key row in ko database, select should also
 return empty row.

 To get this result I added right join:

 SELECT somecolumns
 FROM ko
 RIGHT JOIN (SELECT 1) _forceonerow ON true
 LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey
 LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey
 WHERE ko.primarykey is null or ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue';

 but it still does not return row if primary key row 'someprimarykeyvalue'
 does not exist.

 How to force this statement to return one row always ?

It's a bit difficult to decipher what you're looking for
(what do you mean by empty row?), but you may want to try
something along the lines of:

| SELECT v.primarykey, ko.somecolumns
|   FROM (VALUES ('someprimarykeyvalue')) AS v (primarykey)
|   LEFT JOIN ko ON v.primarykey  = ko.primarykey
|   LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey = ko.t1foreignkey
|   [...]
|   LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey = ko.tnforeignkey;

Whether that suits your needs depends very much on the data
structure and the tools you use.


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Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Brett Mc Bride brett.mcbr...@deakin.edu.au wrote:

 How about:
 SELECT * from (
 SELECT somecolumns
  FROM ko
 LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.primarykey= ko.t1foreignkwey
 LEFT JOIN tn ON tn.primarykey= ko.tnforeignkwey
 WHERE ko.primarykey='someprimarykeyvalue'
 SELECT default_value

... with a proper ORDER BY clause.


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Re: [GENERAL] How to force select to return exactly one row

2010-06-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Brett Mc Bride brett.mcbr...@deakin.edu.au wrote:

 My understanding of UNION ALL is that it won't sort the rows...?

It doesn't, but that's not promised for every data set, ev-
ery PostgreSQL version, every phase of the moon. To quote

| UNION effectively appends the result of query2 to the result
| of query1 (although there is no guarantee that this is the
| order in which the rows are actually returned). Furthermore,
| it eliminates duplicate rows from its result, in the same
| way as DISTINCT, unless UNION ALL is used.

SQL deals with (unordered) sets, and therefore any use of
LIMIT without ORDER BY indicates a bug waiting to bite
you when you least expect it.


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Re: [GENERAL] how to alias a table

2010-06-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo m...@webthatworks.it wrote:

 I'm refactoring some code and I'll find helpful to be able to alias

 What I'd like to do would be to refer to the same table with an
 alias in the code and later substitute the alias with an actual VIEW.

 Of course I could define a view as
 select * from original_table
 right from the start but I'm worried this may incur in some overhead
 I currently can't afford.

Have you tried it?


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Re: [GENERAL] Cognitive dissonance

2010-06-12 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Bruce Momjian br...@momjian.us wrote:

 + # single-page text
 + postgres.txt: postgres.html
 + $(LYNX) -force_html -dump -nolist -stdin $  $@

Isn't that unnecessary/wrong as the filename is supplied on
the command line?


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Re: [GENERAL] Variables in SQL scripts

2010-06-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Machiel Richards machi...@rdc.co.za wrote:

   I did some googling as well and found something I tested using
 a simple method:

 -  I created an sql script to set the variable Name DB

 o   \set DB dbname

 o   \c :DB

 -  I connected to postgresql using the postgres database and ran the
 sql script which seemed to work fine as it then connected me to the

 However will this method work with the above situation as well or are there
 other ways of doing this?

Why don't you try it?


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Re: [GENERAL] Some insight on the proper SQL would be appreciated

2010-06-08 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andy Colson a...@squeakycode.net wrote:

 thanks very much Andy. Very elegant.

 I do need to presere the users that have5 entries though, so I think I can
 modify your function to do that as well.

 Oh, duh!  because nothing is less than 1900-01-01...  my
 date math sucks.  It should probably return '2100-01-01' or

If you're using stored functions, you could (and should be-
cause the whole table is probably read anyhow) also code a
function that reads all entries, resets a counter at the
start and whenever the user changes, increments it on every
row and returns all rows where the counter is less than


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Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas Kretschmer akretsch...@spamfence.net wrote:

 I have a simple query like:

 SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id IN (23, 56, 2, 12, 10)

 The problem is that I need to retrieve the rows in the same order as the set 
 ids provided in the select statement. Can it be done?

 No. The only way is:

 select * from ... where id in (...) order by case when id=23 then 1,
 case when id=56 then 2 end, case when id=2 then 3 end, ...

Or, quick 'n' dirty:

| SELECT * FROM customer
|   WHERE id IN (23, 56, 2, 12, 10)
|   ORDER BY POSITION(':' || id || ':' IN ':23:56:2:12:10:');

When using CASE, make sure you read the documentation to the
end: I stumbled upon CASE id WHEN 23 THEN 1 WHEN 56 THEN 2
WHEN [...] END only just recently by pure chance :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

FROM customer c, (
  SELECT *, row_number() OVER ()
  FROM (VALUES (23), (56), (2), (12), (10)) x) x(val,ord)
WHERE c.id = x.val
ORDER BY x.ord;

 Wow, that's really cool and a nice case for row_number().

 Just thinking about it now; do SQL's semantics say it'll always do
 the right thing?  PG does in a couple of quick tests (i.e. one where
 customer is a small table and PG prefers a seqscan and where it's larger
 and prefers an index scan) but I'm not sure if this could change.

PostgreSQL's documentation on VALUES has at least no guaran-
tee of the order of data. I'd prefer David's solution :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Is it possible to make the order of output the same as the order of input parameters?

2010-06-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Stephen Frost sfr...@snowman.net wrote:

  Just thinking about it now; do SQL's semantics say it'll always do
  the right thing?  PG does in a couple of quick tests (i.e. one where
  customer is a small table and PG prefers a seqscan and where it's larger
  and prefers an index scan) but I'm not sure if this could change.

 PostgreSQL's documentation on VALUES has at least no guaran-
 tee of the order of data. I'd prefer David's solution :-).

 Uhm, that's why there's an explicit ORDER BY..  I seriously doubt that
 would ever be violated.  If there was an approach suggested which didn't
 include an ORDER BY *somewhere*, I'd be suspect of it.

The query read:

| SELECT c.*
| FROM customer c, (
|   SELECT *, row_number() OVER ()
|   FROM (VALUES (23), (56), (2), (12), (10)) x) x(val,ord)
| WHERE c.id = x.val
| ORDER BY x.ord;

and the question is whether VALUES (1), (2), (3) will al-
ways return (1), then (2), then (3) and whether
ROW_NUMBER() OVER () will always keep that order intact.


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Re: [GENERAL] Please help me write a query

2010-05-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nikolas Everett nik9...@gmail.com wrote:

 Sorry.  Here is the setup:
 NOT NULL, timestamp TIMESTAMP);
 INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() - interval
 '12 hours');
 INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 2, now() - interval
 '11 hours');
 INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() - interval
 '10 hours');
 INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (2, 1, now() - interval
 '9 hours');
 INSERT INTO test (state1, state2, timestamp) VALUES (1, 1, now() - interval
 '8 hours');

 I want to write a query that spits out:
  state1 | timestamp
   1 | now() - interval '12 hours'
   2 | now() - interval '9 hours'
   1 | now() - interval '8 hours'

 Standard grouping destroys the third row so that's out.  No grouping at all
 gives repeats of state1.  Is this what partitioning is for?

Partitioning usually means splitting data across several
tables for faster access which is probably not what you want

  A simple solution would be to use LAG() and discard rows
where the current value is equal to the preceding value:

| SELECT state1, timestamp
|   FROM
| (SELECT id,
| state1,
| state2,
| LAG(state1) OVER (ORDER BY timestamp) AS prevstate1,
| timestamp FROM test) AS SubQuery
|   WHERE state1 IS DISTINCT FROM prevstate1
|   ORDER BY timestamp;


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Re: [GENERAL] Hiding data in postgresql

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Hector Beyers hqbey...@gmail.com wrote:

 thank you for your replies yesterday on this topic. I have one more question

 Does someone have any ideas how I can hide data without the meta data
 noticing? To explain further, I would like to save some collection of data
 where the meta-data does not see it. I am trying to do some security through
 obscurity. It is for research purposes.

 Maybe to save populate a table with 1000 rows, but the meta-data only knows
 of about 500 of them? Only on an export of a dump can you find the data

Before delving deeper into this, you should get your termi-
nology straight: What do you mean by meta-data? What do
you mean by export of a dump? What do you mean by without
the meta data noticing?


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Re: [GENERAL] How to fetch values at regular hours?

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Goran Hasse gor...@gmail.com wrote:

 I would like to do;

 freescada= select * from counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp
  '2010-05-23 18:00:00' order by timestamp desc limit 1;
  name  | timestamp | count
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 17:53:18.58674 |43
 (1 rad)

 freescada= select * from counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp
  '2010-05-23 19:00:00' order by timestamp desc limit 1;
  name  | timestamp  | count
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 18:53:19.151988 |50
 (1 rad)

 freescada= select * from counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp
  '2010-05-23 20:00:00' order by timestamp desc limit 1;
  name  | timestamp  | count
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 19:53:19.683514 |51
 (1 rad)

 In one query. Is this possible in *any* way?


| SELECT DISTINCT ON (DATE_TRUNC('hour', timestamp)) name, timestamp, count
|   FROM counter_log_view
|   ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('hour', timestamp), timestamp DESC;


P. S.: Naming columns timestamp and count will lead to
   trouble :-).

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Re: [GENERAL] How to fetch values at regular hours?

2010-05-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Goran Hasse gor...@gmail.com wrote:

 Yes timestamp and count - is not good names for columns...

 I tried something like;

 select name,date_trunc('hour',timestamp),timestamp,count from
 counter_log_view where name='CNT-3' and timestamp  '2010-05-23 20:00:00'
 order by timestamp limit 10;
  name  | date_trunc  | timestamp  | count
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 15:00:00 | 2010-05-23 15:43:17.411386 |23
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 15:00:00 | 2010-05-23 15:53:17.45934  |24
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:03:17.489321 |24
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:13:17.586089 |24
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:23:17.69116  |25
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:33:17.795955 |28
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:43:17.89265  |28
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 16:00:00 | 2010-05-23 16:53:17.989268 |30
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 17:00:00 | 2010-05-23 17:03:18.1447   |33
  CNT-3 | 2010-05-23 17:00:00 | 2010-05-23 17:13:18.199568 |35
 (10 rader)

 Seems promising... But then I would like to select only the last from


Why did you not use the query I posted:


 | SELECT DISTINCT ON (DATE_TRUNC('hour', timestamp)) name, timestamp, count
 |   FROM counter_log_view
 |   ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('hour', timestamp), timestamp DESC;

Is copy  paste too much effort?


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Re: [GENERAL] How to return an Int4 when subtracting dates/timestamps

2010-05-18 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andre Lopes lopes80an...@gmail.com wrote:

 I need to return an Int4 when I do this king of select

 select CURRENT_DATE - '2009-12-31' from tbl_sometable

 This select returns an Interval. How can I return an Integer? Like '138'

That expression returning an interval would be contradictory
to the documentation and a simple test:

| tim=# SELECT CURRENT_DATE - '2009-12-31';
|  ?column?
| --
|   138
| (1 Zeile)

| tim=# SELECT CURRENT_DATE::TIMESTAMP - '2009-12-31';
|  ?column?
| --
|  138 days
| (1 Zeile)

| tim=#

So how far away from this kind of select is your actual


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Re: [GENERAL] last and/or first in a by group

2010-05-16 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Dino Vliet dino_vl...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I want to know if postgresql has facilities for getting the first and or the 
 last in a by group.

 Suppose I have the following table:

 resnr,dep,arr,cls,dbd meaning reservationsnumber, departure station, arrival 
 station, the class of the reservation and the daysbeforedeparture and records 

 I want to select only the most recent records being:

 How would you accomplish this?

 I googled and found this:

 I hope there are alternatives because I don't have to program this myself. 
 The other option is that I load this data in SAS and do it there but I only 
 have SAS  at work and want to do this at home.

You can either use window functions in PostgreSQL 8.4 (cf.
FIRST_VALUE() OVER (...)/LAST_VALUE() OVER (...)) or use
the DISTINCT ON syntax:

| tim=# SELECT DISTINCT ON (resnr) resnr, dep, arr, cls, dbd FROM TestTable 
ORDER BY resnr, dbd;
|  resnr | dep | arr | cls | dbd
| ---+-+-+-+-
|  xxx   | NYC | BRA | Q   |  50
|  yyy   | WAS | LIS | T   |  55
|  zzz   | NYC | LIS | J   |  39
| (3 Zeilen)

| tim=#


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Re: [GENERAL] question about unique indexes

2010-05-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alban Hertroys dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl wrote:

 None of these solutions are pretty. It should be quite a common problem 
 though, how do people normally solve this?

Partial indexes? Doesn't look pretty either though:

| tim=# \d DE_Postcodes
|  Tabelle »public.de_postcodes«
|   Spalte  |   Typ   | Attribute
| --+-+---
|  postcode | integer | not null
|  city | text| not null
|  suffix   | text|
|  street   | text| not null
|  first| integer |
|  last | integer |
| Indexe:
| de_postcodes_key1 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, suffix, street, first, 
| de_postcodes_key2 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, suffix, street, first) 
| de_postcodes_key3 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, suffix, street, last) 
| de_postcodes_key4 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, suffix, street) WHERE 
| de_postcodes_key5 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, street, first, last) 
| de_postcodes_key6 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, street, first) WHERE 
| de_postcodes_key7 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, street, last) WHERE 
| de_postcodes_key8 UNIQUE, btree (postcode, city, street) WHERE suffix 
| de_postcodes_postcodecity btree (postcode, city)

| tim=#


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Re: [GENERAL] Function to Table reference

2010-04-30 Thread Tim Landscheidt
(anonymous) wrote:

  Is there a way to find which functions are being used by table.
 Ex :-  If there are functions fnc_a, fnc_b, fnc_c   and table A is used in
 fnc_a and fnc_c, How can we find that ? can you please help?

Basically, you can't. Functions are more or less black boxes
to PostgreSQL.


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Re: [GENERAL] Null vs. Empty String in Postgres 8.3.8

2010-04-05 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger peter.hunsber...@gmail.com wrote:

 I still don't get it.  I do want a zero for the subversion_flags to be 
 stored in the table.  But it returned an error because it didn't like 
 subversion_flags='' in the UPDATE SQL statement.

 subversion_flags | integer       | not null default 0

 Right. '' is not 0.  the old version of pgsql converted '' to 0 for
 you, incorrectly.  Now if you want 0 you need to say 0.

 Or, since you have the default, set it to null (Which may be what
 you thought you where doing?)

Setting it to NULL does not set it to the default value. You
have to use the keyword DEFAULT for that.


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[GENERAL] Domain for regular expressions?

2010-04-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt

is there a proper domain for regular expressions? At the
moment I'm using:

| CREATE DOMAIN RegularExpression AS TEXT CHECK('' ~ VALUE OR '' !~ VALUE);

which works.


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Re: [GENERAL] Using readline for frequently used queries

2010-03-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt
I wrote:

 depending on the database, I use some dashboard queries
 rather frequently. To ease executing them, I've put:

 | $include /etc/inputrc

 | $if psql
 | \e[24~: \fSELECT * FROM DashboardQuery;\n
 | $endif

 in my ~/.inputrc (\e[24~ is [F12]).

   Obviously, this only works if a) the current line and
 b) the query buffer are empty. Before I try and err: Has
 anyone put some thought in how to reliably do that? My first
 impulse would be C-a, C-k, \r, C-j, but this doesn't solve
 the problem if psql is in quote mode (e. g. the previous
 line contained an opening ' or '').

I found that C-c (SIGINT) makes a clean sweep but it doesn't
work as a readline macro as it gets handled by psql. So I
opted for:

| \e[24~: \C-a\C-k\\r\n\fSELECT * FROM DashboardQuery;\n

which works well enough except for quote mode.


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[GENERAL] Using readline for frequently used queries

2010-03-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt

depending on the database, I use some dashboard queries
rather frequently. To ease executing them, I've put:

| $include /etc/inputrc

| $if psql
| \e[24~: \fSELECT * FROM DashboardQuery;\n
| $endif

in my ~/.inputrc (\e[24~ is [F12]).

  Obviously, this only works if a) the current line and
b) the query buffer are empty. Before I try and err: Has
anyone put some thought in how to reliably do that? My first
impulse would be C-a, C-k, \r, C-j, but this doesn't solve
the problem if psql is in quote mode (e. g. the previous
line contained an opening ' or '').


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Re: [GENERAL] Literals in foreign key definitions

2010-02-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alban Hertroys dal...@solfertje.student.utwente.nl wrote:

 Now the intent here is to restrict foreign keys referencing the base class to 
 unitclass records that describe a baseclass and to restrict foreign keys 
 referencing a derived class to unitclass records that do NOT describe a 
 Basically I'm trying to disallow derived classes to be derived of other 
 derived classes.

 I can of course add a few triggers to force that constraint, but I think it 
 would be nice if the above syntax could be made to work. Or is this already 
 in 8.4 or 8.5 or is this a can of worms? Does the SQL spec disallow it?

If you want to avoid triggers, another, simpler approach is
to have a otherwise superfluous column is_baseclass with a
default TRUE and constraints NOT NULL and
CHECK(is_baseclass) and then use a normal foreign key
constraint. I usually find that easier to read as it's more


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Re: [GENERAL] Verify a record has a column in a plpgsql trigger

2010-02-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mike Ginsburg mginsb...@collaborativefusion.com wrote:

 Thanks for the help!  I'll look into the exceptions to see
 how expensive they are.  On a related note, I was just told
 by our sysadmins that pg 8.4 might not be installed by the
 time this needs to be rolled out, leaving me in a bind since
 I have been using EXECUTE ... USING queries.  A sample of
 my trigger is below:

  FOR colRow IN SELECT attname FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute
 WHERE attnum
 0 AND attrelid = TG_RELID LOOP
  EXECUTE 'SELECT ($1).' || colRow.attname || '::text' INTO n USING NEW;
  EXECUTE 'SELECT ($1).' || colRow.attname || '::text' INTO o USING OLD;
  IF n  o THEN
q := 'INSERT INTO change_log (...) VALUES (...);

 Any insight on a way I can grab NEW.(colRow.attname) without EXECUTE USING?

Wouldn't it be *much* easier to just have /two/ trigger
functions? Your editor columns probably don't pop up and
disappear randomly.


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Re: [GENERAL] JOIN Record returning Function

2010-02-03 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Daniel Schuchardt d.schucha...@prodat-sql.de wrote:

 i have a function that returns a record.


 in that function the record is build from some subquery's in
 dependence of data.

 Now i need to join that function to its correponding main
 table that holds the id.

 SELECT myfunc.* FROM maintable JOIN myfunc(maintable.pk) ON
 true WHERE maintable.field=statisticdata;

 ERROR:  invalid reference to FROM-clause entry for table maintable
 TIP:  There is an entry for table maintable, but it cannot
 be referenced from this part of the query.

 so far so good, thats clear. But does anyone know a tricky
 solution for that problem?

SELECT myfunc(pk) FROM maintable WHERE field =


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Re: [GENERAL] Books, the lulu.com scam

2009-11-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Thom Brown thombr...@gmail.com wrote:

 So I bought this book thinking it was a PDF file which I am fine with.

 Its not. They download an .acsm file that will only work with their
 proprietary Windoze software.

 I am really angry with lulu.com about this.

 I'm not sure I understand the purpose of them providing an electronic
 book copy of the PostgreSQL documentation since it's already available
 as both a PDF (A4 and US) and Windows help file (CHM) for free:

Apparently, you can make money out of it.


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Re: [GENERAL] [pgeu-general] pgday.eu

2009-11-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum a...@pgug.de wrote:

 I think we should spend some money and buy some inexpensive cameras
 and tripods along with a bunch of memory cards for next year, and
 record everything. I know other PUGs/conferences series have done that
 with good results.

 On FOSDEM this attempt failed two years in a row. Last year the reason
 was: the camera had to be on the top level line with seats. Else it
 would only record parts of the room, eeither only the speaker and not
 the projector wall or vise versa. But this camera position resulted in a
 very bad light situation and in addition the sun protection darkened the
 room even more.

 You not only need a camera, you also need someone operating this camera
 all the time.

At another conference, the camera's focus was on the speaker
the whole time and the slides were edited in later, thus
making them more legible. Of course, this requires either a
camera operator who switches the video input when appro-
priate or two recordings that are edited in post-production.


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

 I would assume
 that you just have to convert A, B and C to seconds (since
 epoch) and then use a normal integer division.

 The problem is that the Gregorian calender is far too complicated.  For
 example, think what would happen with an interval of months.  It
 doesn't help converting to seconds because the length of a month in
 seconds changes depending on which year the month is in and which
 month you're actually dealing with.  This makes any definition of
 division I've ever been able to think of ill defined and hence the
 above calculation won't work.

Yep, you would probably need some safety margin and add a
WHERE clause. I should have thought about that earlier as
I recently stumbled (again) over why INTERVAL / INTERVAL
was not defined.


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-27 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

  any definition of division I've ever been able to think of [is]
  ill defined

 Yep, you would probably need some safety margin and add a
 WHERE clause. I should have thought about that earlier as
 I recently stumbled (again) over why INTERVAL / INTERVAL
 was not defined.

 Not sure what you mean by a safety margin, but I don't think it would
 help much.  Hours are defined using seconds (they're *always* 3600
 seconds long, but, say, a day isn't *always* 24 hours long) so I don't
 see what a safety margin would do.

A month can last 28 to 31 days and a year 365 to 366 days,
but for example:

| tim=# SELECT EXTRACT('epoch' FROM '1 month'::INTERVAL) / 60.0 / 60 / 24;
|  ?column?
| --
| (1 Zeile)

| tim=#

You would have to adjust the result of (EXTRACT('epoch'
FROM B) - EXTRACT('epoch' FROM A)) / EXTRACT('epoch' FROM
C) by a factor of 31/30 (30/28? 28/30?) and then chop off
timestamps after B with a WHERE clause.

  JFTR: Hours can of course also be 3601 (or theoretically
3599) seconds long, but not in PostgreSQL :-).


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[GENERAL] How to list user-specific configuration parameters?

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt

how can I list the user-specific configuration parameters,
i. e. those set by ALTER ROLE name SET ...?


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Re: [GENERAL] How to list user-specific configuration parameters?

2009-10-26 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alvaro Herrera alvhe...@commandprompt.com wrote:

 how can I list the user-specific configuration parameters,
 i. e. those set by ALTER ROLE name SET ...?

 Get them from the pg_authid catalog.

 8.5 alpha2 has a new \drds command in psql for that purpose.



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Re: [GENERAL] XPath PostgreSQL 8.4

2009-10-17 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Karl Koster klkos...@optonline.net wrote:

 It looks like I have to abandon xml2 functions in PostgreSQL
 8.4. The problem is I can't seem to find an incantation of
 xpath that will perform the same thing. I have tried the
 following snippet:

 select xpath('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as
 xml))[1] as id from risk.trade_table

 which, from the documentation should give me the first (and
 only in this case) xml node text value for the XPath
 expression. Instead I get the following error message from
 the SQL parser:

 ERROR:  syntax error at or near [
 LINE 1: ...h('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as xml))[1] as id ...

 ** Error **

 ERROR: syntax error at or near [
 SQL state: 42601
 Character: 62

 When I run the select statement without an array index, it
 correctly returns a single column of arrays of length one
 (expected) for the XPath node text value. Can anyone shine a
 light on what I am doing wrong?
 The build of the 8.4 database I am using is

You have to put brackets around the function call:

| select (xpath('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as xml)))[1] as id from 


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Re: [GENERAL] XPath PostgreSQL 8.4

2009-10-17 Thread Tim Landscheidt
I wrote:

 You have to put brackets around the function call:

 | select (xpath('/trade/trade-info/id/text()', cast(xml as xml)))[1] as id 
 from risk.trade_table;

... or, after a look in the dictionary, whatever you call
( and ) :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Query to find contiguous ranges on a column

2009-10-14 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger peter.hunsber...@gmail.com wrote:

 or a recursive query (which I always find very hard to com-

 | WITH RECURSIVE RecCols (LeftBoundary, Value) AS
 |   (SELECT col, col FROM t WHERE (col - 1) NOT IN (SELECT col FROM t)
 |    UNION ALL SELECT p.LeftBoundary, c.col FROM RecCols AS p, t AS c WHERE 
 c.col = p.Value + 1)
 |   SELECT LeftBoundary, MAX(Value) AS RightBoundary FROM RecCols
 |     GROUP BY LeftBoundary
 |     ORDER BY LeftBoundary;

 Could you run both against your data set and find out which
 one is faster for your six million rows?

 Turns out the server is v 8.3, looks like I need to get them to
 upgrade it so I get recursive and windowing :-(.  If this happens any
 time soon I'll let you know the results.

 Many thanks.

After some tests with a data set of 7983 rows (and 1638 ran-
ges): Don't! :-) The recursive solution seems to be more
than double as slow as the iterative. I'll take it to -per-


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Re: [GENERAL] Query to find contiguous ranges on a column

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Peter Hunsberger peter.hunsber...@gmail.com wrote:

 I have one solution that joins the table against itself and does
 (among other things) a subselect looking not exists col +1 and not
 exists col -1 on the two instances of the table to find the start and
 end.  This is, as you might guess, is not very efficient (my actual
 data is some 6 million+ rows) and I'm guessing there has to be
 something more efficient with windowing or possibly grouping on min
 and max (though I can't see how to make sure they are part of a
 contiguous set).  Anyone have any ideas?

You can either use a PL/pgSQL function (SETOF TEXT just
for the convenience of the example):

|   CurrentFirst INT;
|   CurrentLast INT;
|   CurrentRecord RECORD;
|   FOR CurrentRecord IN SELECT col FROM t ORDER BY col LOOP
| IF CurrentFirst IS NULL THEN
|   CurrentFirst := CurrentRecord.col;
|   CurrentLast  := CurrentRecord.col;
| ELSIF CurrentRecord.col = CurrentLast + 1 THEN
|   CurrentLast := CurrentRecord.col;
|   RETURN NEXT CurrentFirst || ', ' || CurrentLast;
|   CurrentFirst := CurrentRecord.col;
|   CurrentLast := CurrentRecord.col;
|   IF CurrentFirst IS NOT NULL THEN
| RETURN NEXT CurrentFirst || ', ' || CurrentLast;
|   END IF;
| END;
| $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

or a recursive query (which I always find very hard to com-

| WITH RECURSIVE RecCols (LeftBoundary, Value) AS
|   (SELECT col, col FROM t WHERE (col - 1) NOT IN (SELECT col FROM t)
|UNION ALL SELECT p.LeftBoundary, c.col FROM RecCols AS p, t AS c WHERE 
c.col = p.Value + 1)
|   SELECT LeftBoundary, MAX(Value) AS RightBoundary FROM RecCols
| GROUP BY LeftBoundary
| ORDER BY LeftBoundary;

Could you run both against your data set and find out which
one is faster for your six million rows?


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

  generate_series(A, B, C) can also
  be written as A + generate_series(0, (C - B) / C) * C
  If you can figure out the limit then it seems easy,
  though I'm not sure how you'd do that.

 What limit?

 Sorry, I was calling the second parameter to generate_series the limit.

 Calculating (C - B) / C isn't easy for timestamps, whereas it's easy
 for dates.  I believe this is why there's a specific version for the
 former but not the latter.

(I obviously meant (B - A) / C :-).) Is it? I would assume
that you just have to convert A, B and C to seconds (since
epoch) and then use a normal integer division.

 generate_series(DATE, DATE) would just be syntactic sugar,
 and I like sweets.

 We all do, but in software it's got to be balanced against the overhead
 of maintaining support for these functions.

My knowledge of PostgreSQL's codebase is nonexistent, so I
do not know how unstable it is.


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Re: [GENERAL] Current state of XML capabilities in PostgreSQL?

2009-10-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz gryz...@gmail.com wrote:

 why would you store data thats wrapped in two copies of its fieldname along
 with other punctuation?    wouldn't it make more sense to decompose your XML
 source into proper tables so proper indexes and relational sql queries can
 be made?     otherwise, every query turns into a massive sequential scan and
 parsing operation.

 you can always have index on xpath() ...
 and than use same expression in WHERE, and postgresql will use index.

Interesting. I had thought that it was not possible to index
on XML columns because no comparison operators were defined:

| FEHLER:  Datentyp xml hat keine Standardoperatorklasse für Zugriffsmethode 
| HINT:  Sie müssen für den Index eine Operatorklasse angeben oder eine 
Standardoperatorklasse für den Datentyp definieren.

yet an array of XML works:

| HINWEIS:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY erstellt implizit einen Index 
»tmpxml_pkey« für Tabelle »tmpxml«
| tim=# INSERT INTO tmpXML (x) VALUES (array_append (ARRAY[]::XML[], XMLPARSE 
(DOCUMENT '?xml 
| INSERT 0 1

though only once:

| tim=# INSERT INTO tmpXML (x) VALUES (array_append (ARRAY[]::XML[], XMLPARSE 
(DOCUMENT '?xml version=1.0?booktitleManual 
| FEHLER:  konnte keine Vergleichsfunktion für Typ xml ermitteln

So an index on xpath() should not be possible.


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Re: [GENERAL] What's wrong with this regexp?

2009-10-10 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nick nboutel...@gmail.com wrote:

 SELECT TRUE WHERE '/steps/?step=10' ~ '^\/steps\/\?step=10$'

 Im guessing its an escape issue, but where am I going wrong?

You need to double-escape the question mark: Once for the
string literal, once for the regular expression (and you do
not need to escape the slashes). This gives:

| tim=# SELECT TRUE WHERE '/steps/?step=10' ~ E'^/steps/\\?step=10$';
|  bool
| --
|  t
| (1 Zeile)

| tim=#


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

  8.4 has a generate_series(timestamp,timestamp,interval) which would seem
  to be a bit more flexible than you want.

 Yes, I know :-). But as generate_series(A, B, C) can also
 be written as A + generate_series(0, (C - B) / C) * C (or
 something flexible like that :-)), a

 For things as complicated as timestamps I'm not sure if this is such a
 trivial transform.  If you can figure out the limit then it seems easy,
 though I'm not sure how you'd do that.

What limit?

 generate_series(DATE, DATE) would inter alia get rid off
 the need to cast the result from TIMESTAMP to DATE and to
 explicitly specify '1 day'. Just a small, trivial enhance-
 ment for a popular use case :-).

 Interesting, I tend to aim for maximum expressiveness not ease of
 expressiveness.  It would be somewhat easy to add the above if you want

   CREATE FUNCTION generate_series(date,date)
 SELECT generate_series($1::timestamp,$2::timestamp,interval '1 

 or I suppose you could use the integer series generation:

   SELECT $1 + generate_series(0,$2 - $1);

If I didn't know that, I would not have characterized the
feature request as trivial.

 Hum, now I'll have to see which is better.

 That second version seems to be slightly quicker (20 to 30%, for ranges
 from a year up to a century respectively) so you may prefer it, but the
 difference is going to be in the noise for any query I've ever used
 generate_series for.

Which of my mails made you think that I was not satisfied
with PostgreSQL's current performance?
generate_series(DATE, DATE) would just be syntactic sugar,
and I like sweets.


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alvaro Herrera alvhe...@commandprompt.com wrote:

   Suppose the feature request was not a trivial one, but
 maybe a DEPENDS ON object clause for CREATE FUNCTION
 to allow PostgreSQL to deny requests to drop a table/view/
 function that is needed by a function - where would I pro-
 pose that?

 On -hackers, just like any other feature request, trivial or not.

Thanks. Any particular form? A quick glance at the archives
did not reveal any feature requests that were not accompa-
nied by a patch :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-02 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Sam Mason s...@samason.me.uk wrote:

 suppose I thought that PostgreSQL would benefit greatly from
 a generate_series(DATE, DATE[, INT]) RETURNS DATE function

 8.4 has a generate_series(timestamp,timestamp,interval) which would seem
 to be a bit more flexible than you want.

Yes, I know :-). But as generate_series(A, B, C) can also
be written as A + generate_series(0, (C - B) / C) * C (or
something flexible like that :-)), a
generate_series(DATE, DATE) would inter alia get rid off
the need to cast the result from TIMESTAMP to DATE and to
explicitly specify '1 day'. Just a small, trivial enhance-
ment for a popular use case :-).


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[GENERAL] Procedure for feature requests?

2009-10-01 Thread Tim Landscheidt

suppose I thought that PostgreSQL would benefit greatly from
a generate_series(DATE, DATE[, INT]) RETURNS DATE function
- where do I suggest such a thing? Here on -general? On
-hackers? Directly edit

  Suppose the feature request was not a trivial one, but
maybe a DEPENDS ON object clause for CREATE FUNCTION
to allow PostgreSQL to deny requests to drop a table/view/
function that is needed by a function - where would I pro-
pose that?


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Re: [GENERAL] UPDATE statement with syntax error doesn't raise a warning?

2009-09-25 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Mirko Pace mirko...@gmail.com wrote:

 I've ran an update statement like this (obviously wrong, I know!):

 update my_table
   set boolean_field = true AND
   my_notes = 'something'
 where id in
(select id from my_table order by random() limit 4000);

 in my psql client and I had a UPDATE 4000 result but, correctly, anything
 was changed in my_table.

 So... why pg didn't raise a warning about syntax issue?

Because there is no syntax error? TRUE AND my_notes =
'something' is a valid expression (and equivalent to
my_notes = 'something').


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Re: [GENERAL] where clauses and selects

2009-09-08 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Scott Frankel lekn...@pacbell.net wrote:

 Is it possible to perform a select in the where clause of a statement?

 I have a situation where I've got one arm tied behind my
 back:  I can only have a single table in the select and from
 clauses, but the where  clause appears to be freed from that

 Given a statement as follows:

   SELECT foo.foo_id, foo.name
   FROM foo, bar
   WHERE foo.bar_id = bar.bar_id
   AND bar.name = 'martini';

 I'm looking for a way to recast it so that the select and
 from clauses refer to a single table and the join
 referencing the second table  occurs in the where clause.

Something along the lines of:

| SELECT foo.foo_id, foo.name FROM foo WHERE foo.bar_id = (SELECT bar.bar_id 
FROM bar WHERE bar.name = 'martini');

should do the trick.

 I've explored the where exists clause, but it's not
 supported by the application toolkit I'm using. AFAIK, I've
 only got access to where ...

Dump it. Seriously. There are so many fine things you can do
with a full-fledged database - you certainly do not want to
be restricted in this regard.


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Re: [GENERAL] comment on constraint

2009-09-04 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Andreas Kretschmer akretsch...@spamfence.net wrote:

 There is a question in the german pg-forum:

 It is possible to add a comment on a constraint, but \dd doesn't display
 that comment. There is also a old question in this mailing-list without
 an answer:

 I think, this is a bug, isn't it?

Why? The man page for psql clearly says:

|\dd[S] [ pattern ]
|  Shows the descriptions of objects matching the
|  pattern, or of all visible objects if no argu-
|  ment is given. But in either case, only objects
|  that have a description are listed. By default,
|  only user-created objects are shown; supply a
|  pattern or the S modifier to include system ob-
|  jects. ‘‘Object’’ covers aggregates, functions,
|  operators, types, relations (tables, views, in-
|  dexes, sequences), large objects, rules, and
|  triggers. [...]
So no comments are shown for constraints or table columns
or ...


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Re: [GENERAL] maximum count of contiguous years

2009-09-03 Thread Tim Landscheidt
gorsa gorsa.1...@gmail.com wrote:

 is there a select statement containing 'AND award_year BETWEEN 1994
 AND 2002' that could generate the following?
  1 4
  2 5
  3 2

You could either do some wild fancy query where you parti-
tion the data by scholar_id, then by award_year, then filter
on the condition that the sum of award_year and RANK() (?)
less one equals the current award_year, find the maximum of
those, ...

  ... or you could just write a short function in your ap-
plication (or a set-returning PL/pgSQL function if your ap-
plication is dumb).


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Re: [GENERAL] Query and the number of row result

2009-08-31 Thread Tim Landscheidt
bilal ghayyad bilmar...@yahoo.com wrote:

 I am talking in case I am writing a script for a function,
 and I need to know the number of the returned rows of the
 query, then I will do IF statement based on that number,

Presuming that you are talking about a function written in
PL/pgSQL, you will have to count them yourself or issue a
second query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [...]. For the special
case that you want to find out whether no row at all was
found, you can look at IF (NOT) FOUND.


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Re: [GENERAL] bytea corruption?

2009-08-21 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Nathan Jahnke njah...@gmail.com wrote:

 my $encodeddata = $data;
 $encodeddata =~ s!(\\|[^ -~])!sprintf(\\%03o,ord($1))!ge; #prepare
 data for bytea column storage


 my $insert_sth = $connection-prepare('insert into testtable (data)
 values (?) returning id');
 my $ref = $insert_sth-fetchrow_hashref;
 my $id = $ref-{id};

 my $getall_sth = $connection-prepare('select * from testtable where id=?');
 my $newref = $getall_sth-fetchrow_hashref;
 my $newdata = $newref-{data};
 $newdata =~ s!\\(?:\\|(\d{3}))!$1 ? chr(oct($1)) : \\!ge; #decode
 bytea column storage format

 hash of data changes ... if you uncomment the $data = '123abc' line
 you can see that it works with those six bytes fine, and it also works
 with most other binary data, just not this binary data. any insight
 would be appreciated. thanks.

Why do you encode/decode the data in your own application a
second time? It is already encoded by DBD::Pg.


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Re: [GENERAL] Looping through string constants

2009-08-12 Thread Tim Landscheidt
David Kerr d...@mr-paradox.net wrote:

 I'd like to loop through a group of constant string values using plpgsql

 The best analog i can think of would be in a shell script

 for a in a b c d e; do
 echo $a


 Is there some tricky way I can make that happen in postgres?

 (I don't want to put the values in a table =) that would be too easy!)

If you do not want to use arrays, you can always use:

| FOR r IN SELECT a FROM (VALUES ('a'), ('b'), ('c'), ('d'), ('e')) AS t(a) 
|   RAISE NOTICE '%', r.a;


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Re: [GENERAL] Field name problem

2009-07-28 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Alan Chandler a...@chandlerfamily.org.uk wrote:

 So I tried to load the same database on my home machine
 using pg_restore.  This runs version 8.4.0, and it failed
 loading the restore with and error at this field over
 because, I presume, its a reserved word in SQL.

 Is there anyway, I can access any of my other backups and
 load the data in a current database?

a) Install an old PostgreSQL server, restore to it, change
   the attribute name, dump from it, restore to a new ser-
b) Restore the backup to an SQL file, load it into a suit-
   able editor, change (very carefully) over to the new
   attribute name and restore that file to a new server.


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[GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4 packages for Fedora 11?

2009-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt

I'm in the process of upgrading a Fedora 10 box to 11. So
far, Fedora's repository carries only 8.3.7. I am a bit he-
sitant to use the yum.pgsqlrpms.org repository's packages as
I like to keep the number of repositories as small as possi-
ble. So:

- Is there any ETA for official Fedora 11 packages?
- If I'd use yum.pgsqlrpms.org's packages, can I later re-
  place them with Fedora packages without any surprises?

Thanks in advance,

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Re: [GENERAL] PostgreSQL 8.4 packages for Fedora 11?

2009-07-13 Thread Tim Landscheidt
Tom Lane t...@sss.pgh.pa.us wrote:

 I'm in the process of upgrading a Fedora 10 box to 11. So
 far, Fedora's repository carries only 8.3.7. I am a bit he-
 sitant to use the yum.pgsqlrpms.org repository's packages as
 I like to keep the number of repositories as small as possi-
 ble. So:

 - Is there any ETA for official Fedora 11 packages?

 Yes: never.  The Fedora package series for F-11 will be 8.3.x and
 nothing but.  F-12 will have 8.4.x.

That's a pity.

 - If I'd use yum.pgsqlrpms.org's packages, can I later re-
   place them with Fedora packages without any surprises?

 Well, that would be going back a major PG version, which is just as
 problematic as going forward a major version, in fact more so.
 If you don't mind a dump/initdb/reload cycle then you can try it,
 but there's no guarantee an 8.4 pg_dump file will load into 8.3
 without some manual editing.

No, I meant replacing yum.pgsqlrpms.org's packages with
sometime-in-the-future-released Fedora 11 PostgreSQL 8.*4*
packages. With the situation at hand, I will install the
yum.pgsqlrpms.org repository and, come Fedora 12, decide
then how to proceed.


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