Re: [GENERAL] PGSQL 9.6.2 unable to find readline

2017-03-09 Thread admin

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017 3:35 PM, John Iliffe  
 > Trying to compile pgsql 9.6.2 on Fedora 25
 > I get the following message:
 > configure:9345: error: readline library not found
 > If you have readline already installed, see config.log for details on the
 > Use --without-readline to disable readline support.
 > pgac_cv_check_readline=no
 > libreadline does exist:
 > [John@prod04 postgresql-9.6.2]$ rpm -qv readline
 > readline-6.3-8.fc24.x86_64

You probably need readline-devel-6.3-8.fc24.x86_64

 > Thanks.
 > John

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Re: [GENERAL] SELECT * and column ordering

2013-01-15 Thread Meta Seller Dev/Admin
On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 11:45 AM, Rob Sargent  wrote:
> What environment are you in.  In jdbc you can address the resultset by
> column name.

C++, so it's quite inefficient to always use names.

Chris Angelico

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[GENERAL] SELECT * and column ordering

2013-01-15 Thread Meta Seller Dev/Admin
Hi! (I'm Chris Angelico posting from a work account - usually I'm here
under the name

I've run into a bit of an awkwardness in PostgreSQL setup and am
hoping for some expert advice.

Several of the tables I work with have two groups of fields: standard
fields and "free fields". The standard fields have fixed names and
will always exist; the free fields could be anything. In many cases, I
want to enumerate all fields, including free ones, and for that I use
"SELECT * FROM tablename".

Normally, the standard fields are at the beginning of the table,
having been created first. This is very convenient, as it lets me
iterate over them first, and then pick up the free fields after. (Or
alternatively, pick up a specific standard field by its index.) New
free fields can be created at any time, and the program will happily
pick them up and work with them. Order among free fields never

The problem comes when I want to add a new standard field. PostgreSQL
currently doesn't have any way for me to insert a field into the
beginning of a table, so I can't put it where it would have been if it
had existed already. The table could be quite large, with several
hundred free fields, and could have any number of rows.

There are a number of options open to me. As per I could create a
duplicate table, or duplicate columns. Both would involve a lot of
disk churning, but that's my fallback if nothing else works.

Ideally, what I'd like to do is become independent of the physical
column order. If I were looking for just the standard fields, I could
explicitly enumerate them in the SELECT statement, which would solve
the problem. But doing this with an unknown set of fields requires the
code either:
* List fields via a catalogue table, join them into a SELECT list, and
process that; or
* Enumerate the system fields and then use a star, eg "SELECT
_foo,_bar,_quux,* FROM tablename"

The former requires two round-trips to the database instead of one.
Since the application and database are on different computers, this
could seriously impact performance, especially as this is a very
common operation. The latter will give duplicates of the system
fields, as the * expands to include them.

Is there any way to do something like "SELECT x,y,z,ALL-THE-REST" that
doesn't include the columns already named? If not, which of the
options above, or what alternative, would you recommend?

All advice gratefully appreciated!

Chris Angelico

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Re: [GENERAL] Drupal and PostgreSQL - performance issues?

2008-10-13 Thread admin
I am also evaluating Drupal + PostgreSQL at the moment. We are building 
a local government website/intranet that doesn't need to be lightning 
fast or handle millions of hits a day, but it does need to be rock solid 
and potentially needs to manage complex business processes. So 
PostgreSQL seems a good choice.

However, PostgreSQL support in the PHP CMS world seems lacking. Joomla 
is basically a MySQL-only shop. Drupal is *maybe* suitable, but who 
really knows where it will end up?

Can anyone recommend an alternative CMS with the features and 
flexibility of Drupal that supports PostgreSQL 100%? What about the 
Python world, what is Plone like with PostgreSQL support?

I don't really want to kick off another round of Python vs PHP, just 
looking for a CMS that is a good match for PostgreSQL.


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[GENERAL] Starting PostgreSQL

2008-10-11 Thread admin

Sorry folks, a perennial one I'm sure ...

I have read the manual and Googled for a couple of hours but still can't 
connect to PostgreSQL 8.3.4 (the PGDG RPMs running on an up to date 
CentOS 5.2).

I continually get this message:

psql: could not connect to server: No such file or firectory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PDSQL.0"?

Yes, the server is running as 'ps -aux' and 'netstat -l' and 'service 
postgresql status' all confirm.

service postgresql start/stop/restart works without errors
pg_ctl start/stop/restart works without errors

There is no socket file in /tmp.
I believe I have PG configured to listen on port 5432 anyway:

listen_addresses = '*'
port = 5432

Is that enough to make PG listen on a port ... the docs seem to be 
saying that?

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2008-10-08 Thread admin

Sorry if this is the wrong list, I'm not totally up with the PG ecosystem.

I'm looking for RHEL/CentOS RPMs for version 8.4 for testing purposes 
(with Drupal). I can find an RPM to install a yum repo at, but not the RPMs themselves. The yum repo is not much 
use to me as the machine I want to install on is not connected to the net. has 8.3 RPMs, but no 8.4. I know the 8.4 RPMs 
must exist somewhere if they're in the pgsqlrpms repo, but where?



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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-25 Thread admin

Well no PHP is conceptual undisciplined and confusing. I would
not compare this with Postgresql itself which is very professional
developed with a great vision. PHP is just and always was a hack.

I didn't mean to compare PG and PHP at the level of engineering quality, 
but to suggest that perhaps both suffer from people continuing to hold 
rigid preconceptions about them based on how things were 5 or 10 years ago.

Anyway, while I'm quite happy to continue banging out things that "just 
work" in PHP for the time being, you suggest (in a subsequent post) that 
there is one scripting language in particular that you'd use ... might I 
enquire which language that is, and why? Just curious, I'm definitely 
not looking for an ideological debate.

Re the possible heightened level of animosity to PHP in PG circles, if 
it exists, could it have anything to do with PHP's close association 
with MySql? The animosity, by the way, seems to go both ways, I think I 
saw something about Rasmus Lerdorf bagging PostgreSQL on Slashdot(?) 
recently. Personally, I'm not overly concerned either way. I'm happy to 
leave the academic debates to those with the time to pursue them.

I'm the first to admit I know little about the art and science of 
relational database design and admin. But up to this point, I haven't 
needed to. It doesn't take rocket science to store and retrieve some 
text for a few web pages in a database.

Anyway, this is proving an interesting, lively and helpful community, 
hope to learn lots more about doing things the PostgreSQL way ... with 
PHP :-).


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Re: [GENERAL] Data base tables design questions for: user saved forms, user parameters

2008-07-25 Thread admin
I'm facing a very similar problem where I work (local govt) where we 
want to put around 100 forms online. The idea of 100 seperate database 
tables is too painful to contemplate.

Depending on the nature of the data, I suppose, both the structured text 
string and the serialised object options sound viable.

I'm very new here, but I think I've seen mention somewhere in the docs 
about PG being able to store arrays? If this is true, it might be 
another option.


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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-25 Thread admin

Is there any special reason to use PHP? There are
a couple other scripting languages useable for the
web which do all have better abstration available.
(afaic even PHP does have some more abstration to
 just using pg* functions)

Well, yes, there are alternatives of course and I could write this stuff 
in perl or python but it'd take me 10 times as long because my 
experience is elsewhere. Learning new stuff is always good, but at the 
end of the day I get paid for making stuff work on time and in budget 
... mostly :-)

I think that PHP (like PostgreSQL, perhaps?) suffers from a reputation 
hangover from years ago. PostgreSQL was supposedly "slow", PHP is 
supposedly "undisciplined" and "unprofessional". You sure can still 
write spaghetti with PHP5 if you want to, but you can also write decent 
code with planning and standards. But good, bad or ugly, it's what I 
personally am most productive in.

I have used PHP's PEAR DB abstraction class many times. It doen't really 
save much time or effort writing code, and has a performance overhead. I 
don't need to allow the possibility of switching to another database and 
stuff like that.


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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-25 Thread admin

You need something like this:

$query = "select id, name from tablename";
$result = pg_query($query);
while ($row = pg_fetch_array($result)) {
  $content = $row[0];

That's actually what I was using.
The scoping wasn't the issue either.

Today I switched back to pg_connect() from pg_pconnect(), made some 
changes to my overall architecture and re-wrote my database stuff. Then 

Not sure what fixed it but all working now. I'm only working on a draft 
"skeleton" right now so am free to fiddle.

Keep finding cool features in PostgreSQL, I think I'm sold!


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Re: [GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread admin

Thanks again for replies.
I know those questions were pretty vague.
I need to set up some methodical test scripts that replicate my 
problems, so that it is clear what is going on.

There does seem to be some evidence of problems historically with PHP 
and persistent connections in PostgreSQL, on the PHP forums. The advice 
is typically to avoid them.


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[GENERAL] php + postgresql

2008-07-24 Thread admin
First, thanks to everyone who responded to my newbie questions 
yesterday, all clear now.

I spent most of today struggling with apparently inconsistent behaviour 
while running SELECT statements on PG 8.1.9 using PHP 5.1.6 (these are 
both as supplied with CentOS 5.1, a fairly conservative distro).

It seems that some of PHP's PG functions have changed recently, are 
there any known issues with them?

I ended up using pg_prepare() and pg_execute() as pg_query() alone just 
didn't seem to work. But SELECT statements seemed to be cached or 
persistent in some way, such that they "lived" beyond the life of the 
PHP script. Is there something I need to know about persistent behaviour 
in PG that doesn't exist in MySQL?

Another problem was that no matter how many times I checked and 
re-checked code, or which pg_fetch_* function I used, copying an array 
member and trying to use it later just would not work, eg

while ($row = pg_fetch_array($query)) {
  $content = $row[0]

echo $content;

$content was always 'undeclared'.

Some examples I found used PHP's pg_num_rows() function to count the 
rows in a result, then iterated through them with a "for" loop ... is 
this required behaviour (PHP docs don't appear to discuss this)?

Another weird one was that this statement always failed:

$name = "file.php";
SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_name='$name'

while this one always worked:

SELECT fld_content FROM tbl_page WHERE fld_pid=1

in a three column table:

fld_pid serial PRIMARY KEY,
fld_name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
fld_content text NOT NULL

while everything worked fine from the psql console.

... but this post is getting too unwieldy. I am reading documentation 
but am also under some pressure to get basic things up and running. Any 
pointers to good documentation covering PHP + PG, or any well known gotchas?

PS If people want to throw MySQL->PostgreSQL gotchas at me I'm happy to 
collate and write up.

Thanks again

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[GENERAL] A couple of newbie questions ...

2008-07-23 Thread admin
I've worked as a web developer on mostly small business websites for the 
past seven years, and while I've had some limited experience with older 
versions of PostgreSQL (7.* ??), I've mostly used MySQL all this time.

I now work for local govt and am building a large intranet-like system 
which ultimately could provide storage for and various interfaces to a 
significant proportion of my organisation's data including financial data.

I'm convinced that PostgreSQL's performance is not an issue (both 
because it's improved and traffic will be relatively low anyway), and 
that the benefits of PostgreSQL's advanced features are too good to 
ignore. I'm hoping to shift quite a bit of data processing into the 

So anyway, life story aside, I have a couple of very newbie questions 
after tinkering with PostgreSQL 8.1.9 for a day converting some 
PHP/MySQL code:

1. Is a SEQUENCE what I use instead of auto_increment?

2. Does this work in PostgreSQL:

INSERT INTO table VALUES ('x','y','z')

or do I need to do this

INSERT INTO table (fld_x,fld_y,fld_z) VALUES ('x','y','z')


3. Does this work in PostgreSQL:

INSERT INTO table VALUES ('','y','z')

where the empty first item is intended for an auto_increment/SEQUENCE id 

If not, what is an alternative?


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Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem

2000-09-27 Thread admin

Tom your right. 
I take a detailed look at it and it fails exactly at 2^31 .
2^31-1 = 2147483647 -->  2147483647
2^31= 2147483648 --> -2147483648
2^31+1= 2147483649 --> -2147483647
10^10--> 1410065408
10^12--> -727379968
But how could i compile the int8 corectly?

- Original Message - 
From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 27 septembrie 2000 08:43
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem 

> "admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But on the alpha i got no error message no worning and inserts a wrong
> > number if the number is bigger than 10^13 .
> 10^13?  But values > 2^31 work?  Man, that's really weird ... I was
> expecting a failure at 2^31 if int8 wasn't compiled correctly.
> I can't think what might fail at 10^13.  Ideas anyone?
> It might help to see an exact table of equivalences, ie, so much
> in, so much out.
> regards, tom lane

Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem

2000-09-26 Thread admin

I have intalled Postgres 7.0.2 recently on 3 normal PC with RedHat and
Slackware to try its behavior
but its working good.
int8 thakes number much bigger then 10^13.
And if the number is to big (about 10^19 ) it generate an error message
(ERROR: int8 value out of range: ...) and don't insert it into the table.
But on the alpha i got no error message no worning and inserts a wrong
number if the number is bigger than 10^13 .

regard Hanos Felix

- Original Message -
From: "Jerome Raupach" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 26 septembrie 2000 14:48
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem

> your number is truncated to the biggest int8 ( 2*10^10, I think).
> try with 'numeric'.
> Jerome.
> admin wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> > I have intalled Postgres 7.0.2 on a Compaq Alpha with DigitalUnix.
> > If I insert  a bigger number like 10^13 in an int8 type field i'm
getting no
> > error messages, no warnings, but if I check the value inserted i receive
> > totaly wrong number  like 2543
> > If you have any suggestions please let me know.
> >
> > Thank any way.

Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem

2000-09-26 Thread admin

- Original Message -
From: "Tom Lane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: 26 septembrie 2000 16:31
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Int8 problem

I send you the outputs maybe you will find an answer.

Hanos Felix

> "admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I have intalled Postgres 7.0.2 on a Compaq Alpha with DigitalUnix.
> > If I insert  a bigger number like 10^13 in an int8 type field i'm
getting no
> > error messages, no warnings, but if I check the value inserted i receive
> > totaly wrong number  like 2543
> Hm.  It sounds like configure failed to find any compiler support for
> 8-byte ints, so it gave up and compiled int8 as int4.  But an Alpha
> ought to have 8-byte ints.  May we see the output files from configure
> (config.status, config.log)?
> regards, tom lane


[GENERAL] Int8 problem

2000-09-26 Thread admin

I have intalled Postgres 7.0.2 on a Compaq Alpha with DigitalUnix.
If I insert  a bigger number like 10^13 in an int8 type field i'm getting no
error messages, no warnings, but if I check the value inserted i receive
totaly wrong number  like 2543
If you have any suggestions please let me know.

Thank any way.

Re: [GENERAL] DB replication

2000-03-24 Thread Admin DSD automatisering

I've had the same question, I believe the best it gets will be something
like running rsync over an encrypted (if needed for security) tunnel (ssh).

But you'll have to user some dump utility as far as I know.

Cheers Wim.

- Oorspronkelijk bericht -
Van: Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Verzonden: Friday, March 24, 2000 9:19 AM
Onderwerp: +AFs-GENERAL+AF0- DB replication

+AD4- Hi,
+AD4- We have an application which has databases in 2 different machines.
+AD4- The databases are small (25 MB).
+AD4- Every 15 minutes we want DB of one machine to be synced with another
+AD4- machine. Are there ready made utilities in postgres to do this.
+AD4- One way is to take a pgdump, tar it, ftp it and then restore it into the
+AD4- other machine.
+AD4- This has a problem if I want to sync selected tables. Also this means the
+AD4- entire data gets reloaded, whereas only the incremental changes should get
+AD4- dumped.
+AD4- Any help is appreciated.
+AD4- Murali
+AD4- Differentiated Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd.,
+AD4- 176, Gr. Floor, 6th Main
+AD4- 2nd Block RT Nagar
+AD4- Bangalore - 560 032
+AD4- India
+AD4- Ph: 91 80 3431470
+AD4- email :

No Subject

2000-03-15 Thread Majordomo Admin

configset pgsql-general delivery_rules << ENDAAK





configset pgsql-general digests << ENDAAN
digest||   20K|  40K |  1d|  ||  

configset pgsql-general master_password = 3asys3t0p

configset pgsql-general subject_prefix = [GENERAL]

[GENERAL] Date problem

2000-03-12 Thread edNET System Admin

Hi, I'm trying to do something with dates which is proving to be a bit

I'm trying to get the current "date" and add 3 days to this.

I've tried:

$date = "(now::date) + ('3 days'::interval)";

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "3"

... and : 

$date = "(now::date) + (\\'3 days\\'::timespan)";

DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR: Bad date external representation
'(now::date) + ('3 days'::timespan)'

Needless to say I'm using this date creation string as a parameter of a
DBD::Pg CGI query, hence further complications with apostrophes.

I've found nothing concrete in the documentation about how to do this, and
the closest thing to an answer came from this newsgroup. No luck so far

does anyone know how to do this and possibly and source of good
documentation on this type of thing.


Scott McDaid
t: +44 131 625 5557 (direct dial)
t: +44 131 466 7003 (office)

[GENERAL] rule or trigger on select?

2000-01-12 Thread admin

How can I update on select?

>From the User's Guide, it seems triggers can only be used on INSERT,
UPDATE and DELTE events. As for rules, the guide says they can be used on
SELECT. When I actually tried updating on select using rules, here's what
I got:

test=> CREATE RULE tab_rule AS ON select
test-> TO tab
test-> DO UPDATE tab SET stats=stats+1; 
ERROR:  only instead-select rules currently supported on select

My ultimate goal is to keep statistics for tab counting how many times
records are being selected. Unfortunately, I cannot simply use UPDATE
since my SELECT queries use LIMIT, which is not supported by UPDATE.

Looking forward to any suggestions,

[GENERAL] indices on tab1.a=tab2.a

2000-01-12 Thread admin

I have unfortunately deleted a message to pgsql-general today which
contained a query like:

SELECT tab1.b, tab2.c FROM tab1, tab2 WHERE tab1.a=tab2.a;

There was also a UNION following, but my memory fails me. My question is
though, can an index be used for the above query? When I try it with an
index on tab1.a and tab2.a, I get two hash joins and two seq scans.

If there's any way to optimise this query, please let me know,

RE: [GENERAL] Memory leak in FreeBSD?

2000-01-11 Thread admin

What is maxusers set to in your kernel? One prolem I had was that
postgresql was using more filedescriptors that my kernel could handle. If
you'd like to check your current filedescriptor status and your max, try:
pstat -T. If that is your problem, change your maxusers to a suitable
number and recompile your kernel.

> FreeBSD port: I don't know enough to know what difference that might make.
> Any suggestion you have would be appreciated: thanks.
> > Did you upgrade from source or from the freebsd ports?
> > 
> > > We upgraded to version 6.5.2 recently, running on FreeBSD 3.0.  Now we
> > are
> > > having problems with moderately complex queries failing to complete
> > (backend
> > > terminating unexpectedly; last one crashed the server).  The most likely
> > > explanation appears to be a memory leak.  Is there any known problem
> > with
> > > FreeBSD?  

Re: [GENERAL] Memory leak in FreeBSD?

2000-01-11 Thread admin

Did you upgrade from source or from the freebsd ports?

> We upgraded to version 6.5.2 recently, running on FreeBSD 3.0.  Now we are
> having problems with moderately complex queries failing to complete (backend
> terminating unexpectedly; last one crashed the server).  The most likely
> explanation appears to be a memory leak.  Is there any known problem with
> FreeBSD?  

Re: [GENERAL] Re: can't seem to use index

2000-01-11 Thread admin

> > I'm trying to use an index on a varchar(32) field, but explain keeps
> > retuning a sequential scan. This is my table and index:
> I had a similar problem last year when trying to use an index on a
> char(8) field.  Two solutions worked for me:  1) use "bpchar_ops", and
> 2) leave out the operator class altogether.
Thanks, it worked. After reading your previous message, I guess I will
omit the operator class altogether considering postgresql will most likely
make a better decision than me anyways.

Furthermore, since you seem to be quite familiar with this project, are
you aware of any documentation for fine tuning postgresql? For instance,
how can I make an educated decition whether to use char(32) or
varchar(32)? From the documentation, under /docs/user/datatype960.htm, all
four character types are shown in a table but there's no explanation as to
which would be preferable in certain situations. If using explain is the
way to go, it returned a higher cost for a sequential scan on a char()
field compared to a varchar() field. Unfortunately, I suspect using char()
does have some advantages I don't know about.

Maybe these are newbie preoccupations, but I suspect there are a few of us
out there. For the moment, the best tips I've received came from this
mailing list and maybe this is the way to go.

Thanks again for the help,

Re: [GENERAL] Re: can't seem to use index

2000-01-11 Thread admin

I have changed the name field to a char(32) NOT NULL, and I still get a
sequential scan. I have added the 2500 records and I did "vacuumdb
database" from the command-line. Unfortunately, "vacuum analyze" from the
psql prompt returns a pqReadData() error, loses the connection to the
backend and returns me to the shell. After reconnecting to the database,
explain still returns a sequential scan when trying something like:
explain select * from manufacturer where name='3COM';

Thanks anyways for the tip, I've been using varchar() all over the place,
I think I'll change a few to char(). What are the advantages of using
char() instead of varchar(). For a sequential scan, explain returned a
cost of 105.44 for a char() field as opposed to 95.44 for a varchar().

Thanks again,

> --- admin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I'm trying to use an index on a varchar(32) field, but explain
> > keeps
> > > retuning a sequential scan. This is my table and index:
> > > 
> > > CREATE TABLE manufacturer (
> > >   id int2,
> > >   name varchar(32)
> > > );
> > > 
> > > CREATE INDEX manu_name_idx ON "manufacturer" using btree ( "name"
> > > "text_ops" );
> Do you really need a varchar ? I've got similar queries on a char
> column which use the index. Maybe it's a problem about text_ops,
> it may not be compatible with varchar.
> Alain
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: [GENERAL] Re: can't seem to use index

2000-01-11 Thread admin

Yes, I did try vacuum analyze, but my search query still uses a sequential

> > I then tried changing the btree index to a hash talbe and went through the
> > same procedure of vacumming and restarting a psql session. Yet again, the
> > index wasn't being used.
> But did you try vacuum analyze or just vacuum?

Re: [GENERAL] hash taboo?

1999-12-17 Thread admin

Excellent point, your last comment gives me a tangible incentive for using
hash instead of btree. Since I don't need to use other operators than '=',
there is really no need to spend extra time creating a btree while all I
need is a hash table. In the end, both are as fast for searching, but I
gain some additional speed for inserting and removing entries.

> > My results were exactly the same for btree and hash, even when vacumming
> > between each index creation. Here's my query:
> > SELECT * FROM prod_base WHERE mid='2';
> > 
> > Here's my result:
> > Index Scan using prod_mid_idx on prod_base (cost=2.05 rows=2 width=120)
> > 
> > My database is perhaps not big enough to run some relevant tests, so
> > please let me know if there's another way I could get a better idea of the
> > resources used for using each searching method.
> You have to look at index creation speed and index access speed.
> Not sure which one wins in each category.  Also, index modification
> speed may be important.

Thanks again,

Re: [GENERAL] hash taboo?

1999-12-17 Thread admin

My results were exactly the same for btree and hash, even when vacumming
between each index creation. Here's my query:
SELECT * FROM prod_base WHERE mid='2';

Here's my result:
Index Scan using prod_mid_idx on prod_base (cost=2.05 rows=2 width=120)

My database is perhaps not big enough to run some relevant tests, so
please let me know if there's another way I could get a better idea of the
resources used for using each searching method.

> Run some performace tests and let us know.
> > I've been reading the postgresql manual and I find there is very little
> > discussion about hash compared to btree. Most of the focus seems to be on
> > using btree indices even that the default for 'create index' is btree
> > also. From the documentation, it seems the only difference between either
> > searching method is that btree can be used with multiple operators whilst
> > hash can only be used with '='. Furthermore, hash seems to be contained in
> > memory, so should be limited to small queries or, in my case, queries
> > using limit (without using sort which would need to retrieve the entire
> > data anyways).
> > 
> > My conclusion is that if I can live with just using '=' and using slightly
> > more memory, I should be using hash. Unfortunately, there is very little
> > sign in the documentation that I should be using hash at all. Perhaps I
> > have missed something important.
> > 
> > If someone could help me make a more rational decision on using searching
> > methods, I'd appreciate.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Marc
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> -- 
>   Bruce Momjian|
>   [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  (610) 853-3000
>   +  If your life is a hard drive, |  830 Blythe Avenue
>   +  Christ can be your backup.|  Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania 19026

[GENERAL] hash taboo?

1999-12-17 Thread admin

I've been reading the postgresql manual and I find there is very little
discussion about hash compared to btree. Most of the focus seems to be on
using btree indices even that the default for 'create index' is btree
also. From the documentation, it seems the only difference between either
searching method is that btree can be used with multiple operators whilst
hash can only be used with '='. Furthermore, hash seems to be contained in
memory, so should be limited to small queries or, in my case, queries
using limit (without using sort which would need to retrieve the entire
data anyways).

My conclusion is that if I can live with just using '=' and using slightly
more memory, I should be using hash. Unfortunately, there is very little
sign in the documentation that I should be using hash at all. Perhaps I
have missed something important.

If someone could help me make a more rational decision on using searching
methods, I'd appreciate.

Thanks in advance,

[GENERAL] making 'like' queries quicker

1999-12-17 Thread admin

Is there a way to make queries using the 'like' operator quicker, more
specifically for queries that look like:
select name from table where name like '%abc%';


[GENERAL] indices don't make much difference

1999-12-15 Thread admin

I am trying to optimise a query which looks like:
select prod_base.*, from prod_base, manu_base where

manu_base is a table consisting of 3000 manufacturer with an id (not
unique to support synonyms) and a name (declared as varchar(32)).
prod_base is a table of products which each refer to the manufacturer id

I have tried creating an index for manu_base using the following commands:
create index manu_mid_idx on "manu_base" using btree ("mid" "int2_ops");
drop index manu_mid_idx
create index manu_mid_idx on "manu_base" using hash ("mid" "int2_ops");
drop index manu_mid_idx

I have then run benchmarks without index, with btree and with hash, but
none seem to be faster than the other. My benchmark program is written in
c and is attached to this email. Here are the results I obtained using

without index:
17.25 real  1.42 user  0.26 sys
with btree:
17.28 real  1.38 user  0.30 sys
with hash:
17.22 real  1.37 user  0.32 sys

If there is any way to make a query quicker when joining a product table
and a manufacturer table, please let me know. I've tried everything and
the results are quite fast enough.


#include "libpq-fe.h"

static void exit_nicely(PGconn *conn) {

int main() {
int i, j;
char *dbName = "wtbwts";

PGconn *conn;
PGresult *res;

conn = PQsetdb(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, dbName);

if (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
fprintf(stderr, "Connection to database '%s' failed.\n", dbName);
fprintf(stderr, "%s", PQerrorMessage(conn));

for (i=0; i<50; i++) {
res = PQexec(conn, "SELECT prod_base.*, FROM prod_base, 
manu_base where prod_base.mid = manu_base.mid");
if (!res || PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK) {
fprintf(stderr, "SELECT failed\n");
for (j=0; j

[GENERAL] update within limits

1999-12-08 Thread admin

Quick question:
Is there a way to update fields in a table within limits, similarly to
using a select. In other words, something like this:
update from table1 field1='blah' where id=(select id from table2 limit


No Subject

1999-08-30 Thread Hub.Org News Admin

No Subject

1999-08-30 Thread Hub.Org News Admin

[GENERAL] dying backend processes

1999-05-05 Thread postgres admin

Hi all,

we are using Postgresql 6.4.2 on FreeBSD 2.2.8 and have a lot of
problems with suddenly dying backend processes. We have already
changed kernel parameters to get more shared memory and start the
postmaster with -B 1024. The postmaster's virtual memory limit is
currently 300MByte and our largest tables contain about 12000
records. vacuum runs nightly and reports no errors. The problem
arises mostly after a couple of INSERT or SELECT INTO statements,
but also a 'COPY mytable FROM stdin' fails when I try to load
a file with 13000 datasets. It works when I split it up into
several files of not more than 5000 datasets each and load them

Turning on debugging for the postmaster as well as the backends
is not very helpful for us because the server seems to behave
differently. For Example, with debugging turned on we can't
create a certain view, which works without the debugging options.
Anyway, debug level 3 produced the following message:

postmaster: reaping dead processes...
postmaster: CleanupProc: pid 15608 exited with status 139
postmaster: CleanupProc: reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
shmem_exit(0) [#0]
binding ShmemCreate(key=52e389, size=8852184)

Does anyone know what 'status 139' means or where we can find
a hint in the source?

Any further ideas how we can track down the cause of our dying

Thanks in advance
