2012-07-03 Thread david.sahagian

I would like another TG_* special variable to be available to a PL/pgSQL 


Its value would be NULL unless: TG_OP == ' UPDATE' and TG_LEVEL == 'ROW'

Data type == varbit
One bit for each column of the table that the trigger is created on.
 1 means that the column was in the set clause of the update statement that 
made the trigger fire
 0 means it was not

I understand that CREATE TRIGGER already has
 UPDATE [ OF column_name [, ... ] ]

Is this a relatively straightforward enhancement ?

It would allow me to know whether various timestamp columns in the row were
unlucky enough to have been set to the same exact value already existing in the 
*versus* were simply not set by the UPDATE statement.



2012-06-14 Thread david.sahagian
(version == 9.1)

In my PL/pgSQL stored functions,
I want to be able to distinguish which FK-constraint caused the 
[foreign_key_violation] exception.
  . . .
delete from MY_COOL_TABLE where id = 123 ;
WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK X)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK Y)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK Z)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN others THEN
  . . .

Is a robust enough parsing of SQLERRM actually the best/only way to determine 
this ?


[GENERAL] parsing the SQLERRM string

2012-06-11 Thread david.sahagian
(version == 9.1)

In my PL/pgSQL stored functions,
I want to be able to distinguish which FK constraint caused the 
[foreign_key_violation] exception.
  . . .
delete from MY_COOL_TABLE where id = 123 ;
WHEN foreign_key_violation THEN
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK X)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK Y)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN (SQLERRM tells me it blew up because of FK Z)  THEN . . . ;
WHEN others THEN
  . . .

Is a robust enough parsing of SQLERRM actually the best way to do this ?

If so, what assumptions can I make about the SQLERRM string ?

When I set lc_messages = en_US.UTF-8'  or  'fr_FR.UTF-8'  or   'zh_CN.UTF-8'
I get these messages:

INFO:  23503: update or delete on table TBLONE violates foreign key 
constraint FK_XXX on table TBLTWO

INFO:  23503: UPDATE ou DELETE sur la table  TBLONE  viole la contrainte de 
clé étrangère
 FK_XXX  de la table  TBLTWO 

信息:  23503: 在 TBLONE 上的更新或删除操作违反了在 TBLTWO 上的外键约束 FK_XXX

which seems to make any regex/parsing of SQLERRM real hard.

Is anybody doing this ?


Re: [GENERAL] Change the default [tgenabled] for new internal triggers ?

2012-03-26 Thread david.sahagian
Scenario: (not slony, it is home-grown replication)

A change on the Primary db is Captured and then Propagated to the Secondary db.
Then the change is Applied to the Secondary db, with [session_replication_role] 
= 'replica'.

I agree that I don't want my user triggers to fire as part of the Apply.

But my email was about the internally generated constraint triggers 
which implement checking for Foreign Key Constraint violations.

It is that checking that I want to be done on the Secondary.
Should I not want such checking to be done ?


-Original Message-
From: Tom Lane [mailto:t...@sss.pgh.pa.us] 
Sent: Friday, March 23, 2012 8:35 PM
To: Sahagian, David
Cc: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Change the default [tgenabled] for new internal 
triggers ? 

david.sahag...@emc.com writes:
 Is the a way to configure Postgres such that tgenabled = ' A' automatically 
 when the FK constraint gets made ?

No.  Why do you think that would be a good idea?  ISTM it'd lead to the
action being taken twice on the slave.

regards, tom lane

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[GENERAL] Change the default [tgenabled] for new internal triggers ?

2012-03-23 Thread david.sahagian
Today I learned that . . .
the firing of even internally generated constraint triggers is affected by 
the value of [session_replication_role].

Sadly, I had previously assumed that such internal triggers did not care 
about [s_r_r].

Also learned that . . .
when a FK constraint gets made, its pg_trigger.tgenabled = ' O'.

Is the a way to configure Postgres such that tgenabled = ' A' automatically 
when the FK constraint gets made ?

Or must I !un-automatedly! do a . . .
  alter table MYTABLEENABLE ALWAYS TRIGGER RI_ConstraintTrigger_18656
somebody makes a FK ?!?


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[GENERAL] usage of pg_get_functiondef() -- SQL state 42809

2012-03-19 Thread david.sahagian
-- This works.

  TRG.tgname,  TFX.proname,  pg_get_functiondef(TFX.oid) as fdef
  pg_trigger TRG
  inner join pg_proc TFX on TFX.oid = TRG.tgfoid
  TRG.tgisinternal = true

-- This blows up.  -- SQL state: 42809 -- ERROR: array_agg is an aggregate 

  TRG.tgname,  TFX.proname,  pg_get_functiondef(TFX.oid) as fdef
  pg_trigger TRG
  inner join pg_proc TFX on TFX.oid = TRG.tgfoid
  TRG.tgisinternal = true
  pg_get_functiondef(TFX.oid) = 'whatever'

Can you help me understand why this blows up ?
I am running PostgreSQL 9.1.2, compiled by Visual C++ build 1500, 64-bit


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[GENERAL] || versus concat( ), diff behavior

2012-03-02 Thread david.sahagian
Can anybody please point me to where this difference of behavior is 
explained/documented ?

-- version = 9.1.3
do $$
  v_str  char(10);
  v_str := 'abc' ;
  raise info '%', concat(v_str, v_str) ;
  raise info '%', v_str||v_str ;

INFO:  abc   abc
INFO:  abcabc

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[GENERAL] 9.0 EXPLAIN Buffers: written=nnnn

2012-02-02 Thread david.sahagian

. . . only showing the bottom node . . .
-  Seq Scan on Y
(cost=0.00..37962.29 rows=876029 width=40)
(actual time=16.728..92555.945 rows=876002 loops=1)
Output: foo, bar
  shared hit=146
  written=2325   !

Total runtime: 375542.347 ms


. . . only showing the bottom node . . .
-  Seq Scan on Y
(cost=0.00..37962.29 rows=876029 width=40)
(actual time=0.192..2972.127 rows=876002 loops=1)
Output: foo, bar
  shared hit=210

Total runtime:  32913.884 ms

In general, can you tell me why [written=2325] is displayed by the first 
EXPLAIN, but not the second EXPLAIN ?
The query is a SELECT, so what is getting written ?

Note that both EXPLAINs have the exact same plan. Bottom up is: Seq Scan on 
, Hash, Seq Scan on , Hash Join, HashAggregate

I am wondering if it is a clue as to why the actual time is so different from 
one run to the next.

The query is 2 tables joined, with a group by:
  sum (case when X.hid is null and not Y.cntr = '0' then 1 else 0 end) as colp
  x X
  inner join y  Y on Y.coln = X.colm
  X.some_id = 'aeiou'
group by


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[GENERAL] not-always-full vacuuming in 9.0 ?

2011-12-27 Thread david.sahagian
select version()
PostgreSQL 9.0.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit

I ran the [check_bloat] query from check_postgres.pl (v 2.18.0) twice, doing a 
VACUUM FULL in between:

-- the RS
db, schemaname, tablename, tups, pages, otta, tbloat, wastedpages, wastedbytes, 
iname, itups, ipages, iotta, ibloat, wastedipages, wastedibytes, wastedisize

-- I ran the first check_bloat
mydb;myschema;MyTbl;131370;32863;28101;1.2;4762;39010304;39010304 bytes;
idx_mytbl;131370;361;27313;0.0;0;0;0 bytes

-- then I ran
VACUUM FULL verbose analyze myschema.MyTbl ;
  INFO:  vacuuming myschema.MyTbl
  INFO:  analyzing myschema.MyTbl
  INFO:  MyTbl: scanned 3 of 32795 pages, containing 120178 live rows and 
0 dead rows; 3 rows in sample, 131375 estimated total rows
  Query returned successfully with no result in 12172 ms.

-- then I ran the second check_bloat
mydb;myschema;MyTbl;131375;32795;28102;1.2;4693;38445056;38445056 bytes;
idx_mytbl;131376;509;27314;0.0;0;0;0 bytes

?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Can anybody suggest why wastedbytes did not go down to zero ?
?? ?? ?? ?? ??

Note that for another table, it does . . .

mydb;myschema; otherTbl;49;20619;16887;1.2;3732;30572544;30572544 
pk_otherTbl;49;4548;14073;0.3;0;0;0 bytes

VACUUM FULL verbose analyze myschema.otherTbl ;
  INFO:  vacuuming  myschema.otherTbl 
  INFO:  analyzing  myschema.otherTbl 
  INFO:   otherTbl : scanned 16667 of 16667 pages, containing 49 live 
rows and 0 dead rows; 3 rows in sample, 49 estimated total rows
  Query returned successfully with no result in 6781 ms.

mydb;myschema; otherTbl;49;16667;16887;1.0;0;0;0 bytes;
pk_otherTbl ;49;3607;14073;0.3;0;0;0 bytes


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[GENERAL] not-always-full vacuuming in 9.0 ?

2011-12-22 Thread david.sahagian
select version()
PostgreSQL 9.0.1 on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu,
compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-46), 64-bit

I ran the [check_bloat] query from check_postgres.pl (v 2.18.0) twice, doing a 
VACUUM FULL in between:
-- the RS
db, schemaname, tablename, tups, pages, otta, tbloat, wastedpages, wastedbytes, 
iname, itups, ipages, iotta, ibloat, wastedipages, wastedibytes, wastedisize

-- I ran the first check_bloat
mydb;myschema;MyTbl;131370;32863;28101;1.2;4762;39010304;39010304 bytes;
idx_mytbl;131370;361;27313;0.0;0;0;0 bytes

-- then I ran
VACUUM FULL verbose analyze myschema.MyTbl ;
  INFO:  vacuuming myschema.MyTbl
  INFO:  analyzing myschema.MyTbl
  INFO:  MyTbl: scanned 3 of 32795 pages, containing 120178 live rows and 
0 dead rows; 3 rows in sample, 131375 estimated total rows
  Query returned successfully with no result in 12172 ms.

-- then I ran the second check_bloat
mydb;myschema;MyTbl;131375;32795;28102;1.2;4693;38445056;38445056 bytes;
idx_mytbl;131376;509;27314;0.0;0;0;0 bytes

Can anybody suggest why wastedbytes does not go down to zero ?

Note that for another table, it does . . .

mydb;myschema; otherTbl;49;20619;16887;1.2;3732;30572544;30572544 
pk_otherTbl;49;4548;14073;0.3;0;0;0 bytes

VACUUM FULL verbose analyze myschema.otherTbl ;
  INFO:  vacuuming  myschema.otherTbl 
  INFO:  analyzing  myschema.otherTbl 
  INFO:   otherTbl : scanned 16667 of 16667 pages, containing 49 live 
rows and 0 dead rows; 3 rows in sample, 49 estimated total rows
  Query returned successfully with no result in 6781 ms.

mydb;myschema; otherTbl;49;16667;16887;1.0;0;0;0 bytes;
pk_otherTbl ;49;3607;14073;0.3;0;0;0 bytes


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[GENERAL] order by, within a plpgsql fx

2011-12-02 Thread david.sahagian
Please consider this plpgsql function:
= = = = = = = = = =
CREATE Or Replace FUNCTION fx_order_by ( )
RETURNS table( last_name text, first_name )
AS $eofx$

  Return Query
lname, fname
  order by
lname  ASC

$eofx$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
= = = = = = = = = =

So, is this select statement's result set  guaranteed to be ordered as 
specified by the [order by] coded within the function body ?
= = = = = = = = = =
select last_name, first_name from fx_order_by() ;
= = = = = = = = = =

Or, must I code another [order by] to be sure ?
= = = = = = = = = =
select last_name, first_name from fx_order_by()   order by last_name ;
= = = = = = = = = =

Also, is the answer the same for a sql function ?


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[GENERAL] successive select statements

2011-11-21 Thread david.sahagian
In postgresql.org/docs/9.1/static/transaction-iso.html I read

13.2.1. Read Committed Isolation Level
. . . two successive SELECT commands can see different data, even though they 
are within a single transaction . . .

Please consider this code being executed by postgres:
= = = = = = = = = =
select some_int from tableX
union all
select another_int from tableY
= = = = = = = = = =
Are these two select statements considered successive when isolation == Read 
Committed ?
Or are they instead guaranteed to see the same snapshot of the database ?

Also, please consider this code being executed by postgres:
= = = = = = = = = =
CREATE Or Replace FUNCTION fx_one() RETURNS  setof integer AS
select some_int from tableX;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';

CREATE Or Replace FUNCTION fx_two() RETURNS  setof integer AS
select another_int from tableY;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';

select * from fx_one()
union all
select * from fx_two()
= = = = = = = = = =
Are the two select statements inside fx_one and fx_two considered successive 
when isolation == Read Committed ?
Or are they instead guaranteed to see the same snapshot of the database ?


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[GENERAL] explicit deadlock-victim-priority mechanism

2011-10-25 Thread david.sahagian
ref =  [ e1qzdjc-xv...@gemulon.postgresql.org ]

I note with interest that [deadlock_timeout] can be used as . . .
a poor-man's deadlock priority mechanism: a transaction with a high 
[deadlock_timeout] is less
likely to be chosen as the victim than one with a low [deadlock_timeout]

I for one, would definitely be interested in a more explicit priority 

My use case is:
We have some batch work processes, whose deadlock-victim-priority I would 
like to set to HIGH.
(at the expense of smaller transactions who I would like to be the victim)


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[GENERAL] COPY TO '|gzip /my/cool/file.gz'

2011-07-20 Thread david.sahagian
From May 31, 2006; 12:03pm . . .

It struck me that we are missing a feature that's fairly common in Unix 
Perhaps COPY ought to have the ability to pipe its output to a shell command,
or read input from a shell command. 
Maybe something like:
COPY mytable TO '| gzip /home/tgl/mytable.dump.gz';

Is such a feature (ie being able to tell postgres to write a compressed file 
via COPY TO) being worked on ?


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