Re: [GENERAL] copy/dump database to text/csv files

2014-07-25 Thread Francisco Olarte
Hi William:

On Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 9:04 PM, William Nolf

 We have a postgres database that was used for an application we no longer
 use.  However, we wouldlike to copy/dump the tables to files, text or csv
 so we can post them to sharepoint.

How BIG is your public schema? As this is a one-shot I would recommend
first doing a custom format backup, and then working from it ( you can make
an sql format backup from a custom one with pg_restore ).

THEN I would suggest making a mini-script ( I'm partial to perl for that,
but this is due to 20+ years  hacking with it ) through which I'll pipe a
data-only sql backup. You just wait for the line with 'copy
table(comma,separated,field,names) from stdin' line, open the file
table.whatever, write a header line if needed, read, transform and write
copy lines until the '\.' end of data marker and close the file, repeat
until input exhausted. Something like the following perl seudo code:

OUTER: # Loop around all the backup
while() {
if (my ($table, $fields) = /^copy\s*(.*?)\s*\((.*?)\)\s*from stdin;$/) {
# Header line found, do headers etc
my $fname = get_filename($table); # Dequote, add extensions.
open (my $fh, '', $fname) or die open problem: $!;
print $fh generate_header($fields); # If needed.
  INNER: # Loop around a single table data.
while() {
/^\\\.$/ and last;
print $fh transform($_); # Chomp, split, quote, etc...
close($fh) or die Close problem; # Disk full, .
# Yeah, I know print should be tested too.

One of this things should give you a file for each table as fast as your
database can send a backup, or your machine can run pg_restore.

   Francisco Olarte.

Re: [GENERAL] copy/dump database to text/csv files

2014-07-25 Thread Marc Mamin
This is probably an easy one for most sql users but I don't use it very often.

We have a postgres database that was used for an application we no longer use. 
 However, we would

like to copy/dump the tables to files, text or csv so we can post them to 

Copy seems to be what I want.  But it only does one table at a time.  There is 
204 tables with a schemaname=public.  I need to be copy the tables with data 
to files.   I need something like a for

loop which checks if the table is populated if so, copy it to tablename.csv 

Any ideas?

You could do it with pgpsql, or if your schema is too large generate a sript 
with it.

something like:

DO $$
test boolean;
rec record;
  for rec in  select tablename from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public'
EXECUTE 'select exists (select * from public.'||rec.tablename||')' into 
IF test THEN raise notice 'COPY public.% TO 
$$ language plpgsql


Marc Mamin

[GENERAL] copy/dump database to text/csv files

2014-07-24 Thread William Nolf
This is probably an easy one for most sql users but I don't use it very often.

We have a postgres database that was used for an application we no longer use.  
However, we would

like to copy/dump the tables to files, text or csv so we can post them to 

Copy seems to be what I want.  But it only does one table at a time.  There is 
204 tables with a schemaname=public.  I need to be copy the tables with data to 
files.   I need something like a for

loop which checks if the table is populated if so, copy it to tablename.csv file

Any ideas?


Bill Nolf | Sr. Linux Engineer (RHCE)

8401 Greensboro Dr. #930
McLean, VA 22102
O: 703-275-8461

Re: [GENERAL] copy/dump database to text/csv files

2014-07-24 Thread John R Pierce

On 7/24/2014 12:04 PM, William Nolf wrote:

This is probably an easy one for most sql users but I don't use it 
very often.

We have a postgres database that was used for an application we no 
longer use.  However, we would

like to copy/dump the tables to files, text or csv so we can post them 
to sharepoint.

Copy seems to be what I want.  But it only does one table at a time.  
There is 204 tables with a schemaname=public.  I need to be copy the 
tables with data to files.   I need something like a for

loop which checks if the table is populated if so, copy it to 
tablename.csv file

Any ideas?

what scripting/programming language are you best in?   I'd probably whip 
up a perl script to do that.

start with something like,

select table_schema||'.'||table_name from information_schema.tables 
where table_schema not in ('pg_catalog','information_schema')

which will output a list of all table names.

I suppose even bash scripting...

for $table in $(psql -tc select table_schema||'.'||table_name from 
information_schema.tables where table_schema not in 
('pg_catalog','information_schema') dbname; do
psql -c \copy $table to '$table.csv' with (format csv, 
header,...) dbname


john r pierce  37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast

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Re: [GENERAL] copy/dump database to text/csv files

2014-07-24 Thread Thomas Kellerer

William Nolf wrote on 24.07.2014 21:04:

This is probably an easy one for most sql users but I don't use it
very often.

We have a postgres database that was used for an application we no
longer use.  However, we would

like to copy/dump the tables to files, text or csv so we can post
them to sharepoint.

Copy seems to be what I want.  But it only does one table at a time.
There is 204 tables with a schemaname=public.  I need to be copy the
tables with data to files.   I need something like a for

loop which checks if the table is populated if so, copy it to
tablename.csv file

Any ideas?

If you are not constrained to psql you might want to have a look at my tool SQL 
Workbench/J ( which contains an export command to 
do just that: export all tables of a schema (or multiple schemas) in a defined 
format,  see here:

Using that, this would be as easy as:

WbExport -outputDir=/some/export/directory

You also have more control over the format of the exported data than you would 
have with psql I dare say.

Disclosure: I am the author of that tool.


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